// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#pragma once

#include "platform.h"
#include "mutex.h"
#include "alloc.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include <vector>

namespace embree
  /*! type for thread */
  typedef struct opaque_thread_t* thread_t;

  /*! signature of thread start function */
  typedef void (*thread_func)(void*);

  /*! creates a hardware thread running on specific logical thread */
  thread_t createThread(thread_func f, void* arg, size_t stack_size = 0, ssize_t threadID = -1);

  /*! set affinity of the calling thread */
  void setAffinity(ssize_t affinity);

  /*! the thread calling this function gets yielded */
  void yield();

  /*! waits until the given thread has terminated */
  void join(thread_t tid);

  /*! destroy handle of a thread */
  void destroyThread(thread_t tid);

  /*! type for handle to thread local storage */
  typedef struct opaque_tls_t* tls_t;

  /*! creates thread local storage */
  tls_t createTls();

  /*! set the thread local storage pointer */
  void setTls(tls_t tls, void* const ptr);

  /*! return the thread local storage pointer */
  void* getTls(tls_t tls);

  /*! destroys thread local storage identifier */
  void destroyTls(tls_t tls);