/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "tvgSvgCssStyle.h" #include /************************************************************************/ /* Internal Class Implementation */ /************************************************************************/ static void _copyStyle(SvgStyleProperty* to, const SvgStyleProperty* from) { if (from == nullptr) return; //Copy the properties of 'from' only if they were explicitly set (not the default ones). if (from->curColorSet && !((int)to->flags & (int)SvgStyleFlags::Color)) { to->color = from->color; to->curColorSet = true; to->flags = (SvgStyleFlags)((int)to->flags | (int)SvgStyleFlags::Color); } //Fill if (((int)from->fill.flags & (int)SvgFillFlags::Paint) && !((int)to->flags & (int)SvgStyleFlags::Fill)) { to->fill.paint.color = from->fill.paint.color; to->fill.paint.none = from->fill.paint.none; to->fill.paint.curColor = from->fill.paint.curColor; if (from->fill.paint.url) { if (to->fill.paint.url) free(to->fill.paint.url); to->fill.paint.url = strdup(from->fill.paint.url); } to->fill.flags = (SvgFillFlags)((int)to->fill.flags | (int)SvgFillFlags::Paint); to->flags = (SvgStyleFlags)((int)to->flags | (int)SvgStyleFlags::Fill); } if (((int)from->fill.flags & (int)SvgFillFlags::Opacity) && !((int)to->flags & (int)SvgStyleFlags::FillOpacity)) { to->fill.opacity = from->fill.opacity; to->fill.flags = (SvgFillFlags)((int)to->fill.flags | (int)SvgFillFlags::Opacity); to->flags = (SvgStyleFlags)((int)to->flags | (int)SvgStyleFlags::FillOpacity); } if (((int)from->fill.flags & (int)SvgFillFlags::FillRule) && !((int)to->flags & (int)SvgStyleFlags::FillRule)) { to->fill.fillRule = from->fill.fillRule; to->fill.flags = (SvgFillFlags)((int)to->fill.flags | (int)SvgFillFlags::FillRule); to->flags = (SvgStyleFlags)((int)to->flags | (int)SvgStyleFlags::FillRule); } //Stroke if (((int)from->stroke.flags & (int)SvgStrokeFlags::Paint) && !((int)to->flags & (int)SvgStyleFlags::Stroke)) { to->stroke.paint.color = from->stroke.paint.color; to->stroke.paint.none = from->stroke.paint.none; to->stroke.paint.curColor = from->stroke.paint.curColor; if (from->stroke.paint.url) { if (to->stroke.paint.url) free(to->stroke.paint.url); to->stroke.paint.url = strdup(from->stroke.paint.url); } to->stroke.flags = (SvgStrokeFlags)((int)to->stroke.flags | (int)SvgStrokeFlags::Paint); to->flags = (SvgStyleFlags)((int)to->flags | (int)SvgStyleFlags::Stroke); } if (((int)from->stroke.flags & (int)SvgStrokeFlags::Opacity) && !((int)to->flags & (int)SvgStyleFlags::StrokeOpacity)) { to->stroke.opacity = from->stroke.opacity; to->stroke.flags = (SvgStrokeFlags)((int)to->stroke.flags | (int)SvgStrokeFlags::Opacity); to->flags = (SvgStyleFlags)((int)to->flags | (int)SvgStyleFlags::StrokeOpacity); } if (((int)from->stroke.flags & (int)SvgStrokeFlags::Width) && !((int)to->flags & (int)SvgStyleFlags::StrokeWidth)) { to->stroke.width = from->stroke.width; to->stroke.flags = (SvgStrokeFlags)((int)to->stroke.flags | (int)SvgStrokeFlags::Width); to->flags = (SvgStyleFlags)((int)to->flags | (int)SvgStyleFlags::StrokeWidth); } if (((int)from->stroke.flags & (int)SvgStrokeFlags::Dash) && !((int)to->flags & (int)SvgStyleFlags::StrokeDashArray)) { if (from->stroke.dash.array.count > 0) { to->stroke.dash.array.clear(); to->stroke.dash.array.reserve(from->stroke.dash.array.count); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < from->stroke.dash.array.count; ++i) { to->stroke.dash.array.push(from->stroke.dash.array.data[i]); } to->stroke.flags = (SvgStrokeFlags)((int)to->stroke.flags | (int)SvgStrokeFlags::Dash); to->flags = (SvgStyleFlags)((int)to->flags | (int)SvgStyleFlags::StrokeDashArray); } } if (((int)from->stroke.flags & (int)SvgStrokeFlags::Cap) && !