// This code is in the public domain -- castanyo@yahoo.es #include "nvmesh.h" // pch #include "Mesh.h" #include "Edge.h" #include "Vertex.h" #include "Face.h" #include "nvmesh/TriMesh.h" #include "nvmesh/QuadTriMesh.h" #include "nvmesh/MeshBuilder.h" #include "nvmath/Vector.inl" #include "nvcore/Array.inl" #include "nvcore/HashMap.inl" using namespace nv; using namespace HalfEdge; Mesh::Mesh() : m_colocalVertexCount(0) { errorCount = 0; } Mesh::Mesh(const Mesh * mesh) { errorCount = 0; // Copy mesh vertices. const uint vertexCount = mesh->vertexCount(); m_vertexArray.resize(vertexCount); for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { const Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(v); nvDebugCheck(vertex->id == v); m_vertexArray[v] = new Vertex(v); m_vertexArray[v]->pos = vertex->pos; m_vertexArray[v]->nor = vertex->nor; m_vertexArray[v]->tex = vertex->tex; } m_colocalVertexCount = vertexCount; // Copy mesh faces. const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount(); Array<uint> indexArray(3); for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { const Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f); for(Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance()) { const Vertex * vertex = it.current()->from(); indexArray.append(vertex->id); } addFace(indexArray); indexArray.clear(); } } Mesh::~Mesh() { clear(); } void Mesh::clear() { deleteAll(m_vertexArray); m_vertexArray.clear(); foreach(i, m_edgeMap) { delete m_edgeMap[i].value; } //deleteAll(m_edgeArray); // edgeArray only contains 1/2 of the edges! m_edgeArray.clear(); m_edgeMap.clear(); deleteAll(m_faceArray); m_faceArray.clear(); } Vertex * Mesh::addVertex(const Vector3 & pos) { nvDebugCheck(isFinite(pos)); Vertex * v = new Vertex(m_vertexArray.count()); v->pos = pos; m_vertexArray.append(v); return v; // return addVertex(m_vertexArray.count(), pos); } /*Vertex * Mesh::addVertex(uint id, const Vector3 & pos) { nvDebugCheck(isFinite(pos)); Vertex * v = new Vertex(id); v->pos = pos; m_vertexArray.append(v); return v; }*/ /*void Mesh::addVertices(const Mesh * mesh) { nvCheck(mesh != NULL); // Add mesh vertices for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { const Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(v); nvDebugCheck(vertex != NULL); Vertex * v = addVertex(vertex->pos()); nvDebugCheck(v != NULL); v->setNor(vertex->nor()); v->setTex(vertex->tex()); } }*/ /// Link colocal vertices based on geometric location only. void Mesh::linkColocals() { nvDebug("--- Linking colocals:\n"); const uint vertexCount = this->vertexCount(); HashMap<Vector3, Vertex *> vertexMap(vertexCount); for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { Vertex * vertex = vertexAt(v); Vertex * colocal; if (vertexMap.get(vertex->pos, &colocal)) { colocal->linkColocal(vertex); } else { vertexMap.add(vertex->pos, vertex); } } m_colocalVertexCount = vertexMap.count(); nvDebug("--- %d vertex positions.\n", m_colocalVertexCount); // @@ Remove duplicated vertices? or just leave them as colocals? } void Mesh::linkColocalsWithCanonicalMap(const Array<uint> & canonicalMap) { nvDebug("--- Linking colocals:\n"); uint vertexMapSize = 0; foreach(i, canonicalMap) { vertexMapSize = max(vertexMapSize, canonicalMap[i] + 1); } Array<Vertex *> vertexMap; vertexMap.resize(vertexMapSize, NULL); m_colocalVertexCount = 0; const uint vertexCount = this->vertexCount(); for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { Vertex * vertex = vertexAt(v); Vertex * colocal = vertexMap[canonicalMap[v]]; if (colocal != NULL) { nvDebugCheck(vertex->pos == colocal->pos); colocal->linkColocal(vertex); } else { vertexMap[canonicalMap[v]] = vertex; m_colocalVertexCount++; } } nvDebug("--- %d vertex positions.