/* Thirdparty code presumably from http://wss.co.uk/pinknoise/yuv2rgb/ */ /* This YUV2RGB code is Copyright (C) 2008-11 Robin Watts <theorarm@wss.co.uk>. The software is released under the BSD license. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. In particular, I warrant absolutely nothing about how patent free this method is. It is your responsibility to ensure that this code does not infringe any patents that apply in your area before you ship it. */ #ifndef YUV2RGB_H #define YUV2RGB_H #include "core/typedefs.h" static const uint32_t tables[256*3] = { /* y_table */ 0x7FFFFFEDU, 0x7FFFFFEFU, 0x7FFFFFF0U, 0x7FFFFFF1U, 0x7FFFFFF2U, 0x7FFFFFF3U, 0x7FFFFFF4U, 0x7FFFFFF6U, 0x7FFFFFF7U, 0x7FFFFFF8U, 0x7FFFFFF9U, 0x7FFFFFFAU, 0x7FFFFFFBU, 0x7FFFFFFDU, 0x7FFFFFFEU, 0x7FFFFFFFU, 0x80000000U, 0x80400801U, 0x80A01002U, 0x80E01803U, 0x81202805U, 0x81803006U, 0x81C03807U, 0x82004008U, 0x82604809U, 0x82A0500AU, 0x82E0600CU, 0x8340680DU, 0x8380700EU, 0x83C0780FU, 0x84208010U, 0x84608811U, 0x84A09813U, 0x8500A014U, 0x8540A815U, 0x8580B016U, 0x85E0B817U, 0x8620C018U, 0x8660D01AU, 0x86C0D81BU, 0x8700E01CU, 0x8740E81DU, 0x87A0F01EU, 0x87E0F81FU, 0x88210821U, 0x88811022U, 0x88C11823U, 0x89012024U, 0x89412825U, 0x89A13026U, 0x89E14028U, 0x8A214829U, 0x8A81502AU, 0x8AC1582BU, 0x8B01602CU, 0x8B61682DU, 0x8BA1782FU, 0x8BE18030U, 0x8C418831U, 0x8C819032U, 0x8CC19833U, 0x8D21A034U, 0x8D61B036U, 0x8DA1B837U, 0x8E01C038U, 0x8E41C839U, 0x8E81D03AU, 0x8EE1D83BU, 0x8F21E83DU, 0x8F61F03EU, 0x8FC1F83FU, 0x90020040U, 0x90420841U, 0x90A21042U, 0x90E22044U, 0x91222845U, 0x91823046U, 0x91C23847U, 0x92024048U, 0x92624849U, 0x92A2504AU, 0x92E2604CU, 0x9342684DU, 0x9382704EU, 0x93C2784FU, 0x94228050U, 0x94628851U, 0x94A29853U, 0x9502A054U, 0x9542A855U, 0x9582B056U, 0x95E2B857U, 0x9622C058U, 0x9662D05AU, 0x96C2D85BU, 0x9702E05CU, 0x9742E85DU, 0x97A2F05EU, 0x97E2F85FU, 0x98230861U, 0x98831062U, 0x98C31863U, 0x99032064U, 0x99632865U, 0x99A33066U, 0x99E34068U, 0x9A434869U, 0x9A83506AU, 0x9AC3586BU, 0x9B23606CU, 0x9B63686DU, 0x9BA3786FU, 0x9BE38070U, 0x9C438871U, 0x9C839072U, 0x9CC39873U, 0x9D23A074U, 0x9D63B076U, 0x9DA3B877U, 0x9E03C078U, 0x9E43C879U, 0x9E83D07AU, 0x9EE3D87BU, 0x9F23E87DU, 0x9F63F07EU, 0x9FC3F87FU, 0xA0040080U, 0xA0440881U, 0xA0A41082U, 0xA0E42084U, 0xA1242885U, 0xA1843086U, 0xA1C43887U, 0xA2044088U, 0xA2644889U, 0xA2A4588BU, 0xA2E4608CU, 0xA344688DU, 0xA384708EU, 0xA3C4788FU, 0xA4248090U, 0xA4649092U, 0xA4A49893U, 0xA504A094U, 0xA544A895U, 0xA584B096U, 0xA5E4B897U, 0xA624C098U, 0xA664D09AU, 0xA6C4D89BU, 0xA704E09CU, 0xA744E89DU, 0xA7A4F09EU, 0xA7E4F89FU, 0xA82508A1U, 0xA88510A2U, 0xA8C518A3U, 0xA90520A4U, 0xA96528A5U, 0xA9A530A6U, 0xA9E540A8U, 0xAA4548A9U, 0xAA8550AAU, 0xAAC558ABU, 0xAB2560ACU, 0xAB6568ADU, 0xABA578AFU, 0xAC0580B0U, 0xAC4588B1U, 0xAC8590B2U, 0xACE598B3U, 0xAD25A0B4U, 0xAD65B0B6U, 0xADA5B8B7U, 