path: root/modules/mono/editor
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/mono/editor')
15 files changed, 1568 insertions, 642 deletions
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/Build/BuildSystem.cs b/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/Build/BuildSystem.cs
index 4137f5eaef..967e3bcc19 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/Build/BuildSystem.cs
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/Build/BuildSystem.cs
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ namespace GodotSharpTools.Build
private extern static string godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_MSBuildPath();
- private extern static string godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_FrameworkPath();
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
private extern static string godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_MonoWindowsBinDir();
private extern static bool godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_UsingMonoMSBuildOnWindows();
+ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
+ private extern static bool godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_PrintBuildOutput();
private static string GetMSBuildPath()
@@ -34,11 +34,6 @@ namespace GodotSharpTools.Build
return msbuildPath;
- private static string GetFrameworkPath()
- {
- return godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_FrameworkPath();
- }
private static string MonoWindowsBinDir
@@ -60,6 +55,14 @@ namespace GodotSharpTools.Build
+ private static bool PrintBuildOutput
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_PrintBuildOutput();
+ }
+ }
private string solution;
private string config;
@@ -78,23 +81,19 @@ namespace GodotSharpTools.Build
public bool Build(string loggerAssemblyPath, string loggerOutputDir, string[] customProperties = null)
- bool debugMSBuild = IsDebugMSBuildRequested();
List<string> customPropertiesList = new List<string>();
if (customProperties != null)
- string frameworkPath = GetFrameworkPath();
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(frameworkPath))
- customPropertiesList.Add("FrameworkPathOverride=" + frameworkPath);
string compilerArgs = BuildArguments(loggerAssemblyPath, loggerOutputDir, customPropertiesList);
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(GetMSBuildPath(), compilerArgs);
- bool redirectOutput = !debugMSBuild;
+ bool redirectOutput = !IsDebugMSBuildRequested() && !PrintBuildOutput;
+ if (!redirectOutput) // TODO: or if stdout verbose
+ Console.WriteLine($"Running: \"{startInfo.FileName}\" {startInfo.Arguments}");
startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = redirectOutput;
startInfo.RedirectStandardError = redirectOutput;
@@ -135,8 +134,6 @@ namespace GodotSharpTools.Build
public bool BuildAsync(string loggerAssemblyPath, string loggerOutputDir, string[] customProperties = null)
- bool debugMSBuild = IsDebugMSBuildRequested();
if (process != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Already in use");
@@ -145,16 +142,14 @@ namespace GodotSharpTools.Build
if (customProperties != null)
- string frameworkPath = GetFrameworkPath();
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(frameworkPath))
- customPropertiesList.Add("FrameworkPathOverride=" + frameworkPath);
string compilerArgs = BuildArguments(loggerAssemblyPath, loggerOutputDir, customPropertiesList);
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(GetMSBuildPath(), compilerArgs);
- bool redirectOutput = !debugMSBuild;
+ bool redirectOutput = !IsDebugMSBuildRequested() && !PrintBuildOutput;
+ if (!redirectOutput) // TODO: or if stdout verbose
+ Console.WriteLine($"Running: \"{startInfo.FileName}\" {startInfo.Arguments}");
startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = redirectOutput;
startInfo.RedirectStandardError = redirectOutput;
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/GodotSharpTools.csproj b/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/GodotSharpTools.csproj
index f9e9f41977..2871c041f5 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/GodotSharpTools.csproj
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/GodotSharpTools.csproj
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+ <BaseIntermediateOutputPath>obj</BaseIntermediateOutputPath>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@
<Compile Include="Build\BuildSystem.cs" />
<Compile Include="Editor\MonoDevelopInstance.cs" />
<Compile Include="Project\ProjectExtensions.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Project\IdentifierUtils.cs" />
<Compile Include="Project\ProjectGenerator.cs" />
<Compile Include="Project\ProjectUtils.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/Project/IdentifierUtils.cs b/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/Project/IdentifierUtils.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83e2d2cf8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/Project/IdentifierUtils.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.Text;
+namespace GodotSharpTools.Project
+ public static class IdentifierUtils
+ {
+ public static string SanitizeQualifiedIdentifier(string qualifiedIdentifier, bool allowEmptyIdentifiers)
+ {
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(qualifiedIdentifier))
+ throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(qualifiedIdentifier)} cannot be empty", nameof(qualifiedIdentifier));
+ string[] identifiers = qualifiedIdentifier.Split(new[] { '.' });
+ for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.Length; i++)
+ {
+ identifiers[i] = SanitizeIdentifier(identifiers[i], allowEmpty: allowEmptyIdentifiers);
+ }
+ return string.Join(".", identifiers);
+ }
+ public static string SanitizeIdentifier(string identifier, bool allowEmpty)
+ {
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(identifier))
+ {
+ if (allowEmpty)
+ return "Empty"; // Default value for empty identifiers
+ throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(identifier)} cannot be empty if {nameof(allowEmpty)} is false", nameof(identifier));
+ }
+ if (identifier.Length > 511)
+ identifier = identifier.Substring(0, 511);
+ var identifierBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+ int startIndex = 0;
+ if (identifier[0] == '@')
+ {
+ identifierBuilder.Append('@');
+ startIndex += 1;
+ }
+ for (int i = startIndex; i < identifier.Length; i++)
+ {
+ char @char = identifier[i];
+ switch (Char.GetUnicodeCategory(@char))
+ {
+ case UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter:
+ case UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter:
+ case UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter:
+ case UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter:
+ case UnicodeCategory.LetterNumber:
+ case UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter:
+ identifierBuilder.Append(@char);
+ break;
+ case UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark:
+ case UnicodeCategory.SpacingCombiningMark:
+ case UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation:
+ case UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber:
+ // Identifiers may start with underscore
+ if (identifierBuilder.Length > startIndex || @char == '_')
+ identifierBuilder.Append(@char);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (identifierBuilder.Length == startIndex)
+ {
+ // All characters were invalid so now it's empty. Fill it with something.
+ identifierBuilder.Append("Empty");
+ }
+ identifier = identifierBuilder.ToString();
+ if (identifier[0] != '@' && IsKeyword(identifier, anyDoubleUnderscore: true))
+ identifier = '@' + identifier;
+ return identifier;
+ }
+ static bool IsKeyword(string value, bool anyDoubleUnderscore)
+ {
+ // Identifiers that start with double underscore are meant to be used for reserved keywords.
+ // Only existing keywords are enforced, but it may be useful to forbid any identifier
+ // that begins with double underscore to prevent issues with future C# versions.
+ if (anyDoubleUnderscore)
+ {
+ if (value.Length > 2 && value[0] == '_' && value[1] == '_' && value[2] != '_')
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_doubleUnderscoreKeywords.Contains(value))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return _keywords.Contains(value);
+ }
+ static HashSet<string> _doubleUnderscoreKeywords = new HashSet<string>
+ {
+ "__arglist",
+ "__makeref",
+ "__reftype",
+ "__refvalue",
+ };
+ static HashSet<string> _keywords = new HashSet<string>
+ {
+ "as",
+ "do",
+ "if",
+ "in",
+ "is",
+ "for",
+ "int",
+ "new",
+ "out",
+ "ref",
+ "try",
+ "base",
+ "bool",
+ "byte",
+ "case",
+ "char",
+ "else",
+ "enum",
+ "goto",
+ "lock",
+ "long",
+ "null",
+ "this",
+ "true",
+ "uint",
+ "void",
+ "break",
+ "catch",
+ "class",
+ "const",
+ "event",
+ "false",
+ "fixed",
+ "float",
+ "sbyte",
+ "short",
+ "throw",
+ "ulong",
+ "using",
+ "where",
+ "while",
+ "yield",
+ "double",
+ "extern",
+ "object",
+ "params",
+ "public",
+ "return",
+ "sealed",
+ "sizeof",
+ "static",
+ "string",
+ "struct",
+ "switch",
+ "typeof",
+ "unsafe",
+ "ushort",
+ "checked",
+ "decimal",
+ "default",
+ "finally",
+ "foreach",
+ "partial",
+ "private",
+ "virtual",
+ "abstract",
+ "continue",
+ "delegate",
+ "explicit",
+ "implicit",
+ "internal",
+ "operator",
+ "override",
+ "readonly",
+ "volatile",
+ "interface",
+ "namespace",
+ "protected",
+ "unchecked",
+ "stackalloc",
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/Project/ProjectGenerator.cs b/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/Project/ProjectGenerator.cs
index 9135006172..89279c69a6 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/Project/ProjectGenerator.cs
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/GodotSharpTools/Project/ProjectGenerator.cs
@@ -140,6 +140,9 @@ namespace GodotSharpTools.Project
public static ProjectRootElement CreateLibraryProject(string name, out ProjectPropertyGroupElement mainGroup)
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
+ throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(name)} cannot be empty", nameof(name));
var root = ProjectRootElement.Create();
root.DefaultTargets = "Build";
@@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ namespace GodotSharpTools.Project
mainGroup.AddProperty("ProjectGuid", "{" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper() + "}");
mainGroup.AddProperty("OutputType", "Library");
mainGroup.AddProperty("OutputPath", Path.Combine("bin", "$(Configuration)"));
- mainGroup.AddProperty("RootNamespace", name);
+ mainGroup.AddProperty("RootNamespace", IdentifierUtils.SanitizeQualifiedIdentifier(name, allowEmptyIdentifiers: true));
mainGroup.AddProperty("AssemblyName", name);
mainGroup.AddProperty("TargetFrameworkVersion", "v4.5");
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.cpp b/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.cpp
index 0b6a6a327c..a408716641 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.cpp
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.cpp
@@ -97,13 +97,19 @@
#define C_METHOD_MONOARRAY_TO(m_type) C_NS_MONOMARSHAL "::mono_array_to_" #m_type
#define C_METHOD_MONOARRAY_FROM(m_type) C_NS_MONOMARSHAL "::" #m_type "_to_mono_array"
-const char *BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface::DEFAULT_VARARG_C_IN = "\t%0 %1_in = %1;\n";
+const char *BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface::DEFAULT_VARARG_C_IN("\t%0 %1_in = %1;\n");
-bool BindingsGenerator::verbose_output = false;
+static String fix_doc_description(const String &p_bbcode) {
-BindingsGenerator *BindingsGenerator::singleton = NULL;
+ // This seems to be the correct way to do this. It's the same EditorHelp does.
+ return p_bbcode.dedent()
+ .replace("\t", "")
+ .replace("\r", "")
+ .strip_edges();
static String snake_to_pascal_case(const String &p_identifier, bool p_input_is_upper = false) {
@@ -173,6 +179,457 @@ static String snake_to_camel_case(const String &p_identifier, bool p_input_is_up
return ret;
+String BindingsGenerator::bbcode_to_xml(const String &p_bbcode, const TypeInterface *p_itype) {
+ // Based on the version in EditorHelp
+ if (p_bbcode.empty())
+ return String();
+ DocData *doc = EditorHelp::get_doc_data();
+ String bbcode = p_bbcode;
+ StringBuilder xml_output;
+ xml_output.append("<para>");
+ List<String> tag_stack;
+ bool code_tag = false;
+ int pos = 0;
+ while (pos < bbcode.length()) {
+ int brk_pos = bbcode.find("[", pos);
+ if (brk_pos < 0)
+ brk_pos = bbcode.length();
+ if (brk_pos > pos) {
+ String text = bbcode.substr(pos, brk_pos - pos);
+ if (code_tag || tag_stack.size() > 0) {
+ xml_output.append(text.xml_escape());
+ } else {
+ Vector<String> lines = text.split("\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
+ if (i != 0)
+ xml_output.append("<para>");
+ xml_output.append(lines[i].xml_escape());
+ if (i != lines.size() - 1)
+ xml_output.append("</para>\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (brk_pos == bbcode.length())
+ break; // nothing else to add
+ int brk_end = bbcode.find("]", brk_pos + 1);
+ if (brk_end == -1) {
+ String text = bbcode.substr(brk_pos, bbcode.length() - brk_pos);
+ if (code_tag || tag_stack.size() > 0) {
+ xml_output.append(text.xml_escape());
+ } else {
+ Vector<String> lines = text.split("\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
+ if (i != 0)
+ xml_output.append("<para>");
+ xml_output.append(lines[i].xml_escape());
+ if (i != lines.size() - 1)
+ xml_output.append("</para>\n");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ String tag = bbcode.substr(brk_pos + 1, brk_end - brk_pos - 1);
+ if (tag.begins_with("/")) {
+ bool tag_ok = tag_stack.size() && tag_stack.front()->get() == tag.substr(1, tag.length());
+ if (!tag_ok) {
+ xml_output.append("[");
+ pos = brk_pos + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ tag_stack.pop_front();
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ code_tag = false;
+ if (tag == "/url") {
+ xml_output.append("</a>");
+ } else if (tag == "/code") {
+ xml_output.append("</c>");
+ } else if (tag == "/codeblock") {
+ xml_output.append("</code>");
+ }
+ } else if (code_tag) {
+ xml_output.append("[");
+ pos = brk_pos + 1;
+ } else if (tag.begins_with("method ") || tag.begins_with("member ") || tag.begins_with("signal ") || tag.begins_with("enum ") || tag.begins_with("constant ")) {
+ String link_target = tag.substr(tag.find(" ") + 1, tag.length());
+ String link_tag = tag.substr(0, tag.find(" "));
+ Vector<String> link_target_parts = link_target.split(".");
+ if (link_target_parts.size() <= 0 || link_target_parts.size() > 2) {
+ ERR_PRINTS("Invalid reference format: " + tag);
+ xml_output.append("<c>");
+ xml_output.append(tag);
+ xml_output.append("</c>");
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ const TypeInterface *target_itype;
+ StringName target_cname;
