/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2017-2018 Intel Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef CPU_WINO_REORDER_HPP #define CPU_WINO_REORDER_HPP #include "mkldnn_thread.hpp" #include "simple_q10n.hpp" namespace mkldnn { namespace impl { namespace cpu { template <data_type_t type_i, data_type_t type_o> struct wino_reorder_t : public cpu_primitive_t { struct pd_t : public cpu_reorder_pd_t { using cpu_reorder_pd_t::cpu_reorder_pd_t; DECLARE_COMMON_PD_T("wino_reorder", wino_reorder_t); static status_t create(reorder_pd_t **reorder_pd, engine_t *engine, const primitive_attr_t *attr, engine_t *src_engine, const memory_desc_t *src_md, engine_t *dst_engine, const memory_desc_t *dst_md) { const memory_desc_wrapper id(src_md), od(dst_md); bool args_ok = true && id.data_type() == type_i && od.data_type() == type_o && id.matches_tag(utils::pick(id.ndims() - 4, format_tag::oihw, format_tag::goihw)) && od.format_kind() == format_kind::wino && utils::one_of(od.wino_desc().wino_format, mkldnn_wino_wei_aaOIoi, mkldnn_wino_wei_aaOio, mkldnn_wino_wei_aaOBiOo, mkldnn_wino_wei_OBaaIBOIio); if (!args_ok) return status::invalid_arguments; auto _pd = new pd_t(engine, attr, src_engine, src_md, dst_engine, dst_md); if (_pd == nullptr) return status::out_of_memory; if (_pd->init() != status::success) { delete _pd; return status::unimplemented; } return safe_ptr_assign<reorder_pd_t>(*reorder_pd, _pd); } status_t init() { status_t status = cpu_reorder_pd_t::init(); if (status != status::success) return status; init_scratchpad(); return status::success; } private: void init_scratchpad() { auto &o = memory_desc_wrapper(dst_md()).wino_desc(); size_t transform_space_size = (size_t)o.r * o.alpha * o.oc_block; size_t plain_size = (size_t)o.alpha * o.alpha * o.oc * o.ic; using namespace memory_tracking::names; auto scratchpad = scratchpad_registry().registrar(); scratchpad.book(key_reorder_wino_transform_space, sizeof(in_data_t) * transform_space_size); scratchpad.book(key_reorder_wino_plain, sizeof(out_data_t) * plain_size); } }; private: typedef typename prec_traits<type_i>::type in_data_t; typedef typename prec_traits<type_o>::type out_data_t; const int unsign_val_in_wino_domain_ = 5; wino_reorder_t(const pd_t *apd): cpu_primitive_t(apd) { const memory_desc_wrapper src_d(pd()->src_md()); const memory_desc_wrapper dst_d(pd()->dst_md()); r_ = dst_d.wino_desc().r; w_alpha_ = dst_d.wino_desc().alpha; wino_format_ = dst_d.wino_desc().wino_format; const auto &in_dims = src_d.dims(); int groups; int groups_offset; if (src_d.ndims() == 5) { groups = in_dims[0]; groups_offset = 1; } else { groups = 1; groups_offset = 0; } assert(groups == 1); // groups are not supported now MAYBE_UNUSED(groups); or_oc_ = in_dims[0 + groups_offset]; or_ic_ = in_dims[1 + groups_offset]; kh_ = in_dims[2 + groups_offset]; kw_ = in_dims[3 + groups_offset]; oc_ = dst_d.wino_desc().oc; ic_ = dst_d.wino_desc().ic; oc_block_ = dst_d.wino_desc().oc_block; ic_block_ = dst_d.wino_desc().ic_block; assert(oc_ % oc_block_ == 0 && ic_ % ic_block_ == 0); nb_oc_ = oc_ / oc_block_; nb_ic_ = ic_ / ic_block_; ic2_block_ = 1; if (wino_format_ == mkldnn_wino_wei_OBaaIBOIio) ic2_block_ = dst_d.wino_desc().ic2_block; oc2_block_ = dst_d.wino_desc().oc2_block; assert(nb_ic_ % ic2_block_ == 0 && nb_oc_ % oc2_block_ == 0); adj_scale_ = dst_d.wino_desc().adj_scale; size_wino_wei_ = w_alpha_ * w_alpha_ * oc_ * ic_; size_wspace_ = r_ * w_alpha_ * oc_block_; } void transform(out_data_t *__restrict tmp_wei, const in_data_t *__restrict input, in_data_t *__restrict wspace) const { const memory_desc_wrapper src_d(pd()->src_md()); const int smask = pd()->attr()->output_scales_.mask_; const int ndims_mask = math::ilog2q(smask + 1); const size_t D_mask = utils::array_product(src_d.dims(), ndims_mask); const float *__restrict scales = pd()->attr()->output_scales_.scales_; assert(D_mask == 1 || D_mask == (size_t)oc_); /* transform weights to winograd domain */ const float G_2x2_3x3[4][3] = { { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }, { 0.5, -0.5, 0.5 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 } }; const float G_4x4_3x3[6][3] = { { 1.13777777777778f, 0.f, 0.f }, { -0.688403361344538f, -0.430252100840336f, -0.26890756302521f }, { -0.688403361344538f, 0.430252100840336f, -0.26890756302521f }, { 0.119514472455649f, 0.179271708683473f, 0.26890756302521f }, { 0.119514472455649f, -0.179271708683473f, 0.26890756302521f }, { 0.f, 0.f, 1.f } }; float *__restrict g; if (utils::one_of(wino_format_, mkldnn_wino_wei_aaOIoi, mkldnn_wino_wei_aaOio, mkldnn_wino_wei_aaOBiOo)) g = (float *)G_2x2_3x3; else if (wino_format_ == mkldnn_wino_wei_OBaaIBOIio) g = (float *)G_4x4_3x3; else { assert("Unknown winograd weights target layout"); return; } int Z = oc_ * ic_; assert(r_ == kh_ && r_ == kw_); for (int iic = 0; iic < ic_; iic++) { for (int ob = 0; ob < nb_oc_; ob++) { const in_data_t *__restrict _inp = input + (ob * oc_block_ * or_ic_ + iic) * kh_ * kw_; out_data_t *__restrict _out = tmp_wei + (iic * nb_oc_ + ob) * oc_block_; for_nd(0, 1, size_wspace_, [&](int i) { wspace[i] = 0.f; }); for_nd(0, 1, r_, w_alpha_, oc_block_, [&](int ih, int j, int ioc) { for (int iw = 0; iw < r_; ++iw) { int inp_oc = ob * oc_block_ + ioc; int inp_ic = iic; in_data_t inp_v = (inp_ic < or_ic_ && inp_oc < or_oc_) ? _inp[ioc * or_ic_ * kh_ * kw_ + ih * kw_ + iw] : 0.f; wspace[(ih * w_alpha_ + j) * oc_block_ + ioc] += inp_v * g[j * r_ + iw]; } }); for_nd(0, 1, w_alpha_, w_alpha_, oc_block_, [&](int i, int j, int ioc) { float t = 0; for (int k = 0; k < r_; ++k) t += g[i * r_ + k] * wspace[(k * w_alpha_ + j) * oc_block_ + ioc]; if (type_o == data_type::s8) { const float scale = (D_mask == 1) ? scales[0] : scales[ob * oc_block_ + ioc]; _out[(i * w_alpha_ + j) * Z + ioc] = qz_b0<in_data_t, out_data_t>()( (in_data_t)t, scale * adj_scale_); } else { _out[(i * w_alpha_ + j) * Z + ioc] = (out_data_t)t; } }); }} } void reorder_to_aaOIoi(out_data_t *__restrict output, const out_data_t *__restrict tmp_wei) const { int32_t *__restrict dst_bias = nullptr; if (type_o == data_type::s8) { const auto bias_shift = sizeof(out_data_t) * size_wino_wei_; const size_t bias_size = w_alpha_ * w_alpha_ * oc_; dst_bias = (int32_t *)(output + bias_shift); utils::array_set((int32_t *)dst_bias, 0, bias_size); } int index = 0; for (int u_h = 0; u_h < w_alpha_; u_h++) { for (int u_w = 0; u_w < w_alpha_; u_w++) { for_nd(0, 1, nb_oc_, oc_block_, [&](int ob, int o) { int u_h_shift = u_h * w_alpha_ * ic_ * oc_; int u_w_shift = u_w * ic_ * oc_; int u_h_shift_b = u_h * w_alpha_ * oc_; int u_w_shift_b = u_w * oc_; int oc_block_shift = ob * oc_block_ * ic_ + o * ic_block_; for (int ib = 0; ib < nb_ic_; ib++) { for (int i = 0; i < ic_block_; i++) { int _i = ib * ic_block_; int _o = ob * oc_block_; int ic_shift = (_i + i) * oc_; int oc_shift = (_o + o); int ic_block_shift = ib * oc_block_ * ic_block_ + i; int src_offset = u_h_shift + u_w_shift + ic_shift + oc_shift; int dst_offset = u_h_shift + u_w_shift + oc_block_shift + ic_block_shift; output[dst_offset] = tmp_wei[src_offset]; if (type_o == data_type::s8) { int bias_offset = u_h_shift_b + u_w_shift_b + oc_shift; if (index != unsign_val_in_wino_domain_) dst_bias[bias_offset] -= (128 * (int32_t)output[dst_offset]); else dst_bias[bias_offset] = 0; } }} }); index++; }} } void