0xAE05C0B8U, 0xAE45C8B9U, 0xAE85D0BAU, 0xAEE5D8BBU, 0xAF25E8BDU, 0xAF65F0BEU, 0xAFC5F8BFU, 0xB00600C0U, 0xB04608C1U, 0xB0A610C2U, 0xB0E620C4U, 0xB12628C5U, 0xB18630C6U, 0xB1C638C7U, 0xB20640C8U, 0xB26648C9U, 0xB2A658CBU, 0xB2E660CCU, 0xB34668CDU, 0xB38670CEU, 0xB3C678CFU, 0xB42680D0U, 0xB46690D2U, 0xB4A698D3U, 0xB506A0D4U, 0xB546A8D5U, 0xB586B0D6U, 0xB5E6B8D7U, 0xB626C8D9U, 0xB666D0DAU, 0xB6C6D8DBU, 0xB706E0DCU, 0xB746E8DDU, 0xB7A6F0DEU, 0xB7E6F8DFU, 0xB82708E1U, 0xB88710E2U, 0xB8C718E3U, 0xB90720E4U, 0xB96728E5U, 0xB9A730E6U, 0xB9E740E8U, 0xBA4748E9U, 0xBA8750EAU, 0xBAC758EBU, 0xBB2760ECU, 0xBB6768EDU, 0xBBA778EFU, 0xBC0780F0U, 0xBC4788F1U, 0xBC8790F2U, 0xBCE798F3U, 0xBD27A0F4U, 0xBD67B0F6U, 0xBDC7B8F7U, 0xBE07C0F8U, 0xBE47C8F9U, 0xBEA7D0FAU, 0xBEE7D8FBU, 0xBF27E8FDU, 0xBF87F0FEU, 0xBFC7F8FFU, 0xC0080100U, 0xC0480901U, 0xC0A81102U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, 0xC0E82104U, /* u_table */ 0x0C400103U, 0x0C200105U, 0x0C200107U, 0x0C000109U, 0x0BE0010BU, 0x0BC0010DU, 0x0BA0010FU, 0x0BA00111U, 0x0B800113U, 0x0B600115U, 0x0B400117U, 0x0B400119U, 0x0B20011BU, 0x0B00011DU, 0x0AE0011FU, 0x0AE00121U, 0x0AC00123U, 0x0AA00125U, 0x0A800127U, 0x0A600129U, 0x0A60012BU, 0x0A40012DU, 0x0A20012FU, 0x0A000131U, 0x0A000132U, 0x09E00134U, 0x09C00136U, 0x09A00138U, 0x09A0013AU, 0x0980013CU, 0x0960013EU, 0x09400140U, 0x09400142U, 0x09200144U, 0x09000146U, 0x08E00148U, 0x08C0014AU, 0x08C0014CU, 0x08A0014EU, 0x08800150U, 0x08600152U, 0x08600154U, 0x08400156U, 0x08200158U, 0x0800015AU, 0x0800015CU, 0x07E0015EU, 0x07C00160U, 0x07A00162U, 0x07A00164U, 0x07800166U, 0x07600168U, 0x0740016AU, 0x0720016CU, 0x0720016EU, 0x07000170U, 0x06E00172U, 0x06C00174U, 0x06C00176U, 0x06A00178U, 0x0680017AU, 0x0660017CU, 0x0660017EU, 0x06400180U, 0x06200182U, 0x06000184U, 0x05E00185U, 0x05E00187U, 0x05C00189U, 0x05A0018BU, 0x0580018DU, 0x0580018FU, 0x05600191U, 0x05400193U, 0x05200195U, 0x05200197U, 0x05000199U, 0x04E0019BU, 0x04C0019DU, 0x04C0019FU, 0x04A001A1U, 0x048001A3U, 0x046001A5U, 0x044001A7U, 0x044001A9U, 0x042001ABU, 0x040001ADU, 0x03E001AFU, 0x03E001B1U, 0x03C001B3U, 0x03A001B5U, 0x038001B7U, 0x038001B9U, 0x036001BBU, 0x034001BDU, 0x032001BFU, 0x032001C1U, 0x030001C3U, 0x02E001C5U, 0x02C001C7U, 0x02A001C9U, 0x02A001CBU, 0x028001CDU, 0x026001CFU, 0x024001D1U, 0x024001D3U, 0x022001D5U, 0x020001D7U, 0x01E001D8U, 0x01E001DAU, 0x01C001DCU, 0x01A001DEU, 0x018001E0U, 0x016001E2U, 0x016001E4U, 0x014001E6U, 0x012001E8U, 0x010001EAU, 0x010001ECU, 0x00E001EEU, 0x00C001F0U, 0x00A001F2U, 0x00A001F4U, 0x008001F6U, 0x006001F8U, 0x004001FAU, 0x004001FCU, 0x002001FEU, 0x00000200U, 0xFFE00202U, 0xFFC00204U, 0xFFC00206U, 0xFFA00208U, 0xFF80020AU, 0xFF60020CU, 0xFF60020EU, 0xFF400210U, 0xFF200212U, 0xFF000214U, 0xFF000216U, 0xFEE00218U, 0xFEC0021AU, 0xFEA0021CU, 0xFEA0021EU, 0xFE800220U, 0xFE600222U, 0xFE400224U, 0xFE200226U, 