Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Erwin Coumans  http://continuousphysics.com/Bullet/

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///btSoftBody implementation by Nathanael Presson

#ifndef _BT_SOFT_BODY_H
#define _BT_SOFT_BODY_H

#include "LinearMath/btAlignedObjectArray.h"
#include "LinearMath/btTransform.h"
#include "LinearMath/btIDebugDraw.h"
#include "LinearMath/btVector3.h"
#include "BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btRigidBody.h"

#include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btConcaveShape.h"
#include "BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btCollisionCreateFunc.h"
#include "btSparseSDF.h"
#include "BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btDbvt.h"
#include "BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBodyLinkCollider.h"
#include "BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBodyConstraint.h"
//#define btRigidBodyData	btRigidBodyDoubleData
//#define btRigidBodyDataName	"btRigidBodyDoubleData"
#define btSoftBodyData btSoftBodyFloatData
#define btSoftBodyDataName "btSoftBodyFloatData"
static const btScalar  OVERLAP_REDUCTION_FACTOR = 0.1;
static unsigned long seed = 243703;

class btBroadphaseInterface;
class btDispatcher;
class btSoftBodySolver;

/* btSoftBodyWorldInfo	*/
struct btSoftBodyWorldInfo
	btScalar air_density;
	btScalar water_density;
	btScalar water_offset;
	btScalar m_maxDisplacement;
	btVector3 water_normal;
	btBroadphaseInterface* m_broadphase;
	btDispatcher* m_dispatcher;
	btVector3 m_gravity;
	btSparseSdf<3> m_sparsesdf;

		: air_density((btScalar)1.2),
		  m_maxDisplacement(1000.f),  //avoid soft body from 'exploding' so use some upper threshold of maximum motion that a node can travel per frame
		  water_normal(0, 0, 0),
		  m_gravity(0, -10, 0)

///The btSoftBody is an class to simulate cloth and volumetric soft bodies.
///There is two-way interaction between btSoftBody and btRigidBody/btCollisionObject.
class btSoftBody : public btCollisionObject
	btAlignedObjectArray<const class btCollisionObject*> m_collisionDisabledObjects;

	// The solver object that handles this soft body
	btSoftBodySolver* m_softBodySolver;

	// Enumerations

	struct eAeroModel
		enum _
			V_Point,             ///Vertex normals are oriented toward velocity
			V_TwoSided,          ///Vertex normals are flipped to match velocity
			V_TwoSidedLiftDrag,  ///Vertex normals are flipped to match velocity and lift and drag forces are applied
			V_OneSided,          ///Vertex normals are taken as it is
			F_TwoSided,          ///Face normals are flipped to match velocity
			F_TwoSidedLiftDrag,  ///Face normals are flipped to match velocity and lift and drag forces are applied
			F_OneSided,          ///Face normals are taken as it is

	///eVSolver : velocities solvers
	struct eVSolver
		enum _
			Linear,  ///Linear solver

	///ePSolver : positions solvers
	struct ePSolver
		enum _
			Linear,     ///Linear solver
			Anchors,    ///Anchor solver
			RContacts,  ///Rigid contacts solver
			SContacts,  ///Soft contacts solver

	struct eSolverPresets
		enum _
			Default = Positions,

	struct eFeature
		enum _

	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<eVSolver::_> tVSolverArray;
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<ePSolver::_> tPSolverArray;

	// Flags

	struct fCollision
		enum _
			RVSmask = 0x000f,  ///Rigid versus soft mask
			SDF_RS = 0x0001,   ///SDF based rigid vs soft
			CL_RS = 0x0002,    ///Cluster vs convex rigid vs soft
			SDF_RD = 0x0004,   ///rigid vs deformable

			SVSmask = 0x00f0,  ///Rigid versus soft mask
			VF_SS = 0x0010,    ///Vertex vs face soft vs soft handling
			CL_SS = 0x0020,    ///Cluster vs cluster soft vs soft handling
			CL_SELF = 0x0040,  ///Cluster soft body self collision
			VF_DD = 0x0080,    ///Vertex vs face soft vs soft handling

			RVDFmask = 0x0f00, /// Rigid versus deformable face mask
			SDF_RDF = 0x0100,  /// GJK based Rigid vs. deformable face
			SDF_MDF = 0x0200,  /// GJK based Multibody vs. deformable face
            SDF_RDN = 0x0400,  /// SDF based Rigid vs. deformable node
			/* presets	*/
			Default = SDF_RS,

	struct fMaterial
		enum _
			DebugDraw = 0x0001,  /// Enable debug draw
			/* presets	*/
			Default = DebugDraw,

