path: root/servers
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2 files changed, 122 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp b/servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp
index 05136e2501..9cbc01d1d3 100644
--- a/servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp
+++ b/servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp
@@ -376,6 +376,7 @@ struct _RestCallbackData2D {
Vector2 best_normal;
real_t best_len;
Vector2 valid_dir;
+ real_t valid_depth;
real_t min_allowed_depth;
@@ -385,22 +386,24 @@ static void _rest_cbk_result(const Vector2 &p_point_A, const Vector2 &p_point_B,
Vector2 contact_rel = p_point_B - p_point_A;
real_t len = contact_rel.length();
- if (len == 0) {
+ if (len < rd->min_allowed_depth) {
- Vector2 normal = contact_rel / len;
- if (rd->valid_dir != Vector2() && rd-> > -CMP_EPSILON) {
+ if (len <= rd->best_len) {
- if (len < rd->min_allowed_depth) {
- return;
- }
+ Vector2 normal = contact_rel / len;
- if (len <= rd->best_len) {
- return;
+ if (rd->valid_dir != Vector2()) {
+ if (len > rd->valid_depth) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (rd-> > -CMP_EPSILON) {
+ return;
+ }
rd->best_len = len;
@@ -739,10 +742,13 @@ bool Space2DSW::test_body_motion(Body2DSW *p_body, const Transform2D &p_from, co
ExcludedShapeSW excluded_shape_pairs[max_excluded_shape_pairs];
int excluded_shape_pair_count = 0;
- real_t separation_margin = MIN(p_margin, MAX(0.0, p_motion.length() - CMP_EPSILON)); //don't separate by more than the intended motion
+ real_t motion_length = p_motion.length();
+ Vector2 motion_normal = p_motion / motion_length;
Transform2D body_transform = p_from;
+ bool recovered = false;
@@ -819,7 +825,7 @@ bool Space2DSW::test_body_motion(Body2DSW *p_body, const Transform2D &p_from, co
bool did_collide = false;
Shape2DSW *against_shape = col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx);
- if (CollisionSolver2DSW::solve(body_shape, body_shape_xform, Vector2(), against_shape, col_obj_shape_xform, Vector2(), cbkres, cbkptr, nullptr, separation_margin)) {
+ if (CollisionSolver2DSW::solve(body_shape, body_shape_xform, Vector2(), against_shape, col_obj_shape_xform, Vector2(), cbkres, cbkptr, nullptr, p_margin)) {
did_collide = cbk.passed > current_passed; //more passed, so collision actually existed
@@ -845,11 +851,20 @@ bool Space2DSW::test_body_motion(Body2DSW *p_body, const Transform2D &p_from, co
Vector2 recover_motion;
for (int i = 0; i < cbk.amount; i++) {
Vector2 a = sr[i * 2 + 0];
Vector2 b = sr[i * 2 + 1];
- recover_motion += (b - a) / cbk.amount;
+ // Compute plane on b towards a.
+ Vector2 n = (a - b).normalized();
+ real_t d =;
+ // Compute depth on recovered motion.
+ real_t depth = + recover_motion) - d;
+ if (depth > 0.0) {
+ // Only recover if there is penetration.
+ recover_motion -= n * depth * 0.4;
+ }
if (recover_motion == Vector2()) {
@@ -857,6 +872,8 @@ bool Space2DSW::test_body_motion(Body2DSW *p_body, const Transform2D &p_from, co
+ recovered = true;
body_transform.elements[2] += recover_motion;
body_aabb.position += recover_motion;
@@ -929,7 +946,10 @@ bool Space2DSW::test_body_motion(Body2DSW *p_body, const Transform2D &p_from, co
//test initial overlap
if (CollisionSolver2DSW::solve(body_shape, body_shape_xform, Vector2(), against_shape, col_obj_shape_xform, Vector2(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0)) {
if (col_obj->is_shape_set_as_one_way_collision(col_shape_idx)) {
- continue;
+ Vector2 direction = col_obj_shape_xform.get_axis(1).normalized();
+ if ( < 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
stuck = true;
@@ -939,13 +959,12 @@ bool Space2DSW::test_body_motion(Body2DSW *p_body, const Transform2D &p_from, co
//just do kinematic solving
real_t low = 0;
real_t hi = 1;
- Vector2 mnormal = p_motion.normalized();
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { //steps should be customizable..
