/* * Copyright © 2018 Ebrahim Byagowi * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ #ifndef HB_OT_STAT_TABLE_HH #define HB_OT_STAT_TABLE_HH #include "hb-open-type.hh" #include "hb-ot-layout-common.hh" /* * STAT -- Style Attributes * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/stat */ #define HB_OT_TAG_STAT HB_TAG('S','T','A','T') namespace OT { enum { OLDER_SIBLING_FONT_ATTRIBUTE = 0x0001, /* If set, this axis value table * provides axis value information * that is applicable to other fonts * within the same font family. This * is used if the other fonts were * released earlier and did not include * information about values for some axis. * If newer versions of the other * fonts include the information * themselves and are present, * then this record is ignored. */ ELIDABLE_AXIS_VALUE_NAME = 0x0002 /* If set, it indicates that the axis * value represents the “normal” value * for the axis and may be omitted when * composing name strings. */ // Reserved = 0xFFFC /* Reserved for future use — set to zero. */ }; struct StatAxisRecord { int cmp (hb_tag_t key) const { return tag.cmp (key); } hb_ot_name_id_t get_name_id () const { return nameID; } hb_tag_t get_axis_tag () const { return tag; } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (likely (c->check_struct (this))); } protected: Tag tag; /* A tag identifying the axis of design variation. */ NameID nameID; /* The name ID for entries in the 'name' table that * provide a display string for this axis. */ HBUINT16 ordering; /* A value that applications can use to determine * primary sorting of face names, or for ordering * of descriptors when composing family or face names. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (8); }; struct AxisValueFormat1 { unsigned int get_axis_index () const { return axisIndex; } float get_value () const { return value.to_float (); } hb_ot_name_id_t get_value_name_id () const { return valueNameID; } hb_tag_t get_axis_tag (const hb_array_t<const StatAxisRecord> axis_records) const { unsigned axis_idx = get_axis_index (); return axis_records[axis_idx].get_axis_tag (); } bool keep_axis_value (const hb_array_t<const StatAxisRecord> axis_records, const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, float> *user_axes_location) const { hb_tag_t axis_tag = get_axis_tag (axis_records); float axis_value = get_value (); if (!user_axes_location->has (axis_tag) || fabsf(axis_value - user_axes_location->get (axis_tag)) < 0.001f) return true; return false; } bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c, const hb_array_t<const StatAxisRecord> axis_records) const { TRACE_SUBSET (this); const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, float>* user_axes_location = c->plan->user_axes_location; if (keep_axis_value (axis_records, user_axes_location)) return_trace (c->serializer->embed (this)); return_trace (false); } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this)); } protected: HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier — set to 1. */ HBUINT16 axisIndex; /* Zero-base index into the axis record array * identifying the axis of design variation * to which the axis value record applies. * Must be less than designAxisCount. */ HBUINT16 flags; /* Flags — see below for details. */ NameID valueNameID; /* The name ID for entries in the 'name' table * that provide a display string for this * attribute value. */ F16DOT16 value; /* A numeric value for this attribute value. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (12); }; struct AxisValueFormat2 { unsigned int get_axis_index () const { return axisIndex; } float get_value () const { return nominalValue.to_float (); } hb_ot_name_id_t get_value_name_id () const { return valueNameID; } hb_tag_t get_axis_tag (const hb_array_t<const StatAxisRecord> axis_records) const { unsigned axis_idx = get_axis_index (); return axis_records[axis_idx].get_axis_tag (); } bool keep_axis_value (const hb_array_t<const StatAxisRecord> axis_records, const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, float> *user_axes_location) const { hb_tag_t axis_tag = get_axis_tag (axis_records); float axis_value = get_value (); if (!user_axes_location->has (axis_tag) || fabsf(axis_value - user_axes_location->get (axis_tag)) < 0.001f) return true; return false; } bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c, const hb_array_t<const StatAxisRecord> axis_records) const { TRACE_SUBSET (this); const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, float>* user_axes_location = c->plan->user_axes_location; if (keep_axis_value (axis_records, user_axes_location)) return_trace (c->serializer->embed (this)); return_trace (false); } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this)); } protected: HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier — set to 2. */ HBUINT16 axisIndex; /* Zero-base index into the axis record array * identifying the axis of design variation * to which the axis value record applies. * Must be less than designAxisCount. */ HBUINT16 flags; /* Flags — see below for details. */ NameID valueNameID; /* The name ID for entries in the 'name' table * that provide a display string for this * attribute value. */ F16DOT16 nominalValue; /* A numeric value for this attribute value. */ F16DOT16 rangeMinValue; /* The minimum value for a range associated * with the specified name ID. */ F16DOT16 rangeMaxValue; /* The maximum value for a range associated * with the specified name ID. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (20); }; struct AxisValueFormat3 { unsigned int get_axis_index () const { return axisIndex; } float get_value () const { return value.to_float (); } hb_ot_name_id_t get_value_name_id () const { return valueNameID; } hb_tag_t get_axis_tag (const hb_array_t<const StatAxisRecord> axis_records) const { unsigned axis_idx = get_axis_index (); return axis_records[axis_idx].get_axis_tag (); } bool keep_axis_value (const hb_array_t<const StatAxisRecord> axis_records, const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, float> *user_axes_location) const { hb_tag_t axis_tag = get_axis_tag (axis_records); float axis_value = get_value (); if (!user_axes_location->has (axis_tag) || fabsf(axis_value - user_axes_location->get (axis_tag)) < 0.001f) return true; return false; } bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c, const hb_array_t<const StatAxisRecord> axis_records) const { TRACE_SUBSET (this); const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, float>* user_axes_location = c->plan->user_axes_location; if (keep_axis_value (axis_records, user_axes_location)) return_trace (c->serializer->embed (this)); return_trace (false); } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this)); } protected: HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier — set to 3. */ HBUINT16 axisIndex; /* Zero-base index into the axis record array * identifying the axis of design variation * to which the axis value record applies. * Must be less than designAxisCount. */ HBUINT16 flags; /* Flags — see below for details. */ NameID valueNameID; /* The name ID for entries in the 'name' table * that provide a display string for this * attribute value. */ F16DOT16 value; /* A numeric value for this attribute value. */ F16DOT16 linkedValue; /* The numeric value for a style-linked mapping * from this value. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (16); }; struct AxisValueRecord { unsigned int get_axis_index () const { return axisIndex; } float get_value () const { return value.to_float (); } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this)); } protected: HBUINT16 axisIndex; /* Zero-base index into the axis record array * identifying the axis to which this value * applies. Must be less than designAxisCount. */ F16DOT16 value; /* A numeric value for this attribute value. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (6); }; struct AxisValueFormat4 { const AxisValueRecord &get_axis_record (unsigned int axis_index) const { return axisValues.as_array (axisCount)[axis_index]; } bool keep_axis_value (const hb_array_t<const StatAxisRecord> axis_records, const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, float> *user_axes_location) const { hb_array_t<const AxisValueRecord> axis_value_records = axisValues.as_array (axisCount); for (const auto& rec : axis_value_records) { unsigned axis_idx = rec.get_axis_index (); float axis_value = rec.get_value (); hb_tag_t axis_tag = axis_records[axis_idx].get_axis_tag (); if (user_axes_location->has (axis_tag) && fabsf(axis_value - user_axes_location->get (axis_tag)) > 0.001f) return false; } return true; } bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c, const hb_array_t<const StatAxisRecord> axis_records) const { TRACE_SUBSET (this); const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, float> *user_axes_location = c->plan->user_axes_location; if (!keep_axis_value (axis_records, user_axes_location)) return_trace (false); unsigned total_size = min_size + axisCount * AxisValueRecord::static_size; auto *out = c->serializer->allocate_size<AxisValueFormat4> (total_size); if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (false); hb_memcpy (out, this, total_size); return_trace (true); } hb_ot_name_id_t get_value_name_id () const { return valueNameID; } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (likely (c->check_struct (this) && axisValues.sanitize (c, axisCount))); } protected: HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier — set to 4. */ HBUINT16 axisCount; /* The total number of axes contributing to * this axis-values combination. */ HBUINT16 flags; /* Flags — see below for details. */ NameID valueNameID; /* The name ID for entries in the 'name' table * that provide a display string for this * attribute value. */ UnsizedArrayOf<AxisValueRecord> axisValues; /* Array of AxisValue records that provide the * combination of axis values, one for each * contributing axis. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (8, axisValues); }; struct AxisValue { bool get_value (unsigned int axis_index) const { switch (u.format) { case 1: return u.format1.get_value (); case 2: return u.format2.get_value (); case 3: return u.format3.get_value (); case 4: return u.format4.get_axis_record (axis_index).get_value (); default:return 0; } } unsigned int get_axis_index () const { switch (u.format) { case 1: return u.format1.get_axis_index (); case 2: return u.format2.get_axis_index (); case 3: return u.format3.get_axis_index (); /* case 4: Makes more sense for variable fonts which are handled by fvar in hb-style */ default:return -1; } } hb_ot_name_id_t get_value_name_id () const { switch (u.format) { case 1: return u.format1.get_value_name_id (); case 2: return u.format2.get_value_name_id (); case 3: return u.format3.get_value_name_id (); case 4: return u.format4.get_value_name_id (); default:return HB_OT_NAME_ID_INVALID; } } template <typename context_t, typename ...Ts> typename context_t::return_t dispatch (context_t *c, Ts&&... ds) const { TRACE_DISPATCH (this, u.format); if (unlikely (!c->may_dispatch (this, &u.format))) return_trace (c->no_dispatch_return_value ()); switch (u.format) { case 1: return_trace (c->dispatch (u.format1, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...)); case 2: return_trace (c->dispatch (u.format2, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...)); case 3: return_trace (c->dispatch (u.format3, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...)); case 4: return_trace (c->dispatch (u.format4, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...)); default:return_trace (c->default_return_value ()); } } bool keep_axis_value (const hb_array_t<const StatAxisRecord> axis_records, hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, float> *user_axes_location) const { switch (u.format) { case 1: return u.format1.keep_axis_value (axis_records, user_axes_location); case 2: return u.format2.keep_axis_value (axis_records, user_axes_location); case 3: return u.format3.keep_axis_value (axis_records, user_axes_location); case 4: return u.format4.keep_axis_value (axis_records, user_axes_location); default:return false; } } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); if (unlikely (!c->check_struct (this))) return_trace (false); switch (u.format) { case 1: return_trace (u.format1.sanitize (c)); case 2: return_trace (u.format2.sanitize (c)); case 3: return_trace (u.format3.sanitize (c)); case 4: return_trace (u.format4.sanitize (c)); default:return_trace (true); } } protected: union { HBUINT16 format; AxisValueFormat1 format1; AxisValueFormat2 format2; AxisValueFormat3 format3; AxisValueFormat4 format4; } u; public: DEFINE_SIZE_UNION (2, format); }; struct AxisValueOffsetArray: UnsizedArrayOf<Offset16To<AxisValue>> { bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c, unsigned axisValueCount, unsigned& count, const hb_array_t<const StatAxisRecord> axis_records) const { TRACE_SUBSET (this); auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (this); if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (false); auto axisValueOffsets = as_array (axisValueCount); count = 0; for (const auto& offset : axisValueOffsets) { if (!offset) continue; auto o_snap = c->serializer->snapshot (); auto *o = c->serializer->embed (offset); if (!o) return_trace (false); if (!o->serialize_subset (c, offset, this, axis_records)) { c->serializer->revert (o_snap); continue; } count++; } return_trace (count); } }; struct STAT { static