	// API Types

	/* sRayCast		*/
	struct sRayCast
		btSoftBody* body;     /// soft body
		eFeature::_ feature;  /// feature type
		int index;            /// feature index
		btScalar fraction;    /// time of impact fraction (rayorg+(rayto-rayfrom)*fraction)

	/* ImplicitFn	*/
	struct ImplicitFn
		virtual ~ImplicitFn() {}
		virtual btScalar Eval(const btVector3& x) = 0;

	// Internal types

	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<btScalar> tScalarArray;
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> tVector3Array;

	/* sCti is Softbody contact info	*/
	struct sCti
		const btCollisionObject* m_colObj; /* Rigid body			*/
		btVector3 m_normal;                /* Outward normal		*/
		btScalar m_offset;                 /* Offset from origin	*/
        btVector3 m_bary;                  /* Barycentric weights for faces */

	/* sMedium		*/
	struct sMedium
		btVector3 m_velocity; /* Velocity				*/
		btScalar m_pressure;  /* Pressure				*/
		btScalar m_density;   /* Density				*/

	/* Base type	*/
	struct Element
		void* m_tag;  // User data
		Element() : m_tag(0) {}
	/* Material		*/
	struct Material : Element
		btScalar m_kLST;  // Linear stiffness coefficient [0,1]
		btScalar m_kAST;  // Area/Angular stiffness coefficient [0,1]
		btScalar m_kVST;  // Volume stiffness coefficient [0,1]
		int m_flags;      // Flags

	/* Feature		*/
	struct Feature : Element
		Material* m_material;  // Material
	/* Node			*/
	struct Node : Feature
		btVector3 m_x;       // Position
		btVector3 m_q;       // Previous step position/Test position
		btVector3 m_v;       // Velocity
        btVector3 m_vn;      // Previous step velocity
		btVector3 m_f;       // Force accumulator
		btVector3 m_n;       // Normal
		btScalar m_im;       // 1/mass
		btScalar m_area;     // Area
		btDbvtNode* m_leaf;  // Leaf data
		btScalar m_penetration;   // depth of penetration
		int m_battach : 1;   // Attached
        int index;
	/* Link			*/
	Link : Feature
		btVector3 m_c3;      // gradient
		Node* m_n[2];        // Node pointers
		btScalar m_rl;       // Rest length
		int m_bbending : 1;  // Bending link
		btScalar m_c0;       // (ima+imb)*kLST
		btScalar m_c1;       // rl^2
		btScalar m_c2;       // |gradient|^2/c0