real_t ofs = (low + hi) * 0.5;
- Vector2 sep = mnormal; //important optimization for this to work fast enough
+ Vector2 sep = motion_normal; //important optimization for this to work fast enough
bool collided = CollisionSolver2DSW::solve(body_shape, body_shape_xform, p_motion * ofs, against_shape, col_obj_shape_xform, Vector2(), nullptr, nullptr, &sep, 0);
if (collided) {
@@ -966,7 +985,7 @@ bool Space2DSW::test_body_motion(Body2DSW *p_body, const Transform2D &p_from, co
cbk.valid_depth = 10e20;
- Vector2 sep = mnormal; //important optimization for this to work fast enough
+ Vector2 sep = motion_normal; //important optimization for this to work fast enough
bool collided = CollisionSolver2DSW::solve(body_shape, body_shape_xform, p_motion * (hi + contact_max_allowed_penetration), col_obj->get_shape(col_shape_idx), col_obj_shape_xform, Vector2(), PhysicsServer2DSW::_shape_col_cbk, &cbk, &sep, 0);
if (!collided || cbk.amount == 0) {
@@ -997,11 +1016,12 @@ bool Space2DSW::test_body_motion(Body2DSW *p_body, const Transform2D &p_from, co
bool collided = false;
- if (safe >= 1) {
- best_shape = -1; //no best shape with cast, reset to -1
- }
- if (safe < 1) {
+ if (recovered || (safe < 1)) {
+ if (safe >= 1) {
+ best_shape = -1; //no best shape with cast, reset to -1
+ }
//it collided, let's get the rest info in unsafe advance
Transform2D ugt = body_transform;
ugt.elements[2] += p_motion * unsafe;
@@ -1010,9 +1030,10 @@ bool Space2DSW::test_body_motion(Body2DSW *p_body, const Transform2D &p_from, co
rcd.best_len = 0;
rcd.best_object = nullptr;
rcd.best_shape = 0;
- rcd.min_allowed_depth = test_motion_min_contact_depth;
- //optimization
+ // Allowed depth can't be lower than motion length, in order to handle contacts at low speed.
+ rcd.min_allowed_depth = MIN(motion_length, test_motion_min_contact_depth);
int from_shape = best_shape != -1 ? best_shape : 0;
int to_shape = best_shape != -1 ? best_shape + 1 : p_body->get_shape_count();
@@ -1060,8 +1081,25 @@ bool Space2DSW::test_body_motion(Body2DSW *p_body, const Transform2D &p_from, co
if (col_obj->is_shape_set_as_one_way_collision(shape_idx)) {
rcd.valid_dir = col_obj_shape_xform.get_axis(1).normalized();
+ real_t owc_margin = col_obj->get_shape_one_way_collision_margin(shape_idx);
+ rcd.valid_depth = MAX(owc_margin, p_margin); //user specified, but never less than actual margin or it won't work
+ if (col_obj->get_type() == CollisionObject2DSW::TYPE_BODY) {
+ const Body2DSW *b = static_cast<const Body2DSW *>(col_obj);
+ if (b->get_mode() == PhysicsServer2D::BODY_MODE_KINEMATIC || b->get_mode() == PhysicsServer2D::BODY_MODE_RIGID) {
+ //fix for moving platforms (kinematic and dynamic), margin is increased by how much it moved in the given direction
+ Vector2 lv = b->get_linear_velocity();
+ //compute displacement from linear velocity
+ Vector2 motion = lv * PhysicsDirectBodyState2DSW::singleton->step;
+ real_t motion_len = motion.length();
+ motion.normalize();
+ rcd.valid_depth += motion_len * MAX(, 0.0);
+ }
+ }
} else {
rcd.valid_dir = Vector2();
+ rcd.valid_depth = 0;
rcd.object = col_obj;
diff --git a/servers/physics_3d/space_3d_sw.cpp b/servers/physics_3d/space_3d_sw.cpp