+ if (link_target_parts.size() == 2) {
+ target_itype = _get_type_or_null(TypeReference(link_target_parts[0]));
+ if (!target_itype) {
+ target_itype = _get_type_or_null(TypeReference("_" + link_target_parts[0]));
+ }
+ target_cname = link_target_parts[1];
+ } else {
+ target_itype = p_itype;
+ target_cname = link_target_parts[0];
+ }
+ if (link_tag == "method") {
+ if (!target_itype || !target_itype->is_object_type) {
+ if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) {
+ if (target_itype) {
+ OS::get_singleton()->print("Cannot resolve method reference for non-Godot.Object type in documentation: %s\n", link_target.utf8().get_data());
+ } else {
+ OS::get_singleton()->print("Cannot resolve type from method reference in documentation: %s\n", link_target.utf8().get_data());
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO Map what we can
+ xml_output.append("<c>");
+ xml_output.append(link_target);
+ xml_output.append("</c>");
+ } else {
+ const MethodInterface *target_imethod = target_itype->find_method_by_name(target_cname);
+ if (target_imethod) {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE ".");
+ xml_output.append(target_itype->proxy_name);
+ xml_output.append(".");
+ xml_output.append(target_imethod->proxy_name);
+ xml_output.append("\"/>");
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (link_tag == "member") {
+ if (!target_itype || !target_itype->is_object_type) {
+ if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) {
+ if (target_itype) {
+ OS::get_singleton()->print("Cannot resolve member reference for non-Godot.Object type in documentation: %s\n", link_target.utf8().get_data());
+ } else {
+ OS::get_singleton()->print("Cannot resolve type from member reference in documentation: %s\n", link_target.utf8().get_data());
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO Map what we can
+ xml_output.append("<c>");
+ xml_output.append(link_target);
+ xml_output.append("</c>");
+ } else {
+ const PropertyInterface *target_iprop = target_itype->find_property_by_name(target_cname);
+ if (target_iprop) {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE ".");
+ xml_output.append(target_itype->proxy_name);
+ xml_output.append(".");
+ xml_output.append(target_iprop->proxy_name);
+ xml_output.append("\"/>");
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (link_tag == "signal") {
+ // We do not declare signals in any way in C#, so there is nothing to reference
+ xml_output.append("<c>");
+ xml_output.append(link_target);
+ xml_output.append("</c>");
+ } else if (link_tag == "enum") {
+ StringName search_cname = !target_itype ? target_cname :
+ StringName(target_itype->name + "." + (String)target_cname);
+ const Map<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element *enum_match = enum_types.find(search_cname);
+ if (!enum_match && search_cname != target_cname) {
+ enum_match = enum_types.find(target_cname);
+ }
+ if (enum_match) {
+ const TypeInterface &target_enum_itype = enum_match->value();
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE ".");
+ xml_output.append(target_enum_itype.proxy_name); // Includes nesting class if any
+ xml_output.append("\"/>");
+ } else {
+ ERR_PRINTS("Cannot resolve enum reference in documentation: " + link_target);
+ xml_output.append("<c>");
+ xml_output.append(link_target);
+ xml_output.append("</c>");
+ }
+ } else if (link_tag == "const") {
+ if (!target_itype || !target_itype->is_object_type) {
+ if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) {
+ if (target_itype) {
+ OS::get_singleton()->print("Cannot resolve constant reference for non-Godot.Object type in documentation: %s\n", link_target.utf8().get_data());
+ } else {
+ OS::get_singleton()->print("Cannot resolve type from constant reference in documentation: %s\n", link_target.utf8().get_data());
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO Map what we can
+ xml_output.append("<c>");
+ xml_output.append(link_target);
+ xml_output.append("</c>");
+ } else if (!target_itype && target_cname == name_cache.type_at_GlobalScope) {
+ String target_name = (String)target_cname;
+ // Try to find as a global constant
+ const ConstantInterface *target_iconst = find_constant_by_name(target_name, global_constants);
+ if (target_iconst) {
+ // Found global constant
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "." BINDINGS_GLOBAL_SCOPE_CLASS ".");
+ xml_output.append(target_iconst->proxy_name);
+ xml_output.append("\"/>");
+ } else {
+ // Try to find as global enum constant
+ const EnumInterface *target_ienum = NULL;
+ for (const List<EnumInterface>::Element *E = global_enums.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ target_ienum = &E->get();
+ target_iconst = find_constant_by_name(target_name, target_ienum->constants);
+ if (target_iconst)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (target_iconst) {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE ".");
+ xml_output.append(target_ienum->cname);
+ xml_output.append(".");
+ xml_output.append(target_iconst->proxy_name);
+ xml_output.append("\"/>");
+ } else {
+ ERR_PRINTS("Cannot resolve global constant reference in documentation: " + link_target);
+ xml_output.append("<c>");
+ xml_output.append(link_target);
+ xml_output.append("</c>");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ String target_name = (String)target_cname;
+ // Try to find the constant in the current class
+ const ConstantInterface *target_iconst = find_constant_by_name(target_name, target_itype->constants);
+ if (target_iconst) {
+ // Found constant in current class
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE ".");
+ xml_output.append(target_itype->proxy_name);
+ xml_output.append(".");
+ xml_output.append(target_iconst->proxy_name);
+ xml_output.append("\"/>");
+ } else {
+ // Try to find as enum constant in the current class
+ const EnumInterface *target_ienum = NULL;
+ for (const List<EnumInterface>::Element *E = target_itype->enums.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ target_ienum = &E->get();
+ target_iconst = find_constant_by_name(target_name, target_ienum->constants);
+ if (target_iconst)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (target_iconst) {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE ".");
+ xml_output.append(target_itype->proxy_name);
+ xml_output.append(".");
+ xml_output.append(target_ienum->cname);
+ xml_output.append(".");
+ xml_output.append(target_iconst->proxy_name);
+ xml_output.append("\"/>");
+ } else {
+ ERR_PRINTS("Cannot resolve constant reference in documentation: " + link_target);
+ xml_output.append("<c>");
+ xml_output.append(link_target);
+ xml_output.append("</c>");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ } else if (doc->class_list.has(tag)) {
+ if (tag == "Array" || tag == "Dictionary") {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE_COLLECTIONS ".");
+ xml_output.append(tag);
+ xml_output.append("\"/>");
+ } else if (tag == "bool" || tag == "int") {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"");
+ xml_output.append(tag);
+ xml_output.append("\"/>");
+ } else if (tag == "float") {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\""
+ "double"
+ "float"
+ "\"/>");
+ } else if (tag == "Variant") {
+ // We use System.Object for Variant, so there is no Variant type in C#
+ xml_output.append("<c>Variant</c>");
+ } else if (tag == "String") {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"string\"/>");
+ } else if (tag == "Nil") {
+ xml_output.append("<see langword=\"null\"/>");
+ } else if (tag.begins_with("@")) {
+ // @GlobalScope, @GDScript, etc
+ xml_output.append("<c>");
+ xml_output.append(tag);
+ xml_output.append("</c>");
+ } else if (tag == "PoolByteArray") {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"byte\"/>");
+ } else if (tag == "PoolIntArray") {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"int\"/>");
+ } else if (tag == "PoolRealArray") {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"double\"/>");
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"float\"/>");
+ } else if (tag == "PoolStringArray") {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"string\"/>");
+ } else if (tag == "PoolVector2Array") {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE ".Vector2\"/>");
+ } else if (tag == "PoolVector3Array") {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE ".Vector3\"/>");
+ } else if (tag == "PoolColorArray") {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE ".Color\"/>");
+ } else {
+ const TypeInterface *target_itype = _get_type_or_null(TypeReference(tag));
+ if (!target_itype) {
+ target_itype = _get_type_or_null(TypeReference("_" + tag));
+ }
+ if (target_itype) {
+ xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE ".");
+ xml_output.append(target_itype->proxy_name);
+ xml_output.append("\"/>");
+ } else {
+ ERR_PRINTS("Cannot resolve type reference in documentation: " + tag);
+ xml_output.append("<c>");
+ xml_output.append(tag);
+ xml_output.append("</c>");
+ }
+ }
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ } else if (tag == "b") {
+ // bold is not supported in xml comments
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ tag_stack.push_front(tag);
+ } else if (tag == "i") {
+ // italics is not supported in xml comments
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ tag_stack.push_front(tag);
+ } else if (tag == "code") {
+ xml_output.append("<c>");
+ code_tag = true;
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ tag_stack.push_front(tag);
+ } else if (tag == "codeblock") {
+ xml_output.append("<code>");
+ code_tag = true;
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ tag_stack.push_front(tag);
+ } else if (tag == "center") {
+ // center is alignment not supported in xml comments
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ tag_stack.push_front(tag);
+ } else if (tag == "br") {
+ xml_output.append("\n"); // FIXME: Should use <para> instead. Luckily this tag isn't used for now.
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ } else if (tag == "u") {
+ // underline is not supported in xml comments
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ tag_stack.push_front(tag);
+ } else if (tag == "s") {
+ // strikethrough is not supported in xml comments
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ tag_stack.push_front(tag);
+ } else if (tag == "url") {
+ int end = bbcode.find("[", brk_end);
+ if (end == -1)
+ end = bbcode.length();
+ String url = bbcode.substr(brk_end + 1, end - brk_end - 1);
+ xml_output.append("<a href=\"");
+ xml_output.append(url);
+ xml_output.append("\">");
+ xml_output.append(url);
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ tag_stack.push_front(tag);
+ } else if (tag.begins_with("url=")) {
+ String url = tag.substr(4, tag.length());
+ xml_output.append("<a href=\"");
+ xml_output.append(url);
+ xml_output.append("\">");
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ tag_stack.push_front("url");
+ } else if (tag == "img") {
+ int end = bbcode.find("[", brk_end);
+ if (end == -1)
+ end = bbcode.length();
+ String image = bbcode.substr(brk_end + 1, end - brk_end - 1);
+ // Not supported. Just append the bbcode.
+ xml_output.append("[img]");
+ xml_output.append(image);
+ xml_output.append("[/img]");
+ pos = end;
+ tag_stack.push_front(tag);
+ } else if (tag.begins_with("color=")) {
+ // Not supported.
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ tag_stack.push_front("color");
+ } else if (tag.begins_with("font=")) {
+ // Not supported.
+ pos = brk_end + 1;
+ tag_stack.push_front("font");
+ } else {
+ xml_output.append("["); // ignore
+ pos = brk_pos + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ xml_output.append("</para>");
+ return xml_output.as_string();
int BindingsGenerator::_determine_enum_prefix(const EnumInterface &p_ienum) {
@@ -295,44 +752,47 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_generate_method_icalls(const TypeInterface &p_itype) {
-void BindingsGenerator::_generate_global_constants(List<String> &p_output) {
+void BindingsGenerator::_generate_global_constants(StringBuilder &p_output) {
// Constants (in partial GD class)
- p_output.push_back("namespace " BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "\n" OPEN_BLOCK);
- p_output.push_back(INDENT1 "public static partial class " BINDINGS_GLOBAL_SCOPE_CLASS "\n" INDENT1 "{");
+ p_output.append("\n#pragma warning disable CS1591 // Disable warning: "
+ "'Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member'\n");
+ p_output.append("namespace " BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "\n" OPEN_BLOCK);
+ p_output.append(INDENT1 "public static partial class " BINDINGS_GLOBAL_SCOPE_CLASS "\n" INDENT1 "{");
for (const List<ConstantInterface>::Element *E = global_constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
const ConstantInterface &iconstant = E->get();
if (iconstant.const_doc && iconstant.const_doc->description.size()) {
- p_output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "/// <summary>\n");
+ String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(iconstant.const_doc->description), NULL);
+ Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>();
- Vector<String> description_lines = iconstant.const_doc->description.split("\n");
+ if (summary_lines.size()) {
+ p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "/// <summary>\n");
- for (int i = 0; i < description_lines.size(); i++) {
- String description_line = description_lines[i].strip_edges();
- if (description_line.size()) {
- p_output.push_back(INDENT2 "/// ");
- p_output.push_back(description_line.xml_escape());
- p_output.push_back("\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) {
+ p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// ");
+ p_output.append(summary_lines[i]);
+ p_output.append("\n");
- }
- p_output.push_back(INDENT2 "/// </summary>");
+ p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// </summary>");
+ }
- p_output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "public const int ");
- p_output.push_back(iconstant.proxy_name);
- p_output.push_back(" = ");
- p_output.push_back(itos(iconstant.value));
- p_output.push_back(";");
+ p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "public const int ");
+ p_output.append(iconstant.proxy_name);
+ p_output.append(" = ");
+ p_output.append(itos(iconstant.value));
+ p_output.append(";");
if (!global_constants.empty())
- p_output.push_back("\n");
+ p_output.append("\n");
- p_output.push_back(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK); // end of GD class
+ p_output.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK); // end of GD class
// Enums
@@ -352,58 +812,56 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_generate_global_constants(List<String> &p_output) {
CRASH_COND(enum_class_name != "Variant"); // Hard-coded...
