* Copyright 2016-2018 Intel Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
*     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#include "mkldnn_types.h"

#include "c_types_map.hpp"
#include "gemm_convolution.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include "type_helpers.hpp"
#include "mkldnn_thread.hpp"
#include "ref_eltwise.hpp"

namespace mkldnn {
namespace impl {
namespace cpu {

using namespace mkldnn::impl::status;
using namespace mkldnn::impl::memory_tracking::names;
using namespace mkldnn::impl::utils;

void gemm_convolution_fwd_t::execute_forward(const exec_ctx_t &ctx) const {
    auto src = CTX_IN_MEM(const data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_SRC);
    auto weights = CTX_IN_MEM(const data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_WEIGHTS);
    auto bias = CTX_IN_MEM(const data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_BIAS);
    auto dst = CTX_OUT_MEM(data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_DST);

    auto col = scratchpad(ctx).get<data_t>(key_conv_gemm_col);

    const jit_gemm_conv_conf_t &jcp = this->pd()->jcp_;

    const int M = jcp.os * jcp.od;
    const size_t src_step = jcp.ic * jcp.ih * jcp.iw * jcp.id;
    const size_t dst_step = jcp.oc * M;
    const size_t weights_g_size = jcp.ic * jcp.oc * jcp.ks;

            jcp.id != 1, jcp.oh_block == jcp.oh && jcp.ow_block == jcp.ow));
    assert(IMPLICATION(jcp.ow_block != jcp.ow, jcp.oh_block == 1));

    const int K = jcp.ic * jcp.ks;
    const int N = jcp.oc;

    if (jcp.im2col_sz && jcp.id != 1)
        parallel_nd(jcp.im2col_sz * jcp.nthr,
                [&](ptrdiff_t i) { col[i] = (data_t)0; });

    const int nb_oh = div_up(jcp.oh, jcp.oh_block);
    const int nb_ow = div_up(jcp.ow, jcp.ow_block);
    const size_t work_amount = jcp.ngroups * jcp.mb * jcp.od * nb_oh * nb_ow;
    parallel(jcp.nthr, [&](const int ithr, const int nthr) {
        data_t *_col = col + (ptrdiff_t)ithr * jcp.im2col_sz;

        int g{ 0 }, n{ 0 }, od{ 0 }, ohb{ 0 }, owb{ 0 };
        size_t start = 0, end = 0;

        balance211(work_amount, nthr, ithr, start, end);
        nd_iterator_init(start, g, jcp.ngroups, n, jcp.mb, od, jcp.od, ohb,
                nb_oh, owb, nb_ow);
        for (size_t iwork = start; iwork < end; ++iwork) {
            int oh = ohb * jcp.oh_block;
            int ow = owb * jcp.ow_block;
            const data_t *_src = src + (n * jcp.ngroups + g) * src_step;
            const data_t *_weights = weights + g * weights_g_size;
            data_t *_dst_im = dst + (n * jcp.ngroups + g) * dst_step;
            const int h_step = nstl::min(jcp.oh_block, jcp.oh - oh);
            const int w_step = nstl::min(jcp.ow_block, jcp.ow - ow);
            if (jcp.im2col_sz) {
                if (jcp.id == 1)
                            jcp, _src, _col, oh, h_step, ow, w_step);
                    jit_gemm_convolution_utils::im2col_3d(jcp, _src, _col, od);

            const data_t one = 1.0;

            const int m = h_step * w_step;
            const int LDA = jcp.im2col_sz ? m : M;
            data_t *_dst = _dst_im + od * jcp.os + oh * jcp.ow + ow;

            extended_sgemm("N", "N", &m, &N, &K, &one,
                    jcp.im2col_sz ? _col : _src + od * m, &LDA, _weights, &K,
                    &this->beta_, _dst, &M);

