/* * Copyright © 2022 Google, Inc. * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * * Google Author(s): Garret Rieger */ #ifndef GRAPH_SERIALIZE_HH #define GRAPH_SERIALIZE_HH namespace graph { struct overflow_record_t { unsigned parent; unsigned child; bool operator != (const overflow_record_t o) const { return !(*this == o); } inline bool operator == (const overflow_record_t& o) const { return parent == o.parent && child == o.child; } inline uint32_t hash () const { uint32_t current = 0; current = current * 31 + hb_hash (parent); current = current * 31 + hb_hash (child); return current; } }; inline int64_t compute_offset ( const graph_t& graph, unsigned parent_idx, const hb_serialize_context_t::object_t::link_t& link) { const auto& parent = graph.vertices_[parent_idx]; const auto& child = graph.vertices_[link.objidx]; int64_t offset = 0; switch ((hb_serialize_context_t::whence_t) link.whence) { case hb_serialize_context_t::whence_t::Head: offset = child.start - parent.start; break; case hb_serialize_context_t::whence_t::Tail: offset = child.start - parent.end; break; case hb_serialize_context_t::whence_t::Absolute: offset = child.start; break; } assert (offset >= link.bias); offset -= link.bias; return offset; } inline bool is_valid_offset (int64_t offset, const hb_serialize_context_t::object_t::link_t& link) { if (unlikely (!link.width)) // Virtual links can't overflow. return link.is_signed || offset >= 0; if (link.is_signed) { if (link.width == 4) return offset >= -((int64_t) 1 << 31) && offset < ((int64_t) 1 << 31); else return offset >= -(1 << 15) && offset < (1 << 15); } else { if (link.width == 4) return offset >= 0 && offset < ((int64_t) 1 << 32); else if (link.width == 3) return offset >= 0 && offset < ((int32_t) 1 << 24); else return offset >= 0 && offset < (1 << 16); } } /* * Will any offsets overflow on graph when it's serialized? */ inline bool will_overflow (graph_t& graph, hb_vector_t<overflow_record_t>* overflows = nullptr) { if (overflows) overflows->resize (0); graph.update_positions (); hb_hashmap_t<overflow_record_t*, bool> record_set; const auto& vertices = graph.vertices_; for (int parent_idx = vertices.length - 1; parent_idx >= 0; parent_idx--) { // Don't need to check virtual links for overflow for (const auto& link : vertices[parent_idx].obj.real_links) { int64_t offset = compute_offset (graph, parent_idx, link); if (is_valid_offset (offset, link)) continue; if (!overflows) return true; overflow_record_t r; r.parent = parent_idx; r.child = link.objidx; if (record_set.has(&r)) continue; // don't keep duplicate overflows. overflows->push (r); record_set.set(&r, true); } } if (!overflows) return false; return overflows->length; } inline void print_overflows (graph_t& graph, const hb_vector_t<overflow_record_t>& overflows) { if (!DEBUG_ENABLED(SUBSET_REPACK)) return; graph.update_parents (); int limit = 10; for (const auto& o : overflows) { if (!limit--) break; const auto& parent = graph.vertices_[o.parent]; const auto& child = graph.vertices_[o.child]; DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET_REPACK, nullptr, " overflow from " "%4d (%4d in, %4d out, space %2d) => " "%4d (%4d in, %4d out, space %2d)", o.parent, parent.incoming_edges (), parent.obj.real_links.length + parent.obj.virtual_links.length, graph.space_for (o.parent), o.child, child.incoming_edges (), child.obj.real_links.length + child.obj.virtual_links.length, graph.space_for (o.child)); } if (overflows.length > 10) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET_REPACK, nullptr, " ... plus %d more overflows.", overflows.length - 10); } } template <typename O> inline void serialize_link_of_type (const hb_serialize_context_t::object_t::link_t& link, char* head, hb_serialize_context_t* c) { OT::Offset<O>* offset = reinterpret_cast<OT::Offset<O>*> (head + link.position); *offset = 0; c->add_link (*offset, // serializer has an extra nil object at the start of the // object array. So all id's are +1 of what our id's are. link.objidx + 1, (hb_serialize_context_t::whence_t) link.whence, link.bias); } inline void serialize_link (const hb_serialize_context_t::object_t::link_t& link, char* head, hb_serialize_context_t* c) { switch (link.width) { case 0: // Virtual links aren't serialized. return; case 4: if (link.is_signed) { serialize_link_of_type<OT::HBINT32> (link, head, c); } else { serialize_link_of_type<OT::HBUINT32> (link, head, c); } return; case 2: if (link.is_signed) { serialize_link_of_type<OT::HBINT16> (link, head, c); } else { serialize_link_of_type<OT::HBUINT16> (link, head, c); } return; case 3: serialize_link_of_type<OT::HBUINT24> (link, head, c); return; default: // Unexpected link width. assert (0); } } /* * serialize graph into the provided serialization buffer. */ inline hb_blob_t* serialize (const graph_t& graph) { hb_vector_t<char> buffer; size_t size = graph.total_size_in_bytes (); if (!buffer.alloc (size)) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET_REPACK, nullptr, "Unable to allocate output buffer."); return nullptr; } hb_serialize_context_t c((void *) buffer, size); c.start_serialize<void> (); const auto& vertices = graph.vertices_; for (unsigned i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) { c.push (); size_t size = vertices[i].obj.tail - vertices[i].obj.head; char* start = c.allocate_size <char> (size); if (!start) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET_REPACK, nullptr, "Buffer out of space."); return nullptr; } hb_memcpy (start, vertices[i].obj.head, size); // Only real links needs to be serialized. for (const auto& link : vertices[i].obj.real_links) serialize_link (link, start, &c); // All duplications are already encoded in the graph, so don't // enable sharing during packing. c.pop_pack (false); } c.end_serialize (); if (c.in_error ()) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET_REPACK, nullptr, "Error during serialization. Err flag: %d", c.errors); return nullptr; } return c.copy_blob (); } } // namespace graph #endif // GRAPH_SERIALIZE_HH