- if (verbose_output) {
- WARN_PRINTS("Declaring global enum `" + enum_proxy_name + "` inside static class `" + enum_class_name + "`");
- }
+ _log("Declaring global enum `%s` inside static class `%s`\n", enum_proxy_name.utf8().get_data(), enum_class_name.utf8().get_data());
- p_output.push_back("\n" INDENT1 "public static partial class ");
- p_output.push_back(enum_class_name);
- p_output.push_back("\n" INDENT1 OPEN_BLOCK);
+ p_output.append("\n" INDENT1 "public static partial class ");
+ p_output.append(enum_class_name);
+ p_output.append("\n" INDENT1 OPEN_BLOCK);
- p_output.push_back("\n" INDENT1 "public enum ");
- p_output.push_back(enum_proxy_name);
- p_output.push_back("\n" INDENT1 OPEN_BLOCK);
+ p_output.append("\n" INDENT1 "public enum ");
+ p_output.append(enum_proxy_name);
+ p_output.append("\n" INDENT1 OPEN_BLOCK);
- for (const List<ConstantInterface>::Element *E = ienum.constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- const ConstantInterface &iconstant = E->get();
+ for (const List<ConstantInterface>::Element *F = ienum.constants.front(); F; F = F->next()) {
+ const ConstantInterface &iconstant = F->get();
if (iconstant.const_doc && iconstant.const_doc->description.size()) {
- p_output.push_back(INDENT2 "/// <summary>\n");
+ String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(iconstant.const_doc->description), NULL);
+ Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>();
- Vector<String> description_lines = iconstant.const_doc->description.split("\n");
+ if (summary_lines.size()) {
+ p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// <summary>\n");
- for (int i = 0; i < description_lines.size(); i++) {
- String description_line = description_lines[i].strip_edges();
- if (description_line.size()) {
- p_output.push_back(INDENT2 "/// ");
- p_output.push_back(description_line.xml_escape());
- p_output.push_back("\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) {
+ p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// ");
+ p_output.append(summary_lines[i]);
+ p_output.append("\n");
- }
- p_output.push_back(INDENT2 "/// </summary>\n");
+ p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// </summary>\n");
+ }
- p_output.push_back(INDENT2);
- p_output.push_back(iconstant.proxy_name);
- p_output.push_back(" = ");
- p_output.push_back(itos(iconstant.value));
- p_output.push_back(E != ienum.constants.back() ? ",\n" : "\n");
+ p_output.append(INDENT2);
+ p_output.append(iconstant.proxy_name);
+ p_output.append(" = ");
+ p_output.append(itos(iconstant.value));
+ p_output.append(F != ienum.constants.back() ? ",\n" : "\n");
- p_output.push_back(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK);
+ p_output.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK);
if (enum_in_static_class)
- p_output.push_back(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK);
+ p_output.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK);
- p_output.push_back(CLOSE_BLOCK); // end of namespace
+ p_output.append(CLOSE_BLOCK); // end of namespace
-Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_solution_dir, DotNetSolution &r_solution, bool p_verbose_output) {
+ p_output.append("\n#pragma warning restore CS1591\n");
- verbose_output = p_verbose_output;
+Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_solution_dir, DotNetSolution &r_solution) {
String proj_dir = p_solution_dir.plus_file(CORE_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME);
@@ -426,7 +884,7 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_solution_dir,
// Generate source file for global scope constants and enums
- List<String> constants_source;
+ StringBuilder constants_source;
String output_file = path_join(core_dir, BINDINGS_GLOBAL_SCOPE_CLASS "_constants.cs");
Error save_err = _save_file(output_file, constants_source);
@@ -472,8 +930,6 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_solution_dir,
String output_dir = output_file.get_base_dir();
if (!DirAccess::exists(output_dir)) {
- DirAccessRef da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM);
Error err = da->make_dir_recursive(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->globalize_path(output_dir));
@@ -486,28 +942,28 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_solution_dir,
- List<String> cs_icalls_content;
- cs_icalls_content.push_back("using System;\n"
- "using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;\n"
- "\n");
- cs_icalls_content.push_back("namespace " BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "\n" OPEN_BLOCK);
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(INDENT1 "internal static class " BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS "\n" INDENT1 OPEN_BLOCK);
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal static ulong godot_api_hash = ");
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(String::num_uint64(GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_core_hash()) + ";\n");
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal static uint bindings_version = ");
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(String::num_uint64(BINDINGS_GENERATOR_VERSION) + ";\n");
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal static uint cs_glue_version = ");
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(String::num_uint64(CS_GLUE_VERSION) + ";\n");
-#define ADD_INTERNAL_CALL(m_icall) \
- if (!m_icall.editor_only) { \
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]\n"); \
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(INDENT2 "internal extern static "); \
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(m_icall.im_type_out + " "); \
- cs_icalls_content.push_back( + "("); \
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(m_icall.im_sig + ");\n"); \
+ StringBuilder cs_icalls_content;
+ cs_icalls_content.append("using System;\n"
+ "using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;\n"
+ "\n");
+ cs_icalls_content.append("namespace " BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "\n" OPEN_BLOCK);
+ cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT1 "internal static class " BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS "\n" INDENT1 OPEN_BLOCK);
+ cs_icalls_content.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal static ulong godot_api_hash = ");
+ cs_icalls_content.append(String::num_uint64(GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_core_hash()) + ";\n");
+ cs_icalls_content.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal static uint bindings_version = ");
+ cs_icalls_content.append(String::num_uint64(BINDINGS_GENERATOR_VERSION) + ";\n");
+ cs_icalls_content.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal static uint cs_glue_version = ");
+ cs_icalls_content.append(String::num_uint64(CS_GLUE_VERSION) + ";\n");
+#define ADD_INTERNAL_CALL(m_icall) \
+ if (!m_icall.editor_only) { \
+ cs_icalls_content.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]\n"); \
+ cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT2 "internal extern static "); \
+ cs_icalls_content.append(m_icall.im_type_out + " "); \
+ cs_icalls_content.append( + "("); \
+ cs_icalls_content.append(m_icall.im_sig + ");\n"); \
for (const List<InternalCall>::Element *E = core_custom_icalls.front(); E; E = E->next())
@@ -517,7 +973,7 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_solution_dir,
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK CLOSE_BLOCK);
+ cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK CLOSE_BLOCK);
String internal_methods_file = path_join(core_dir, BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS ".cs");
@@ -537,15 +993,12 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_solution_dir,
r_solution.add_new_project(CORE_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME, proj_info);
- if (verbose_output)
- OS::get_singleton()->print("The solution and C# project for the Core API was generated successfully\n");
+ _log("The solution and C# project for the Core API was generated successfully\n");
return OK;
-Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_solution_dir, DotNetSolution &r_solution, bool p_verbose_output) {
- verbose_output = p_verbose_output;
+Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_solution_dir, DotNetSolution &r_solution) {
String proj_dir = p_solution_dir.plus_file(EDITOR_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME);
@@ -584,29 +1037,29 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_solution_dir
- List<String> cs_icalls_content;
- cs_icalls_content.push_back("using System;\n"
- "using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;\n"
- "\n");
- cs_icalls_content.push_back("namespace " BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "\n" OPEN_BLOCK);
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(INDENT1 "internal static class " BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS_EDITOR "\n" INDENT1 OPEN_BLOCK);
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(INDENT2 "internal static ulong godot_api_hash = ");
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(String::num_uint64(GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_editor_hash()) + ";\n");
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(INDENT2 "internal static uint bindings_version = ");
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(String::num_uint64(BINDINGS_GENERATOR_VERSION) + ";\n");
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(INDENT2 "internal static uint cs_glue_version = ");
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(String::num_uint64(CS_GLUE_VERSION) + ";\n");
- cs_icalls_content.push_back("\n");
-#define ADD_INTERNAL_CALL(m_icall) \
- if (m_icall.editor_only) { \
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(INDENT2 "[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]\n"); \
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(INDENT2 "internal extern static "); \
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(m_icall.im_type_out + " "); \
- cs_icalls_content.push_back( + "("); \
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(m_icall.im_sig + ");\n"); \
+ StringBuilder cs_icalls_content;
+ cs_icalls_content.append("using System;\n"
+ "using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;\n"
+ "\n");
+ cs_icalls_content.append("namespace " BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "\n" OPEN_BLOCK);
+ cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT1 "internal static class " BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS_EDITOR "\n" INDENT1 OPEN_BLOCK);
+ cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT2 "internal static ulong godot_api_hash = ");
+ cs_icalls_content.append(String::num_uint64(GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_editor_hash()) + ";\n");
+ cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT2 "internal static uint bindings_version = ");
+ cs_icalls_content.append(String::num_uint64(BINDINGS_GENERATOR_VERSION) + ";\n");
+ cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT2 "internal static uint cs_glue_version = ");
+ cs_icalls_content.append(String::num_uint64(CS_GLUE_VERSION) + ";\n");
+ cs_icalls_content.append("\n");
+#define ADD_INTERNAL_CALL(m_icall) \
+ if (m_icall.editor_only) { \
+ cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT2 "[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]\n"); \
+ cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT2 "internal extern static "); \
+ cs_icalls_content.append(m_icall.im_type_out + " "); \
+ cs_icalls_content.append( + "("); \
+ cs_icalls_content.append(m_icall.im_sig + ");\n"); \
for (const List<InternalCall>::Element *E = editor_custom_icalls.front(); E; E = E->next())
@@ -616,7 +1069,7 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_solution_dir
- cs_icalls_content.push_back(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK CLOSE_BLOCK);
+ cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK CLOSE_BLOCK);
String internal_methods_file = path_join(core_dir, BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS_EDITOR ".cs");
@@ -636,13 +1089,12 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_solution_dir
r_solution.add_new_project(EDITOR_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME, proj_info);
- if (verbose_output)
- OS::get_singleton()->print("The solution and C# project for the Editor API was generated successfully\n");
+ _log("The solution and C# project for the Editor API was generated successfully\n");
return OK;
-Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_api(const String &p_output_dir, bool p_verbose_output) {
+Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_api(const String &p_output_dir) {
DirAccessRef da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM);
@@ -659,13 +1111,13 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_api(const String &p_output_dir, bool p_verb
Error proj_err;
- proj_err = generate_cs_core_project(p_output_dir, solution, p_verbose_output);
+ proj_err = generate_cs_core_project(p_output_dir, solution);
if (proj_err != OK) {
ERR_PRINT("Generation of the Core API C# project failed");
return proj_err;
- proj_err = generate_cs_editor_project(p_output_dir, solution, p_verbose_output);
+ proj_err = generate_cs_editor_project(p_output_dir, solution);
if (proj_err != OK) {
ERR_PRINT("Generation of the Editor API C# project failed");
return proj_err;
@@ -704,62 +1156,64 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_type(const TypeInterface &itype, const Str
List<InternalCall> &custom_icalls = itype.api_type == ClassDB::API_EDITOR ? editor_custom_icalls : core_custom_icalls;
- if (verbose_output)
- OS::get_singleton()->print(String("Generating " + itype.proxy_name + ".cs...\n").utf8());
+ _log("Generating %s.cs...\n", itype.proxy_name.utf8().get_data());
String ctor_method(ICALL_PREFIX + itype.proxy_name + "_Ctor"); // Used only for derived types
- List<String> output;
+ StringBuilder output;
- output.push_back("using System;\n"); // IntPtr
- output.push_back("using System.Diagnostics;\n"); // DebuggerBrowsable
+ output.append("using System;\n"); // IntPtr
+ output.append("using System.Diagnostics;\n"); // DebuggerBrowsable
- output.push_back("\n#pragma warning disable CS1591 // Disable warning: "
- "'Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member'\n");
+ output.append("\n"
+ "#pragma warning disable CS1591 // Disable warning: "
+ "'Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member'\n"
+ "#pragma warning disable CS1573 // Disable warning: "
+ "'Parameter has no matching param tag in the XML comment'\n");
- output.push_back("\nnamespace " BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "\n" OPEN_BLOCK);
+ output.append("\nnamespace " BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "\n" OPEN_BLOCK);
const DocData::ClassDoc *class_doc = itype.class_doc;
if (class_doc && class_doc->description.size()) {
- output.push_back(INDENT1 "/// <summary>\n");
+ String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(class_doc->description), &itype);
+ Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>();
- Vector<String> description_lines = class_doc->description.split("\n");
+ if (summary_lines.size()) {
+ output.append(INDENT1 "/// <summary>\n");
- for (int i = 0; i < description_lines.size(); i++) {
- String description_line = description_lines[i].strip_edges();
- if (description_line.size()) {
- output.push_back(INDENT1 "/// ");
- output.push_back(description_line.xml_escape());
- output.push_back("\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) {
+ output.append(INDENT1 "/// ");
+ output.append(summary_lines[i]);
+ output.append("\n");
- }
- output.push_back(INDENT1 "/// </summary>\n");
+ output.append(INDENT1 "/// </summary>\n");
+ }
- output.push_back(INDENT1 "public ");
+ output.append(INDENT1 "public ");
if (itype.is_singleton) {
- output.push_back("static partial class ");
+ output.append("static partial class ");
} else {
- output.push_back(itype.is_instantiable ? "partial class " : "abstract partial class ");
+ output.append(itype.is_instantiable ? "partial class " : "abstract partial class ");
- output.push_back(itype.proxy_name);
+ output.append(itype.proxy_name);
if (itype.is_singleton) {
- output.push_back("\n");
+ output.append("\n");
} else if (is_derived_type) {
if (obj_types.has(itype.base_name)) {
- output.push_back(" : ");
- output.push_back(obj_types[itype.base_name].proxy_name);
- output.push_back("\n");
+ output.append(" : ");
+ output.append(obj_types[itype.base_name].proxy_name);
+ output.append("\n");
} else {
ERR_PRINTS("Base type '" + itype.base_name.operator String() + "' does not exist, for class " +;
- output.push_back(INDENT1 "{");
+ output.append(INDENT1 "{");
if (class_doc) {
@@ -769,31 +1223,31 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_type(const TypeInterface &itype, const Str
const ConstantInterface &iconstant = E->get();
if (iconstant.const_doc && iconstant.const_doc->description.size()) {
- output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "/// <summary>\n");
+ String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(iconstant.const_doc->description), &itype);
+ Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>();
- Vector<String> description_lines = iconstant.const_doc->description.split("\n");
+ if (summary_lines.size()) {
+ output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "/// <summary>\n");
- for (int i = 0; i < description_lines.size(); i++) {
- String description_line = description_lines[i].strip_edges();
- if (description_line.size()) {
- output.push_back(INDENT2 "/// ");
- output.push_back(description_line.xml_escape());
- output.push_back("\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) {
+ output.append(INDENT2 "/// ");
+ output.append(summary_lines[i]);
+ output.append("\n");
- }
- output.push_back(INDENT2 "/// </summary>");
+ output.append(INDENT2 "/// </summary>");
+ }
- output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "public const int ");
- output.push_back(iconstant.proxy_name);
- output.push_back(" = ");
- output.push_back(itos(iconstant.value));
- output.push_back(";");
+ output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "public const int ");
+ output.append(iconstant.proxy_name);
+ output.append(" = ");
+ output.append(itos(iconstant.value));
+ output.append(";");
if (itype.constants.size())
- output.push_back("\n");
+ output.append("\n");
// Add enums
@@ -802,38 +1256,38 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_type(const TypeInterface &itype, const Str
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(ienum.constants.empty(), ERR_BUG);
- output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "public enum ");
- output.push_back(ienum.cname.operator String());
- output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN OPEN_BLOCK);
+ output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "public enum ");
+ output.append(ienum.cname.operator String());
+ output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN OPEN_BLOCK);
- for (const List<ConstantInterface>::Element *E = ienum.constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- const ConstantInterface &iconstant = E->get();
+ for (const List<ConstantInterface>::Element *F = ienum.constants.front(); F; F = F->next()) {
+ const ConstantInterface &iconstant = F->get();
if (iconstant.const_doc && iconstant.const_doc->description.size()) {
- output.push_back(INDENT3 "/// <summary>\n");
+ String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(iconstant.const_doc->description), &itype);
+ Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>();
- Vector<String> description_lines = iconstant.const_doc->description.split("\n");
+ if (summary_lines.size()) {
+ output.append(INDENT3 "/// <summary>\n");
- for (int i = 0; i < description_lines.size(); i++) {
- String description_line = description_lines[i].strip_edges();
- if (description_line.size()) {
- output.push_back(INDENT3 "/// ");
- output.push_back(description_line.xml_escape());
- output.push_back("\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) {
+ output.append(INDENT3 "/// ");
+ output.append(summary_lines[i]);
+ output.append("\n");
- }
- output.push_back(INDENT3 "/// </summary>\n");
+ output.append(INDENT3 "/// </summary>\n");
+ }
- output.push_back(INDENT3);
- output.push_back(iconstant.proxy_name);
- output.push_back(" = ");
- output.push_back(itos(iconstant.value));
- output.push_back(E != ienum.constants.back() ? ",\n" : "\n");
+ output.append(INDENT3);
+ output.append(iconstant.proxy_name);
+ output.append(" = ");
+ output.append(itos(iconstant.value));
+ output.append(F != ienum.constants.back() ? ",\n" : "\n");
- output.push_back(INDENT2 CLOSE_BLOCK);
+ output.append(INDENT2 CLOSE_BLOCK);
// Add properties
@@ -849,50 +1303,58 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_type(const TypeInterface &itype, const Str
+ // TODO: BINDINGS_NATIVE_NAME_FIELD should be StringName, once we support it in C#
if (itype.is_singleton) {
// Add the type name and the singleton pointer as static fields
- output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "private const string " BINDINGS_NATIVE_NAME_FIELD " = \"");
- output.push_back(;
- output.push_back("\";\n");
- output.push_back(INDENT2 "internal static IntPtr " BINDINGS_PTR_FIELD " = ");
- output.push_back("." ICALL_PREFIX);
- output.push_back(;
- output.push_back(SINGLETON_ICALL_SUFFIX "();\n");
+ output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "private static Godot.Object singleton;\n");
+ output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "public static Godot.Object Singleton\n" INDENT2 "{\n" INDENT3
+ "get\n" INDENT3 "{\n" INDENT4 "if (singleton == null)\n" INDENT5
+ "singleton = Engine.GetSingleton(" BINDINGS_NATIVE_NAME_FIELD ");\n" INDENT4
+ "return singleton;\n" INDENT3 "}\n" INDENT2 "}\n");
+ output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "private const string " BINDINGS_NATIVE_NAME_FIELD " = \"");
+ output.append(;
+ output.append("\";\n");
+ output.append(INDENT2 "internal static IntPtr " BINDINGS_PTR_FIELD " = ");
+ output.append("." ICALL_PREFIX);
+ output.append(;
+ output.append(SINGLETON_ICALL_SUFFIX "();\n");
} else if (is_derived_type) {
// Add member fields
- output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "private const string " BINDINGS_NATIVE_NAME_FIELD " = \"");
- output.push_back(;
- output.push_back("\";\n");
+ output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "private const string " BINDINGS_NATIVE_NAME_FIELD " = \"");
+ output.append(;
+ output.append("\";\n");
// Add default constructor
if (itype.is_instantiable) {
- output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "public ");
- output.push_back(itype.proxy_name);
- output.push_back("() : this(");
- output.push_back(itype.memory_own ? "true" : "false");
+ output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "public ");
+ output.append(itype.proxy_name);
+ output.append("() : this(");
+ output.append(itype.memory_own ? "true" : "false");
// The default constructor may also be called by the engine when instancing existing native objects
// The engine will initialize the pointer field of the managed side before calling the constructor
// This is why we only allocate a new native object from the constructor if the pointer field is not set
- output.push_back(")\n" OPEN_BLOCK_L2 "if (" BINDINGS_PTR_FIELD " == IntPtr.Zero)\n" INDENT4 BINDINGS_PTR_FIELD " = ");
- output.push_back("." + ctor_method);
- output.push_back("(this);\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L2);
+ output.append(")\n" OPEN_BLOCK_L2 "if (" BINDINGS_PTR_FIELD " == IntPtr.Zero)\n" INDENT4 BINDINGS_PTR_FIELD " = ");
+ output.append("." + ctor_method);
+ output.append("(this);\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L2);
} else {
// Hide the constructor
- output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal ");
- output.push_back(itype.proxy_name);
- output.push_back("() {}\n");
+ output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal ");
+ output.append(itype.proxy_name);
+ output.append("() {}\n");
// Add.. em.. trick constructor. Sort of.