	/* Face			*/
	struct Face : Feature
		Node* m_n[3];        // Node pointers
		btVector3 m_normal;  // Normal
		btScalar m_ra;       // Rest area
		btDbvtNode* m_leaf;  // Leaf data
        btVector4 m_pcontact; // barycentric weights of the persistent contact
        btVector3 m_n0, m_n1, m_vn;
        int m_index;
	/* Tetra		*/
	struct Tetra : Feature
		Node* m_n[4];        // Node pointers
		btScalar m_rv;       // Rest volume
		btDbvtNode* m_leaf;  // Leaf data
		btVector3 m_c0[4];   // gradients
		btScalar m_c1;       // (4*kVST)/(im0+im1+im2+im3)
		btScalar m_c2;       // m_c1/sum(|g0..3|^2)
        btMatrix3x3 m_Dm_inverse; // rest Dm^-1
        btMatrix3x3 m_F;
        btScalar m_element_measure;
    /*  TetraScratch  */
    struct TetraScratch
        btMatrix3x3 m_F;                // deformation gradient F
        btScalar m_trace;               // trace of F^T * F
        btScalar m_J;                   // det(F)
        btMatrix3x3 m_cofF;             // cofactor of F
	/* RContact		*/
	struct RContact
		sCti m_cti;        // Contact infos
		Node* m_node;      // Owner node
		btMatrix3x3 m_c0;  // Impulse matrix
		btVector3 m_c1;    // Relative anchor
		btScalar m_c2;     // ima*dt
		btScalar m_c3;     // Friction
		btScalar m_c4;     // Hardness
        // jacobians and unit impulse responses for multibody
        btMultiBodyJacobianData jacobianData_normal;
        btMultiBodyJacobianData jacobianData_t1;
        btMultiBodyJacobianData jacobianData_t2;
        btVector3 t1;
        btVector3 t2;
    class DeformableRigidContact
        sCti m_cti;        // Contact infos
        btMatrix3x3 m_c0;  // Impulse matrix
        btVector3 m_c1;    // Relative anchor
        btScalar m_c2;     // inverse mass of node/face
        btScalar m_c3;     // Friction
        btScalar m_c4;     // Hardness
        // jacobians and unit impulse responses for multibody
        btMultiBodyJacobianData jacobianData_normal;
        btMultiBodyJacobianData jacobianData_t1;
        btMultiBodyJacobianData jacobianData_t2;
        btVector3 t1;
        btVector3 t2;
    class DeformableNodeRigidContact : public DeformableRigidContact
        Node* m_node;      // Owner node
    class DeformableNodeRigidAnchor : public DeformableNodeRigidContact
        btVector3 m_local;    // Anchor position in body space
    class DeformableFaceRigidContact : public DeformableRigidContact
        Face* m_face;                   // Owner face
        btVector3 m_contactPoint;       // Contact point
        btVector3 m_bary;               // Barycentric weights
        btVector3 m_weights;            // v_contactPoint * m_weights[i] = m_face->m_node[i]->m_v;
    struct DeformableFaceNodeContact
        Node* m_node;         // Node
        Face* m_face;         // Face
        btVector3 m_bary;     // Barycentric weights
        btVector3 m_weights;  // v_contactPoint * m_weights[i] = m_face->m_node[i]->m_v;
        btVector3 m_normal;   // Normal
        btScalar m_margin;    // Margin
        btScalar m_friction;  // Friction
        btScalar m_imf;       // inverse mass of the face at contact point
        btScalar m_c0;        // scale of the impulse matrix;
	/* SContact		*/
	struct SContact
		Node* m_node;         // Node
		Face* m_face;         // Face
		btVector3 m_weights;  // Weigths
		btVector3 m_normal;   // Normal
		btScalar m_margin;    // Margin
		btScalar m_friction;  // Friction
		btScalar m_cfm[2];    // Constraint force mixing
	/* Anchor		*/
	struct Anchor
		Node* m_node;         // Node pointer
		btVector3 m_local;    // Anchor position in body space
		btRigidBody* m_body;  // Body
		btScalar m_influence;
		btMatrix3x3 m_c0;  // Impulse matrix
		btVector3 m_c1;    // Relative anchor
		btScalar m_c2;     // ima*dt
	/* Note			*/
	struct Note : Element
		const char* m_text;    // Text
		btVector3 m_offset;    // Offset
		int m_rank;            // Rank
		Node* m_nodes[4];      // Nodes
		btScalar m_coords[4];  // Coordinates
	/* Pose			*/
	struct Pose
		bool m_bvolume;       // Is valid
		bool m_bframe;        // Is frame
		btScalar m_volume;    // Rest volume
		tVector3Array m_pos;  // Reference positions
		tScalarArray m_wgh;   // Weights
		btVector3 m_com;      // COM
		btMatrix3x3 m_rot;    // Rotation
		btMatrix3x3 m_scl;    // Scale
		btMatrix3x3 m_aqq;    // Base scaling
	/* Cluster		*/
	struct Cluster
		tScalarArray m_masses;
		btAlignedObjectArray<Node*> m_nodes;
		tVector3Array m_framerefs;
		btTransform m_framexform;
		btScalar m_idmass;
		btScalar m_imass;
		btMatrix3x3 m_locii;
		btMatrix3x3 m_invwi;
		btVector3 m_com;
		btVector3 m_vimpulses[2];
		btVector3 m_dimpulses[2];
		int m_nvimpulses;
		int m_ndimpulses;
		btVector3 m_lv;
		btVector3 m_av;
		btDbvtNode* m_leaf;
		btScalar m_ndamping; /* Node damping		*/
		btScalar m_ldamping; /* Linear damping	*/
		btScalar m_adamping; /* Angular damping	*/
		btScalar m_matching;
		btScalar m_maxSelfCollisionImpulse;
		btScalar m_selfCollisionImpulseFactor;
		bool m_containsAnchor;
		bool m_collide;
		int m_clusterIndex;
		Cluster() : m_leaf(0), m_ndamping(0), m_ldamping(0), m_adamping(0), m_matching(0), m_maxSelfCollisionImpulse(100.f), m_selfCollisionImpulseFactor(0.01f), m_containsAnchor(false)
	/* Impulse		*/
	struct Impulse
		btVector3 m_velocity;
		btVector3 m_drift;
		int m_asVelocity : 1;
		int m_asDrift : 1;
		Impulse() : m_velocity(0, 0, 0), m_drift(0, 0, 0), m_asVelocity(0), m_asDrift(0) {}
		Impulse operator-() const
			Impulse i = *this;
			i.m_velocity = -i.m_velocity;
			i.m_drift = -i.m_drift;
			return (i);
		Impulse operator*(btScalar x) const
			Impulse i = *this;
			i.m_velocity *= x;
			i.m_drift *= x;
			return (i);
	/* Body			*/
	struct Body
		Cluster* m_soft;
		btRigidBody* m_rigid;
		const btCollisionObject* m_collisionObject;

