/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include "tvgXmlParser.h" /************************************************************************/ /* Internal Class Implementation */ /************************************************************************/ bool _isIgnoreUnsupportedLogAttributes(TVG_UNUSED const char* tagAttribute, TVG_UNUSED const char* tagValue) { #ifdef THORVG_LOG_ENABLED const auto attributesNum = 6; const struct { const char* tag; bool tagWildcard; //If true, it is assumed that a wildcard is used after the tag. (ex: tagName*) const char* value; } attributes[] = { {"id", false, nullptr}, {"data-name", false, nullptr}, {"overflow", false, "visible"}, {"version", false, nullptr}, {"xmlns", true, nullptr}, {"xml:space", false, nullptr}, }; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < attributesNum; ++i) { if (!strncmp(tagAttribute, attributes[i].tag, attributes[i].tagWildcard ? strlen(attributes[i].tag) : strlen(tagAttribute))) { if (attributes[i].value && tagValue) { if (!strncmp(tagValue, attributes[i].value, strlen(tagValue))) { return true; } else continue; } return true; } } return false; #endif return true; } static const char* _simpleXmlFindWhiteSpace(const char* itr, const char* itrEnd) { for (; itr < itrEnd; itr++) { if (isspace((unsigned char)*itr)) break; } return itr; } static const char* _simpleXmlSkipWhiteSpace(const char* itr, const char* itrEnd) { for (; itr < itrEnd; itr++) { if (!isspace((unsigned char)*itr)) break; } return itr; } static const char* _simpleXmlUnskipWhiteSpace(const char* itr, const char* itrStart) { for (itr--; itr > itrStart; itr--) { if (!isspace((unsigned char)*itr)) break; } return itr + 1; } static const char* _simpleXmlSkipXmlEntities(const char* itr, const char* itrEnd) { auto p = itr; while (itr < itrEnd && *itr == '&') { for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_XML_ENTITIES; ++i) { if (strncmp(itr, xmlEntity[i], xmlEntityLength[i]) == 0) { itr += xmlEntityLength[i]; break; } } if (itr == p) break; p = itr; } return itr; } static const char* _simpleXmlUnskipXmlEntities(const char* itr, const char* itrStart) { auto p = itr; while (itr > itrStart && *(itr - 1) == ';') { for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_XML_ENTITIES; ++i) { if (itr - xmlEntityLength[i] > itrStart && strncmp(itr - xmlEntityLength[i], xmlEntity[i], xmlEntityLength[i]) == 0) { itr -= xmlEntityLength[i]; break; } } if (itr == p) break; p = itr; } return itr; } static const char* _skipWhiteSpacesAndXmlEntities(const char* itr, const char* itrEnd) { itr = _simpleXmlSkipWhiteSpace(itr, itrEnd); auto p = itr; while (true) { if (p != (itr = _simpleXmlSkipXmlEntities(itr, itrEnd))) p = itr; else break; if (p != (itr = _simpleXmlSkipWhiteSpace(itr, itrEnd))) p = itr; else break; } return itr; } static const char* _unskipWhiteSpacesAndXmlEntities(const char* itr, const char* itrStart) { itr = _simpleXmlUnskipWhiteSpace(itr, itrStart); auto p = itr; while (true) { if (p != (itr = _simpleXmlUnskipXmlEntities(itr, itrStart))) p = itr; else break; if (p != (itr = _simpleXmlUnskipWhiteSpace(itr, itrStart))) p = itr; else break; } return itr; } static const char* _simpleXmlFindStartTag(const char* itr, const char* itrEnd) { return (const char*)memchr(itr, '<', itrEnd - itr); } static const char* _simpleXmlFindEndTag(const char* itr, const char* itrEnd) { bool insideQuote = false; for (; itr < itrEnd; itr++) { if (*itr == '"') insideQuote = !insideQuote; if (!insideQuote) { if ((*itr == '>') || (*itr == '<')) return itr; } } return nullptr; } static const char* _simpleXmlFindEndCommentTag(const char* itr, const char* itrEnd) { for (; itr < itrEnd; itr++) { if ((*itr == '-') && ((itr + 1 < itrEnd) && (*(itr + 1) == '-')) && ((itr + 2 < itrEnd) && (*(itr + 2) == '>'))) return itr + 2; } return nullptr; } static const char* _simpleXmlFindEndCdataTag(const char* itr, const char* itrEnd) { for (; itr < itrEnd; itr++) { if ((*itr == ']') && ((itr + 1 < itrEnd) && (*(itr + 1) == ']')) && ((itr + 2 < itrEnd) && (*(itr + 2) == '>'))) return itr + 2; } return nullptr; } static const char* _simpleXmlFindDoctypeChildEndTag(const char* itr, const char* itrEnd) { for (; itr < itrEnd; itr++) { if (*itr == '>') return itr; } return nullptr; } static SimpleXMLType _getXMLType(const char* itr, const char* itrEnd, size_t &toff) { toff = 0; if (itr[1] == '/') { toff = 1; return SimpleXMLType::Close; } else if (itr[1] == '?') { toff = 1; return SimpleXMLType::Processing; } else if (itr[1] == '!') { if ((itr + sizeof("") - 1 < itrEnd) && (!memcmp(itr + 2, "DOCTYPE", sizeof("DOCTYPE") - 1)) && ((itr[2 + sizeof("DOCTYPE") - 1] == '>') || (isspace((unsigned char)itr[2 + sizeof("DOCTYPE") - 1])))) { toff = sizeof("!DOCTYPE") - 1; return SimpleXMLType::Doctype; } else if (itr + sizeof("") - 1 < itrEnd) { toff = sizeof("!") - 1; return SimpleXMLType::DoctypeChild; } else if ((itr + sizeof("") - 1 < itrEnd) && (!memcmp(itr + 2, "[CDATA[", sizeof("[CDATA[") - 1))) { toff = sizeof("![CDATA[") - 1; return SimpleXMLType::CData; } else if ((itr + sizeof("") - 1 < itrEnd) && (!memcmp(itr + 2, "--", sizeof("--") - 1))) { toff = sizeof("!--") - 1; return SimpleXMLType::Comment; } return SimpleXMLType::Open; } return SimpleXMLType::Open; } /************************************************************************/ /* External Class Implementation */ /************************************************************************/ const char* simpleXmlNodeTypeToString(TVG_UNUSED SvgNodeType type) { #ifdef THORVG_LOG_ENABLED static const char* TYPE_NAMES[] = { "Svg", "G", "Defs", "Animation", "Arc", "Circle", "Ellipse", "Image", "Line", "Path", "Polygon", "Polyline", "Rect", "Text", "TextArea", "Tspan", "Use", "Video", "ClipPath", "Mask", "Unknown", }; return TYPE_NAMES[(int) type]; #endif return nullptr; } bool isIgnoreUnsupportedLogElements(TVG_UNUSED const char* tagName) { #ifdef THORVG_LOG_ENABLED const auto elementsNum = 1; const char* const elements[] = { "title" }; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elementsNum; ++i) { if (!strncmp(tagName, elements[i], strlen(tagName))) { return true; } } return false; #else return true; #endif } bool simpleXmlParseAttributes(const char* buf, unsigned bufLength, simpleXMLAttributeCb func, const void* data) { const char *itr = buf, *itrEnd = buf + bufLength; char* tmpBuf = (char*)alloca(bufLength + 1); if (!buf || !func) return false; while (itr < itrEnd) { const char* p = _skipWhiteSpacesAndXmlEntities(itr, itrEnd); const char *key, *keyEnd, *value, *valueEnd; char* tval; if (p == itrEnd) return true; key = p; for (keyEnd = key; keyEnd < itrEnd; keyEnd++) { if ((*keyEnd == '=') || (isspace((unsigned char)*keyEnd))) break; } if (keyEnd == itrEnd) return false; if (keyEnd == key) continue; if (*keyEnd == '=') value = keyEnd + 1; else { value = (const char*)memchr(keyEnd, '=', itrEnd - keyEnd); if (!value) return false; value++; } keyEnd = _simpleXmlUnskipXmlEntities(keyEnd, key); value = _skipWhiteSpacesAndXmlEntities(value, itrEnd); if (value == itrEnd) return false; if ((*value == '"') || (*value == '\'')) { valueEnd = (const char*)memchr(value + 1, *value, itrEnd - value); if (!valueEnd) return false; value++; } else { valueEnd = _simpleXmlFindWhiteSpace(value, itrEnd); } itr = valueEnd + 1; value = _skipWhiteSpacesAndXmlEntities(value, itrEnd); valueEnd = _unskipWhiteSpacesAndXmlEntities(valueEnd, value); memcpy(tmpBuf, key, keyEnd - key); tmpBuf[keyEnd - key] = '\0'; tval = tmpBuf + (keyEnd - key) + 1; int i = 0; while (value < valueEnd) { value = _simpleXmlSkipXmlEntities(value, valueEnd); tval[i++] = *value; value++; } tval[i] = '\0'; if (!func((void*)data, tmpBuf, tval)) { if (!