/* * Copyright (c) 2020 - 2022 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "tvgSwCommon.h" /************************************************************************/ /* Internal Class Implementation */ /************************************************************************/ static constexpr auto SW_STROKE_TAG_POINT = 1; static constexpr auto SW_STROKE_TAG_CUBIC = 2; static constexpr auto SW_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN = 4; static constexpr auto SW_STROKE_TAG_END = 8; static inline SwFixed SIDE_TO_ROTATE(const int32_t s) { return (SW_ANGLE_PI2 - static_cast(s) * SW_ANGLE_PI); } static inline void SCALE(const SwStroke& stroke, SwPoint& pt) { pt.x = static_cast(pt.x * stroke.sx); pt.y = static_cast(pt.y * stroke.sy); } static void _growBorder(SwStrokeBorder* border, uint32_t newPts) { auto maxOld = border->maxPts; auto maxNew = border->ptsCnt + newPts; if (maxNew <= maxOld) return; auto maxCur = maxOld; while (maxCur < maxNew) maxCur += (maxCur >> 1) + 16; //OPTIMIZE: use mempool! border->pts = static_cast(realloc(border->pts, maxCur * sizeof(SwPoint))); border->tags = static_cast(realloc(border->tags, maxCur * sizeof(uint8_t))); border->maxPts = maxCur; } static void _borderClose(SwStrokeBorder* border, bool reverse) { auto start = border->start; auto count = border->ptsCnt; //Don't record empty paths! if (count <= start + 1U) { border->ptsCnt = start; } else { /* Copy the last point to the start of this sub-path, since it contains the adjusted starting coordinates */ border->ptsCnt = --count; border->pts[start] = border->pts[count]; if (reverse) { //reverse the points auto pt1 = border->pts + start + 1; auto pt2 = border->pts + count - 1; while (pt1 < pt2) { auto tmp = *pt1; *pt1 = *pt2; *pt2 = tmp; ++pt1; --pt2; } //reverse the tags auto tag1 = border->tags + start + 1; auto tag2 = border->tags + count - 1; while (tag1 < tag2) { auto tmp = *tag1; *tag1 = *tag2; *tag2 = tmp; ++tag1; --tag2; } } border->tags[start] |= SW_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN; border->tags[count - 1] |= SW_STROKE_TAG_END; } border->start = -1; border->movable = false; } static void _borderCubicTo(SwStrokeBorder* border, const SwPoint& ctrl1, const SwPoint& ctrl2, const SwPoint& to) { _growBorder(border, 3); auto pt = border->pts + border->ptsCnt; auto tag = border->tags + border->ptsCnt; pt[0] = ctrl1; pt[1] = ctrl2; pt[2] = to; tag[0] = SW_STROKE_TAG_CUBIC; tag[1] = SW_STROKE_TAG_CUBIC; tag[2] = SW_STROKE_TAG_POINT; border->ptsCnt += 3; border->movable = false; } static void _borderArcTo(SwStrokeBorder* border, const SwPoint& center, SwFixed radius, SwFixed angleStart, SwFixed angleDiff, SwStroke& stroke) { constexpr SwFixed ARC_CUBIC_ANGLE = SW_ANGLE_PI / 2; SwPoint a = {static_cast(radius), 0}; mathRotate(a, angleStart); SCALE(stroke, a); a += center; auto total = angleDiff; auto angle = angleStart; auto rotate = (angleDiff >= 0) ? SW_ANGLE_PI2 : -SW_ANGLE_PI2; while (total != 0) { auto step = total; if (step > ARC_CUBIC_ANGLE) step = ARC_CUBIC_ANGLE; else if (step < -ARC_CUBIC_ANGLE) step = -ARC_CUBIC_ANGLE; auto next = angle + step; auto theta = step; if (theta < 0) theta = -theta; theta >>= 1; //compute end point SwPoint b = {static_cast(radius), 0}; mathRotate(b, next); SCALE(stroke, b); b += center; //compute first and second control points auto length = mathMulDiv(radius, mathSin(theta) * 4, (0x10000L + mathCos(theta)) * 3); SwPoint a2 = {static_cast(length), 0}; mathRotate(a2, angle + rotate); SCALE(stroke, a2); a2 += a; SwPoint b2 = {static_cast(length), 0}; mathRotate(b2, next - rotate); SCALE(stroke, b2); b2 += b; //add cubic arc _borderCubicTo(border, a2, b2, b); //process the rest of the arc? a = b; total -= step; angle = next; } } static void _borderLineTo(SwStrokeBorder* border, const SwPoint& to, bool movable) { if (border->movable) { //move last point border->pts[border->ptsCnt - 1] = to; } else { //don't add zero-length line_to if (border->ptsCnt > 0 && (border->pts[border->ptsCnt - 1] - to).small()) return; _growBorder(border, 1); border->pts[border->ptsCnt] = to; border->tags[border->ptsCnt] = SW_STROKE_TAG_POINT; border->ptsCnt += 1; } border->movable = movable; } static void _borderMoveTo(SwStrokeBorder* border, SwPoint& to) { //close current open path if any? if (border->start >= 0) _borderClose(border, false); border->start = border->ptsCnt; border->movable = false; _borderLineTo(border, to, false); } static void _arcTo(SwStroke& stroke, int32_t side) { auto border = stroke.borders + side; auto rotate = SIDE_TO_ROTATE(side); auto total = mathDiff(stroke.angleIn, stroke.angleOut); if (total == SW_ANGLE_PI) total = -rotate * 2; _borderArcTo(border, stroke.center, stroke.width, stroke.angleIn + rotate, total, stroke); border->movable = false; } static void _outside(SwStroke& stroke, int32_t side, SwFixed lineLength) { constexpr SwFixed MITER_LIMIT = 4 * (1 << 16); auto border = stroke.borders + side; if (stroke.join == StrokeJoin::Round) { _arcTo(stroke, side); } else { //this is a mitered (pointed) or beveled (truncated) corner auto rotate = SIDE_TO_ROTATE(side); auto bevel = (stroke.join == StrokeJoin::Bevel) ? true : false; SwFixed phi = 0; SwFixed thcos = 0; if (!bevel) { auto theta = mathDiff(stroke.angleIn, stroke.angleOut); if (theta == SW_ANGLE_PI) { theta = rotate; phi = stroke.angleIn; } else { theta /= 2; phi = stroke.angleIn + theta + rotate; } thcos = mathCos(theta); auto sigma = mathMultiply(MITER_LIMIT, thcos); //is miter limit exceeded? if (sigma < 0x10000L) bevel = true; } //this is a bevel (broken angle) if (bevel) { SwPoint delta = {static_cast(stroke.width), 0}; mathRotate(delta, stroke.angleOut + rotate); SCALE(stroke, delta); delta += stroke.center; border->movable = false; _borderLineTo(border, delta, false); //this is a miter (intersection) } else { auto length = mathDivide(stroke.width, thcos); SwPoint delta = {static_cast(length), 0}; mathRotate(delta, phi); SCALE(stroke, delta); delta += stroke.center; _borderLineTo(border, delta, false); /* Now add and end point Only needed if not lineto (lineLength is zero for curves) */ if (lineLength == 0) { delta = {static_cast(stroke.width), 0}; mathRotate(delta, stroke.angleOut + rotate); SCALE(stroke, delta); delta += stroke.center; _borderLineTo(border, delta, false); } } } } static void _inside(SwStroke& stroke, int32_t side, SwFixed lineLength) { auto border = stroke.borders + side; auto theta = mathDiff(stroke.angleIn, stroke.angleOut) / 2; SwPoint delta; bool intersect = false; /* Only intersect borders if between two line_to's and both lines are long enough (line length is zero fur curves). */ if (border->movable && lineLength > 0) { //compute minimum required length of lines SwFixed minLength = abs(mathMultiply(stroke.width, mathTan(theta))); if (stroke.lineLength >= minLength && lineLength >= minLength) intersect = true; } auto rotate = SIDE_TO_ROTATE(side); if (!intersect) { delta = {static_cast(stroke.width), 0}; mathRotate(delta, stroke.angleOut + rotate); SCALE(stroke, delta); delta += stroke.center; border->movable = false; } else { //compute median angle auto phi = stroke.angleIn + theta; auto thcos = mathCos(theta); delta = {static_cast(mathDivide(stroke.width, thcos)), 0}; mathRotate(delta, phi + rotate); SCALE(stroke, delta); delta += stroke.center; } _borderLineTo(border, delta, false); } void _processCorner(SwStroke& stroke, SwFixed lineLength) { auto turn = mathDiff(stroke.angleIn, stroke.angleOut); //no specific corner processing is required if the turn is 0 if (turn == 0) return; //when we turn to the right, the inside side is 0 int32_t inside = 0; //otherwise, the inside is 1 if (turn < 0) inside = 1; //process the inside _inside(stroke, inside, lineLength); //process the outside _outside(stroke, 1 - inside, lineLength); } void _firstSubPath(SwStroke& stroke, SwFixed startAngle, SwFixed lineLength) { SwPoint delta = {static_cast(stroke.width), 0}; mathRotate(delta, startAngle + SW_ANGLE_PI2); SCALE(stroke, delta); auto pt = stroke.center + delta; auto border = stroke.borders; _borderMoveTo(border, pt); pt = stroke.center - delta; ++border; _borderMoveTo(border, pt); /* Save angle, position and line length for last join lineLength is zero for curves */ stroke.subPathAngle = startAngle; stroke.firstPt = false; stroke.subPathLineLength = lineLength; } static void _lineTo(SwStroke& stroke, const SwPoint& to) { auto delta = to - stroke.center; //a zero-length lineto is a no-op; avoid creating a spurious corner if (delta.zero()) return; //compute length of line auto lineLength = mathLength(delta); auto angle = mathAtan(delta); delta = {static_cast(stroke.width), 0}; mathRotate(delta, angle + SW_ANGLE_PI2); SCALE(stroke, delta); //process corner if necessary if (stroke.firstPt) { /* This is the first segment of a subpath. We need to add a point to each border at their respective starting point locations. */ _firstSubPath(stroke, angle, lineLength); } else { //process the current corner stroke.angleOut = angle; _processCorner(stroke, lineLength); } //now add a line segment to both the inside and outside paths auto border = stroke.borders; auto side = 1; while (side >= 0) { auto pt = to + delta; //the ends of lineto borders are movable _borderLineTo(border, pt, true); delta.x = -delta.x; delta.y = -delta.y; --side; ++border; } stroke.angleIn = angle; stroke.center = to; stroke.lineLength = lineLength; } static void _cubicTo(SwStroke& stroke, const SwPoint& ctrl1, const SwPoint& ctrl2, const SwPoint& to) { /* if all control points are coincident, this is a no-op; avoid creating a spurious corner */ if ((stroke.center - ctrl1).small() && (ctrl1 - ctrl2).small() && (ctrl2 - to).small()) { stroke.center = to; return; } SwPoint bezStack[37]; //TODO: static? auto limit = bezStack + 32; auto arc = bezStack; auto firstArc = true; arc[0] = to; arc[1] = ctrl2; arc[2] = ctrl1; arc[3] = stroke.center; while (arc >= bezStack) { SwFixed angleIn, angleOut, angleMid; //initialize with current direction angleIn = angleOut = angleMid = stroke.angleIn; if (arc < limit && !mathSmallCubic(arc, angleIn, angleMid, angleOut)) { if (stroke.firstPt) stroke.angleIn = angleIn; mathSplitCubic(arc); arc += 3; continue; } if (firstArc) { firstArc = false; //process corner if necessary if (stroke.firstPt) { _firstSubPath(stroke, angleIn, 0); } else { stroke.angleOut = angleIn; _processCorner(stroke, 0); } } else if (abs(mathDiff(stroke.angleIn, angleIn)) > (SW_ANGLE_PI / 8) / 4) { //if the deviation from one arc to the next is too great add a round corner stroke.center = arc[3]; stroke.angleOut = angleIn; stroke.join = StrokeJoin::Round; _processCorner(stroke, 0); //reinstate line join style stroke.join = stroke.joinSaved; } //the arc's angle is small enough; we can add it directly to each border auto theta1 = mathDiff(angleIn, angleMid) / 2; auto theta2 = mathDiff(angleMid, angleOut) / 2; auto phi1 = mathMean(angleIn, angleMid); auto