// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 #include "tokenstream.h" #include "../math/math.h" namespace embree { /* shorthands for common sets of characters */ const std::string TokenStream::alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; const std::string TokenStream::ALPHA = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; const std::string TokenStream::numbers = "0123456789"; const std::string TokenStream::separators = "\n\t\r "; const std::string TokenStream::stringChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 _.,+-=:/*\\"; /* creates map for fast categorization of characters */ static void createCharMap(bool map[256], const std::string& chrs) { for (size_t i=0; i<256; i++) map[i] = false; for (size_t i=0; i<chrs.size(); i++) map[uint8_t(chrs[i])] = true; } /* build full tokenizer that takes list of valid characters and keywords */ TokenStream::TokenStream(const Ref<Stream<int> >& cin, //< stream to read from const std::string& alpha, //< valid characters for identifiers const std::string& seps, //< characters that act as separators const std::vector<std::string>& symbols) //< symbols : cin(cin), symbols(symbols) { createCharMap(isAlphaMap,alpha); createCharMap(isSepMap,seps); createCharMap(isStringCharMap,stringChars); } bool TokenStream::decDigits(std::string& str_o) { bool ok = false; std::string str; if (cin->peek() == '+' || cin->peek() == '-') str += (char)cin->get(); while (isDigit(cin->peek())) { ok = true; str += (char)cin->get(); } if (ok) str_o += str; else cin->unget(str.size()); return ok; } bool TokenStream::decDigits1(std::string& str_o) { bool ok = false; std::string str; while (isDigit(cin->peek())) { ok = true; str += (char)cin->get(); } if (ok) str_o += str; else cin->unget(str.size()); return ok; } bool TokenStream::trySymbol(const std::string& symbol) { size_t pos = 0; while (pos < symbol.size()) { if (symbol[pos] != cin->peek()) { cin->unget(pos); return false; } cin->drop(); pos++; } return true; } bool TokenStream::trySymbols(Token& token, const ParseLocation& loc) { for (size_t i=0; i<symbols.size(); i++) { if (!trySymbol(symbols[i])) continue; token = Token(symbols[i],Token::TY_SYMBOL,loc); return true; } return false; } bool TokenStream::tryFloat(Token& token, const ParseLocation& loc) { bool ok = false; std::string str; if (trySymbol("nan")) { token = Token(float(nan)); return true; } if (trySymbol("+inf")) { token = Token(float(pos_inf)); return true; } if (trySymbol("-inf")) { token = Token(float(neg_inf)); return true; } if (decDigits(str)) { if (cin->peek() == '.') { str += (char)cin->get(); decDigits(str); if (cin->peek() == 'e' || cin->peek() == 'E') { str += (char)cin->get(); if (decDigits(str)) ok = true; // 1.[2]E2 } else ok = true; // 1.[2] } else if (cin->peek() == 'e' || cin->peek() == 'E') { str += (char)cin->get(); if (decDigits(str)) ok = true; // 1E2 } } else { if (cin->peek() == '.') { str += (char)cin->get(); if (decDigits(str)) { if (cin->peek() == 'e' || cin->peek() == 'E') { str += (char)cin->get(); if (decDigits(str)) ok = true; // .3E2 } else ok = true; // .3 } } } if (ok) { token = Token((float)atof(str.c_str()),loc); } else cin->unget(str.size()); return ok; } bool TokenStream::tryInt(Token& token, const ParseLocation& loc) { std::string str; if (decDigits(str)) { token = Token(atoi(str.c_str()),loc); return true; } return false; } bool TokenStream::tryString(Token& token, const ParseLocation& loc) { std::string str; if (cin->peek() != '\"') return false; cin->drop(); while (cin->peek() != '\"') { const int c = cin->get(); if (!isStringChar(c)) THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR("invalid string character "+std::string(1,c)+" at "+loc.str()); str += (char)c; } cin->drop(); token = Token(str,Token::TY_STRING,loc); return true; } bool TokenStream::tryIdentifier(Token& token, const ParseLocation& loc) { std::string str; if (!isAlpha(cin->peek())) return false; str += (char)cin->get(); while (isAlphaNum(cin->peek())) str += (char)cin->get(); token = Token(str,Token::TY_IDENTIFIER,loc); return true; } void TokenStream::skipSeparators() { /* skip separators */ while (cin->peek() != EOF && isSeparator(cin->peek())) cin->drop(); } Token TokenStream::next() { Token token; skipSeparators(); ParseLocation loc = cin->loc(); if (trySymbols (token,loc)) return token; /**< try to parse a symbol */ if (tryFloat (token,loc)) return token; /**< try to parse float */ if (tryInt (token,loc)) return token; /**< try to parse integer */ if (tryString (token,loc)) return token; /**< try to parse string */ if (tryIdentifier(token,loc)) return token; /**< try to parse identifier */ if (cin->peek() == EOF ) return Token(loc); /**< return EOF token */ return Token((char)cin->get(),loc); /**< return invalid character token */ } }