// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 #pragma once #include "grid_soa.h" #include "../common/ray.h" #include "triangle_intersector_pluecker.h" namespace embree { namespace isa { class GridSOAIntersector1 { public: typedef void Primitive; class Precalculations { public: __forceinline Precalculations (const Ray& ray, const void* ptr) : grid(nullptr) {} public: GridSOA* grid; int itime; float ftime; }; template<typename Loader> static __forceinline void intersect(RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const float* const grid_x, const size_t line_offset, const size_t lines, Precalculations& pre) { typedef typename Loader::vfloat vfloat; const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset; const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset; const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset; const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset; Vec3<vfloat> v0, v1, v2; Loader::gather(grid_x,grid_y,grid_z,line_offset,lines,v0,v1,v2); GridSOA::MapUV<Loader> mapUV(grid_uv,line_offset,lines); PlueckerIntersector1<Loader::M> intersector(ray,nullptr); intersector.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,mapUV,Intersect1EpilogMU<Loader::M,true>(ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID())); }; template<typename Loader> static __forceinline bool occluded(Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const float* const grid_x, const size_t line_offset, const size_t lines, Precalculations& pre) { typedef typename Loader::vfloat vfloat; const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset; const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset; const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset; const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset; Vec3<vfloat> v0, v1, v2; Loader::gather(grid_x,grid_y,grid_z,line_offset,lines,v0,v1,v2); GridSOA::MapUV<Loader> mapUV(grid_uv,line_offset,lines); PlueckerIntersector1<Loader::M> intersector(ray,nullptr); return intersector.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,mapUV,Occluded1EpilogMU<Loader::M,true>(ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID())); } /*! Intersect a ray with the primitive. */ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node) { const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width; const size_t lines = pre.grid->height; const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(0,prim); #if defined(__AVX__) intersect<GridSOA::Gather3x3>( ray, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre); #else intersect<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, context, grid_x , line_offset, lines, pre); if (likely(lines > 2)) intersect<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, context, grid_x+line_offset, line_offset, lines, pre); #endif } /*! Test if the ray is occluded by the primitive */ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node) { const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width; const size_t lines = pre.grid->height; const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(0,prim); #if defined(__AVX__) return occluded<GridSOA::Gather3x3>( ray, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre); #else if (occluded<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, context, grid_x , line_offset, lines, pre)) return true; if (likely(lines > 2)) if (occluded<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, context, grid_x+line_offset, line_offset, lines, pre)) return true; #endif return false; } }; class GridSOAMBIntersector1 { public: typedef void Primitive; typedef GridSOAIntersector1::Precalculations Precalculations; template<typename Loader> static __forceinline void intersect(RayHit& ray, const float ftime, IntersectContext* context, const float* const grid_x, const size_t line_offset, const size_t lines, Precalculations& pre) { typedef typename Loader::vfloat vfloat; const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset; const size_t grid_offset = pre.grid->gridBytes >> 2; const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset; const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset; const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset; Vec3<vfloat> a0, a1, a2; Loader::gather(grid_x,grid_y,grid_z,line_offset,lines,a0,a1,a2); Vec3<vfloat> b0, b1, b2; Loader::gather(grid_x+grid_offset,grid_y+grid_offset,grid_z+grid_offset,line_offset,lines,b0,b1,b2); Vec3<vfloat> v0 = lerp(a0,b0,vfloat(ftime)); Vec3<vfloat> v1 = lerp(a1,b1,vfloat(ftime)); Vec3<vfloat> v2 = lerp(a2,b2,vfloat(ftime)); GridSOA::MapUV<Loader> mapUV(grid_uv,line_offset,lines); PlueckerIntersector1<Loader::M> intersector(ray,nullptr); intersector.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,mapUV,Intersect1EpilogMU<Loader::M,true>(ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID())); }; template<typename Loader> static __forceinline bool occluded(Ray& ray, const float ftime, IntersectContext* context, const float* const grid_x, const size_t line_offset, const size_t lines, Precalculations& pre) { typedef typename Loader::vfloat vfloat; const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset; const size_t grid_offset = pre.grid->gridBytes >> 2; const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset; const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset; const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset; Vec3<vfloat> a0, a1, a2; Loader::gather(grid_x,grid_y,grid_z,line_offset,lines,a0,a1,a2); Vec3<vfloat> b0, b1, b2; Loader::gather(grid_x+grid_offset,grid_y+grid_offset,grid_z+grid_offset,line_offset,lines,b0,b1,b2); Vec3<vfloat> v0 = lerp(a0,b0,vfloat(ftime)); Vec3<vfloat> v1 = lerp(a1,b1,vfloat(ftime)); Vec3<vfloat> v2 = lerp(a2,b2,vfloat(ftime)); GridSOA::MapUV<Loader> mapUV(grid_uv,line_offset,lines); PlueckerIntersector1<Loader::M> intersector(ray,nullptr); return intersector.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,mapUV,Occluded1EpilogMU<Loader::M,true>(ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID())); } /*! Intersect a ray with the primitive. */ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node) { const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width; const size_t lines = pre.grid->height; const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(pre.itime,prim); #if defined(__AVX__) intersect<GridSOA::Gather3x3>( ray, pre.ftime, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre); #else intersect<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, pre.ftime, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre); if (likely(lines > 2)) intersect<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, pre.ftime, context, grid_x+line_offset, line_offset, lines, pre); #endif } /*! Test if the ray is occluded by the primitive */ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node) { const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width; const size_t lines = pre.grid->height; const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(pre.itime,prim); #if defined(__AVX__) return occluded<GridSOA::Gather3x3>( ray, pre.ftime, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre); #else if (occluded<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, pre.ftime, context, grid_x , line_offset, lines, pre)) return true; if (likely(lines > 2)) if (occluded<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, pre.ftime, context, grid_x+line_offset, line_offset, lines, pre)) return true; #endif return false; } }; } }