#ifndef OT_GLYF_GLYPH_HH #define OT_GLYF_GLYPH_HH #include "../../hb-open-type.hh" #include "GlyphHeader.hh" #include "SimpleGlyph.hh" #include "CompositeGlyph.hh" namespace OT { struct glyf_accelerator_t; namespace glyf_impl { enum phantom_point_index_t { PHANTOM_LEFT = 0, PHANTOM_RIGHT = 1, PHANTOM_TOP = 2, PHANTOM_BOTTOM = 3, PHANTOM_COUNT = 4 }; struct Glyph { enum glyph_type_t { EMPTY, SIMPLE, COMPOSITE }; public: composite_iter_t get_composite_iterator () const { if (type != COMPOSITE) return composite_iter_t (); return CompositeGlyph (*header, bytes).iter (); } const hb_bytes_t trim_padding () const { switch (type) { case COMPOSITE: return CompositeGlyph (*header, bytes).trim_padding (); case SIMPLE: return SimpleGlyph (*header, bytes).trim_padding (); default: return bytes; } } void drop_hints () { switch (type) { case COMPOSITE: CompositeGlyph (*header, bytes).drop_hints (); return; case SIMPLE: SimpleGlyph (*header, bytes).drop_hints (); return; default: return; } } void set_overlaps_flag () { switch (type) { case COMPOSITE: CompositeGlyph (*header, bytes).set_overlaps_flag (); return; case SIMPLE: SimpleGlyph (*header, bytes).set_overlaps_flag (); return; default: return; } } void drop_hints_bytes (hb_bytes_t &dest_start, hb_bytes_t &dest_end) const { switch (type) { case COMPOSITE: CompositeGlyph (*header, bytes).drop_hints_bytes (dest_start); return; case SIMPLE: SimpleGlyph (*header, bytes).drop_hints_bytes (dest_start, dest_end); return; default: return; } } void update_mtx (const hb_subset_plan_t *plan, int xMin, int yMax, const contour_point_vector_t &all_points) const { hb_codepoint_t new_gid = 0; if (!plan->new_gid_for_old_gid (gid, &new_gid)) return; unsigned len = all_points.length; float leftSideX = all_points[len - 4].x; float rightSideX = all_points[len - 3].x; float topSideY = all_points[len - 2].y; float bottomSideY = all_points[len - 1].y; int hori_aw = roundf (rightSideX - leftSideX); if (hori_aw < 0) hori_aw = 0; int lsb = roundf (xMin - leftSideX); plan->hmtx_map->set (new_gid, hb_pair (hori_aw, lsb)); int vert_aw = roundf (topSideY - bottomSideY); if (vert_aw < 0) vert_aw = 0; int tsb = roundf (topSideY - yMax); plan->vmtx_map->set (new_gid, hb_pair (vert_aw, tsb)); } bool compile_header_bytes (const hb_subset_plan_t *plan, const contour_point_vector_t &all_points, hb_bytes_t &dest_bytes /* OUT */) const { GlyphHeader *glyph_header = nullptr; if (all_points.length > 4) { glyph_header = (GlyphHeader *) hb_calloc (1, GlyphHeader::static_size); if (unlikely (!glyph_header)) return false; } int xMin, xMax; xMin = xMax = roundf (all_points[0].x); int yMin, yMax; yMin = yMax = roundf (all_points[0].y); for (unsigned i = 1; i < all_points.length - 4; i++) { float rounded_x = roundf (all_points[i].x); float rounded_y = roundf (all_points[i].y); xMin = hb_min (xMin, rounded_x); xMax = hb_max (xMax, rounded_x); yMin = hb_min (yMin, rounded_y); yMax = hb_max (yMax, rounded_y); } update_mtx (plan, xMin, yMax, all_points); /*for empty glyphs: all_points only include phantom points. *just update metrics and then return */ if (all_points.length == 4) return true; glyph_header->numberOfContours = header->numberOfContours; glyph_header->xMin = xMin; glyph_header->yMin = yMin; glyph_header->xMax = xMax; glyph_header->yMax = yMax; dest_bytes = hb_bytes_t ((const char *)glyph_header, GlyphHeader::static_size); return true; } bool compile_bytes_with_deltas (const hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_font_t *font, const glyf_accelerator_t &glyf, hb_bytes_t &dest_start, /* IN/OUT */ hb_bytes_t &dest_end /* OUT */) const { contour_point_vector_t all_points, deltas; get_points (font, glyf, all_points, &deltas, false); switch (type) { case COMPOSITE: if (!CompositeGlyph (*header, bytes).compile_bytes_with_deltas (dest_start, deltas, dest_end)) return false; break; case SIMPLE: if (!SimpleGlyph (*header, bytes).compile_bytes_with_deltas (all_points, plan->flags & HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_NO_HINTING, dest_end)) return false; break; default: /* set empty bytes for empty glyph * do not use source glyph's pointers */ dest_start = hb_bytes_t (); dest_end = hb_bytes_t (); break; } return compile_header_bytes (plan, all_points, dest_start); } /* Note: Recursively calls itself. * all_points includes phantom points */ template <typename accelerator_t> bool get_points (hb_font_t *font, const accelerator_t &glyf_accelerator, contour_point_vector_t &all_points /* OUT */, contour_point_vector_t *deltas = nullptr, /* OUT */ bool use_my_metrics = true, bool phantom_only = false, unsigned int depth = 0) const { if (unlikely (depth > HB_MAX_NESTING_LEVEL)) return