// Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2006 -- Ignacio Castano <icastano@nvidia.com> #include "nvmesh.h" // pch #include "Atlas.h" #include "Util.h" #include "AtlasBuilder.h" #include "AtlasPacker.h" #include "SingleFaceMap.h" #include "OrthogonalProjectionMap.h" #include "LeastSquaresConformalMap.h" #include "ParameterizationQuality.h" //#include "nvmesh/export/MeshExportOBJ.h" #include "nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h" #include "nvmesh/halfedge/Face.h" #include "nvmesh/halfedge/Vertex.h" #include "nvmesh/MeshBuilder.h" #include "nvmesh/MeshTopology.h" #include "nvmesh/param/Util.h" #include "nvmesh/geometry/Measurements.h" #include "nvmath/Vector.inl" #include "nvmath/Fitting.h" #include "nvmath/Box.inl" #include "nvmath/ProximityGrid.h" #include "nvmath/Morton.h" #include "nvcore/StrLib.h" #include "nvcore/Array.inl" #include "nvcore/HashMap.inl" using namespace nv; /// Ctor. Atlas::Atlas() { failed=false; } // Dtor. Atlas::~Atlas() { deleteAll(m_meshChartsArray); } uint Atlas::chartCount() const { uint count = 0; foreach(c, m_meshChartsArray) { count += m_meshChartsArray[c]->chartCount(); } return count; } const Chart * Atlas::chartAt(uint i) const { foreach(c, m_meshChartsArray) { uint count = m_meshChartsArray[c]->chartCount(); if (i < count) { return m_meshChartsArray[c]->chartAt(i); } i -= count; } return NULL; } Chart * Atlas::chartAt(uint i) { foreach(c, m_meshChartsArray) { uint count = m_meshChartsArray[c]->chartCount(); if (i < count) { return m_meshChartsArray[c]->chartAt(i); } i -= count; } return NULL; } // Extract the charts and add to this atlas. void Atlas::addMeshCharts(MeshCharts * meshCharts) { m_meshChartsArray.append(meshCharts); } void Atlas::extractCharts(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh) { MeshCharts * meshCharts = new MeshCharts(mesh); meshCharts->extractCharts(); addMeshCharts(meshCharts); } void Atlas::computeCharts(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh, const SegmentationSettings & settings, const Array<uint> & unchartedMaterialArray) { failed=false; MeshCharts * meshCharts = new MeshCharts(mesh); meshCharts->computeCharts(settings, unchartedMaterialArray); addMeshCharts(meshCharts); } #if 0 /// Compute a seamless texture atlas. bool Atlas::computeSeamlessTextureAtlas(bool groupFaces/*= true*/, bool scaleTiles/*= false*/, uint w/*= 1024*/, uint h/* = 1024*/) { // Implement seamless texture atlas similar to what ZBrush does. See also: // "Meshed Atlases for Real-Time Procedural Solid Texturing" // http://graphics.cs.uiuc.edu/~jch/papers/rtpst.pdf // Other methods that we should experiment with: // // Seamless Texture Atlases: // http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~bpurnomo/STA/index.html // // Rectangular Multi-Chart Geometry Images: // http://graphics.cs.uiuc.edu/~jch/papers/rmcgi.pdf // // Discrete differential geometry also provide a way of constructing // seamless quadrangulations as shown in: // http://www.geometry.caltech.edu/pubs/TACD06.pdf // #pragma message(NV_FILE_LINE "TODO: Implement seamless texture atlas.") if (groupFaces) { // @@ TODO. } else { // @@ Create one atlas per face. } if (scaleTiles) { // @@ TODO } /* if (!isQuadMesh(m_mesh)) { // Only handle quads for now. return false; } // Each face is a chart. const uint faceCount = m_mesh->faceCount(); m_chartArray.resize(faceCount); for(uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { m_chartArray[f].faceArray.clear(); m_chartArray[f].faceArray.append(f); } // Map each face to a separate square. // Determine face layout according to width and height. float aspect = float(m_width) / float(m_height); uint i = 2; uint total = (m_width / (i+1)) * (m_height / (i+1)); while(total > faceCount) { i *= 2; total = (m_width / (i+1)) * (m_height / (i+1)); } uint tileSize = i / 2; int x = 0; int y = 0; m_result = new HalfEdge::Mesh(); // Once you have that it's just matter of traversing the faces. for(uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { // Compute texture coordinates. Vector2 tex[4]; tex[0] = Vector2(float(x), float(y)); tex[1] = Vector2(float(x+tileSize), float(y)); tex[2] = Vector2(float(x+tileSize), float(y+tileSize)); tex[3] = Vector2(float(x), float(y+tileSize)); Array<uint> indexArray(4); const HalfEdge::Face * face = m_mesh->faceAt(f); int i = 0; for(HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance(), i++) { const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current(); const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = edge->from(); HalfEdge::Vertex * newVertex = m_result->addVertex(vertex->id(), vertex->pos()); newVertex->setTex(Vector3(tex[i], 