// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc. // Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation // Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT // *********** THIS FILE IS GENERATED - DO NOT EDIT *********** // See loader_source_generator.py for modifications // ************************************************************ // Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc. // Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation // Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Author: Mark Young // #pragma once #include #include #include #include "xr_dependencies.h" #include "openxr/openxr.h" #include "openxr/openxr_platform.h" #include "loader_interfaces.h" #include "loader_instance.hpp" #include "loader_platform.hpp" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // Loader manually generated function prototypes extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetInstanceProperties( XrInstance instance, XrInstanceProperties* instanceProperties); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrPollEvent( XrInstance instance, XrEventDataBuffer* eventData); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrResultToString( XrInstance instance, XrResult value, char buffer[XR_MAX_RESULT_STRING_SIZE]); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrStructureTypeToString( XrInstance instance, XrStructureType value, char buffer[XR_MAX_STRUCTURE_NAME_SIZE]); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetSystem( XrInstance instance, const XrSystemGetInfo* getInfo, XrSystemId* systemId); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetSystemProperties( XrInstance instance, XrSystemId systemId, XrSystemProperties* properties); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateEnvironmentBlendModes( XrInstance instance, XrSystemId systemId, XrViewConfigurationType viewConfigurationType, uint32_t environmentBlendModeCapacityInput, uint32_t* environmentBlendModeCountOutput, XrEnvironmentBlendMode* environmentBlendModes); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateSession( XrInstance instance, const XrSessionCreateInfo* createInfo, XrSession* session); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroySession( XrSession session); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateReferenceSpaces( XrSession session, uint32_t spaceCapacityInput, uint32_t* spaceCountOutput, XrReferenceSpaceType* spaces); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateReferenceSpace( XrSession session, const XrReferenceSpaceCreateInfo* createInfo, XrSpace* space); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetReferenceSpaceBoundsRect( XrSession session, XrReferenceSpaceType referenceSpaceType, XrExtent2Df* bounds); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateActionSpace( XrSession session, const XrActionSpaceCreateInfo* createInfo, XrSpace* space); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrLocateSpace( XrSpace space, XrSpace baseSpace, XrTime time, XrSpaceLocation* location); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroySpace( XrSpace space); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateViewConfigurations( XrInstance instance, XrSystemId systemId, uint32_t viewConfigurationTypeCapacityInput, uint32_t* viewConfigurationTypeCountOutput, XrViewConfigurationType* viewConfigurationTypes); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetViewConfigurationProperties( XrInstance instance, XrSystemId systemId, XrViewConfigurationType viewConfigurationType, XrViewConfigurationProperties* configurationProperties); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews( XrInstance instance, XrSystemId systemId, XrViewConfigurationType viewConfigurationType, uint32_t viewCapacityInput, uint32_t* viewCountOutput, XrViewConfigurationView* views); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateSwapchainFormats( XrSession session, uint32_t formatCapacityInput, uint32_t* formatCountOutput, int64_t* formats); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateSwapchain( XrSession session, const XrSwapchainCreateInfo* createInfo, XrSwapchain* swapchain); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroySwapchain( XrSwapchain swapchain); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateSwapchainImages( XrSwapchain swapchain, uint32_t imageCapacityInput, uint32_t* imageCountOutput, XrSwapchainImageBaseHeader* images); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrAcquireSwapchainImage( XrSwapchain swapchain, const XrSwapchainImageAcquireInfo* acquireInfo, uint32_t* index); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrWaitSwapchainImage( XrSwapchain swapchain, const XrSwapchainImageWaitInfo* waitInfo); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrReleaseSwapchainImage( XrSwapchain swapchain, const XrSwapchainImageReleaseInfo* releaseInfo); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrBeginSession( XrSession session, const XrSessionBeginInfo* beginInfo); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEndSession( XrSession session); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrRequestExitSession( XrSession session); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrWaitFrame( XrSession session, const XrFrameWaitInfo* frameWaitInfo, XrFrameState* frameState); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrBeginFrame( XrSession session, const XrFrameBeginInfo* frameBeginInfo); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEndFrame( XrSession session, const XrFrameEndInfo* frameEndInfo); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrLocateViews( XrSession session, const XrViewLocateInfo* viewLocateInfo, XrViewState* viewState, uint32_t viewCapacityInput, uint32_t* viewCountOutput, XrView* views); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrStringToPath( XrInstance instance, const char* pathString, XrPath* path); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrPathToString( XrInstance instance, XrPath path, uint32_t bufferCapacityInput, uint32_t* bufferCountOutput, char* buffer); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateActionSet( XrInstance instance, const XrActionSetCreateInfo* createInfo, XrActionSet* actionSet); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroyActionSet( XrActionSet actionSet); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateAction( XrActionSet actionSet, const XrActionCreateInfo* createInfo, XrAction* action); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroyAction( XrAction action); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrSuggestInteractionProfileBindings( XrInstance instance, const XrInteractionProfileSuggestedBinding* suggestedBindings); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrAttachSessionActionSets( XrSession session, const XrSessionActionSetsAttachInfo* attachInfo); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetCurrentInteractionProfile( XrSession session, XrPath topLevelUserPath, XrInteractionProfileState* interactionProfile); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetActionStateBoolean( XrSession session, const XrActionStateGetInfo* getInfo, XrActionStateBoolean* state); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetActionStateFloat( XrSession session, const XrActionStateGetInfo* getInfo, XrActionStateFloat* state); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetActionStateVector2f( XrSession session, const XrActionStateGetInfo* getInfo, XrActionStateVector2f* state); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetActionStatePose( XrSession session, const XrActionStateGetInfo* getInfo, XrActionStatePose* state); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrSyncActions( XrSession session, const XrActionsSyncInfo* syncInfo); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateBoundSourcesForAction( XrSession session, const XrBoundSourcesForActionEnumerateInfo* enumerateInfo, uint32_t sourceCapacityInput, uint32_t* sourceCountOutput, XrPath* sources); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetInputSourceLocalizedName( XrSession session, const XrInputSourceLocalizedNameGetInfo* getInfo, uint32_t bufferCapacityInput, uint32_t* bufferCountOutput, char* buffer); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrApplyHapticFeedback( XrSession session, const XrHapticActionInfo* hapticActionInfo, const XrHapticBaseHeader* hapticFeedback); extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrStopHapticFeedback( XrSession session, const XrHapticActionInfo* hapticActionInfo); #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif