/* * Copyright 2015 The Etc2Comp Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef _WIN32 #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS (1) #endif #include "EtcConfig.h" #include "EtcFile.h" #include "EtcFileHeader.h" #include "EtcColor.h" #include "Etc.h" #include "EtcBlock4x4EncodingBits.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace Etc; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File::File(const char *a_pstrFilename, Format a_fileformat, Image::Format a_imageformat, unsigned char *a_paucEncodingBits, unsigned int a_uiEncodingBitsBytes, unsigned int a_uiSourceWidth, unsigned int a_uiSourceHeight, unsigned int a_uiExtendedWidth, unsigned int a_uiExtendedHeight) { if (a_pstrFilename == nullptr) { m_pstrFilename = const_cast<char *>(""); } else { m_pstrFilename = new char[strlen(a_pstrFilename) + 1]; strcpy(m_pstrFilename, a_pstrFilename); } m_fileformat = a_fileformat; if (m_fileformat == Format::INFER_FROM_FILE_EXTENSION) { // ***** TODO: add this later ***** m_fileformat = Format::KTX; } m_imageformat = a_imageformat; m_uiNumMipmaps = 1; m_pMipmapImages = new RawImage[m_uiNumMipmaps]; m_pMipmapImages[0].paucEncodingBits = std::shared_ptr<unsigned char>(a_paucEncodingBits, [](unsigned char *p) { delete[] p; } ); m_pMipmapImages[0].uiEncodingBitsBytes = a_uiEncodingBitsBytes; m_pMipmapImages[0].uiExtendedWidth = a_uiExtendedWidth; m_pMipmapImages[0].uiExtendedHeight = a_uiExtendedHeight; m_uiSourceWidth = a_uiSourceWidth; m_uiSourceHeight = a_uiSourceHeight; switch (m_fileformat) { case Format::PKM: m_pheader = new FileHeader_Pkm(this); break; case Format::KTX: m_pheader = new FileHeader_Ktx(this); break; default: assert(0); break; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File::File(const char *a_pstrFilename, Format a_fileformat, Image::Format a_imageformat, unsigned int a_uiNumMipmaps, RawImage *a_pMipmapImages, unsigned int a_uiSourceWidth, unsigned int a_uiSourceHeight) { if (a_pstrFilename == nullptr) { m_pstrFilename = const_cast<char *>(""); } else { m_pstrFilename = new char[strlen(a_pstrFilename) + 1]; strcpy(m_pstrFilename, a_pstrFilename); } m_fileformat = a_fileformat; if (m_fileformat == Format::INFER_FROM_FILE_EXTENSION) { // ***** TODO: add this later ***** m_fileformat = Format::KTX; } m_imageformat = a_imageformat; m_uiNumMipmaps = a_uiNumMipmaps; m_pMipmapImages = new RawImage[m_uiNumMipmaps]; for(unsigned int mip = 0; mip < m_uiNumMipmaps; mip++) { m_pMipmapImages[mip] = a_pMipmapImages[mip]; } m_uiSourceWidth = a_uiSourceWidth; m_uiSourceHeight = a_uiSourceHeight; switch (m_fileformat) { case Format::PKM: m_pheader = new FileHeader_Pkm(this); break; case Format::KTX: m_pheader = new FileHeader_Ktx(this); break; default: assert(0); break; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File::File(const char *a_pstrFilename, Format a_fileformat) { if (a_pstrFilename == nullptr) { return; } else { m_pstrFilename = new char[strlen(a_pstrFilename) + 1]; strcpy(m_pstrFilename, a_pstrFilename); } m_fileformat = a_fileformat; if (m_fileformat == Format::INFER_FROM_FILE_EXTENSION) { // ***** TODO: add this later ***** m_fileformat = Format::KTX; } FILE *pfile = fopen(m_pstrFilename, "rb"); if (pfile == nullptr) { printf("ERROR: Couldn't open %s", m_pstrFilename); exit(1); } fseek(pfile, 0, SEEK_END); unsigned int fileSize = ftell(pfile); fseek(pfile, 0, SEEK_SET); size_t szResult; m_pheader = new FileHeader_Ktx(this); szResult = fread( ((FileHeader_Ktx*)m_pheader)->GetData(), 1, sizeof(FileHeader_Ktx::Data), pfile); assert(szResult > 0); m_uiNumMipmaps = 1; m_pMipmapImages = new RawImage[m_uiNumMipmaps]; if (((FileHeader_Ktx*)m_pheader)->GetData()->m_u32BytesOfKeyValueData > 0) fseek(pfile, ((FileHeader_Ktx*)m_pheader)->GetData()->m_u32BytesOfKeyValueData, SEEK_CUR); szResult = fread(&m_pMipmapImages->uiEncodingBitsBytes, 1, sizeof(unsigned int), pfile); assert(szResult > 0); m_pMipmapImages->paucEncodingBits = std::shared_ptr<unsigned char>(new unsigned char[m_pMipmapImages->uiEncodingBitsBytes], [](unsigned char *p) { delete[] p; } ); assert(ftell(pfile) + m_pMipmapImages->uiEncodingBitsBytes <= fileSize); szResult = fread(m_pMipmapImages->paucEncodingBits.get(), 1, m_pMipmapImages->uiEncodingBitsBytes, pfile); assert(szResult == m_pMipmapImages->uiEncodingBitsBytes); uint32_t uiInternalFormat = ((FileHeader_Ktx*)m_pheader)->GetData()->m_u32GlInternalFormat; uint32_t uiBaseInternalFormat = ((FileHeader_Ktx*)m_pheader)->GetData()->m_u32GlBaseInternalFormat; if (uiInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::InternalFormat::ETC1_RGB8 && uiBaseInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::BaseInternalFormat::ETC1_RGB8) { m_imageformat = Image::Format::ETC1; } else if (uiInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::InternalFormat::ETC2_RGB8 && uiBaseInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::BaseInternalFormat::ETC2_RGB8) { m_imageformat = Image::Format::RGB8; } else if (uiInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::InternalFormat::ETC2_RGB8A1 && uiBaseInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::BaseInternalFormat::ETC2_RGB8A1) { m_imageformat = Image::Format::RGB8A1; } else if (uiInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::InternalFormat::ETC2_RGBA8 && uiBaseInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::BaseInternalFormat::ETC2_RGBA8) { m_imageformat = Image::Format::RGBA8; } else if (uiInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::InternalFormat::ETC2_R11 && uiBaseInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::BaseInternalFormat::ETC2_R11) { m_imageformat = Image::Format::R11; } else if (uiInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::InternalFormat::ETC2_SIGNED_R11 && uiBaseInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::BaseInternalFormat::ETC2_R11) { m_imageformat = Image::Format::SIGNED_R11; } else if (uiInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::InternalFormat::ETC2_RG11 && uiBaseInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::BaseInternalFormat::ETC2_RG11) { m_imageformat = Image::Format::RG11; } else if (uiInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::InternalFormat::ETC2_SIGNED_RG11 && uiBaseInternalFormat == (uint32_t)FileHeader_Ktx::BaseInternalFormat::ETC2_RG11) { m_imageformat = Image::Format::SIGNED_RG11; } else { m_imageformat = Image::Format::UNKNOWN; } m_uiSourceWidth = ((FileHeader_Ktx*)m_pheader)->GetData()->m_u32PixelWidth; m_uiSourceHeight = ((FileHeader_Ktx*)m_pheader)->GetData()->m_u32PixelHeight; m_pMipmapImages->uiExtendedWidth = Image::CalcExtendedDimension((unsigned short)m_uiSourceWidth); m_pMipmapImages->uiExtendedHeight = Image::CalcExtendedDimension((unsigned short)m_uiSourceHeight); unsigned int uiBlocks = m_pMipmapImages->uiExtendedWidth * m_pMipmapImages->uiExtendedHeight / 16; Block4x4EncodingBits::Format encodingbitsformat = Image::DetermineEncodingBitsFormat(m_imageformat); unsigned int expectedbytes = uiBlocks * Block4x4EncodingBits::GetBytesPerBlock(encodingbitsformat); assert(expectedbytes == m_pMipmapImages->uiEncodingBitsBytes); fclose(pfile); } File::~File() { if (m_pMipmapImages != nullptr) { delete [] m_pMipmapImages; } if(m_pstrFilename != nullptr) { delete[] m_pstrFilename; m_pstrFilename = nullptr; } if (m_pheader != nullptr) { delete m_pheader; m_pheader = nullptr; } } void File::UseSingleBlock(int a_iPixelX, int a_iPixelY) { if (a_iPixelX <= -1 || a_iPixelY <= -1) return; if (a_iPixelX >(int) m_uiSourceWidth) { //if we are using a ktx thats the size of a single block or less //then make sure we use the 4x4 image as the single block if (m_uiSourceWidth <= 4) { a_iPixelX = 0; } else { printf("blockAtHV: H coordinate out of range, capped to image width\n"); a_iPixelX = m_uiSourceWidth - 1; } } if (a_iPixelY >(int) m_uiSourceHeight) { //if we are using a ktx thats the size of a single block or less //then make sure we use the 4x4 image as the single block if (m_uiSourceHeight <= 4) { a_iPixelY= 0; } else { printf("blockAtHV: V coordinate out of range, capped to image height\n"); a_iPixelY = m_uiSourceHeight - 1; } } unsigned int origWidth = m_uiSourceWidth; unsigned int origHeight = m_uiSourceHeight; m_uiSourceWidth = 4; m_uiSourceHeight = 4; Block4x4EncodingBits::Format encodingbitsformat = Image::DetermineEncodingBitsFormat(m_imageformat); unsigned int uiEncodingBitsBytesPerBlock = Block4x4EncodingBits::GetBytesPerBlock(encodingbitsformat); int numMipmaps = 1; RawImage* pMipmapImages = new RawImage[numMipmaps]; pMipmapImages[0].uiExtendedWidth = Image::CalcExtendedDimension((unsigned short)m_uiSourceWidth); pMipmapImages[0].uiExtendedHeight = Image::CalcExtendedDimension((unsigned short)m_uiSourceHeight); pMipmapImages[0].uiEncodingBitsBytes = 0; pMipmapImages[0].paucEncodingBits = std::shared_ptr<unsigned char>(new unsigned char[uiEncodingBitsBytesPerBlock], [](unsigned char *p) { delete[] p; }); //block position in pixels // remove the bottom 2 bits to get the block coordinates unsigned int iBlockPosX = (a_iPixelX & 0xFFFFFFFC); unsigned int iBlockPosY = (a_iPixelY & 0xFFFFFFFC); int numXBlocks = (origWidth / 4); int numYBlocks = (origHeight / 4); // block location //int iBlockX = (a_iPixelX % 4) == 0 ? a_iPixelX / 4.0f : (a_iPixelX / 4) + 1; //int iBlockY = (a_iPixelY % 4) == 0 ? a_iPixelY / 4.0f : (a_iPixelY / 4) + 1; //m_paucEncodingBits += ((iBlockY * numXBlocks) + iBlockX) * uiEncodingBitsBytesPerBlock; unsigned int num = numXBlocks*numYBlocks; unsigned int uiH = 0, uiV = 0; unsigned char* pEncodingBits = m_pMipmapImages[0].paucEncodingBits.get(); for (unsigned int uiBlock = 0; uiBlock < num; uiBlock++) { if (uiH == iBlockPosX && uiV == iBlockPosY) { memcpy(pMipmapImages[0].paucEncodingBits.get(),pEncodingBits, uiEncodingBitsBytesPerBlock); break; } pEncodingBits += uiEncodingBitsBytesPerBlock; uiH += 4; if (uiH >= origWidth) { uiH = 0; uiV += 4; } } delete [] m_pMipmapImages; m_pMipmapImages = pMipmapImages; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void File::Write() { FILE *pfile = fopen(m_pstrFilename, "wb"); if (pfile == nullptr) { printf("Error: couldn't open Etc file (%s)\n", m_pstrFilename); exit(1); } m_pheader->Write(pfile); for(unsigned int mip = 0; mip < m_uiNumMipmaps; mip++) { if(m_fileformat == Format::KTX) { // Write u32 image size uint32_t u32ImageSize = m_pMipmapImages[mip].uiEncodingBitsBytes; uint32_t szBytesWritten = fwrite(&u32ImageSize, 1, sizeof(u32ImageSize), pfile); assert(szBytesWritten == sizeof(u32ImageSize)); } unsigned int iResult = (int)fwrite(m_pMipmapImages[mip].paucEncodingBits.get(), 1, m_pMipmapImages[mip].uiEncodingBitsBytes, pfile); if (iResult != m_pMipmapImages[mip].uiEncodingBitsBytes) { printf("Error: couldn't write Etc file (%s)\n", m_pstrFilename); exit(1); } } fclose(pfile); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //