// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source // tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found // in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may // be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Improves a given set of backward references by analyzing its bit cost. // The algorithm is similar to the Zopfli compression algorithm but tailored to // images. // // Author: Vincent Rabaud (vrabaud@google.com) // #include <assert.h> #include <float.h> #include "src/dsp/lossless_common.h" #include "src/enc/backward_references_enc.h" #include "src/enc/histogram_enc.h" #include "src/utils/color_cache_utils.h" #include "src/utils/utils.h" #define VALUES_IN_BYTE 256 extern void VP8LClearBackwardRefs(VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs); extern int VP8LDistanceToPlaneCode(int xsize, int dist); extern void VP8LBackwardRefsCursorAdd(VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs, const PixOrCopy v); typedef struct { float alpha_[VALUES_IN_BYTE]; float red_[VALUES_IN_BYTE]; float blue_[VALUES_IN_BYTE]; float distance_[NUM_DISTANCE_CODES]; float* literal_; } CostModel; static void ConvertPopulationCountTableToBitEstimates( int num_symbols, const uint32_t population_counts[], float output[]) { uint32_t sum = 0; int nonzeros = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < num_symbols; ++i) { sum += population_counts[i]; if (population_counts[i] > 0) { ++nonzeros; } } if (nonzeros <= 1) { memset(output, 0, num_symbols * sizeof(*output)); } else { const float logsum = VP8LFastLog2(sum); for (i = 0; i < num_symbols; ++i) { output[i] = logsum - VP8LFastLog2(population_counts[i]); } } } static int CostModelBuild(CostModel* const m, int xsize, int cache_bits, const VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs) { int ok = 0; VP8LRefsCursor c = VP8LRefsCursorInit(refs); VP8LHistogram* const histo = VP8LAllocateHistogram(cache_bits); if (histo == NULL) goto Error; // The following code is similar to VP8LHistogramCreate but converts the // distance to plane code. VP8LHistogramInit(histo, cache_bits, /*init_arrays=*/ 1); while (VP8LRefsCursorOk(&c)) { VP8LHistogramAddSinglePixOrCopy(histo, c.cur_pos, VP8LDistanceToPlaneCode, xsize); VP8LRefsCursorNext(&c); } ConvertPopulationCountTableToBitEstimates( VP8LHistogramNumCodes(histo->palette_code_bits_), histo->literal_, m->literal_); ConvertPopulationCountTableToBitEstimates( VALUES_IN_BYTE, histo->red_, m->red_); ConvertPopulationCountTableToBitEstimates( VALUES_IN_BYTE, histo->blue_, m->blue_); ConvertPopulationCountTableToBitEstimates( VALUES_IN_BYTE, histo->alpha_, m->alpha_); ConvertPopulationCountTableToBitEstimates( NUM_DISTANCE_CODES, histo->distance_, m->distance_); ok = 1; Error: VP8LFreeHistogram(histo); return ok; } static WEBP_INLINE float GetLiteralCost(const CostModel* const m, uint32_t v) { return m->alpha_[v >> 24] + m->red_[(v >> 16) & 0xff] + m->literal_[(v >> 8) & 0xff] + m->blue_[v & 0xff]; } static WEBP_INLINE float GetCacheCost(const CostModel* const m, uint32_t idx) { const int literal_idx = VALUES_IN_BYTE + NUM_LENGTH_CODES + idx; return m->literal_[literal_idx]; } static WEBP_INLINE float GetLengthCost(const CostModel* const m, uint32_t length) { int code, extra_bits; VP8LPrefixEncodeBits(length, &code, &extra_bits); return m->literal_[VALUES_IN_BYTE + code] + extra_bits; } static WEBP_INLINE float GetDistanceCost(const CostModel* const m, uint32_t distance) { int code, extra_bits; VP8LPrefixEncodeBits(distance, &code, &extra_bits); return m->distance_[code] + extra_bits; } static WEBP_INLINE void AddSingleLiteralWithCostModel( const uint32_t* const argb, VP8LColorCache* const hashers, const CostModel* const cost_model, int idx, int use_color_cache, float prev_cost, float* const cost, uint16_t* const dist_array) { float cost_val = prev_cost; const uint32_t color = argb[idx]; const int ix = use_color_cache ? VP8LColorCacheContains(hashers, color) : -1; if (ix >= 0) { // use_color_cache is true and hashers contains color const float mul0 = 0.68f; cost_val += GetCacheCost(cost_model, ix) * mul0; } else { const float mul1 = 0.82f; if (use_color_cache) VP8LColorCacheInsert(hashers, color); cost_val += GetLiteralCost(cost_model, color) * mul1; } if (cost[idx] > cost_val) { cost[idx] = cost_val; dist_array[idx] = 1; // only one is inserted. } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CostManager and interval handling // Empirical value to avoid high memory consumption but good for performance. #define COST_CACHE_INTERVAL_SIZE_MAX 500 // To perform backward reference every pixel at index index_ is considered and // the cost for the MAX_LENGTH following pixels computed. Those following pixels // at index index_ + k (k from 0 to MAX_LENGTH) have a cost of: // cost_ = distance cost at index + GetLengthCost(cost_model, k) // and the minimum value is kept. GetLengthCost(cost_model, k) is cached in an // array of size MAX_LENGTH. // Instead of performing MAX_LENGTH comparisons per pixel, we keep track of the // minimal values using intervals of constant cost. // An interval is defined by the index_ of the pixel that generated it and // is only useful in a range of indices from start_ to end_ (exclusive), i.e. // it contains the minimum value for pixels between start_ and end_. // Intervals are stored in a linked list and ordered by start_. When a new // interval has a better value, old intervals are split or removed. There are // therefore no overlapping intervals. typedef struct CostInterval CostInterval; struct CostInterval { float cost_; int start_; int end_; int index_; CostInterval* previous_; CostInterval* next_; }; // The GetLengthCost(cost_model, k) are cached in a CostCacheInterval. typedef struct { float cost_; int start_; int end_; // Exclusive. } CostCacheInterval; // This structure is in charge of managing intervals and costs. // It caches the different CostCacheInterval, caches the different // GetLengthCost(cost_model, k) in cost_cache_ and the CostInterval's (whose // count_ is limited by COST_CACHE_INTERVAL_SIZE_MAX). #define COST_MANAGER_MAX_FREE_LIST 10 typedef struct { CostInterval* head_; int count_; // The number of stored intervals. CostCacheInterval* cache_intervals_; size_t cache_intervals_size_; float cost_cache_[MAX_LENGTH]; // Contains the GetLengthCost(cost_model, k). float* costs_; uint16_t* dist_array_; // Most of the time, we only need few intervals -> use a free-list, to avoid // fragmentation with small allocs in most common cases. CostInterval intervals_[COST_MANAGER_MAX_FREE_LIST]; CostInterval* free_intervals_; // These are regularly malloc'd remains. This list can't grow larger than than // size COST_CACHE_INTERVAL_SIZE_MAX - COST_MANAGER_MAX_FREE_LIST, note. CostInterval* recycled_intervals_; } CostManager; static void CostIntervalAddToFreeList(CostManager* const manager, CostInterval* const interval) { interval->next_ = manager->free_intervals_; manager->free_intervals_ = interval; } static int CostIntervalIsInFreeList(const CostManager* const manager, const CostInterval* const interval) { return (interval >= &manager->intervals_[0] && interval <= &manager->intervals_[COST_MANAGER_MAX_FREE_LIST - 1]); } static void CostManagerInitFreeList(CostManager* const manager) { int i; manager->free_intervals_ = NULL; for (i = 0; i < COST_MANAGER_MAX_FREE_LIST; ++i) { CostIntervalAddToFreeList(manager, &manager->intervals_[i]); } } static void DeleteIntervalList(CostManager* const manager, const CostInterval* interval) { while (interval != NULL) { const CostInterval* const next = interval->next_; if (!CostIntervalIsInFreeList(manager, interval)) { WebPSafeFree((void*)interval); } // else: do nothing interval = next; } } static void CostManagerClear(CostManager* const manager) { if (manager == NULL) return; WebPSafeFree(manager->costs_); WebPSafeFree(manager->cache_intervals_); // Clear the interval lists. DeleteIntervalList(manager, manager->head_); manager->head_ = NULL; DeleteIntervalList(manager, manager->recycled_intervals_); manager->recycled_intervals_ = NULL; // Reset pointers, count_ and cache_intervals_size_. memset(manager, 0, sizeof(*manager)); CostManagerInitFreeList(manager); } static int CostManagerInit(CostManager* const manager, uint16_t* const dist_array, int pix_count, const CostModel* const cost_model) { int i; const int cost_cache_size = (pix_count > MAX_LENGTH) ? MAX_LENGTH : pix_count; manager->costs_ = NULL; manager->cache_intervals_ = NULL; manager->head_ = NULL; manager->recycled_intervals_ = NULL; manager->count_ = 0; manager->dist_array_ = dist_array; CostManagerInitFreeList(manager); // Fill in the cost_cache_. // Has to be done in two passes due to a GCC bug on i686 // related to https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=323 for (i = 0; i < cost_cache_size; ++i) { manager->cost_cache_[i] = GetLengthCost(cost_model, i); } manager->cache_intervals_size_ = 1; for (i = 1; i < cost_cache_size; ++i) { // Get the number of bound intervals. if (manager->cost_cache_[i] != manager->cost_cache_[i - 1]) { ++manager->cache_intervals_size_; } } // With the current cost model, we usually have below 20 intervals. // The worst case scenario with a cost model would be if every length has a // different cost, hence MAX_LENGTH but that is impossible with the current // implementation that spirals around a pixel. assert(manager->cache_intervals_size_ <= MAX_LENGTH); manager->cache_intervals_ = (CostCacheInterval*)WebPSafeMalloc( manager->cache_intervals_size_, sizeof(*manager->cache_intervals_)); if (manager->cache_intervals_ == NULL) { CostManagerClear(manager); return 0; } // Fill in the cache_intervals_. { CostCacheInterval* cur = manager->cache_intervals_; // Consecutive values in cost_cache_ are compared and if a big enough // difference is found, a new interval is created and bounded. cur->start_ = 0; cur->end_ = 1; cur->cost_ = manager->cost_cache_[0]; for (i = 1; i < cost_cache_size; ++i) { const float cost_val = manager->cost_cache_[i]; if (cost_val != cur->cost_) { ++cur; // Initialize an interval. cur->start_ = i; cur->cost_ = cost_val; } cur->end_ = i + 1; } assert((size_t)(cur - manager->cache_intervals_) + 1 == manager->cache_intervals_size_); } manager->costs_ = (float*)WebPSafeMalloc(pix_count, sizeof(*manager->costs_)); if (manager->costs_ == NULL) { CostManagerClear(manager); return 0; } // Set the initial costs_ high for every pixel as we will keep the minimum. for (i = 0; i < pix_count; ++i) manager->costs_[i] = FLT_MAX; return 1; } // Given the cost and the position that define an interval, update the cost at // pixel 'i' if it is smaller than the previously computed value. static WEBP_INLINE void UpdateCost(CostManager* const manager, int i, int position, float cost) { const int k = i - position; assert(k >= 0 && k < MAX_LENGTH); if (manager->costs_[i] > cost) { manager->costs_[i] = cost; manager->dist_array_[i] = k + 1; } } // Given the cost and the position that define an interval, update the cost for // all the pixels between 'start' and 'end' excluded. static WEBP_INLINE void UpdateCostPerInterval(CostManager* const manager, int start, int end, int position, float cost) { int i; for (i = start; i < end; ++i) UpdateCost(manager, i, position, cost); } // Given two intervals, make 'prev' be the previous one of 'next' in 'manager'. static WEBP_INLINE void ConnectIntervals(CostManager* const manager, CostInterval* const prev, CostInterval* const next) { if (prev != NULL) { prev->next_ = next; } else { manager->head_ = next; } if (next != NULL) next->previous_ = prev; } // Pop an interval in the manager. static WEBP_INLINE void PopInterval(CostManager* const manager, CostInterval* const interval) { if (interval == NULL) return; ConnectIntervals(manager, interval->previous_, interval->next_); if (CostIntervalIsInFreeList(manager, interval)) { CostIntervalAddToFreeList(manager, interval); } else { // recycle regularly malloc'd intervals too interval->next_ = manager->recycled_intervals_; manager->recycled_intervals_ = interval; } --manager->count_; assert(manager->count_ >= 0); } // Update the cost at index i by going over all the stored intervals that // overlap with i. // If 'do_clean_intervals' is set to something different than 0, intervals that // end before 'i' will be popped. static WEBP_INLINE void UpdateCostAtIndex(CostManager* const manager, int i, int do_clean_intervals) { CostInterval* current = manager->head_; while (current != NULL && current->start_ <= i) { CostInterval* const next = current->next_; if (current->end_ <= i) { if (do_clean_intervals) { // We have an outdated interval, remove it. PopInterval(manager, current); } } else { UpdateCost(manager, i, current->index_, current->cost_); } current = next; } } // Given a current orphan interval and its previous interval, before // it was orphaned (which can be NULL), set it at the right place in the list // of intervals using the start_ ordering and the previous interval as a hint. static WEBP_INLINE void PositionOrphanInterval(CostManager* const manager, CostInterval* const current, CostInterval* previous) { assert(current != NULL); if (previous == NULL) previous = manager->head_; while (previous != NULL && current->start_ < previous->start_) { previous = previous->previous_; } while (previous != NULL && previous->next_ != NULL && previous->next_->start_ < current->start_) { previous = previous->next_; } if (previous != NULL) { ConnectIntervals(manager, current, previous->next_); } else { ConnectIntervals(manager, current, manager->head_); } ConnectIntervals(manager, previous, current); } // Insert an interval in the list contained in the manager by starting at // interval_in as a hint. The intervals are sorted by start_ value. static WEBP_INLINE void InsertInterval(CostManager* const manager, CostInterval* const interval_in, float cost, int position, int start, int end) { CostInterval* interval_new; if (start >= end) return; if (manager->count_ >= COST_CACHE_INTERVAL_SIZE_MAX) { // Serialize the interval if we cannot store it. UpdateCostPerInterval(manager, start, end, position, cost); return; } if (manager->free_intervals_ != NULL) { interval_new = manager->free_intervals_; manager->free_intervals_ = interval_new->next_; } else if (manager->recycled_intervals_ != NULL) { interval_new = manager->recycled_intervals_; manager->recycled_intervals_ = interval_new->next_; } else { // malloc for good interval_new = (CostInterval*)WebPSafeMalloc(1, sizeof(*interval_new)); if (interval_new == NULL) { // Write down the interval if we cannot create it. UpdateCostPerInterval(manager, start, end, position, cost); return; } } interval_new->cost_ = cost; interval_new->index_ = position; interval_new->start_ = start; interval_new->end_ = end; PositionOrphanInterval(manager, interval_new, interval_in); ++manager->count_; } // Given a new cost interval defined by its start at position, its length value // and distance_cost, add its contributions to the previous intervals and costs. // If handling the interval or one of its subintervals becomes to heavy, its // contribution is added to the costs right away. static WEBP_INLINE void PushInterval(CostManager* const manager, float distance_cost, int position, int len) { size_t i; CostInterval* interval = manager->head_; CostInterval* interval_next; const CostCacheInterval* const cost_cache_intervals = manager->cache_intervals_; // If the interval is small enough, no need to deal with the heavy // interval logic, just serialize it right away. This constant is empirical. const int kSkipDistance = 10; if (len < kSkipDistance) { int j; for (j = position; j < position + len; ++j) { const int k = j - position; float cost_tmp; assert(k >= 0 && k < MAX_LENGTH); cost_tmp = distance_cost + manager->cost_cache_[k]; if (manager->costs_[j] > cost_tmp) { manager->costs_[j] = cost_tmp; manager->dist_array_[j] = k + 1; } } return; } for (i = 0; i < manager->cache_intervals_size_ && cost_cache_intervals[i].start_ < len; ++i) { // Define the intersection of the ith interval with the new one. int start = position + cost_cache_intervals[i].start_; const int end = position + (cost_cache_intervals[i].end_ > len ? len : cost_cache_intervals[i].end_); const float cost = distance_cost + cost_cache_intervals[i].cost_; for (; interval != NULL && interval->start_ < end; interval = interval_next) { interval_next = interval->next_; // Make sure we have some overlap if (start >= interval->end_) continue; if (cost >= interval->cost_) { // When intervals are represented, the lower, the better. // [**********************************************************[ // start end // [----------------------------------[ // interval->start_ interval->end_ // If we are worse than what we already have, add whatever we have so // far up to interval. const int start_new = interval->end_; InsertInterval(manager, interval, cost, position, start, interval->start_); start = start_new; if (start >= end) break; continue; } if (start <= interval->start_) { if (interval->end_ <= end) { // [----------------------------------[ // interval->start_ interval->end_ // [**************************************************************[ // start end // We can safely remove the old interval as it is fully included. PopInterval(manager, interval); } else { // [------------------------------------[ // interval->start_ interval->end_ // [*****************************[ // start end interval->start_ = end; break; } } else { if (end < interval->end_) { // [--------------------------------------------------------------[ // interval->start_ interval->end_ // [*****************************[ // start end // We have to split the old interval as it fully contains the new one. const int end_original = interval->end_; interval->end_ = start; InsertInterval(manager, interval, interval->cost_, interval->index_, end, end_original); interval = interval->next_; break; } else { // [------------------------------------[ // interval->start_ interval->end_ // [*****************************[ // start end interval->end_ = start; } } } // Insert the remaining interval from start to end. InsertInterval(manager, interval, cost, position, start, end); } } static int BackwardReferencesHashChainDistanceOnly( int xsize, int ysize, const uint32_t* const argb, int cache_bits, const VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain, const VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs, uint16_t* const dist_array) { int i; int ok = 0; int cc_init = 0; const int pix_count = xsize * ysize; const int use_color_cache = (cache_bits > 0); const size_t literal_array_size = sizeof(float) * (VP8LHistogramNumCodes(cache_bits)); const size_t cost_model_size = sizeof(CostModel) + literal_array_size; CostModel* const cost_model = (CostModel*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, cost_model_size); VP8LColorCache hashers; CostManager* cost_manager = (CostManager*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, sizeof(*cost_manager)); int offset_prev = -1, len_prev = -1; float offset_cost = -1.f; int first_offset_is_constant = -1; // initialized with 'impossible' value int reach = 0; if (cost_model == NULL || cost_manager == NULL) goto Error; cost_model->literal_ = (float*)(cost_model + 1); if (use_color_cache) { cc_init = VP8LColorCacheInit(&hashers, cache_bits); if (!cc_init) goto Error; } if (!CostModelBuild(cost_model, xsize, cache_bits, refs)) { goto Error; } if (!CostManagerInit(cost_manager, dist_array, pix_count, cost_model)) { goto Error; } // We loop one pixel at a time, but store all currently best points to // non-processed locations from this point. dist_array[0] = 0; // Add first pixel as literal. AddSingleLiteralWithCostModel(argb, &hashers, cost_model, 0, use_color_cache, 0.f, cost_manager->costs_, dist_array); for (i = 1; i < pix_count; ++i) { const float prev_cost = cost_manager->costs_[i - 1]; int offset, len; VP8LHashChainFindCopy(hash_chain, i, &offset, &len); // Try adding the pixel as a literal. AddSingleLiteralWithCostModel(argb, &hashers, cost_model, i, use_color_cache, prev_cost, cost_manager->costs_, dist_array); // If we are dealing with a non-literal. if (len >= 2) { if (offset != offset_prev) { const int code = VP8LDistanceToPlaneCode(xsize, offset); offset_cost = GetDistanceCost(cost_model, code); first_offset_is_constant = 1; PushInterval(cost_manager, prev_cost + offset_cost, i, len); } else { assert(offset_cost >= 0); assert(len_prev >= 0); assert(first_offset_is_constant == 0 || first_offset_is_constant == 1); // Instead of considering all contributions from a pixel i by calling: // PushInterval(cost_manager, prev_cost + offset_cost, i, len); // we optimize these contributions in case offset_cost stays the same // for consecutive pixels. This describes a set of pixels similar to a // previous set (e.g. constant color regions). if (first_offset_is_constant) { reach = i - 1 + len_prev - 1; first_offset_is_constant = 0; } if (i + len - 1 > reach) { // We can only be go further with the same offset if the previous // length was maxed, hence len_prev == len == MAX_LENGTH. // TODO(vrabaud), bump i to the end right away (insert cache and // update cost). // TODO(vrabaud), check if one of