Copyright 2013, SIL International
    All rights reserved.

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE".
    If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street,
    Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
    internet at http://www.fsf.org/licenses/lgpl.html.

Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
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License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
of the License or (at your option) any later version.
#pragma once

// numbers are explicitly assigned for future proofing

namespace graphite2

class Error
    Error() : _e(0) {};
    operator bool() { return (_e != 0); }
    int error() { return _e; }
    void error(int e) { _e = e; }
    bool test(bool pr, int err) { return (_e = int(pr) * err); }

    int _e;

enum errcontext {
    EC_READGLYPHS = 1,      // while reading glyphs
    EC_READSILF = 2,        // in Silf table
    EC_ASILF = 3,           // in Silf %d
    EC_APASS = 4,           // in Silf %d, pass %d
    EC_PASSCCODE = 5,       // in pass constraint code for Silf %d, pass %d
    EC_ARULE = 6,           // in Silf %d, pass %d, rule %d
    EC_ASTARTS = 7,         // in Silf %d, pass %d, start state %d
    EC_ATRANS = 8,          // in Silf %d, pass %d, fsm state %d
    EC_ARULEMAP = 9         // in Silf %d, pass %d, state %d

enum errors {
    E_OUTOFMEM = 1,         // Out of memory
    E_NOGLYPHS = 2,         // There are no glyphs in the font
    E_BADUPEM = 3,          // The units per em for the font is bad (0)
    E_BADCMAP = 4,          // The font does not contain any useful cmaps
    E_NOSILF = 5,           // Missing Silf table
    E_TOOOLD = 6,           // Silf table version is too old
    E_BADSIZE = 7,          // context object has the wrong structural size
// Silf Subtable Errors take a Silf subtable number * 256 in the context
    E_BADMAXGLYPH = 8,      // Silf max glyph id is too high
    E_BADNUMJUSTS = 9,      // Number of Silf justification blocks is too high
    E_BADENDJUSTS = 10,     // Silf justification blocks take too much of the Silf table space
    E_BADCRITFEATURES = 11, // Critical features section in a Silf table is too big
    E_BADSCRIPTTAGS = 12,   // Silf script tags area is too big
    E_BADAPSEUDO = 13,      // The pseudo glyph attribute number is too high
    E_BADABREAK = 14,       // The linebreak glyph attribute number is too high
    E_BADABIDI = 15,        // The bidi glyph attribute number is too high
    E_BADAMIRROR = 16,      // The mirrored glyph attribute number is too high
    E_BADNUMPASSES = 17,    // The number of passes is > 128
    E_BADPASSESSTART = 18,  // The Silf table is too small to hold any passes
    E_BADPASSBOUND = 19,    // The positioning pass number is too low or the substitution pass number is too high
    E_BADPPASS = 20,        // The positioning pass number is too high
    E_BADSPASS = 21,        // the substitution pass number is too high
    E_BADJPASSBOUND = 22,   // the justification pass must be higher than the positioning pass
    E_BADJPASS = 23,        // the justification pass is too high
    E_BADALIG = 24,         // the number of initial ligature component glyph attributes is too high
    E_BADBPASS = 25,        // the bidi pass number is specified and is either too high or too low
    E_BADNUMPSEUDO = 26,    // The number of pseudo glyphs is too high
    E_BADCLASSSIZE = 27,    // The size of the classes block is bad
    E_TOOMANYLINEAR = 28,   // The number of linear classes in the silf table is too high
    E_CLASSESTOOBIG = 29,   // There are too many classes for the space allocated in the Silf subtable
    E_MISALIGNEDCLASSES = 30,   // The class offsets in the class table don't line up with the number of classes
    E_HIGHCLASSOFFSET = 31, // The class offsets point out of the class table
    E_BADCLASSOFFSET = 32,  // A class offset is less than one following it
    E_BADCLASSLOOKUPINFO = 33,  // The search header info for a non-linear class has wrong values in it
// Pass subtable errors. Context has pass number * 65536
    E_BADPASSSTART = 34,    // The start offset for a particular pass is bad
    E_BADPASSEND = 35,      // The end offset for a particular pass is bad
    E_BADPASSLENGTH = 36,   // The length of the pass is too small
    E_BADNUMTRANS = 37,     // The number of transition states in the fsm is bad
    E_BADNUMSUCCESS = 38,   // The number of success states in the fsm is bad
    E_BADNUMSTATES = 39,    // The number of states in the fsm is bad
    E_NORANGES = 40,        // There are no columns in the fsm
    E_BADRULEMAPLEN = 41,   // The size of the success state to rule mapping is bad
    E_BADCTXTLENBOUNDS = 42,    // The precontext maximum is greater than its minimum
    E_BADCTXTLENS = 43,     // The lists of rule lengths or pre context lengths is bad
    E_BADPASSCCODEPTR = 44, // The pass constraint code position does not align with where the forward reference says it should be
    E_BADRULECCODEPTR = 45, // The rule constraint code position does not align with where the forward reference says it should be
    E_BADCCODELEN = 46,     // Bad rule/pass constraint code length
    E_BADACTIONCODEPTR = 47,    // The action code position does not align with where the forward reference says it should be
    E_MUTABLECCODE = 48,    // Constraint code edits slots. It shouldn't.
    E_BADSTATE = 49,        // Bad state transition referencing an illegal state
    E_BADRULEMAPPING = 50,  // The structure of the rule mapping is bad
    E_BADRANGE = 51,        // Bad column range structure including a glyph in more than one column
    E_BADRULENUM = 52,      // A reference to a rule is out of range (too high)
    E_BADACOLLISION = 53,   // Bad Silf table collision attribute number (too high)
    E_BADEMPTYPASS = 54,    // Can't have empty passes (no rules) except for collision passes
    E_BADSILFVERSION = 55,  // The Silf table has a bad version (probably too high)
    E_BADCOLLISIONPASS = 56,    // Collision flags set on a non positioning pass
    E_BADNUMCOLUMNS = 57,   // Arbitrarily limit number of columns in fsm
// Code errors
    E_CODEFAILURE = 60,     // Base code error. The following subcodes must align with Machine::Code::status_t in Code.h
    E_CODEALLOC = 61,       // Out of memory
    E_INVALIDOPCODE = 62,   // Invalid op code
    E_UNIMPOPCODE = 63,     // Unimplemented op code encountered
    E_OUTOFRANGECODE = 64,  // Code argument out of range
    E_BADJUMPCODE = 65,     // Code jumps past end of op codes
    E_CODEBADARGS = 66,     // Code arguments exhausted
    E_CODENORETURN = 67,    // Missing return type op code at end of code
    E_CODENESTEDCTXT = 68,   // Nested context encountered in code
// Compression errors
    E_BADSCHEME = 69,