\n", m_colocalVertexCount); } Face * Mesh::addFace() { Face * f = new Face(m_faceArray.count()); m_faceArray.append(f); return f; } Face * Mesh::addFace(uint v0, uint v1, uint v2) { Array<uint> indexArray(3); indexArray << v0 << v1 << v2; return addFace(indexArray, 0, 3); } Face * Mesh::addFace(uint v0, uint v1, uint v2, uint v3) { Array<uint> indexArray(4); indexArray << v0 << v1 << v2 << v3; return addFace(indexArray, 0, 4); } Face * Mesh::addFace(const Array<uint> & indexArray) { return addFace(indexArray, 0, indexArray.count()); } Face * Mesh::addFace(const Array<uint> & indexArray, uint first, uint num) { nvDebugCheck(first < indexArray.count()); nvDebugCheck(num <= indexArray.count()-first); nvDebugCheck(num > 2); if (!canAddFace(indexArray, first, num)) { errorCount++; return NULL; } Face * f = new Face(m_faceArray.count()); Edge * firstEdge = NULL; Edge * last = NULL; Edge * current = NULL; for(uint i = 0; i < num-1; i++) { current = addEdge(indexArray[first+i], indexArray[first+i+1]); nvCheck(current != NULL && current->face == NULL); current->face = f; if (last != NULL) last->setNext(current); else firstEdge = current; last = current; } current = addEdge(indexArray[first+num-1], indexArray[first]); nvCheck(current != NULL && current->face == NULL); current->face = f; last->setNext(current); current->setNext(firstEdge); f->edge = firstEdge; m_faceArray.append(f); return f; } /*void Mesh::addFaces(const Mesh * mesh) { nvCheck(mesh != NULL); Array indexArray; // Add faces }*/ // Return true if the face can be added to the manifold mesh. bool Mesh::canAddFace(const Array<uint> & indexArray, uint first, uint num) const { for (uint j = num - 1, i = 0; i < num; j = i++) { if (!canAddEdge(indexArray[first+j], indexArray[first+i])) { errorIndex0 = indexArray[first+j]; errorIndex1 = indexArray[first+i]; return false; } } // We also have to make sure the face does not have any duplicate edge! for (uint i = 0; i < num; i++) { int i0 = indexArray[first + i + 0]; int i1 = indexArray[first + (i + 1)%num]; for (uint j = i + 1; j < num; j++) { int j0 = indexArray[first + j + 0]; int j1 = indexArray[first + (j + 1)%num]; if (i0 == j0 && i1 == j1) { return false; } } } return true; } // Return true if the edge doesn't exist or doesn't have any adjacent face. bool Mesh::canAddEdge(uint i, uint j) const { if (i == j) { // Skip degenerate edges. return false; } // Same check, but taking into account colocal vertices. const Vertex * v0 = vertexAt(i); const Vertex * v1 = vertexAt(j); for(Vertex::ConstVertexIterator it(v0->colocals()); !it.isDone(); it.advance()) { if (it.current() == v1) { // Skip degenerate edges. return false; } } // Make sure edge has not been added yet. Edge * edge = findEdge(i, j); return edge == NULL || edge->face == NULL; // We ignore edges that don't have an adjacent face yet, since this face could become the edge's face. } Edge * Mesh::addEdge(uint i, uint j) { nvCheck(i != j); Edge * edge = findEdge(i, j); if (edge != NULL) { // Edge may already exist, but its face must not be set. nvDebugCheck(edge->face == NULL); // Nothing else to do! } else { // Add new edge. // Lookup pair. Edge * pair = findEdge(j, i); if (pair != NULL) { // Create edge with same id. edge = new Edge(pair->id + 