/* * Copyright © 2018 Adobe Inc. * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * * Adobe Author(s): Michiharu Ariza */ #ifndef HB_CFF2_INTERP_CS_HH #define HB_CFF2_INTERP_CS_HH #include "hb.hh" #include "hb-cff-interp-cs-common.hh" namespace CFF { using namespace OT; struct blend_arg_t : number_t { void init () { number_t::init (); deltas.init (); } void fini () { number_t::fini (); deltas.fini_deep (); } void set_int (int v) { reset_blends (); number_t::set_int (v); } void set_fixed (int32_t v) { reset_blends (); number_t::set_fixed (v); } void set_real (double v) { reset_blends (); number_t::set_real (v); } void set_blends (unsigned int numValues_, unsigned int valueIndex_, unsigned int numBlends, hb_array_t<const blend_arg_t> blends_) { numValues = numValues_; valueIndex = valueIndex_; deltas.resize (numBlends); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numBlends; i++) deltas[i] = blends_[i]; } bool blending () const { return deltas.length > 0; } void reset_blends () { numValues = valueIndex = 0; deltas.resize (0); } unsigned int numValues; unsigned int valueIndex; hb_vector_t<number_t> deltas; }; typedef interp_env_t<blend_arg_t> BlendInterpEnv; typedef biased_subrs_t<CFF2Subrs> cff2_biased_subrs_t; struct cff2_cs_interp_env_t : cs_interp_env_t<blend_arg_t, CFF2Subrs> { template <typename ACC> void init (const byte_str_t &str, ACC &acc, unsigned int fd, const int *coords_=nullptr, unsigned int num_coords_=0) { SUPER::init (str, acc.globalSubrs, acc.privateDicts[fd].localSubrs); coords = coords_; num_coords = num_coords_; varStore = acc.varStore; seen_blend = false; seen_vsindex_ = false; scalars.init (); do_blend = num_coords && coords && varStore->size; set_ivs (acc.privateDicts[fd].ivs); } void fini () { scalars.fini (); SUPER::fini (); } op_code_t fetch_op () { if (this->str_ref.avail ()) return SUPER::fetch_op (); /* make up return or endchar op */ if (this->callStack.is_empty ()) return OpCode_endchar; else return OpCode_return; } const blend_arg_t& eval_arg (unsigned int i) { blend_arg_t &arg = argStack[i]; blend_arg (arg); return arg; } const blend_arg_t& pop_arg () { blend_arg_t &arg = argStack.pop (); blend_arg (arg); return arg; } void process_blend () { if (!seen_blend) { region_count = varStore->varStore.get_region_index_count (get_ivs ()); if (do_blend) { if (unlikely (!scalars.resize (region_count))) set_error (); else varStore->varStore.get_scalars (get_ivs (), coords, num_coords, &scalars[0], region_count); } seen_blend = true; } } void process_vsindex () { unsigned int index = argStack.pop_uint (); if (unlikely (seen_vsindex () || seen_blend)) { set_error (); } else { set_ivs (index); } seen_vsindex_ = true; } unsigned int get_region_count () const { return region_count; } void set_region_count (unsigned int region_count_) { region_count = region_count_; } unsigned int get_ivs () const { return ivs; } void set_ivs (unsigned int ivs_) { ivs = ivs_; } bool seen_vsindex () const { return seen_vsindex_; } protected: void blend_arg (blend_arg_t &arg) { if (do_blend && arg.blending ()) { if (likely (scalars.length == arg.deltas.length)) { double v = arg.to_real (); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scalars.length; i++) { v += (double)scalars[i] * arg.deltas[i].to_real (); } arg.set_real (v); arg.deltas.resize (0); } } } protected: const int *coords; unsigned int num_coords; const CFF2VariationStore *varStore; unsigned int region_count; unsigned int ivs; hb_vector_t<float> scalars; bool do_blend; bool seen_vsindex_; bool seen_blend; typedef cs_interp_env_t<blend_arg_t, CFF2Subrs> SUPER; }; template <typename OPSET, typename PARAM, typename PATH=path_procs_null_t<cff2_cs_interp_env_t, PARAM>> struct cff2_cs_opset_t : cs_opset_t<blend_arg_t, OPSET, cff2_cs_interp_env_t, PARAM, PATH> { static void process_op (op_code_t op, cff2_cs_interp_env_t &env, PARAM& param) { switch (op) { case OpCode_callsubr: case OpCode_callgsubr: /* a subroutine number shoudln't be a blended value */ if (unlikely (env.argStack.peek ().blending ())) { env.set_error (); break; } SUPER::process_op (op, env, param); break; case OpCode_blendcs: OPSET::process_blend (env, param); break; case OpCode_vsindexcs: if (unlikely (env.argStack.peek ().blending ())) { env.set_error (); break; } OPSET::process_vsindex (env, param); break; default: SUPER::process_op (op, env, param); } } static void process_blend (cff2_cs_interp_env_t &env, PARAM& param) { unsigned int n, k; env.process_blend (); k = env.get_region_count (); n = env.argStack.pop_uint (); /* copy the blend values into blend array of the default values */ unsigned int start = env.argStack.get_count () - ((k+1) * n); /* let an obvious error case fail, but note CFF2 spec doesn't forbid n==0 */ if (unlikely (start > env.argStack.get_count ())) { env.set_error (); return; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) { const hb_array_t<const blend_arg_t> blends = env.argStack.get_subarray (start + n + (i * k)); env.argStack[start + i].set_blends (n, i, k, blends); } /* pop off blend values leaving default values now adorned with blend values */ env.argStack.pop (k * n); } static void process_vsindex (cff2_cs_interp_env_t &env, PARAM& param) { env.process_vsindex (); env.clear_args (); } private: typedef cs_opset_t<blend_arg_t, OPSET, cff2_cs_interp_env_t, PARAM, PATH> SUPER; }; template <typename OPSET, typename PARAM> struct cff2_cs_interpreter_t : cs_interpreter_t<cff2_cs_interp_env_t, OPSET, PARAM> {}; } /* namespace CFF */ #endif /* HB_CFF2_INTERP_CS_HH */