Copyright 2010, SIL International
    All rights reserved.

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE".
    If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street,
    Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
    internet at http://www.fsf.org/licenses/lgpl.html.

Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
Mozilla Public License (http://mozilla.org/MPL) or the GNU General Public
License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
of the License or (at your option) any later version.
#pragma once
#include "inc/Main.h"
#include "inc/FeatureVal.h"

namespace graphite2 {

// Forward declarations for implmentation types
class FeatureMap;
class Face;

class FeatureSetting
    FeatureSetting(int16 theValue, uint16 labelId) : m_label(labelId), m_value(theValue) {};
    uint16 label() const { return m_label; }
    int16 value() const { return m_value; }

    FeatureSetting(const FeatureSetting & fs) : m_label(fs.m_label), m_value(fs.m_value) {};

    uint16 m_label;
    int16 m_value;

class FeatureRef
    typedef uint32      chunk_t;
    static const uint8  SIZEOF_CHUNK = sizeof(chunk_t)*8;

    enum flags_t : uint16 {
        HIDDEN = 0x0800
    FeatureRef() throw();
    FeatureRef(const Face & face, unsigned short & bits_offset, uint32 max_val,
               uint32 name, uint16 uiName, flags_t flags,
               FeatureSetting *settings, uint16 num_set) throw();
    ~FeatureRef() throw();

    bool applyValToFeature(uint32 val, Features& pDest) const; //defined in GrFaceImp.h
    void maskFeature(Features & pDest) const {
    if (m_index < pDest.size())                 //defensive
        pDest[m_index] |= m_mask;

    uint32 getFeatureVal(const Features& feats) const; //defined in GrFaceImp.h

    uint32 getId() const { return m_id; }
    uint16 getNameId() const { return m_nameid; }
    uint16 getNumSettings() const { return m_numSet; }
    uint16 getSettingName(uint16 index) const { return m_nameValues[index].label(); }
    int16  getSettingValue(uint16 index) const { return m_nameValues[index].value(); }
    flags_t getFlags() const { return m_flags; }
    uint32 maxVal() const { return m_max; }
    const Face & getFace() const { assert(m_face); return *m_face;}
    const FeatureMap* getFeatureMap() const;// { return m_pFace;}

    FeatureRef(const FeatureRef & rhs);

    const Face     * m_face;
    FeatureSetting * m_nameValues; // array of name table ids for feature values
    chunk_t m_mask,             // bit mask to get the value from the vector
            m_max;              // max value the value can take
    uint32  m_id;               // feature identifier/name
    uint16  m_nameid,           // Name table id for feature name
            m_numSet;           // number of values (number of entries in m_nameValues)
    flags_t m_flags;            // feature flags see FeatureRef::flags_t.
    byte    m_bits,             // how many bits to shift the value into place
            m_index;            // index into the array to find the ulong to mask

private:        //unimplemented
    FeatureRef& operator=(const FeatureRef&);

FeatureRef::FeatureRef() throw()
: m_face(0),
  m_mask(0), m_max(0),
  m_id(0), m_nameid(0), m_numSet(0), 
  m_bits(0), m_index(0)

class NameAndFeatureRef
    NameAndFeatureRef(uint32 name = 0) : m_name(name) , m_pFRef(NULL){}
    NameAndFeatureRef(FeatureRef const & p) : m_name(p.getId()), m_pFRef(&p) {}

    bool operator<(const NameAndFeatureRef& rhs) const //orders by m_name
        {   return m_name<rhs.m_name; }


    uint32 m_name;
    const FeatureRef* m_pFRef;

class FeatureMap
    FeatureMap() : m_numFeats(0), m_feats(NULL), m_pNamedFeats(NULL) {}
    ~FeatureMap() { delete[] m_feats; delete[] m_pNamedFeats; }

    bool readFeats(const Face & face);
    const FeatureRef *findFeatureRef(uint32 name) const;
    FeatureRef *feature(uint16 index) const { return m_feats + index; }
    //GrFeatureRef *featureRef(byte index) { return index < m_numFeats ? m_feats + index : NULL; }
    const FeatureRef *featureRef(byte index) const { return index < m_numFeats ? m_feats + index : NULL; }
    FeatureVal* cloneFeatures(uint32 langname/*0 means default*/) const;      //call destroy_Features when done.
    uint16 numFeats() const { return m_numFeats; };
friend class SillMap;
    uint16 m_numFeats;

    FeatureRef *m_feats;
    NameAndFeatureRef* m_pNamedFeats;   //owned
    FeatureVal m_defaultFeatures;        //owned

private:        //defensive on m_feats, m_pNamedFeats, and m_defaultFeatures
    FeatureMap(const FeatureMap&);
    FeatureMap& operator=(const FeatureMap&);

class SillMap
    class LangFeaturePair
        LangFeaturePair(const LangFeaturePair &);
        LangFeaturePair & operator = (const LangFeaturePair &);

        LangFeaturePair() :  m_lang(0), m_pFeatures(0) {}
        ~LangFeaturePair() { delete m_pFeatures; }

        uint32 m_lang;
        Features* m_pFeatures;      //owns
    SillMap() : m_langFeats(NULL), m_numLanguages(0) {}
    ~SillMap() { delete[] m_langFeats; }
    bool readFace(const Face & face);
    bool readSill(const Face & face);
    FeatureVal* cloneFeatures(uint32 langname/*0 means default*/) const;      //call destroy_Features when done.
    uint16 numLanguages() const { return m_numLanguages; };
    uint32 getLangName(uint16 index) const { return (index < m_numLanguages)? m_langFeats[index].m_lang : 0; };

    const FeatureMap & theFeatureMap() const { return m_FeatureMap; };
    FeatureMap m_FeatureMap;        //of face
    LangFeaturePair * m_langFeats;
    uint16 m_numLanguages;

private:        //defensive on m_langFeats
    SillMap(const SillMap&);
    SillMap& operator=(const SillMap&);

} // namespace graphite2

struct gr_feature_ref : public graphite2::FeatureRef {};