// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#pragma once

#include "default.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "scene.h"
#include "primref.h"

#if defined(APPLE) && defined(__aarch64__)
#include <mutex>

namespace embree
  class FastAllocator
    /*! maximum supported alignment */
    static const size_t maxAlignment = 64;

    /*! maximum allocation size */

    /* default settings */
    //static const size_t defaultBlockSize = 4096;
#define maxAllocationSize size_t(2*1024*1024-maxAlignment)

    static const size_t MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS = 8;


    struct ThreadLocal2;

    /*! Per thread structure holding the current memory block. */
    struct __aligned(64) ThreadLocal

      /*! Constructor for usage with ThreadLocalData */
      __forceinline ThreadLocal (ThreadLocal2* parent) 
	: parent(parent), ptr(nullptr), cur(0), end(0), allocBlockSize(0), bytesUsed(0), bytesWasted(0) {}

      /*! initialize allocator */
      void init(FastAllocator* alloc) 
        ptr = nullptr;
	cur = end = 0;
        bytesUsed = 0;
        bytesWasted = 0;
        allocBlockSize = 0;
        if (alloc) allocBlockSize = alloc->defaultBlockSize;

      /* Allocate aligned memory from the threads memory block. */
      __forceinline void* malloc(FastAllocator* alloc, size_t bytes, size_t align = 16) 
        /* bind the thread local allocator to the proper FastAllocator*/

        assert(align <= maxAlignment);
	bytesUsed += bytes;

        /* try to allocate in local block */
	size_t ofs = (align - cur) & (align-1);
        cur += bytes + ofs;
        if (likely(cur <= end)) { bytesWasted += ofs; return &ptr[cur - bytes]; }
	cur -= bytes + ofs;
        /* if allocation is too large allocate with parent allocator */
        if (4*bytes > allocBlockSize) {
          return alloc->malloc(bytes,maxAlignment,false);

        /* get new partial block if allocation failed */
        size_t blockSize = allocBlockSize;
        ptr = (char*) alloc->malloc(blockSize,maxAlignment,true);
 	bytesWasted += end-cur;
	cur = 0; end = blockSize;

        /* retry allocation */
	ofs = (align - cur) & (align-1);
        cur += bytes + ofs;
        if (likely(cur <= end)) { bytesWasted += ofs; return &ptr[cur - bytes]; }
	cur -= bytes + ofs;

        /* get new full block if allocation failed */
        blockSize = allocBlockSize;
        ptr = (char*) alloc->malloc(blockSize,maxAlignment,false);
	bytesWasted += end-cur;
	cur = 0; end = blockSize;

        /* retry allocation */
	ofs = (align - cur) & (align-1);
        cur += bytes + ofs;
        if (likely(cur <= end)) { bytesWasted += ofs; return &ptr[cur - bytes]; }
	cur -= bytes + ofs;

        /* should never happen as large allocations get handled specially above */
        return nullptr;

      /*! returns amount of used bytes */
      __forceinline size_t getUsedBytes() const { return bytesUsed; }
      /*! returns amount of free bytes */
      __forceinline size_t getFreeBytes() const { return end-cur; }
      /*! returns amount of wasted bytes */
      __forceinline size_t getWastedBytes() const { return bytesWasted; }
      ThreadLocal2* parent;
      char*  ptr;            //!< pointer to memory block
      size_t cur;            //!< current location of the allocator
      size_t end;            //!< end of the memory block
      size_t allocBlockSize; //!< block size for allocations
      size_t bytesUsed;      //!< number of total bytes allocated
      size_t bytesWasted;    //!< number of bytes wasted

    /*! Two thread local structures. */
    struct __aligned(64) ThreadLocal2

      __forceinline ThreadLocal2()
        : alloc(nullptr), alloc0(this), alloc1(this) {}

      /*! bind to fast allocator */
      __forceinline void bind(FastAllocator* alloc_i) 
        if (alloc.load() == alloc_i) return;
#if defined(APPLE) && defined(__aarch64__)
        std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
        Lock<SpinLock> lock(mutex);
        //if (alloc.load() == alloc_i) return; // not required as only one thread calls bind
        if (alloc.load()) {
          alloc.load()->bytesUsed   += alloc0.getUsedBytes()   + alloc1.getUsedBytes();
          alloc.load()->bytesFree   += alloc0.getFreeBytes()   + alloc1.getFreeBytes();
          alloc.load()->bytesWasted += alloc0.getWastedBytes() + alloc1.getWastedBytes();