0xFE200228U, 0xFE000229U, 0xFDE0022BU, 0xFDC0022DU, 0xFDC0022FU, 0xFDA00231U, 0xFD800233U, 0xFD600235U, 0xFD600237U, 0xFD400239U, 0xFD20023BU, 0xFD00023DU, 0xFCE0023FU, 0xFCE00241U, 0xFCC00243U, 0xFCA00245U, 0xFC800247U, 0xFC800249U, 0xFC60024BU, 0xFC40024DU, 0xFC20024FU, 0xFC200251U, 0xFC000253U, 0xFBE00255U, 0xFBC00257U, 0xFBC00259U, 0xFBA0025BU, 0xFB80025DU, 0xFB60025FU, 0xFB400261U, 0xFB400263U, 0xFB200265U, 0xFB000267U, 0xFAE00269U, 0xFAE0026BU, 0xFAC0026DU, 0xFAA0026FU, 0xFA800271U, 0xFA800273U, 0xFA600275U, 0xFA400277U, 0xFA200279U, 0xFA20027BU, 0xFA00027CU, 0xF9E0027EU, 0xF9C00280U, 0xF9A00282U, 0xF9A00284U, 0xF9800286U, 0xF9600288U, 0xF940028AU, 0xF940028CU, 0xF920028EU, 0xF9000290U, 0xF8E00292U, 0xF8E00294U, 0xF8C00296U, 0xF8A00298U, 0xF880029AU, 0xF860029CU, 0xF860029EU, 0xF84002A0U, 0xF82002A2U, 0xF80002A4U, 0xF80002A6U, 0xF7E002A8U, 0xF7C002AAU, 0xF7A002ACU, 0xF7A002AEU, 0xF78002B0U, 0xF76002B2U, 0xF74002B4U, 0xF74002B6U, 0xF72002B8U, 0xF70002BAU, 0xF6E002BCU, 0xF6C002BEU, 0xF6C002C0U, 0xF6A002C2U, 0xF68002C4U, 0xF66002C6U, 0xF66002C8U, 0xF64002CAU, 0xF62002CCU, 0xF60002CEU, 0xF60002CFU, 0xF5E002D1U, 0xF5C002D3U, 0xF5A002D5U, 0xF5A002D7U, 0xF58002D9U, 0xF56002DBU, 0xF54002DDU, 0xF52002DFU, 0xF52002E1U, 0xF50002E3U, 0xF4E002E5U, 0xF4C002E7U, 0xF4C002E9U, 0xF4A002EBU, 0xF48002EDU, 0xF46002EFU, 0xF46002F1U, 0xF44002F3U, 0xF42002F5U, 0xF40002F7U, 0xF3E002F9U, 0xF3E002FBU, /* v_table */ 0x1A09A000U, 0x19E9A800U, 0x19A9B800U, 0x1969C800U, 0x1949D000U, 0x1909E000U, 0x18C9E800U, 0x18A9F800U, 0x186A0000U, 0x182A1000U, 0x180A2000U, 0x17CA2800U, 0x17AA3800U, 0x176A4000U, 0x172A5000U, 0x170A6000U, 0x16CA6800U, 0x168A7800U, 0x166A8000U, 0x162A9000U, 0x160AA000U, 0x15CAA800U, 0x158AB800U, 0x156AC000U, 0x152AD000U, 0x14EAE000U, 0x14CAE800U, 0x148AF800U, 0x146B0000U, 0x142B1000U, 0x13EB2000U, 0x13CB2800U, 0x138B3800U, 0x134B4000U, 0x132B5000U, 0x12EB6000U, 0x12CB6800U, 0x128B7800U, 0x124B8000U, 0x122B9000U, 0x11EBA000U, 0x11ABA800U, 0x118BB800U, 0x114BC000U, 0x112BD000U, 0x10EBE000U, 0x10ABE800U, 0x108BF800U, 0x104C0000U, 0x100C1000U, 0x0FEC2000U, 0x0FAC2800U, 0x0F8C3800U, 0x0F4C4000U, 0x0F0C5000U, 0x0EEC5800U, 0x0EAC6800U, 0x0E6C7800U, 0x0E4C8000U, 0x0E0C9000U, 0x0DEC9800U, 0x0DACA800U, 0x0D6CB800U, 0x0D4CC000U, 0x0D0CD000U, 0x0CCCD800U, 0x0CACE800U, 0x0C6CF800U, 0x0C4D0000U, 0x0C0D1000U, 0x0BCD1800U, 0x0BAD2800U, 0x0B6D3800U, 0x0B2D4000U, 0x0B0D5000U, 0x0ACD5800U, 0x0AAD6800U, 0x0A6D7800U, 0x0A2D8000U, 0x0A0D9000U, 0x09CD9800U, 0x098DA800U, 0x096DB800U, 0x092DC000U, 0x090DD000U, 0x08CDD800U, 0x088DE800U, 0x086DF800U, 0x082E0000U, 0x07EE1000U, 0x07CE1800U, 0x078E2800U, 0x076E3800U, 0x072E4000U, 0x06EE5000U, 0x06CE5800U, 0x068E6800U, 0x064E7800U, 0x062E8000U, 0x05EE9000U, 0x05CE9800U, 0x058EA800U, 0x054EB800U, 0x052EC000U, 0x04EED000U, 0x04AED800U, 0x048EE800U, 0x044EF000U, 0x042F0000U, 0x03EF1000U, 