/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "tvgMath.h" #include "tvgPaint.h" /************************************************************************/ /* Internal Class Implementation */ /************************************************************************/ static bool _compFastTrack(Paint* cmpTarget, const RenderTransform* pTransform, RenderTransform* rTransform, RenderRegion& viewport) { /* Access Shape class by Paint is bad... but it's ok still it's an internal usage. */ auto shape = static_cast<Shape*>(cmpTarget); //Rectangle Candidates? const Point* pts; if (shape->pathCoords(&pts) != 4) return false; if (rTransform) rTransform->update(); //No rotational. if (pTransform && !mathRightAngle(&pTransform->m)) return false; if (rTransform && !mathRightAngle(&rTransform->m)) return false; //Perpendicular Rectangle? auto pt1 = pts + 0; auto pt2 = pts + 1; auto pt3 = pts + 2; auto pt4 = pts + 3; if ((mathEqual(pt1->x, pt2->x) && mathEqual(pt2->y, pt3->y) && mathEqual(pt3->x, pt4->x) && mathEqual(pt1->y, pt4->y)) || (mathEqual(pt2->x, pt3->x) && mathEqual(pt1->y, pt2->y) && mathEqual(pt1->x, pt4->x) && mathEqual(pt3->y, pt4->y))) { auto v1 = *pt1; auto v2 = *pt3; if (rTransform) { mathMultiply(&v1, &rTransform->m); mathMultiply(&v2, &rTransform->m); } if (pTransform) { mathMultiply(&v1, &pTransform->m); mathMultiply(&v2, &pTransform->m); } //sorting if (v1.x > v2.x) { auto tmp = v2.x; v2.x = v1.x; v1.x = tmp; } if (v1.y > v2.y) { auto tmp = v2.y; v2.y = v1.y; v1.y = tmp; } viewport.x = static_cast<int32_t>(v1.x); viewport.y = static_cast<int32_t>(v1.y); viewport.w = static_cast<int32_t>(v2.x - v1.x + 0.5f); viewport.h = static_cast<int32_t>(v2.y - v1.y + 0.5f); if (viewport.w < 0) viewport.w = 0; if (viewport.h < 0) viewport.h = 0; return true; } return false; } Paint* Paint::Impl::duplicate() { auto ret = smethod->duplicate(); //duplicate Transform if (rTransform) { ret->pImpl->rTransform = new RenderTransform(); *ret->pImpl->rTransform = *rTransform; ret->pImpl->renderFlag |= RenderUpdateFlag::Transform; } ret->pImpl->opacity = opacity; if (compData) ret->pImpl->composite(ret, compData->target->duplicate(), compData->method); return ret; } bool Paint::Impl::rotate(float degree) { if (rTransform) { if (mathEqual(degree, rTransform->degree)) return true; } else { if (mathZero(degree)) return true; rTransform = new RenderTransform(); } rTransform->degree = degree; if (!rTransform->overriding) renderFlag |= RenderUpdateFlag::Transform; return true; } bool Paint::Impl::scale(float factor) { if (rTransform) { if (mathEqual(factor, rTransform->scale)) return true; } else { if (mathZero(factor)) return true; rTransform = new RenderTransform(); } rTransform->scale = factor; if (!rTransform->overriding) renderFlag |= RenderUpdateFlag::Transform; return true; } bool Paint::Impl::translate(float x, float y) { if (rTransform) { if (mathEqual(x, rTransform->x) && mathEqual(y, rTransform->y)) return true; } else { if (mathZero(x) && mathZero(y)) return true; rTransform = new RenderTransform(); } rTransform->x = x; rTransform->y = y; if (!rTransform->overriding) renderFlag |= RenderUpdateFlag::Transform; return true; } bool Paint::Impl::render(RenderMethod& renderer) { Compositor* cmp = nullptr; //OPTIMIZE_ME: Can we replace the simple AlphaMasking with ClipPath? /* Note: only ClipPath is processed in update() step. Create a composition image. */ if (compData && compData->method != CompositeMethod::ClipPath && !(compData->target->pImpl->ctxFlag & ContextFlag::FastTrack)) { auto region = smethod->bounds(renderer); if (region.w == 0 || region.h == 0) return true; cmp = renderer.target(region); renderer.beginComposite(cmp, CompositeMethod::None, 255); compData->target->pImpl->render(renderer); } if (cmp) renderer.beginComposite(cmp, compData->method, compData->target->pImpl->opacity); auto ret = smethod->render(renderer); if (cmp) renderer.endComposite(cmp); return ret; } void* Paint::Impl::update(RenderMethod& renderer, const RenderTransform* pTransform, uint32_t opacity, Array<RenderData>& clips, uint32_t pFlag) { if (renderFlag & RenderUpdateFlag::Transform) { if (!rTransform) return nullptr; if (!rTransform->update()) { delete(rTransform); rTransform = nullptr; } } /* 1. Composition Pre Processing */ void *tdata = nullptr; RenderRegion viewport; bool compFastTrack = false; if (compData) { auto target = compData->target; auto method = compData->method; target->pImpl->ctxFlag &= ~ContextFlag::FastTrack; //reset /* If transform has no rotation factors && ClipPath / AlphaMasking is a simple rectangle, we can avoid regular ClipPath / AlphaMasking