0)); newVertex->setNor(vertex->nor()); indexArray.append(m_result->vertexCount() + 1); } m_result->addFace(indexArray); // Move to the next tile. x += tileSize + 1; if (x + tileSize > m_width) { x = 0; y += tileSize + 1; } } */ return false; } #endif void Atlas::parameterizeCharts() { foreach(i, m_meshChartsArray) { m_meshChartsArray[i]->parameterizeCharts(); } } float Atlas::packCharts(int quality, float texelsPerUnit, bool blockAlign, bool conservative) { AtlasPacker packer(this); packer.packCharts(quality, texelsPerUnit, blockAlign, conservative); if (hasFailed()) return 0; return packer.computeAtlasUtilization(); } /// Ctor. MeshCharts::MeshCharts(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh) : m_mesh(mesh) { } // Dtor. MeshCharts::~MeshCharts() { deleteAll(m_chartArray); } void MeshCharts::extractCharts() { const uint faceCount = m_mesh->faceCount(); int first = 0; Array<uint> queue(faceCount); BitArray bitFlags(faceCount); bitFlags.clearAll(); for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { if (bitFlags.bitAt(f) == false) { // Start new patch. Reset queue. first = 0; queue.clear(); queue.append(f); bitFlags.setBitAt(f); while (first != queue.count()) { const HalfEdge::Face * face = m_mesh->faceAt(queue[first]); // Visit face neighbors of queue[first] for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance()) { const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current(); nvDebugCheck(edge->pair != NULL); if (!edge->isBoundary() && /*!edge->isSeam()*/ //!(edge->from()->tex() != edge->pair()->to()->tex() || edge->to()->tex() != edge->pair()->from()->tex())) !(edge->from() != edge->pair->to() || edge->to() != edge->pair->from())) // Preserve existing seams (not just texture seams). { const HalfEdge::Face * neighborFace = edge->pair->face; nvDebugCheck(neighborFace != NULL); if (bitFlags.bitAt(neighborFace->id) == false) { queue.append(neighborFace->id); bitFlags.setBitAt(neighborFace->id); } } } first++; } Chart * chart = new Chart(); chart->build(m_mesh, queue); m_chartArray.append(chart); } } } /* LSCM: - identify sharp features using local dihedral angles. - identify seed faces farthest from sharp features. - grow charts from these seeds. MCGIM: - phase 1: chart growth - grow all charts simultaneously using dijkstra search on the dual graph of the mesh. - graph edges are weighted based on planarity metric. - metric uses distance to global chart normal. - terminate when all faces have been assigned. - phase 2: seed computation: - place new seed of the chart at the most interior face. - most interior is evaluated using distance metric only. - method repeates the two phases, until the location of the seeds does not change. - cycles are detected by recording all the previous seeds and chartification terminates. D-Charts: - Uniaxial conic metric: - N_c = axis of the generalized cone that best fits the chart. (cone can a be cylinder or a plane). - omega_c = angle between the face normals and the axis. - Fitting error between chart C and tringle t: F(c,t) = (N_c*n_t - cos(omega_c))^2 - Compactness metrics: - Roundness: - C(c,t) = pi * D(S_c,t)^2 / A_c - S_c = chart seed. - D(S_c,t) = length of the shortest path inside the chart betwen S_c and t. - A_c = chart area. - Straightness: - P(c,t) = l_out(c,t) / l_in(c,t) - l_out(c,t) = lenght of the edges not shared between C and t. - l_in(c,t) = lenght of the edges shared between C and t. - Combined metric: - Cost(c,t) = F(c,t)^alpha + C(c,t)^beta + P(c,t)^gamma - alpha = 1, beta = 0.7, gamma = 0.5 Our basic approach: - Just one iteration of k-means? - Avoid dijkstra by greedily growing charts until a threshold is met. Increase threshold and repeat until no faces left. - If distortion metric is too high, split chart, add two seeds. - If chart size is low, try removing chart. Postprocess: - If topology is not disk: - Fill holes, if new faces fit proxy. - Find best cut, otherwise. - After parameterization: - If boundary self-intersects: - cut chart along the closest two diametral boundary vertices, repeat parametrization. - what if the overlap is on an appendix? How do we find that out and cut appropiately? - emphasize roundness metrics to prevent those cases. - If interior self-overlaps: preserve boundary parameterization and use mean-value map. */ SegmentationSettings::SegmentationSettings() { // Charts have no area or boundary limits right now. maxChartArea = NV_FLOAT_MAX; maxBoundaryLength = NV_FLOAT_MAX; proxyFitMetricWeight = 1.0f; roundnessMetricWeight = 0.1f; straightnessMetricWeight = 0.25f; normalSeamMetricWeight = 1.0f; textureSeamMetricWeight = 0.1f; } void MeshCharts::computeCharts(const SegmentationSettings & settings, const Array<uint> & unchartedMaterialArray) { Chart * vertexMap = NULL; if (unchartedMaterialArray.count() != 0) { vertexMap = new Chart(); vertexMap->buildVertexMap(m_mesh, unchartedMaterialArray); if (vertexMap->faceCount() == 0) { delete vertexMap; vertexMap = NULL; } } AtlasBuilder builder(m_mesh); if (vertexMap != NULL) { // Mark faces that do not need to be charted. builder.markUnchartedFaces(vertexMap->faceArray()); m_chartArray.append(vertexMap); } if (builder.facesLeft != 0) { // Tweak these values: const float maxThreshold = 2; const uint growFaceCount = 32; const uint maxIterations = 4; builder.settings = settings; //builder.settings.proxyFitMetricWeight *= 0.75; // relax proxy fit weight during initial seed placement. //builder.settings.roundnessMetricWeight = 0; //builder.settings.straightnessMetricWeight = 0; // This seems a reasonable estimate. uint maxSeedCount = max(6U, builder.facesLeft); // Create initial charts greedely. nvDebug("### Placing seeds\n"); builder.placeSeeds(maxThreshold, maxSeedCount); nvDebug("### Placed %d seeds (max = %d)\n", builder.chartCount(), maxSeedCount); builder.updateProxies(); builder.mergeCharts(); #if 1 nvDebug("### Relocating seeds\n"); builder.relocateSeeds(); nvDebug("### Reset charts\n"); builder.resetCharts(); if (vertexMap != NULL) { builder.markUnchartedFaces(vertexMap->faceArray()); } builder.settings = settings; nvDebug("### Growing charts\n"); // Restart process growing charts in parallel. uint iteration = 0; while (true) { if (!builder.growCharts(maxThreshold, growFaceCount)) { nvDebug("### Can't grow anymore\n"); // If charts cannot grow more: fill holes, merge charts, relocate seeds and start new iteration. nvDebug("### Filling holes\n"); builder.fillHoles(maxThreshold); nvDebug("### Using %d charts now\n", builder.chartCount()); builder.updateProxies(); nvDebug("### Merging charts\n"); builder.mergeCharts(); nvDebug("### Using %d charts now\n", builder.chartCount()); nvDebug("### Reseeding\n"); if (!builder.relocateSeeds()) { nvDebug("### Cannot relocate seeds anymore\n"); // Done! break; } if (iteration == maxIterations) { nvDebug("### Reached iteration limit\n"); break; } iteration++; nvDebug("### Reset charts\n"); builder.resetCharts(); if (vertexMap != NULL) { builder.markUnchartedFaces(vertexMap->faceArray()); } nvDebug("### Growing charts\n"); } }; #endif // Make sure no holes are left! nvDebugCheck(builder.facesLeft == 0); const uint chartCount = builder.chartArray.count(); for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++) { Chart * chart = new Chart(); m_chartArray.append(chart); chart->build(m_mesh, builder.chartFaces(i)); } } const uint chartCount = m_chartArray.count(); // Build face indices. m_faceChart.resize(m_mesh->faceCount()); m_faceIndex.resize(m_mesh->faceCount()); for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++) { const Chart * chart = m_chartArray[i]; const uint faceCount = chart->faceCount(); for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { uint idx = chart->faceAt(f); m_faceChart[idx] = i; m_faceIndex[idx] = f; } } // Build an exclusive prefix sum of the chart vertex counts. m_chartVertexCountPrefixSum.resize(chartCount); if (chartCount > 0) { m_chartVertexCountPrefixSum[0] = 0; for (uint i = 1; i < chartCount; i++) { const Chart * chart = m_chartArray[i-1]; m_chartVertexCountPrefixSum[i] = m_chartVertexCountPrefixSum[i-1] + chart->vertexCount(); } m_totalVertexCount = m_chartVertexCountPrefixSum[chartCount - 1] + m_chartArray[chartCount-1]->vertexCount(); } else { m_totalVertexCount = 0; } } void MeshCharts::parameterizeCharts() { ParameterizationQuality globalParameterizationQuality; // Parameterize the charts. uint diskCount = 0; const uint chartCount = m_chartArray.count(); for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)\ { Chart * chart = m_chartArray[i]; bool isValid = false; if (chart->isVertexMapped()) { continue; } if (chart->isDisk()) { diskCount++; ParameterizationQuality chartParameterizationQuality; if (chart->faceCount() == 1) { computeSingleFaceMap(chart->unifiedMesh()); chartParameterizationQuality = ParameterizationQuality(chart->unifiedMesh()); } else { computeOrthogonalProjectionMap(chart->unifiedMesh()); ParameterizationQuality orthogonalQuality(chart->unifiedMesh()); computeLeastSquaresConformalMap(chart->unifiedMesh()); ParameterizationQuality lscmQuality(chart->unifiedMesh()); // If the orthogonal projection produces better results, just use that. // @@ It may be dangerous to do this, because isValid() does not detect self-overlaps. // @@ Another problem is that with very thin patches with nearly zero parametric area, the results of our metric