/* * Copyright © 2018 Adobe Inc. * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * * Adobe Author(s): Michiharu Ariza */ #ifndef HB_OT_CFF1_TABLE_HH #define HB_OT_CFF1_TABLE_HH #include "hb-ot-cff-common.hh" #include "hb-subset-cff1.hh" #include "hb-draw.hh" #define HB_STRING_ARRAY_NAME cff1_std_strings #define HB_STRING_ARRAY_LIST "hb-ot-cff1-std-str.hh" #include "hb-string-array.hh" #undef HB_STRING_ARRAY_LIST #undef HB_STRING_ARRAY_NAME namespace CFF { /* * CFF -- Compact Font Format (CFF) * https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/font/pdfs/5176.CFF.pdf */ #define HB_OT_TAG_cff1 HB_TAG('C','F','F',' ') #define CFF_UNDEF_SID CFF_UNDEF_CODE enum EncodingID { StandardEncoding = 0, ExpertEncoding = 1 }; enum CharsetID { ISOAdobeCharset = 0, ExpertCharset = 1, ExpertSubsetCharset = 2 }; typedef CFFIndex<HBUINT16> CFF1Index; template <typename Type> struct CFF1IndexOf : CFFIndexOf<HBUINT16, Type> {}; typedef CFFIndex<HBUINT16> CFF1Index; typedef CFF1Index CFF1CharStrings; typedef Subrs<HBUINT16> CFF1Subrs; struct CFF1FDSelect : FDSelect {}; /* Encoding */ struct Encoding0 { bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (codes.sanitize (c)); } hb_codepoint_t get_code (hb_codepoint_t glyph) const { assert (glyph > 0); glyph--; if (glyph < nCodes ()) { return (hb_codepoint_t)codes[glyph]; } else return CFF_UNDEF_CODE; } HBUINT8 &nCodes () { return codes.len; } HBUINT8 nCodes () const { return codes.len; } ArrayOf<HBUINT8, HBUINT8> codes; DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY_SIZED (1, codes); }; struct Encoding1_Range { bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this)); } HBUINT8 first; HBUINT8 nLeft; DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (2); }; struct Encoding1 { bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (ranges.sanitize (c)); } hb_codepoint_t get_code (hb_codepoint_t glyph) const { assert (glyph > 0); glyph--; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRanges (); i++) { if (glyph <= ranges[i].nLeft) { hb_codepoint_t code = (hb_codepoint_t) ranges[i].first + glyph; return (likely (code < 0x100) ? code: CFF_UNDEF_CODE); } glyph -= (ranges[i].nLeft + 1); } return CFF_UNDEF_CODE; } HBUINT8 &nRanges () { return ranges.len; } HBUINT8 nRanges () const { return ranges.len; } ArrayOf<Encoding1_Range, HBUINT8> ranges; DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY_SIZED (1, ranges); }; struct SuppEncoding { bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this)); } HBUINT8 code; HBUINT16 glyph; DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (3); }; struct CFF1SuppEncData { bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (supps.sanitize (c)); } void get_codes (hb_codepoint_t sid, hb_vector_t<hb_codepoint_t> &codes) const { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nSups (); i++) if (sid == supps[i].glyph) codes.push (supps[i].code); } HBUINT8 &nSups () { return supps.len; } HBUINT8 nSups () const { return supps.len; } ArrayOf<SuppEncoding, HBUINT8> supps; DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY_SIZED (1, supps); }; struct Encoding { /* serialize a fullset Encoding */ bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const Encoding &src) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); unsigned int size = src.get_size (); Encoding *dest = c->allocate_size<Encoding> (size); if (unlikely (!dest)) return_trace (false); hb_memcpy (dest, &src, size); return_trace (true); } /* serialize a subset Encoding */ bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, uint8_t format, unsigned int enc_count, const hb_vector_t<code_pair_t>& code_ranges, const hb_vector_t<code_pair_t>& supp_codes) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); Encoding *dest = c->extend_min (this); if (unlikely (!dest)) return_trace (false); dest->format = format | ((supp_codes.length > 0) ? 0x80 : 0); switch (format) { case 0: { Encoding0 *fmt0 = c->allocate_size<Encoding0> (Encoding0::min_size + HBUINT8::static_size * enc_count); if (unlikely (!fmt0)) return_trace (false); fmt0->nCodes () = enc_count; unsigned int glyph = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < code_ranges.length; i++) { hb_codepoint_t code = code_ranges[i].code; for (int left = (int)code_ranges[i].glyph; left >= 0; left--) fmt0->codes[glyph++] = code++; if (unlikely (!((glyph <= 0x100) && (code <= 0x100)))) return_trace (false); } } break; case 1: { Encoding1 *fmt1 = c->allocate_size<Encoding1> (Encoding1::min_size + Encoding1_Range::static_size * code_ranges.length); if (unlikely (!fmt1)) return_trace (false); fmt1->nRanges () = code_ranges.length; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < code_ranges.length; i++) { if (unlikely (!((code_ranges[i].code <= 0xFF) && (code_ranges[i].glyph <= 0xFF)))) return_trace (false); fmt1->ranges[i].first = code_ranges[i].code; fmt1->ranges[i].nLeft = code_ranges[i].glyph; } } break; } if (supp_codes.length) { CFF1SuppEncData *suppData = c->allocate_size<CFF1SuppEncData> (CFF1SuppEncData::min_size + SuppEncoding::static_size * supp_codes.length); if (unlikely (!suppData)) return_trace (false); suppData->nSups () = supp_codes.length; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < supp_codes.length; i++) { suppData->supps[i].code = supp_codes[i].code; suppData->supps[i].glyph = supp_codes[i].glyph; /* actually SID */ } } return_trace (true); } unsigned int get_size () const { unsigned int size = min_size; switch (table_format ()) { case 0: size += u.format0.get_size (); break; case 1: size += u.format1.get_size (); break; } if (has_supplement ()) size += suppEncData ().get_size (); return size; } hb_codepoint_t get_code (hb_codepoint_t glyph) const { switch (table_format ()) { case 0: return u.format0.get_code (glyph); case 1: return u.format1.get_code (glyph); default:return 0; } } uint8_t table_format () const { return format & 0x7F; } bool has_supplement () const { return format & 0x80; } void get_supplement_codes (hb_codepoint_t sid, hb_vector_t<hb_codepoint_t> &codes) const { codes.resize (0); if (has_supplement ()) suppEncData().get_codes (sid, codes); } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); if (unlikely (!c->check_struct (this))) return_trace (false); switch (table_format ()) { case 0: if (unlikely (!u.format0.sanitize (c))) { return_trace (false); } break; case 1: if (unlikely (!u.format1.sanitize (c))) { return_trace (false); } break; default:return_trace (false); } return_trace (likely (!has_supplement () || suppEncData ().sanitize (c))); } protected: const CFF1SuppEncData &suppEncData () const { switch (table_format ()) { case 0: return StructAfter<CFF1SuppEncData> (u.format0.codes[u.format0.nCodes ()-1]); case 1: return StructAfter<CFF1SuppEncData> (u.format1.ranges[u.format1.nRanges ()-1]); default:return Null (CFF1SuppEncData); } } public: HBUINT8 format; union { Encoding0 format0; Encoding1 format1; } u; /* CFF1SuppEncData suppEncData; */ DEFINE_SIZE_MIN (1); }; /* Charset */ struct Charset0 { bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, unsigned int num_glyphs) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && sids[num_glyphs - 1].sanitize (c)); } hb_codepoint_t get_sid (hb_codepoint_t glyph, unsigned num_glyphs) const { if (unlikely (glyph >= num_glyphs)) return 0; if (glyph == 0) return 0; else return sids[glyph - 1]; } void collect_glyph_to_sid_map (hb_map_t *mapping, unsigned int num_glyphs) const { for (hb_codepoint_t gid = 1; gid < num_glyphs; gid++) mapping->set (gid, sids[gid - 1]); } hb_codepoint_t get_glyph (hb_codepoint_t sid, unsigned int num_glyphs) const { if (sid == 0) return 0; for (unsigned int glyph = 1; glyph < num_glyphs; glyph++) { if (sids[glyph-1] == sid) return glyph; } return 0; } unsigned int get_size (unsigned int num_glyphs) const { assert (num_glyphs > 0); return HBUINT16::static_size * (num_glyphs - 1); } HBUINT16 sids[HB_VAR_ARRAY]; DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY(0, sids); }; template <typename TYPE> struct Charset_Range { bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this)); } HBUINT16 first; TYPE nLeft; DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (HBUINT16::static_size + TYPE::static_size); }; template <typename TYPE> struct Charset1_2 { bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, unsigned int num_glyphs) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); if (unlikely (!c->check_struct (this))) return_trace (false); num_glyphs--; for (unsigned int i = 0; num_glyphs > 0; i++) { if (unlikely (!ranges[i].sanitize (c) || (num_glyphs < ranges[i].nLeft + 1))) return_trace (false); num_glyphs -= (ranges[i].nLeft + 1); } return_trace (true); } hb_codepoint_t get_sid (hb_codepoint_t glyph, unsigned num_glyphs) const { if (unlikely (glyph >= num_glyphs)) return 0; if (glyph == 0) return 0; glyph--; for (unsigned int i = 0;; i++) { if (glyph <= ranges[i].nLeft) return (hb_codepoint_t) ranges[i].first + glyph; glyph -= (ranges[i].nLeft + 1); } return 0; } void collect_glyph_to_sid_map (hb_map_t *mapping, unsigned int