sequence but use viewport for performance */ auto tryFastTrack = false; if (method == CompositeMethod::ClipPath) tryFastTrack = true; else if (method == CompositeMethod::AlphaMask && target->identifier() == TVG_CLASS_ID_SHAPE) { auto shape = static_cast<Shape*>(target); uint8_t a; shape->fillColor(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &a); if (a == 255 && shape->opacity() == 255 && !shape->fill()) tryFastTrack = true; } if (tryFastTrack) { RenderRegion viewport2; if ((compFastTrack = _compFastTrack(target, pTransform, target->pImpl->rTransform, viewport2))) { viewport = renderer.viewport(); viewport2.intersect(viewport); renderer.viewport(viewport2); target->pImpl->ctxFlag |= ContextFlag::FastTrack; } } if (!compFastTrack) { tdata = target->pImpl->update(renderer, pTransform, 255, clips, pFlag); if (method == CompositeMethod::ClipPath) clips.push(tdata); } } /* 2. Main Update */ void *edata = nullptr; auto newFlag = static_cast<RenderUpdateFlag>(pFlag | renderFlag); renderFlag = RenderUpdateFlag::None; opacity = (opacity * this->opacity) / 255; if (rTransform && pTransform) { RenderTransform outTransform(pTransform, rTransform); edata = smethod->update(renderer, &outTransform, opacity, clips, newFlag); } else { auto outTransform = pTransform ? pTransform : rTransform; edata = smethod->update(renderer, outTransform, opacity, clips, newFlag); } /* 3. Composition Post Processing */ if (compFastTrack) renderer.viewport(viewport); else if (tdata && compData->method == CompositeMethod::ClipPath) clips.pop(); return edata; } bool Paint::Impl::bounds(float* x, float* y, float* w, float* h, bool transformed) { Matrix* m = nullptr; //Case: No transformed, quick return! if (!transformed || !(m = this->transform())) return smethod->bounds(x, y, w, h); //Case: Transformed auto tx = 0.0f; auto ty = 0.0f; auto tw = 0.0f; auto th = 0.0f; auto ret = smethod->bounds(&tx, &ty, &tw, &th); //Get vertices Point pt[4] = {{tx, ty}, {tx + tw, ty}, {tx + tw, ty + th}, {tx, ty + th}}; //New bounding box auto x1 = FLT_MAX; auto y1 = FLT_MAX; auto x2 = -FLT_MAX; auto y2 = -FLT_MAX; //Compute the AABB after transformation for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { mathMultiply(&pt[i], m); if (pt[i].x < x1) x1 = pt[i].x; if (pt[i].x > x2) x2 = pt[i].x; if (pt[i].y < y1) y1 = pt[i].y; if (pt[i].y > y2) y2 = pt[i].y; } if (x) *x = x1; if (y) *y = y1; if (w) *w = x2 - x1; if (h) *h = y2 - y1; return ret; } /************************************************************************/ /* External Class Implementation */ /************************************************************************/ Paint :: Paint() : pImpl(new Impl()) { } Paint :: ~Paint() { delete(pImpl); } Result Paint::rotate(float degree) noexcept { if (pImpl->rotate(degree)) return Result::Success; return Result::FailedAllocation; } Result Paint::scale(float factor) noexcept { if (pImpl->scale(factor)) return Result::Success; return Result::FailedAllocation; } Result Paint::translate(float x, float y) noexcept { if (pImpl->translate(x, y)) return Result::Success; return Result::FailedAllocation; } Result Paint::transform(const Matrix& m) noexcept { if (pImpl->transform(m)) return Result::Success; return Result::FailedAllocation; } Matrix Paint::transform() noexcept { auto pTransform = pImpl->transform(); if (pTransform) return *pTransform; return {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}; } TVG_DEPRECATED Result Paint::bounds(float* x, float* y, float* w, float* h) const noexcept { return this->bounds(x, y, w, h, false); } Result Paint::bounds(float* x, float* y, float* w, float* h, bool transform) const noexcept { if (pImpl->bounds(x, y, w, h, transform)) return Result::Success; return Result::InsufficientCondition; } Paint* Paint::duplicate() const noexcept { return pImpl->duplicate(); } Result Paint::composite(std::unique_ptr<Paint> target, CompositeMethod method) noexcept { auto p = target.release(); if (pImpl->composite(this, p, method)) return Result::Success; if (p) delete(p); return Result::InvalidArguments; } CompositeMethod Paint::composite(const Paint** target) const noexcept { if (pImpl->compData) { if (target) *target = pImpl->compData->target; return pImpl->compData->method; } else { if (target) *target = nullptr; return CompositeMethod::None; } } Result Paint::opacity(uint8_t o) noexcept { if (pImpl->opacity == o) return Result::Success; pImpl->opacity = o; pImpl->renderFlag |= RenderUpdateFlag::Color; return Result::Success; } uint8_t Paint::opacity() const noexcept { return pImpl->opacity; } uint32_t Paint::identifier() const noexcept { return pImpl->id; }