      /*! unbind to fast allocator */
      void unbind(FastAllocator* alloc_i) 
        if (alloc.load() != alloc_i) return;
#if defined(APPLE) && defined(__aarch64__)
        std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
        Lock<SpinLock> lock(mutex);
        if (alloc.load() != alloc_i) return; // required as a different thread calls unbind
        alloc.load()->bytesUsed   += alloc0.getUsedBytes()   + alloc1.getUsedBytes();
        alloc.load()->bytesFree   += alloc0.getFreeBytes()   + alloc1.getFreeBytes();
        alloc.load()->bytesWasted += alloc0.getWastedBytes() + alloc1.getWastedBytes();

#if defined(APPLE) && defined(__aarch64__)
      std::mutex mutex;
      SpinLock mutex;        //!< required as unbind is called from other threads
      std::atomic<FastAllocator*> alloc;  //!< parent allocator
      ThreadLocal alloc0;
      ThreadLocal alloc1;

    FastAllocator (Device* device, bool osAllocation) 
      : device(device), slotMask(0), usedBlocks(nullptr), freeBlocks(nullptr), use_single_mode(false), defaultBlockSize(PAGE_SIZE), estimatedSize(0),
        growSize(PAGE_SIZE), maxGrowSize(maxAllocationSize), log2_grow_size_scale(0), bytesUsed(0), bytesFree(0), bytesWasted(0), atype(osAllocation ? EMBREE_OS_MALLOC : ALIGNED_MALLOC),
      for (size_t i=0; i<MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS; i++)
        threadUsedBlocks[i] = nullptr;
        threadBlocks[i] = nullptr;

    ~FastAllocator () {

    /*! returns the device attached to this allocator */
    Device* getDevice() {
      return device;

    void share(mvector<PrimRef>& primrefarray_i) {
      primrefarray = std::move(primrefarray_i);

    void unshare(mvector<PrimRef>& primrefarray_o)
      reset(); // this removes blocks that are allocated inside the shared primref array
      primrefarray_o = std::move(primrefarray);

    /*! returns first fast thread local allocator */
    __forceinline ThreadLocal* _threadLocal() {
      return &threadLocal2()->alloc0;

    void setOSallocation(bool flag)
      atype = flag ? EMBREE_OS_MALLOC : ALIGNED_MALLOC;


    /*! returns both fast thread local allocators */
    __forceinline ThreadLocal2* threadLocal2() 
      ThreadLocal2* alloc = thread_local_allocator2;
      if (alloc == nullptr) {
        thread_local_allocator2 = alloc = new ThreadLocal2;
#if defined(APPLE) && defined(__aarch64__)
        std::scoped_lock lock(s_thread_local_allocators_lock);
        Lock<SpinLock> lock(s_thread_local_allocators_lock);
      return alloc;


    __forceinline void join(ThreadLocal2* alloc)
#if defined(APPLE) && defined(__aarch64__)
      std::scoped_lock lock(s_thread_local_allocators_lock);
      Lock<SpinLock> lock(thread_local_allocators_lock);


    struct CachedAllocator
      __forceinline CachedAllocator(void* ptr)
        : alloc(nullptr), talloc0(nullptr), talloc1(nullptr) 
        assert(ptr == nullptr);

      __forceinline CachedAllocator(FastAllocator* alloc, ThreadLocal2* talloc)
        : alloc(alloc), talloc0(&talloc->alloc0), talloc1(alloc->use_single_mode ? &talloc->alloc0 : &talloc->alloc1) {}

      __forceinline operator bool () const {
        return alloc != nullptr;

      __forceinline void* operator() (size_t bytes, size_t align = 16) const {
        return talloc0->malloc(alloc,bytes,align);

      __forceinline void* malloc0 (size_t bytes, size_t align = 16) const {
        return talloc0->malloc(alloc,bytes,align);

      __forceinline void* malloc1 (size_t bytes, size_t align = 16) const {
        return talloc1->malloc(alloc,bytes,align);

      FastAllocator* alloc;
      ThreadLocal* talloc0;
      ThreadLocal* talloc1;