- output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal ");
- output.push_back(itype.proxy_name);
- output.push_back("(bool " CS_FIELD_MEMORYOWN ") : base(" CS_FIELD_MEMORYOWN ") {}\n");
+ output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal ");
+ output.append(itype.proxy_name);
+ output.append("(bool " CS_FIELD_MEMORYOWN ") : base(" CS_FIELD_MEMORYOWN ") {}\n");
int method_bind_count = 0;
@@ -919,15 +1381,17 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_type(const TypeInterface &itype, const Str
- output.push_back(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK /* class */
+ output.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK /* class */
CLOSE_BLOCK /* namespace */);
- output.push_back("\n#pragma warning restore CS1591\n");
+ output.append("\n"
+ "#pragma warning restore CS1591\n"
+ "#pragma warning restore CS1573\n");
return _save_file(p_output_file, output);
-Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_property(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface &p_itype, const PropertyInterface &p_iprop, List<String> &p_output) {
+Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_property(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface &p_itype, const PropertyInterface &p_iprop, StringBuilder &p_output) {
const MethodInterface *setter = p_itype.find_method_by_name(p_iprop.setter);
@@ -972,86 +1436,96 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_property(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInte
const TypeInterface *prop_itype = _get_type_or_null(proptype_name);
ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(prop_itype, ERR_BUG); // Property type not found
- String prop_proxy_name = escape_csharp_keyword(snake_to_pascal_case(p_iprop.cname));
- // Prevent property and enclosing type from sharing the same name
- if (prop_proxy_name == p_itype.proxy_name) {
- if (verbose_output) {
- WARN_PRINTS("Name of property `" + prop_proxy_name + "` is ambiguous with the name of its class `" +
- p_itype.proxy_name + "`. Renaming property to `" + prop_proxy_name + "_`");
- }
- prop_proxy_name += "_";
- }
if (p_iprop.prop_doc && p_iprop.prop_doc->description.size()) {
- p_output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "/// <summary>\n");
+ String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(p_iprop.prop_doc->description), &p_itype);
+ Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>();
- Vector<String> description_lines = p_iprop.prop_doc->description.split("\n");
+ if (summary_lines.size()) {
+ p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "/// <summary>\n");
- for (int i = 0; i < description_lines.size(); i++) {
- String description_line = description_lines[i].strip_edges();
- if (description_line.size()) {
- p_output.push_back(INDENT2 "/// ");
- p_output.push_back(description_line.xml_escape());
- p_output.push_back("\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) {
+ p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// ");
+ p_output.append(summary_lines[i]);
+ p_output.append("\n");
- }
- p_output.push_back(INDENT2 "/// </summary>");
+ p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// </summary>");
+ }
- p_output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "public ");
+ p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "public ");
if (p_itype.is_singleton)
- p_output.push_back("static ");
+ p_output.append("static ");
- p_output.push_back(prop_itype->cs_type);
- p_output.push_back(" ");
- p_output.push_back(prop_proxy_name.replace("/", "__"));
- p_output.push_back("\n" INDENT2 OPEN_BLOCK);
+ p_output.append(prop_itype->cs_type);
+ p_output.append(" ");
+ p_output.append(p_iprop.proxy_name);
+ p_output.append("\n" INDENT2 OPEN_BLOCK);
if (getter) {
- p_output.push_back(INDENT3 "get\n" OPEN_BLOCK_L3);
- p_output.push_back("return ");
- p_output.push_back(getter->proxy_name + "(");
+ p_output.append(INDENT3 "get\n"
+ // TODO Remove this once we make accessor methods private/internal (they will no longer be marked as obsolete after that)
+ "#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Disable warning about obsolete method\n"
+ p_output.append("return ");
+ p_output.append(getter->proxy_name + "(");
if (p_iprop.index != -1) {
const ArgumentInterface &idx_arg = getter->arguments.front()->get();
if (idx_arg.type.cname != name_cache.type_int) {
// Assume the index parameter is an enum
const TypeInterface *idx_arg_type = _get_type_or_null(idx_arg.type);
CRASH_COND(idx_arg_type == NULL);
- p_output.push_back("(" + idx_arg_type->proxy_name + ")" + itos(p_iprop.index));
+ p_output.append("(" + idx_arg_type->proxy_name + ")" + itos(p_iprop.index));
} else {
- p_output.push_back(itos(p_iprop.index));
+ p_output.append(itos(p_iprop.index));
- p_output.push_back(");\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L3);
+ p_output.append(");\n"
+ // TODO Remove this once we make accessor methods private/internal (they will no longer be marked as obsolete after that)
+ "#pragma warning restore CS0618\n");
if (setter) {
- p_output.push_back(INDENT3 "set\n" OPEN_BLOCK_L3);
- p_output.push_back(setter->proxy_name + "(");
+ p_output.append(INDENT3 "set\n"
+ // TODO Remove this once we make accessor methods private/internal (they will no longer be marked as obsolete after that)
+ "#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Disable warning about obsolete method\n"
+ p_output.append(setter->proxy_name + "(");
if (p_iprop.index != -1) {
const ArgumentInterface &idx_arg = setter->arguments.front()->get();
if (idx_arg.type.cname != name_cache.type_int) {
// Assume the index parameter is an enum
const TypeInterface *idx_arg_type = _get_type_or_null(idx_arg.type);
CRASH_COND(idx_arg_type == NULL);
- p_output.push_back("(" + idx_arg_type->proxy_name + ")" + itos(p_iprop.index) + ", ");
+ p_output.append("(" + idx_arg_type->proxy_name + ")" + itos(p_iprop.index) + ", ");
} else {
- p_output.push_back(itos(p_iprop.index) + ", ");
+ p_output.append(itos(p_iprop.index) + ", ");
- p_output.push_back("value);\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L3);
+ p_output.append("value);\n"
+ // TODO Remove this once we make accessor methods private/internal (they will no longer be marked as obsolete after that)
+ "#pragma warning restore CS0618\n");
- p_output.push_back(CLOSE_BLOCK_L2);
+ p_output.append(CLOSE_BLOCK_L2);
return OK;
-Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_method(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface &p_itype, const BindingsGenerator::MethodInterface &p_imethod, int &p_method_bind_count, List<String> &p_output) {
+Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_method(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface &p_itype, const BindingsGenerator::MethodInterface &p_imethod, int &p_method_bind_count, StringBuilder &p_output) {
const TypeInterface *return_type = _get_type_or_placeholder(p_imethod.return_type);
@@ -1063,7 +1537,7 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_method(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterf
String icall_params = method_bind_field + ", ";
icall_params += sformat(p_itype.cs_in, "this");
- List<String> default_args_doc;
+ StringBuilder default_args_doc;
// Retrieve information from the arguments
for (const List<ArgumentInterface>::Element *F = p_imethod.arguments.front(); F; F = F->next()) {
@@ -1129,7 +1603,10 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_method(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterf
icall_params += arg_type->cs_in.empty() ? arg_in : sformat(arg_type->cs_in, arg_in);
- default_args_doc.push_back(INDENT2 "/// <param name=\"" + + "\">If the param is null, then the default value is " + def_arg + "</param>\n");
+ // Apparently the name attribute must not include the @
+ String param_tag_name ="@") ?, :;
+ default_args_doc.append(INDENT2 "/// <param name=\"" + param_tag_name + "\">If the parameter is null, then the default value is " + def_arg + "</param>\n");
} else {
icall_params += arg_type->cs_in.empty() ? : sformat(arg_type->cs_in,;
@@ -1138,61 +1615,67 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_method(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterf
// Generate method
if (!p_imethod.is_virtual && !p_imethod.requires_object_call) {
- p_output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)]" MEMBER_BEGIN "private static IntPtr ");
- p_output.push_back(method_bind_field + " = Object." ICALL_GET_METHODBIND "(" BINDINGS_NATIVE_NAME_FIELD ", \"");
- p_output.push_back(;
- p_output.push_back("\");\n");
+ p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)]" MEMBER_BEGIN "private static IntPtr ");
+ p_output.append(method_bind_field + " = Object." ICALL_GET_METHODBIND "(" BINDINGS_NATIVE_NAME_FIELD ", \"");
+ p_output.append(;
+ p_output.append("\");\n");
if (p_imethod.method_doc && p_imethod.method_doc->description.size()) {
- p_output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "/// <summary>\n");
+ String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(p_imethod.method_doc->description), &p_itype);
+ Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>();
- Vector<String> description_lines = p_imethod.method_doc->description.split("\n");
+ if (summary_lines.size() || default_args_doc.get_string_length()) {
+ p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "/// <summary>\n");
- for (int i = 0; i < description_lines.size(); i++) {
- String description_line = description_lines[i].strip_edges();
- if (description_line.size()) {
- p_output.push_back(INDENT2 "/// ");
- p_output.push_back(description_line.xml_escape());
- p_output.push_back("\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) {
+ p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// ");
+ p_output.append(summary_lines[i]);
+ p_output.append("\n");
- }
- for (List<String>::Element *E = default_args_doc.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- p_output.push_back(E->get().xml_escape());
+ p_output.append(default_args_doc.as_string());
+ p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// </summary>");
- p_output.push_back(INDENT2 "/// </summary>");
if (!p_imethod.is_internal) {
- p_output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN "[GodotMethod(\"");
- p_output.push_back(;
- p_output.push_back("\")]");
+ p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "[GodotMethod(\"");
+ p_output.append(;
+ p_output.append("\")]");
+ }
+ if (p_imethod.is_deprecated) {
+ if (p_imethod.deprecation_message.empty())
+ WARN_PRINTS("An empty deprecation message is discouraged. Method: " + p_imethod.proxy_name);
+ p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "[Obsolete(\"");
+ p_output.append(p_imethod.deprecation_message);
+ p_output.append("\")]");
- p_output.push_back(MEMBER_BEGIN);
- p_output.push_back(p_imethod.is_internal ? "internal " : "public ");
+ p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN);
+ p_output.append(p_imethod.is_internal ? "internal " : "public ");
if (p_itype.is_singleton) {
- p_output.push_back("static ");
+ p_output.append("static ");
} else if (p_imethod.is_virtual) {
- p_output.push_back("virtual ");
+ p_output.append("virtual ");
- p_output.push_back(return_type->cs_type + " ");
- p_output.push_back(p_imethod.proxy_name + "(");
- p_output.push_back(arguments_sig + ")\n" OPEN_BLOCK_L2);
+ p_output.append(return_type->cs_type + " ");
+ p_output.append(p_imethod.proxy_name + "(");
+ p_output.append(arguments_sig + ")\n" OPEN_BLOCK_L2);
if (p_imethod.is_virtual) {
// Godot virtual method must be overridden, therefore we return a default value by default.