the points in between does not have // a lower cost. // Already consider the pixel at "reach" to add intervals that are // better than whatever we add. int offset_j, len_j = 0; int j; assert(len == MAX_LENGTH || len == pix_count - i); // Figure out the last consecutive pixel within [i, reach + 1] with // the same offset. for (j = i; j <= reach; ++j) { VP8LHashChainFindCopy(hash_chain, j + 1, &offset_j, &len_j); if (offset_j != offset) { VP8LHashChainFindCopy(hash_chain, j, &offset_j, &len_j); break; } } // Update the cost at j - 1 and j. UpdateCostAtIndex(cost_manager, j - 1, 0); UpdateCostAtIndex(cost_manager, j, 0); PushInterval(cost_manager, cost_manager->costs_[j - 1] + offset_cost, j, len_j); reach = j + len_j - 1; } } } UpdateCostAtIndex(cost_manager, i, 1); offset_prev = offset; len_prev = len; } ok = !refs->error_; Error: if (cc_init) VP8LColorCacheClear(&hashers); CostManagerClear(cost_manager); WebPSafeFree(cost_model); WebPSafeFree(cost_manager); return ok; } // We pack the path at the end of *dist_array and return // a pointer to this part of the array. Example: // dist_array = [1x2xx3x2] => packed [1x2x1232], chosen_path = [1232] static void TraceBackwards(uint16_t* const dist_array, int dist_array_size, uint16_t** const chosen_path, int* const chosen_path_size) { uint16_t* path = dist_array + dist_array_size; uint16_t* cur = dist_array + dist_array_size - 1; while (cur >= dist_array) { const int k = *cur; --path; *path = k; cur -= k; } *chosen_path = path; *chosen_path_size = (int)(dist_array + dist_array_size - path); } static int BackwardReferencesHashChainFollowChosenPath( const uint32_t* const argb, int cache_bits, const uint16_t* const chosen_path, int chosen_path_size, const VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain, VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs) { const int use_color_cache = (cache_bits > 0); int ix; int i = 0; int ok = 0; int cc_init = 0; VP8LColorCache hashers; if (use_color_cache) { cc_init = VP8LColorCacheInit(&hashers, cache_bits); if (!cc_init) goto Error; } VP8LClearBackwardRefs(refs); for (ix = 0; ix < chosen_path_size; ++ix) { const int len = chosen_path[ix]; if (len != 1) { int k; const int offset = VP8LHashChainFindOffset(hash_chain, i); VP8LBackwardRefsCursorAdd(refs, PixOrCopyCreateCopy(offset, len)); if (use_color_cache) { for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) { VP8LColorCacheInsert(&hashers, argb[i + k]); } } i += len; } else { PixOrCopy v; const int idx = use_color_cache ? VP8LColorCacheContains(&hashers, argb[i]) : -1; if (idx >= 0) { // use_color_cache is true and hashers contains argb[i] // push pixel as a color cache index v = PixOrCopyCreateCacheIdx(idx); } else { if (use_color_cache) VP8LColorCacheInsert(&hashers, argb[i]); v = PixOrCopyCreateLiteral(argb[i]); } VP8LBackwardRefsCursorAdd(refs, v); ++i; } } ok = !refs->error_; Error: if (cc_init) VP8LColorCacheClear(&hashers); return ok; } // Returns 1 on success. extern int VP8LBackwardReferencesTraceBackwards( int xsize, int ysize, const uint32_t* const argb, int cache_bits, const VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain, const VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs_src, VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs_dst); int VP8LBackwardReferencesTraceBackwards(int xsize, int ysize, const uint32_t* const argb, int cache_bits, const VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain, const VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs_src, VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs_dst) { int ok = 0; const int dist_array_size = xsize * ysize; uint16_t* chosen_path = NULL; int chosen_path_size = 0; uint16_t* dist_array = (uint16_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(dist_array_size, sizeof(*dist_array)); if (dist_array == NULL) goto Error; if (!BackwardReferencesHashChainDistanceOnly( xsize, ysize, argb, cache_bits, hash_chain, refs_src, dist_array)) { goto Error; } TraceBackwards(dist_array, dist_array_size, &chosen_path, &chosen_path_size); if (!BackwardReferencesHashChainFollowChosenPath( argb, cache_bits, chosen_path, chosen_path_size, hash_chain, refs_dst)) { goto Error; } ok = 1; Error: WebPSafeFree(dist_array); return ok; }