    __forceinline CachedAllocator getCachedAllocator() {
      return CachedAllocator(this,threadLocal2());

    /*! Builder interface to create thread local allocator */
    struct Create
      __forceinline Create (FastAllocator* allocator) : allocator(allocator) {}
      __forceinline CachedAllocator operator() () const { return allocator->getCachedAllocator();  }

      FastAllocator* allocator;

    void internal_fix_used_blocks()
      /* move thread local blocks to global block list */
      for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS; i++)
        while (threadBlocks[i].load() != nullptr) {
          Block* nextUsedBlock = threadBlocks[i].load()->next;
          threadBlocks[i].load()->next = usedBlocks.load();
          usedBlocks = threadBlocks[i].load();
          threadBlocks[i] = nextUsedBlock;
        threadBlocks[i] = nullptr;

    static const size_t threadLocalAllocOverhead = 20; //! 20 means 5% parallel allocation overhead through unfilled thread local blocks
    static const size_t mainAllocOverheadStatic  = 20;  //! 20 means 5% allocation overhead through unfilled main alloc blocks
    static const size_t mainAllocOverheadDynamic = 8;  //! 20 means 12.5% allocation overhead through unfilled main alloc blocks

    /* calculates a single threaded threshold for the builders such
     * that for small scenes the overhead of partly allocated blocks
     * per thread is low */
    size_t fixSingleThreadThreshold(size_t branchingFactor, size_t defaultThreshold, size_t numPrimitives, size_t bytesEstimated)
      if (numPrimitives == 0 || bytesEstimated == 0) 
        return defaultThreshold;

      /* calculate block size in bytes to fulfill threadLocalAllocOverhead constraint */
      const size_t single_mode_factor = use_single_mode ? 1 : 2;
      const size_t threadCount = TaskScheduler::threadCount();
      const size_t singleThreadBytes = single_mode_factor*threadLocalAllocOverhead*defaultBlockSize;

      /* if we do not have to limit number of threads use optimal thresdhold */
      if ( (bytesEstimated+(singleThreadBytes-1))/singleThreadBytes >= threadCount)
        return defaultThreshold;

      /* otherwise limit number of threads by calculating proper single thread threshold */
      else {
        double bytesPerPrimitive = double(bytesEstimated)/double(numPrimitives);
        return size_t(ceil(branchingFactor*singleThreadBytes/bytesPerPrimitive)); 

    __forceinline size_t alignSize(size_t i) {
      return (i+127)/128*128;

    /*! initializes the grow size */
    __forceinline void initGrowSizeAndNumSlots(size_t bytesEstimated, bool fast) 
      /* we do not need single thread local allocator mode */
      use_single_mode = false;
      /* calculate growSize such that at most mainAllocationOverhead gets wasted when a block stays unused */
      size_t mainAllocOverhead = fast ? mainAllocOverheadDynamic : mainAllocOverheadStatic;
      size_t blockSize = alignSize(bytesEstimated/mainAllocOverhead);
      growSize = maxGrowSize = clamp(blockSize,size_t(1024),maxAllocationSize);

      /* if we reached the maxAllocationSize for growSize, we can
       * increase the number of allocation slots by still guaranteeing
       * the mainAllocationOverhead */
      slotMask = 0x0;

      if (MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS >= 2 && bytesEstimated > 2*mainAllocOverhead*growSize) slotMask = 0x1;
      if (MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS >= 4 && bytesEstimated > 4*mainAllocOverhead*growSize) slotMask = 0x3;
      if (MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS >= 8 && bytesEstimated > 8*mainAllocOverhead*growSize) slotMask = 0x7;
      if (MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS >= 8 && bytesEstimated > 16*mainAllocOverhead*growSize) { growSize *= 2; } /* if the overhead is tiny, double the growSize */

      /* set the thread local alloc block size */
      size_t defaultBlockSizeSwitch = PAGE_SIZE+maxAlignment;
      /* for sufficiently large scene we can increase the defaultBlockSize over the defaultBlockSizeSwitch size */
#if 0 // we do not do this as a block size of 4160 if for some reason best for KNL
      const size_t threadCount = TaskScheduler::threadCount();
      const size_t single_mode_factor = use_single_mode ? 1 : 2;
      const size_t singleThreadBytes = single_mode_factor*threadLocalAllocOverhead*defaultBlockSizeSwitch;
      if (bytesEstimated+(singleThreadBytes-1))/singleThreadBytes >= threadCount)
        defaultBlockSize = min(max(defaultBlockSizeSwitch,bytesEstimated/(single_mode_factor*threadLocalAllocOverhead*threadCount)),growSize);

