// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR MPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later // Copyright 2010, SIL International, All rights reserved. #include <cstring> #include "graphite2/Segment.h" #include "inc/CmapCache.h" #include "inc/debug.h" #include "inc/Decompressor.h" #include "inc/Endian.h" #include "inc/Face.h" #include "inc/FileFace.h" #include "inc/GlyphFace.h" #include "inc/json.h" #include "inc/Segment.h" #include "inc/NameTable.h" #include "inc/Error.h" using namespace graphite2; namespace { enum compression { NONE, LZ4 }; } Face::Face(const void* appFaceHandle/*non-NULL*/, const gr_face_ops & ops) : m_appFaceHandle(appFaceHandle), m_pFileFace(NULL), m_pGlyphFaceCache(NULL), m_cmap(NULL), m_pNames(NULL), m_logger(NULL), m_error(0), m_errcntxt(0), m_silfs(NULL), m_numSilf(0), m_ascent(0), m_descent(0) { memset(&m_ops, 0, sizeof m_ops); memcpy(&m_ops, &ops, min(sizeof m_ops, ops.size)); } Face::~Face() { setLogger(0); delete m_pGlyphFaceCache; delete m_cmap; delete[] m_silfs; #ifndef GRAPHITE2_NFILEFACE delete m_pFileFace; #endif delete m_pNames; } float Face::default_glyph_advance(const void* font_ptr, gr_uint16 glyphid) { const Font & font = *reinterpret_cast<const Font *>(font_ptr); return font.face().glyphs().glyph(glyphid)->theAdvance().x * font.scale(); } bool Face::readGlyphs(uint32 faceOptions) { Error e; #ifdef GRAPHITE2_TELEMETRY telemetry::category _glyph_cat(tele.glyph); #endif error_context(EC_READGLYPHS); m_pGlyphFaceCache = new GlyphCache(*this, faceOptions); if (e.test(!m_pGlyphFaceCache, E_OUTOFMEM) || e.test(m_pGlyphFaceCache->numGlyphs() == 0, E_NOGLYPHS) || e.test(m_pGlyphFaceCache->unitsPerEm() == 0, E_BADUPEM)) { return error(e); } if (faceOptions & gr_face_cacheCmap) m_cmap = new CachedCmap(*this); else m_cmap = new DirectCmap(*this); if (e.test(!m_cmap, E_OUTOFMEM) || e.test(!*m_cmap, E_BADCMAP)) return error(e); if (faceOptions & gr_face_preloadGlyphs) nameTable(); // preload the name table along with the glyphs. return true; } bool Face::readGraphite(const Table & silf) { #ifdef GRAPHITE2_TELEMETRY telemetry::category _silf_cat(tele.silf); #endif Error e; error_context(EC_READSILF); const byte * p = silf; if (e.test(!p, E_NOSILF) || e.test(silf.size() < 20, E_BADSIZE)) return error(e); const uint32 version = be::read<uint32>(p); if (e.test(version < 0x00020000, E_TOOOLD)) return error(e); if (version >= 0x00030000) be::skip<uint32>(p); // compilerVersion m_numSilf = be::read<uint16>(p); be::skip<uint16>(p); // reserved bool havePasses = false; m_silfs = new Silf[m_numSilf]; if (e.test(!m_silfs, E_OUTOFMEM)) return error(e); for (int i = 0; i < m_numSilf; i++) { error_context(EC_ASILF + (i << 8)); const uint32 offset = be::read<uint32>(p), next = i == m_numSilf - 1 ? uint32(silf.size()) : be::peek<uint32>(p); if (e.test(next > silf.size() || offset >= next, E_BADSIZE)) return error(e); if (!m_silfs[i].readGraphite(silf + offset, next - offset, *this, version)) return false; if (m_silfs[i].numPasses()) havePasses = true; } return havePasses; } bool Face::readFeatures() { return m_Sill.readFace(*this); } bool Face::runGraphite(Segment *seg, const Silf *aSilf) const { #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING json * dbgout = logger(); if (dbgout) { *dbgout << json::object << "id" << objectid(seg) << "passes" << json::array; } #endif // if ((seg->dir() & 1) != aSilf->dir()) // seg->reverseSlots(); if ((seg->dir() & 3) == 3 && aSilf->bidiPass() == 0xFF) seg->doMirror(aSilf->aMirror()); bool res = aSilf->runGraphite(seg, 0, aSilf->positionPass(), true); if (res) { seg->associateChars(0, seg->charInfoCount()); if (aSilf->flags() & 0x20) res &= seg->initCollisions(); if (res) res &= aSilf->runGraphite(seg, aSilf->positionPass(), aSilf->numPasses(), false); } #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING if (dbgout) { seg->positionSlots(0, 0, 0, seg->currdir()); *dbgout << json::item << json::close // Close up the passes array << "outputdir" << (seg->currdir() ? "rtl" : "ltr") << "output" << json::array; for(Slot * s = seg->first(); s; s = s->next()) *dbgout << dslot(seg, s); *dbgout << json::close << "advance" << seg->advance() << "chars" << json::array; for(size_t i = 0, n = seg->charInfoCount(); i != n; ++i) *dbgout << json::flat << *seg->charinfo(int(i)); *dbgout << json::close // Close up the chars array << json::close; // Close up the segment object } #endif return res; } void Face::setLogger(FILE * log_file GR_MAYBE_UNUSED) { #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING delete m_logger; m_logger = log_file ? new json(log_file) : 0; #endif } const Silf *Face::chooseSilf(uint32 script) const { if (m_numSilf == 0) return NULL; else if (m_numSilf == 1 || script == 0) return m_silfs; else // do more work here return m_silfs; } uint16 Face::findPseudo(uint32 uid) const { return (m_numSilf) ? m_silfs[0].findPseudo(uid) : 0; } int32 Face::getGlyphMetric(uint16 gid, uint8 metric) const { switch (metrics(metric)) { case kgmetAscent : return m_ascent; case kgmetDescent : return m_descent; default: if (gid >= glyphs().numGlyphs()) return 0; return glyphs().glyph(gid)->getMetric(metric); } } void Face::takeFileFace(FileFace* pFileFace GR_MAYBE_UNUSED/*takes ownership*/) { #ifndef GRAPHITE2_NFILEFACE if (m_pFileFace==pFileFace) return; delete m_pFileFace; m_pFileFace = pFileFace; #endif } NameTable * Face::nameTable() const { if (m_pNames) return m_pNames; const Table name(*this, Tag::name); if (name) m_pNames = new NameTable(name, name.size()); return m_pNames; } uint16 Face::languageForLocale(const char * locale) const { nameTable(); if (m_pNames) return m_pNames->getLanguageId(locale); return 0; } Face::Table::Table(const Face & face, const Tag n, uint32 version) throw() : _f(&face), _sz(0), _compressed(false) { _p = static_cast<const byte *>((*_f->m_ops.get_table)(_f->m_appFaceHandle, n, &_sz)); if (!TtfUtil::CheckTable(n, _p, _sz)) { release(); // Make sure we release the table buffer even if the table failed its checks return; } if (be::peek<uint32>(_p) >= version) decompress(); } void Face::Table::release() { if (_compressed) free(const_cast<byte *>(_p)); else if (_p && _f->m_ops.release_table) (*_f->m_ops.release_table)(_f->m_appFaceHandle, _p); _p = 0; _sz = 0; } Face::Table & Face::Table::operator = (const Table && rhs) throw() { if (this == &rhs) return *this; release(); new (this) Table(std::move(rhs)); return *this; } Error Face::Table::decompress() { Error e; if (e.test(_sz < 5 * sizeof(uint32), E_BADSIZE)) return e; byte * uncompressed_table = 0; size_t uncompressed_size = 0; const byte * p = _p; const uint32 version = be::read<uint32>(p); // Table version number. // The scheme is in the top 5 bits of the 1st uint32. const uint32 hdr = be::read<uint32>(p); switch(compression(hdr >> 27)) { case NONE: return e; case LZ4: { uncompressed_size = hdr & 0x07ffffff; uncompressed_table = gralloc<byte>(uncompressed_size); if (!e.test(!uncompressed_table || uncompressed_size < 4, E_OUTOFMEM)) { memset(uncompressed_table, 0, 4); // make sure version number is initialised // coverity[forward_null : FALSE] - uncompressed_table has been checked so can't be null // coverity[checked_return : FALSE] - we test e later e.test(lz4::decompress(p, _sz - 2*sizeof(uint32), uncompressed_table, uncompressed_size) != signed(uncompressed_size), E_SHRINKERFAILED); } break; } default: e.error(E_BADSCHEME); }; // Check the uncompressed version number against the original. if (!e) // coverity[forward_null : FALSE] - uncompressed_table has already been tested so can't be null // coverity[checked_return : FALSE] - we test e later e.test(be::peek<uint32>(uncompressed_table) != version, E_SHRINKERFAILED); // Tell the provider to release the compressed form since were replacing // it anyway. release(); if (e) { free(uncompressed_table); uncompressed_table = 0; uncompressed_size = 0; } _p = uncompressed_table; _sz = uncompressed_size; _compressed = true; return e; }