num_glyphs) const { hb_codepoint_t gid = 1; if (gid >= num_glyphs) return; for (unsigned i = 0;; i++) { hb_codepoint_t sid = ranges[i].first; unsigned count = ranges[i].nLeft + 1; for (unsigned j = 0; j < count; j++) mapping->set (gid++, sid++); if (gid >= num_glyphs) break; } } hb_codepoint_t get_glyph (hb_codepoint_t sid, unsigned int num_glyphs) const { if (sid == 0) return 0; hb_codepoint_t glyph = 1; for (unsigned int i = 0;; i++) { if (glyph >= num_glyphs) return 0; if ((ranges[i].first <= sid) && (sid <= ranges[i].first + ranges[i].nLeft)) return glyph + (sid - ranges[i].first); glyph += (ranges[i].nLeft + 1); } return 0; } unsigned int get_size (unsigned int num_glyphs) const { unsigned int size = HBUINT8::static_size; int glyph = (int)num_glyphs; assert (glyph > 0); glyph--; for (unsigned int i = 0; glyph > 0; i++) { glyph -= (ranges[i].nLeft + 1); size += Charset_Range<TYPE>::static_size; } return size; } Charset_Range<TYPE> ranges[HB_VAR_ARRAY]; DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (0, ranges); }; typedef Charset1_2<HBUINT8> Charset1; typedef Charset1_2<HBUINT16> Charset2; typedef Charset_Range<HBUINT8> Charset1_Range; typedef Charset_Range<HBUINT16> Charset2_Range; struct Charset { /* serialize a fullset Charset */ bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const Charset &src, unsigned int num_glyphs) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); unsigned int size = src.get_size (num_glyphs); Charset *dest = c->allocate_size<Charset> (size); if (unlikely (!dest)) return_trace (false); hb_memcpy (dest, &src, size); return_trace (true); } /* serialize a subset Charset */ bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, uint8_t format, unsigned int num_glyphs, const hb_vector_t<code_pair_t>& sid_ranges) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); Charset *dest = c->extend_min (this); if (unlikely (!dest)) return_trace (false); dest->format = format; switch (format) { case 0: { Charset0 *fmt0 = c->allocate_size<Charset0> (Charset0::min_size + HBUINT16::static_size * (num_glyphs - 1)); if (unlikely (!fmt0)) return_trace (false); unsigned int glyph = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sid_ranges.length; i++) { hb_codepoint_t sid = sid_ranges[i].code; for (int left = (int)sid_ranges[i].glyph; left >= 0; left--) fmt0->sids[glyph++] = sid++; } } break; case 1: { Charset1 *fmt1 = c->allocate_size<Charset1> (Charset1::min_size + Charset1_Range::static_size * sid_ranges.length); if (unlikely (!fmt1)) return_trace (false); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sid_ranges.length; i++) { if (unlikely (!(sid_ranges[i].glyph <= 0xFF))) return_trace (false); fmt1->ranges[i].first = sid_ranges[i].code; fmt1->ranges[i].nLeft = sid_ranges[i].glyph; } } break; case 2: { Charset2 *fmt2 = c->allocate_size<Charset2> (Charset2::min_size + Charset2_Range::static_size * sid_ranges.length); if (unlikely (!fmt2)) return_trace (false); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sid_ranges.length; i++) { if (unlikely (!(sid_ranges[i].glyph <= 0xFFFF))) return_trace (false); fmt2->ranges[i].first = sid_ranges[i].code; fmt2->ranges[i].nLeft = sid_ranges[i].glyph; } } break; } return_trace (true); } unsigned int get_size (unsigned int num_glyphs) const { switch (format) { case 0: return min_size + u.format0.get_size (num_glyphs); case 1: return min_size + u.format1.get_size (num_glyphs); case 2: return min_size + u.format2.get_size (num_glyphs); default:return 0; } } hb_codepoint_t get_sid (hb_codepoint_t glyph, unsigned int num_glyphs) const { switch (format) { case 0: return u.format0.get_sid (glyph, num_glyphs); case 1: return u.format1.get_sid (glyph, num_glyphs); case 2: return u.format2.get_sid (glyph, num_glyphs); default:return 0; } } void collect_glyph_to_sid_map (hb_map_t *mapping, unsigned int num_glyphs) const { switch (format) { case 0: u.format0.collect_glyph_to_sid_map (mapping, num_glyphs); return; case 1: u.format1.collect_glyph_to_sid_map (mapping, num_glyphs); return; case 2: u.format2.collect_glyph_to_sid_map (mapping, num_glyphs); return; default:return; } } hb_codepoint_t get_glyph (hb_codepoint_t sid, unsigned int num_glyphs) const { switch (format) { case 0: return u.format0.get_glyph (sid, num_glyphs); case 1: return u.format1.get_glyph (sid, num_glyphs); case 2: return u.format2.get_glyph (sid, num_glyphs); default:return 0; } } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); if (unlikely (!c->check_struct (this))) return_trace (false); switch (format) { case 