      /* otherwise we grow the defaultBlockSize up to defaultBlockSizeSwitch */
        defaultBlockSize = clamp(blockSize,size_t(1024),defaultBlockSizeSwitch);

      if (bytesEstimated == 0) {
        maxGrowSize = maxAllocationSize; // special mode if builder cannot estimate tree size
        defaultBlockSize = defaultBlockSizeSwitch;
      log2_grow_size_scale = 0;
      if (device->alloc_main_block_size != 0) growSize = device->alloc_main_block_size;
      if (device->alloc_num_main_slots >= 1 ) slotMask = 0x0;
      if (device->alloc_num_main_slots >= 2 ) slotMask = 0x1;
      if (device->alloc_num_main_slots >= 4 ) slotMask = 0x3;
      if (device->alloc_num_main_slots >= 8 ) slotMask = 0x7;
      if (device->alloc_thread_block_size != 0) defaultBlockSize = device->alloc_thread_block_size;
      if (device->alloc_single_thread_alloc != -1) use_single_mode = device->alloc_single_thread_alloc;

    /*! initializes the allocator */
    void init(size_t bytesAllocate, size_t bytesReserve, size_t bytesEstimate)
      /* distribute the allocation to multiple thread block slots */
      slotMask = MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS-1; // FIXME: remove
      if (usedBlocks.load() || freeBlocks.load()) { reset(); return; }
      if (bytesReserve == 0) bytesReserve = bytesAllocate;
      freeBlocks = Block::create(device,bytesAllocate,bytesReserve,nullptr,atype);
      estimatedSize = bytesEstimate;

    /*! initializes the allocator */
    void init_estimate(size_t bytesEstimate)
      if (usedBlocks.load() || freeBlocks.load()) { reset(); return; }
      /* single allocator mode ? */
      estimatedSize = bytesEstimate;


    /*! frees state not required after build */
    __forceinline void cleanup()

      /* unbind all thread local allocators */
      for (auto alloc : thread_local_allocators) alloc->unbind(this);

    /*! resets the allocator, memory blocks get reused */
    void reset ()


      /* reset all used blocks and move them to begin of free block list */
      while (usedBlocks.load() != nullptr) {
        Block* nextUsedBlock = usedBlocks.load()->next;
        usedBlocks.load()->next = freeBlocks.load();
        freeBlocks = usedBlocks.load();
        usedBlocks = nextUsedBlock;

      /* remove all shared blocks as they are re-added during build */

      for (size_t i=0; i<MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS; i++)
        threadUsedBlocks[i] = nullptr;
        threadBlocks[i] = nullptr;
      /* unbind all thread local allocators */
      for (auto alloc : thread_local_allocators) alloc->unbind(this);

    /*! frees all allocated memory */
    __forceinline void clear()
      if (usedBlocks.load() != nullptr) usedBlocks.load()->clear_list(device); usedBlocks = nullptr;
      if (freeBlocks.load() != nullptr) freeBlocks.load()->clear_list(device); freeBlocks = nullptr;
      for (size_t i=0; i<MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS; i++) {
        threadUsedBlocks[i] = nullptr;
        threadBlocks[i] = nullptr;

    __forceinline size_t incGrowSizeScale()
      size_t scale = log2_grow_size_scale.fetch_add(1)+1;
      return size_t(1) << min(size_t(16),scale);

    /*! thread safe allocation of memory */
    void* malloc(size_t& bytes, size_t align, bool partial)
      assert(align <= maxAlignment);

      while (true)
        /* allocate using current block */
        size_t threadID = TaskScheduler::threadID();
        size_t slot = threadID & slotMask;
	Block* myUsedBlocks = threadUsedBlocks[slot];
        if (myUsedBlocks) {
          void* ptr = myUsedBlocks->malloc(device,bytes,align,partial);
          if (ptr) return ptr;

        /* throw error if allocation is too large */
        if (bytes > maxAllocationSize)
          throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"allocation is too large");