		Body() : m_soft(0), m_rigid(0), m_collisionObject(0) {}
		Body(Cluster* p) : m_soft(p), m_rigid(0), m_collisionObject(0) {}
		Body(const btCollisionObject* colObj) : m_soft(0), m_collisionObject(colObj)
			m_rigid = (btRigidBody*)btRigidBody::upcast(m_collisionObject);

		void activate() const
			if (m_rigid)
			if (m_collisionObject)
		const btMatrix3x3& invWorldInertia() const
			static const btMatrix3x3 iwi(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
			if (m_rigid) return (m_rigid->getInvInertiaTensorWorld());
			if (m_soft) return (m_soft->m_invwi);
			return (iwi);
		btScalar invMass() const
			if (m_rigid) return (m_rigid->getInvMass());
			if (m_soft) return (m_soft->m_imass);
			return (0);
		const btTransform& xform() const
			static const btTransform identity = btTransform::getIdentity();
			if (m_collisionObject) return (m_collisionObject->getWorldTransform());
			if (m_soft) return (m_soft->m_framexform);
			return (identity);
		btVector3 linearVelocity() const
			if (m_rigid) return (m_rigid->getLinearVelocity());
			if (m_soft) return (m_soft->m_lv);
			return (btVector3(0, 0, 0));
		btVector3 angularVelocity(const btVector3& rpos) const
			if (m_rigid) return (btCross(m_rigid->getAngularVelocity(), rpos));
			if (m_soft) return (btCross(m_soft->m_av, rpos));
			return (btVector3(0, 0, 0));
		btVector3 angularVelocity() const
			if (m_rigid) return (m_rigid->getAngularVelocity());
			if (m_soft) return (m_soft->m_av);
			return (btVector3(0, 0, 0));
		btVector3 velocity(const btVector3& rpos) const
			return (linearVelocity() + angularVelocity(rpos));
		void applyVImpulse(const btVector3& impulse, const btVector3& rpos) const
			if (m_rigid) m_rigid->applyImpulse(impulse, rpos);
			if (m_soft) btSoftBody::clusterVImpulse(m_soft, rpos, impulse);
		void applyDImpulse(const btVector3& impulse, const btVector3& rpos) const
			if (m_rigid) m_rigid->applyImpulse(impulse, rpos);
			if (m_soft) btSoftBody::clusterDImpulse(m_soft, rpos, impulse);
		void applyImpulse(const Impulse& impulse, const btVector3& rpos) const
			if (impulse.m_asVelocity)
				//				printf("impulse.m_velocity = %f,%f,%f\n",impulse.m_velocity.getX(),impulse.m_velocity.getY(),impulse.m_velocity.getZ());
				applyVImpulse(impulse.m_velocity, rpos);
			if (impulse.m_asDrift)
				//				printf("impulse.m_drift = %f,%f,%f\n",impulse.m_drift.getX(),impulse.m_drift.getY(),impulse.m_drift.getZ());
				applyDImpulse(impulse.m_drift, rpos);
		void applyVAImpulse(const btVector3& impulse) const
			if (m_rigid) m_rigid->applyTorqueImpulse(impulse);
			if (m_soft) btSoftBody::clusterVAImpulse(m_soft, impulse);
		void applyDAImpulse(const btVector3& impulse) const
			if (m_rigid) m_rigid->applyTorqueImpulse(impulse);
			if (m_soft) btSoftBody::clusterDAImpulse(m_soft, impulse);
		void applyAImpulse(const Impulse& impulse) const
			if (impulse.m_asVelocity) applyVAImpulse(impulse.m_velocity);
			if (impulse.m_asDrift) applyDAImpulse(impulse.m_drift);
		void applyDCImpulse(const btVector3& impulse) const
			if (m_rigid) m_rigid->applyCentralImpulse(impulse);
			if (m_soft) btSoftBody::clusterDCImpulse(m_soft, impulse);
	/* Joint		*/
	struct Joint
		struct eType
			enum _
				Linear = 0,
		struct Specs
			Specs() : erp(1), cfm(1), split(1) {}
			btScalar erp;
			btScalar cfm;
			btScalar split;
		Body m_bodies[2];
		btVector3 m_refs[2];
		btScalar m_cfm;
		btScalar m_erp;
		btScalar m_split;
		btVector3 m_drift;
		btVector3 m_sdrift;
		btMatrix3x3 m_massmatrix;
		bool m_delete;
		virtual ~Joint() {}
		Joint() : m_delete(false) {}
		virtual void Prepare(btScalar dt, int iterations);
		virtual void Solve(btScalar dt, btScalar sor) = 0;
		virtual void Terminate(btScalar dt) = 0;
		virtual eType::_ Type() const = 0;
	/* LJoint		*/
	struct LJoint : Joint
		struct Specs : Joint::Specs