0x03AF1800U, 0x038F2800U, 0x034F3000U, 0x030F4000U, 0x02EF5000U, 0x02AF5800U, 0x028F6800U, 0x024F7000U, 0x020F8000U, 0x01EF9000U, 0x01AF9800U, 0x016FA800U, 0x014FB000U, 0x010FC000U, 0x00EFD000U, 0x00AFD800U, 0x006FE800U, 0x004FF000U, 0x00100000U, 0xFFD01000U, 0xFFB01800U, 0xFF702800U, 0xFF303000U, 0xFF104000U, 0xFED05000U, 0xFEB05800U, 0xFE706800U, 0xFE307000U, 0xFE108000U, 0xFDD09000U, 0xFD909800U, 0xFD70A800U, 0xFD30B000U, 0xFD10C000U, 0xFCD0D000U, 0xFC90D800U, 0xFC70E800U, 0xFC30F000U, 0xFBF10000U, 0xFBD11000U, 0xFB911800U, 0xFB712800U, 0xFB313000U, 0xFAF14000U, 0xFAD14800U, 0xFA915800U, 0xFA516800U, 0xFA317000U, 0xF9F18000U, 0xF9D18800U, 0xF9919800U, 0xF951A800U, 0xF931B000U, 0xF8F1C000U, 0xF8B1C800U, 0xF891D800U, 0xF851E800U, 0xF831F000U, 0xF7F20000U, 0xF7B20800U, 0xF7921800U, 0xF7522800U, 0xF7123000U, 0xF6F24000U, 0xF6B24800U, 0xF6925800U, 0xF6526800U, 0xF6127000U, 0xF5F28000U, 0xF5B28800U, 0xF5729800U, 0xF552A800U, 0xF512B000U, 0xF4F2C000U, 0xF4B2C800U, 0xF472D800U, 0xF452E800U, 0xF412F000U, 0xF3D30000U, 0xF3B30800U, 0xF3731800U, 0xF3532800U, 0xF3133000U, 0xF2D34000U, 0xF2B34800U, 0xF2735800U, 0xF2336800U, 0xF2137000U, 0xF1D38000U, 0xF1B38800U, 0xF1739800U, 0xF133A800U, 0xF113B000U, 0xF0D3C000U, 0xF093C800U, 0xF073D800U, 0xF033E000U, 0xF013F000U, 0xEFD40000U, 0xEF940800U, 0xEF741800U, 0xEF342000U, 0xEEF43000U, 0xEED44000U, 0xEE944800U, 0xEE745800U, 0xEE346000U, 0xEDF47000U, 0xEDD48000U, 0xED948800U, 0xED549800U, 0xED34A000U, 0xECF4B000U, 0xECD4C000U, 0xEC94C800U, 0xEC54D800U, 0xEC34E000U, 0xEBF4F000U, 0xEBB50000U, 0xEB950800U, 0xEB551800U, 0xEB352000U, 0xEAF53000U, 0xEAB54000U, 0xEA954800U, 0xEA555800U, 0xEA156000U, 0xE9F57000U, 0xE9B58000U, 0xE9958800U, 0xE9559800U, 0xE915A000U, 0xE8F5B000U, 0xE8B5C000U, 0xE875C800U, 0xE855D800U, 0xE815E000U, 0xE7F5F000U, 0xE7B60000U, 0xE7760800U, 0xE7561800U, 0xE7162000U, 0xE6D63000U, 0xE6B64000U, 0xE6764800U, 0xE6365800U }; #define FLAGS 0x40080100 #define READUV(U,V) (tables[256 + (U)] + tables[512 + (V)]) #define READY(Y) tables[Y] #define FIXUP(Y) \ do { \ int tmp = (Y) & FLAGS; \ if (tmp != 0) \ { \ tmp -= tmp>>8; \ (Y) |= tmp; \ tmp = FLAGS & ~(Y>>1); \ (Y) += tmp>>8; \ } \ } while (0 == 1) #define STORE(Y,DSTPTR) \ do { \ *(DSTPTR)++ = (Y); \ *(DSTPTR)++ = (Y)>>22; \ *(DSTPTR)++ = (Y)>>11; \ *(DSTPTR)++ = 255; \ } while (0 == 1) static void yuv422_2_rgb8888(uint8_t *dst_ptr, const uint8_t *y_ptr, const uint8_t *u_ptr, const uint8_t *v_ptr, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t y_span, int32_t uv_span, int32_t dst_span, int32_t dither) { height -= 1; while (height > 0) { height -= width<<16; height += 1<<16; while (height < 0) { /* Do top row pair */ uint32_t uv, y0, y1; uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++); y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); y1 