1); // Link edge pairs. edge->pair = pair; pair->pair = edge; // @@ I'm not sure this is necessary! pair->vertex->setEdge(pair); } else { // Create edge. edge = new Edge(2*m_edgeArray.count()); // Add only unpaired edges. m_edgeArray.append(edge); } edge->vertex = m_vertexArray[i]; m_edgeMap.add(Key(i,j), edge); } // Face and Next are set by addFace. return edge; } /// Find edge, test all colocals. Edge * Mesh::findEdge(uint i, uint j) const { Edge * edge = NULL; const Vertex * v0 = vertexAt(i); const Vertex * v1 = vertexAt(j); // Test all colocal pairs. for(Vertex::ConstVertexIterator it0(v0->colocals()); !it0.isDone(); it0.advance()) { for(Vertex::ConstVertexIterator it1(v1->colocals()); !it1.isDone(); it1.advance()) { Key key(it0.current()->id, it1.current()->id); if (edge == NULL) { m_edgeMap.get(key, &edge); #if !defined(_DEBUG) if (edge != NULL) return edge; #endif } else { // Make sure that only one edge is found. nvDebugCheck(!m_edgeMap.get(key)); } } } return edge; } /// Link boundary edges once the mesh has been created. void Mesh::linkBoundary() { nvDebug("--- Linking boundaries:\n"); int num = 0; // Create boundary edges. uint edgeCount = this->edgeCount(); for(uint e = 0; e < edgeCount; e++) { Edge * edge = edgeAt(e); if (edge != NULL && edge->pair == NULL) { Edge * pair = new Edge(edge->id + 1); uint i = edge->from()->id; uint j = edge->next->from()->id; Key key(j,i); nvCheck(!m_edgeMap.get(key)); pair->vertex = m_vertexArray[j]; m_edgeMap.add(key, pair); edge->pair = pair; pair->pair = edge; num++; } } // Link boundary edges. for (uint e = 0; e < edgeCount; e++) { Edge * edge = edgeAt(e); if (edge != NULL && edge->pair->face == NULL) { linkBoundaryEdge(edge->pair); } } nvDebug("--- %d boundary edges.\n", num); } /// Link this boundary edge. void Mesh::linkBoundaryEdge(Edge * edge) { nvCheck(edge->face == NULL); // Make sure next pointer has not been set. @@ We want to be able to relink boundary edges after mesh changes. //nvCheck(edge->next() == NULL); Edge * next = edge; while(next->pair->face != NULL) { // Get pair prev Edge * e = next->pair->next; while (e->next != next->pair) { e = e->next; } next = e; } edge->setNext(next->pair); // Adjust vertex edge, so that it's the boundary edge. (required for isBoundary()) if (edge->vertex->edge != edge) { // Multiple boundaries in the same edge. //nvCheck( edge->vertex()->edge() == NULL || edge->vertex()->edge()->face() != NULL ); edge->vertex->edge = edge; } } /// Convert to tri mesh. TriMesh * Mesh::toTriMesh() const { uint triangleCount = 0; // Count triangle faces. const uint faceCount = this->faceCount(); for(uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { const Face * face = faceAt(f); triangleCount += face->edgeCount() - 2; } TriMesh * triMesh = new TriMesh(triangleCount, vertexCount()); // Add vertices. Array<TriMesh::Vertex> & vertices = triMesh->vertices(); const uint vertexCount = this->vertexCount(); for(uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { const Vertex * vertex = vertexAt(v); TriMesh::Vertex triVertex; triVertex.id = vertices.count(); triVertex.pos = vertex->pos; triVertex.nor = vertex->nor; triVertex.tex = vertex->tex; vertices.append(triVertex); } // Add triangles. Array<TriMesh::Face> & triangles = triMesh->faces(); for(uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { const Face * face = faceAt(f); // @@ Triangulate arbitrary polygons correctly. const uint v0 = face->edge->vertex->id; uint v1 = face->edge->next->vertex->id; for(Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance()) { uint v2 = it.current()->vertex->id; // Skip the first two vertices. if (v2 == v0 || v2 == v1) continue; TriMesh::Face triangle; triangle.id = triangles.count(); triangle.v[0] = v0; triangle.v[1] = v1; triangle.v[2] = v2; v1 = v2; triangles.append(triangle); } } return triMesh; } QuadTriMesh * Mesh::toQuadTriMesh() const { MeshBuilder builder; const uint vertexCount = this->vertexCount(); builder.hintVertexCount(vertexCount); for(uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { const Vertex * vertex = vertexAt(v); builder.addPosition(vertex->pos); builder.addNormal(vertex->nor); builder.addTexCoord(vertex->tex); } const uint faceCount = this->faceCount(); builder.hintTriangleCount(faceCount); for(uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { const Face * face = faceAt(f); builder.beginPolygon(); for(Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance()) { uint v = it.current()->vertex->id; builder.addVertex(v, v, v); } builder.endPolygon(); } builder.done(); return builder.buildQuadTriMesh(); } // Triangulate in place. void Mesh::triangulate() { bool all_triangles = true; const uint faceCount = m_faceArray.count(); for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { Face * face = m_faceArray[f]; if (face->edgeCount() != 3) { all_triangles = false; break; } } if (all_triangles) { return; } // Do not touch vertices, but rebuild edges and faces. Array<Edge *> edgeArray; Array<Face *> faceArray; swap(edgeArray, m_edgeArray); swap(faceArray, m_faceArray); m_edgeMap.clear(); for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { Face * face = faceArray[f]; // Trivial fan-like triangulation. const uint v0 = face->edge->vertex->id; uint v2, v1 = -1; for (Face::EdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance()) { Edge * edge = it.current(); v2 = edge->to()->id; if (v2 == v0) break; if (v1 != -1) addFace(v0, v1, v2); v1 = v2; } } nvDebugCheck(m_faceArray.count() > faceCount); // triangle count > face count linkBoundary(); deleteAll(edgeArray); deleteAll(faceArray); } /* Fixing T-junctions. - Find T-junctions. Find vertices that are on an edge. - This test is approximate. - Insert edges on a spatial index to speedup queries. - Consider only open edges, that is edges that have no pairs. - Consider only vertices on boundaries. - Close T-junction. - Split edge. */ bool Mesh::splitBoundaryEdges() { Array<Vertex *> boundaryVertices; foreach(i, m_vertexArray) { Vertex * v = m_vertexArray[i]; if (v->isBoundary()) { boundaryVertices.append(v); } } nvDebug("Fixing T-junctions:\n"); int splitCount = 0; foreach(v, boundaryVertices) { Vertex * vertex = boundaryVertices[v]; Vector3 x0 = vertex->pos; // Find edges that this vertex overlaps with. foreach(e, m_edgeArray) { //for (uint e = 0; e < m_edgeArray.count(); e++) { Edge * edge = m_edgeArray[e]; if (edge != NULL && edge->isBoundary()) { if (edge->from() == vertex || edge->to() == vertex) { continue; } Vector3 x1 = edge->from()->pos; Vector3 x2 = edge->to()->pos; Vector3 v01 = x0 - x1; Vector3 v21 = x2 - x1; float l = length(v21); float d = length(cross(v01, v21)) / l; if (isZero(d)) { float t = dot(v01, v21) / (l * l); // @@ Snap x0 to x1 or x2, if too close? No, do vertex snapping elsewhere. /*if (equal(t, 0.0f, 0.01f)) { //vertex->setPos(x1); } else if (equal(t, 1.0f, 0.01f)) { //vertex->setPos(x2); } else*/ if (t > 0.0f + NV_EPSILON && t < 1.0f - NV_EPSILON) { nvDebugCheck(equal(lerp(x1, x2, t), x0)); Vertex * splitVertex = splitBoundaryEdge(edge, t, x0); vertex->linkColocal(splitVertex); // @@ Should we do this here? splitCount++; } } } } } nvDebug(" - %d edges split.