            data_t *d = _dst;
            if (eltwise_) {
                // fast branch for ReLU case
                if (eltwise_->alg_ == alg_kind::eltwise_relu) {
                    parallel_nd(jcp.oc, [&](const int oc) {
                        data_t b = jcp.with_bias ? bias[g * jcp.oc + oc] : 0;
                        data_t *d_ = d + oc * M;
                        for (int oS = 0; oS < m; ++oS) {
                            d_[oS] += b;
                            if (d_[oS] < 0) d_[oS] *= eltwise_->alpha_;
                } else {
                    parallel_nd(jcp.oc, [&](const int oc) {
                        data_t b = jcp.with_bias ? bias[g * jcp.oc + oc] : 0;
                        data_t *d_ = d + oc * M;
                        for (int oS = 0; oS < m; ++oS) {
                            d_[oS] += b;
                            d_[oS] = eltwise_->compute_scalar(d_[oS]);
            } else if (jcp.with_bias) {
                parallel_nd(jcp.oc, [&](const int oc) {
                    data_t b = bias[g * jcp.oc + oc];
                    data_t *d_ = d + oc * M;
                    for (int oS = 0; oS < m; ++oS) {
                        d_[oS] += b;
            nd_iterator_step(g, jcp.ngroups, n, jcp.mb, od, jcp.od, ohb, nb_oh,
                    owb, nb_ow);

void gemm_convolution_bwd_data_t::execute_backward_data(
        const exec_ctx_t &ctx) const {
    auto diff_dst = CTX_IN_MEM(const data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_DIFF_DST);
    auto weights = CTX_IN_MEM(const data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_WEIGHTS);
    auto diff_src = CTX_OUT_MEM(data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_DIFF_SRC);

    auto col = scratchpad(ctx).get<data_t>(key_conv_gemm_col);

    const jit_gemm_conv_conf_t &jcp = this->pd()->jcp_;

    const int M = jcp.os * jcp.od;
    const size_t src_step = jcp.ic * jcp.ih * jcp.iw * jcp.id;
    const size_t dst_step = jcp.oc * M;
    const size_t weights_g_size = jcp.ic * jcp.oc * jcp.ks;

    const int m = jcp.os;
    const int K = jcp.oc;
    const int N = jcp.ic * jcp.ks;
    const int LDC = jcp.im2col_sz ? m : M;

    const size_t work_amount = (size_t)jcp.ngroups * jcp.mb;

    if (jcp.id > 1) {
        const ptrdiff_t diff_src_sz = (ptrdiff_t)(work_amount * src_step);
        parallel_nd(diff_src_sz, [&](ptrdiff_t i) { diff_src[i] = (data_t)0; });

    parallel(jcp.nthr, [&](const int ithr, const int nthr) {
        data_t *_col = col + (ptrdiff_t)ithr * jcp.im2col_sz;

        int g{0}, n{0};
        size_t start = 0, end = 0;
        balance211(work_amount, nthr, ithr, start, end);
        nd_iterator_init(start, g, jcp.ngroups, n, jcp.mb);
        for (size_t iwork = start; iwork < end; ++iwork) {

            data_t *_diff_src = diff_src + (n * jcp.ngroups + g)*src_step;
            const data_t *_weights = weights + g * weights_g_size;
            for (int od = 0; od < jcp.od; ++od) {
                const data_t *_diff_dst = diff_dst + (n * jcp.ngroups + g)
                    *dst_step + od * m;

                const data_t zero = 0.0, one = 1.0;
                extended_sgemm("N", "T", &m, &N, &K, &one, _diff_dst, &M,
                    _weights, &N, &zero,
                    jcp.im2col_sz ? _col:_diff_src + od * m, &LDC);

                if (jcp.im2col_sz) {
                    if (jcp.id == 1)
                        jit_gemm_convolution_utils::col2im(jcp, _col,
                        jit_gemm_convolution_utils::col2im_3d(jcp, _col,
                            _diff_src, od);
            nd_iterator_step(g, jcp.ngroups, n, jcp.mb);

void gemm_convolution_bwd_weights_t::execute_backward_weights(
        const exec_ctx_t &ctx) const {
    auto diff_dst = CTX_IN_MEM(const data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_DIFF_DST);
    auto src = CTX_IN_MEM(const data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_SRC);
    auto diff_weights = CTX_OUT_MEM(data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_DIFF_WEIGHTS);
    auto diff_bias = CTX_OUT_MEM(data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_DIFF_BIAS);

