// MIT License // // Copyright(c) 2020 Jordan Peck (jordan.me2@gmail.com) // Copyright(c) 2020 Contributors // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // // .'',;:cldxkO00KKXXNNWWWNNXKOkxdollcc::::::;:::ccllloooolllllllllooollc:,'... ...........',;cldxkO000Okxdlc::;;;,,;;;::cclllllll // ..',;:ldxO0KXXNNNNNNNNXXK0kxdolcc::::::;;;,,,,,,;;;;;;;;;;:::cclllllc:;'.... ...........',;:ldxO0KXXXK0Okxdolc::;;;;::cllodddddo // ...',:loxO0KXNNNNNXXKK0Okxdolc::;::::::::;;;,,'''''.....''',;:clllllc:;,'............''''''''',;:loxO0KXNNNNNXK0Okxdollccccllodxxxxxxd // ....';:ldkO0KXXXKK00Okxdolcc:;;;;;::cclllcc:;;,''..... ....',;clooddolcc:;;;;,,;;;;;::::;;;;;;:cloxk0KXNWWWWWWNXKK0Okxddoooddxxkkkkkxx // .....';:ldxkOOOOOkxxdolcc:;;;,,,;;:cllooooolcc:;'... ..,:codxkkkxddooollloooooooollcc:::::clodkO0KXNWWWWWWNNXK00Okxxxxxxxxkkkkxxx // . ....';:cloddddo___________,,,,;;:clooddddoolc:,... ..,:ldx__00OOOkkk___kkkkkkxxdollc::::cclodkO0KXXNNNNNNXXK0OOkxxxxxxxxxxxxddd // .......',;:cccc:| |,,,;;:cclooddddoll:;'.. ..';cox| \KKK000| |KK00OOkxdocc___;::clldxxkO0KKKKK00Okkxdddddddddddddddoo // .......'',,,,,''| ________|',,;;::cclloooooolc:;'......___:ldk| \KK000| |XKKK0Okxolc| |;;::cclodxxkkkkxxdoolllcclllooodddooooo // ''......''''....| | ....'',,,,;;;::cclloooollc:;,''.'| |oxk| \OOO0| |KKK00Oxdoll|___|;;;;;::ccllllllcc::;;,,;;;:cclloooooooo // ;;,''.......... | |_____',,;;;____:___cllo________.___| |___| \xkk| |KK_______ool___:::;________;;;_______...'',;;:ccclllloo // c:;,''......... | |:::/ ' |lo/ | | \dx| |0/ \d| |cc/ |'/ \......',,;;:ccllo // ol:;,'..........| _____|ll/ __ |o/ ______|____ ___| | \o| |/ ___ \| |o/ ______|/ ___ \ .......'',;:clo // dlc;,...........| |::clooo| / | |x\___ \KXKKK0| |dol| |\ \| | | | | |d\___ \..| | / / ....',:cl // xoc;'... .....'| |llodddd| \__| |_____\ \KKK0O| |lc:| |'\ | |___| | |_____\ \.| |_/___/... ...',;:c // dlc;'... ....',;| |oddddddo\ | |Okkx| |::;| |..\ |\ /| | | \ |... ....',;:c // ol:,'.......',:c|___|xxxddollc\_____,___|_________/ddoll|___|,,,|___|...\_____|:\ ______/l|___|_________/...\________|'........',;::cc // c:;'.......';:codxxkkkkxxolc::;::clodxkOO0OOkkxdollc::;;,,''''',,,,''''''''''',,'''''',;:loxkkOOkxol:;,'''',,;:ccllcc:;,'''''',;::ccll // ;,'.......',:codxkOO0OOkxdlc:;,,;;:cldxxkkxxdolc:;;,,''.....'',;;:::;;,,,'''''........,;cldkO0KK0Okdoc::;;::cloodddoolc:;;;;;::ccllooo // .........',;:lodxOO0000Okdoc:,,',,;:clloddoolc:;,''.......'',;:clooollc:;;,,''.......',:ldkOKXNNXX0Oxdolllloddxxxxxxdolccccccllooodddd // . .....';:cldxkO0000Okxol:;,''',,;::cccc:;,,'.......'',;:cldxxkkxxdolc:;;,'.......';coxOKXNWWWNXKOkxddddxxkkkkkkxdoollllooddxxxxkkk // ....',;:codxkO000OOxdoc:;,''',,,;;;;,''.......',,;:clodkO00000Okxolc::;,,''..',;:ldxOKXNWWWNNK0OkkkkkkkkkkkxxddooooodxxkOOOOO000 // ....',;;clodxkkOOOkkdolc:;,,,,,,,,'..........,;:clodxkO0KKXKK0Okxdolcc::;;,,,;;:codkO0XXNNNNXKK0OOOOOkkkkxxdoollloodxkO0KKKXXXXX // // VERSION: 1.0.1 // https://github.com/Auburn/FastNoise #ifndef FASTNOISELITE_H #define FASTNOISELITE_H #include namespace fastnoiselite{ class FastNoiseLite { public: enum NoiseType { NoiseType_OpenSimplex2, NoiseType_OpenSimplex2S, NoiseType_Cellular, NoiseType_Perlin, NoiseType_ValueCubic, NoiseType_Value }; enum RotationType3D { RotationType3D_None, RotationType3D_ImproveXYPlanes, RotationType3D_ImproveXZPlanes }; enum FractalType { FractalType_None, FractalType_FBm, FractalType_Ridged, FractalType_PingPong, FractalType_DomainWarpProgressive, FractalType_DomainWarpIndependent }; enum CellularDistanceFunction { CellularDistanceFunction_Euclidean, CellularDistanceFunction_EuclideanSq, CellularDistanceFunction_Manhattan, CellularDistanceFunction_Hybrid }; enum CellularReturnType { CellularReturnType_CellValue, CellularReturnType_Distance, CellularReturnType_Distance2, CellularReturnType_Distance2Add, CellularReturnType_Distance2Sub, CellularReturnType_Distance2Mul, CellularReturnType_Distance2Div }; enum DomainWarpType { DomainWarpType_OpenSimplex2, DomainWarpType_OpenSimplex2Reduced, DomainWarpType_BasicGrid }; /// /// Create new FastNoise object with optional seed /// FastNoiseLite(int seed = 1337) { mSeed = seed; mFrequency = 0.01f; mNoiseType = NoiseType_OpenSimplex2; mRotationType3D = RotationType3D_None; mTransformType3D = TransformType3D_DefaultOpenSimplex2; mFractalType = FractalType_None; mOctaves = 3; mLacunarity = 2.0f; mGain = 0.5f; mWeightedStrength = 0.0f; mPingPongStrength = 2.0f; mFractalBounding = 1 / 1.75f; mCellularDistanceFunction = CellularDistanceFunction_EuclideanSq; mCellularReturnType = CellularReturnType_Distance; mCellularJitterModifier = 1.0f; mDomainWarpType = DomainWarpType_OpenSimplex2; mWarpTransformType3D = TransformType3D_DefaultOpenSimplex2; mDomainWarpAmp = 1.0f; } /// /// Sets seed used for all noise types /// /// /// Default: 1337 /// void SetSeed(int seed) { mSeed = seed; } /// /// Sets frequency for all noise types /// /// /// Default: 0.01 /// void SetFrequency(float frequency) { mFrequency = frequency; } /// /// Sets noise algorithm used for GetNoise(...) /// /// /// Default: OpenSimplex2 /// void SetNoiseType(NoiseType noiseType) { mNoiseType = noiseType; UpdateTransformType3D(); } /// /// Sets domain rotation type for 3D Noise and 3D DomainWarp. /// Can aid in reducing directional artifacts when sampling a 2D plane in 3D /// /// /// Default: None /// void SetRotationType3D(RotationType3D rotationType3D) { mRotationType3D = rotationType3D; UpdateTransformType3D(); UpdateWarpTransformType3D(); } /// /// Sets method for combining octaves in all fractal noise types /// /// /// Default: None /// Note: FractalType_DomainWarp... only affects DomainWarp(...) /// void SetFractalType(FractalType fractalType) { mFractalType = fractalType; } /// /// Sets octave count for all fractal noise types /// /// /// Default: 3 /// void SetFractalOctaves(int octaves) { mOctaves = octaves; CalculateFractalBounding(); } /// /// Sets octave lacunarity for all fractal noise types /// /// /// Default: 2.0 /// void SetFractalLacunarity(float lacunarity) { mLacunarity = lacunarity; } /// /// Sets octave gain for all fractal noise types /// /// /// Default: 0.5 /// void SetFractalGain(float gain) { mGain = gain; CalculateFractalBounding(); } /// /// Sets octave weighting for all none DomainWarp fratal types /// /// /// Default: 0.0 /// Note: Keep between 0...1 to maintain -1...1 output bounding /// void SetFractalWeightedStrength(float weightedStrength) { mWeightedStrength = weightedStrength; } /// /// Sets strength of the fractal ping pong effect /// /// /// Default: 2.0 /// void SetFractalPingPongStrength(float pingPongStrength) { mPingPongStrength = pingPongStrength; } /// /// Sets distance function used in cellular noise calculations /// /// /// Default: Distance /// void SetCellularDistanceFunction(CellularDistanceFunction cellularDistanceFunction) { mCellularDistanceFunction = cellularDistanceFunction; } /// /// Sets return type from cellular noise calculations /// /// /// Default: EuclideanSq /// void SetCellularReturnType(CellularReturnType cellularReturnType) { mCellularReturnType = cellularReturnType; } /// /// Sets the maximum distance a cellular point can move from it's grid position /// /// /// Default: 1.0 /// Note: Setting this higher than 1 will cause artifacts /// void SetCellularJitter(float cellularJitter) { mCellularJitterModifier = cellularJitter; } /// /// Sets the warp algorithm when using DomainWarp(...) /// /// /// Default: OpenSimplex2 /// void SetDomainWarpType(DomainWarpType domainWarpType) { mDomainWarpType = domainWarpType; UpdateWarpTransformType3D(); } /// /// Sets the maximum warp distance from original position when using DomainWarp(...) /// /// /// Default: 1.0 /// void SetDomainWarpAmp(float domainWarpAmp) { mDomainWarpAmp = domainWarpAmp; } /// /// 2D noise at given position using current settings /// /// /// Noise output bounded between -1...1 /// template float GetNoise(FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const { Arguments_must_be_floating_point_values(); TransformNoiseCoordinate(x, y); switch (mFractalType) { default: return GenNoiseSingle(mSeed, x, y); case FractalType_FBm: return GenFractalFBm(x, y); case FractalType_Ridged: return GenFractalRidged(x, y); case FractalType_PingPong: return GenFractalPingPong(x, y); } } /// /// 3D noise at given position using current settings /// /// /// Noise output bounded between -1...1 /// template float GetNoise(FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const { Arguments_must_be_floating_point_values(); TransformNoiseCoordinate(x, y, z); switch (mFractalType) { default: return GenNoiseSingle(mSeed, x, y, z); case FractalType_FBm: return GenFractalFBm(x, y, z); case FractalType_Ridged: return GenFractalRidged(x, y, z); case FractalType_PingPong: return GenFractalPingPong(x, y, z); } } /// /// 2D warps the input position using current domain warp settings /// /// /// Example usage with GetNoise /// DomainWarp(x, y) /// noise = GetNoise(x, y) /// template void DomainWarp(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y) const { Arguments_must_be_floating_point_values(); switch (mFractalType) { default: DomainWarpSingle(x, y); break; case FractalType_DomainWarpProgressive: DomainWarpFractalProgressive(x, y); break; case FractalType_DomainWarpIndependent: DomainWarpFractalIndependent(x, y); break; } } /// /// 3D warps the input position using current domain warp settings /// /// /// Example usage with GetNoise /// DomainWarp(x, y, z) /// noise = GetNoise(x, y, z) /// template void DomainWarp(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z) const { Arguments_must_be_floating_point_values(); switch (mFractalType) { default: DomainWarpSingle(x, y, z); break; case FractalType_DomainWarpProgressive: DomainWarpFractalProgressive(x, y, z); break; case FractalType_DomainWarpIndependent: DomainWarpFractalIndependent(x, y, z); break; } } private: template struct Arguments_must_be_floating_point_values; enum TransformType3D { TransformType3D_None, TransformType3D_ImproveXYPlanes, TransformType3D_ImproveXZPlanes, TransformType3D_DefaultOpenSimplex2 }; int mSeed; float mFrequency; NoiseType mNoiseType; RotationType3D mRotationType3D; TransformType3D mTransformType3D; FractalType mFractalType; int mOctaves; float mLacunarity; float mGain; float mWeightedStrength; float mPingPongStrength; float mFractalBounding; CellularDistanceFunction mCellularDistanceFunction; CellularReturnType mCellularReturnType; float mCellularJitterModifier; DomainWarpType mDomainWarpType; TransformType3D mWarpTransformType3D; float mDomainWarpAmp; template struct Lookup { static const T Gradients2D[]; static const T Gradients3D[]; static const T RandVecs2D[]; static const T RandVecs3D[]; }; static float FastMin(float a, float b) { return a < b ? a : b; } static float FastMax(float a, float b) { return a > b ? a : b; } static float FastAbs(float f) { return f < 0 ? -f : f; } static float FastSqrt(float f) { return sqrtf(f); } template static int FastFloor(FNfloat f) { return f >= 0 ? (int)f : (int)f - 1; } template static int FastRound(FNfloat f) { return f >= 0 ? (int)(f + 0.5f) : (int)(f - 0.5f); } static float Lerp(float a, float b, float t) { return a + t * (b - a); } static float InterpHermite(float t) { return t * t * (3 - 2 * t); } static float InterpQuintic(float t) { return t * t * t * (t * (t * 6 - 15) + 10); } static float CubicLerp(float a, float b, float c, float d, float t) { float p = (d - c) - (a - b); return t * t * t * p + t * t * ((a - b) - p) + t * (c - a) + b; } static float PingPong(float t) { t -= (int)(t * 0.5f) * 2; return t < 1 ? t : 2 - t; } void CalculateFractalBounding() { float gain = FastAbs(mGain); float amp = gain; float ampFractal = 1.0f; for (int i = 1; i < mOctaves; i++) { ampFractal += amp; amp *= gain; } mFractalBounding = 1 / ampFractal; } // Hashing static const int PrimeX = 501125321; static const int PrimeY = 1136930381; static const int PrimeZ = 1720413743; static int Hash(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed) { int hash = seed ^ xPrimed ^ yPrimed; hash *= 0x27d4eb2d; return hash; } static int Hash(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, int zPrimed) { int hash = seed ^ xPrimed ^ yPrimed ^ zPrimed; hash *= 0x27d4eb2d; return hash; } static float ValCoord(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed) { int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed); hash *= hash; hash ^= hash << 19; return hash * (1 / 2147483648.0f); } static float ValCoord(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, int zPrimed) { int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed, zPrimed); hash *= hash; hash ^= hash << 19; return hash * (1 / 2147483648.0f); } float GradCoord(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, float xd, float yd) const { int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed); hash ^= hash >> 15; hash &= 127 << 1; float xg = Lookup::Gradients2D[hash]; float yg = Lookup::Gradients2D[hash | 1]; return xd * xg + yd * yg; } float GradCoord(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, int zPrimed, float xd, float yd, float zd) const { int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed, zPrimed); hash ^= hash >> 15; hash &= 63 << 2; float xg = Lookup::Gradients3D[hash]; float yg = Lookup::Gradients3D[hash | 1]; float zg = Lookup::Gradients3D[hash | 2]; return xd * xg + yd * yg + zd * zg; } void GradCoordOut(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, float& xo, float& yo) const { int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed) & (255 << 1); xo = Lookup::RandVecs2D[hash]; yo = Lookup::RandVecs2D[hash | 1]; } void GradCoordOut(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, int zPrimed, float& xo, float& yo, float& zo) const { int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed, zPrimed) & (255 << 2); xo = Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash]; yo = Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash | 1]; zo = Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash | 2]; } void GradCoordDual(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, float xd, float yd, float& xo, float& yo) const { int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed); int index1 = hash & (127 << 1); int index2 = (hash >> 7) & (255 << 1); float xg = Lookup::Gradients2D[index1]; float yg = Lookup::Gradients2D[index1 | 1]; float value = xd * xg + yd * yg; float xgo = Lookup::RandVecs2D[index2]; float ygo = Lookup::RandVecs2D[index2 | 1]; xo = value * xgo; yo = value * ygo; } void GradCoordDual(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, int zPrimed, float xd, float yd, float zd, float& xo, float& yo, float& zo) const { int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed, zPrimed); int index1 = hash & (63 << 2); int index2 = (hash >> 6) & (255 << 2); float xg = Lookup::Gradients3D[index1]; float yg = Lookup::Gradients3D[index1 | 1]; float zg = Lookup::Gradients3D[index1 | 2]; float value = xd * xg + yd * yg + zd * zg; float xgo = Lookup::RandVecs3D[index2]; float ygo = Lookup::RandVecs3D[index2 | 1]; float zgo = Lookup::RandVecs3D[index2 | 2]; xo = value * xgo; yo = value * ygo; zo = value * zgo; } // Generic noise gen template float GenNoiseSingle(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const { switch (mNoiseType) { case NoiseType_OpenSimplex2: return SingleSimplex(seed, x, y); case NoiseType_OpenSimplex2S: return SingleOpenSimplex2S(seed, x, y); case NoiseType_Cellular: return SingleCellular(seed, x, y); case NoiseType_Perlin: return SinglePerlin(seed, x, y); case NoiseType_ValueCubic: return SingleValueCubic(seed, x, y); case NoiseType_Value: return SingleValue(seed, x, y); default: return 0; } } template float GenNoiseSingle(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const { switch (mNoiseType) { case NoiseType_OpenSimplex2: return SingleOpenSimplex2(seed, x, y, z); case NoiseType_OpenSimplex2S: return SingleOpenSimplex2S(seed, x, y, z); case NoiseType_Cellular: return SingleCellular(seed, x, y, z); case NoiseType_Perlin: return SinglePerlin(seed, x, y, z); case NoiseType_ValueCubic: return SingleValueCubic(seed, x, y, z); case NoiseType_Value: return SingleValue(seed, x, y, z); default: return 0; } } // Noise Coordinate Transforms (frequency, and possible skew or rotation) template void TransformNoiseCoordinate(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y) const { x *= mFrequency; y *= mFrequency; switch (mNoiseType) { case NoiseType_OpenSimplex2: case NoiseType_OpenSimplex2S: { const FNfloat SQRT3 = (FNfloat)1.7320508075688772935274463415059; const FNfloat F2 = 0.5f * (SQRT3 - 1); FNfloat t = (x + y) * F2; x += t; y += t; } break; default: break; } } template void TransformNoiseCoordinate(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z) const { x *= mFrequency; y *= mFrequency; z *= mFrequency; switch (mTransformType3D) { case TransformType3D_ImproveXYPlanes: { FNfloat xy = x + y; FNfloat s2 = xy * -(FNfloat)0.211324865405187; z *= (FNfloat)0.577350269189626; x += s2 - z; y = y + s2 - z; z += xy * (FNfloat)0.577350269189626; } break; case TransformType3D_ImproveXZPlanes: { FNfloat xz = x + z; FNfloat s2 = xz * -(FNfloat)0.211324865405187; y *= (FNfloat)0.577350269189626; x += s2 - y; z += s2 - y; y += xz * (FNfloat)0.577350269189626; } break; case TransformType3D_DefaultOpenSimplex2: { const FNfloat R3 = (FNfloat)(2.0 / 3.0); FNfloat r = (x + y + z) * R3; // Rotation, not skew x = r - x; y = r - y; z = r - z; } break; default: break; } } void UpdateTransformType3D() { switch (mRotationType3D) { case RotationType3D_ImproveXYPlanes: mTransformType3D = TransformType3D_ImproveXYPlanes; break; case RotationType3D_ImproveXZPlanes: mTransformType3D = TransformType3D_ImproveXZPlanes; break; default: switch (mNoiseType) { case NoiseType_OpenSimplex2: case NoiseType_OpenSimplex2S: mTransformType3D = TransformType3D_DefaultOpenSimplex2; break; default: mTransformType3D = TransformType3D_None; break; } break; } } // Domain Warp Coordinate Transforms template void TransformDomainWarpCoordinate(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y) const { switch (mDomainWarpType) { case DomainWarpType_OpenSimplex2: case DomainWarpType_OpenSimplex2Reduced: { const FNfloat SQRT3 = (FNfloat)1.7320508075688772935274463415059; const FNfloat F2 = 0.5f * (SQRT3 - 1); FNfloat t = (x + y) * F2; x += t; y += t; } break; default: break; } } template void TransformDomainWarpCoordinate(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z) const { switch (mWarpTransformType3D) { case TransformType3D_ImproveXYPlanes: { FNfloat xy = x + y; FNfloat s2 = xy * -(FNfloat)0.211324865405187; z *= (FNfloat)0.577350269189626; x += s2 - z; y = y + s2 - z; z += xy * (FNfloat)0.577350269189626; } break; case TransformType3D_ImproveXZPlanes: { FNfloat xz = x + z; FNfloat s2 = xz * -(FNfloat)0.211324865405187; y *= (FNfloat)0.577350269189626; x += s2 - y; z += s2 - y; y += xz * (FNfloat)0.577350269189626; } break; case TransformType3D_DefaultOpenSimplex2: { const FNfloat R3 = (FNfloat)(2.0 / 3.0); FNfloat r = (x + y + z) * R3; // Rotation, not skew x = r - x; y = r - y; z = r - z; } break; default: break; } } void UpdateWarpTransformType3D() { switch (mRotationType3D) { case RotationType3D_ImproveXYPlanes: mWarpTransformType3D = TransformType3D_ImproveXYPlanes; break; case RotationType3D_ImproveXZPlanes: mWarpTransformType3D = TransformType3D_ImproveXZPlanes; break; default: switch (mDomainWarpType) { case DomainWarpType_OpenSimplex2: case DomainWarpType_OpenSimplex2Reduced: mWarpTransformType3D = TransformType3D_DefaultOpenSimplex2; break; default: mWarpTransformType3D = TransformType3D_None; break; } break; } } // Fractal FBm template float GenFractalFBm(FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const { int seed = mSeed; float sum = 0; float amp = mFractalBounding; for (int i = 0; i < mOctaves; i++) { float noise = GenNoiseSingle(seed++, x, y); sum += noise * amp; amp *= Lerp(1.0f, FastMin(noise + 1, 2) * 0.5f, mWeightedStrength); x *= mLacunarity; y *= mLacunarity; amp *= mGain; } return sum; } template float GenFractalFBm(FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const { int seed = mSeed; float sum = 0; float amp = mFractalBounding; for (int i = 0; i < mOctaves; i++) { float noise = GenNoiseSingle(seed++, x, y, z); sum += noise * amp; amp *= Lerp(1.0f, (noise + 1) * 0.5f, mWeightedStrength); x *= mLacunarity; y *= mLacunarity; z *= mLacunarity; amp *= mGain; } return sum; } // Fractal Ridged template float GenFractalRidged(FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const { int seed = mSeed; float sum = 0; float amp = mFractalBounding; for (int i = 0; i < mOctaves; i++) { float noise = FastAbs(GenNoiseSingle(seed++, x, y)); sum += (noise * -2 + 1) * amp; amp *= Lerp(1.0f, 1 - noise, mWeightedStrength); x *= mLacunarity; y *= mLacunarity; amp *= mGain; } return sum; } template float GenFractalRidged(FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const { int seed = mSeed; float sum = 0; float amp = mFractalBounding; for (int i = 0; i < mOctaves; i++) { float noise = FastAbs(GenNoiseSingle(seed++, x, y, z)); sum += (noise * -2 + 1) * amp; amp *= Lerp(1.0f, 1 - noise, mWeightedStrength); x *= mLacunarity; y *= mLacunarity; z *= mLacunarity; amp *= mGain; } return sum; } // Fractal PingPong template float GenFractalPingPong(FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const { int seed = mSeed; float sum = 0; float amp = mFractalBounding; for (int i = 0; i < mOctaves; i++) { float noise = PingPong((GenNoiseSingle(seed++, x, y) + 1) * mPingPongStrength); sum += (noise - 0.5f) * 2 * amp; amp *= Lerp(1.0f, noise, mWeightedStrength); x *= mLacunarity; y *= mLacunarity; amp *= mGain; } return sum; } template float GenFractalPingPong(FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const { int seed = mSeed; float sum = 0; float amp = mFractalBounding; for (int i = 0; i < mOctaves; i++) { float noise = PingPong((GenNoiseSingle(seed++, x, y, z) + 1) * mPingPongStrength); sum += (noise - 0.5f) * 2 * amp; amp *= Lerp(1.0f, noise, mWeightedStrength); x *= mLacunarity; y *= mLacunarity; z *= mLacunarity; amp *= mGain; } return sum; } // Simplex/OpenSimplex2 Noise template float SingleSimplex(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const { // 2D OpenSimplex2 case uses the same algorithm as ordinary Simplex. const float SQRT3 = 1.7320508075688772935274463415059f; const float G2 = (3 - SQRT3) / 6; /* * --- Skew moved to TransformNoiseCoordinate method --- * const FNfloat F2 = 0.5f * (SQRT3 - 1); * FNfloat s = (x + y) * F2; * x += s; y += s; */ int i = FastFloor(x); int j = FastFloor(y); float xi = (float)(x - i); float yi = (float)(y - j); float t = (xi + yi) * G2; float x0 = (float)(xi - t); float y0 = (float)(yi - t); i *= PrimeX; j *= PrimeY; float n0, n1, n2; float a = 0.5f - x0 * x0 - y0 * y0; if (a <= 0) n0 = 0; else { n0 = (a * a) * (a * a) * GradCoord(seed, i, j, x0, y0); } float c = (float)(2 * (1 - 2 * G2) * (1 / G2 - 2)) * t + ((float)(-2 * (1 - 2 * G2) * (1 - 2 * G2)) + a); if (c <= 0) n2 = 0; else { float x2 = x0 + (2 * (float)G2 - 1); float y2 = y0 + (2 * (float)G2 - 1); n2 = (c * c) * (c * c) * GradCoord(seed, i + PrimeX, j + PrimeY, x2, y2); } if (y0 > x0) { float x1 = x0 + (float)G2; float y1 = y0 + ((float)G2 - 1); float b = 0.5f - x1 * x1 - y1 * y1; if (b <= 0) n1 = 0; else { n1 = (b * b) * (b * b) * GradCoord(seed, i, j + PrimeY, x1, y1); } } else { float x1 = x0 + ((float)G2 - 1); float y1 = y0 + (float)G2; float b = 0.5f - x1 * x1 - y1 * y1; if (b <= 0) n1 = 0; else { n1 = (b * b) * (b * b) * GradCoord(seed, i + PrimeX, j, x1, y1); } } return (n0 + n1 + n2) * 99.83685446303647f; } template float SingleOpenSimplex2(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const { // 3D OpenSimplex2 case uses two offset rotated cube grids. /* * --- Rotation moved to TransformNoiseCoordinate method --- * const FNfloat R3 = (FNfloat)(2.0 / 3.0); * FNfloat r = (x + y + z) * R3; // Rotation, not skew * x = r - x; y = r - y; z = r - z; */ int i = FastRound(x); int j = FastRound(y); int k = FastRound(z); float x0 = (float)(x - i); float y0 = (float)(y - j); float z0 = (float)(z - k); int xNSign = (int)(-1.0f - x0) | 1; int yNSign = (int)(-1.0f - y0) | 1; int zNSign = (int)(-1.0f - z0) | 1; float ax0 = xNSign * -x0; float ay0 = yNSign * -y0; float az0 = zNSign * -z0; i *= PrimeX; j *= PrimeY; k *= PrimeZ; float value = 0; float a = (0.6f - x0 * x0) - (y0 * y0 + z0 * z0); for (int l = 0; ; l++) { if (a > 0) { value += (a * a) * (a * a) * GradCoord(seed, i, j, k, x0, y0, z0); } float b = a + 1; int i1 = i; int j1 = j; int k1 = k; float x1 = x0; float y1 = y0; float z1 = z0; if (ax0 >= ay0 && ax0 >= az0) { x1 += xNSign; b -= xNSign * 2 * x1; i1 -= xNSign * PrimeX; } else if (ay0 > ax0 && ay0 >= az0) { y1 += yNSign; b -= yNSign * 2 * y1; j1 -= yNSign * PrimeY; } else { z1 += zNSign; b -= zNSign * 2 * z1; k1 -= zNSign * PrimeZ; } if (b > 0) { value += (b * b) * (b * b) * GradCoord(seed, i1, j1, k1, x1, y1, z1); } if (l == 1) break; ax0 = 0.5f - ax0; ay0 = 0.5f - ay0; az0 = 0.5f - az0; x0 = xNSign * ax0; y0 = yNSign * ay0; z0 = zNSign * az0; a += (0.75f - ax0) - (ay0 + az0); i += (xNSign >> 1) & PrimeX; j += (yNSign >> 1) & PrimeY; k += (zNSign >> 1) & PrimeZ; xNSign = -xNSign; yNSign = -yNSign; zNSign = -zNSign; seed = ~seed; } return value * 32.69428253173828125f; } // OpenSimplex2S Noise template float SingleOpenSimplex2S(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const { // 2D OpenSimplex2S case is a modified 2D simplex noise. const FNfloat SQRT3 = (FNfloat)1.7320508075688772935274463415059; const FNfloat G2 = (3 - SQRT3) / 6; /* * --- Skew moved to TransformNoiseCoordinate method --- * const FNfloat F2 = 0.5f * (SQRT3 - 1); * FNfloat s = (x + y) * F2; * x += s; y += s; */ int i = FastFloor(x); int j = FastFloor(y); float xi = (float)(x - i); float yi = (float)(y - j); i *= PrimeX; j *= PrimeY; int i1 = i + PrimeX; int j1 = j + PrimeY; float t = (xi + yi) * (float)G2; float x0 = xi - t; float y0 = yi - t; float a0 = (2.0f / 3.0f) - x0 * x0 - y0 * y0; float value = (a0 * a0) * (a0 * a0) * GradCoord(seed, i, j, x0, y0); float a1 = (float)(2 * (1 - 2 * G2) * (1 / G2 - 2)) * t + ((float)(-2 * (1 - 2 * G2) * (1 - 2 * G2)) + a0); float x1 = x0 - (float)(1 - 2 * G2); float y1 = y0 - (float)(1 - 2 * G2); value += (a1 * a1) * (a1 * a1) * GradCoord(seed, i1, j1, x1, y1); // Nested conditionals were faster than compact bit logic/arithmetic. float xmyi = xi - yi; if (t > G2) { if (xi + xmyi > 1) { float x2 = x0 + (float)(3 * G2 - 2); float y2 = y0 + (float)(3 * G2 - 1); float a2 = (2.0f / 3.0f) - x2 * x2 - y2 * y2; if (a2 > 0) { value += (a2 * a2) * (a2 * a2) * GradCoord(seed, i + (PrimeX << 1), j + PrimeY, x2, y2); } } else { float x2 = x0 + (float)G2; float y2 = y0 + (float)(G2 - 1); float a2 = (2.0f / 3.0f) - x2 * x2 - y2 * y2; if (a2 > 0) { value += (a2 * a2) * (a2 * a2) * GradCoord(seed, i, j + PrimeY, x2, y2); } } if (yi - xmyi > 1) { float x3 = x0 + (float)(3 * G2 - 1); float y3 = y0 + (float)(3 * G2 - 2); float a3 = (2.0f / 3.0f) - x3 * x3 - y3 * y3; if (a3 > 0) { value += (a3 * a3) * (a3 * a3) * GradCoord(seed, i + PrimeX, j + (PrimeY << 1), x3, y3); } } else { float x3 = x0 + (float)(G2 - 1); float y3 = y0 + (float)G2; float a3 = (2.0f / 3.0f) - x3 * x3 - y3 * y3; if (a3 > 0) { value += (a3 * a3) * (a3 * a3) * GradCoord(seed, i + PrimeX, j, x3, y3); } } } else { if (xi + xmyi < 0) { float x2 = x0 + (float)(1 - G2); float y2 = y0 - (float)G2; float a2 = (2.0f / 3.0f) - x2 * x2 - y2 * y2; if (a2 > 0) { value += (a2 * a2) * (a2 * a2) * GradCoord(seed, i - PrimeX, j, x2, y2); } } else { float x2 = x0 + (float)(G2 - 1); float y2 = y0 + (float)G2; float a2 = (2.0f / 3.0f) - x2 * x2 - y2 * y2; if (a2 > 0) { value += (a2 * a2) * (a2 * a2) * GradCoord(seed, i + PrimeX, j, x2, y2); } } if (yi < xmyi) { float x2 = x0 - (float)G2; float y2 = y0 - (float)(G2 - 1); float a2 = (2.0f / 3.0f) - x2 * x2 - y2 * y2; if (a2 > 0) { value += (a2 * a2) * (a2 * a2) * GradCoord(seed, i, j - PrimeY, x2, y2); } } else { float x2 = x0 + (float)G2; float y2 = y0 + (float)(G2 - 1); float a2 = (2.0f / 3.0f) - x2 * x2 - y2 * y2; if (a2 > 0) { value += (a2 * a2) * (a2 * a2) * GradCoord(seed, i, j + PrimeY, x2, y2); } } } return value * 18.24196194486065f; } template float SingleOpenSimplex2S(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const { // 3D OpenSimplex2S case uses two offset rotated cube grids. /* * --- Rotation moved to TransformNoiseCoordinate method --- * const FNfloat R3 = (FNfloat)(2.0 / 3.0); * FNfloat r = (x + y + z) * R3; // Rotation, not skew * x = r - x; y = r - y; z = r - z; */ int i = FastFloor(x); int j = FastFloor(y); int k = FastFloor(z); float