        /* parallel block creation in case of no freeBlocks, avoids single global mutex */
        if (likely(freeBlocks.load() == nullptr))
#if defined(APPLE) && defined(__aarch64__)
          std::scoped_lock lock(slotMutex[slot]);
          Lock<SpinLock> lock(slotMutex[slot]);
          if (myUsedBlocks == threadUsedBlocks[slot]) {
            const size_t alignedBytes = (bytes+(align-1)) & ~(align-1);
            const size_t allocSize = max(min(growSize,maxGrowSize),alignedBytes);
            assert(allocSize >= bytes);
            threadBlocks[slot] = threadUsedBlocks[slot] = Block::create(device,allocSize,allocSize,threadBlocks[slot],atype); // FIXME: a large allocation might throw away a block here!
            // FIXME: a direct allocation should allocate inside the block here, and not in the next loop! a different thread could do some allocation and make the large allocation fail.

        /* if this fails allocate new block */
#if defined(APPLE) && defined(__aarch64__)
            std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
            Lock<SpinLock> lock(mutex);
	  if (myUsedBlocks == threadUsedBlocks[slot])
            if (freeBlocks.load() != nullptr) {
	      Block* nextFreeBlock = freeBlocks.load()->next;
	      freeBlocks.load()->next = usedBlocks;
	      usedBlocks = freeBlocks.load();
              threadUsedBlocks[slot] = freeBlocks.load();
	      freeBlocks = nextFreeBlock;
	    } else {
              const size_t allocSize = min(growSize*incGrowSizeScale(),maxGrowSize);
	      usedBlocks = threadUsedBlocks[slot] = Block::create(device,allocSize,allocSize,usedBlocks,atype); // FIXME: a large allocation should get delivered directly, like above!

    /*! add new block */
    void addBlock(void* ptr, ssize_t bytes)
#if defined(APPLE) && defined(__aarch64__)
      std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
      Lock<SpinLock> lock(mutex);
      const size_t sizeof_Header = offsetof(Block,data[0]);
      void* aptr = (void*) ((((size_t)ptr)+maxAlignment-1) & ~(maxAlignment-1));
      size_t ofs = (size_t) aptr - (size_t) ptr;
      bytes -= ofs;
      if (bytes < 4096) return; // ignore empty or very small blocks
      freeBlocks = new (aptr) Block(SHARED,bytes-sizeof_Header,bytes-sizeof_Header,freeBlocks,ofs);

    /* special allocation only used from morton builder only a single time for each build */
    void* specialAlloc(size_t bytes)
      assert(freeBlocks.load() != nullptr && freeBlocks.load()->getBlockAllocatedBytes() >= bytes);
      return freeBlocks.load()->ptr();

    struct Statistics
      Statistics ()
      : bytesUsed(0), bytesFree(0), bytesWasted(0) {}

      Statistics (size_t bytesUsed, size_t bytesFree, size_t bytesWasted)
      : bytesUsed(bytesUsed), bytesFree(bytesFree), bytesWasted(bytesWasted) {}

      Statistics (FastAllocator* alloc, AllocationType atype, bool huge_pages = false)
      : bytesUsed(0), bytesFree(0), bytesWasted(0)
        Block* usedBlocks = alloc->usedBlocks.load();
        Block* freeBlocks = alloc->freeBlocks.load();
        if (usedBlocks) bytesUsed += usedBlocks->getUsedBytes(atype,huge_pages);
        if (freeBlocks) bytesFree += freeBlocks->getAllocatedBytes(atype,huge_pages);
        if (usedBlocks) bytesFree += usedBlocks->getFreeBytes(atype,huge_pages);
        if (freeBlocks) bytesWasted += freeBlocks->getWastedBytes(atype,huge_pages);
        if (usedBlocks) bytesWasted += usedBlocks->getWastedBytes(atype,huge_pages);

      std::string str(size_t numPrimitives)
        std::stringstream str;
        str.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
        str << "used = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesUsed << " MB, "
            << "free = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesFree << " MB, "
            << "wasted = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesWasted << " MB, "            
            << "total = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesAllocatedTotal() << " MB, "
            << "#bytes/prim = " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << double(bytesAllocatedTotal())/double(numPrimitives);
        return str.str();

      friend Statistics operator+ ( const Statistics& a, const Statistics& b)
        return Statistics(a.bytesUsed+b.bytesUsed,

      size_t bytesAllocatedTotal() const {
        return bytesUsed + bytesFree + bytesWasted;

      size_t bytesUsed;
      size_t bytesFree;
      size_t bytesWasted;