if (return_type->cname == name_cache.type_void) {
- p_output.push_back("return;\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L2);
+ p_output.append("return;\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L2);
} else {
- p_output.push_back("return default(");
- p_output.push_back(return_type->cs_type);
- p_output.push_back(");\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L2);
+ p_output.append("return default(");
+ p_output.append(return_type->cs_type);
+ p_output.append(");\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L2);
return OK; // Won't increment method bind count
@@ -1201,16 +1684,16 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_method(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterf
if (p_imethod.requires_object_call) {
// Fallback to Godot's object.Call(string, params)
- p_output.push_back(CS_METHOD_CALL "(\"");
- p_output.push_back(;
- p_output.push_back("\"");
+ p_output.append(CS_METHOD_CALL "(\"");
+ p_output.append(;
+ p_output.append("\"");
for (const List<ArgumentInterface>::Element *F = p_imethod.arguments.front(); F; F = F->next()) {
- p_output.push_back(", ");
- p_output.push_back(F->get().name);
+ p_output.append(", ");
+ p_output.append(F->get().name);
- p_output.push_back(");\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L2);
+ p_output.append(");\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L2);
return OK; // Won't increment method bind count
@@ -1224,37 +1707,36 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_method(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterf
im_call += "." + im_icall->name + "(" + icall_params + ")";
if (p_imethod.arguments.size())
- p_output.push_back(cs_in_statements);
+ p_output.append(cs_in_statements);
if (return_type->cname == name_cache.type_void) {
- p_output.push_back(im_call + ";\n");
+ p_output.append(im_call + ";\n");
} else if (return_type->cs_out.empty()) {
- p_output.push_back("return " + im_call + ";\n");
+ p_output.append("return " + im_call + ";\n");
} else {
- p_output.push_back(sformat(return_type->cs_out, im_call, return_type->cs_type, return_type->im_type_out));
- p_output.push_back("\n");
+ p_output.append(sformat(return_type->cs_out, im_call, return_type->cs_type, return_type->im_type_out));
+ p_output.append("\n");
- p_output.push_back(CLOSE_BLOCK_L2);
+ p_output.append(CLOSE_BLOCK_L2);
return OK;
Error BindingsGenerator::generate_glue(const String &p_output_dir) {
- verbose_output = true;
bool dir_exists = DirAccess::exists(p_output_dir);
ERR_EXPLAIN("The output directory does not exist.");
- List<String> output;
+ StringBuilder output;
- output.push_back("/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n");
- output.push_back("#include \"" GLUE_HEADER_FILE "\"\n");
- output.push_back("\n#ifdef MONO_GLUE_ENABLED\n");
+ output.append("/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n");
+ output.append("#include \"" GLUE_HEADER_FILE "\"\n");
+ output.append("\n#ifdef MONO_GLUE_ENABLED\n");
@@ -1274,7 +1756,7 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_glue(const String &p_output_dir) {
List<InternalCall> &custom_icalls = itype.api_type == ClassDB::API_EDITOR ? editor_custom_icalls : core_custom_icalls;
- OS::get_singleton()->print(String("Generating " + + "...\n").utf8());
+ OS::get_singleton()->print("Generating %s...\n",;
String ctor_method(ICALL_PREFIX + itype.proxy_name + "_Ctor"); // Used only for derived types
@@ -1294,11 +1776,11 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_glue(const String &p_output_dir) {
if (!find_icall_by_name(, custom_icalls))
- output.push_back("Object* ");
- output.push_back(singleton_icall_name);
- output.push_back("() " OPEN_BLOCK "\treturn Engine::get_singleton()->get_singleton_object(\"");
- output.push_back(itype.proxy_name);
- output.push_back("\");\n" CLOSE_BLOCK "\n");
+ output.append("Object* ");
+ output.append(singleton_icall_name);
+ output.append("() " OPEN_BLOCK "\treturn Engine::get_singleton()->get_singleton_object(\"");
+ output.append(itype.proxy_name);
+ output.append("\");\n" CLOSE_BLOCK "\n");
if (is_derived_type && itype.is_instantiable) {
@@ -1307,43 +1789,43 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_glue(const String &p_output_dir) {
if (!find_icall_by_name(, custom_icalls))
- output.push_back("Object* ");
- output.push_back(ctor_method);
- output.push_back("(MonoObject* obj) " OPEN_BLOCK
- "\t" C_MACRO_OBJECT_CONSTRUCT "(instance, \"");
- output.push_back(;
- output.push_back("\");\n"
- "\t" C_METHOD_TIE_MANAGED_TO_UNMANAGED "(obj, instance);\n"
- "\treturn instance;\n" CLOSE_BLOCK "\n");
+ output.append("Object* ");
+ output.append(ctor_method);
+ output.append("(MonoObject* obj) " OPEN_BLOCK
+ "\t" C_MACRO_OBJECT_CONSTRUCT "(instance, \"");
+ output.append(;
+ output.append("\");\n"
+ "\t" C_METHOD_TIE_MANAGED_TO_UNMANAGED "(obj, instance);\n"
+ "\treturn instance;\n" CLOSE_BLOCK "\n");
- output.push_back("namespace GodotSharpBindings\n" OPEN_BLOCK "\n");
+ output.append("namespace GodotSharpBindings\n" OPEN_BLOCK "\n");
- output.push_back("uint64_t get_core_api_hash() { return ");
- output.push_back(String::num_uint64(GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_core_hash()) + "U; }\n");
+ output.append("uint64_t get_core_api_hash() { return ");
+ output.append(String::num_uint64(GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_core_hash()) + "U; }\n");
- output.push_back("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n"
- "uint64_t get_editor_api_hash() { return ");
- output.push_back(String::num_uint64(GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_editor_hash()) + "U; }\n");
- output.push_back("#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED\n");
+ output.append("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n"
+ "uint64_t get_editor_api_hash() { return ");
+ output.append(String::num_uint64(GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_editor_hash()) + "U; }\n");
+ output.append("#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED\n");
- output.push_back("uint32_t get_bindings_version() { return ");
- output.push_back(String::num_uint64(BINDINGS_GENERATOR_VERSION) + "; }\n");
+ output.append("uint32_t get_bindings_version() { return ");
+ output.append(String::num_uint64(BINDINGS_GENERATOR_VERSION) + "; }\n");
- output.push_back("\nvoid register_generated_icalls() " OPEN_BLOCK);
- output.push_back("\tgodot_register_glue_header_icalls();\n");
+ output.append("\nvoid register_generated_icalls() " OPEN_BLOCK);
+ output.append("\tgodot_register_glue_header_icalls();\n");
- { \
- output.push_back("\tmono_add_internal_call("); \
- output.push_back("\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "."); \
- output.push_back("::"); \
- output.push_back(; \
- output.push_back("\", (void*)"); \
- output.push_back(; \
- output.push_back(");\n"); \
+ { \
+ output.append("\tmono_add_internal_call("); \
+ output.append("\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "."); \
+ output.append("::"); \
+ output.append(; \
+ output.append("\", (void*)"); \
+ output.append(; \
+ output.append(");\n"); \
bool tools_sequence = false;
@@ -1352,11 +1834,11 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_glue(const String &p_output_dir) {
if (tools_sequence) {
if (!E->get().editor_only) {
tools_sequence = false;
- output.push_back("#endif\n");
+ output.append("#endif\n");
} else {
if (E->get().editor_only) {
- output.push_back("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n");
+ output.append("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n");
tools_sequence = true;
@@ -1366,23 +1848,23 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_glue(const String &p_output_dir) {
if (tools_sequence) {
tools_sequence = false;
- output.push_back("#endif\n");
+ output.append("#endif\n");
- output.push_back("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n");
+ output.append("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n");
for (const List<InternalCall>::Element *E = editor_custom_icalls.front(); E; E = E->next())
- output.push_back("#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED\n");
+ output.append("#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED\n");
for (const List<InternalCall>::Element *E = method_icalls.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
if (tools_sequence) {
if (!E->get().editor_only) {
tools_sequence = false;
- output.push_back("#endif\n");
+ output.append("#endif\n");
} else {
if (E->get().editor_only) {
- output.push_back("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n");
+ output.append("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n");
tools_sequence = true;
@@ -1392,14 +1874,14 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_glue(const String &p_output_dir) {
if (tools_sequence) {
tools_sequence = false;
- output.push_back("#endif\n");
+ output.append("#endif\n");
- output.push_back(CLOSE_BLOCK "\n} // namespace GodotSharpBindings\n");
+ output.append(CLOSE_BLOCK "\n} // namespace GodotSharpBindings\n");
- output.push_back("\n#endif // MONO_GLUE_ENABLED\n");
+ output.append("\n#endif // MONO_GLUE_ENABLED\n");
Error save_err = _save_file(path_join(p_output_dir, "mono_glue.gen.cpp"), output);
if (save_err != OK)
@@ -1414,23 +1896,20 @@ uint32_t BindingsGenerator::get_version() {
-Error BindingsGenerator::_save_file(const String &p_path, const List<String> &p_content) {
+Error BindingsGenerator::_save_file(const String &p_path, const StringBuilder &p_content) {
FileAccessRef file = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::WRITE);
ERR_EXPLAIN("Cannot open file: " + p_path);
- for (const List<String>::Element *E = p_content.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- file->store_string(E->get());
- }
+ file->store_string(p_content.as_string());
return OK;
-Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_glue_method(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface &p_itype, const BindingsGenerator::MethodInterface &p_imethod, List<String> &p_output) {
+Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_glue_method(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface &p_itype, const BindingsGenerator::MethodInterface &p_imethod, StringBuilder &p_output) {
if (p_imethod.is_virtual)
return OK; // Ignore
@@ -1486,15 +1965,15 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_glue_method(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInte
if (im_icall->editor_only)
- p_output.push_back("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n");
+ p_output.append("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n");
// Generate icall function
- p_output.push_back(ret_void ? "void " : return_type->c_type_out + " ");
- p_output.push_back(icall_method);
- p_output.push_back("(");
- p_output.push_back(c_func_sig);
- p_output.push_back(") " OPEN_BLOCK);
+ p_output.append(ret_void ? "void " : return_type->c_type_out + " ");
+ p_output.append(icall_method);
+ p_output.append("(");
+ p_output.append(c_func_sig);
+ p_output.append(") " OPEN_BLOCK);
String fail_ret = ret_void ? "" : ", " + (return_type->c_type_out.ends_with("*") ? "NULL" : return_type->c_type_out + "()");
@@ -1508,7 +1987,7 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_glue_method(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInte
// the Variant alive until the method returns. Otherwise, if the returned Variant holds a RefPtr,
// it could be deleted too early. This is the case with which returns OBJECT.
// Alternatively, we could just return Variant, but that would result in a worse API.
- p_output.push_back("\tVariant " C_LOCAL_VARARG_RET ";\n");
+ p_output.append("\tVariant " C_LOCAL_VARARG_RET ";\n");
if (return_type->is_object_type) {
@@ -1518,90 +1997,82 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_glue_method(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInte
ptrcall_return_type = return_type->c_type;
- p_output.push_back("\t" + ptrcall_return_type);
- p_output.push_back(" " C_LOCAL_RET);
- p_output.push_back(initialization + ";\n");
- p_output.push_back("\tERR_FAIL_NULL_V(" CS_PARAM_INSTANCE);
- p_output.push_back(fail_ret);
- p_output.push_back(");\n");
+ p_output.append("\t" + ptrcall_return_type);
+ p_output.append(" " C_LOCAL_RET);
+ p_output.append(initialization + ";\n");
+ p_output.append("\tERR_FAIL_NULL_V(" CS_PARAM_INSTANCE);
+ p_output.append(fail_ret);
+ p_output.append(");\n");
} else {
- p_output.push_back("\tERR_FAIL_NULL(" CS_PARAM_INSTANCE ");\n");
+ p_output.append("\tERR_FAIL_NULL(" CS_PARAM_INSTANCE ");\n");
if (p_imethod.arguments.size()) {
if (p_imethod.is_vararg) {
- String err_fail_macro = ret_void ? "ERR_FAIL_COND" : "ERR_FAIL_COND_V";
String vararg_arg = "arg" + argc_str;
String real_argc_str = itos(p_imethod.arguments.size() - 1); // Arguments count without vararg
- p_output.push_back("\tVector<Variant> varargs;\n"
- "\tint vararg_length = mono_array_length(");
- p_output.push_back(vararg_arg);
- p_output.push_back(");\n\tint total_length = ");
- p_output.push_back(real_argc_str);
- p_output.push_back(" + vararg_length;\n\t");
- p_output.push_back(err_fail_macro);
- p_output.push_back("(varargs.resize(vararg_length) != OK");
- p_output.push_back(fail_ret);
- p_output.push_back(");\n\tVector<Variant*> " C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS ";\n\t");
- p_output.push_back(err_fail_macro);
- p_output.push_back("(call_args.resize(total_length) != OK");
- p_output.push_back(fail_ret);
- p_output.push_back(");\n");
- p_output.push_back(c_in_statements);
- p_output.push_back("\tfor (int i = 0; i < vararg_length; i++) " OPEN_BLOCK
- "\t\tMonoObject* elem = mono_array_get(");
- p_output.push_back(vararg_arg);
- p_output.push_back(", MonoObject*, i);\n"
- "\t\tvarargs.set(i, GDMonoMarshal::mono_object_to_variant(elem));\n"
- "\t\t" C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS ".set(");
- p_output.push_back(real_argc_str);
- p_output.push_back(" + i, &varargs.write[i]);\n\t" CLOSE_BLOCK);
+ p_output.append("\tint vararg_length = mono_array_length(");
+ p_output.append(vararg_arg);
+ p_output.append(");\n\tint total_length = ");
+ p_output.append(real_argc_str);
+ p_output.append(" + vararg_length;\n"
+ "\tArgumentsVector<Variant> varargs(vararg_length);\n"
+ "\tArgumentsVector<const Variant *> " C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS "(total_length);\n");
+ p_output.append(c_in_statements);
+ p_output.append("\tfor (int i = 0; i < vararg_length; i++) " OPEN_BLOCK
+ "\t\tMonoObject* elem = mono_array_get(");
+ p_output.append(vararg_arg);
+ p_output.append(", MonoObject*, i);\n"
+ "\t\tvarargs.set(i, GDMonoMarshal::mono_object_to_variant(elem));\n"
+ "\t\t" C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS ".set(");
+ p_output.append(real_argc_str);
+ p_output.append(" + i, &varargs.get(i));\n\t" CLOSE_BLOCK);
} else {
- p_output.push_back(c_in_statements);
- p_output.push_back("\tconst void* " C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS "[");
- p_output.push_back(argc_str + "] = { ");
- p_output.push_back(c_args_var_content + " };\n");
+ p_output.append(c_in_statements);
+ p_output.append("\tconst void* " C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS "[");
+ p_output.append(argc_str + "] = { ");
+ p_output.append(c_args_var_content + " };\n");
if (p_imethod.is_vararg) {
- p_output.push_back("\tVariant::CallError vcall_error;\n\t");
+ p_output.append("\tVariant::CallError vcall_error;\n\t");
if (!ret_void) {
// See the comment on the C_LOCAL_VARARG_RET declaration
if (return_type->cname != name_cache.type_Variant) {
- p_output.push_back(C_LOCAL_VARARG_RET " = ");
+ p_output.append(C_LOCAL_VARARG_RET " = ");
} else {
- p_output.push_back(C_LOCAL_RET " = ");
+ p_output.append(C_LOCAL_RET " = ");
- p_output.push_back(CS_PARAM_METHODBIND "->call(" CS_PARAM_INSTANCE ", ");
- p_output.push_back(p_imethod.arguments.size() ? "(const Variant**)" C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS ".ptr()" : "NULL");
- p_output.push_back(", total_length, vcall_error);\n");
+ p_output.append(CS_PARAM_METHODBIND "->call(" CS_PARAM_INSTANCE ", ");
+ p_output.append(p_imethod.arguments.size() ? C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS ".ptr()" : "NULL");
+ p_output.append(", total_length, vcall_error);\n");
// See the comment on the C_LOCAL_VARARG_RET declaration
if (return_type->cname != name_cache.type_Variant) {
- p_output.push_back("\t" C_LOCAL_RET " = " C_LOCAL_VARARG_RET ";\n");
+ p_output.append("\t" C_LOCAL_RET " = " C_LOCAL_VARARG_RET ";\n");
} else {
- p_output.push_back("\t" CS_PARAM_METHODBIND "->ptrcall(" CS_PARAM_INSTANCE ", ");
- p_output.push_back(p_imethod.arguments.size() ? C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS ", " : "NULL, ");
- p_output.push_back(!ret_void ? "&" C_LOCAL_RET ");\n" : "NULL);\n");
+ p_output.append("\t" CS_PARAM_METHODBIND "->ptrcall(" CS_PARAM_INSTANCE ", ");
+ p_output.append(p_imethod.arguments.size() ? C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS ", " : "NULL, ");
+ p_output.append(!ret_void ? "&" C_LOCAL_RET ");\n" : "NULL);\n");
if (!ret_void) {
if (return_type->c_out.empty())
- p_output.push_back("\treturn " C_LOCAL_RET ";\n");
+ p_output.append("\treturn " C_LOCAL_RET ";\n");
- p_output.push_back(sformat(return_type->c_out, return_type->c_type_out, C_LOCAL_RET, return_type->name));
+ p_output.append(sformat(return_type->c_out, return_type->c_type_out, C_LOCAL_RET, return_type->name));
- p_output.push_back(CLOSE_BLOCK "\n");
+ p_output.append(CLOSE_BLOCK "\n");
if (im_icall->editor_only)
- p_output.push_back("#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED\n");
+ p_output.append("#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED\n");
return OK;
@@ -1654,6 +2125,58 @@ const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface *BindingsGenerator::_get_type_or_placehol
return &placeholder_types.insert(placeholder.cname, placeholder)->get();
+StringName BindingsGenerator::_get_int_type_name_from_meta(GodotTypeInfo::Metadata p_meta) {
+ switch (p_meta) {
+ case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_INT8:
+ return "sbyte";
+ break;
+ case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_INT16:
+ return "short";
+ break;
+ case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_INT32:
+ return "int";
+ break;
+ case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_INT64:
+ return "long";
+ break;
+ case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_UINT8:
+ return "byte";
+ break;
+ case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_UINT16:
+ return "ushort";
+ break;
+ case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_UINT32:
+ return "uint";
+ break;
+ case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_UINT64:
+ return "ulong";
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Assume INT32
+ return "int";
+ }
+StringName BindingsGenerator::_get_float_type_name_from_meta(GodotTypeInfo::Metadata p_meta) {
+ switch (p_meta) {
+ case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_REAL_IS_FLOAT:
+ return "float";
+ break;
+ case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_REAL_IS_DOUBLE:
+ return "double";
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Assume real_t (float or double depending of REAL_T_IS_DOUBLE)
+ return "double";
+ return "float";
+ }
void BindingsGenerator::_populate_object_type_interfaces() {
@@ -1673,15 +2196,13 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_object_type_interfaces() {
if (!ClassDB::is_class_exposed(type_cname)) {
- if (verbose_output)
- WARN_PRINTS("Ignoring type " + type_cname.operator String() + " because it's not exposed");
+ _log("Ignoring type `%s` because it's not exposed\n", String(type_cname).utf8().get_data());
if (!ClassDB::is_class_enabled(type_cname)) {
- if (verbose_output)
- WARN_PRINTS("Ignoring type " + type_cname.operator String() + " because it's not enabled");
+ _log("Ignoring type `%s` because it's not enabled\n", String(type_cname).utf8().get_data());
@@ -1709,10 +2230,12 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_object_type_interfaces() {
itype.im_type_in = "IntPtr";
itype.im_type_out = itype.proxy_name;
+ // Populate properties
List<PropertyInfo> property_list;
ClassDB::get_property_list(type_cname, &property_list, true);
- // Populate properties
+ Map<StringName, StringName> accessor_methods;
for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = property_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
const PropertyInfo &property = E->get();
@@ -1722,24 +2245,30 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_object_type_interfaces() {
PropertyInterface iprop;
iprop.cname =;
- iprop.proxy_name = escape_csharp_keyword(snake_to_pascal_case(iprop.cname));
iprop.setter = ClassDB::get_property_setter(type_cname, iprop.cname);
iprop.getter = ClassDB::get_property_getter(type_cname, iprop.cname);
+ if (iprop.setter != StringName())
+ accessor_methods[iprop.setter] = iprop.cname;
+ if (iprop.getter != StringName())
+ accessor_methods[iprop.getter] = iprop.cname;
bool valid = false;
iprop.index = ClassDB::get_property_index(type_cname, iprop.cname, &valid);
- // Prevent property and enclosing type from sharing the same name
+ iprop.proxy_name = escape_csharp_keyword(snake_to_pascal_case(iprop.cname));
+ // Prevent the property and its enclosing type from sharing the same name
if (iprop.proxy_name == itype.proxy_name) {
- if (verbose_output) {
- WARN_PRINTS("Name of property `" + iprop.proxy_name + "` is ambiguous with the name of its class `" +
- itype.proxy_name + "`. Renaming property to `" + iprop.proxy_name + "_`");
- }
+ _log("Name of property `%s` is ambiguous with the name of its enclosing class `%s`. Renaming property to `%s_`\n",
+ iprop.proxy_name.utf8().get_data(), itype.proxy_name.utf8().get_data(), iprop.proxy_name.utf8().get_data());
iprop.proxy_name += "_";
+ iprop.proxy_name = iprop.proxy_name.replace("/", "__"); // Some members have a slash...
iprop.prop_doc = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < itype.class_doc->properties.size(); i++) {
@@ -1800,14 +2329,13 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_object_type_interfaces() {
// which could actually will return something different.