xi = (float)(x - i); float yi = (float)(y - j); float zi = (float)(z - k); i *= PrimeX; j *= PrimeY; k *= PrimeZ; int seed2 = seed + 1293373; int xNMask = (int)(-0.5f - xi); int yNMask = (int)(-0.5f - yi); int zNMask = (int)(-0.5f - zi); float x0 = xi + xNMask; float y0 = yi + yNMask; float z0 = zi + zNMask; float a0 = 0.75f - x0 * x0 - y0 * y0 - z0 * z0; float value = (a0 * a0) * (a0 * a0) * GradCoord(seed, i + (xNMask & PrimeX), j + (yNMask & PrimeY), k + (zNMask & PrimeZ), x0, y0, z0); float x1 = xi - 0.5f; float y1 = yi - 0.5f; float z1 = zi - 0.5f; float a1 = 0.75f - x1 * x1 - y1 * y1 - z1 * z1; value += (a1 * a1) * (a1 * a1) * GradCoord(seed2, i + PrimeX, j + PrimeY, k + PrimeZ, x1, y1, z1); float xAFlipMask0 = ((xNMask | 1) << 1) * x1; float yAFlipMask0 = ((yNMask | 1) << 1) * y1; float zAFlipMask0 = ((zNMask | 1) << 1) * z1; float xAFlipMask1 = (-2 - (xNMask << 2)) * x1 - 1.0f; float yAFlipMask1 = (-2 - (yNMask << 2)) * y1 - 1.0f; float zAFlipMask1 = (-2 - (zNMask << 2)) * z1 - 1.0f; bool skip5 = false; float a2 = xAFlipMask0 + a0; if (a2 > 0) { float x2 = x0 - (xNMask | 1); float y2 = y0; float z2 = z0; value += (a2 * a2) * (a2 * a2) * GradCoord(seed, i + (~xNMask & PrimeX), j + (yNMask & PrimeY), k + (zNMask & PrimeZ), x2, y2, z2); } else { float a3 = yAFlipMask0 + zAFlipMask0 + a0; if (a3 > 0) { float x3 = x0; float y3 = y0 - (yNMask | 1); float z3 = z0 - (zNMask | 1); value += (a3 * a3) * (a3 * a3) * GradCoord(seed, i + (xNMask & PrimeX), j + (~yNMask & PrimeY), k + (~zNMask & PrimeZ), x3, y3, z3); } float a4 = xAFlipMask1 + a1; if (a4 > 0) { float x4 = (xNMask | 1) + x1; float y4 = y1; float z4 = z1; value += (a4 * a4) * (a4 * a4) * GradCoord(seed2, i + (xNMask & (PrimeX * 2)), j + PrimeY, k + PrimeZ, x4, y4, z4); skip5 = true; } } bool skip9 = false; float a6 = yAFlipMask0 + a0; if (a6 > 0) { float x6 = x0; float y6 = y0 - (yNMask | 1); float z6 = z0; value += (a6 * a6) * (a6 * a6) * GradCoord(seed, i + (xNMask & PrimeX), j + (~yNMask & PrimeY), k + (zNMask & PrimeZ), x6, y6, z6); } else { float a7 = xAFlipMask0 + zAFlipMask0 + a0; if (a7 > 0) { float x7 = x0 - (xNMask | 1); float y7 = y0; float z7 = z0 - (zNMask | 1); value += (a7 * a7) * (a7 * a7) * GradCoord(seed, i + (~xNMask & PrimeX), j + (yNMask & PrimeY), k + (~zNMask & PrimeZ), x7, y7, z7); } float a8 = yAFlipMask1 + a1; if (a8 > 0) { float x8 = x1; float y8 = (yNMask | 1) + y1; float z8 = z1; value += (a8 * a8) * (a8 * a8) * GradCoord(seed2, i + PrimeX, j + (yNMask & (PrimeY << 1)), k + PrimeZ, x8, y8, z8); skip9 = true; } } bool skipD = false; float aA = zAFlipMask0 + a0; if (aA > 0) { float xA = x0; float yA = y0; float zA = z0 - (zNMask | 1); value += (aA * aA) * (aA * aA) * GradCoord(seed, i + (xNMask & PrimeX), j + (yNMask & PrimeY), k + (~zNMask & PrimeZ), xA, yA, zA); } else { float aB = xAFlipMask0 + yAFlipMask0 + a0; if (aB > 0) { float xB = x0 - (xNMask | 1); float yB = y0 - (yNMask | 1); float zB = z0; value += (aB * aB) * (aB * aB) * GradCoord(seed, i + (~xNMask & PrimeX), j + (~yNMask & PrimeY), k + (zNMask & PrimeZ), xB, yB, zB); } float aC = zAFlipMask1 + a1; if (aC > 0) { float xC = x1; float yC = y1; float zC = (zNMask | 1) + z1; value += (aC * aC) * (aC * aC) * GradCoord(seed2, i + PrimeX, j + PrimeY, k + (zNMask & (PrimeZ << 1)), xC, yC, zC); skipD = true; } } if (!skip5) { float a5 = yAFlipMask1 + zAFlipMask1 + a1; if (a5 > 0) { float x5 = x1; float y5 = (yNMask | 1) + y1; float z5 = (zNMask | 1) + z1; value += (a5 * a5) * (a5 * a5) * GradCoord(seed2, i + PrimeX, j + (yNMask & (PrimeY << 1)), k + (zNMask & (PrimeZ << 1)), x5, y5, z5); } } if (!skip9) { float a9 = xAFlipMask1 + zAFlipMask1 + a1; if (a9 > 0) { float x9 = (xNMask | 1) + x1; float y9 = y1; float z9 = (zNMask | 1) + z1; value += (a9 * a9) * (a9 * a9) * GradCoord(seed2, i + (xNMask & (PrimeX * 2)), j + PrimeY, k + (zNMask & (PrimeZ << 1)), x9, y9, z9); } } if (!skipD) { float aD = xAFlipMask1 + yAFlipMask1 + a1; if (aD > 0) { float xD = (xNMask | 1) + x1; float yD = (yNMask | 1) + y1; float zD = z1; value += (aD * aD) * (aD * aD) * GradCoord(seed2, i + (xNMask & (PrimeX << 1)), j + (yNMask & (PrimeY << 1)), k + PrimeZ, xD, yD, zD); } } return value * 9.046026385208288f; } // Cellular Noise template float SingleCellular(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const { int xr = FastRound(x); int yr = FastRound(y); float distance0 = 1e10f; float distance1 = 1e10f; int closestHash = 0; float cellularJitter = 0.43701595f * mCellularJitterModifier; int xPrimed = (xr - 1) * PrimeX; int yPrimedBase = (yr - 1) * PrimeY; switch (mCellularDistanceFunction) { default: case CellularDistanceFunction_Euclidean: case CellularDistanceFunction_EuclideanSq: for (int xi = xr - 1; xi <= xr + 1; xi++) { int yPrimed = yPrimedBase; for (int yi = yr - 1; yi <= yr + 1; yi++) { int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed); int idx = hash & (255 << 1); float vecX = (float)(xi - x) + Lookup::RandVecs2D[idx] * cellularJitter; float vecY = (float)(yi - y) + Lookup::RandVecs2D[idx | 1] * cellularJitter; float newDistance = vecX * vecX + vecY * vecY; distance1 = FastMax(FastMin(distance1, newDistance), distance0); if (newDistance < distance0) { distance0 = newDistance; closestHash = hash; } yPrimed += PrimeY; } xPrimed += PrimeX; } break; case CellularDistanceFunction_Manhattan: for (int xi = xr - 1; xi <= xr + 1; xi++) { int yPrimed = yPrimedBase; for (int yi = yr - 1; yi <= yr + 1; yi++) { int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed); int idx = hash & (255 << 1); float vecX = (float)(xi - x) + Lookup::RandVecs2D[idx] * cellularJitter; float vecY = (float)(yi - y) + Lookup::RandVecs2D[idx | 1] * cellularJitter; float newDistance = FastAbs(vecX) + FastAbs(vecY); distance1 = FastMax(FastMin(distance1, newDistance), distance0); if (newDistance < distance0) { distance0 = newDistance; closestHash = hash; } yPrimed += PrimeY; } xPrimed += PrimeX; } break; case CellularDistanceFunction_Hybrid: for (int xi = xr - 1; xi <= xr + 1; xi++) { int yPrimed = yPrimedBase; for (int yi = yr - 1; yi <= yr + 1; yi++) { int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed); int idx = hash & (255 << 1); float vecX = (float)(xi - x) + Lookup::RandVecs2D[idx] * cellularJitter; float vecY = (float)(yi - y) + Lookup::RandVecs2D[idx | 1] * cellularJitter; float newDistance = (FastAbs(vecX) + FastAbs(vecY)) + (vecX * vecX + vecY * vecY); distance1 = FastMax(FastMin(distance1, newDistance), distance0); if (newDistance < distance0) { distance0 = newDistance; closestHash = hash; } yPrimed += PrimeY; } xPrimed += PrimeX; } break; } if (mCellularDistanceFunction == CellularDistanceFunction_Euclidean && mCellularReturnType >= CellularReturnType_Distance) { distance0 = FastSqrt(distance0); if (mCellularReturnType >= CellularReturnType_Distance2) { distance1 = FastSqrt(distance1); } } switch (mCellularReturnType) { case CellularReturnType_CellValue: return closestHash * (1 / 2147483648.0f); case CellularReturnType_Distance: return distance0 - 1; case CellularReturnType_Distance2: return distance1 - 1; case CellularReturnType_Distance2Add: return (distance1 + distance0) * 0.5f - 1; case CellularReturnType_Distance2Sub: return distance1 - distance0 - 1; case CellularReturnType_Distance2Mul: return distance1 * distance0 * 0.5f - 1; case CellularReturnType_Distance2Div: return distance0 / distance1 - 1; default: return 0; } } // GCC raises warnings when integer overflows occur, which are needed for hashing here. #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Waggressive-loop-optimizations" #endif template float SingleCellular(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const { int xr = FastRound(x); int yr = FastRound(y); int zr = FastRound(z); float distance0 = 1e10f; float distance1 = 1e10f; int closestHash = 0; float cellularJitter = 0.39614353f * mCellularJitterModifier; int xPrimed = (xr - 1) * PrimeX; int yPrimedBase = (yr - 1) * PrimeY; int zPrimedBase = (zr - 1) * PrimeZ; switch (mCellularDistanceFunction) { case CellularDistanceFunction_Euclidean: case CellularDistanceFunction_EuclideanSq: for (int xi = xr - 1; xi <= xr + 1; xi++) { int yPrimed = yPrimedBase; for (int yi = yr - 1; yi <= yr + 1; yi++) { int zPrimed = zPrimedBase; for (int zi = zr - 1; zi <= zr + 1; zi++) { int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed, zPrimed); int idx = hash & (255 << 2); float vecX = (float)(xi - x) + Lookup::RandVecs3D[idx] * cellularJitter; float vecY = (float)(yi - y) + Lookup::RandVecs3D[idx | 1] * cellularJitter; float vecZ = (float)(zi - z) + Lookup::RandVecs3D[idx | 2] * cellularJitter; float newDistance = vecX * vecX + vecY * vecY + vecZ * vecZ; distance1 = FastMax(FastMin(distance1, newDistance), distance0); if (newDistance < distance0) { distance0 = newDistance; closestHash = hash; } zPrimed += PrimeZ; } yPrimed += PrimeY; } xPrimed += PrimeX; } break; case CellularDistanceFunction_Manhattan: for (int xi = xr - 1; xi <= xr + 1; xi++) { int yPrimed = yPrimedBase; for (int yi = yr - 1; yi <= yr + 1; yi++) { int zPrimed = zPrimedBase; for (int zi = zr - 1; zi <= zr + 1; zi++) { int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed, zPrimed); int idx = hash & (255 << 2); float vecX = (float)(xi - x) + Lookup::RandVecs3D[idx] * cellularJitter; float vecY = (float)(yi - y) + Lookup::RandVecs3D[idx | 1] * cellularJitter; float vecZ = (float)(zi - z) + Lookup::RandVecs3D[idx | 2] * cellularJitter; float newDistance = FastAbs(vecX) + FastAbs(vecY) + FastAbs(vecZ); distance1 = FastMax(FastMin(distance1, newDistance), distance0); if (newDistance < distance0) { distance0 = newDistance; closestHash = hash; } zPrimed += PrimeZ; } yPrimed += PrimeY; } xPrimed += PrimeX; } break; case CellularDistanceFunction_Hybrid: for (int xi = xr - 1; xi <= xr + 1; xi++) { int yPrimed = yPrimedBase; for (int yi = yr - 1; yi <= yr + 1; yi++) { int zPrimed = zPrimedBase; for (int zi = zr - 1; zi <= zr + 1; zi++) { int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed, zPrimed); int idx = hash & (255 << 2); float vecX = (float)(xi - x) + Lookup::RandVecs3D[idx] * cellularJitter; float vecY = (float)(yi - y) + Lookup::RandVecs3D[idx | 1] * cellularJitter; float vecZ = (float)(zi - z) + Lookup::RandVecs3D[idx | 2] * cellularJitter; float newDistance = (FastAbs(vecX) + FastAbs(vecY) + FastAbs(vecZ)) + (vecX * vecX + vecY * vecY + vecZ * vecZ); distance1 = FastMax(FastMin(distance1, newDistance), distance0); if (newDistance < distance0) { distance0 = newDistance; closestHash = hash; } zPrimed += PrimeZ; } yPrimed += PrimeY; } xPrimed += PrimeX; } break; default: break; } if (mCellularDistanceFunction == CellularDistanceFunction_Euclidean && mCellularReturnType >= CellularReturnType_Distance) { distance0 = FastSqrt(distance0); if (mCellularReturnType >= CellularReturnType_Distance2) { distance1 = FastSqrt(distance1); } } switch (mCellularReturnType) { case CellularReturnType_CellValue: return closestHash * (1 / 2147483648.0f); case CellularReturnType_Distance: return distance0 - 1; case CellularReturnType_Distance2: return distance1 - 1; case CellularReturnType_Distance2Add: return (distance1 + distance0) * 0.5f - 1; case CellularReturnType_Distance2Sub: return distance1 - distance0 - 1; case CellularReturnType_Distance2Mul: return distance1 * distance0 * 0.5f - 1; case CellularReturnType_Distance2Div: return distance0 / distance1 - 1; default: return 0; } } #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif // Perlin Noise template float SinglePerlin(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const { int x0 = FastFloor(x); int y0 = FastFloor(y); float xd0 = (float)(x - x0); float yd0 = (float)(y - y0); float xd1 = xd0 - 1; float yd1 = yd0 - 1; float xs = InterpQuintic(xd0); float ys = InterpQuintic(yd0); x0 *= PrimeX; y0 *= PrimeY; int x1 = x0 + PrimeX; int y1 = y0 + PrimeY; float xf0 = Lerp(GradCoord(seed, x0, y0, xd0, yd0), GradCoord(seed, x1, y0, xd1, yd0), xs); float xf1 = Lerp(GradCoord(seed, x0, y1, xd0, yd1), GradCoord(seed, x1, y1, xd1, yd1), xs); return Lerp(xf0, xf1, ys) * 1.4247691104677813f; } template float SinglePerlin(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const { int x0 = FastFloor(x); int y0 = FastFloor(y); int z0 = FastFloor(z); float xd0 = (float)(x - x0); float yd0 = (float)(y - y0); float zd0 = (float)(z - z0); float xd1 = xd0 - 1; float yd1 = yd0 - 1; float zd1 = zd0 - 1; float xs = InterpQuintic(xd0); float ys = InterpQuintic(yd0); float zs = InterpQuintic(zd0); x0 *= PrimeX; y0 *= PrimeY; z0 *= PrimeZ; int x1 = x0 + PrimeX; int y1 = y0 + PrimeY; int z1 = z0 + PrimeZ; float xf00 = Lerp(GradCoord(seed, x0, y0, z0, xd0, yd0, zd0), GradCoord(seed, x1, y0, z0, xd1, yd0, zd0), xs); float xf10 = Lerp(GradCoord(seed, x0, y1, z0, xd0, yd1, zd0), GradCoord(seed, x1, y1, z0, xd1, yd1, zd0), xs); float xf01 = Lerp(GradCoord(seed, x0, y0, z1, xd0, yd0, zd1), GradCoord(seed, x1, y0, z1, xd1, yd0, zd1), xs); float xf11 = Lerp(GradCoord(seed, x0, y1, z1, xd0, yd1, zd1), GradCoord(seed, x1, y1, z1, xd1, yd1, zd1), xs); float yf0 = Lerp(xf00, xf10, ys); float yf1 = Lerp(xf01, xf11, ys); return Lerp(yf0, yf1, zs) * 0.964921414852142333984375f; } // Value Cubic Noise template float SingleValueCubic(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const { int x1 = FastFloor(x); int y1 = FastFloor(y); float xs = (float)(x - x1); float ys = (float)(y - y1); x1 *= PrimeX; y1 *= PrimeY; int x0 = x1 - PrimeX; int y0 = y1 - PrimeY; int x2 = x1 + PrimeX; int y2 = y1 + PrimeY; int x3 = x1 + (int)((long)PrimeX << 1); int y3 = y1 + (int)((long)PrimeY << 1); return CubicLerp( CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y0), ValCoord(seed, x1, y0), ValCoord(seed, x2, y0), ValCoord(seed, x3, y0), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y1), ValCoord(seed, x1, y1), ValCoord(seed, x2, y1), ValCoord(seed, x3, y1), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y2), ValCoord(seed, x1, y2), ValCoord(seed, x2, y2), ValCoord(seed, x3, y2), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y3), ValCoord(seed, x1, y3), ValCoord(seed, x2, y3), ValCoord(seed, x3, y3), xs), ys) * (1 / (1.5f * 1.5f)); } template float SingleValueCubic(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const { int x1 = FastFloor(x); int y1 = FastFloor(y); int z1 = FastFloor(z); float xs = (float)(x - x1); float ys = (float)(y - y1); float zs = (float)(z - z1); x1 *= PrimeX; y1 *= PrimeY; z1 *= PrimeZ; int x0 = x1 - PrimeX; int y0 = y1 - PrimeY; int z0 = z1 - PrimeZ; int x2 = x1 + PrimeX; int y2 = y1 + PrimeY; int z2 = z1 + PrimeZ; int x3 = x1 + (int)((long)PrimeX << 1); int y3 = y1 + (int)((long)PrimeY << 1); int z3 = z1 + (int)((long)PrimeZ << 1); return CubicLerp( CubicLerp( CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y0, z0), ValCoord(seed, x1, y0, z0), ValCoord(seed, x2, y0, z0), ValCoord(seed, x3, y0, z0), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y1, z0), ValCoord(seed, x1, y1, z0), ValCoord(seed, x2, y1, z0), ValCoord(seed, x3, y1, z0), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y2, z0), ValCoord(seed, x1, y2, z0), ValCoord(seed, x2, y2, z0), ValCoord(seed, x3, y2, z0), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y3, z0), ValCoord(seed, x1, y3, z0), ValCoord(seed, x2, y3, z0), ValCoord(seed, x3, y3, z0), xs), ys), CubicLerp( CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y0, z1), ValCoord(seed, x1, y0, z1), ValCoord(seed, x2, y0, z1), ValCoord(seed, x3, y0, z1), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y1, z1), ValCoord(seed, x1, y1, z1), ValCoord(seed, x2, y1, z1), ValCoord(seed, x3, y1, z1), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y2, z1), ValCoord(seed, x1, y2, z1), ValCoord(seed, x2, y2, z1), ValCoord(seed, x3, y2, z1), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y3, z1), ValCoord(seed, x1, y3, z1), ValCoord(seed, x2, y3, z1), ValCoord(seed, x3, y3, z1), xs), ys), CubicLerp( CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y0, z2), ValCoord(seed, x1, y0, z2), ValCoord(seed, x2, y0, z2), ValCoord(seed, x3, y0, z2), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y1, z2), ValCoord(seed, x1, y1, z2), ValCoord(seed, x2, y1, z2), ValCoord(seed, x3, y1, z2), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y2, z2), ValCoord(seed, x1, y2, z2), ValCoord(seed, x2, y2, z2), ValCoord(seed, x3, y2, z2), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y3, z2), ValCoord(seed, x1, y3, z2), ValCoord(seed, x2, y3, z2), ValCoord(seed, x3, y3, z2), xs), ys), CubicLerp( CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y0, z3), ValCoord(seed, x1, y0, z3), ValCoord(seed, x2, y0, z3), ValCoord(seed, x3, y0, z3), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y1, z3), ValCoord(seed, x1, y1, z3), ValCoord(seed, x2, y1, z3), ValCoord(seed, x3, y1, z3), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y2, z3), ValCoord(seed, x1, y2, z3), ValCoord(seed, x2, y2, z3), ValCoord(seed, x3, y2, z3), xs), CubicLerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y3, z3), ValCoord(seed, x1, y3, z3), ValCoord(seed, x2, y3, z3), ValCoord(seed, x3, y3, z3), xs), ys), zs) * (1 / (1.5f * 1.5f * 1.5f)); } // Value Noise template float SingleValue(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const { int x0 = FastFloor(x); int y0 = FastFloor(y); float xs = InterpHermite((float)(x - x0)); float ys = InterpHermite((float)(y - y0)); x0 *= PrimeX; y0 *= PrimeY; int x1 = x0 + PrimeX; int y1 = y0 + PrimeY; float xf0 = Lerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y0), ValCoord(seed, x1, y0), xs); float xf1 = Lerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y1), ValCoord(seed, x1, y1), xs); return Lerp(xf0, xf1, ys); } template float SingleValue(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const { int x0 = FastFloor(x); int y0 = FastFloor(y); int z0 = FastFloor(z); float xs = InterpHermite((float)(x - x0)); float ys = InterpHermite((float)(y - y0)); float zs = InterpHermite((float)(z - z0)); x0 *= PrimeX; y0 *= PrimeY; z0 *= PrimeZ; int x1 = x0 + PrimeX; int y1 = y0 + PrimeY; int z1 = z0 + PrimeZ; float xf00 = Lerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y0, z0), ValCoord(seed, x1, y0, z0), xs); float xf10 = Lerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y1, z0), ValCoord(seed, x1, y1, z0), xs); float xf01 = Lerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y0, z1), ValCoord(seed, x1, y0, z1), xs); float xf11 = Lerp(ValCoord(seed, x0, y1, z1), ValCoord(seed, x1, y1, z1), xs); float yf0 = Lerp(xf00, xf10, ys); float yf1 = Lerp(xf01, xf11, ys); return Lerp(yf0, yf1, zs); } // Domain Warp template void DoSingleDomainWarp(int seed, float amp, float freq, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr) const { switch (mDomainWarpType) { case DomainWarpType_OpenSimplex2: SingleDomainWarpSimplexGradient(seed, amp * 38.283687591552734375f, freq, x, y, xr, yr, false); break; case DomainWarpType_OpenSimplex2Reduced: SingleDomainWarpSimplexGradient(seed, amp * 16.0f, freq, x, y, xr, yr, true); break; case DomainWarpType_BasicGrid: SingleDomainWarpBasicGrid(seed, amp, freq, x, y, xr, yr); break; } } template void DoSingleDomainWarp(int