0: return_trace (u.format0.sanitize (c, c->get_num_glyphs ())); case 1: return_trace (u.format1.sanitize (c, c->get_num_glyphs ())); case 2: return_trace (u.format2.sanitize (c, c->get_num_glyphs ())); default:return_trace (false); } } HBUINT8 format; union { Charset0 format0; Charset1 format1; Charset2 format2; } u; DEFINE_SIZE_MIN (1); }; struct CFF1StringIndex : CFF1Index { bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const CFF1StringIndex &strings, const hb_inc_bimap_t &sidmap) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); if (unlikely ((strings.count == 0) || (sidmap.get_population () == 0))) { if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (this->count))) return_trace (false); count = 0; return_trace (true); } byte_str_array_t bytesArray; if (!bytesArray.resize (sidmap.get_population ())) return_trace (false); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strings.count; i++) { hb_codepoint_t j = sidmap[i]; if (j != HB_MAP_VALUE_INVALID) bytesArray[j] = strings[i]; } bool result = CFF1Index::serialize (c, bytesArray); return_trace (result); } }; struct cff1_top_dict_interp_env_t : num_interp_env_t { cff1_top_dict_interp_env_t () : num_interp_env_t(), prev_offset(0), last_offset(0) {} cff1_top_dict_interp_env_t (const hb_ubytes_t &bytes) : num_interp_env_t(bytes), prev_offset(0), last_offset(0) {} unsigned int prev_offset; unsigned int last_offset; }; struct name_dict_values_t { enum name_dict_val_index_t { version, notice, copyright, fullName, familyName, weight, postscript, fontName, baseFontName, registry, ordering, ValCount }; void init () { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ValCount; i++) values[i] = CFF_UNDEF_SID; } unsigned int& operator[] (unsigned int i) { assert (i < ValCount); return values[i]; } unsigned int operator[] (unsigned int i) const { assert (i < ValCount); return values[i]; } static enum name_dict_val_index_t name_op_to_index (op_code_t op) { switch (op) { default: // can't happen - just make some compiler happy case OpCode_version: return version; case OpCode_Notice: return notice; case OpCode_Copyright: return copyright; case OpCode_FullName: return fullName; case OpCode_FamilyName: return familyName; case OpCode_Weight: return weight; case OpCode_PostScript: return postscript; case OpCode_FontName: return fontName; case OpCode_BaseFontName: return baseFontName; } } unsigned int values[ValCount]; }; struct cff1_top_dict_val_t : op_str_t { unsigned int last_arg_offset; }; struct cff1_top_dict_values_t : top_dict_values_t<cff1_top_dict_val_t> { void init () { top_dict_values_t<cff1_top_dict_val_t>::init (); nameSIDs.init (); ros_supplement = 0; cidCount = 8720; EncodingOffset = 0; CharsetOffset = 0; FDSelectOffset = 0; privateDictInfo.init (); } void fini () { top_dict_values_t<cff1_top_dict_val_t>::fini (); } bool is_CID () const { return nameSIDs[name_dict_values_t::registry] != CFF_UNDEF_SID; } name_dict_values_t nameSIDs; unsigned int ros_supplement_offset; unsigned int ros_supplement; unsigned int cidCount; unsigned int EncodingOffset; unsigned int CharsetOffset; unsigned int FDSelectOffset; table_info_t privateDictInfo; }; struct cff1_top_dict_opset_t : top_dict_opset_t<cff1_top_dict_val_t> { static void process_op (op_code_t op, cff1_top_dict_interp_env_t& env, cff1_top_dict_values_t& dictval) { cff1_top_dict_val_t val; val.last_arg_offset = (env.last_offset-1) - dictval.opStart; /* offset to the last argument */ switch (op) { case OpCode_version: case OpCode_Notice: case OpCode_Copyright: case OpCode_FullName: case OpCode_FontName: case OpCode_FamilyName: case OpCode_Weight: case OpCode_PostScript: case OpCode_BaseFontName: dictval.nameSIDs[name_dict_values_t::name_op_to_index (op)] = env.argStack.pop_uint (); env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_isFixedPitch: case OpCode_ItalicAngle: case OpCode_UnderlinePosition: case OpCode_UnderlineThickness: case OpCode_PaintType: case OpCode_CharstringType: case OpCode_UniqueID: case OpCode_StrokeWidth: case OpCode_SyntheticBase: case OpCode_CIDFontVersion: case OpCode_CIDFontRevision: case OpCode_CIDFontType: case OpCode_UIDBase: case OpCode_FontBBox: case OpCode_XUID: case OpCode_BaseFontBlend: env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_CIDCount: dictval.cidCount = env.argStack.pop_uint (); env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_ROS: dictval.ros_supplement = env.argStack.pop_uint (); dictval.nameSIDs[name_dict_values_t::ordering] = env.argStack.pop_uint (); dictval.nameSIDs[name_dict_values_t::registry] = env.argStack.pop_uint (); env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_Encoding: dictval.EncodingOffset = env.argStack.pop_uint (); env.clear_args (); if (unlikely (dictval.EncodingOffset == 0)) return; break; case OpCode_charset: dictval.CharsetOffset = env.argStack.pop_uint (); env.clear_args (); if (unlikely (dictval.CharsetOffset == 0)) return; break; case OpCode_FDSelect: dictval.FDSelectOffset = env.argStack.pop_uint (); env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_Private: dictval.privateDictInfo.offset = env.argStack.pop_uint (); dictval.privateDictInfo.size = env.argStack.pop_uint (); env.clear_args (); break; default: env.last_offset = env.str_ref.get_offset (); top_dict_opset_t<cff1_top_dict_val_t>::process_op (op, env, dictval); /* Record this operand below if stack is empty, otherwise done */ if (!env.argStack.is_empty ()) return; break; } if (unlikely (env.in_error ())) return; dictval.add_op (op, env.str_ref, val); } }; struct cff1_font_dict_values_t : dict_values_t<op_str_t> { void init () { dict_values_t<op_str_t>::init (); privateDictInfo.init (); fontName = CFF_UNDEF_SID; } void fini () { dict_values_t<op_str_t>::fini (); } table_info_t privateDictInfo; unsigned int fontName; }; struct cff1_font_dict_opset_t : dict_opset_t { static void process_op (op_code_t op, num_interp_env_t& env, cff1_font_dict_values_t& dictval) { switch (op) { case OpCode_FontName: dictval.fontName = env.argStack.pop_uint (); env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_FontMatrix: case OpCode_PaintType: env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_Private: dictval.privateDictInfo.offset = env.argStack.pop_uint (); dictval.privateDictInfo.size = env.argStack.pop_uint (); env.clear_args (); break; default: dict_opset_t::process_op (op, env); if (!env.argStack.is_empty ()) return; break; } if (unlikely (env.in_error ())) return; dictval.add_op (op, env.str_ref); } }; template <typename VAL> struct cff1_private_dict_values_base_t : dict_values_t<VAL> { void init () { dict_values_t<VAL>::init (); subrsOffset = 0; localSubrs = &Null (CFF1Subrs); } void fini () { dict_values_t<VAL>::fini (); } unsigned int subrsOffset; const CFF1Subrs *localSubrs; }; typedef cff1_private_dict_values_base_t<op_str_t> cff1_private_dict_values_subset_t; typedef cff1_private_dict_values_base_t<num_dict_val_t> cff1_private_dict_values_t; struct cff1_private_dict_opset_t : dict_opset_t { static void process_op (op_code_t op, num_interp_env_t& env, cff1_private_dict_values_t& dictval) { num_dict_val_t val; val.init (); switch (op) { case OpCode_BlueValues: case OpCode_OtherBlues: case OpCode_FamilyBlues: case OpCode_FamilyOtherBlues: case OpCode_StemSnapH: case OpCode_StemSnapV: env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_StdHW: case OpCode_StdVW: case OpCode_BlueScale: case OpCode_BlueShift: case OpCode_BlueFuzz: case OpCode_ForceBold: case OpCode_LanguageGroup: case OpCode_ExpansionFactor: case OpCode_initialRandomSeed: case OpCode_defaultWidthX: case OpCode_nominalWidthX: val.single_val = env.argStack.pop_num (); env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_Subrs: dictval.subrsOffset = env.argStack.pop_uint (); env.clear_args (); break; default: dict_opset_t::process_op (op, env); if (!env.argStack.is_empty ()) return; break; } if (unlikely (env.in_error ())) return; dictval.add_op (op, env.str_ref, val); } }; struct cff1_private_dict_opset_subset : dict_opset_t { static void process_op (op_code_t op, num_interp_env_t& env, cff1_private_dict_values_subset_t& dictval) { switch (op) { case OpCode_BlueValues: case OpCode_OtherBlues: case OpCode_FamilyBlues: case OpCode_FamilyOtherBlues: case OpCode_StemSnapH: case OpCode_StemSnapV: case OpCode_StdHW: case OpCode_StdVW: case OpCode_BlueScale: case OpCode_BlueShift: case OpCode_BlueFuzz: case OpCode_ForceBold: case OpCode_LanguageGroup: case OpCode_ExpansionFactor: case OpCode_initialRandomSeed: case OpCode_defaultWidthX: case OpCode_nominalWidthX: env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_Subrs: dictval.subrsOffset = env.argStack.pop_uint (); env.clear_args (); break; default: dict_opset_t::process_op (op, env); if (!env.argStack.is_empty ()) return; break; } if (unlikely (env.in_error ())) return; dictval.add_op (op, env.str_ref); } }; typedef dict_interpreter_t<cff1_top_dict_opset_t, cff1_top_dict_values_t, cff1_top_dict_interp_env_t> cff1_top_dict_interpreter_t; typedef