index 40537c7001..dd5754b9ac 100644
--- a/servers/physics_3d/space_3d_sw.cpp
+++ b/servers/physics_3d/space_3d_sw.cpp
@@ -384,6 +384,8 @@ bool PhysicsDirectSpaceState3DSW::collide_shape(RID p_shape, const Transform &p_
struct _RestCallbackData {
const CollisionObject3DSW *object;
const CollisionObject3DSW *best_object;
+ int local_shape;
+ int best_local_shape;
int shape;
int best_shape;
Vector3 best_contact;
@@ -409,6 +411,7 @@ static void _rest_cbk_result(const Vector3 &p_point_A, const Vector3 &p_point_B,
rd->best_normal = contact_rel / len;
rd->best_object = rd->object;
rd->best_shape = rd->shape;
+ rd->best_local_shape = rd->local_shape;
bool PhysicsDirectSpaceState3DSW::rest_info(RID p_shape, const Transform &p_shape_xform, real_t p_margin, ShapeRestInfo *r_info, const Set<RID> &p_exclude, uint32_t p_collision_mask, bool p_collide_with_bodies, bool p_collide_with_areas) {
@@ -739,8 +742,13 @@ bool Space3DSW::test_body_motion(Body3DSW *p_body, const Transform &p_from, cons
body_aabb = p_from.xform(p_body->get_inv_transform().xform(body_aabb));
body_aabb = body_aabb.grow(p_margin);
+ real_t motion_length = p_motion.length();
+ Vector3 motion_normal = p_motion / motion_length;
Transform body_transform = p_from;
+ bool recovered = false;
@@ -791,7 +799,17 @@ bool Space3DSW::test_body_motion(Body3DSW *p_body, const Transform &p_from, cons
for (int i = 0; i < cbk.amount; i++) {
Vector3 a = sr[i * 2 + 0];
Vector3 b = sr[i * 2 + 1];
- recover_motion += (b - a) / cbk.amount;
+ // Compute plane on b towards a.
+ Vector3 n = (a - b).normalized();
+ real_t d =;
+ // Compute depth on recovered motion.
+ real_t depth = + recover_motion) - d;
+ if (depth > 0.0) {
+ // Only recover if there is penetration.
+ recover_motion -= n * depth * 0.4;
+ }
if (recover_motion == Vector3()) {
@@ -799,6 +817,8 @@ bool Space3DSW::test_body_motion(Body3DSW *p_body, const Transform &p_from, cons
+ recovered = true;
body_transform.origin += recover_motion;
body_aabb.position += recover_motion;
@@ -848,14 +868,14 @@ bool Space3DSW::test_body_motion(Body3DSW *p_body, const Transform &p_from, cons
//test initial overlap, does it collide if going all the way?
Vector3 point_A, point_B;
- Vector3 sep_axis = p_motion.normalized();
+ Vector3 sep_axis = motion_normal;
Transform col_obj_xform = col_obj->get_transform() * col_obj->get_shape_transform(shape_idx);
//test initial overlap, does it collide if going all the way?
if (CollisionSolver3DSW::solve_distance(&mshape, body_shape_xform, col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx), col_obj_xform, point_A, point_B, motion_aabb, &sep_axis)) {
- sep_axis = p_motion.normalized();
+ sep_axis = motion_normal;
if (!CollisionSolver3DSW::solve_distance(body_shape, body_shape_xform, col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx), col_obj_xform, point_A, point_B, motion_aabb, &sep_axis)) {
stuck = true;
@@ -865,13 +885,12 @@ bool Space3DSW::test_body_motion(Body3DSW *p_body, const Transform &p_from, cons
//just do kinematic solving
real_t low = 0;
real_t hi = 1;
- Vector3 mnormal = p_motion.normalized();
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { //steps should be customizable..
