// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 #pragma once #include "default.h" namespace embree { /* Point query structure for closest point query */ template<int K> struct RTC_ALIGN(16) PointQueryK { /* Default construction does nothing */ __forceinline PointQueryK() {} /* Constructs a ray from origin, direction, and ray segment. Near * has to be smaller than far */ __forceinline PointQueryK(const Vec3vf<K>& p, const vfloat<K>& radius = inf, const vfloat<K>& time = zero) : p(p), time(time), radius(radius) {} /* Returns the size of the ray */ static __forceinline size_t size() { return K; } /* Calculates if this is a valid ray that does not cause issues during traversal */ __forceinline vbool<K> valid() const { const vbool<K> vx = (abs(p.x) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE)); const vbool<K> vy = (abs(p.y) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE)); const vbool<K> vz = (abs(p.z) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE)); const vbool<K> vn = radius >= vfloat<K>(0); const vbool<K> vf = abs(time) < vfloat<K>(inf); return vx & vy & vz & vn & vf; } __forceinline void get(PointQueryK<1>* ray) const; __forceinline void get(size_t i, PointQueryK<1>& ray) const; __forceinline void set(const PointQueryK<1>* ray); __forceinline void set(size_t i, const PointQueryK<1>& ray); Vec3vf<K> p; // location of the query point vfloat<K> time; // time for motion blur vfloat<K> radius; // radius for the point query }; /* Specialization for a single point query */ template<> struct RTC_ALIGN(16) PointQueryK<1> { /* Default construction does nothing */ __forceinline PointQueryK() {} /* Constructs a ray from origin, direction, and ray segment. Near * has to be smaller than far */ __forceinline PointQueryK(const Vec3fa& p, float radius = inf, float time = zero) : p(p), time(time), radius(radius) {} /* Calculates if this is a valid ray that does not cause issues during traversal */ __forceinline bool valid() const { return all(le_mask(abs(Vec3fa(p)), Vec3fa(FLT_LARGE)) & le_mask(Vec3fa(0.f), Vec3fa(radius))) && abs(time) < float(inf); } Vec3f p; float time; float radius; }; /* Converts point query packet to single point query */ template<int K> __forceinline void PointQueryK<K>::get(PointQueryK<1>* query) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < K; i++) // FIXME: use SIMD transpose { query[i].p.x = p.x[i]; query[i].p.y = p.y[i]; query[i].p.z = p.z[i]; query[i].time = time[i]; query[i].radius = radius[i]; } } /* Extracts a single point query out of a point query packet*/ template<int K> __forceinline void PointQueryK<K>::get(size_t i, PointQueryK<1>& query) const { query.p.x = p.x[i]; query.p.y = p.y[i]; query.p.z = p.z[i]; query.radius = radius[i]; query.time = time[i]; } /* Converts single point query to point query packet */ template<int K> __forceinline void PointQueryK<K>::set(const PointQueryK<1>* query) { for (size_t i = 0; i < K; i++) { p.x[i] = query[i].p.x; p.y[i] = query[i].p.y; p.z[i] = query[i].p.z; radius[i] = query[i].radius; time[i] = query[i].time; } } /* inserts a single point query into a point query packet element */ template<int K> __forceinline void PointQueryK<K>::set(size_t i, const PointQueryK<1>& query) { p.x[i] = query.p.x; p.y[i] = query.p.y; p.z[i] = query.p.z; radius[i] = query.radius; time[i] = query.time; } /* Shortcuts */ typedef PointQueryK<1> PointQuery; typedef PointQueryK<4> PointQuery4; typedef PointQueryK<8> PointQuery8; typedef PointQueryK<16> PointQuery16; struct PointQueryN; /* Outputs point query to stream */ template<int K> __forceinline embree_ostream operator <<(embree_ostream cout, const PointQueryK<K>& query) { cout << "{ " << embree_endl << " p = " << query.p << embree_endl << " r = " << query.radius << embree_endl << " time = " << query.time << embree_endl << "}"; return cout; } }