/* * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation * * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Andy Green <andy@warmcat.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation: * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <core/private.h> static int rops_handle_POLLIN_raw_skt(struct lws_context_per_thread *pt, struct lws *wsi, struct lws_pollfd *pollfd) { struct lws_tokens ebuf; int n, buffered; /* pending truncated sends have uber priority */ if (wsi->trunc_len) { if (!(pollfd->revents & LWS_POLLOUT)) return LWS_HPI_RET_HANDLED; if (lws_issue_raw(wsi, wsi->trunc_alloc + wsi->trunc_offset, wsi->trunc_len) < 0) goto fail; /* * we can't afford to allow input processing to send * something new, so spin around he event loop until * he doesn't have any partials */ return LWS_HPI_RET_HANDLED; } if ((pollfd->revents & pollfd->events & LWS_POLLIN) && /* any tunnel has to have been established... */ lwsi_state(wsi) != LRS_SSL_ACK_PENDING && !(wsi->favoured_pollin && (pollfd->revents & pollfd->events & LWS_POLLOUT))) { buffered = lws_buflist_aware_read(pt, wsi, &ebuf); switch (ebuf.len) { case 0: lwsl_info("%s: read 0 len\n", __func__); wsi->seen_zero_length_recv = 1; lws_change_pollfd(wsi, LWS_POLLIN, 0); /* * we need to go to fail here, since it's the only * chance we get to understand that the socket has * closed */ // goto try_pollout; goto fail; case LWS_SSL_CAPABLE_ERROR: goto fail; case LWS_SSL_CAPABLE_MORE_SERVICE: goto try_pollout; } n = user_callback_handle_rxflow(wsi->protocol->callback, wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_RX, wsi->user_space, ebuf.token, ebuf.len); if (n < 0) { lwsl_info("LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_RX_fail\n"); goto fail; } if (lws_buflist_aware_consume(wsi, &ebuf, ebuf.len, buffered)) return LWS_HPI_RET_PLEASE_CLOSE_ME; } else if (wsi->favoured_pollin && (pollfd->revents & pollfd->events & LWS_POLLOUT)) /* we balanced the last favouring of pollin */ wsi->favoured_pollin = 0; try_pollout: /* this handles POLLOUT for http serving fragments */ if (!(pollfd->revents & LWS_POLLOUT)) return LWS_HPI_RET_HANDLED; /* one shot */ if (lws_change_pollfd(wsi, LWS_POLLOUT, 0)) { lwsl_notice("%s a\n", __func__); goto fail; } /* clear back-to-back write detection */ wsi->could_have_pending = 0; lws_stats_atomic_bump(wsi->context, pt, LWSSTATS_C_WRITEABLE_CB, 1); #if defined(LWS_WITH_STATS) if (wsi->active_writable_req_us) { uint64_t ul = time_in_microseconds() - wsi->active_writable_req_us; lws_stats_atomic_bump(wsi->context, pt, LWSSTATS_MS_WRITABLE_DELAY, ul); lws_stats_atomic_max(wsi->context, pt, LWSSTATS_MS_WORST_WRITABLE_DELAY, ul); wsi->active_writable_req_us = 0; } #endif n = user_callback_handle_rxflow(wsi->protocol->callback, wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_WRITEABLE, wsi->user_space, NULL, 0); if (n < 0) { lwsl_info("writeable_fail\n"); goto fail; } return LWS_HPI_RET_HANDLED; fail: lws_close_free_wsi(wsi, LWS_CLOSE_STATUS_NOSTATUS, "raw svc fail"); return LWS_HPI_RET_WSI_ALREADY_DIED; } static int rops_handle_POLLIN_raw_file(struct lws_context_per_thread *pt, struct lws *wsi, struct lws_pollfd *pollfd) { int n; if (pollfd->revents & LWS_POLLOUT) { n = lws_callback_as_writeable(wsi); if (lws_change_pollfd(wsi, LWS_POLLOUT, 0)) { lwsl_info("failed at set pollfd\n"); return LWS_HPI_RET_WSI_ALREADY_DIED; } if (n) return LWS_HPI_RET_PLEASE_CLOSE_ME; } if (pollfd->revents & LWS_POLLIN) { if (user_callback_handle_rxflow(wsi->protocol->callback, wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_RX_FILE, wsi->user_space, NULL, 0)) { lwsl_debug("raw rx callback closed it\n"); return LWS_HPI_RET_PLEASE_CLOSE_ME; } } if (pollfd->revents & LWS_POLLHUP) return LWS_HPI_RET_PLEASE_CLOSE_ME; return LWS_HPI_RET_HANDLED; } struct lws_role_ops role_ops_raw_skt = { /* role name */ "raw-skt", /* alpn id */ NULL, /* check_upgrades */ NULL, /* init_context */ NULL, /* init_vhost */ NULL, /* destroy_vhost */ NULL, /* periodic_checks */ NULL, /* service_flag_pending */ NULL, /* handle_POLLIN */ rops_handle_POLLIN_raw_skt, /* handle_POLLOUT */ NULL, /* perform_user_POLLOUT */ NULL, /* callback_on_writable */ NULL, /* tx_credit */ NULL, /* write_role_protocol */ NULL, /* encapsulation_parent */ NULL, /* alpn_negotiated */ NULL, /* close_via_role_protocol */ NULL, /* close_role */ NULL, /* close_kill_connection */ NULL, /* destroy_role */ NULL, /* writeable cb clnt, srv */ { LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_WRITEABLE, 0 }, /* close cb clnt, srv */ { LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_CLOSE, 0 }, /* file_handle */ 0, }; struct lws_role_ops role_ops_raw_file = { /* role name */ "raw-file", /* alpn id */ NULL, /* check_upgrades */ NULL, /* init_context */ NULL, /* init_vhost */ NULL, /* destroy_vhost */ NULL, /* periodic_checks */ NULL, /* service_flag_pending */ NULL, /* handle_POLLIN */ rops_handle_POLLIN_raw_file, /* handle_POLLOUT */ NULL, /* perform_user_POLLOUT */ NULL, /* callback_on_writable */ NULL, /* tx_credit */ NULL, /* write_role_protocol */ NULL, /* encapsulation_parent */ NULL, /* alpn_negotiated */ NULL, /* close_via_role_protocol */ NULL, /* close_role */ NULL, /* close_kill_connection */ NULL, /* destroy_role */ NULL, /* writeable cb clnt, srv */ { LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_WRITEABLE_FILE, 0 }, /* close cb clnt, srv */ { LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_CLOSE_FILE, 0 }, /* file_handle */ 1, };