path: root/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.h')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.h b/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e86cc2e823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+#include "scene/animation/animation_tree.h"
+class AnimationNodeAnimation : public AnimationRootNode {
+ GDCLASS(AnimationNodeAnimation, AnimationRootNode);
+ StringName animation;
+ uint64_t last_version;
+ float time;
+ float step;
+ bool skip;
+ void _validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const;
+ static void _bind_methods();
+ virtual String get_caption() const;
+ virtual float process(float p_time, bool p_seek);
+ void set_animation(const StringName &p_name);
+ StringName get_animation() const;
+ float get_playback_time() const;
+ AnimationNodeAnimation();
+class AnimationNodeOneShot : public AnimationNode {
+ GDCLASS(AnimationNodeOneShot, AnimationNode);
+ enum MixMode {
+ };
+ bool active;
+ bool do_start;
+ float fade_in;
+ float fade_out;
+ bool autorestart;
+ float autorestart_delay;
+ float autorestart_random_delay;
+ MixMode mix;
+ float time;
+ float remaining;
+ float autorestart_remaining;
+ bool sync;
+ static void _bind_methods();
+ virtual String get_caption() const;
+ void set_fadein_time(float p_time);
+ void set_fadeout_time(float p_time);
+ float get_fadein_time() const;
+ float get_fadeout_time() const;
+ void set_autorestart(bool p_active);
+ void set_autorestart_delay(float p_time);
+ void set_autorestart_random_delay(float p_time);
+ bool has_autorestart() const;
+ float get_autorestart_delay() const;
+ float get_autorestart_random_delay() const;
+ void set_mix_mode(MixMode p_mix);
+ MixMode get_mix_mode() const;
+ void start();
+ void stop();
+ bool is_active() const;
+ void set_use_sync(bool p_sync);
+ bool is_using_sync() const;
+ virtual bool has_filter() const;
+ virtual float process(float p_time, bool p_seek);
+ AnimationNodeOneShot();
+class AnimationNodeAdd2 : public AnimationNode {
+ GDCLASS(AnimationNodeAdd2, AnimationNode);
+ float amount;
+ bool sync;
+ static void _bind_methods();
+ virtual String get_caption() const;
+ void set_amount(float p_amount);
+ float get_amount() const;
+ void set_use_sync(bool p_sync);
+ bool is_using_sync() const;
+ virtual bool has_filter() const;
+ virtual float process(float p_time, bool p_seek);
+ AnimationNodeAdd2();
+class AnimationNodeAdd3 : public AnimationNode {
+ GDCLASS(AnimationNodeAdd3, AnimationNode);
+ float amount;
+ bool sync;
+ static void _bind_methods();
+ virtual String get_caption() const;
+ void set_amount(float p_amount);
+ float get_amount() const;
+ void set_use_sync(bool p_sync);
+ bool is_using_sync() const;
+ virtual bool has_filter() const;
+ virtual float process(float p_time, bool p_seek);
+ AnimationNodeAdd3();
+class AnimationNodeBlend2 : public AnimationNode {
+ GDCLASS(AnimationNodeBlend2, AnimationNode);
+ float amount;
+ bool sync;
+ static void _bind_methods();
+ virtual String get_caption() const;
+ virtual float process(float p_time, bool p_seek);
+ void set_amount(float p_amount);
+ float get_amount() const;
+ void set_use_sync(bool p_sync);
+ bool is_using_sync() const;
+ virtual bool has_filter() const;
+ AnimationNodeBlend2();
+class AnimationNodeBlend3 : public AnimationNode {
+ GDCLASS(AnimationNodeBlend3, AnimationNode);
+ float amount;
+ bool sync;
+ static void _bind_methods();
+ virtual String get_caption() const;
+ void set_amount(float p_amount);
+ float get_amount() const;
+ void set_use_sync(bool p_sync);
+ bool is_using_sync() const;
+ float process(float p_time, bool p_seek);
+ AnimationNodeBlend3();