			btVector3 position;
		btVector3 m_rpos[2];
		void Prepare(btScalar dt, int iterations);
		void Solve(btScalar dt, btScalar sor);
		void Terminate(btScalar dt);
		eType::_ Type() const { return (eType::Linear); }
	/* AJoint		*/
	struct AJoint : Joint
		struct IControl
			virtual ~IControl() {}
			virtual void Prepare(AJoint*) {}
			virtual btScalar Speed(AJoint*, btScalar current) { return (current); }
			static IControl* Default()
				static IControl def;
				return (&def);
		struct Specs : Joint::Specs
			Specs() : icontrol(IControl::Default()) {}
			btVector3 axis;
			IControl* icontrol;
		btVector3 m_axis[2];
		IControl* m_icontrol;
		void Prepare(btScalar dt, int iterations);
		void Solve(btScalar dt, btScalar sor);
		void Terminate(btScalar dt);
		eType::_ Type() const { return (eType::Angular); }
	/* CJoint		*/
	struct CJoint : Joint
		int m_life;
		int m_maxlife;
		btVector3 m_rpos[2];
		btVector3 m_normal;
		btScalar m_friction;
		void Prepare(btScalar dt, int iterations);
		void Solve(btScalar dt, btScalar sor);
		void Terminate(btScalar dt);
		eType::_ Type() const { return (eType::Contact); }
	/* Config		*/
	struct Config
		eAeroModel::_ aeromodel;    // Aerodynamic model (default: V_Point)
		btScalar kVCF;              // Velocities correction factor (Baumgarte)
		btScalar kDP;               // Damping coefficient [0,1]
		btScalar kDG;               // Drag coefficient [0,+inf]
		btScalar kLF;               // Lift coefficient [0,+inf]
		btScalar kPR;               // Pressure coefficient [-inf,+inf]
		btScalar kVC;               // Volume conversation coefficient [0,+inf]
		btScalar kDF;               // Dynamic friction coefficient [0,1]
		btScalar kMT;               // Pose matching coefficient [0,1]
		btScalar kCHR;              // Rigid contacts hardness [0,1]
		btScalar kKHR;              // Kinetic contacts hardness [0,1]
		btScalar kSHR;              // Soft contacts hardness [0,1]
		btScalar kAHR;              // Anchors hardness [0,1]
		btScalar kSRHR_CL;          // Soft vs rigid hardness [0,1] (cluster only)
		btScalar kSKHR_CL;          // Soft vs kinetic hardness [0,1] (cluster only)
		btScalar kSSHR_CL;          // Soft vs soft hardness [0,1] (cluster only)
		btScalar kSR_SPLT_CL;       // Soft vs rigid impulse split [0,1] (cluster only)
		btScalar kSK_SPLT_CL;       // Soft vs rigid impulse split [0,1] (cluster only)
		btScalar kSS_SPLT_CL;       // Soft vs rigid impulse split [0,1] (cluster only)
		btScalar maxvolume;         // Maximum volume ratio for pose
		btScalar timescale;         // Time scale
		int viterations;            // Velocities solver iterations
		int piterations;            // Positions solver iterations
		int diterations;            // Drift solver iterations
		int citerations;            // Cluster solver iterations
		int collisions;             // Collisions flags
		tVSolverArray m_vsequence;  // Velocity solvers sequence
		tPSolverArray m_psequence;  // Position solvers sequence
		tPSolverArray m_dsequence;  // Drift solvers sequence
        btScalar drag;           // deformable air drag
        btScalar m_maxStress;       // Maximum principle first Piola stress
	/* SolverState	*/
	struct SolverState
		//if you add new variables, always initialize them!
		btScalar sdt;     // dt*timescale
		btScalar isdt;    // 1/sdt
		btScalar velmrg;  // velocity margin
		btScalar radmrg;  // radial margin
		btScalar updmrg;  // Update margin
	/// RayFromToCaster takes a ray from, ray to (instead of direction!)
	struct RayFromToCaster : btDbvt::ICollide
		btVector3 m_rayFrom;
		btVector3 m_rayTo;
		btVector3 m_rayNormalizedDirection;
		btScalar m_mint;
		Face* m_face;
		int m_tests;
		RayFromToCaster(const btVector3& rayFrom, const btVector3& rayTo, btScalar mxt);
		void Process(const btDbvtNode* leaf);