    Statistics getStatistics(AllocationType atype, bool huge_pages = false) {
      return Statistics(this,atype,huge_pages);

    size_t getUsedBytes() {
      return bytesUsed;

    size_t getWastedBytes() {
      return bytesWasted;

    struct AllStatistics
      AllStatistics (FastAllocator* alloc)

      : bytesUsed(alloc->bytesUsed),
        stat_shared(alloc,SHARED) {}

      AllStatistics (size_t bytesUsed,
                     size_t bytesFree,
                     size_t bytesWasted,
                     Statistics stat_all,
                     Statistics stat_malloc,
                     Statistics stat_4K,
                     Statistics stat_2M,
                     Statistics stat_shared)

      : bytesUsed(bytesUsed),
        stat_shared(stat_shared) {}

      friend AllStatistics operator+ (const AllStatistics& a, const AllStatistics& b)
        return AllStatistics(a.bytesUsed+b.bytesUsed,
                             a.stat_all + b.stat_all,
                             a.stat_malloc + b.stat_malloc,
                             a.stat_4K + b.stat_4K,
                             a.stat_2M + b.stat_2M,
                             a.stat_shared + b.stat_shared);

      void print(size_t numPrimitives)
        std::stringstream str0;
        str0.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
        str0 << "  alloc : " 
             << "used = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesUsed << " MB, "
             << "                                                            " 
             << "#bytes/prim = " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << double(bytesUsed)/double(numPrimitives);
        std::cout << str0.str() << std::endl;
        std::stringstream str1;
        str1.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
        str1 << "  alloc : " 
             << "used = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesUsed << " MB, "
             << "free = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesFree << " MB, "            
             << "wasted = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesWasted << " MB, "            
             << "total = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*(bytesUsed+bytesFree+bytesWasted) << " MB, "
             << "#bytes/prim = " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << double(bytesUsed+bytesFree+bytesWasted)/double(numPrimitives);
        std::cout << str1.str() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  total : " << stat_all.str(numPrimitives) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  4K    : " << stat_4K.str(numPrimitives) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  2M    : " << stat_2M.str(numPrimitives) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  malloc: " << stat_malloc.str(numPrimitives) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  shared: " << stat_shared.str(numPrimitives) << std::endl;

      size_t bytesUsed;
      size_t bytesFree;
      size_t bytesWasted;
      Statistics stat_all;
      Statistics stat_malloc;
      Statistics stat_4K;
      Statistics stat_2M;
      Statistics stat_shared;

    void print_blocks()
      std::cout << "  estimatedSize = " << estimatedSize << ", slotMask = " << slotMask << ", use_single_mode = " << use_single_mode << ", maxGrowSize = " << maxGrowSize << ", defaultBlockSize = " << defaultBlockSize << std::endl;

      std::cout << "  used blocks = ";
      if (usedBlocks.load() != nullptr) usedBlocks.load()->print_list();
      std::cout << "[END]" << std::endl;

      std::cout << "  free blocks = ";
      if (freeBlocks.load() != nullptr) freeBlocks.load()->print_list();
      std::cout << "[END]" << std::endl;


    struct Block
      static Block* create(MemoryMonitorInterface* device, size_t bytesAllocate, size_t bytesReserve, Block* next, AllocationType atype)
        /* We avoid using os_malloc for small blocks as this could
         * cause a risk of fragmenting the virtual address space and
         * reach the limit of vm.max_map_count = 65k under Linux. */
        if (atype == EMBREE_OS_MALLOC && bytesAllocate < maxAllocationSize)
          atype = ALIGNED_MALLOC;

        /* we need to additionally allocate some header */
        const size_t sizeof_Header = offsetof(Block,data[0]);
        bytesAllocate = sizeof_Header+bytesAllocate;
        bytesReserve  = sizeof_Header+bytesReserve;

        /* consume full 4k pages with using os_malloc */
        if (atype == EMBREE_OS_MALLOC) {
          bytesAllocate = ((bytesAllocate+PAGE_SIZE-1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE-1));
          bytesReserve  = ((bytesReserve +PAGE_SIZE-1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE-1));