reorder_to_aaOio(out_data_t *__restrict output, const out_data_t *__restrict tmp_wei) const { for_nd(0, 1, w_alpha_, w_alpha_, nb_oc_, [&](int u_h, int u_w, int ob) { for (int ib = 0; ib < nb_ic_; ib++) { for (int i = 0; i < ic_block_; i++) { for (int o = 0; o < oc_block_; o++) { int src_offset = u_h * w_alpha_ * ic_ * oc_ + u_w * ic_ * oc_ + (ib * ic_block_ + i) * oc_ + (ob * oc_block_ + o); int dst_offset = u_h * w_alpha_ * nb_oc_ * nb_ic_ * ic_block_ * oc_block_ + u_w * nb_oc_ * nb_ic_ * ic_block_ * oc_block_ + ob * nb_ic_ * ic_block_ * oc_block_ + ib * ic_block_ * oc_block_ + i * oc_block_ + o; output[dst_offset] = tmp_wei[src_offset]; }}} }); } void reorder_to_aaOBiOo(out_data_t *__restrict output, const out_data_t *__restrict tmp_wei) const { int oc_chunks = nb_oc_ / oc2_block_; for_nd(0, 1, w_alpha_, w_alpha_, oc_chunks, [&](int u_h, int u_w, int occ) { for (int ib = 0; ib < nb_ic_; ib++) { out_data_t *__restrict wei_ptr = output + (((u_h * w_alpha_ + u_w) * oc_chunks + occ) * nb_ic_ + ib) * oc2_block_ * ic_block_ * oc_block_; int wei_offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ic_block_; i++) { for (int ob2 = 0; ob2 < oc2_block_; ob2++) { for (int o = 0; o < oc_block_; o++) { int icp = ib * ic_block_ + i; int ocp = occ * oc2_block_ * oc_block_ + ob2 * oc_block_ + o; int src_offset = u_h * w_alpha_ * ic_ * oc_ + u_w * ic_ * oc_ + icp * oc_ + ocp; wei_ptr[wei_offset + o] = tmp_wei[src_offset]; } wei_offset += oc_block_; }} } }); } void reorder_to_OBaaIBOIio(out_data_t *__restrict output, const out_data_t *__restrict tmp_wei) const { int ic_chunks = nb_ic_ / ic2_block_; int oc_chunks = nb_oc_ / oc2_block_; for_nd(0, 1, oc_chunks, w_alpha_, w_alpha_, [&](int occ, int u_h, int u_w) { for (int icc = 0; icc < ic_chunks; icc++) { for (int ob = 0; ob < oc2_block_; ob++) { int ocp = (occ * oc2_block_ + ob) * oc_block_; for (int ib = 0; ib < ic2_block_; ib++) { for (int i = 0; i < ic_block_; i++) { int icp = (icc * ic2_block_ + ib) * ic_block_ + i; int src_offset = u_h * w_alpha_ * ic_ * oc_ + u_w * ic_ * oc_ + icp * oc_ + ocp; int wei_offset = ((((((occ * w_alpha_ + u_h) * w_alpha_ + u_w) * ic_chunks + icc) * oc2_block_ + ob) * ic2_block_ + ib) * ic_block_ + i) * oc_block_; for (int o = 0; o < oc_block_; o++) output[wei_offset + o] = tmp_wei[src_offset + o]; }} }} }); } virtual status_t execute(const exec_ctx_t &ctx) const override { auto input = CTX_IN_MEM(const in_data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_FROM); auto output = CTX_OUT_MEM(out_data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_TO); auto wspace = (in_data_t *__restrict)scratchpad(ctx).template get<void>( memory_tracking::names::key_reorder_wino_transform_space); auto tmp_wei = (out_data_t *__restrict)scratchpad(ctx).template get<void>( memory_tracking::names::key_reorder_wino_plain); transform(tmp_wei, input, wspace); /* reorder to winograd domain */ switch (wino_format_) { case mkldnn_wino_wei_aaOIoi: reorder_to_aaOIoi(output, tmp_wei); break; case mkldnn_wino_wei_aaOio: reorder_to_aaOio(output, tmp_wei); break; case mkldnn_wino_wei_aaOBiOo: reorder_to_aaOBiOo(output, tmp_wei); break; case mkldnn_wino_wei_OBaaIBOIio: reorder_to_OBaaIBOIio(output, tmp_wei); break; default: assert("Unknown wino format"); break; } return status::success; } const pd_t *pd() const { return (const pd_t *)primitive_t::pd(); } int r_, w_alpha_; int ic_, oc_, or_ic_, or_oc_, kh_, kw_; int oc_block_, ic_block_, oc2_block_, ic2_block_; float adj_scale_; int nb_oc_, nb_ic_; mkldnn_wino_memory_format_t wino_format_; int size_wino_wei_; int size_wspace_; }; } // namespace cpu } // namespace impl } // namespace mkldnn #endif