		static /*inline*/ btScalar rayFromToTriangle(const btVector3& rayFrom,
													 const btVector3& rayTo,
													 const btVector3& rayNormalizedDirection,
													 const btVector3& a,
													 const btVector3& b,
													 const btVector3& c,
													 btScalar maxt = SIMD_INFINITY);

	// Typedefs

	typedef void (*psolver_t)(btSoftBody*, btScalar, btScalar);
	typedef void (*vsolver_t)(btSoftBody*, btScalar);
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<Cluster*> tClusterArray;
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<Note> tNoteArray;
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<Node> tNodeArray;
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<btDbvtNode*> tLeafArray;
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<Link> tLinkArray;
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<Face> tFaceArray;
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<Tetra> tTetraArray;
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<Anchor> tAnchorArray;
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<RContact> tRContactArray;
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<SContact> tSContactArray;
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<Material*> tMaterialArray;
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<Joint*> tJointArray;
	typedef btAlignedObjectArray<btSoftBody*> tSoftBodyArray;

	// Fields

	Config m_cfg;                      // Configuration
	SolverState m_sst;                 // Solver state
	Pose m_pose;                       // Pose
	void* m_tag;                       // User data
	btSoftBodyWorldInfo* m_worldInfo;  // World info
	tNoteArray m_notes;                // Notes
	tNodeArray m_nodes;                // Nodes
    tNodeArray m_renderNodes;                // Nodes
	tLinkArray m_links;                // Links
	tFaceArray m_faces;                // Faces
    tFaceArray m_renderFaces;                // Faces
	tTetraArray m_tetras;              // Tetras
    btAlignedObjectArray<TetraScratch> m_tetraScratches;
    btAlignedObjectArray<TetraScratch> m_tetraScratchesTn;
	tAnchorArray m_anchors;            // Anchors
    btAlignedObjectArray<DeformableNodeRigidAnchor> m_deformableAnchors;
	tRContactArray m_rcontacts;        // Rigid contacts
    btAlignedObjectArray<DeformableNodeRigidContact> m_nodeRigidContacts;
    btAlignedObjectArray<DeformableFaceNodeContact> m_faceNodeContacts;
    btAlignedObjectArray<DeformableFaceRigidContact> m_faceRigidContacts;
	tSContactArray m_scontacts;        // Soft contacts
	tJointArray m_joints;              // Joints
	tMaterialArray m_materials;        // Materials
	btScalar m_timeacc;                // Time accumulator
	btVector3 m_bounds[2];             // Spatial bounds
	bool m_bUpdateRtCst;               // Update runtime constants
	btDbvt m_ndbvt;                    // Nodes tree
	btDbvt m_fdbvt;                    // Faces tree
	btDbvntNode* m_fdbvnt;              // Faces tree with normals
	btDbvt m_cdbvt;                    // Clusters tree
	tClusterArray m_clusters;          // Clusters
	btScalar m_dampingCoefficient;     // Damping Coefficient
	btScalar m_sleepingThreshold;
	btScalar m_maxSpeedSquared;
	btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> m_quads; // quadrature points for collision detection
	btScalar m_repulsionStiffness;
    btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> m_X;   // initial positions

	btAlignedObjectArray<btVector4> m_renderNodesInterpolationWeights;
	btAlignedObjectArray<btAlignedObjectArray<const btSoftBody::Node*> > m_renderNodesParents;
	btAlignedObjectArray<btScalar> m_z; // vertical distance used in extrapolation
	bool m_useSelfCollision;
	bool m_softSoftCollision;

	btAlignedObjectArray<bool> m_clusterConnectivity;  //cluster connectivity, for self-collision

	btVector3 m_windVelocity;

	btScalar m_restLengthScale;