        /* either use alignedMalloc or os_malloc */
        void *ptr = nullptr;
        if (atype == ALIGNED_MALLOC)
          /* special handling for default block size */
          if (bytesAllocate == (2*PAGE_SIZE_2M))
            const size_t alignment = maxAlignment;
            if (device) device->memoryMonitor(bytesAllocate+alignment,false);
            ptr = alignedMalloc(bytesAllocate,alignment);

            /* give hint to transparently convert these pages to 2MB pages */
            const size_t ptr_aligned_begin = ((size_t)ptr) & ~size_t(PAGE_SIZE_2M-1);
            os_advise((void*)(ptr_aligned_begin +              0),PAGE_SIZE_2M); // may fail if no memory mapped before block
            os_advise((void*)(ptr_aligned_begin + 1*PAGE_SIZE_2M),PAGE_SIZE_2M);
            os_advise((void*)(ptr_aligned_begin + 2*PAGE_SIZE_2M),PAGE_SIZE_2M); // may fail if no memory mapped after block

            return new (ptr) Block(ALIGNED_MALLOC,bytesAllocate-sizeof_Header,bytesAllocate-sizeof_Header,next,alignment);
            const size_t alignment = maxAlignment;
            if (device) device->memoryMonitor(bytesAllocate+alignment,false);
            ptr = alignedMalloc(bytesAllocate,alignment);
            return new (ptr) Block(ALIGNED_MALLOC,bytesAllocate-sizeof_Header,bytesAllocate-sizeof_Header,next,alignment);
        else if (atype == EMBREE_OS_MALLOC)
          if (device) device->memoryMonitor(bytesAllocate,false);
          bool huge_pages; ptr = os_malloc(bytesReserve,huge_pages);
          return new (ptr) Block(EMBREE_OS_MALLOC,bytesAllocate-sizeof_Header,bytesReserve-sizeof_Header,next,0,huge_pages);

        return NULL;

      Block (AllocationType atype, size_t bytesAllocate, size_t bytesReserve, Block* next, size_t wasted, bool huge_pages = false)
      : cur(0), allocEnd(bytesAllocate), reserveEnd(bytesReserve), next(next), wasted(wasted), atype(atype), huge_pages(huge_pages)
        assert((((size_t)&data[0]) & (maxAlignment-1)) == 0);

      static Block* remove_shared_blocks(Block* head)
        Block** prev_next = &head;
        for (Block* block = head; block; block = block->next) {
          if (block->atype == SHARED) *prev_next = block->next;
          else                         prev_next = &block->next;
        return head;

      void clear_list(MemoryMonitorInterface* device)
        Block* block = this;
        while (block) {
          Block* next = block->next;
          block = next;

      void clear_block (MemoryMonitorInterface* device)
        const size_t sizeof_Header = offsetof(Block,data[0]);
        const ssize_t sizeof_Alloced = wasted+sizeof_Header+getBlockAllocatedBytes();

        if (atype == ALIGNED_MALLOC) {
          if (device) device->memoryMonitor(-sizeof_Alloced,true);

        else if (atype == EMBREE_OS_MALLOC) {
         size_t sizeof_This = sizeof_Header+reserveEnd;
         if (device) device->memoryMonitor(-sizeof_Alloced,true);

        else /* if (atype == SHARED) */ {

      void* malloc(MemoryMonitorInterface* device, size_t& bytes_in, size_t align, bool partial)
        size_t bytes = bytes_in;
        assert(align <= maxAlignment);
        bytes = (bytes+(align-1)) & ~(align-1);
	if (unlikely(cur+bytes > reserveEnd && !partial)) return nullptr;
	const size_t i = cur.fetch_add(bytes);
        if (unlikely(i+bytes > reserveEnd && !partial)) return nullptr;
        if (unlikely(i > reserveEnd)) return nullptr;
        bytes_in = bytes = min(bytes,reserveEnd-i);
	if (i+bytes > allocEnd) {
          if (device) device->memoryMonitor(i+bytes-max(i,allocEnd),true);
	return &data[i];

      void* ptr() {
        return &data[cur];

      void reset_block ()
        allocEnd = max(allocEnd,(size_t)cur);
        cur = 0;

      size_t getBlockUsedBytes() const {
        return min(size_t(cur),reserveEnd);

      size_t getBlockFreeBytes() const {
	return getBlockAllocatedBytes() - getBlockUsedBytes();

      size_t getBlockAllocatedBytes() const {
        return min(max(allocEnd,size_t(cur)),reserveEnd);