    auto col = scratchpad(ctx).get<data_t>(key_conv_gemm_col);
    auto wei_reduction = scratchpad(ctx).get<data_t>(key_conv_wei_reduction);

    const jit_gemm_conv_conf_t &jcp = this->pd()->jcp_;

    const int K = jcp.os * jcp.od;
    const size_t src_step = jcp.ic * jcp.ih * jcp.iw * jcp.id;
    const size_t dst_step = jcp.oc * K;
    const size_t weights_g_size = jcp.ic * jcp.oc * jcp.ks;

    const int k = jcp.os;
    const int N = jcp.oc;
    const int M = jcp.ic * jcp.ks;
    const int LDA = jcp.im2col_sz ? k : K;

    parallel_nd(jcp.im2col_sz * jcp.nthr,
            [&](ptrdiff_t i) { col[i] = (data_t)0; });

    parallel(jcp.nthr, [&](const int ithr, const int nthr) {
        int ithr_g, nthr_g, ithr_mb, nthr_mb;
        size_t g_start{0}, g_end{0}, mb_start{0}, mb_end{0};

        const int mb_for_balance = jcp.need_wei_reduction ? jcp.mb : 1;
        jit_gemm_convolution_utils::bwd_weights_balance(ithr, nthr, jcp.ngroups,
                mb_for_balance, ithr_g, nthr_g, ithr_mb, nthr_mb);

        assert(IMPLICATION(!jcp.need_wei_reduction, nthr_mb == 1));
        const int need_reduction = nthr_mb != 1;

        if (ithr_g != -1 && ithr_mb != -1) {
            balance211((size_t)jcp.ngroups, nthr_g, ithr_g, g_start, g_end);
            balance211((size_t)jcp.mb, nthr_mb, ithr_mb, mb_start, mb_end);

            assert(IMPLICATION((g_end - g_start) > 1, need_reduction == 0));

            data_t *_col = col + (ptrdiff_t)ithr * jcp.im2col_sz;
            data_t *weights_reduce_base = wei_reduction
                    + ithr_g * nthr_mb * weights_g_size;
            data_t *weights_reduce = weights_reduce_base
                    + ithr_mb * weights_g_size;

            for (size_t g = g_start; g < g_end; ++g) {
                data_t *_diff_weights = need_reduction
                        ? weights_reduce : (diff_weights + g * weights_g_size);
                for (size_t mb = mb_start; mb < mb_end; ++mb) {
                    const data_t *_src = src + (mb*jcp.ngroups+g)*src_step;
                    for (int od = 0; od < jcp.od; ++od) {
                    const data_t *_diff_dst = diff_dst
                            + (mb*jcp.ngroups+g)*dst_step + od * k;

                    if (jcp.im2col_sz) {
                        if (jcp.id == 1)
                                    jcp, _src, _col, 0, jcp.oh, 0, jcp.ow);
                            jit_gemm_convolution_utils::im2col_3d(jcp, _src,
                                _col, od);

                    const data_t zero = 0.0, one = 1.0;
                        "T", "N", &M, &N, &k, &one,
                        jcp.im2col_sz ? _col : _src + od * k,
                        &LDA, _diff_dst, &K,
                        mb == mb_start && od == 0 ? &zero : &one,
                        _diff_weights, &M);
            if (need_reduction) {
                data_t *weights_base = diff_weights + g_start * weights_g_size;
                    ithr_mb, nthr_mb, jcp, weights_reduce_base, weights_base);
        } else
            if (need_reduction) { mkldnn_thr_barrier(); }

    if (jcp.with_bias) {
        parallel_nd(jcp.ngroups, jcp.oc, [&](int g, int oc) {
            data_t db = 0;
            size_t offset_ = (size_t)g * dst_step + (size_t)oc * K;
            for (int mb = 0; mb < jcp.mb; ++mb)
                size_t offset = offset_ + (size_t)mb * jcp.ngroups * dst_step;
                for (int od = 0; od < jcp.od; ++od)
                for (int oh = 0; oh < jcp.oh; ++oh)
                for (int ow = 0; ow < jcp.ow; ++ow) {
                    db += diff_dst[offset];
            diff_bias[g*jcp.oc+oc] = db;