seed, float amp, float freq, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr, FNfloat& zr) const { switch (mDomainWarpType) { case DomainWarpType_OpenSimplex2: SingleDomainWarpOpenSimplex2Gradient(seed, amp * 32.69428253173828125f, freq, x, y, z, xr, yr, zr, false); break; case DomainWarpType_OpenSimplex2Reduced: SingleDomainWarpOpenSimplex2Gradient(seed, amp * 7.71604938271605f, freq, x, y, z, xr, yr, zr, true); break; case DomainWarpType_BasicGrid: SingleDomainWarpBasicGrid(seed, amp, freq, x, y, z, xr, yr, zr); break; } } // Domain Warp Single Wrapper template void DomainWarpSingle(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y) const { int seed = mSeed; float amp = mDomainWarpAmp * mFractalBounding; float freq = mFrequency; FNfloat xs = x; FNfloat ys = y; TransformDomainWarpCoordinate(xs, ys); DoSingleDomainWarp(seed, amp, freq, xs, ys, x, y); } template void DomainWarpSingle(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z) const { int seed = mSeed; float amp = mDomainWarpAmp * mFractalBounding; float freq = mFrequency; FNfloat xs = x; FNfloat ys = y; FNfloat zs = z; TransformDomainWarpCoordinate(xs, ys, zs); DoSingleDomainWarp(seed, amp, freq, xs, ys, zs, x, y, z); } // Domain Warp Fractal Progressive template void DomainWarpFractalProgressive(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y) const { int seed = mSeed; float amp = mDomainWarpAmp * mFractalBounding; float freq = mFrequency; for (int i = 0; i < mOctaves; i++) { FNfloat xs = x; FNfloat ys = y; TransformDomainWarpCoordinate(xs, ys); DoSingleDomainWarp(seed, amp, freq, xs, ys, x, y); seed++; amp *= mGain; freq *= mLacunarity; } } template void DomainWarpFractalProgressive(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z) const { int seed = mSeed; float amp = mDomainWarpAmp * mFractalBounding; float freq = mFrequency; for (int i = 0; i < mOctaves; i++) { FNfloat xs = x; FNfloat ys = y; FNfloat zs = z; TransformDomainWarpCoordinate(xs, ys, zs); DoSingleDomainWarp(seed, amp, freq, xs, ys, zs, x, y, z); seed++; amp *= mGain; freq *= mLacunarity; } } // Domain Warp Fractal Independant template void DomainWarpFractalIndependent(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y) const { FNfloat xs = x; FNfloat ys = y; TransformDomainWarpCoordinate(xs, ys); int seed = mSeed; float amp = mDomainWarpAmp * mFractalBounding; float freq = mFrequency; for (int i = 0; i < mOctaves; i++) { DoSingleDomainWarp(seed, amp, freq, xs, ys, x, y); seed++; amp *= mGain; freq *= mLacunarity; } } template void DomainWarpFractalIndependent(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z) const { FNfloat xs = x; FNfloat ys = y; FNfloat zs = z; TransformDomainWarpCoordinate(xs, ys, zs); int seed = mSeed; float amp = mDomainWarpAmp * mFractalBounding; float freq = mFrequency; for (int i = 0; i < mOctaves; i++) { DoSingleDomainWarp(seed, amp, freq, xs, ys, zs, x, y, z); seed++; amp *= mGain; freq *= mLacunarity; } } // Domain Warp Basic Grid template void SingleDomainWarpBasicGrid(int seed, float warpAmp, float frequency, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr) const { FNfloat xf = x * frequency; FNfloat yf = y * frequency; int x0 = FastFloor(xf); int y0 = FastFloor(yf); float xs = InterpHermite((float)(xf - x0)); float ys = InterpHermite((float)(yf - y0)); x0 *= PrimeX; y0 *= PrimeY; int x1 = x0 + PrimeX; int y1 = y0 + PrimeY; int hash0 = Hash(seed, x0, y0) & (255 << 1); int hash1 = Hash(seed, x1, y0) & (255 << 1); float lx0x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs2D[hash0], Lookup::RandVecs2D[hash1], xs); float ly0x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs2D[hash0 | 1], Lookup::RandVecs2D[hash1 | 1], xs); hash0 = Hash(seed, x0, y1) & (255 << 1); hash1 = Hash(seed, x1, y1) & (255 << 1); float lx1x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs2D[hash0], Lookup::RandVecs2D[hash1], xs); float ly1x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs2D[hash0 | 1], Lookup::RandVecs2D[hash1 | 1], xs); xr += Lerp(lx0x, lx1x, ys) * warpAmp; yr += Lerp(ly0x, ly1x, ys) * warpAmp; } template void SingleDomainWarpBasicGrid(int seed, float warpAmp, float frequency, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr, FNfloat& zr) const { FNfloat xf = x * frequency; FNfloat yf = y * frequency; FNfloat zf = z * frequency; int x0 = FastFloor(xf); int y0 = FastFloor(yf); int z0 = FastFloor(zf); float xs = InterpHermite((float)(xf - x0)); float ys = InterpHermite((float)(yf - y0)); float zs = InterpHermite((float)(zf - z0)); x0 *= PrimeX; y0 *= PrimeY; z0 *= PrimeZ; int x1 = x0 + PrimeX; int y1 = y0 + PrimeY; int z1 = z0 + PrimeZ; int hash0 = Hash(seed, x0, y0, z0) & (255 << 2); int hash1 = Hash(seed, x1, y0, z0) & (255 << 2); float lx0x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash0], Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash1], xs); float ly0x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash0 | 1], Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash1 | 1], xs); float lz0x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash0 | 2], Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash1 | 2], xs); hash0 = Hash(seed, x0, y1, z0) & (255 << 2); hash1 = Hash(seed, x1, y1, z0) & (255 << 2); float lx1x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash0], Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash1], xs); float ly1x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash0 | 1], Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash1 | 1], xs); float lz1x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash0 | 2], Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash1 | 2], xs); float lx0y = Lerp(lx0x, lx1x, ys); float ly0y = Lerp(ly0x, ly1x, ys); float lz0y = Lerp(lz0x, lz1x, ys); hash0 = Hash(seed, x0, y0, z1) & (255 << 2); hash1 = Hash(seed, x1, y0, z1) & (255 << 2); lx0x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash0], Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash1], xs); ly0x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash0 | 1], Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash1 | 1], xs); lz0x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash0 | 2], Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash1 | 2], xs); hash0 = Hash(seed, x0, y1, z1) & (255 << 2); hash1 = Hash(seed, x1, y1, z1) & (255 << 2); lx1x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash0], Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash1], xs); ly1x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash0 | 1], Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash1 | 1], xs); lz1x = Lerp(Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash0 | 2], Lookup::RandVecs3D[hash1 | 2], xs); xr += Lerp(lx0y, Lerp(lx0x, lx1x, ys), zs) * warpAmp; yr += Lerp(ly0y, Lerp(ly0x, ly1x, ys), zs) * warpAmp; zr += Lerp(lz0y, Lerp(lz0x, lz1x, ys), zs) * warpAmp; } // Domain Warp Simplex/OpenSimplex2 template void SingleDomainWarpSimplexGradient(int seed, float warpAmp, float frequency, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr, bool outGradOnly) const { const float SQRT3 = 1.7320508075688772935274463415059f; const float G2 = (3 - SQRT3) / 6; x *= frequency; y *= frequency; /* * --- Skew moved to TransformNoiseCoordinate method --- * const FNfloat F2 = 0.5f * (SQRT3 - 1); * FNfloat s = (x + y) * F2; * x += s; y += s; */ int i = FastFloor(x); int j = FastFloor(y); float xi = (float)(x - i); float yi = (float)(y - j); float t = (xi + yi) * G2; float x0 = (float)(xi - t); float y0 = (float)(yi - t); i *= PrimeX; j *= PrimeY; float vx, vy; vx = vy = 0; float a = 0.5f - x0 * x0 - y0 * y0; if (a > 0) { float aaaa = (a * a) * (a * a); float xo, yo; if (outGradOnly) GradCoordOut(seed, i, j, xo, yo); else GradCoordDual(seed, i, j, x0, y0, xo, yo); vx += aaaa * xo; vy += aaaa * yo; } float c = (float)(2 * (1 - 2 * G2) * (1 / G2 - 2)) * t + ((float)(-2 * (1 - 2 * G2) * (1 - 2 * G2)) + a); if (c > 0) { float x2 = x0 + (2 * (float)G2 - 1); float y2 = y0 + (2 * (float)G2 - 1); float cccc = (c * c) * (c * c); float xo, yo; if (outGradOnly) GradCoordOut(seed, i + PrimeX, j + PrimeY, xo, yo); else GradCoordDual(seed, i + PrimeX, j + PrimeY, x2, y2, xo, yo); vx += cccc * xo; vy += cccc * yo; } if (y0 > x0) { float x1 = x0 + (float)G2; float y1 = y0 + ((float)G2 - 1); float b = 0.5f - x1 * x1 - y1 * y1; if (b > 0) { float bbbb = (b * b) * (b * b); float xo, yo; if (outGradOnly) GradCoordOut(seed, i, j + PrimeY, xo, yo); else GradCoordDual(seed, i, j + PrimeY, x1, y1, xo, yo); vx += bbbb * xo; vy += bbbb * yo; } } else { float x1 = x0 + ((float)G2 - 1); float y1 = y0 + (float)G2; float b = 0.5f - x1 * x1 - y1 * y1; if (b > 0) { float bbbb = (b * b) * (b * b); float xo, yo; if (outGradOnly) GradCoordOut(seed, i + PrimeX, j, xo, yo); else GradCoordDual(seed, i + PrimeX, j, x1, y1, xo, yo); vx += bbbb * xo; vy += bbbb * yo; } } xr += vx * warpAmp; yr += vy * warpAmp; } template void SingleDomainWarpOpenSimplex2Gradient(int seed, float warpAmp, float frequency, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr, FNfloat& zr, bool outGradOnly) const { x *= frequency; y *= frequency; z *= frequency; /* * --- Rotation moved to TransformDomainWarpCoordinate method --- * const FNfloat R3 = (FNfloat)(2.0 / 3.0); * FNfloat r = (x + y + z) * R3; // Rotation, not skew * x = r - x; y = r - y; z = r - z; */ int i = FastRound(x); int j = FastRound(y); int k = FastRound(z); float x0 = (float)x - i; float y0 = (float)y - j; float z0 = (float)z - k; int xNSign = (int)(-x0 - 1.0f) | 1; int yNSign = (int)(-y0 - 1.0f) | 1; int zNSign = (int)(-z0 - 1.0f) | 1; float