_isIgnoreUnsupportedLogAttributes(tmpBuf, tval)) { TVGLOG("SVG", "Unsupported attributes used [Elements type: %s][Id : %s][Attribute: %s][Value: %s]", simpleXmlNodeTypeToString(((SvgLoaderData*)data)->svgParse->node->type), ((SvgLoaderData*)data)->svgParse->node->id ? ((SvgLoaderData*)data)->svgParse->node->id : "NO_ID", tmpBuf, tval ? tval : "NONE"); } } } return true; } bool simpleXmlParse(const char* buf, unsigned bufLength, bool strip, simpleXMLCb func, const void* data) { const char *itr = buf, *itrEnd = buf + bufLength; if (!buf || !func) return false; while (itr < itrEnd) { if (itr[0] == '<') { //Invalid case if (itr + 1 >= itrEnd) return false; size_t toff = 0; SimpleXMLType type = _getXMLType(itr, itrEnd, toff); const char* p; if (type == SimpleXMLType::CData) p = _simpleXmlFindEndCdataTag(itr + 1 + toff, itrEnd); else if (type == SimpleXMLType::DoctypeChild) p = _simpleXmlFindDoctypeChildEndTag(itr + 1 + toff, itrEnd); else if (type == SimpleXMLType::Comment) p = _simpleXmlFindEndCommentTag(itr + 1 + toff, itrEnd); else p = _simpleXmlFindEndTag(itr + 1 + toff, itrEnd); if (p) { //Invalid case: '<' nested if (*p == '<') return false; const char *start, *end; start = itr + 1 + toff; end = p; switch (type) { case SimpleXMLType::Open: { if (p[-1] == '/') { type = SimpleXMLType::OpenEmpty; end--; } break; } case SimpleXMLType::CData: { if (!memcmp(p - 2, "]]", 2)) end -= 2; break; } case SimpleXMLType::Processing: { if (p[-1] == '?') end--; break; } case SimpleXMLType::Comment: { if (!memcmp(p - 2, "--", 2)) end -= 2; break; } default: { break; } } if (strip && (type != SimpleXMLType::CData)) { start = _skipWhiteSpacesAndXmlEntities(start, end); end = _unskipWhiteSpacesAndXmlEntities(end, start); } if (!func((void*)data, type, start, (unsigned int)(end - start))) return false; itr = p + 1; } else { return false; } } else { const char *p, *end; if (strip) { p = itr; p = _skipWhiteSpacesAndXmlEntities(p, itrEnd); if (p) { if (!func((void*)data, SimpleXMLType::Ignored, itr, (unsigned int)(p - itr))) return false; itr = p; } } p = _simpleXmlFindStartTag(itr, itrEnd); if (!p) p = itrEnd; end = p; if (strip) end = _unskipWhiteSpacesAndXmlEntities(end, itr); if (itr != end && !func((void*)data, SimpleXMLType::Data, itr, (unsigned int)(end - itr))) return false; if (strip && (end < p) && !func((void*)data, SimpleXMLType::Ignored, end, (unsigned int)(p - end))) return false; itr = p; } } return true; } bool simpleXmlParseW3CAttribute(const char* buf, simpleXMLAttributeCb func, const void* data) { const char* end; char* key; char* val; char* next; if (!buf) return false; end = buf + strlen(buf); key = (char*)alloca(end - buf + 1); val = (char*)alloca(end - buf + 1); if (buf == end) return true; do { char* sep = (char*)strchr(buf, ':'); next = (char*)strchr(buf, ';'); key[0] = '\0'; val[0] = '\0'; if (next == nullptr && sep != nullptr) { memcpy(key, buf, sep - buf); key[sep - buf] = '\0'; memcpy(val, sep + 1, end - sep - 1); val[end - sep - 1] = '\0'; } else if (sep < next && sep != nullptr) { memcpy(key, buf, sep - buf); key[sep - buf] = '\0'; memcpy(val, sep + 1, next - sep - 1); val[next - sep - 1] = '\0'; } else if (next) { memcpy(key, buf, next - buf); key[next - buf] = '\0'; } if (key[0]) { key = const_cast(_simpleXmlSkipWhiteSpace(key, key + strlen(key))); key[_simpleXmlUnskipWhiteSpace(key + strlen(key) , key) - key] = '\0'; val = const_cast(_simpleXmlSkipWhiteSpace(val, val + strlen(val))); val[_simpleXmlUnskipWhiteSpace(val + strlen(val) , val) - val] = '\0'; if (!func((void*)data, key, val)) { if (!_isIgnoreUnsupportedLogAttributes(key, val)) { TVGLOG("SVG", "Unsupported attributes used [Elements type: %s][Id : %s][Attribute: %s][Value: %s]", simpleXmlNodeTypeToString(((SvgLoaderData*)data)->svgParse->node->type), ((SvgLoaderData*)data)->svgParse->node->id ? ((SvgLoaderData*)data)->svgParse->node->id : "NO_ID", key, val ? val : "NONE"); } } } buf = next + 1; } while (next != nullptr); return true; } const char* simpleXmlFindAttributesTag(const char* buf, unsigned bufLength) { const char *itr = buf, *itrEnd = buf + bufLength; for (; itr < itrEnd; itr++) { if (!isspace((unsigned char)*itr)) { //User skip tagname and already gave it the attributes. if (*itr == '=') return buf; } else { itr = _simpleXmlUnskipXmlEntities(itr, buf); if (itr == itrEnd) return nullptr; return itr; } } return nullptr; }