// Let's put this to notify us if that ever happens.
if (itype.cname != name_cache.type_Object || != "free") {
- if (verbose_output) {
- WARN_PRINTS("Notification: New unexpected virtual non-overridable method found.\n"
- "We only expected, but found " +
- + "." +;
- }
+ ERR_PRINTS("Notification: New unexpected virtual non-overridable method found.\n"
+ "We only expected, but found " +
+ + "." +;
} else {
- ERR_PRINTS("Missing MethodBind for non-virtual method: " + + "." +;
+ ERR_EXPLAIN("Missing MethodBind for non-virtual method: " + + "." +;
} else if (return_info.type == Variant::INT && return_info.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) {
imethod.return_type.cname = return_info.class_name;
@@ -1821,7 +2349,13 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_object_type_interfaces() {
} else if (return_info.type == Variant::NIL) {
imethod.return_type.cname = name_cache.type_void;
} else {
- imethod.return_type.cname = Variant::get_type_name(return_info.type);
+ if (return_info.type == Variant::INT) {
+ imethod.return_type.cname = _get_int_type_name_from_meta(m ? m->get_argument_meta(-1) : GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_NONE);
+ } else if (return_info.type == Variant::REAL) {
+ imethod.return_type.cname = _get_float_type_name_from_meta(m ? m->get_argument_meta(-1) : GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_NONE);
+ } else {
+ imethod.return_type.cname = Variant::get_type_name(return_info.type);
+ }
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
@@ -1840,7 +2374,13 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_object_type_interfaces() {
} else if (arginfo.type == Variant::NIL) {
iarg.type.cname = name_cache.type_Variant;
} else {
- iarg.type.cname = Variant::get_type_name(arginfo.type);
+ if (arginfo.type == Variant::INT) {
+ iarg.type.cname = _get_int_type_name_from_meta(m ? m->get_argument_meta(i) : GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_NONE);
+ } else if (arginfo.type == Variant::REAL) {
+ iarg.type.cname = _get_float_type_name_from_meta(m ? m->get_argument_meta(i) : GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_NONE);
+ } else {
+ iarg.type.cname = Variant::get_type_name(arginfo.type);
+ }
} = escape_csharp_keyword(snake_to_camel_case(;
@@ -1861,16 +2401,24 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_object_type_interfaces() {
imethod.proxy_name = escape_csharp_keyword(snake_to_pascal_case(;
- // Prevent naming the property and its enclosing type from sharing the same name
+ // Prevent the method and its enclosing type from sharing the same name
if (imethod.proxy_name == itype.proxy_name) {
- if (verbose_output) {
- WARN_PRINTS("Name of method `" + imethod.proxy_name + "` is ambiguous with the name of its class `" +
- itype.proxy_name + "`. Renaming method to `" + imethod.proxy_name + "_`");
- }
+ _log("Name of method `%s` is ambiguous with the name of its enclosing class `%s`. Renaming method to `%s_`\n",
+ imethod.proxy_name.utf8().get_data(), itype.proxy_name.utf8().get_data(), imethod.proxy_name.utf8().get_data());
imethod.proxy_name += "_";
+ Map<StringName, StringName>::Element *accessor = accessor_methods.find(imethod.cname);
+ if (accessor) {
+ const PropertyInterface *accessor_property = itype.find_property_by_name(accessor->value());
+ // We only deprecate an accessor method if it's in the same class as the property. It's easier this way, but also
+ // we don't know if an accessor method in a different class could have other purposes, so better leave those untouched.
+ imethod.is_deprecated = true;
+ imethod.deprecation_message = imethod.proxy_name + " is deprecated. Use the " + accessor_property->proxy_name + " property instead.";
+ }
if (itype.class_doc) {
for (int i = 0; i < itype.class_doc->methods.size(); i++) {
if (itype.class_doc->methods[i].name == {
@@ -1881,8 +2429,8 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_object_type_interfaces() {
if (!imethod.is_virtual &&[0] == '_') {
- for (const List<PropertyInterface>::Element *E =; E; E = E->next()) {
- const PropertyInterface &iprop = E->get();
+ for (const List<PropertyInterface>::Element *F =; F; F = F->next()) {
+ const PropertyInterface &iprop = F->get();
if (iprop.setter == || iprop.getter == {
imethod.is_internal = true;
@@ -1897,8 +2445,8 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_object_type_interfaces() {
// Populate enums and constants
- List<String> constant_list;
- ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(type_cname, &constant_list, true);
+ List<String> constants;
+ ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(type_cname, &constants, true);
const HashMap<StringName, List<StringName> > &enum_map = class_info->enum_map;
const StringName *k = NULL;
@@ -1913,13 +2461,13 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_object_type_interfaces() {
enum_proxy_cname = StringName(enum_proxy_name);
EnumInterface ienum(enum_proxy_cname);
- const List<StringName> &constants = enum_map.get(*k);
- for (const List<StringName>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ const List<StringName> &enum_constants = enum_map.get(*k);
+ for (const List<StringName>::Element *E = enum_constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
const StringName &constant_cname = E->get();
String constant_name = constant_cname.operator String();
int *value = class_info->constant_map.getptr(constant_cname);
- constant_list.erase(constant_name);
+ constants.erase(constant_name);
ConstantInterface iconstant(constant_name, snake_to_pascal_case(constant_name, true), *value);
@@ -1951,7 +2499,7 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_object_type_interfaces() {
enum_types.insert(enum_itype.cname, enum_itype);
- for (const List<String>::Element *E = constant_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ for (const List<String>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
const String &constant_name = E->get();
int *value = class_info->constant_map.getptr(StringName(E->get()));
@@ -2032,6 +2580,7 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_default_argument_from_variant(const Variant &p_val, Arg
r_iarg.default_argument = "null";
case Variant::DICTIONARY:
case Variant::_RID:
r_iarg.default_argument = "new %s()";
@@ -2054,7 +2603,8 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_default_argument_from_variant(const Variant &p_val, Arg
r_iarg.default_argument = Variant::get_type_name(p_val.get_type()) + ".Identity";
r_iarg.def_param_mode = ArgumentInterface::NULLABLE_VAL;
- default: {}
+ default: {
+ }
if (r_iarg.def_param_mode == ArgumentInterface::CONSTANT && r_iarg.type.cname == name_cache.type_Variant && r_iarg.default_argument != "null")
@@ -2096,7 +2646,6 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_builtin_type_interfaces() {
// bool
itype = TypeInterface::create_value_type(String("bool"));
// MonoBoolean <---> bool
itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = (%0)%1;\n";
@@ -2110,45 +2659,73 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_builtin_type_interfaces() {
itype.im_type_out =;
builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype);
- // int
- // C interface is the same as that of enums. Remember to apply any
- // changes done here to TypeInterface::postsetup_enum_type as well
- itype = TypeInterface::create_value_type(String("int"));
- itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in";
+ // Integer types
- // The expected types for parameters and return value in ptrcall are 'int64_t' or 'uint64_t'.
- itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = (%0)%1;\n";
- itype.c_out = "\treturn (%0)%1;\n";
- itype.c_type = "int64_t";
+ // C interface for 'uint32_t' is the same as that of enums. Remember to apply
+ // any of the changes done here to 'TypeInterface::postsetup_enum_type' as well.
+#define INSERT_INT_TYPE(m_name, m_c_type_in_out, m_c_type) \
+ { \
+ itype = TypeInterface::create_value_type(String(m_name)); \
+ { \
+ itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = (%0)%1;\n"; \
+ itype.c_out = "\treturn (%0)%1;\n"; \
+ itype.c_type = #m_c_type; \
+ itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; \
+ } \
+ itype.c_type_in = #m_c_type_in_out; \
+ itype.c_type_out = itype.c_type_in; \
+ itype.im_type_in =; \
+ itype.im_type_out =; \
+ builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); \
- itype.c_type_in = "int32_t";
- itype.c_type_out = itype.c_type_in;
- itype.im_type_in =;
- itype.im_type_out =;
- builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype);
- // real_t
- itype = TypeInterface();
- = "float"; // The name is always "float" in Variant, even with REAL_T_IS_DOUBLE.
- itype.cname =;
- itype.proxy_name = "double";
- itype.proxy_name = "float";
+ // The expected type for all integers in ptrcall is 'int64_t', so that's what we use for 'c_type'
+ INSERT_INT_TYPE("sbyte", int8_t, int64_t);
+ INSERT_INT_TYPE("short", int16_t, int64_t);
+ INSERT_INT_TYPE("int", int32_t, int64_t);
+ INSERT_INT_TYPE("long", int64_t, int64_t);
+ INSERT_INT_TYPE("byte", uint8_t, int64_t);
+ INSERT_INT_TYPE("ushort", uint16_t, int64_t);
+ INSERT_INT_TYPE("uint", uint32_t, int64_t);
+ INSERT_INT_TYPE("ulong", uint64_t, int64_t);
+ }
+ // Floating point types
- // The expected type for parameters and return value in ptrcall is 'double'.
- itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = (%0)%1;\n";
- itype.c_out = "\treturn (%0)%1;\n";
+ // float
+ itype = TypeInterface();
+ = "float";
+ itype.cname =;
+ itype.proxy_name = "float";
+ {
+ // The expected type for 'float' in ptrcall is 'double'
+ itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = (%0)%1;\n";
+ itype.c_out = "\treturn (%0)%1;\n";
+ itype.c_type = "double";
+ itype.c_type_in = "float";
+ itype.c_type_out = "float";
+ itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in";
+ }
+ itype.cs_type = itype.proxy_name;
+ itype.im_type_in = itype.proxy_name;
+ itype.im_type_out = itype.proxy_name;
+ builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype);
+ // double
+ itype = TypeInterface();
+ = "double";
+ itype.cname =;
+ itype.proxy_name = "double";
itype.c_type = "double";
- itype.c_type_in = "real_t";
- itype.c_type_out = "real_t";
- itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in";
+ itype.c_type_in = "double";
+ itype.c_type_out = "double";
+ itype.c_arg_in = "&%s";
+ itype.cs_type = itype.proxy_name;
+ itype.im_type_in = itype.proxy_name;
+ itype.im_type_out = itype.proxy_name;
+ builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype);
- itype.cs_type = itype.proxy_name;
- itype.im_type_in = itype.proxy_name;
- itype.im_type_out = itype.proxy_name;
- builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype);
// String
itype = TypeInterface();
@@ -2344,9 +2921,9 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_global_constants() {
if (enum_name != StringName()) {
EnumInterface ienum(enum_name);
- List<EnumInterface>::Element *match = global_enums.find(ienum);
- if (match) {
- match->get().constants.push_back(iconstant);
+ List<EnumInterface>::Element *enum_match = global_enums.find(ienum);
+ if (enum_match) {
+ enum_match->get().constants.push_back(iconstant);
} else {
@@ -2398,7 +2975,18 @@ void BindingsGenerator::_populate_global_constants() {
-void BindingsGenerator::initialize() {
+void BindingsGenerator::_log(const char *p_format, ...) {
+ if (log_print_enabled) {
+ va_list list;
+ va_start(list, p_format);
+ OS::get_singleton()->print("%s", str_format(p_format, list).utf8().get_data());
+ va_end(list);
+ }
+void BindingsGenerator::_initialize() {
@@ -2421,38 +3009,33 @@ void BindingsGenerator::initialize() {
void BindingsGenerator::handle_cmdline_args(const List<String> &p_cmdline_args) {
const int NUM_OPTIONS = 2;
- int options_left = NUM_OPTIONS;
String mono_glue_option = "--generate-mono-glue";
String cs_api_option = "--generate-cs-api";
- verbose_output = true;
+ String mono_glue_path;
+ String cs_api_path;
+ int options_left = NUM_OPTIONS;
const List<String>::Element *elem = p_cmdline_args.front();
while (elem && options_left) {
if (elem->get() == mono_glue_option) {
const List<String>::Element *path_elem = elem->next();
if (path_elem) {
- if (get_singleton()->generate_glue(path_elem->get()) != OK)
- ERR_PRINTS(mono_glue_option + ": Failed to generate mono glue");
+ mono_glue_path = path_elem->get();
elem = elem->next();
} else {
ERR_PRINTS(mono_glue_option + ": No output directory specified");
} else if (elem->get() == cs_api_option) {
const List<String>::Element *path_elem = elem->next();
if (path_elem) {
- if (get_singleton()->generate_cs_api(path_elem->get()) != OK)
- ERR_PRINTS(cs_api_option + ": Failed to generate the C# API");
+ cs_api_path = path_elem->get();
elem = elem->next();
} else {
ERR_PRINTS(cs_api_option + ": No output directory specified");
@@ -2464,10 +3047,23 @@ void BindingsGenerator::handle_cmdline_args(const List<String> &p_cmdline_args)
elem = elem->next();
- verbose_output = false;
+ if (mono_glue_path.length() || cs_api_path.length()) {
+ BindingsGenerator bindings_generator;
+ bindings_generator.set_log_print_enabled(true);
+ if (mono_glue_path.length()) {
+ if (bindings_generator.generate_glue(mono_glue_path) != OK)
+ ERR_PRINTS(mono_glue_option + ": Failed to generate mono glue");
+ }
- if (options_left != NUM_OPTIONS)
+ if (cs_api_path.length()) {
+ if (bindings_generator.generate_cs_api(cs_api_path) != OK)
+ ERR_PRINTS(cs_api_option + ": Failed to generate the C# API");
+ }
+ // Exit once done
+ }
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.h b/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.h
index 8a1c942f6b..bdba28c267 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.h
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "core/class_db.h"
+#include "core/string_builder.h"
#include "dotnet_solution.h"
#include "editor/doc/doc_data.h"
#include "editor/editor_help.h"
@@ -87,8 +88,13 @@ class BindingsGenerator {
StringName cname;
bool is_enum;
- TypeReference() {
- is_enum = false;
+ TypeReference() :
+ is_enum(false) {
+ }
+ TypeReference(const StringName &p_cname) :
+ cname(p_cname),
+ is_enum(false) {
@@ -153,17 +159,20 @@ class BindingsGenerator {
const DocData::MethodDoc *method_doc;
+ bool is_deprecated;
+ String deprecation_message;
void add_argument(const ArgumentInterface &argument) {
MethodInterface() {
- return_type.cname = BindingsGenerator::get_singleton()->name_cache.type_void;
is_vararg = false;
is_virtual = false;
requires_object_call = false;
is_internal = false;
method_doc = NULL;
+ is_deprecated = false;
@@ -321,6 +330,15 @@ class BindingsGenerator {
return NULL;
+ const PropertyInterface *find_property_by_name(const StringName &p_cname) const {
+ for (const List<PropertyInterface>::Element *E = properties.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().cname == p_cname)
+ return &E->get();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
const PropertyInterface *find_property_by_proxy_name(const String &p_proxy_name) const {
for (const List<PropertyInterface>::Element *E = properties.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
if (E->get().proxy_name == p_proxy_name)
@@ -385,8 +403,8 @@ class BindingsGenerator {
static void postsetup_enum_type(TypeInterface &r_enum_itype) {
- // C interface is the same as that of 'int'. Remember to apply any
- // changes done here to the 'int' type interface as well
+ // C interface for enums is the same as that of 'uint32_t'. Remember to apply
+ // any of the changes done here to the 'uint32_t' type interface as well.