ax0 = xNSign * -x0; float ay0 = yNSign * -y0; float az0 = zNSign * -z0; i *= PrimeX; j *= PrimeY; k *= PrimeZ; float vx, vy, vz; vx = vy = vz = 0; float a = (0.6f - x0 * x0) - (y0 * y0 + z0 * z0); for (int l = 0; l < 2; l++) { if (a > 0) { float aaaa = (a * a) * (a * a); float xo, yo, zo; if (outGradOnly) GradCoordOut(seed, i, j, k, xo, yo, zo); else GradCoordDual(seed, i, j, k, x0, y0, z0, xo, yo, zo); vx += aaaa * xo; vy += aaaa * yo; vz += aaaa * zo; } float b = a + 1; int i1 = i; int j1 = j; int k1 = k; float x1 = x0; float y1 = y0; float z1 = z0; if (ax0 >= ay0 && ax0 >= az0) { x1 += xNSign; b -= xNSign * 2 * x1; i1 -= xNSign * PrimeX; } else if (ay0 > ax0 && ay0 >= az0) { y1 += yNSign; b -= yNSign * 2 * y1; j1 -= yNSign * PrimeY; } else { z1 += zNSign; b -= zNSign * 2 * z1; k1 -= zNSign * PrimeZ; } if (b > 0) { float bbbb = (b * b) * (b * b); float xo, yo, zo; if (outGradOnly) GradCoordOut(seed, i1, j1, k1, xo, yo, zo); else GradCoordDual(seed, i1, j1, k1, x1, y1, z1, xo, yo, zo); vx += bbbb * xo; vy += bbbb * yo; vz += bbbb * zo; } if (l == 1) break; ax0 = 0.5f - ax0; ay0 = 0.5f - ay0; az0 = 0.5f - az0; x0 = xNSign * ax0; y0 = yNSign * ay0; z0 = zNSign * az0; a += (0.75f - ax0) - (ay0 + az0); i += (xNSign >> 1) & PrimeX; j += (yNSign >> 1) & PrimeY; k += (zNSign >> 1) & PrimeZ; xNSign = -xNSign; yNSign = -yNSign; zNSign = -zNSign; seed += 1293373; } xr += vx * warpAmp; yr += vy * warpAmp; zr += vz * warpAmp; } }; template <> struct FastNoiseLite::Arguments_must_be_floating_point_values {}; template <> struct FastNoiseLite::Arguments_must_be_floating_point_values {}; template <> struct FastNoiseLite::Arguments_must_be_floating_point_values {}; template const T FastNoiseLite::Lookup::Gradients2D[] = { 0.130526192220052f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.38268343236509f, 0.923879532511287f, 0.608761429008721f, 0.793353340291235f, 0.793353340291235f, 0.608761429008721f, 0.923879532511287f, 0.38268343236509f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.130526192220051f, 0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220051f, 0.923879532511287f, -0.38268343236509f, 0.793353340291235f, -0.60876142900872f, 0.608761429008721f, -0.793353340291235f, 0.38268343236509f, -0.923879532511287f, 0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.38268343236509f, -0.923879532511287f, -0.608761429008721f, -0.793353340291235f, -0.793353340291235f, -0.608761429008721f, -0.923879532511287f, -0.38268343236509f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, 0.130526192220051f, -0.923879532511287f, 0.38268343236509f, -0.793353340291235f, 0.608761429008721f, -0.608761429008721f, 0.793353340291235f, -0.38268343236509f, 0.923879532511287f, -0.130526192220052f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.130526192220052f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.38268343236509f, 0.923879532511287f, 0.608761429008721f, 0.793353340291235f, 0.793353340291235f, 0.608761429008721f, 0.923879532511287f, 0.38268343236509f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.130526192220051f, 0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220051f, 0.923879532511287f, -0.38268343236509f, 0.793353340291235f, -0.60876142900872f, 0.608761429008721f, -0.793353340291235f, 0.38268343236509f, -0.923879532511287f, 0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.38268343236509f, -0.923879532511287f, -0.608761429008721f, -0.793353340291235f, -0.793353340291235f, -0.608761429008721f, -0.923879532511287f, -0.38268343236509f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, 0.130526192220051f, -0.923879532511287f, 0.38268343236509f, -0.793353340291235f, 0.608761429008721f, -0.608761429008721f, 0.793353340291235f, -0.38268343236509f, 0.923879532511287f, -0.130526192220052f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.130526192220052f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.38268343236509f, 0.923879532511287f, 0.608761429008721f, 0.793353340291235f, 0.793353340291235f, 0.608761429008721f, 0.923879532511287f, 0.38268343236509f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.130526192220051f, 0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220051f, 0.923879532511287f, -0.38268343236509f, 0.793353340291235f, -0.60876142900872f, 0.608761429008721f, -0.793353340291235f, 0.38268343236509f, -0.923879532511287f, 0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.38268343236509f, -0.923879532511287f, -0.608761429008721f, -0.793353340291235f, -0.793353340291235f, -0.608761429008721f, -0.923879532511287f, -0.38268343236509f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, 0.130526192220051f, -0.923879532511287f, 0.38268343236509f, -0.793353340291235f, 0.608761429008721f, -0.608761429008721f, 0.793353340291235f, -0.38268343236509f, 0.923879532511287f, -0.130526192220052f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.130526192220052f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.38268343236509f, 0.923879532511287f, 0.608761429008721f, 0.793353340291235f, 0.793353340291235f, 0.608761429008721f, 0.923879532511287f, 0.38268343236509f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.130526192220051f, 0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220051f, 0.923879532511287f, -0.38268343236509f, 0.793353340291235f, -0.60876142900872f, 0.608761429008721f, -0.793353340291235f, 0.38268343236509f, -0.923879532511287f, 0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.38268343236509f, -0.923879532511287f, -0.608761429008721f, -0.793353340291235f, -0.793353340291235f, -0.608761429008721f, -0.923879532511287f, -0.38268343236509f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, 0.130526192220051f, -0.923879532511287f, 0.38268343236509f, -0.793353340291235f, 0.608761429008721f, -0.608761429008721f, 0.793353340291235f, -0.38268343236509f, 0.923879532511287f, -0.130526192220052f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.130526192220052f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.38268343236509f, 0.923879532511287f, 0.608761429008721f, 0.793353340291235f, 0.793353340291235f, 0.608761429008721f, 0.923879532511287f, 0.38268343236509f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.130526192220051f, 0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220051f, 0.923879532511287f, -0.38268343236509f, 0.793353340291235f, -0.60876142900872f, 0.608761429008721f, -0.793353340291235f, 0.38268343236509f, -0.923879532511287f, 0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.38268343236509f, -0.923879532511287f, -0.608761429008721f, -0.793353340291235f, -0.793353340291235f, -0.608761429008721f, -0.923879532511287f, -0.38268343236509f, -0.99144486137381f, -0.130526192220052f, -0.99144486137381f, 0.130526192220051f, -0.923879532511287f, 0.38268343236509f, -0.793353340291235f, 0.608761429008721f, -0.608761429008721f, 0.793353340291235f, -0.38268343236509f, 0.923879532511287f, -0.130526192220052f, 0.99144486137381f, 0.38268343236509f, 0.923879532511287f, 0.923879532511287f, 0.38268343236509f, 0.923879532511287f, -0.38268343236509f, 0.38268343236509f, -0.923879532511287f, -0.38268343236509f, -0.923879532511287f, -0.923879532511287f, -0.38268343236509f, -0.923879532511287f, 0.38268343236509f, -0.38268343236509f, 0.923879532511287f, }; template const T FastNoiseLite::Lookup::RandVecs2D[] = { -0.2700222198f, -0.9628540911f, 0.3863092627f, -0.9223693152f, 0.04444859006f, -0.999011673f, -0.5992523158f, -0.8005602176f, -0.7819280288f, 0.6233687174f, 0.9464672271f, 0.3227999196f, -0.6514146797f, -0.7587218957f, 0.9378472289f, 0.347048376f, -0.8497875957f, -0.5271252623f, -0.879042592f, 0.4767432447f, -0.892300288f, -0.4514423508f, -0.379844434f, -0.9250503802f, -0.9951650832f, 0.0982163789f, 0.7724397808f, -0.6350880136f, 0.7573283322f, -0.6530343002f, -0.9928004525f, -0.119780055f, -0.0532665713f, 0.9985803285f, 0.9754253726f, -0.2203300762f, -0.7665018163f, 0.6422421394f, 0.991636706f, 0.1290606184f, -0.994696838f, 0.1028503788f, -0.5379205513f, -0.84299554f, 0.5022815471f, -0.8647041387f, 0.4559821461f, -0.8899889226f, -0.8659131224f, -0.5001944266f, 0.0879458407f, -0.9961252577f, -0.5051684983f, 0.8630207346f, 0.7753185226f, -0.6315704146f, -0.6921944612f, 0.7217110418f, -0.5191659449f, -0.8546734591f, 0.8978622882f, -0.4402764035f, -0.1706774107f, 0.9853269617f, -0.9353430106f, -0.3537420705f, -0.9992404798f, 0.03896746794f, -0.2882064021f, -0.9575683108f, -0.9663811329f, 0.2571137995f, -0.8759714238f, -0.4823630009f, -0.8303123018f, -0.5572983775f, 0.05110133755f, -0.9986934731f, -0.8558373281f, -0.5172450752f, 0.09887025282f, 0.9951003332f, 0.9189016087f, 0.3944867976f, -0.2439375892f, -0.9697909324f, -0.8121409387f, -0.5834613061f, -0.9910431363f, 0.1335421355f, 0.8492423985f, -0.5280031709f, -0.9717838994f, -0.2358729591f, 0.9949457207f, 0.1004142068f, 0.6241065508f, -0.7813392434f, 0.662910307f, 0.7486988212f, -0.7197418176f, 0.6942418282f, -0.8143370775f, -0.5803922158f, 0.104521054f, -0.9945226741f, -0.1065926113f, -0.9943027784f, 0.445799684f, -0.8951327509f, 0.105547406f, 0.9944142724f, -0.992790267f, 0.1198644477f, -0.8334366408f, 0.552615025f, 0.9115561563f, -0.4111755999f, 0.8285544909f, -0.5599084351f, 0.7217097654f, -0.6921957921f, 0.4940492677f, -0.8694339084f, -0.3652321272f, -0.9309164803f, -0.9696606758f, 0.2444548501f, 0.08925509731f, -0.996008799f, 0.5354071276f, -0.8445941083f, -0.1053576186f, 0.9944343981f, -0.9890284586f, 0.1477251101f, 0.004856104961f, 0.9999882091f, 0.9885598478f, 0.1508291331f, 0.9286129562f, -0.3710498316f, -0.5832393863f, -0.8123003252f, 0.3015207509f, 0.9534596146f, -0.9575110528f, 0.2883965738f, 0.9715802154f, -0.2367105511f, 0.229981792f, 0.9731949318f, 0.955763816f, -0.2941352207f, 0.740956116f, 0.6715534485f, -0.9971513787f, -0.07542630764f, 0.6905710663f, -0.7232645452f, -0.290713703f, -0.9568100872f, 0.5912777791f, -0.8064679708f, -0.9454592212f, -0.325740481f, 0.6664455681f, 0.74555369f, 0.6236134912f, 0.7817328275f, 0.9126993851f, -0.4086316587f, -0.8191762011f, 0.5735419353f, -0.8812745759f, -0.4726046147f, 0.9953313627f, 0.09651672651f, 0.9855650846f, -0.1692969699f, -0.8495980887f, 0.5274306472f, 0.6174853946f, -0.7865823463f, 0.8508156371f, 0.52546432f, 0.9985032451f, -0.05469249926f, 0.1971371563f, -0.9803759185f, 0.6607855748f, -0.7505747292f, -0.03097494063f, 0.9995201614f, -0.6731660801f, 0.739491331f, -0.7195018362f, -0.6944905383f, 0.9727511689f, 0.2318515979f, 0.9997059088f, -0.0242506907f, 0.4421787429f, -0.8969269532f, 0.9981350961f, -0.061043673f, -0.9173660799f, -0.3980445648f, -0.8150056635f, -0.5794529907f, -0.8789331304f, 0.4769450202f, 0.0158605829f, 0.999874213f, -0.8095464474f, 0.5870558317f, -0.9165898907f, -0.3998286786f, -0.8023542565f, 0.5968480938f, -0.5176737917f, 0.8555780767f, -0.8154407307f, -0.5788405779f, 0.4022010347f, -0.9155513791f, -0.9052556868f, -0.4248672045f, 0.7317445619f, 0.6815789728f, -0.5647632201f, -0.8252529947f, -0.8403276335f, -0.5420788397f, -0.9314281527f, 0.363925262f, 0.5238198472f, 0.8518290719f, 0.7432803869f, -0.6689800195f, -0.985371561f, -0.1704197369f, 0.4601468731f, 0.88784281f, 0.825855404f, 0.5638819483f, 0.6182366099f, 0.7859920446f, 0.8331502863f, -0.553046653f, 0.1500307506f, 0.9886813308f, -0.662330369f, -0.7492119075f, -0.668598664f, 0.743623444f, 0.7025606278f, 0.7116238924f, -0.5419389763f, -0.8404178401f, -0.3388616456f, 0.9408362159f, 0.8331530315f, 0.5530425174f, -0.2989720662f, -0.9542618632f, 0.2638522993f, 0.9645630949f, 0.124108739f, -0.9922686234f, -0.7282649308f, -0.6852956957f, 0.6962500149f, 0.7177993569f, -0.9183535368f, 0.3957610156f, -0.6326102274f, -0.7744703352f, -0.9331891859f, -0.359385508f, -0.1153779357f, -0.9933216659f, 0.9514974788f, -0.3076565421f, -0.08987977445f, -0.9959526224f, 0.6678496916f, 0.7442961705f, 0.7952400393f, -0.6062947138f, -0.6462007402f, -0.7631674805f, -0.2733598753f, 0.9619118351f, 0.9669590226f, -0.254931851f, -0.9792894595f, 0.2024651934f, -0.5369502995f, -0.8436138784f, -0.270036471f, -0.9628500944f, -0.6400277131f, 0.7683518247f, -0.7854537493f, -0.6189203566f, 0.06005905383f, -0.9981948257f, -0.02455770378f, 0.9996984141f, -0.65983623f, 0.751409442f, -0.6253894466f, -0.7803127835f, -0.6210408851f, -0.7837781695f, 0.8348888491f, 0.5504185768f, -0.1592275245f, 0.9872419133f, 0.8367622488f, 0.5475663786f, -0.8675753916f, -0.4973056806f, -0.2022662628f, -0.9793305667f, 0.9399189937f, 0.3413975472f, 0.9877404807f, -0.1561049093f, -0.9034455656f, 0.4287028224f, 0.1269804218f, -0.9919052235f, -0.3819600854f, 0.924178821f, 0.9754625894f, 0.2201652486f, -0.3204015856f, -0.9472818081f, -0.9874760884f, 0.1577687387f, 0.02535348474f, -0.9996785487f, 0.4835130794f, -0.8753371362f, -0.2850799925f, -0.9585037287f, -0.06805516006f, -0.99768156f, -0.7885244045f, -0.6150034663f, 0.3185392127f, -0.9479096845f, 0.8880043089f, 0.4598351306f, 0.6476921488f, -0.7619021462f, 0.9820241299f, 0.1887554194f, 0.9357275128f, -0.3527237187f, -0.8894895414f, 0.4569555293f, 0.7922791302f, 0.6101588153f, 0.7483818261f, 0.6632681526f, -0.7288929755f, -0.6846276581f, 0.8729032783f, -0.4878932944f, 0.8288345784f, 0.5594937369f, 0.08074567077f, 0.9967347374f, 0.9799148216f, -0.1994165048f, -0.580730673f, -0.8140957471f, -0.4700049791f, -0.8826637636f, 0.2409492979f, 0.9705377045f, 0.9437816757f, -0.3305694308f, -0.8927998638f, -0.4504535528f, -0.8069622304f, 0.5906030467f, 0.06258973166f, 0.9980393407f, -0.9312597469f, 0.3643559849f, 0.5777449785f, 0.8162173362f, -0.3360095855f, -0.941858566f, 0.697932075f, -0.7161639607f, -0.002008157227f, -0.9999979837f, -0.1827294312f, -0.9831632392f, -0.6523911722f, 0.7578824173f, -0.4302626911f, -0.9027037258f, -0.9985126289f, -0.05452091251f, -0.01028102172f, -0.9999471489f, -0.4946071129f, 0.8691166802f, -0.2999350194f, 0.9539596344f, 0.8165471961f, 0.5772786819f, 0.2697460475f, 0.962931498f, -0.7306287391f, -0.6827749597f, -0.7590952064f, -0.6509796216f, -0.907053853f, 0.4210146171f, -0.5104861064f, -0.8598860013f, 0.8613350597f, 0.5080373165f, 0.5007881595f, -0.8655698812f, -0.654158152f, 0.7563577938f, -0.8382755311f, -0.545246856f, 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-0.4959995258f, 0, 0.791120031f, -0.08511045745f, 0.6057105799f, 0, -0.04011016052f, -0.4397248749f, 0.8972364289f, 0, 0.9145119872f, 0.3579346169f, -0.1885487608f, 0, -0.9612039066f, -0.2756484276f, 0.01024666929f, 0, 0.6510361721f, -0.2877799159f, -0.7023778346f, 0, -0.2041786351f, 0.7365237271f, 0.644859585f, 0, -0.7718263711f, 0.3790626912f, 0.5104855816f, 0, -0.3060082741f, -0.7692987727f, 0.5608371729f, 0, 0.454007341f, -0.5024843065f, 0.7357899537f, 0, 0.4816795475f, 0.6021208291f, -0.6367380315f, 0, 0.6961980369f, -0.3222197429f, 0.641469197f, 0, -0.6532160499f, -0.6781148932f, 0.3368515753f, 0, 0.5089301236f, -0.6154662304f, -0.6018234363f, 0, -0.1635919754f, -0.9133604627f, -0.372840892f, 0, 0.52408019f, -0.8437664109f, 0.1157505864f, 0, 0.5902587356f, 0.4983817807f, -0.6349883666f, 0, 0.5863227872f, 0.494764745f, 0.6414307729f, 0, 0.6779335087f, 0.2341345225f, 0.6968408593f, 0, 0.7177054546f, -0.6858979348f, 0.120178631f, 0, -0.5328819713f, -0.5205125012f, 0.6671608058f, 0, -0.8654874251f, -0.0700727088f, -0.4960053754f, 0, -0.2861810166f, 0.7952089234f, 0.5345495242f, 0, -0.04849529634f, 0.9810836427f, -0.1874115585f, 0, -0.6358521667f, 0.6058348682f, 0.4781800233f, 0, 0.6254794696f, -0.2861619734f, 0.7258696564f, 0, -0.2585259868f, 0.5061949264f, -0.8227581726f, 0, 0.02136306781f, 0.5064016808f, -0.8620330371f, 0, 0.200111773f, 0.8599263484f, 0.4695550591f, 0, 0.4743561372f, 0.6014985084f, -0.6427953014f, 0, 0.6622993731f, -0.5202474575f, -0.5391679918f, 0, 0.08084972818f, -0.6532720452f, 0.7527940996f, 0, -0.6893687501f, 0.0592860349f, 0.7219805347f, 0, -0.1121887082f, -0.9673185067f, 0.2273952515f, 0, 0.7344116094f, 0.5979668656f, -0.3210532909f, 0, 0.5789393465f, -0.2488849713f, 0.7764570201f, 0, 0.6988182827f, 0.3557169806f, -0.6205791146f, 0, -0.8636845529f, -0.2748771249f, -0.4224826141f, 0, -0.4247027957f, -0.4640880967f, 0.777335046f, 0, 0.5257722489f, -0.8427017621f, 0.1158329937f, 0, 0.9343830603f, 0.316302472f, -0.1639543925f, 0, -0.1016836419f, -0.8057303073f, -0.5834887393f, 0, -0.6529238969f, 0.50602126f, -0.5635892736f, 0, -0.2465286165f, -0.9668205684f, -0.06694497494f, 0, -0.9776897119f, -0.2099250524f, -0.007368825344f, 0, 0.7736893337f, 0.5734244712f, 0.2694238123f, 0, -0.6095087895f, 0.4995678998f, 0.6155736747f, 0, 0.5794535482f, 0.7434546771f, 0.3339292269f, 0, -0.8226211154f, 0.08142581855f, 0.5627293636f, 0, -0.510385483f, 0.4703667658f, 0.7199039967f, 0, -0.5764971849f, -0.07231656274f, -0.8138926898f, 0, 0.7250628871f, 0.3949971505f, -0.5641463116f, 0, -0.1525424005f, 0.4860840828f, -0.8604958341f, 0, -0.5550976208f, -0.4957820792f, 0.667882296f, 0, -0.1883614327f, 0.9145869398f, 0.357841725f, 0, 0.7625556724f, -0.5414408243f, -0.3540489801f, 0, -0.5870231946f, -0.3226498013f, -0.7424963803f, 0, 0.3051124198f, 0.2262544068f, -0.9250488391f, 0, 0.6379576059f, 0.577242424f, -0.5097070502f, 0, -0.5966775796f, 0.1454852398f, -0.7891830656f, 0, -0.658330573f, 0.6555487542f, -0.3699414651f, 0, 0.7434892426f, 0.2351084581f, 0.6260573129f, 0, 0.5562114096f, 0.8264360377f, -0.0873632843f, 0, -0.3028940016f, -0.8251527185f, 0.4768419182f, 0, 0.1129343818f, -0.985888439f, -0.1235710781f, 0, 0.5937652891f, -0.5896813806f, 0.5474656618f, 0, 0.6757964092f, -0.5835758614f, -0.4502648413f, 0, 0.7242302609f, -0.1152719764f, 0.6798550586f, 0, -0.9511914166f, 0.0753623979f, -0.2992580792f, 0, 0.2539470961f, -0.1886339355f, 0.9486454084f, 0, 0.571433621f, -0.1679450851f, -0.8032795685f, 0, -0.06778234979f, 0.3978269256f, 0.9149531629f, 0, 0.6074972649f, 0.733060024f, -0.3058922593f, 0, -0.5435478392f, 0.1675822484f, 0.8224791405f, 0, -0.5876678086f, -0.3380045064f, -0.7351186982f, 0, -0.7967562402f, 0.04097822706f, -0.6029098428f, 0, -0.1996350917f, 0.8706294745f, 0.4496111079f, 0, -0.02787660336f, -0.9106232682f, -0.4122962022f, 0, -0.7797625996f, -0.6257634692f, 0.01975775581f, 0, -0.5211232846f, 0.7401644346f, -0.4249554471f, 0, 0.8575424857f, 0.4053272873f, -0.3167501783f, 0, 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-0.107925319f, 0.9245493968f, 0.3654593525f, 0, 0.377977089f, 0.3043148782f, 0.8743716458f, 0, -0.2142885215f, -0.8259286236f, 0.5214617324f, 0, 0.5802544474f, 0.4148098596f, -0.7008834116f, 0, -0.1982660881f, 0.8567161266f, -0.4761596756f, 0, -0.03381553704f, 0.3773180787f, -0.9254661404f, 0, -0.6867922841f, -0.6656597827f, 0.2919133642f, 0, 0.7731742607f, -0.2875793547f, -0.5652430251f, 0, -0.09655941928f, 0.9193708367f, -0.3813575004f, 0, 0.2715702457f, -0.9577909544f, -0.09426605581f, 0, 0.2451015704f, -0.6917998565f, -0.6792188003f, 0, 0.977700782f, -0.1753855374f, 0.1155036542f, 0, -0.5224739938f, 0.8521606816f, 0.02903615945f, 0, -0.7734880599f, -0.5261292347f, 0.3534179531f, 0, -0.7134492443f, -0.269547243f, 0.6467878011f, 0, 0.1644037271f, 0.5105846203f, -0.8439637196f, 0, 0.6494635788f, 0.05585611296f, 0.7583384168f, 0, -0.4711970882f, 0.5017280509f, -0.7254255765f, 0, -0.6335764307f, -0.2381686273f, -0.7361091029f, 0, -0.9021533097f, -0.270947803f, -0.3357181763f, 0, 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