/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _TVG_SVG_LOADER_COMMON_H_ #define _TVG_SVG_LOADER_COMMON_H_ #include "tvgCommon.h" #include "tvgArray.h" struct SvgNode; struct SvgStyleGradient; //NOTE: Please update simpleXmlNodeTypeToString() as well. enum class SvgNodeType { Doc, G, Defs, Animation, Arc, Circle, Ellipse, Image, Line, Path, Polygon, Polyline, Rect, Text, TextArea, Tspan, Use, Video, ClipPath, Mask, Unknown }; /* // TODO - remove? enum class SvgLengthType { Percent, Px, Pc, Pt, Mm, Cm, In, }; */ enum class SvgFillFlags { Paint = 0x01, Opacity = 0x02, Gradient = 0x04, FillRule = 0x08, ClipPath = 0x16 }; enum class SvgStrokeFlags { Paint = 0x1, Opacity = 0x2, Gradient = 0x4, Scale = 0x8, Width = 0x10, Cap = 0x20, Join = 0x40, Dash = 0x80, }; enum class SvgGradientType { Linear, Radial }; enum class SvgStyleFlags { Color = 0x01, Fill = 0x02, FillRule = 0x04, FillOpacity = 0x08, Opacity = 0x010, Stroke = 0x20, StrokeWidth = 0x40, StrokeLineJoin = 0x80, StrokeLineCap = 0x100, StrokeOpacity = 0x200, StrokeDashArray = 0x400, Transform = 0x800, ClipPath = 0x1000, Mask = 0x2000, Display = 0x4000 }; enum class SvgStopStyleFlags { StopDefault = 0x0, StopOpacity = 0x01, StopColor = 0x02 }; enum class SvgFillRule { Winding = 0, OddEven = 1 }; //Length type to recalculate %, pt, pc, mm, cm etc enum class SvgParserLengthType { Vertical, Horizontal, //In case of, for example, radius of radial gradient Other }; struct SvgDocNode { float w; float h; float vx; float vy; float vw; float vh; SvgNode* defs; bool preserveAspect; }; struct SvgGNode { }; struct SvgDefsNode { Array<SvgStyleGradient*> gradients; }; struct SvgUseNode { float x, y, w, h; }; struct SvgEllipseNode { float cx; float cy; float rx; float ry; }; struct SvgCircleNode { float cx; float cy; float r; }; struct SvgRectNode { float x; float y; float w; float h; float rx; float ry; bool hasRx; bool hasRy; }; struct SvgLineNode { float x1; float y1; float x2; float y2; }; struct SvgImageNode { float x, y, w, h; char* href; }; struct SvgPathNode { char* path; }; struct SvgPolygonNode { int pointsCount; float* points; }; struct SvgCompositeNode { bool userSpace; }; struct SvgLinearGradient { float x1; float y1; float x2; float y2; bool isX1Percentage; bool isY1Percentage; bool isX2Percentage; bool isY2Percentage; }; struct SvgRadialGradient { float cx; float cy; float fx; float fy; float r; bool isCxPercentage; bool isCyPercentage; bool isFxPercentage; bool isFyPercentage; bool isRPercentage; }; struct SvgComposite { char *url; SvgNode* node; bool applying; //flag for checking circular dependency. }; struct SvgColor { uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; }; struct SvgPaint { SvgStyleGradient* gradient; char *url; SvgColor color; bool none; bool curColor; }; struct SvgDash { Array<float> array; }; struct SvgStyleGradient { SvgGradientType type; char* id; char* ref; FillSpread spread; SvgRadialGradient* radial; SvgLinearGradient* linear; Matrix* transform; Array<Fill::ColorStop> stops; bool userSpace; void clear() { stops.reset(); free(transform); free(radial); free(linear); free(ref); free(id); } }; struct SvgStyleFill { SvgFillFlags flags; SvgPaint paint; int opacity; FillRule fillRule; }; struct SvgStyleStroke { SvgStrokeFlags flags; SvgPaint paint; int opacity; float scale; float width; float centered; StrokeCap cap; StrokeJoin join; SvgDash dash; int dashCount; }; struct SvgStyleProperty { SvgStyleFill fill; SvgStyleStroke stroke; SvgComposite clipPath; SvgComposite mask; int opacity; SvgColor color; bool curColorSet; SvgStyleFlags flags; }; struct SvgNode { SvgNodeType type; SvgNode* parent; Array<SvgNode*> child; char *id; SvgStyleProperty *style; Matrix* transform; union { SvgGNode g; SvgDocNode doc; SvgDefsNode defs; SvgUseNode use; SvgCircleNode circle; SvgEllipseNode ellipse; SvgPolygonNode polygon; SvgPolygonNode polyline; SvgRectNode rect; SvgPathNode path; SvgLineNode line; SvgImageNode image; SvgCompositeNode comp; } node; bool display; ~SvgNode(); }; struct SvgParser { SvgNode* node; SvgStyleGradient* styleGrad; Fill::ColorStop gradStop; SvgStopStyleFlags flags; struct { int x, y; uint32_t w, h; } global; struct { bool parsedFx; bool parsedFy; } gradient; }; struct SvgNodeIdPair { SvgNode* node; char *id; }; struct SvgLoaderData { Array<SvgNode *> stack = {nullptr, 0, 0}; SvgNode* doc = nullptr; SvgNode* def = nullptr; Array<SvgStyleGradient*> gradients; SvgStyleGradient* latestGradient = nullptr; //For stops SvgParser* svgParse = nullptr; Array<SvgNodeIdPair> cloneNodes; int level = 0; bool result = false; }; /* * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/reference/strtof-strtod-l-wcstod-wcstod-l?view=vs-2017 * * src should be one of the following form : * * [whitespace] [sign] {digits [radix digits] | radix digits} [{e | E} [sign] digits] * [whitespace] [sign] {INF | INFINITY} * [whitespace] [sign] NAN [sequence] * * No hexadecimal form supported * no sequence supported after NAN */ float customStrtof(const char *nptr, char **endptr); #endif