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y0); FIXUP(y1); STORE(y0, dst_ptr); STORE(y1, dst_ptr); height += (2<<16); } if ((height>>16) == 0) { /* Trailing top row pix */ uint32_t uv, y0; uv = READUV(*u_ptr,*v_ptr); y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y0); STORE(y0, dst_ptr); } dst_ptr += dst_span-width*4; y_ptr += y_span-width; u_ptr += uv_span-(width>>1); v_ptr += uv_span-(width>>1); height = (height<<16)>>16; height -= 1; if (height == 0) break; height -= width<<16; height += 1<<16; while (height < 0) { /* Do second row pair */ uint32_t uv, y0, y1; uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++); y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); y1 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y0); FIXUP(y1); STORE(y0, dst_ptr); STORE(y1, dst_ptr); height += (2<<16); } if ((height>>16) == 0) { /* Trailing bottom row pix */ uint32_t uv, y0; uv = READUV(*u_ptr,*v_ptr); y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y0); STORE(y0, dst_ptr); } dst_ptr += dst_span-width*4; y_ptr += y_span-width; u_ptr += uv_span-(width>>1); v_ptr += uv_span-(width>>1); height = (height<<16)>>16; height -= 1; } } #undef FLAGS #undef READUV #undef READY #undef FIXUP #undef STORE #define FLAGS 0x40080100 #define READUV(U,V) (tables[256 + (U)] + tables[512 + (V)]) #define READY(Y) tables[Y] #define FIXUP(Y) \ do { \ int tmp = (Y) & FLAGS; \ if (tmp != 0) \ { \ tmp -= tmp>>8; \ (Y) |= tmp; \ tmp = FLAGS & ~(Y>>1); \ (Y) += tmp>>8; \ } \ } while (0 == 1) #define STORE(Y,DSTPTR) \ do { \ (DSTPTR) = 0xFF000000 | (Y & 0xFF) | (0xFF00 & (Y>>14)) | (0xFF0000 & (Y<<5));\ } while (0 == 1) static void yuv420_2_rgb8888(uint8_t *dst_ptr_, const uint8_t *y_ptr, const uint8_t *u_ptr, const uint8_t *v_ptr, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t y_span, int32_t uv_span, int32_t dst_span, int32_t dither) { uint32_t *dst_ptr = (uint32_t *)(void *)dst_ptr_; dst_span >>= 2; height -= 1; while (height > 0) { height -= width<<16; height += 1<<16; while (height < 0) { /* Do 2 column pairs */ uint32_t uv, y0, y1; uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++); y1 = uv + READY(y_ptr[y_span]); y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y1); FIXUP(y0); STORE(y1, dst_ptr[dst_span]); STORE(y0, *dst_ptr++); y1 = uv + READY(y_ptr[y_span]); y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y1); FIXUP(y0); STORE(y1, dst_ptr[dst_span]); STORE(y0, *dst_ptr++); height += (2<<16); } if ((height>>16) == 0) { /* Trailing column pair */ uint32_t uv, y0, y1; uv = READUV(*u_ptr,*v_ptr); y1 = uv + READY(y_ptr[y_span]); y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y1); FIXUP(y0); STORE(y0, dst_ptr[dst_span]); STORE(y1, *dst_ptr++); } dst_ptr += dst_span*2-width; y_ptr += y_span*2-width; u_ptr += uv_span-(width>>1); v_ptr += uv_span-(width>>1); height = (height<<16)>>16; height -= 2; } if (height == 0) { /* Trail row */ height -= width<<16; height += 1<<16; while (height < 0) { /* Do a row pair */ uint32_t uv, y0, y1; uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++); y1 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y1); FIXUP(y0); STORE(y1, *dst_ptr++); STORE(y0, *dst_ptr++); height += (2<<16); } if ((height>>16) == 0) { /* Trailing pix */ uint32_t uv, y0; uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++); y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y0); STORE(y0, *dst_ptr++); } } } #undef FLAGS #undef READUV #undef READY #undef FIXUP #undef STORE #define FLAGS 0x40080100 #define READUV(U,V) (tables[256 + (U)] + tables[512 + (V)]) #define READY(Y) tables[Y] #define FIXUP(Y) \ do { \ int tmp = (Y) & FLAGS; \ if (tmp != 0) \ { \ tmp -= tmp>>8; \ (Y) |= tmp; \ tmp = FLAGS & ~(Y>>1); \ (Y) += tmp>>8; \ } \ } while (0 == 1) #define STORE(Y,DSTPTR) \ do { \ *(DSTPTR)++ = (Y); \ *(DSTPTR)++ = (Y)>>22; \ *(DSTPTR)++ = (Y)>>11; \ *(DSTPTR)++ = 255; \ } while (0 == 1) static void yuv444_2_rgb8888(uint8_t *dst_ptr, const uint8_t *y_ptr, const uint8_t *u_ptr, const uint8_t *v_ptr, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t y_span, int32_t uv_span, int32_t dst_span, int32_t dither) { height -= 1; while (height > 0) { height -= width<<16; height += 1<<16; while (height < 0) { /* Do top row pair */ uint32_t uv, y0, y1; uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++); y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y0); STORE(y0, dst_ptr); uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++); y1 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y1); STORE(y1, dst_ptr); height += (2<<16); } if ((height>>16) == 0) { /* Trailing top row pix */ uint32_t uv, y0; uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++); y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y0); STORE(y0, dst_ptr); } dst_ptr += dst_span-width*4; y_ptr += y_span-width; u_ptr += uv_span-width; v_ptr += uv_span-width; height = (height<<16)>>16; height -= 1; if (height == 0) break; height -= width<<16; height += 1<<16; while (height < 0) { /* Do second row pair */ uint32_t uv, y0, y1; uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++); y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y0); STORE(y0, dst_ptr); uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++); y1 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y1); STORE(y1, dst_ptr); height += (2<<16); } if ((height>>16) == 0) { /* Trailing bottom row pix */ uint32_t uv, y0; uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++); y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++); FIXUP(y0); STORE(y0, dst_ptr); } dst_ptr += dst_span-width*4; y_ptr += y_span-width; u_ptr += uv_span-width; v_ptr += uv_span-width; height = (height<<16)>>16; height -= 1; } } #endif // YUV2RGB_H