phi2 = mathMean(angleMid, angleOut); auto length1 = mathDivide(stroke.width, mathCos(theta1)); auto length2 = mathDivide(stroke.width, mathCos(theta2)); SwFixed alpha0 = 0; //compute direction of original arc if (stroke.handleWideStrokes) { alpha0 = mathAtan(arc[0] - arc[3]); } auto border = stroke.borders; int32_t side = 0; while (side <= 1) { auto rotate = SIDE_TO_ROTATE(side); //compute control points SwPoint _ctrl1 = {static_cast(length1), 0}; mathRotate(_ctrl1, phi1 + rotate); SCALE(stroke, _ctrl1); _ctrl1 += arc[2]; SwPoint _ctrl2 = {static_cast(length2), 0}; mathRotate(_ctrl2, phi2 + rotate); SCALE(stroke, _ctrl2); _ctrl2 += arc[1]; //compute end point SwPoint _end = {static_cast(stroke.width), 0}; mathRotate(_end, angleOut + rotate); SCALE(stroke, _end); _end += arc[0]; if (stroke.handleWideStrokes) { /* determine whether the border radius is greater than the radius of curvature of the original arc */ auto _start = border->pts[border->ptsCnt - 1]; auto alpha1 = mathAtan(_end - _start); //is the direction of the border arc opposite to that of the original arc? if (abs(mathDiff(alpha0, alpha1)) > SW_ANGLE_PI / 2) { //use the sine rule to find the intersection point auto beta = mathAtan(arc[3] - _start); auto gamma = mathAtan(arc[0] - _end); auto bvec = _end - _start; auto blen = mathLength(bvec); auto sinA = abs(mathSin(alpha1 - gamma)); auto sinB = abs(mathSin(beta - gamma)); auto alen = mathMulDiv(blen, sinA, sinB); SwPoint delta = {static_cast(alen), 0}; mathRotate(delta, beta); delta += _start; //circumnavigate the negative sector backwards border->movable = false; _borderLineTo(border, delta, false); _borderLineTo(border, _end, false); _borderCubicTo(border, _ctrl2, _ctrl1, _start); //and then move to the endpoint _borderLineTo(border, _end, false); ++side; ++border; continue; } //else fall through } _borderCubicTo(border, _ctrl1, _ctrl2, _end); ++side; ++border; } arc -= 3; stroke.angleIn = angleOut; } stroke.center = to; } static void _addCap(SwStroke& stroke, SwFixed angle, int32_t side) { if (stroke.cap == StrokeCap::Square) { auto rotate = SIDE_TO_ROTATE(side); auto border = stroke.borders + side; SwPoint delta = {static_cast(stroke.width), 0}; mathRotate(delta, angle); SCALE(stroke, delta); SwPoint delta2 = {static_cast(stroke.width), 0}; mathRotate(delta2, angle + rotate); SCALE(stroke, delta2); delta += stroke.center + delta2; _borderLineTo(border, delta, false); delta = {static_cast(stroke.width), 0}; mathRotate(delta, angle); SCALE(stroke, delta); delta2 = {static_cast(stroke.width), 0}; mathRotate(delta2, angle - rotate); SCALE(stroke, delta2); delta += delta2 + stroke.center; _borderLineTo(border, delta, false); } else if (stroke.cap == StrokeCap::Round) { stroke.angleIn = angle; stroke.angleOut = angle + SW_ANGLE_PI; _arcTo(stroke, side); return; } else { //Butt auto rotate = SIDE_TO_ROTATE(side); auto border = stroke.borders + side; SwPoint delta = {static_cast(stroke.width), 0}; mathRotate(delta, angle + rotate); SCALE(stroke, delta); delta += stroke.center; _borderLineTo(border, delta, false); delta = {static_cast(stroke.width), 0}; mathRotate(delta, angle - rotate); SCALE(stroke, delta); delta += stroke.center; _borderLineTo(border, delta, false); } } static void _addReverseLeft(SwStroke& stroke, bool opened) { auto right = stroke.borders + 0; auto left = stroke.borders + 1; auto newPts = left->ptsCnt - left->start; if (newPts <= 0) return; _growBorder(right, newPts); auto dstPt = right->pts + right->ptsCnt; auto dstTag = right->tags + right->ptsCnt; auto srcPt = left->pts + left->ptsCnt - 1; auto srcTag = left->tags + left->ptsCnt - 1; while (srcPt >= left->pts + left->start) { *dstPt = *srcPt; *dstTag = *srcTag; if (opened) { dstTag[0] &= ~(SW_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN | SW_STROKE_TAG_END); } else { //switch begin/end tags if necessary auto ttag = dstTag[0] & (SW_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN | SW_STROKE_TAG_END); if (ttag == SW_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN || ttag == SW_STROKE_TAG_END) dstTag[0] ^= (SW_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN | SW_STROKE_TAG_END); } --srcPt; --srcTag; ++dstPt; ++dstTag; } left->ptsCnt = left->start; right->ptsCnt += newPts; right->movable = false; left->movable = false; } static void _beginSubPath(SwStroke& stroke, const SwPoint& to, bool closed) { /* We cannot process the first point because there is not enough information regarding its corner/cap. Later, it will be processed in the _endSubPath() */ stroke.firstPt = true; stroke.center = to; stroke.closedSubPath = closed; /* Determine if we need to check whether the border radius is greater than the radius of curvature of a curve, to handle this case specially. This is only required if bevel joins or butt caps may be created because round & miter joins and round & square caps cover the nagative sector created with wide strokes. */ if ((stroke.join != StrokeJoin::Round) || (!stroke.closedSubPath && stroke.cap == StrokeCap::Butt)) stroke.handleWideStrokes = true; else stroke.handleWideStrokes = false; stroke.ptStartSubPath = to; stroke.angleIn = 0; } static void _endSubPath(SwStroke& stroke) { if (stroke.closedSubPath) { //close the path if needed if (stroke.center != stroke.ptStartSubPath) _lineTo(stroke, stroke.ptStartSubPath); //process the corner stroke.angleOut = stroke.subPathAngle; auto turn = mathDiff(stroke.angleIn, stroke.angleOut); //No specific corner processing is required if the turn is 0 if (turn != 0) { //when we turn to the right, the inside is 0 int32_t inside = 0; //otherwise, the inside is 1 if (turn < 0) inside = 1; _inside(stroke, inside, stroke.subPathLineLength); //inside _outside(stroke, 1 - inside, stroke.subPathLineLength); //outside } _borderClose(stroke.borders + 0, false); _borderClose(stroke.borders + 1, true); } else { auto right = stroke.borders; /* all right, this is an opened path, we need to add a cap between right & left, add the reverse of left, then add a final cap between left & right */ _addCap(stroke, stroke.angleIn, 0); //add reversed points from 'left' to 'right' _addReverseLeft(stroke, true); //now add the final cap stroke.center = stroke.ptStartSubPath; _addCap(stroke, stroke.subPathAngle + SW_ANGLE_PI, 0); /* now end the right subpath accordingly. The left one is rewind and deosn't need further processing */ _borderClose(right, false); } } static void _getCounts(SwStrokeBorder* border, uint32_t& ptsCnt, uint32_t& cntrsCnt) { auto count = border->ptsCnt; auto tags = border->tags; uint32_t _ptsCnt = 0; uint32_t _cntrsCnt = 0; bool inCntr = false; while (count > 0) { if (tags[0] & SW_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN) { if (inCntr) goto fail; inCntr = true; } else if (!inCntr) goto fail; if (tags[0] & SW_STROKE_TAG_END) { inCntr = false; ++_cntrsCnt; } --count; ++_ptsCnt; ++tags; } if (inCntr) goto fail; ptsCnt = _ptsCnt; cntrsCnt = _cntrsCnt; return; fail: ptsCnt = 0; cntrsCnt = 0; } static void _exportBorderOutline(const SwStroke& stroke, SwOutline* outline, uint32_t side) { auto border = stroke.borders + side; if (border->ptsCnt == 0) return; //invalid border memcpy(outline->pts + outline->ptsCnt, border->pts, border->ptsCnt * sizeof(SwPoint)); auto cnt = border->ptsCnt; auto