\n", splitCount); nvDebugCheck(isValid()); return splitCount != 0; } // For this to be effective, we have to fix the boundary junctions first. Edge * Mesh::sewBoundary(Edge * startEdge) { nvDebugCheck(startEdge->face == NULL); // @@ We may want to be more conservative linking colocals in order to preserve the input topology. One way of doing that is by linking colocals only // if the vertices next to them are linked as well. That is, by sewing boundaries after detecting them. If any pair of consecutive edges have their first // and last vertex in the same position, then it can be linked. Edge * lastBoundarySeen = startEdge; nvDebug("Sewing Boundary:\n"); int count = 0; int sewnCount = 0; Edge * edge = startEdge; do { nvDebugCheck(edge->face == NULL); Edge * edge_a = edge; Edge * edge_b = edge->prev; Edge * pair_a = edge_a->pair; Edge * pair_b = edge_b->pair; Vertex * v0a = edge_a->to(); Vertex * v0b = edge_b->from(); Vertex * v1a = edge_a->from(); Vertex * v1b = edge_b->to(); nvDebugCheck(v1a->isColocal(v1b)); /* v0b + _+ v0a \ / b \ / a \|/ v1b + v1a */ // @@ This should not happen while sewing, but it may be produced somewhere else. nvDebugCheck(edge_a != edge_b); if (v0a->pos == v0b->pos) { // Link vertices. v0a->linkColocal(v0b); // Remove edges to be collapsed. disconnect(edge_a); disconnect(edge_b); disconnect(pair_a); disconnect(pair_b); // Link new boundary edges. Edge * prevBoundary = edge_b->prev; Edge * nextBoundary = edge_a->next; if (nextBoundary != NULL) { nvDebugCheck(nextBoundary->face == NULL); nvDebugCheck(prevBoundary->face == NULL); nextBoundary->setPrev(prevBoundary); // Make sure boundary vertex points to boundary edge. v0a->setEdge(nextBoundary); // This updates all colocals. } lastBoundarySeen = prevBoundary; // Creat new edge. Edge * newEdge_a = addEdge(v0a->id, v1a->id); // pair_a->from()->id, pair_a->to()->id Edge * newEdge_b = addEdge(v1b->id, v0b->id); newEdge_a->pair = newEdge_b; newEdge_b->pair = newEdge_a; newEdge_a->face = pair_a->face; newEdge_b->face = pair_b->face; newEdge_a->setNext(pair_a->next); newEdge_a->setPrev(pair_a->prev); newEdge_b->setNext(pair_b->next); newEdge_b->setPrev(pair_b->prev); delete edge_a; delete edge_b; delete pair_a; delete pair_b; edge = nextBoundary; // If nextBoundary is NULL we have closed the loop. sewnCount++; } else { edge = edge->next; } count++; } while(edge != NULL && edge != lastBoundarySeen); nvDebug(" - Sewn %d out of %d.\n", sewnCount, count); if (lastBoundarySeen != NULL) { nvDebugCheck(lastBoundarySeen->face == NULL); } return lastBoundarySeen; } // @@ We must always disconnect edge pairs simultaneously. void Mesh::disconnect(Edge * edge) { nvDebugCheck(edge != NULL); // Remove from edge list. if ((edge->id & 1) == 0) { nvDebugCheck(m_edgeArray[edge->id / 2] == edge); m_edgeArray[edge->id / 2] = NULL; } // Remove edge from map. @@ Store map key inside edge? nvDebugCheck(edge->from() != NULL && edge->to() != NULL); bool removed = m_edgeMap.remove(Key(edge->from()->id, edge->to()->id)); nvDebugCheck(removed == true); // Disconnect from vertex. if (edge->vertex != NULL) { if (edge->vertex->edge == edge) { if (edge->prev && edge->prev->pair) { edge->vertex->edge = edge->prev->pair; } else if (edge->pair && edge->pair->next) { edge->vertex->edge = edge->pair->next; } else { edge->vertex->edge = NULL; // @@ Remove disconnected vertex? } } //edge->setVertex(NULL); } // Disconnect from face. if (edge->face != NULL) { if (edge->face->edge == edge) { if (edge->next != NULL && edge->next != edge) { edge->face->edge = edge->next; } else if (edge->prev != NULL && edge->prev != edge) { edge->face->edge = edge->prev; } else { edge->face->edge = NULL; // @@ Remove disconnected face? } } //edge->setFace(NULL); } // @@ Hack, we don't disconnect from pair, because pair needs us to remove itself from the map. // Disconect from pair. /*if (edge->pair != NULL) { if (edge->pair->pair == edge) { edge->pair->setPair(NULL); } //edge->setPair(NULL); }*/ // Disconnect from previous. if (edge->prev) { if (edge->prev->next == edge) { edge->prev->setNext(NULL); } //edge->setPrev(NULL); } // Disconnect from next. if (edge->next) { if (edge->next->prev == edge) { edge->next->setPrev(NULL); } //edge->setNext(NULL); } } void Mesh::remove(Edge * edge) { nvDebugCheck(edge != NULL); disconnect(edge); delete edge; } void Mesh::remove(Vertex * vertex) { nvDebugCheck(vertex != NULL); // Remove from vertex list. m_vertexArray[vertex->id] = NULL; // Disconnect from colocals. vertex->unlinkColocal(); // Disconnect from edges. if (vertex->edge != NULL) { // @@ Removing a connected vertex is asking for trouble... if (vertex->edge->vertex == vertex) { // @@ Connect edge to a colocal? vertex->edge->vertex = NULL; } vertex->setEdge(NULL); } delete vertex; } void Mesh::remove(Face * face) { nvDebugCheck(face != NULL); // Remove from face list. m_faceArray[face->id] = NULL; // Disconnect from edges. if (face->edge != NULL) { nvDebugCheck(face->edge->face == face); face->edge->face = NULL; face->edge = NULL; } delete face; } void Mesh::compactEdges() { const uint edgeCount = m_edgeArray.count(); uint c = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++) { if (m_edgeArray[i] != NULL) { if (i != c) { m_edgeArray[c] = m_edgeArray[i]; m_edgeArray[c]->id = 2 * c; if (m_edgeArray[c]->pair != NULL) { m_edgeArray[c]->pair->id = 2 * c + 1; } } c++; } } m_edgeArray.resize(c); } void Mesh::compactVertices() { const uint vertexCount = m_vertexArray.count(); uint c = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { if (m_vertexArray[i] != NULL) { if (i != c) { m_vertexArray[c] = m_vertexArray[i]; m_vertexArray[c]->id = c; } c++; } } m_vertexArray.resize(c); // @@ Generate xref array for external attributes. } void Mesh::compactFaces() { const uint faceCount = m_faceArray.count(); uint c = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) { if (m_faceArray[i] != NULL) { if (i != c) { m_faceArray[c] = m_faceArray[i]; m_faceArray[c]->id = c; } c++; } } m_faceArray.resize(c); } Vertex * Mesh::splitBoundaryEdge(Edge * edge, float t, const Vector3 & pos) { /* We want to go from this configuration: + + | ^ edge |<->| pair v | + + To this one: + + | ^ e0 |<->| p0 v | vertex + + | ^ e1 |<->| p1 v | + + */ Edge * pair = edge->pair; // Make sure boundaries are linked. nvDebugCheck(pair != NULL); // Make sure edge is a boundary edge. nvDebugCheck(pair->face == NULL); // Add new vertex. Vertex * vertex = addVertex(pos); vertex->nor = lerp(edge->from()->nor, edge->to()->nor, t); vertex->tex = lerp(edge->from()->tex, edge->to()->tex, t); vertex->col = lerp(edge->from()->col, edge->to()->col, t); disconnect(edge); disconnect(pair); // Add edges. Edge * e0 = addEdge(edge->from()->id, vertex->id); Edge * p0 = addEdge(vertex->id, pair->to()->id); Edge * e1 = addEdge(vertex->id, edge->to()->id); Edge * p1 = addEdge(pair->from()->id, vertex->id); // Link edges. e0->setNext(e1); p1->setNext(p0); e0->setPrev(edge->prev); e1->setNext(edge->next); p1->setPrev(pair->prev); p0->setNext(pair->next); nvDebugCheck(e0->next == e1); nvDebugCheck(e1->prev == e0); nvDebugCheck(p1->next == p0); nvDebugCheck(p0->prev == p1); nvDebugCheck(p0->pair == e0); nvDebugCheck(e0->pair == p0); nvDebugCheck(p1->pair == e1); nvDebugCheck(e1->pair == p1); // Link faces. e0->face = edge->face; e1->face = edge->face; // Link vertices. edge->from()->setEdge(e0); vertex->setEdge(e1); delete edge; delete pair; return vertex; } #if 0 // Without introducing new vertices. void Mesh::splitBoundaryEdge(Edge * edge, Vertex * vertex) { /* We want to go from this configuration: | | pn + + | ^ | | edge |<->| pair | | v | + + | | pp To this one: \ / \ / + + | ^ e0 |<->| p0 v | vertex + + | ^ e1 |<->| p1 v | + + / \ / \ */ Edge * pair = edge->pair; Edge * pn = pair->next(); Edge * pp = pair->prev(); // Make sure boundaries are linked. nvDebugCheck(pair != NULL); // Make sure edge is a boundary edge. nvDebugCheck(pair->face() == NULL); nvDebugCheck(edge->isValid()); nvDebugCheck(pair->isValid()); disconnect(edge); disconnect(pair); // Add edges. Edge * e0 = addEdge(edge->from()->id(), vertex->id()); Edge * e1 = addEdge(vertex->id(), edge->to()->id()); // Link faces. e0->setFace(edge->face()); e1->setFace(edge->face()); // Link pairs. Edge * p0 = findEdge(vertex->id(), pair->to()->id()); if (p0 == NULL) { p0 = addEdge(vertex->id(), pair->to()->id()); pn->setPrev(p0); } else { nvDebugCheck(p0->face() != NULL); if (e0->prev() != NULL) { pn->setPrev(e0->prev()); } else { nvDebugCheck(pn == e0); } } Edge * p1 = findEdge(pair->from()->id(), vertex->id()); if (p1 == NULL) { p1 = addEdge(pair->from()->id(), vertex->id()); pp->setNext(p1); } else { nvDebugCheck(p1->face() != NULL); if (e1->next() != NULL) { pp->setPrev(e1->next()); } else { nvDebugCheck(pp == e1); } } // Link edges. e0->setNext(e1); // e1->setPrev(e0) if (p0->face() == p1->face()) { // can be null p1->setNext(p0); // p0->setPrev(p1) } else { //if (p1->face() == NULL) p1->setNext( } e0->setPrev(edge->prev()); e1->setNext(edge->next()); nvDebugCheck(e0->pair == p0); nvDebugCheck(e1->pair == p1); nvDebugCheck(p0->pair == e0); nvDebugCheck(p1->pair == e1); nvDebugCheck(e0->isValid()); nvDebugCheck(e1->isValid()); nvDebugCheck(pp->isValid()); nvDebugCheck(pn->isValid()); nvDebugCheck(e0->pair->isValid()); nvDebugCheck(e1->pair->isValid()); nvDebugCheck(pp->pair->isValid()); nvDebugCheck(pn->pair->isValid()); nvDebugCheck(edge->face->isValid()); if (pn->pair->face != NULL) { nvDebugCheck(pn->pair->face->isValid()); } if (pp->pair->face() != NULL) { nvDebugCheck(pn->pair->face->isValid()); } if (p0->face != NULL) { nvDebugCheck(p0->face->isValid()); } if (p1->face() != NULL) { nvDebugCheck(p1->face()->isValid()); } nvDebugCheck(isValid()); // Only for extreme debugging. // Link vertices. edge->from()->setEdge(e0); vertex->setEdge(p0); delete edge; delete pair; } #endif bool Mesh::isValid() const { // Make sure all edges are valid. const uint edgeCount = m_edgeArray.count(); for (uint e = 0; e < edgeCount; e++) { Edge * edge = m_edgeArray[e]; if (edge != NULL) { if (edge->id != 2*e) { return false; } if (!edge->isValid()) { return false; } if (edge->pair->id != 2*e+1) { return false; } if (!edge->pair->isValid()) { return false; } } } // @@ Make sure all faces are valid. // @@ Make sure all vertices are valid. return true; }