real_t ofs = (low + hi) * 0.5;
- Vector3 sep = mnormal; //important optimization for this to work fast enough
+ Vector3 sep = motion_normal; //important optimization for this to work fast enough
mshape.motion = body_shape_xform_inv.basis.xform(p_motion * ofs);
@@ -912,16 +931,11 @@ bool Space3DSW::test_body_motion(Body3DSW *p_body, const Transform &p_from, cons
bool collided = false;
- if (safe >= 1) {
- //not collided
- collided = false;
- if (r_result) {
- r_result->motion = p_motion;
- r_result->remainder = Vector3();
- r_result->motion += (body_transform.get_origin() - p_from.get_origin());
+ if (recovered || (safe < 1)) {
+ if (safe >= 1) {
+ best_shape = -1; //no best shape with cast, reset to -1
- } else {
//it collided, let's get the rest info in unsafe advance
Transform ugt = body_transform;
ugt.origin += p_motion * unsafe;
@@ -930,25 +944,40 @@ bool Space3DSW::test_body_motion(Body3DSW *p_body, const Transform &p_from, cons
rcd.best_len = 0;
rcd.best_object = nullptr;
rcd.best_shape = 0;
- rcd.min_allowed_depth = test_motion_min_contact_depth;
- Transform body_shape_xform = ugt * p_body->get_shape_transform(best_shape);
- Shape3DSW *body_shape = p_body->get_shape(best_shape);
+ // Allowed depth can't be lower than motion length, in order to handle contacts at low speed.
+ rcd.min_allowed_depth = MIN(motion_length, test_motion_min_contact_depth);
- body_aabb.position += p_motion * unsafe;
+ int from_shape = best_shape != -1 ? best_shape : 0;
+ int to_shape = best_shape != -1 ? best_shape + 1 : p_body->get_shape_count();
- int amount = _cull_aabb_for_body(p_body, body_aabb);
+ for (int j = from_shape; j < to_shape; j++) {
+ if (p_body->is_shape_set_as_disabled(j)) {
+ continue;
+ }
- for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
- const CollisionObject3DSW *col_obj = intersection_query_results[i];
- int shape_idx = intersection_query_subindex_results[i];
+ Transform body_shape_xform = ugt * p_body->get_shape_transform(j);
+ Shape3DSW *body_shape = p_body->get_shape(j);
- rcd.object = col_obj;
- rcd.shape = shape_idx;
- bool sc = CollisionSolver3DSW::solve_static(body_shape, body_shape_xform, col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx), col_obj->get_transform() * col_obj->get_shape_transform(shape_idx), _rest_cbk_result, &rcd, nullptr, p_margin);
- if (!sc) {
+ if (p_exclude_raycast_shapes && body_shape->get_type() == PhysicsServer3D::SHAPE_RAY) {
+ body_aabb.position += p_motion * unsafe;
+ int amount = _cull_aabb_for_body(p_body, body_aabb);
+ for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
+ const CollisionObject3DSW *col_obj = intersection_query_results[i];
+ int shape_idx = intersection_query_subindex_results[i];
+ rcd.object = col_obj;
+ rcd.shape = shape_idx;
+ bool sc = CollisionSolver3DSW::solve_static(body_shape, body_shape_xform, col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx), col_obj->get_transform() * col_obj->get_shape_transform(shape_idx), _rest_cbk_result, &rcd, nullptr, p_margin);
+ if (!sc) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
if (rcd.best_len != 0) {
@@ -956,7 +985,7 @@ bool Space3DSW::test_body_motion(Body3DSW *p_body, const Transform &p_from, cons
r_result->collider = rcd.best_object->get_self();
r_result->collider_id = rcd.best_object->get_instance_id();
r_result->collider_shape = rcd.best_shape;
- r_result->collision_local_shape = best_shape;
+ r_result->collision_local_shape = rcd.best_local_shape;
r_result->collision_normal = rcd.best_normal;
r_result->collision_point = rcd.best_contact;
//r_result->collider_metadata = rcd.best_object->get_shape_metadata(rcd.best_shape);
@@ -972,17 +1001,15 @@ bool Space3DSW::test_body_motion(Body3DSW *p_body, const Transform &p_from, cons
collided = true;
- } else {
- if (r_result) {
- r_result->motion = p_motion;
- r_result->remainder = Vector3();
- r_result->motion += (body_transform.get_origin() - p_from.get_origin());
- }
- collided = false;
+ if (!collided && r_result) {
+ r_result->motion = p_motion;
+ r_result->remainder = Vector3();
+ r_result->motion += (body_transform.get_origin() - p_from.get_origin());
+ }
return collided;