r_enum_itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in";
@@ -454,7 +472,7 @@ class BindingsGenerator {
- static bool verbose_output;
+ bool log_print_enabled;
OrderedHashMap<StringName, TypeInterface> obj_types;
@@ -475,27 +493,52 @@ class BindingsGenerator {
struct NameCache {
StringName type_void;
- StringName type_int;
StringName type_Array;
StringName type_Dictionary;
StringName type_Variant;
StringName type_VarArg;
StringName type_Object;
StringName type_Reference;
+ StringName type_String;
+ StringName type_at_GlobalScope;
StringName enum_Error;
+ StringName type_sbyte;
+ StringName type_short;
+ StringName type_int;
+ StringName type_long;
+ StringName type_byte;
+ StringName type_ushort;
+ StringName type_uint;
+ StringName type_ulong;
+ StringName type_float;
+ StringName type_double;
NameCache() {
type_void = StaticCString::create("void");
- type_int = StaticCString::create("int");
type_Array = StaticCString::create("Array");
type_Dictionary = StaticCString::create("Dictionary");
type_Variant = StaticCString::create("Variant");
type_VarArg = StaticCString::create("VarArg");
type_Object = StaticCString::create("Object");
type_Reference = StaticCString::create("Reference");
+ type_String = StaticCString::create("String");
+ type_at_GlobalScope = StaticCString::create("@GlobalScope");
enum_Error = StaticCString::create("Error");
+ type_sbyte = StaticCString::create("sbyte");
+ type_short = StaticCString::create("short");
+ type_int = StaticCString::create("int");
+ type_long = StaticCString::create("long");
+ type_byte = StaticCString::create("byte");
+ type_ushort = StaticCString::create("ushort");
+ type_uint = StaticCString::create("uint");
+ type_ulong = StaticCString::create("ulong");
+ type_float = StaticCString::create("float");
+ type_double = StaticCString::create("double");
+ private:
NameCache(const NameCache &);
NameCache &operator=(const NameCache &);
@@ -511,6 +554,15 @@ class BindingsGenerator {
return NULL;
+ const ConstantInterface *find_constant_by_name(const String &p_name, const List<ConstantInterface> &p_constants) const {
+ for (const List<ConstantInterface>::Element *E = p_constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().name == p_name)
+ return &E->get();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
inline String get_unique_sig(const TypeInterface &p_type) {
if (p_type.is_reference)
return "Ref";
@@ -522,6 +574,8 @@ class BindingsGenerator {
+ String bbcode_to_xml(const String &p_bbcode, const TypeInterface *p_itype);
int _determine_enum_prefix(const EnumInterface &p_ienum);
void _apply_prefix_to_enum_constants(EnumInterface &p_ienum, int p_prefix_length);
@@ -530,6 +584,9 @@ class BindingsGenerator {
const TypeInterface *_get_type_or_null(const TypeReference &p_typeref);
const TypeInterface *_get_type_or_placeholder(const TypeReference &p_typeref);
+ StringName _get_int_type_name_from_meta(GodotTypeInfo::Metadata p_meta);
+ StringName _get_float_type_name_from_meta(GodotTypeInfo::Metadata p_meta);
void _default_argument_from_variant(const Variant &p_val, ArgumentInterface &r_iarg);
void _populate_object_type_interfaces();
@@ -539,42 +596,35 @@ class BindingsGenerator {
Error _generate_cs_type(const TypeInterface &itype, const String &p_output_file);
- Error _generate_cs_property(const TypeInterface &p_itype, const PropertyInterface &p_iprop, List<String> &p_output);
- Error _generate_cs_method(const TypeInterface &p_itype, const MethodInterface &p_imethod, int &p_method_bind_count, List<String> &p_output);
+ Error _generate_cs_property(const TypeInterface &p_itype, const PropertyInterface &p_iprop, StringBuilder &p_output);
+ Error _generate_cs_method(const TypeInterface &p_itype, const MethodInterface &p_imethod, int &p_method_bind_count, StringBuilder &p_output);
- void _generate_global_constants(List<String> &p_output);
+ void _generate_global_constants(StringBuilder &p_output);
- Error _generate_glue_method(const TypeInterface &p_itype, const MethodInterface &p_imethod, List<String> &p_output);
+ Error _generate_glue_method(const TypeInterface &p_itype, const MethodInterface &p_imethod, StringBuilder &p_output);
- Error _save_file(const String &p_path, const List<String> &p_content);
+ Error _save_file(const String &p_path, const StringBuilder &p_content);
- BindingsGenerator() {}
+ void _log(const char *p_format, ...) _PRINTF_FORMAT_ATTRIBUTE_2_3;
- BindingsGenerator(const BindingsGenerator &);
- BindingsGenerator &operator=(const BindingsGenerator &);
- friend class CSharpLanguage;
- static BindingsGenerator *singleton;
+ void _initialize();
- Error generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_solution_dir, DotNetSolution &r_solution, bool p_verbose_output = true);
- Error generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_solution_dir, DotNetSolution &r_solution, bool p_verbose_output = true);
- Error generate_cs_api(const String &p_output_dir, bool p_verbose_output = true);
+ Error generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_solution_dir, DotNetSolution &r_solution);
+ Error generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_solution_dir, DotNetSolution &r_solution);
+ Error generate_cs_api(const String &p_output_dir);
Error generate_glue(const String &p_output_dir);
+ void set_log_print_enabled(bool p_enabled) { log_print_enabled = p_enabled; }
static uint32_t get_version();
- void initialize();
+ static void handle_cmdline_args(const List<String> &p_cmdline_args);
- _FORCE_INLINE_ static BindingsGenerator *get_singleton() {
- if (!singleton) {
- singleton = memnew(BindingsGenerator);
- singleton->initialize();
- }
- return singleton;
+ BindingsGenerator() :
+ log_print_enabled(true) {
+ _initialize();
- static void handle_cmdline_args(const List<String> &p_cmdline_args);
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/csharp_project.cpp b/modules/mono/editor/csharp_project.cpp
index beeff51bc2..fe79286556 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/csharp_project.cpp
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/csharp_project.cpp
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Error generate_scripts_metadata(const String &p_project_path, const String &p_ou
PoolStringArray project_files = GDMonoMarshal::mono_array_to_PoolStringArray(ret);
PoolStringArray::Read r =;
- Dictionary old_dict = CSharpLanguage::get_singleton()->get_scripts_metadata();
+ Dictionary old_dict = CSharpLanguage::get_singleton()->get_scripts_metadata_or_nothing();
Dictionary new_dict;
for (int i = 0; i < project_files.size(); i++) {
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_builds.cpp b/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_builds.cpp
index 5d9f4d8d54..de3fd91223 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_builds.cpp
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_builds.cpp
@@ -100,22 +100,24 @@ MonoString *godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_MSBuildPath() {
if (msbuild_tools_path.empty() || !FileAccess::exists(msbuild_tools_path)) {
// Try to search it again if it wasn't found last time or if it was removed from its location
msbuild_tools_path = MonoRegUtils::find_msbuild_tools_path();
- }
- if (msbuild_tools_path.length()) {
- if (!msbuild_tools_path.ends_with("\\"))
- msbuild_tools_path += "\\";
- return GDMonoMarshal::mono_string_from_godot(msbuild_tools_path + "MSBuild.exe");
+ if (msbuild_tools_path.empty()) {
+ ERR_PRINTS("Cannot find executable for '" PROP_NAME_MSBUILD_VS "'. Tried with path: " + msbuild_tools_path);
+ return NULL;
+ }
- print_verbose("Cannot find executable for '" PROP_NAME_MSBUILD_VS "'. Trying with '" PROP_NAME_MSBUILD_MONO "'...");
+ if (!msbuild_tools_path.ends_with("\\"))
+ msbuild_tools_path += "\\";
+ return GDMonoMarshal::mono_string_from_godot(msbuild_tools_path + "MSBuild.exe");
+ } break;
case GodotSharpBuilds::MSBUILD_MONO: {
String msbuild_path = GDMono::get_singleton()->get_mono_reg_info().bin_dir.plus_file("msbuild.bat");
if (!FileAccess::exists(msbuild_path)) {
- WARN_PRINTS("Cannot find executable for '" PROP_NAME_MSBUILD_MONO "'. Tried with path: " + msbuild_path);
+ ERR_PRINTS("Cannot find executable for '" PROP_NAME_MSBUILD_MONO "'. Tried with path: " + msbuild_path);
+ return NULL;
return GDMonoMarshal::mono_string_from_godot(msbuild_path);
@@ -124,7 +126,8 @@ MonoString *godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_MSBuildPath() {
String xbuild_path = GDMono::get_singleton()->get_mono_reg_info().bin_dir.plus_file("xbuild.bat");
if (!FileAccess::exists(xbuild_path)) {
- WARN_PRINTS("Cannot find executable for '" PROP_NAME_XBUILD "'. Tried with path: " + xbuild_path);
+ ERR_PRINTS("Cannot find executable for '" PROP_NAME_XBUILD "'. Tried with path: " + xbuild_path);
+ return NULL;
return GDMonoMarshal::mono_string_from_godot(xbuild_path);
@@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ MonoString *godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_MSBuildPath() {
if (xbuild_path.empty()) {
- WARN_PRINT("Cannot find binary for '" PROP_NAME_XBUILD "'");
+ ERR_PRINT("Cannot find binary for '" PROP_NAME_XBUILD "'");
return NULL;
} else {
@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ MonoString *godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_MSBuildPath() {
if (msbuild_path.empty()) {
- WARN_PRINT("Cannot find binary for '" PROP_NAME_MSBUILD_MONO "'");
+ ERR_PRINT("Cannot find binary for '" PROP_NAME_MSBUILD_MONO "'");
return NULL;
@@ -168,22 +171,6 @@ MonoString *godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_MSBuildPath() {
-MonoString *godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_FrameworkPath() {
-#if defined(WINDOWS_ENABLED)
- const MonoRegInfo &mono_reg_info = GDMono::get_singleton()->get_mono_reg_info();
- if (mono_reg_info.assembly_dir.length()) {
- String framework_path = path_join(mono_reg_info.assembly_dir, "mono", "4.5");
- return GDMonoMarshal::mono_string_from_godot(framework_path);
- }
- ERR_EXPLAIN("Cannot find Mono's assemblies directory in the registry");
- return NULL;
MonoString *godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_MonoWindowsBinDir() {
#if defined(WINDOWS_ENABLED)
@@ -208,6 +195,11 @@ MonoBoolean godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_UsingMonoMSBuildOnWindows() {
+MonoBoolean godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_PrintBuildOutput() {
+ return (bool)EDITOR_GET("mono/builds/print_build_output");
void GodotSharpBuilds::register_internal_calls() {
static bool registered = false;
@@ -216,9 +208,9 @@ void GodotSharpBuilds::register_internal_calls() {
mono_add_internal_call("GodotSharpTools.Build.BuildSystem::godot_icall_BuildInstance_ExitCallback", (void *)godot_icall_BuildInstance_ExitCallback);
mono_add_internal_call("GodotSharpTools.Build.BuildInstance::godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_MSBuildPath", (void *)godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_MSBuildPath);
- mono_add_internal_call("GodotSharpTools.Build.BuildInstance::godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_FrameworkPath", (void *)godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_FrameworkPath);
mono_add_internal_call("GodotSharpTools.Build.BuildInstance::godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_MonoWindowsBinDir", (void *)godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_MonoWindowsBinDir);
mono_add_internal_call("GodotSharpTools.Build.BuildInstance::godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_UsingMonoMSBuildOnWindows", (void *)godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_UsingMonoMSBuildOnWindows);
+ mono_add_internal_call("GodotSharpTools.Build.BuildInstance::godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_PrintBuildOutput", (void *)godot_icall_BuildInstance_get_PrintBuildOutput);
void GodotSharpBuilds::show_build_error_dialog(const String &p_message) {
@@ -331,10 +323,13 @@ bool GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_assembly(APIAssembly::Type p_api_type) {
String api_sln_file = api_sln_dir.plus_file(API_SOLUTION_NAME ".sln");
if (!DirAccess::exists(api_sln_dir) || !FileAccess::exists(api_sln_file)) {
- BindingsGenerator *gen = BindingsGenerator::get_singleton();
- bool gen_verbose = OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose();
+ BindingsGenerator bindings_generator;
- Error err = gen->generate_cs_api(api_sln_dir, gen_verbose);
+ if (!OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) {
+ bindings_generator.set_log_print_enabled(false);
+ }
+ Error err = bindings_generator.generate_cs_api(api_sln_dir);
if (err != OK) {
show_build_error_dialog("Failed to generate " API_SOLUTION_NAME " solution. Error: " + itos(err));
return false;
@@ -459,7 +454,11 @@ GodotSharpBuilds::GodotSharpBuilds() {
// Build tool settings
EditorSettings *ed_settings = EditorSettings::get_singleton();
+ EDITOR_DEF("mono/builds/build_tool", MSBUILD_VS);
EDITOR_DEF("mono/builds/build_tool", MSBUILD_MONO);
ed_settings->add_property_hint(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "mono/builds/build_tool", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM,
@@ -467,6 +466,8 @@ GodotSharpBuilds::GodotSharpBuilds() {
+ EDITOR_DEF("mono/builds/print_build_output", false);
GodotSharpBuilds::~GodotSharpBuilds() {
@@ -517,7 +518,7 @@ void GodotSharpBuilds::BuildProcess::start(bool p_blocking) {
// Remove old issues file
- String issues_file = "msbuild_issues.csv";
+ String issues_file = get_msbuild_issues_filename();
DirAccessRef d = DirAccess::create_for_path(log_dirpath);
if (d->file_exists(issues_file)) {
Error err = d->remove(issues_file);
@@ -584,7 +585,8 @@ void GodotSharpBuilds::BuildProcess::start(bool p_blocking) {
exit_code = klass->get_field("exitCode")->get_int_value(mono_object);
if (exit_code != 0) {
- print_verbose("MSBuild finished with exit code " + itos(exit_code));
+ String log_filepath = build_info.get_log_dirpath().plus_file(get_msbuild_log_filename());
+ print_verbose("MSBuild exited with code: " + itos(exit_code) + ". Log file: " + log_filepath);
build_tab->on_build_exit(exit_code == 0 ? MonoBuildTab::RESULT_SUCCESS : MonoBuildTab::RESULT_ERROR);
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_builds.h b/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_builds.h
index 2d53583916..652d30538a 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_builds.h
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_builds.h
@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ public:
static void show_build_error_dialog(const String &p_message);
+ static const char *get_msbuild_issues_filename() { return "msbuild_issues.csv"; }
+ static const char *get_msbuild_log_filename() { return "msbuild_log.txt"; }
void build_exit_callback(const MonoBuildInfo &p_build_info, int p_exit_code);
void restart_build(MonoBuildTab *p_build_tab);
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_editor.cpp b/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_editor.cpp
index cee4405826..9d42528927 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_editor.cpp
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_editor.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "godotsharp_editor.h"
+#include "core/message_queue.h"
#include "core/os/os.h"
#include "core/project_settings.h"
#include "scene/gui/control.h"
@@ -114,10 +115,33 @@ bool GodotSharpEditor::_create_project_solution() {
void GodotSharpEditor::_make_api_solutions_if_needed() {
// I'm sick entirely of ProgressDialog
+ static int attempts_left = 100;
+ if (MessageQueue::get_singleton()->is_flushing() || !SceneTree::get_singleton()) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(attempts_left == 0); // You've got to be kidding
+ if (SceneTree::get_singleton()) {
+ SceneTree::get_singleton()->connect("idle_frame", this, "_make_api_solutions_if_needed", Vector<Variant>());
+ } else {
+ call_deferred("_make_api_solutions_if_needed");
+ }
+ attempts_left--;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Recursion guard needed because signals don't play well with ProgressDialog either, but unlike
+ // the message queue, with signals the collateral damage should be minimal in the worst case.