+class AnimationNodeTimeScale : public AnimationNode {
+ GDCLASS(AnimationNodeTimeScale, AnimationNode);
+ float scale;
+ static void _bind_methods();
+ virtual String get_caption() const;
+ void set_scale(float p_scale);
+ float get_scale() const;
+ float process(float p_time, bool p_seek);
+ AnimationNodeTimeScale();
+class AnimationNodeTimeSeek : public AnimationNode {
+ GDCLASS(AnimationNodeTimeSeek, AnimationNode);
+ float seek_pos;
+ static void _bind_methods();
+ virtual String get_caption() const;
+ void set_seek_pos(float p_sec);
+ float get_seek_pos() const;
+ float process(float p_time, bool p_seek);
+ AnimationNodeTimeSeek();
+class AnimationNodeTransition : public AnimationNode {
+ GDCLASS(AnimationNodeTransition, AnimationNode);
+ enum {
+ };
+ struct InputData {
+ String name;
+ bool auto_advance;
+ InputData() { auto_advance = false; }
+ };
+ InputData inputs[MAX_INPUTS];
+ int enabled_inputs;
+ float prev_time;
+ float prev_xfading;
+ int prev;
+ bool switched;
+ float time;
+ int current;
+ float xfade;
+ void _update_inputs();
+ static void _bind_methods();
+ void _validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const;
+ virtual String get_caption() const;
+ void set_enabled_inputs(int p_inputs);
+ int get_enabled_inputs();
+ void set_input_as_auto_advance(int p_input, bool p_enable);
+ bool is_input_set_as_auto_advance(int p_input) const;
+ void set_input_caption(int p_input, const String &p_name);
+ String get_input_caption(int p_input) const;
+ void set_current(int p_current);
+ int get_current() const;
+ void set_cross_fade_time(float p_fade);
+ float get_cross_fade_time() const;
+ float process(float p_time, bool p_seek);
+ AnimationNodeTransition();
+class AnimationNodeOutput : public AnimationNode {
+ GDCLASS(AnimationNodeOutput, AnimationNode)
+ virtual String get_caption() const;
+ virtual float process(float p_time, bool p_seek);
+ AnimationNodeOutput();
+class AnimationNodeBlendTree : public AnimationRootNode {
+ GDCLASS(AnimationNodeBlendTree, AnimationRootNode)
+ Map<StringName, Ref<AnimationNode> > nodes;
+ Vector2 graph_offset;
+ static void _bind_methods();
+ bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value);
+ bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const;
+ void _get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const;
+ enum ConnectionError {
+ //no need to check for cycles due to tree topology
+ };
+ void add_node(const StringName &p_name, Ref<AnimationNode> p_node);
+ Ref<AnimationNode> get_node(const StringName &p_name) const;
+ void remove_node(const StringName &p_name);
+ void rename_node(const StringName &p_name, const StringName &p_new_name);
+ bool has_node(const StringName &p_name) const;
+ StringName get_node_name(const Ref<AnimationNode> &p_node) const;
+ void connect_node(const StringName &p_input_node, int p_input_index, const StringName &p_output_node);
+ void disconnect_node(const StringName &p_node, int p_input_index);
+ float get_connection_activity(const StringName &p_input_node, int p_input_index) const;
+ struct NodeConnection {
+ StringName input_node;
+ int input_index;
+ StringName output_node;
+ };
+ ConnectionError can_connect_node(const StringName &p_input_node, int p_input_index, const StringName &p_output_node) const;
+ void get_node_connections(List<NodeConnection> *r_connections) const;
+ virtual String get_caption() const;
+ virtual float process(float p_time, bool p_seek);
+ void get_node_list(List<StringName> *r_list);
+ void set_graph_offset(const Vector2 &p_graph_offset);
+ Vector2 get_graph_offset() const;
+ virtual void set_tree(AnimationTree *p_player);
+ AnimationNodeBlendTree();
+ ~AnimationNodeBlendTree();