// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR MPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later // Copyright 2011, SIL International, All rights reserved. // JSON debug logging // Author: Tim Eves #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING #include <cstdio> #include <limits> #include "inc/json.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define FORMAT_INTMAX "%lli" #define FORMAT_UINTMAX "%llu" #else #define FORMAT_INTMAX "%ji" #define FORMAT_UINTMAX "%ju" #endif using namespace graphite2; namespace { enum { seq = ',', obj='}', member=':', empty_obj='{', arr=']', empty_arr='[' }; } const std::nullptr_t json::null = nullptr; inline void json::context(const char current) throw() { fprintf(_stream, "%c", *_context); indent(); *_context = current; } void json::indent(const int d) throw() { if (*_context == member || (_flatten && _flatten < _context)) fputc(' ', _stream); else fprintf(_stream, "\n%*s", 4*int(_context - _contexts + d), ""); } inline void json::push_context(const char prefix, const char suffix) throw() { assert(_context - _contexts < ptrdiff_t(sizeof _contexts)); if (_context == _contexts) *_context = suffix; else context(suffix); *++_context = prefix; } void json::pop_context() throw() { assert(_context > _contexts); if (*_context == seq) indent(-1); else fputc(*_context, _stream); fputc(*--_context, _stream); if (_context == _contexts) fputc('\n', _stream); fflush(_stream); if (_flatten >= _context) _flatten = 0; *_context = seq; } // These four functions cannot be inlined as pointers to these // functions are needed for operator << (_context_t) to work. void json::flat(json & j) throw() { if (!j._flatten) j._flatten = j._context; } void json::close(json & j) throw() { j.pop_context(); } void json::object(json & j) throw() { j.push_context('{', '}'); } void json::array(json & j) throw() { j.push_context('[', ']'); } void json::item(json & j) throw() { while (j._context > j._contexts+1 && j._context[-1] != arr) j.pop_context(); } json & json::operator << (json::string s) throw() { const char ctxt = _context[-1] == obj ? *_context == member ? seq : member : seq; context(ctxt); fprintf(_stream, "\"%s\"", s); if (ctxt == member) fputc(' ', _stream); return *this; } json & json::operator << (json::number f) throw() { context(seq); if (std::numeric_limits<json::number>::infinity() == f) fputs("Infinity", _stream); else if (-std::numeric_limits<json::number>::infinity() == f) fputs("-Infinity", _stream); else if (std::numeric_limits<json::number>::quiet_NaN() == f || std::numeric_limits<json::number>::signaling_NaN() == f) fputs("NaN", _stream); else fprintf(_stream, "%g", f); return *this; } json & json::operator << (json::integer d) throw() { context(seq); fprintf(_stream, FORMAT_INTMAX, intmax_t(d)); return *this; } json & json::operator << (json::integer_u d) throw() { context(seq); fprintf(_stream, FORMAT_UINTMAX, uintmax_t(d)); return *this; } json & json::operator << (json::boolean b) throw() { context(seq); fputs(b ? "true" : "false", _stream); return *this; } json & json::operator << (std::nullptr_t) throw() { context(seq); fputs("null",_stream); return *this; } #endif