static bool recursion_guard = false;
if (!recursion_guard) {
recursion_guard = true;
+ // Oneshot signals don't play well with ProgressDialog either, so we do it this way instead
+ SceneTree::get_singleton()->disconnect("idle_frame", this, "_make_api_solutions_if_needed");
recursion_guard = false;
@@ -143,9 +167,6 @@ void GodotSharpEditor::_remove_create_sln_menu_option() {
- if (menu_popup->get_item_count() == 0)
- menu_button->hide();
@@ -164,6 +185,16 @@ void GodotSharpEditor::_toggle_about_dialog_on_start(bool p_enabled) {
+void GodotSharpEditor::_build_solution_pressed() {
+ if (!FileAccess::exists(GodotSharpDirs::get_project_sln_path())) {
+ if (!_create_project_solution())
+ return; // Failed to create solution
+ }
+ MonoBottomPanel::get_singleton()->call("_build_project_pressed");
void GodotSharpEditor::_menu_option_pressed(int p_id) {
switch (p_id) {
@@ -199,6 +230,7 @@ void GodotSharpEditor::_notification(int p_notification) {
void GodotSharpEditor::_bind_methods() {
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_build_solution_pressed"), &GodotSharpEditor::_build_solution_pressed);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_create_project_solution"), &GodotSharpEditor::_create_project_solution);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_make_api_solutions_if_needed"), &GodotSharpEditor::_make_api_solutions_if_needed);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_remove_create_sln_menu_option"), &GodotSharpEditor::_remove_create_sln_menu_option);
@@ -248,19 +280,30 @@ Error GodotSharpEditor::open_in_external_editor(const Ref<Script> &p_script, int
static String vscode_path;
if (vscode_path.empty() || !FileAccess::exists(vscode_path)) {
- static List<String> vscode_name;
- vscode_name.push_back("code");
- vscode_name.push_back("code-oss");
- vscode_name.push_back("vscode");
- vscode_name.push_back("vscode-oss");
- vscode_name.push_back("visual-studio-code");
- vscode_name.push_back("visual-studio-code-oss");
// Try to search it again if it wasn't found last time or if it was removed from its location
- for (int i = 0; i < vscode_name.size(); i++) {
- vscode_path = path_which(vscode_name[i]);
- if (!vscode_path.empty() || FileAccess::exists(vscode_path))
+ bool found = false;
+ // TODO: Use initializer lists once C++11 is allowed
+ static Vector<String> vscode_names;
+ if (vscode_names.empty()) {
+ vscode_names.push_back("code");
+ vscode_names.push_back("code-oss");
+ vscode_names.push_back("vscode");
+ vscode_names.push_back("vscode-oss");
+ vscode_names.push_back("visual-studio-code");
+ vscode_names.push_back("visual-studio-code-oss");
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < vscode_names.size(); i++) {
+ vscode_path = path_which(vscode_names[i]);
+ if (!vscode_path.empty()) {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ vscode_path.clear(); // Not found, clear so next time the empty() check is enough
List<String> args;
@@ -378,9 +421,12 @@ GodotSharpEditor::GodotSharpEditor(EditorNode *p_editor) {
- menu_button = memnew(MenuButton);
- menu_button->set_text(TTR("Mono"));
- menu_popup = menu_button->get_popup();
+ menu_popup = memnew(PopupMenu);
+ menu_popup->hide();
+ menu_popup->set_as_toplevel(true);
+ menu_popup->set_pass_on_modal_close_click(false);
+ editor->add_tool_submenu_item("Mono", menu_popup);
// TODO: Remove or edit this info dialog once Mono support is no longer in alpha
@@ -411,12 +457,12 @@ GodotSharpEditor::GodotSharpEditor(EditorNode *p_editor) {
String about_text =
- String("C# support in Godot Engine is a brand new feature and a work in progress.\n") +
- "It is currently in an alpha stage and is not suitable for use in production.\n\n" +
- "As of Godot 3.1, C# support is not feature-complete and may crash in some situations. " +
- "Bugs and usability issues will be addressed gradually over future 3.x releases, " +
- "including compatibility breaking changes as new features are implemented for a better overall C# experience.\n\n" +
- "If you experience issues with this Mono build, please report them on Godot's issue tracker with details about your system, Mono version, IDE, etc:\n\n" +
+ String("C# support in Godot Engine is in late alpha stage and, while already usable, ") +
+ "it is not meant for use in production.\n\n" +
+ "Projects can be exported to Linux, macOS and Windows, but not yet to mobile or web platforms. " +
+ "Bugs and usability issues will be addressed gradually over future releases, " +
+ "potentially including compatibility breaking changes as new features are implemented for a better overall C# experience.\n\n" +
+ "If you experience issues with this Mono build, please report them on Godot's issue tracker with details about your system, MSBuild version, IDE, etc.:\n\n" +
"\n\n" +
"Your critical feedback at this stage will play a great role in shaping the C# support in future releases, so thank you!";
@@ -434,7 +480,7 @@ GodotSharpEditor::GodotSharpEditor(EditorNode *p_editor) {
String csproj_path = GodotSharpDirs::get_project_csproj_path();
if (FileAccess::exists(sln_path) && FileAccess::exists(csproj_path)) {
- // We can't use EditorProgress here. It calls Main::iterarion() and the main loop is not initialized yet.
+ // Defer this task because EditorProgress calls Main::iterarion() and the main loop is not yet initialized.
} else {
@@ -443,22 +489,24 @@ GodotSharpEditor::GodotSharpEditor(EditorNode *p_editor) {
menu_popup->connect("id_pressed", this, "_menu_option_pressed");
- if (menu_popup->get_item_count() == 0)
- menu_button->hide();
- editor->get_menu_hb()->add_child(menu_button);
+ ToolButton *build_button = memnew(ToolButton);
+ build_button->set_text("Build");
+ build_button->set_tooltip("Build solution");
+ build_button->set_focus_mode(Control::FOCUS_NONE);
+ build_button->connect("pressed", this, "_build_solution_pressed");
+ editor->get_menu_hb()->add_child(build_button);
// External editor settings
EditorSettings *ed_settings = EditorSettings::get_singleton();
EDITOR_DEF("mono/editor/external_editor", EDITOR_NONE);
- String settings_hint_str = "None";
+ String settings_hint_str = "Disabled";
+#if defined(WINDOWS_ENABLED)
settings_hint_str += ",MonoDevelop,Visual Studio Code";
+#elif defined(OSX_ENABLED)
settings_hint_str += ",Visual Studio,MonoDevelop,Visual Studio Code";
+#elif defined(UNIX_ENABLED)
settings_hint_str += ",MonoDevelop,Visual Studio Code";
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_editor.h b/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_editor.h
index c9744a9eed..d9523c384c 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_editor.h
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_editor.h
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ class GodotSharpEditor : public Node {
void _menu_option_pressed(int p_id);
+ void _build_solution_pressed();
static GodotSharpEditor *singleton;
@@ -79,15 +81,15 @@ public:
enum ExternalEditor {
+#if defined(WINDOWS_ENABLED)
+#elif defined(OSX_ENABLED)
+#elif defined(UNIX_ENABLED)
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_export.cpp b/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_export.cpp
index 47341e3555..ee5fed1a0c 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_export.cpp
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_export.cpp
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ void GodotSharpExport::_export_begin(const Set<String> &p_features, bool p_debug
Vector<String> search_dirs;
- GDMonoAssembly::fill_search_dirs(search_dirs);
+ GDMonoAssembly::fill_search_dirs(search_dirs, build_config);
Error depend_error = _get_assembly_dependencies(scripts_assembly, search_dirs, dependencies);
ERR_FAIL_COND(depend_error != OK);
@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ Error GodotSharpExport::_get_assembly_dependencies(GDMonoAssembly *p_assembly, c
String path;
bool has_extension = ref_name.ends_with(".dll") || ref_name.ends_with(".exe");
- for (int i = 0; i < p_search_dirs.size(); i++) {
- const String &search_dir = p_search_dirs[i];
+ for (int j = 0; j < p_search_dirs.size(); j++) {
+ const String &search_dir = p_search_dirs[j];
if (has_extension) {
path = search_dir.plus_file(ref_name);
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/mono_bottom_panel.cpp b/modules/mono/editor/mono_bottom_panel.cpp
index 55a334bc4e..21ce9ca5c4 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/mono_bottom_panel.cpp
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/mono_bottom_panel.cpp
@@ -125,9 +125,14 @@ void MonoBottomPanel::_build_tabs_item_selected(int p_idx) {
void MonoBottomPanel::_build_tabs_nothing_selected() {
- if (build_tabs->get_tab_count() != 0) // just in case
+ if (build_tabs->get_tab_count() != 0) { // just in case
+ // This callback is called when clicking on the empty space of the list.
+ // ItemList won't deselect the items automatically, so we must do it ourselves.
+ build_tabs_list->unselect_all();
+ }
@@ -156,10 +161,20 @@ void MonoBottomPanel::_build_project_pressed() {
if (!FileAccess::exists(GodotSharpDirs::get_project_sln_path()))
return; // No solution to build
- String scripts_metadata_path = GodotSharpDirs::get_res_metadata_dir().plus_file("scripts_metadata.editor");
- Error metadata_err = CSharpProject::generate_scripts_metadata(GodotSharpDirs::get_project_csproj_path(), scripts_metadata_path);
+ String scripts_metadata_path_editor = GodotSharpDirs::get_res_metadata_dir().plus_file("scripts_metadata.editor");
+ String scripts_metadata_path_player = GodotSharpDirs::get_res_metadata_dir().plus_file("scripts_metadata.editor_player");
+ Error metadata_err = CSharpProject::generate_scripts_metadata(GodotSharpDirs::get_project_csproj_path(), scripts_metadata_path_editor);
ERR_FAIL_COND(metadata_err != OK);
+ if (FileAccess::exists(scripts_metadata_path_editor)) {
+ DirAccessRef da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES);
+ Error copy_err = da->copy(scripts_metadata_path_editor, scripts_metadata_path_player);
+ ERR_EXPLAIN("Failed to copy scripts metadata file");
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(copy_err != OK);
+ }
bool build_success = GodotSharpBuilds::get_singleton()->build_project_blocking("Tools");
if (build_success) {
@@ -187,7 +202,7 @@ void MonoBottomPanel::_view_log_pressed() {
String log_dirpath = build_tab->get_build_info().get_log_dirpath();
- OS::get_singleton()->shell_open(log_dirpath.plus_file("msbuild_log.txt"));
+ OS::get_singleton()->shell_open(log_dirpath.plus_file(GodotSharpBuilds::get_msbuild_log_filename()));
@@ -421,7 +436,7 @@ void MonoBuildTab::on_build_exit(BuildResult result) {
build_exited = true;
build_result = result;
- _load_issues_from_file(logs_dir.plus_file("msbuild_issues.csv"));
+ _load_issues_from_file(logs_dir.plus_file(GodotSharpBuilds::get_msbuild_issues_filename()));
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/mono_bottom_panel.h b/modules/mono/editor/mono_bottom_panel.h
index d3109592a9..406e46f7ce 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/mono_bottom_panel.h
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/mono_bottom_panel.h
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ class MonoBottomPanel : public VBoxContainer {
ItemList *build_tabs_list;
TabContainer *build_tabs;
- Button *warnings_btn;
- Button *errors_btn;
+ ToolButton *warnings_btn;
+ ToolButton *errors_btn;
Button *view_log_btn;
void _update_build_tabs_list();
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/script_class_parser.cpp b/modules/mono/editor/script_class_parser.cpp
index 1281ed669f..dfb652a7aa 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/script_class_parser.cpp
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/script_class_parser.cpp
@@ -266,6 +266,20 @@ Error ScriptClassParser::_skip_generic_type_params() {
if (tk == TK_IDENTIFIER) {
tk = get_token();
+ // Type specifications can end with "?" to denote nullable types, such as IList<int?>
+ if (tk == TK_SYMBOL) {
+ tk = get_token();
+ if (value.operator String() != "?") {
+ error_str = "Expected " + get_token_name(TK_IDENTIFIER) + ", found unexpected symbol '" + value + "'";
+ error = true;
+ }
+ if (tk != TK_OP_GREATER && tk != TK_COMMA) {
+ error_str = "Nullable type symbol '?' is only allowed after an identifier, but found " + get_token_name(tk) + " next.";
+ error = true;
+ }
+ }
if (tk == TK_PERIOD) {
while (true) {
@@ -322,6 +336,15 @@ Error ScriptClassParser::_parse_type_full_name(String &r_full_name) {
r_full_name += String(value);
+ if (code[idx] == '<') {
+ idx++;
+ // We don't mind if the base is generic, but we skip it any ways since this information is not needed
+ Error err = _skip_generic_type_params();
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ }
if (code[idx] != '.') // We only want to take the next token if it's a period
return OK;
@@ -344,22 +367,12 @@ Error ScriptClassParser::_parse_class_base(Vector<String> &r_base) {
Token tk = get_token();
- bool generic = false;
- if (tk == TK_OP_LESS) {
- Error err = _skip_generic_type_params();
- if (err)
- return err;
- // We don't add it to the base list if it's generic
- generic = true;
- tk = get_token();
- }
if (tk == TK_COMMA) {
- Error err = _parse_class_base(r_base);
+ err = _parse_class_base(r_base);
if (err)
return err;
} else if (tk == TK_IDENTIFIER && String(value) == "where") {
- Error err = _parse_type_constraints();
+ err = _parse_type_constraints();
if (err) {
return err;
@@ -373,9 +386,7 @@ Error ScriptClassParser::_parse_class_base(Vector<String> &r_base) {
- if (!generic) {
- r_base.push_back(name);
- }
+ r_base.push_back(name);
return OK;
@@ -567,7 +578,7 @@ Error ScriptClassParser::parse(const String &p_code) {
if (full_name.length())
full_name += ".";
full_name +=;
- OS::get_singleton()->print(String("Ignoring generic class declaration: " +;
+ OS::get_singleton()->print("Ignoring generic class declaration: %s\n",;
} else if (tk == TK_IDENTIFIER && String(value) == "struct") {