are not accurate. /*if (orthogonalQuality.isValid() && orthogonalQuality.rmsStretchMetric() < lscmQuality.rmsStretchMetric()) { computeOrthogonalProjectionMap(chart->unifiedMesh()); chartParameterizationQuality = orthogonalQuality; } else*/ { chartParameterizationQuality = lscmQuality; } // If conformal map failed, // @@ Experiment with other parameterization methods. //computeCircularBoundaryMap(chart->unifiedMesh()); //computeConformalMap(chart->unifiedMesh()); //computeNaturalConformalMap(chart->unifiedMesh()); //computeGuidanceGradientMap(chart->unifiedMesh()); } //ParameterizationQuality chartParameterizationQuality(chart->unifiedMesh()); isValid = chartParameterizationQuality.isValid(); if (!isValid) { nvDebug("*** Invalid parameterization.\n"); #if 0 // Dump mesh to inspect problem: static int pieceCount = 0; StringBuilder fileName; fileName.format("invalid_chart_%d.obj", pieceCount++); exportMesh(chart->unifiedMesh(), fileName.str()); #endif } // @@ Check that parameterization quality is above a certain threshold. // @@ Detect boundary self-intersections. globalParameterizationQuality += chartParameterizationQuality; } if (!isValid) { //nvDebugBreak(); // @@ Run the builder again, but only on this chart. //AtlasBuilder builder(chart->chartMesh()); } // Transfer parameterization from unified mesh to chart mesh. chart->transferParameterization(); } nvDebug(" Parameterized %d/%d charts.\n", diskCount, chartCount); nvDebug(" RMS stretch metric: %f\n", globalParameterizationQuality.rmsStretchMetric()); nvDebug(" MAX stretch metric: %f\n", globalParameterizationQuality.maxStretchMetric()); nvDebug(" RMS conformal metric: %f\n", globalParameterizationQuality.rmsConformalMetric()); nvDebug(" RMS authalic metric: %f\n", globalParameterizationQuality.maxAuthalicMetric()); } Chart::Chart() : m_chartMesh(NULL), m_unifiedMesh(NULL), m_isDisk(false), m_isVertexMapped(false) { } void Chart::build(const HalfEdge::Mesh * originalMesh, const Array<uint> & faceArray) { // Copy face indices. m_faceArray = faceArray; const uint meshVertexCount = originalMesh->vertexCount(); m_chartMesh = new HalfEdge::Mesh(); m_unifiedMesh = new HalfEdge::Mesh(); Array<uint> chartMeshIndices; chartMeshIndices.resize(meshVertexCount, ~0); Array<uint> unifiedMeshIndices; unifiedMeshIndices.resize(meshVertexCount, ~0); // Add vertices. const uint faceCount = faceArray.count(); for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { const HalfEdge::Face * face = originalMesh->faceAt(faceArray[f]); nvDebugCheck(face != NULL); for(HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance()) { const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = it.current()->vertex; const HalfEdge::Vertex * unifiedVertex = vertex->firstColocal(); if (unifiedMeshIndices[unifiedVertex->id] == ~0) { unifiedMeshIndices[unifiedVertex->id] = m_unifiedMesh->vertexCount(); nvDebugCheck(vertex->pos == unifiedVertex->pos); m_unifiedMesh->addVertex(vertex->pos); } if (chartMeshIndices[vertex->id] == ~0) { chartMeshIndices[vertex->id] = m_chartMesh->vertexCount(); m_chartToOriginalMap.append(vertex->id); m_chartToUnifiedMap.append(unifiedMeshIndices[unifiedVertex->id]); HalfEdge::Vertex * v = m_chartMesh->addVertex(vertex->pos); v->nor = vertex->nor; v->tex = vertex->tex; } } } // This is ignoring the canonical map: // - Is it really necessary to link colocals? m_chartMesh->linkColocals(); //m_unifiedMesh->linkColocals(); // Not strictly necessary, no colocals in the unified mesh. # Wrong. // This check is not valid anymore, if the original mesh vertices were linked with a canonical map, then it might have // some colocal vertices that were unlinked. So, the unified mesh might have some duplicate vertices, because firstColocal() // is not guaranteed to return the same vertex for two colocal vertices. //nvCheck(m_chartMesh->colocalVertexCount() == m_unifiedMesh->vertexCount()); // Is that OK? What happens in meshes were that happens? Does anything break? Apparently not... Array<uint> faceIndices(7); // Add faces. for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { const HalfEdge::Face * face = originalMesh->faceAt(faceArray[f]); nvDebugCheck(face != NULL); faceIndices.clear(); for(HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance()) { const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = it.current()->vertex; nvDebugCheck(vertex != NULL); faceIndices.append(chartMeshIndices[vertex->id]); } m_chartMesh->addFace(faceIndices); faceIndices.clear(); for(HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance()) { const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = it.current()->vertex; nvDebugCheck(vertex != NULL); vertex = vertex->firstColocal(); faceIndices.append(unifiedMeshIndices[vertex->id]); } m_unifiedMesh->addFace(faceIndices); } m_chartMesh->linkBoundary(); m_unifiedMesh->linkBoundary(); //exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), "debug_input.obj"); if (m_unifiedMesh->splitBoundaryEdges()) { m_unifiedMesh = unifyVertices(m_unifiedMesh.ptr()); } //exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), "debug_split.obj"); // Closing the holes is not always the best solution and does not fix all the problems. // We need to do some analysis of the holes and the genus to: // - Find cuts that reduce genus. // - Find cuts to connect holes. // - Use minimal spanning trees or seamster. if (!closeHoles()) { /*static int pieceCount = 0; StringBuilder fileName; fileName.format("debug_hole_%d.obj", pieceCount++); exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), fileName.str());*/ } m_unifiedMesh = triangulate(m_unifiedMesh.ptr()); //exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), "debug_triangulated.obj"); // Analyze chart topology. MeshTopology topology(m_unifiedMesh.ptr()); m_isDisk = topology.isDisk(); // This is sometimes failing, when triangulate fails to add a triangle, it generates a hole in the mesh. //nvDebugCheck(m_isDisk); /*if (!m_isDisk) { static int pieceCount = 0; StringBuilder fileName; fileName.format("debug_hole_%d.obj", pieceCount++); exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), fileName.str()); }*/ #if 0 if (!m_isDisk) { nvDebugBreak(); static int pieceCount = 0; StringBuilder fileName; fileName.format("debug_nodisk_%d.obj", pieceCount++); exportMesh(m_chartMesh.ptr(), fileName.str()); } #endif } void Chart::buildVertexMap(const HalfEdge::Mesh * originalMesh, const Array<uint> & unchartedMaterialArray) { nvCheck(m_chartMesh == NULL && m_unifiedMesh == NULL); m_isVertexMapped = true; // Build face indices. m_faceArray.clear(); const uint meshFaceCount = originalMesh->faceCount(); for (uint f = 0; f < meshFaceCount; f++) { const HalfEdge::Face * face = originalMesh->faceAt(f); if (unchartedMaterialArray.contains(face->material)) { m_faceArray.append(f); } } const uint faceCount = m_faceArray.count(); if (faceCount == 0) { return; } // @@ The chartMesh construction is basically the same as with regular charts, don't duplicate! const uint meshVertexCount = originalMesh->vertexCount(); m_chartMesh = new HalfEdge::Mesh(); Array<uint> chartMeshIndices; chartMeshIndices.resize(meshVertexCount, ~0); // Vertex map mesh only has disconnected vertices. for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { const HalfEdge::Face * face = originalMesh->faceAt(m_faceArray[f]); nvDebugCheck(face != NULL); for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance()) { const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = it.current()->vertex; if (chartMeshIndices[vertex->id] == ~0) { chartMeshIndices[vertex->id] = m_chartMesh->vertexCount(); m_chartToOriginalMap.append(vertex->id); HalfEdge::Vertex * v = m_chartMesh->addVertex(vertex->pos); v->nor = vertex->nor; v->tex = vertex->tex; // @@ Not necessary. } } } // @@ Link colocals using the original mesh canonical map? Build canonical map on the fly? Do we need to link colocals at all for this? //m_chartMesh->linkColocals(); Array<uint> faceIndices(7); // Add faces. for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { const HalfEdge::Face * face = originalMesh->faceAt(m_faceArray[f]); nvDebugCheck(face != NULL); faceIndices.clear(); for(HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance()) { const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = it.current()->vertex; nvDebugCheck(vertex != NULL); nvDebugCheck(chartMeshIndices[vertex->id] != ~0); faceIndices.append(chartMeshIndices[vertex->id]); } HalfEdge::Face * new_face = m_chartMesh->addFace(faceIndices); nvDebugCheck(new_face != NULL); } m_chartMesh->linkBoundary(); const uint chartVertexCount = m_chartMesh->vertexCount(); Box bounds; bounds.clearBounds(); for (uint i = 0; i < chartVertexCount; i++) { HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(i); bounds.addPointToBounds(vertex->pos); } ProximityGrid grid; grid.init(bounds, chartVertexCount); for (uint i = 0; i < chartVertexCount; i++) { HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(i); grid.add(vertex->pos, i); } #if 0 // Arrange vertices in a rectangle. vertexMapWidth = ftoi_ceil(sqrtf(float(chartVertexCount))); vertexMapHeight = (chartVertexCount + vertexMapWidth - 1) / vertexMapWidth; nvDebugCheck(vertexMapWidth >= vertexMapHeight); int x = 0, y = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < chartVertexCount; i++) { HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(i); vertex->tex.x = float(x); vertex->tex.y = float(y); x++; if (x == vertexMapWidth) { x = 0; y++; nvCheck(y < vertexMapHeight); } } #elif 0 // Arrange vertices in a rectangle, traversing grid in 3D morton order and laying them down in 2D morton order. vertexMapWidth = ftoi_ceil(sqrtf(float(chartVertexCount))); vertexMapHeight = (chartVertexCount + vertexMapWidth - 1) / vertexMapWidth; nvDebugCheck(vertexMapWidth >= vertexMapHeight); int n = 0; uint32 texelCode = 0; uint cellsVisited = 0; const uint32 cellCodeCount = grid.mortonCount(); for (uint32 cellCode = 0; cellCode < cellCodeCount; cellCode++) { int cell = grid.mortonIndex(cellCode); if (cell < 0) continue; cellsVisited++; const Array<uint> & indexArray = grid.cellArray[cell].indexArray; foreach(i, indexArray) { uint idx = indexArray[i]; HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(idx); //vertex->tex.x = float(n % rectangleWidth) + 0.5f; //vertex->tex.y = float(n / rectangleWidth) + 0.5f; // Lay down the points in z order too. uint x, y; do { x = decodeMorton2X(texelCode); y = decodeMorton2Y(texelCode); texelCode++; } while (x >= U32(vertexMapWidth) || y >= U32(vertexMapHeight)); vertex->tex.x = float(x); vertex->tex.y = float(y); n++; } } nvDebugCheck(cellsVisited == grid.cellArray.count()); nvDebugCheck(n == chartVertexCount); #else uint texelCount = 0; const float positionThreshold = 0.01f; const float normalThreshold = 0.01f; uint verticesVisited = 0; uint cellsVisited = 0; Array<int> vertexIndexArray; vertexIndexArray.resize(chartVertexCount, -1); // Init all indices to -1. // Traverse vertices in morton order. @@ It may be more interesting to sort them based on orientation. const uint cellCodeCount = grid.mortonCount(); for (uint cellCode = 0; cellCode < cellCodeCount; cellCode++) { int cell = grid.mortonIndex(cellCode); if (cell < 0) continue; cellsVisited++; const Array<uint> & indexArray = grid.cellArray[cell].indexArray; foreach(i, indexArray) { uint idx = indexArray[i]; HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(idx); nvDebugCheck(vertexIndexArray[idx] == -1); Array<uint> neighbors; grid.gather(vertex->pos, positionThreshold, /*ref*/neighbors); // Compare against all nearby vertices, cluster greedily. foreach(j, neighbors) { uint otherIdx = neighbors[j]; if (vertexIndexArray[otherIdx] != -1) { HalfEdge::Vertex * otherVertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(otherIdx); if (distance(vertex->pos, otherVertex->pos) < positionThreshold && distance(vertex->nor, otherVertex->nor) < normalThreshold) { vertexIndexArray[idx] = vertexIndexArray[otherIdx]; break; } } } // If index not assigned, assign new one. if (vertexIndexArray[idx] == -1) { vertexIndexArray[idx] = texelCount++; } verticesVisited++; } } nvDebugCheck(cellsVisited == grid.cellArray.count()); nvDebugCheck(verticesVisited == chartVertexCount); vertexMapWidth = ftoi_ceil(sqrtf(float(texelCount))); vertexMapWidth = (vertexMapWidth + 3) & ~3; // Width aligned to 4. vertexMapHeight = vertexMapWidth == 0 ? 0 : (texelCount + vertexMapWidth - 1) / vertexMapWidth; //vertexMapHeight = (vertexMapHeight + 3) & ~3; // Height aligned to 4. nvDebugCheck(vertexMapWidth >= vertexMapHeight); nvDebug("Reduced vertex count from %d to %d.\n", chartVertexCount, texelCount); #if 0 // This lays down the clustered vertices linearly. for (uint i = 0; i < chartVertexCount; i++) { HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(i); int idx = vertexIndexArray[i]; vertex->tex.x = float(idx % vertexMapWidth); vertex->tex.y = float(idx / vertexMapWidth); } #else // Lay down the clustered vertices in morton order. Array<uint> texelCodes; texelCodes.resize(texelCount); // For each texel, assign one morton code. uint texelCode = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < texelCount; i++) { uint x, y; do { x = decodeMorton2X(texelCode); y = decodeMorton2Y(texelCode); texelCode++; } while (x >= U32(vertexMapWidth) || y >= U32(vertexMapHeight)); texelCodes[i] = texelCode - 1; } for (uint i = 0; i < chartVertexCount; i++) { HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(i); int idx = vertexIndexArray[i]; if (idx != -1) { uint texelCode = texelCodes[idx]; uint x = decodeMorton2X(texelCode); uint y = decodeMorton2Y(texelCode); vertex->tex.x = float(x); vertex->tex.y = float(y); } } #endif #endif } static void getBoundaryEdges(HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh, Array<HalfEdge::Edge *> & boundaryEdges) { nvDebugCheck(mesh != NULL); const uint edgeCount = mesh->edgeCount(); BitArray bitFlags(edgeCount); bitFlags.clearAll(); boundaryEdges.clear(); // Search for boundary edges. Mark all the edges that