      size_t getBlockWastedBytes() const {
        const size_t sizeof_Header = offsetof(Block,data[0]);
        return sizeof_Header + wasted;

      size_t getBlockReservedBytes() const {
        return reserveEnd;
      bool hasType(AllocationType atype_i, bool huge_pages_i) const
        if      (atype_i == ANY_TYPE ) return true;
        else if (atype   == EMBREE_OS_MALLOC) return atype_i == atype && huge_pages_i == huge_pages;
        else                           return atype_i == atype;

      size_t getUsedBytes(AllocationType atype, bool huge_pages = false) const {
        size_t bytes = 0;
        for (const Block* block = this; block; block = block->next) {
          if (!block->hasType(atype,huge_pages)) continue;
          bytes += block->getBlockUsedBytes();
        return bytes;

      size_t getFreeBytes(AllocationType atype, bool huge_pages = false) const {
        size_t bytes = 0;
        for (const Block* block = this; block; block = block->next) {
          if (!block->hasType(atype,huge_pages)) continue;
          bytes += block->getBlockFreeBytes();
        return bytes;

      size_t getWastedBytes(AllocationType atype, bool huge_pages = false) const {
        size_t bytes = 0;
        for (const Block* block = this; block; block = block->next) {
          if (!block->hasType(atype,huge_pages)) continue;
          bytes += block->getBlockWastedBytes();
        return bytes;

      size_t getAllocatedBytes(AllocationType atype, bool huge_pages = false) const {
        size_t bytes = 0;
        for (const Block* block = this; block; block = block->next) {
          if (!block->hasType(atype,huge_pages)) continue;
          bytes += block->getBlockAllocatedBytes();
        return bytes;

      void print_list ()
        for (const Block* block = this; block; block = block->next)

      void print_block() const
        if (atype == ALIGNED_MALLOC) std::cout << "A";
        else if (atype == EMBREE_OS_MALLOC) std::cout << "O";
        else if (atype == SHARED) std::cout << "S";
        if (huge_pages) std::cout << "H";
        size_t bytesUsed = getBlockUsedBytes();
        size_t bytesFree = getBlockFreeBytes();
        size_t bytesWasted = getBlockWastedBytes();
        std::cout << "[" << bytesUsed << ", " << bytesFree << ", " << bytesWasted << "] ";

      std::atomic<size_t> cur;        //!< current location of the allocator
      std::atomic<size_t> allocEnd;   //!< end of the allocated memory region
      std::atomic<size_t> reserveEnd; //!< end of the reserved memory region
      Block* next;               //!< pointer to next block in list
      size_t wasted;             //!< amount of memory wasted through block alignment
      AllocationType atype;      //!< allocation mode of the block
      bool huge_pages;           //!< whether the block uses huge pages
      char align[maxAlignment-5*sizeof(size_t)-sizeof(AllocationType)-sizeof(bool)]; //!< align data to maxAlignment
      char data[1];              //!< here starts memory to use for allocations

    Device* device;
    SpinLock mutex;
    size_t slotMask;
    std::atomic<Block*> threadUsedBlocks[MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS];
    std::atomic<Block*> usedBlocks;
    std::atomic<Block*> freeBlocks;

    std::atomic<Block*> threadBlocks[MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS];
#if defined(APPLE) && defined(__aarch64__)
    std::mutex slotMutex[MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS];
    PaddedSpinLock slotMutex[MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS];

    bool use_single_mode;
    size_t defaultBlockSize;
    size_t estimatedSize;
    size_t growSize;
    size_t maxGrowSize;
    std::atomic<size_t> log2_grow_size_scale; //!< log2 of scaling factor for grow size // FIXME: remove
    std::atomic<size_t> bytesUsed;
    std::atomic<size_t> bytesFree;
    std::atomic<size_t> bytesWasted;
    static __thread ThreadLocal2* thread_local_allocator2;
    static SpinLock s_thread_local_allocators_lock;
    static std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ThreadLocal2>> s_thread_local_allocators;
#if defined(APPLE) && defined(__aarch64__)
    std::mutex thread_local_allocators_lock;
    SpinLock thread_local_allocators_lock;
    std::vector<ThreadLocal2*> thread_local_allocators;
    AllocationType atype;
    mvector<PrimRef> primrefarray;     //!< primrefarray used to allocate nodes