((int)to->flags & (int)SvgStyleFlags::StrokeLineCap)) { to->stroke.cap = from->stroke.cap; to->stroke.flags = (SvgStrokeFlags)((int)to->stroke.flags | (int)SvgStrokeFlags::Cap); to->flags = (SvgStyleFlags)((int)to->flags | (int)SvgStyleFlags::StrokeLineCap); } if (((int)from->stroke.flags & (int)SvgStrokeFlags::Join) && !((int)to->flags & (int)SvgStyleFlags::StrokeLineJoin)) { to->stroke.join = from->stroke.join; to->stroke.flags = (SvgStrokeFlags)((int)to->stroke.flags | (int)SvgStrokeFlags::Join); to->flags = (SvgStyleFlags)((int)to->flags | (int)SvgStyleFlags::StrokeLineJoin); } //Opacity //TODO: it can be set to be 255 and shouldn't be changed by attribute 'opacity' if (from->opacity < 255 && !((int)to->flags & (int)SvgStyleFlags::Opacity)) { to->opacity = from->opacity; to->flags = (SvgStyleFlags)((int)to->flags | (int)SvgStyleFlags::Opacity); } } /************************************************************************/ /* External Class Implementation */ /************************************************************************/ void cssCopyStyleAttr(SvgNode* to, const SvgNode* from) { //Copy matrix attribute if (from->transform && !((int)to->style->flags & (int)SvgStyleFlags::Transform)) { to->transform = (Matrix*)malloc(sizeof(Matrix)); if (to->transform) { *to->transform = *from->transform; to->style->flags = (SvgStyleFlags)((int)to->style->flags | (int)SvgStyleFlags::Transform); } } //Copy style attribute _copyStyle(to->style, from->style); if (from->style->clipPath.url) { if (to->style->clipPath.url) free(to->style->clipPath.url); to->style->clipPath.url = strdup(from->style->clipPath.url); } if (from->style->mask.url) { if (to->style->mask.url) free(to->style->mask.url); to->style->mask.url = strdup(from->style->mask.url); } } SvgNode* cssFindStyleNode(const SvgNode* style, const char* title, SvgNodeType type) { if (!style) return nullptr; auto child = style->child.data; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < style->child.count; ++i, ++child) { if ((*child)->type == type) { if ((!title && !(*child)->id) || (title && (*child)->id && !strcmp((*child)->id, title))) return (*child); } } return nullptr; } SvgNode* cssFindStyleNode(const SvgNode* style, const char* title) { if (!style) return nullptr; auto child = style->child.data; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < style->child.count; ++i, ++child) { if ((*child)->type == SvgNodeType::CssStyle) { if ((title && (*child)->id && !strcmp((*child)->id, title))) return (*child); } } return nullptr; } void cssUpdateStyle(SvgNode* doc, SvgNode* style) { if (doc->child.count > 0) { auto child = doc->child.data; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < doc->child.count; ++i, ++child) { if (auto cssNode = cssFindStyleNode(style, nullptr, (*child)->type)) { cssCopyStyleAttr(*child, cssNode); } if (auto cssNode = cssFindStyleNode(style, nullptr)) { cssCopyStyleAttr(*child, cssNode); } cssUpdateStyle(*child, style); } } } void cssApplyStyleToPostponeds(Array& postponeds, SvgNode* style) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < postponeds.count; ++i) { auto nodeIdPair = postponeds.data[i]; //css styling: tag.name has higher priority than .name if (auto cssNode = cssFindStyleNode(style, nodeIdPair.id, nodeIdPair.node->type)) { cssCopyStyleAttr(nodeIdPair.node, cssNode); } if (auto cssNode = cssFindStyleNode(style, nodeIdPair.id)) { cssCopyStyleAttr(nodeIdPair.node, cssNode); } } }