belong to the same boundary. for (uint e = 0; e < edgeCount; e++) { HalfEdge::Edge * startEdge = mesh->edgeAt(e); if (startEdge != NULL && startEdge->isBoundary() && bitFlags.bitAt(e) == false) { nvDebugCheck(startEdge->face != NULL); nvDebugCheck(startEdge->pair->face == NULL); startEdge = startEdge->pair; const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge; do { nvDebugCheck(edge->face == NULL); nvDebugCheck(bitFlags.bitAt(edge->id/2) == false); bitFlags.setBitAt(edge->id / 2); edge = edge->next; } while(startEdge != edge); boundaryEdges.append(startEdge); } } } bool Chart::closeLoop(uint start, const Array<HalfEdge::Edge *> & loop) { const uint vertexCount = loop.count() - start; nvDebugCheck(vertexCount >= 3); if (vertexCount < 3) return false; nvDebugCheck(loop[start]->vertex->isColocal(loop[start+vertexCount-1]->to())); // If the hole is planar, then we add a single face that will be properly triangulated later. // If the hole is not planar, we add a triangle fan with a vertex at the hole centroid. // This is still a bit of a hack. There surely are better hole filling algorithms out there. Array<Vector3> points; points.resize(vertexCount); for (uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { points[i] = loop[start+i]->vertex->pos; } bool isPlanar = Fit::isPlanar(vertexCount, points.buffer()); if (isPlanar) { // Add face and connect edges. HalfEdge::Face * face = m_unifiedMesh->addFace(); for (uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { HalfEdge::Edge * edge = loop[start + i]; edge->face = face; edge->setNext(loop[start + (i + 1) % vertexCount]); } face->edge = loop[start]; nvDebugCheck(face->isValid()); } else { // If the polygon is not planar, we just cross our fingers, and hope this will work: // Compute boundary centroid: Vector3 centroidPos(0); for (uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { centroidPos += points[i]; } centroidPos *= (1.0f / vertexCount); HalfEdge::Vertex * centroid = m_unifiedMesh->addVertex(centroidPos); // Add one pair of edges for each boundary vertex. for (uint j = vertexCount-1, i = 0; i < vertexCount; j = i++) { HalfEdge::Face * face = m_unifiedMesh->addFace(centroid->id, loop[start+j]->vertex->id, loop[start+i]->vertex->id); nvDebugCheck(face != NULL); } } return true; } bool Chart::closeHoles() { nvDebugCheck(!m_isVertexMapped); Array<HalfEdge::Edge *> boundaryEdges; getBoundaryEdges(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), boundaryEdges); uint boundaryCount = boundaryEdges.count(); if (boundaryCount <= 1) { // Nothing to close. return true; } // Compute lengths and areas. Array<float> boundaryLengths; //Array<Vector3> boundaryCentroids; for (uint i = 0; i < boundaryCount; i++) { const HalfEdge::Edge * startEdge = boundaryEdges[i]; nvCheck(startEdge->face == NULL); //float boundaryEdgeCount = 0; float boundaryLength = 0.0f; //Vector3 boundaryCentroid(zero); const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge; do { Vector3 t0 = edge->from()->pos; Vector3 t1 = edge->to()->pos; //boundaryEdgeCount++; boundaryLength += length(t1 - t0); //boundaryCentroid += edge->vertex()->pos; edge = edge->next; } while(edge != startEdge); boundaryLengths.append(boundaryLength); //boundaryCentroids.append(boundaryCentroid / boundaryEdgeCount); } // Find disk boundary. uint diskBoundary = 0; float maxLength = boundaryLengths[0]; for (uint i = 1; i < boundaryCount; i++) { if (boundaryLengths[i] > maxLength) { maxLength = boundaryLengths[i]; diskBoundary = i; } } // Sew holes. /*for (uint i = 0; i < boundaryCount; i++) { if (diskBoundary == i) { // Skip disk boundary. continue; } HalfEdge::Edge * startEdge = boundaryEdges[i]; nvCheck(startEdge->face() == NULL); boundaryEdges[i] = m_unifiedMesh->sewBoundary(startEdge); } exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), "debug_sewn.obj");*/ //bool hasNewHoles = false; // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // @@ Close loop is wrong, after closing a loop, we do not only have to add the face, but make sure that every edge in he loop is pointing to the right place. // Close holes. for (uint i = 0; i < boundaryCount; i++) { if (diskBoundary == i) { // Skip disk boundary. continue; } HalfEdge::Edge * startEdge = boundaryEdges[i]; nvDebugCheck(startEdge != NULL); nvDebugCheck(startEdge->face == NULL); #if 1 Array<HalfEdge::Vertex *> vertexLoop; Array<HalfEdge::Edge *> edgeLoop; HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge; do { HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = edge->next->vertex; // edge->to() uint i; for (i = 0; i < vertexLoop.count(); i++) { if (vertex->isColocal(vertexLoop[i])) { break; } } bool isCrossing = (i != vertexLoop.count()); if (isCrossing) { HalfEdge::Edge * prev = edgeLoop[i]; // Previous edge before the loop. HalfEdge::Edge * next = edge->next; // Next edge after the loop. nvDebugCheck(prev->to()->isColocal(next->from())); // Close loop. edgeLoop.append(edge); closeLoop(i+1, edgeLoop); // Link boundary loop. prev->setNext(next); vertex->setEdge(next); // Start over again. vertexLoop.clear(); edgeLoop.clear(); edge = startEdge; vertex = edge->to(); } vertexLoop.append(vertex); edgeLoop.append(edge); edge = edge->next; } while(edge != startEdge); closeLoop(0, edgeLoop); #endif /* // Add face and connect boundary edges. HalfEdge::Face * face = m_unifiedMesh->addFace(); face->setEdge(startEdge); HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge; do { edge->setFace(face); edge = edge->next(); } while(edge != startEdge); */ /* uint edgeCount = 0; HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge; do { edgeCount++; edge = edge->next(); } while(edge != startEdge); // Count edges in this boundary. uint edgeCount = 0; HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge; do { edgeCount++; edge = edge->next(); } while(edge != startEdge); // Trivial hole, fill with one triangle. This actually works for all convex boundaries with non colinear vertices. if (edgeCount == 3) { // Add face and connect boundary edges. HalfEdge::Face * face = m_unifiedMesh->addFace(); face->setEdge(startEdge); edge = startEdge; do { edge->setFace(face); edge = edge->next(); } while(edge != startEdge); // @@ Implement the above using addFace, it should now work with existing edges, as long as their face pointers is zero. } else { // Ideally we should: // - compute best fit plane of boundary vertices. // - project boundary polygon onto plane. // - triangulate boundary polygon. // - add faces of the resulting triangulation. // I don't have a good triangulator available. A more simple solution that works in more (but not all) cases: // - compute boundary centroid. // - add vertex centroid. // - connect centroid vertex with boundary vertices. // - connect radial edges with boundary edges. // This should work for non-convex boundaries with colinear vertices as long as the kernel of the polygon is not empty. // Compute boundary centroid: Vector3 centroid_pos(0); Vector2 centroid_tex(0); HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge; do { centroid_pos += edge->vertex()->pos; centroid_tex += edge->vertex()->tex; edge = edge->next(); } while(edge != startEdge); centroid_pos *= (1.0f / edgeCount); centroid_tex *= (1.0f / edgeCount); HalfEdge::Vertex * centroid = m_unifiedMesh->addVertex(centroid_pos); centroid->tex = centroid_tex; // Add one pair of edges for each boundary vertex. edge = startEdge; do { HalfEdge::Edge * next = edge->next(); nvCheck(edge->face() == NULL); HalfEdge::Face * face = m_unifiedMesh->addFace(centroid->id(), edge->from()->id(), edge->to()->id()); if (face != NULL) { nvCheck(edge->face() == face); } else { hasNewHoles = true; } edge = next; } while(edge != startEdge); } */ } /*nvDebugCheck(!hasNewHoles); if (hasNewHoles) { // Link boundary again, in case closeHoles created new holes! m_unifiedMesh->linkBoundary(); }*/ // Because some algorithms do not expect sparse edge buffers. //m_unifiedMesh->compactEdges(); // In case we messed up: //m_unifiedMesh->linkBoundary(); getBoundaryEdges(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), boundaryEdges); boundaryCount = boundaryEdges.count(); nvDebugCheck(boundaryCount == 1); //exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), "debug_hole_filled.obj"); return boundaryCount == 1; } // Transfer parameterization from unified mesh to chart mesh. void Chart::transferParameterization() { nvDebugCheck(!m_isVertexMapped); uint vertexCount = m_chartMesh->vertexCount(); for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(v); HalfEdge::Vertex * unifiedVertex = m_unifiedMesh->vertexAt(mapChartVertexToUnifiedVertex(v)); vertex->tex = unifiedVertex->tex; } } float Chart::computeSurfaceArea() const { return nv::computeSurfaceArea(m_chartMesh.ptr()) * scale; } float Chart::computeParametricArea() const { // This only makes sense in parameterized meshes. nvDebugCheck(m_isDisk); nvDebugCheck(!m_isVertexMapped); return nv::computeParametricArea(m_chartMesh.ptr()); } Vector2 Chart::computeParametricBounds() const { // This only makes sense in parameterized meshes. nvDebugCheck(m_isDisk); nvDebugCheck(!m_isVertexMapped); Box bounds; bounds.clearBounds(); uint vertexCount = m_chartMesh->vertexCount(); for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(v); bounds.addPointToBounds(Vector3(vertex->tex, 0)); } return bounds.extents().xy(); }