constexpr hb_tag_t tableTag = HB_OT_TAG_STAT; bool has_data () const { return version.to_int (); } bool get_value (hb_tag_t tag, float *value) const { unsigned int axis_index; if (!get_design_axes ().lfind (tag, &axis_index)) return false; hb_array_t<const Offset16To<AxisValue>> axis_values = get_axis_value_offsets (); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < axis_values.length; i++) { const AxisValue& axis_value = this+axis_values[i]; if (axis_value.get_axis_index () == axis_index) { if (value) *value = axis_value.get_value (axis_index); return true; } } return false; } unsigned get_design_axis_count () const { return designAxisCount; } hb_ot_name_id_t get_axis_record_name_id (unsigned axis_record_index) const { if (unlikely (axis_record_index >= designAxisCount)) return HB_OT_NAME_ID_INVALID; const StatAxisRecord &axis_record = get_design_axes ()[axis_record_index]; return axis_record.get_name_id (); } unsigned get_axis_value_count () const { return axisValueCount; } hb_ot_name_id_t get_axis_value_name_id (unsigned axis_value_index) const { if (unlikely (axis_value_index >= axisValueCount)) return HB_OT_NAME_ID_INVALID; const AxisValue &axis_value = (this + get_axis_value_offsets ()[axis_value_index]); return axis_value.get_value_name_id (); } void collect_name_ids (hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, float> *user_axes_location, hb_set_t *nameids_to_retain /* OUT */) const { if (!has_data ()) return; + get_design_axes () | hb_map (&StatAxisRecord::get_name_id) | hb_sink (nameids_to_retain) ; auto designAxes = get_design_axes (); + get_axis_value_offsets () | hb_map (hb_add (&(this + offsetToAxisValueOffsets))) | hb_filter ([&] (const AxisValue& _) { return _.keep_axis_value (designAxes, user_axes_location); }) | hb_map (&AxisValue::get_value_name_id) | hb_sink (nameids_to_retain) ; } bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SUBSET (this); STAT *out = c->serializer->embed (this); if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (false); auto designAxes = get_design_axes (); for (unsigned i = 0; i < (unsigned)designAxisCount; i++) if (unlikely (!c->serializer->embed (designAxes[i]))) return_trace (false); if (designAxisCount) c->serializer->check_assign (out->designAxesOffset, this->get_size (), HB_SERIALIZE_ERROR_INT_OVERFLOW); unsigned count = 0; out->offsetToAxisValueOffsets.serialize_subset (c, offsetToAxisValueOffsets, this, axisValueCount, count, designAxes); return_trace (c->serializer->check_assign (out->axisValueCount, count, HB_SERIALIZE_ERROR_INT_OVERFLOW)); } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (likely (c->check_struct (this) && version.major == 1 && version.minor > 0 && designAxesOffset.sanitize (c, this, designAxisCount) && offsetToAxisValueOffsets.sanitize (c, this, axisValueCount, &(this+offsetToAxisValueOffsets)))); } protected: hb_array_t<const StatAxisRecord> const get_design_axes () const { return (this+designAxesOffset).as_array (designAxisCount); } hb_array_t<const Offset16To<AxisValue>> const get_axis_value_offsets () const { return (this+offsetToAxisValueOffsets).as_array (axisValueCount); } protected: FixedVersion<>version; /* Version of the stat table * initially set to 0x00010002u */ HBUINT16 designAxisSize; /* The size in bytes of each axis record. */ HBUINT16 designAxisCount;/* The number of design axis records. In a * font with an 'fvar' table, this value must be * greater than or equal to the axisCount value * in the 'fvar' table. In all fonts, must * be greater than zero if axisValueCount * is greater than zero. */ NNOffset32To<UnsizedArrayOf<StatAxisRecord>> designAxesOffset; /* Offset in bytes from the beginning of * the STAT table to the start of the design * axes array. If designAxisCount is zero, * set to zero; if designAxisCount is greater * than zero, must be greater than zero. */ HBUINT16 axisValueCount; /* The number of axis value tables. */ NNOffset32To<AxisValueOffsetArray> offsetToAxisValueOffsets; /* Offset in bytes from the beginning of * the STAT table to the start of the design * axes value offsets array. If axisValueCount * is zero, set to zero; if axisValueCount is * greater than zero, must be greater than zero. */ NameID elidedFallbackNameID; /* Name ID used as fallback when projection of * names into a particular font model produces * a subfamily name containing only elidable * elements. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (20); }; } /* namespace OT */ #endif /* HB_OT_STAT_TABLE_HH */