// This code is in the public domain -- castanyo@yahoo.es

#pragma once

#include "nvmath.h"
#include "nvcore/Array.h"

// Full and sparse vector and matrix classes. BLAS subset.

namespace nv
    class FullVector;
    class FullMatrix;
    class SparseMatrix;

    /// Fixed size vector class.
    class FullVector

        FullVector(uint dim);
        FullVector(const FullVector & v);

        const FullVector & operator=(const FullVector & v);

        uint dimension() const { return m_array.count(); }

        const float & operator[]( uint index ) const { return m_array[index]; }
        float & operator[] ( uint index ) { return m_array[index]; }

        void fill(float f);

        void operator+= (const FullVector & v);
        void operator-= (const FullVector & v);
        void operator*= (const FullVector & v);

        void operator+= (float f);
        void operator-= (float f);
        void operator*= (float f);


        Array<float> m_array;


    // Pseudo-BLAS interface.
    NVMATH_API void saxpy(float a, const FullVector & x, FullVector & y); // y = a * x + y
    NVMATH_API void copy(const FullVector & x, FullVector & y);
    NVMATH_API void scal(float a, FullVector & x);
    NVMATH_API float dot(const FullVector & x, const FullVector & y);

    enum Transpose
        NoTransposed = 0,
        Transposed = 1

    /// Full matrix class.
    class FullMatrix

        FullMatrix(uint d);
        FullMatrix(uint w, uint h);
        FullMatrix(const FullMatrix & m);

        const FullMatrix & operator=(const FullMatrix & m);

        uint width() const { return m_width; }
        uint height() const { return m_height; }
        bool isSquare() const { return m_width == m_height; }

        float getCoefficient(uint x, uint y) const;

        void setCoefficient(uint x, uint y, float f);
        void addCoefficient(uint x, uint y, float f);
        void mulCoefficient(uint x, uint y, float f);

        float dotRow(uint y, const FullVector & v) const;
        void madRow(uint y, float alpha, FullVector & v) const;


        bool isValid() const {
            return m_array.size() == (m_width * m_height);


        const uint m_width;
        const uint m_height;
        Array<float> m_array;


    NVMATH_API void mult(const FullMatrix & M, const FullVector & x, FullVector & y);
    NVMATH_API void mult(Transpose TM, const FullMatrix & M, const FullVector & x, FullVector & y);

    // y = alpha*A*x + beta*y
    NVMATH_API void sgemv(float alpha, const FullMatrix & A, const FullVector & x, float beta, FullVector & y);
    NVMATH_API void sgemv(float alpha, Transpose TA, const FullMatrix & A, const FullVector & x, float beta, FullVector & y);

    NVMATH_API void mult(const FullMatrix & A, const FullMatrix & B, FullMatrix & C);
    NVMATH_API void mult(Transpose TA, const FullMatrix & A, Transpose TB, const FullMatrix & B, FullMatrix & C);

    // C = alpha*A*B + beta*C
    NVMATH_API void sgemm(float alpha, const FullMatrix & A, const FullMatrix & B, float beta, FullMatrix & C);
    NVMATH_API void sgemm(float alpha, Transpose TA, const FullMatrix & A, Transpose TB, const FullMatrix & B, float beta, FullMatrix & C);

    * Sparse matrix class. The matrix is assumed to be sparse and to have
    * very few non-zero elements, for this reason it's stored in indexed 
    * format. To multiply column vectors efficiently, the matrix stores 
    * the elements in indexed-column order, there is a list of indexed 
    * elements for each row of the matrix. As with the FullVector the 
    * dimension of the matrix is constant.
    class SparseMatrix
        friend class FullMatrix;

        // An element of the sparse array.
        struct Coefficient {
            uint x;  // column
            float v; // value


        SparseMatrix(uint d);
        SparseMatrix(uint w, uint h);
        SparseMatrix(const SparseMatrix & m);

        const SparseMatrix & operator=(const SparseMatrix & m);

        uint width() const { return m_width; }
        uint height() const { return m_array.count(); }
        bool isSquare() const { return width() == height(); }

        float getCoefficient(uint x, uint y) const; // x is column, y is row

        void setCoefficient(uint x, uint y, float f);
        void addCoefficient(uint x, uint y, float f);
        void mulCoefficient(uint x, uint y, float f);

        float sumRow(uint y) const;
        float dotRow(uint y, const FullVector & v) const;
        void madRow(uint y, float alpha, FullVector & v) const;

        void clearRow(uint y);
        void scaleRow(uint y, float f);
        void normalizeRow(uint y);

        void clearColumn(uint x);
        void scaleColumn(uint x, float f);

        const Array<Coefficient> & getRow(uint y) const;

        bool isSymmetric() const;


        /// Number of columns.
        const uint m_width;

        /// Array of matrix elements.
        Array< Array<Coefficient> > m_array;


    NVMATH_API void transpose(const SparseMatrix & A, SparseMatrix & B);

    NVMATH_API void mult(const SparseMatrix & M, const FullVector & x, FullVector & y);
    NVMATH_API void mult(Transpose TM, const SparseMatrix & M, const FullVector & x, FullVector & y);

    // y = alpha*A*x + beta*y
    NVMATH_API void sgemv(float alpha, const SparseMatrix & A, const FullVector & x, float beta, FullVector & y);
    NVMATH_API void sgemv(float alpha, Transpose TA, const SparseMatrix & A, const FullVector & x, float beta, FullVector & y);

    NVMATH_API void mult(const SparseMatrix & A, const SparseMatrix & B, SparseMatrix & C);
    NVMATH_API void mult(Transpose TA, const SparseMatrix & A, Transpose TB, const SparseMatrix & B, SparseMatrix & C);

    // C = alpha*A*B + beta*C
    NVMATH_API void sgemm(float alpha, const SparseMatrix & A, const SparseMatrix & B, float beta, SparseMatrix & C);
    NVMATH_API void sgemm(float alpha, Transpose TA, const SparseMatrix & A, Transpose TB, const SparseMatrix & B, float beta, SparseMatrix & C);

    // C = At * A
    NVMATH_API void sqm(const SparseMatrix & A, SparseMatrix & C);

} // nv namespace

#endif // NV_MATH_SPARSE_H