false; contour_point_vector_t stack_points; bool inplace = type == SIMPLE && all_points.length == 0; /* Load into all_points if it's empty, as an optimization. */ contour_point_vector_t &points = inplace ? all_points : stack_points; switch (type) { case COMPOSITE: { /* pseudo component points for each component in composite glyph */ unsigned num_points = hb_len (CompositeGlyph (*header, bytes).iter ()); if (unlikely (!points.resize (num_points))) return false; break; } case SIMPLE: if (unlikely (!SimpleGlyph (*header, bytes).get_contour_points (points, phantom_only))) return false; break; } /* Init phantom points */ if (unlikely (!points.resize (points.length + PHANTOM_COUNT))) return false; hb_array_t<contour_point_t> phantoms = points.sub_array (points.length - PHANTOM_COUNT, PHANTOM_COUNT); { int lsb = 0; int h_delta = glyf_accelerator.hmtx->get_leading_bearing_without_var_unscaled (gid, &lsb) ? (int) header->xMin - lsb : 0; int tsb = 0; int v_orig = (int) header->yMax + #ifndef HB_NO_VERTICAL ((void) glyf_accelerator.vmtx->get_leading_bearing_without_var_unscaled (gid, &tsb), tsb) #else 0 #endif ; unsigned h_adv = glyf_accelerator.hmtx->get_advance_without_var_unscaled (gid); unsigned v_adv = #ifndef HB_NO_VERTICAL glyf_accelerator.vmtx->get_advance_without_var_unscaled (gid) #else - font->face->get_upem () #endif ; phantoms[PHANTOM_LEFT].x = h_delta; phantoms[PHANTOM_RIGHT].x = h_adv + h_delta; phantoms[PHANTOM_TOP].y = v_orig; phantoms[PHANTOM_BOTTOM].y = v_orig - (int) v_adv; } if (deltas != nullptr && depth == 0 && type == COMPOSITE) { if (unlikely (!deltas->resize (points.length))) return false; for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < points.length; i++) deltas->arrayZ[i] = points.arrayZ[i]; } #ifndef HB_NO_VAR glyf_accelerator.gvar->apply_deltas_to_points (gid, font, points.as_array ()); #endif // mainly used by CompositeGlyph calculating new X/Y offset value so no need to extend it // with child glyphs' points if (deltas != nullptr && depth == 0 && type == COMPOSITE) { for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < points.length; i++) { deltas->arrayZ[i].x = points.arrayZ[i].x - deltas->arrayZ[i].x; deltas->arrayZ[i].y = points.arrayZ[i].y - deltas->arrayZ[i].y; } } switch (type) { case SIMPLE: if (!inplace) all_points.extend (points.as_array ()); break; case COMPOSITE: { contour_point_vector_t comp_points; unsigned int comp_index = 0; for (auto &item : get_composite_iterator ()) { comp_points.reset (); if (unlikely (!glyf_accelerator.glyph_for_gid (item.get_gid ()) .get_points (font, glyf_accelerator, comp_points, deltas, use_my_metrics, phantom_only, depth + 1))) return false; /* Copy phantom points from component if USE_MY_METRICS flag set */ if (use_my_metrics && item.is_use_my_metrics ()) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PHANTOM_COUNT; i++) phantoms[i] = comp_points[comp_points.length - PHANTOM_COUNT + i]; /* Apply component transformation & translation */ item.transform_points (comp_points); /* Apply translation from gvar */ comp_points.translate (points[comp_index]); if (item.is_anchored ()) { unsigned int p1, p2; item.get_anchor_points (p1, p2); if (likely (p1 < all_points.length && p2 < comp_points.length)) { contour_point_t delta; delta.init (all_points[p1].x - comp_points[p2].x, all_points[p1].y - comp_points[p2].y); comp_points.translate (delta); } } all_points.extend (comp_points.sub_array (0, comp_points.length - PHANTOM_COUNT)); comp_index++; } all_points.extend (phantoms); } break; default: all_points.extend (phantoms); } if (depth == 0) /* Apply at top level */ { /* Undocumented rasterizer behavior: * Shift points horizontally by the updated left side bearing */ contour_point_t delta; delta.init (-phantoms[PHANTOM_LEFT].x, 0.f); if (delta.x) all_points.translate (delta); } return !all_points.in_error (); } bool get_extents_without_var_scaled (hb_font_t *font, const glyf_accelerator_t &glyf_accelerator, hb_glyph_extents_t *extents) const { if (type == EMPTY) return true; /* Empty glyph; zero extents. */ return header->get_extents_without_var_scaled (font, glyf_accelerator, gid, extents); } hb_bytes_t get_bytes () const { return bytes; } Glyph (hb_bytes_t bytes_ = hb_bytes_t (), hb_codepoint_t gid_ = (hb_codepoint_t) -1) : bytes (bytes_), header (bytes.as<GlyphHeader> ()), gid (gid_) { int num_contours = header->numberOfContours; if (unlikely (num_contours == 0)) type = EMPTY; else if (num_contours > 0) type = SIMPLE; else type = COMPOSITE; /* negative numbers */ } protected: hb_bytes_t bytes; const GlyphHeader *header; hb_codepoint_t gid; unsigned type; }; } /* namespace glyf_impl */ } /* namespace OT */ #endif /* OT_GLYF_GLYPH_HH */