src = border->tags; auto tags = outline->types + outline->ptsCnt; auto cntrs = outline->cntrs + outline->cntrsCnt; uint16_t idx = outline->ptsCnt; while (cnt > 0) { if (*src & SW_STROKE_TAG_POINT) *tags = SW_CURVE_TYPE_POINT; else if (*src & SW_STROKE_TAG_CUBIC) *tags = SW_CURVE_TYPE_CUBIC; else { //LOG: What type of stroke outline?? } if (*src & SW_STROKE_TAG_END) { *cntrs = idx; ++cntrs; ++outline->cntrsCnt; } ++src; ++tags; ++idx; --cnt; } outline->ptsCnt = outline->ptsCnt + border->ptsCnt; } /************************************************************************/ /* External Class Implementation */ /************************************************************************/ void strokeFree(SwStroke* stroke) { if (!stroke) return; //free borders if (stroke->borders[0].pts) free(stroke->borders[0].pts); if (stroke->borders[0].tags) free(stroke->borders[0].tags); if (stroke->borders[1].pts) free(stroke->borders[1].pts); if (stroke->borders[1].tags) free(stroke->borders[1].tags); fillFree(stroke->fill); stroke->fill = nullptr; free(stroke); } void strokeReset(SwStroke* stroke, const Shape* sdata, const Matrix* transform) { if (transform) { stroke->sx = sqrtf(powf(transform->e11, 2.0f) + powf(transform->e21, 2.0f)); stroke->sy = sqrtf(powf(transform->e12, 2.0f) + powf(transform->e22, 2.0f)); } else { stroke->sx = stroke->sy = 1.0f; } stroke->width = HALF_STROKE(sdata->strokeWidth()); stroke->cap = sdata->strokeCap(); //Save line join: it can be temporarily changed when stroking curves... stroke->joinSaved = stroke->join = sdata->strokeJoin(); stroke->borders[0].ptsCnt = 0; stroke->borders[0].start = -1; stroke->borders[1].ptsCnt = 0; stroke->borders[1].start = -1; } bool strokeParseOutline(SwStroke* stroke, const SwOutline& outline) { uint32_t first = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < outline.cntrsCnt; ++i) { auto last = outline.cntrs[i]; //index of last point in contour auto limit = outline.pts + last; //Skip empty points if (last <= first) { first = last + 1; continue; } auto start = outline.pts[first]; auto pt = outline.pts + first; auto types = outline.types + first; auto type = types[0]; //A contour cannot start with a cubic control point if (type == SW_CURVE_TYPE_CUBIC) return false; auto closed = outline.closed ? outline.closed[i]: false; _beginSubPath(*stroke, start, closed); while (pt < limit) { ++pt; ++types; //emit a signel line_to if (types[0] == SW_CURVE_TYPE_POINT) { _lineTo(*stroke, *pt); //types cubic } else { if (pt + 1 > limit || types[1] != SW_CURVE_TYPE_CUBIC) return false; pt += 2; types += 2; if (pt <= limit) { _cubicTo(*stroke, pt[-2], pt[-1], pt[0]); continue; } _cubicTo(*stroke, pt[-2], pt[-1], start); goto close; } } close: if (!stroke->firstPt) _endSubPath(*stroke); first = last + 1; } return true; } SwOutline* strokeExportOutline(SwStroke* stroke, SwMpool* mpool, unsigned tid) { uint32_t count1, count2, count3, count4; _getCounts(stroke->borders + 0, count1, count2); _getCounts(stroke->borders + 1, count3, count4); auto ptsCnt = count1 + count3; auto cntrsCnt = count2 + count4; auto outline = mpoolReqStrokeOutline(mpool, tid); if (outline->reservedPtsCnt < ptsCnt) { outline->pts = static_cast(realloc(outline->pts, sizeof(SwPoint) * ptsCnt)); outline->types = static_cast(realloc(outline->types, sizeof(uint8_t) * ptsCnt)); outline->reservedPtsCnt = ptsCnt; } if (outline->reservedCntrsCnt < cntrsCnt) { outline->cntrs = static_cast(realloc(outline->cntrs, sizeof(uint16_t) * cntrsCnt)); outline->reservedCntrsCnt = cntrsCnt; } _exportBorderOutline(*stroke, outline, 0); //left _exportBorderOutline(*stroke, outline, 1); //right return outline; }