dict_interpreter_t<cff1_font_dict_opset_t, cff1_font_dict_values_t> cff1_font_dict_interpreter_t; typedef CFF1Index CFF1NameIndex; typedef CFF1IndexOf<TopDict> CFF1TopDictIndex; struct cff1_font_dict_values_mod_t { cff1_font_dict_values_mod_t() { init (); } void init () { init ( &Null (cff1_font_dict_values_t), CFF_UNDEF_SID ); } void init (const cff1_font_dict_values_t *base_, unsigned int fontName_) { base = base_; fontName = fontName_; privateDictInfo.init (); } unsigned get_count () const { return base->get_count (); } const op_str_t &operator [] (unsigned int i) const { return (*base)[i]; } const cff1_font_dict_values_t *base; table_info_t privateDictInfo; unsigned int fontName; }; struct CFF1FDArray : FDArray<HBUINT16> { /* FDArray::serialize() requires this partial specialization to compile */ template <typename ITER, typename OP_SERIALIZER> bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, ITER it, OP_SERIALIZER& opszr) { return FDArray<HBUINT16>::serialize<cff1_font_dict_values_mod_t, cff1_font_dict_values_mod_t> (c, it, opszr); } }; } /* namespace CFF */ namespace OT { using namespace CFF; struct cff1 { static constexpr hb_tag_t tableTag = HB_OT_TAG_cff1; bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && likely (version.major == 1)); } template <typename PRIVOPSET, typename PRIVDICTVAL> struct accelerator_templ_t { void init (hb_face_t *face) { topDict.init (); fontDicts.init (); privateDicts.init (); this->blob = sc.reference_table<cff1> (face); /* setup for run-time santization */ sc.init (this->blob); sc.start_processing (); const OT::cff1 *cff = this->blob->template as<OT::cff1> (); if (cff == &Null (OT::cff1)) { fini (); return; } nameIndex = &cff->nameIndex (cff); if ((nameIndex == &Null (CFF1NameIndex)) || !nameIndex->sanitize (&sc)) { fini (); return; } topDictIndex = &StructAtOffset<CFF1TopDictIndex> (nameIndex, nameIndex->get_size ()); if ((topDictIndex == &Null (CFF1TopDictIndex)) || !topDictIndex->sanitize (&sc) || (topDictIndex->count == 0)) { fini (); return; } { /* parse top dict */ const hb_ubytes_t topDictStr = (*topDictIndex)[0]; if (unlikely (!topDictStr.sanitize (&sc))) { fini (); return; } cff1_top_dict_interp_env_t env (topDictStr); cff1_top_dict_interpreter_t top_interp (env); if (unlikely (!top_interp.interpret (topDict))) { fini (); return; } } if (is_predef_charset ()) charset = &Null (Charset); else { charset = &StructAtOffsetOrNull<Charset> (cff, topDict.CharsetOffset); if (unlikely ((charset == &Null (Charset)) || !charset->sanitize (&sc))) { fini (); return; } } fdCount = 1; if (is_CID ()) { fdArray = &StructAtOffsetOrNull<CFF1FDArray> (cff, topDict.FDArrayOffset); fdSelect = &StructAtOffsetOrNull<CFF1FDSelect> (cff, topDict.FDSelectOffset); if (unlikely ((fdArray == &Null (CFF1FDArray)) || !fdArray->sanitize (&sc) || (fdSelect == &Null (CFF1FDSelect)) || !fdSelect->sanitize (&sc, fdArray->count))) { fini (); return; } fdCount = fdArray->count; } else { fdArray = &Null (CFF1FDArray); fdSelect = &Null (CFF1FDSelect); } encoding = &Null (Encoding); if (is_CID ()) { if (unlikely (charset == &Null (Charset))) { fini (); return; } } else { if (!is_predef_encoding ()) { encoding = &StructAtOffsetOrNull<Encoding> (cff, topDict.EncodingOffset); if (unlikely ((encoding == &Null (Encoding)) || !encoding->sanitize (&sc))) { fini (); return; } } } stringIndex = &StructAtOffset<CFF1StringIndex> (topDictIndex, topDictIndex->get_size ()); if ((stringIndex == &Null (CFF1StringIndex)) || !stringIndex->sanitize (&sc)) { fini (); return; } globalSubrs = &StructAtOffset<CFF1Subrs> (stringIndex, stringIndex->get_size ()); if ((globalSubrs != &Null (CFF1Subrs)) && !globalSubrs->sanitize (&sc)) { fini (); return; } charStrings = &StructAtOffsetOrNull<CFF1CharStrings> (cff, topDict.charStringsOffset); if ((charStrings == &Null (CFF1CharStrings)) || unlikely (!charStrings->sanitize (&sc))) { fini (); return; } num_glyphs = charStrings->count; if (num_glyphs != sc.get_num_glyphs ()) { fini (); return; } if (unlikely (!privateDicts.resize (fdCount))) { fini (); return; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fdCount; i++) privateDicts[i].init (); // parse CID font dicts and gather private dicts if (is_CID ()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fdCount; i++) { hb_ubytes_t fontDictStr = (*fdArray)[i]; if (unlikely (!fontDictStr.sanitize (&sc))) { fini (); return; } cff1_font_dict_values_t *font; cff1_top_dict_interp_env_t env (fontDictStr); cff1_font_dict_interpreter_t font_interp (env); font = fontDicts.push (); if (unlikely (fontDicts.in_error ())) { fini (); return; } font->init (); if (unlikely (!font_interp.interpret (*font))) { fini (); return; } PRIVDICTVAL *priv = &privateDicts[i]; const hb_ubytes_t privDictStr = StructAtOffset<UnsizedByteStr> (cff, font->privateDictInfo.offset).as_ubytes (font->privateDictInfo.size); if (unlikely (!privDictStr.sanitize (&sc))) { fini (); return; } num_interp_env_t env2 (privDictStr); dict_interpreter_t<PRIVOPSET, PRIVDICTVAL> priv_interp (env2); priv->init (); if (unlikely (!priv_interp.interpret (*priv))) { fini (); return; } priv->localSubrs = &StructAtOffsetOrNull<CFF1Subrs> (&privDictStr, priv->subrsOffset); if (priv->localSubrs != &Null (CFF1Subrs) && unlikely (!priv->localSubrs->sanitize (&sc))) { fini (); return; } } } else /* non-CID */ { cff1_top_dict_values_t *font = &topDict; PRIVDICTVAL *priv = &privateDicts[0]; const hb_ubytes_t privDictStr = StructAtOffset<UnsizedByteStr> (cff, font->privateDictInfo.offset).as_ubytes (font->privateDictInfo.size); if (unlikely (!privDictStr.sanitize (&sc))) { fini (); return; } num_interp_env_t env (privDictStr); dict_interpreter_t<PRIVOPSET, PRIVDICTVAL> priv_interp (env); priv->init (); if (unlikely (!priv_interp.interpret (*priv))) { fini (); return; } priv->localSubrs = &StructAtOffsetOrNull<CFF1Subrs> (&privDictStr, priv->subrsOffset); if (priv->localSubrs != &Null (CFF1Subrs) && unlikely (!priv->localSubrs->sanitize (&sc))) { fini (); return; } } } void fini () { sc.end_processing (); topDict.fini (); fontDicts.fini (); privateDicts.fini (); hb_blob_destroy (blob); blob = nullptr; } bool is_valid () const { return blob; } bool is_CID () const { return topDict.is_CID (); } bool is_predef_charset () const { return topDict.CharsetOffset <= ExpertSubsetCharset; } unsigned int std_code_to_glyph (hb_codepoint_t code) const { hb_codepoint_t sid = lookup_standard_encoding_for_sid (code); if (unlikely (sid == CFF_UNDEF_SID)) return 0; if (charset != &Null (Charset)) return charset->get_glyph (sid, num_glyphs); else if ((topDict.CharsetOffset == ISOAdobeCharset) && (code <= 228 /*zcaron*/)) return sid; return 0; } bool is_predef_encoding () const { return topDict.EncodingOffset <= ExpertEncoding; } hb_codepoint_t glyph_to_code (hb_codepoint_t glyph) const { if (encoding != &Null (Encoding)) return encoding->get_code (glyph); else { hb_codepoint_t sid = glyph_to_sid (glyph); if (sid == 0) return 0; hb_codepoint_t code = 0; switch (topDict.EncodingOffset) { case StandardEncoding: code = lookup_standard_encoding_for_code (sid); break; case ExpertEncoding: code = lookup_expert_encoding_for_code (sid); break; default: break; } return code; } } hb_map_t *create_glyph_to_sid_map () const { if (charset != &Null (Charset)) { hb_map_t *mapping = hb_map_create (); mapping->set (0, 0); charset->collect_glyph_to_sid_map (mapping, num_glyphs); return mapping; } else return nullptr; } hb_codepoint_t glyph_to_sid (hb_codepoint_t glyph) const { if (charset != &Null (Charset)) return charset->get_sid (glyph, num_glyphs); else { hb_codepoint_t sid = 0; switch (topDict.CharsetOffset) { case ISOAdobeCharset: if (glyph <= 228 /*zcaron*/) sid = glyph; break; case ExpertCharset: sid = lookup_expert_charset_for_sid (glyph); break; case ExpertSubsetCharset: sid = lookup_expert_subset_charset_for_sid (glyph); break; default: break; } return sid; } } hb_codepoint_t sid_to_glyph (hb_codepoint_t sid) const { if (charset != &Null (Charset)) return charset->get_glyph (sid, num_glyphs); else { hb_codepoint_t glyph = 0; switch (topDict.CharsetOffset) { case ISOAdobeCharset: if (sid <= 228 /*zcaron*/) glyph = sid; break; case ExpertCharset: glyph = lookup_expert_charset_for_glyph (sid); break; case ExpertSubsetCharset: glyph = lookup_expert_subset_charset_for_glyph (sid); break; default: break; } return glyph; } } protected: hb_sanitize_context_t sc; public: hb_blob_t *blob = nullptr; const Encoding *encoding = nullptr; const Charset *charset = nullptr; const CFF1NameIndex *nameIndex = nullptr; const CFF1TopDictIndex *topDictIndex = nullptr; const CFF1StringIndex *stringIndex = nullptr; const CFF1Subrs *globalSubrs = nullptr; const CFF1CharStrings *charStrings = nullptr; const CFF1FDArray *fdArray = nullptr; const CFF1FDSelect *fdSelect = nullptr; unsigned int fdCount = 0; cff1_top_dict_values_t topDict; hb_vector_t<cff1_font_dict_values_t> fontDicts; hb_vector_t<PRIVDICTVAL> privateDicts; unsigned int num_glyphs = 0; }; struct accelerator_t : accelerator_templ_t<cff1_private_dict_opset_t, cff1_private_dict_values_t> { accelerator_t (hb_face_t *face) { SUPER::init (face); glyph_names.set_relaxed (nullptr); if (!is_valid ()) return; if (is_CID ()) return; } ~accelerator_t () { hb_sorted_vector_t<gname_t> *names = glyph_names.get_relaxed (); if (names) { names->fini (); hb_free (names); } SUPER::fini (); } bool get_glyph_name (hb_codepoint_t glyph, char *buf, unsigned int buf_len) const { if (unlikely (!is_valid ())) return false; if (is_CID()) return false; if (unlikely (!buf_len)) return true; hb_codepoint_t sid = glyph_to_sid (glyph); const char *str; size_t str_len; if (sid < cff1_std_strings_length) { hb_bytes_t byte_str = cff1_std_strings (sid); str = byte_str.arrayZ; str_len = byte_str.length; } else { hb_ubytes_t ubyte_str = (*stringIndex)[sid - cff1_std_strings_length]; str = (const char *)ubyte_str.arrayZ; str_len = ubyte_str.length; } if (!str_len) return false; unsigned int len = hb_min (buf_len - 1, str_len); strncpy (buf, (const char*)str, len); buf[len] = '\0'; return true; } bool get_glyph_from_name (const char *name, int len, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) const { if (unlikely (!is_valid ())) return false; if (is_CID()) return false; if (len < 0) len = strlen (name); if (unlikely (!len)) return false; retry: hb_sorted_vector_t<gname_t> *names = glyph_names.get_acquire (); if (unlikely (!names)) { names = (hb_sorted_vector_t<gname_t> *) hb_calloc (sizeof (hb_sorted_vector_t<gname_t>), 1); if (likely (names)) { names->init (); /* TODO */ /* fill glyph names */ for (hb_codepoint_t gid = 0; gid < num_glyphs; gid++) { hb_codepoint_t sid = glyph_to_sid (gid); gname_t gname; gname.sid = sid; if (sid < cff1_std_strings_length) gname.name = cff1_std_strings (sid); else { hb_ubytes_t ustr = (*stringIndex)[sid - cff1_std_strings_length]; gname.name = hb_bytes_t ((const char*) ustr.arrayZ, ustr.length); } if (unlikely (!gname.name.arrayZ)) gname.name = hb_bytes_t ("", 0); /* To avoid nullptr. */ names->push (gname); } names->qsort (); } if (unlikely (!glyph_names.cmpexch (nullptr, names))) { if (names) { names->fini (); hb_free (names); } goto retry; } } gname_t key = { hb_bytes_t (name, len), 0 }; const gname_t *gname = names ? names->bsearch (key) : nullptr; if (!gname) return false; hb_codepoint_t gid = sid_to_glyph (gname->sid); if (!gid && gname->sid) return false; *glyph = gid; return true; } HB_INTERNAL bool get_extents (hb_font_t *font, hb_codepoint_t glyph, hb_glyph_extents_t *extents) const; HB_INTERNAL bool get_seac_components (hb_codepoint_t glyph, hb_codepoint_t *base, hb_codepoint_t *accent) const; HB_INTERNAL bool get_path (hb_font_t *font, hb_codepoint_t glyph, hb_draw_session_t &draw_session) const; private: struct gname_t { hb_bytes_t name; uint16_t sid; static int cmp (const void *a_, const void *b_) { const gname_t *a = (const gname_t *)a_; const gname_t *b = (const gname_t *)b_; unsigned minlen = hb_min (a->name.length, b->name.length); int ret = strncmp (a->name.arrayZ, b->name.arrayZ, minlen); if (ret) return ret; return a->name.length - b->name.length; } int cmp (const gname_t &a) const { return cmp (&a, this); } }; mutable hb_atomic_ptr_t<hb_sorted_vector_t<gname_t>> glyph_names; typedef accelerator_templ_t<cff1_private_dict_opset_t, cff1_private_dict_values_t> SUPER; }; struct accelerator_subset_t : accelerator_templ_t<cff1_private_dict_opset_subset, cff1_private_dict_values_subset_t> {}; bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const { return hb_subset_cff1 (c); } protected: HB_INTERNAL static hb_codepoint_t lookup_standard_encoding_for_code (hb_codepoint_t sid); HB_INTERNAL static hb_codepoint_t lookup_expert_encoding_for_code (hb_codepoint_t sid); HB_INTERNAL static hb_codepoint_t lookup_expert_charset_for_sid (hb_codepoint_t glyph); HB_INTERNAL static hb_codepoint_t lookup_expert_subset_charset_for_sid (hb_codepoint_t glyph); HB_INTERNAL static hb_codepoint_t lookup_expert_charset_for_glyph (hb_codepoint_t sid); HB_INTERNAL static hb_codepoint_t lookup_expert_subset_charset_for_glyph (hb_codepoint_t sid); HB_INTERNAL static hb_codepoint_t lookup_standard_encoding_for_sid (hb_codepoint_t code); public: FixedVersion<HBUINT8> version; /* Version of CFF table. set to 0x0100u */ NNOffsetTo<CFF1NameIndex, HBUINT8> nameIndex; /* headerSize = Offset to Name INDEX. */ HBUINT8 offSize; /* offset size (unused?) */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (4); }; struct cff1_accelerator_t : cff1::accelerator_t { cff1_accelerator_t (hb_face_t *face) : cff1::accelerator_t (face) {} }; } /* namespace OT */ #endif /* HB_OT_CFF1_TABLE_HH */