	// Api

	/* ctor																	*/
	btSoftBody(btSoftBodyWorldInfo* worldInfo, int node_count, const btVector3* x, const btScalar* m);

	/* ctor																	*/
	btSoftBody(btSoftBodyWorldInfo* worldInfo);

	void initDefaults();

	/* dtor																	*/
	virtual ~btSoftBody();
	/* Check for existing link												*/

	btAlignedObjectArray<int> m_userIndexMapping;

	btSoftBodyWorldInfo* getWorldInfo()
		return m_worldInfo;
    void setDampingCoefficient(btScalar damping_coeff)
        m_dampingCoefficient = damping_coeff;

	///@todo: avoid internal softbody shape hack and move collision code to collision library
	virtual void setCollisionShape(btCollisionShape* collisionShape)

	bool checkLink(int node0,
				   int node1) const;
	bool checkLink(const Node* node0,
				   const Node* node1) const;
	/* Check for existring face												*/
	bool checkFace(int node0,
				   int node1,
				   int node2) const;
	/* Append material														*/
	Material* appendMaterial();
	/* Append note															*/
	void appendNote(const char* text,
					const btVector3& o,
					const btVector4& c = btVector4(1, 0, 0, 0),
					Node* n0 = 0,
					Node* n1 = 0,
					Node* n2 = 0,
					Node* n3 = 0);
	void appendNote(const char* text,
					const btVector3& o,
					Node* feature);
	void appendNote(const char* text,
					const btVector3& o,
					Link* feature);
	void appendNote(const char* text,
					const btVector3& o,
					Face* feature);
	/* Append node															*/
	void appendNode(const btVector3& x, btScalar m);
	/* Append link															*/
	void appendLink(int model = -1, Material* mat = 0);
	void appendLink(int node0,
					int node1,
					Material* mat = 0,
					bool bcheckexist = false);
	void appendLink(Node* node0,
					Node* node1,
					Material* mat = 0,
					bool bcheckexist = false);
	/* Append face															*/
	void appendFace(int model = -1, Material* mat = 0);
	void appendFace(int node0,
					int node1,
					int node2,
					Material* mat = 0);
	void appendTetra(int model, Material* mat);
	void appendTetra(int node0,
					 int node1,
					 int node2,
					 int node3,
					 Material* mat = 0);

	/* Append anchor														*/
    void appendDeformableAnchor(int node, btRigidBody* body);
    void appendDeformableAnchor(int node, btMultiBodyLinkCollider* link);
    void appendAnchor(int node,
					  btRigidBody* body, bool disableCollisionBetweenLinkedBodies = false, btScalar influence = 1);
	void appendAnchor(int node, btRigidBody* body, const btVector3& localPivot, bool disableCollisionBetweenLinkedBodies = false, btScalar influence = 1);
	/* Append linear joint													*/
	void appendLinearJoint(const LJoint::Specs& specs, Cluster* body0, Body body1);
	void appendLinearJoint(const LJoint::Specs& specs, Body body = Body());
	void appendLinearJoint(const LJoint::Specs& specs, btSoftBody* body);
	/* Append linear joint													*/
	void appendAngularJoint(const AJoint::Specs& specs, Cluster* body0, Body body1);
	void appendAngularJoint(const AJoint::Specs& specs, Body body = Body());
	void appendAngularJoint(const AJoint::Specs& specs, btSoftBody* body);
	/* Add force (or gravity) to the entire body							*/
	void addForce(const btVector3& force);
	/* Add force (or gravity) to a node of the body							*/
	void addForce(const btVector3& force,
				  int node);
	/* Add aero force to a node of the body */
	void addAeroForceToNode(const btVector3& windVelocity, int nodeIndex);

	/* Add aero force to a face of the body */
	void addAeroForceToFace(const btVector3& windVelocity, int faceIndex);

	/* Add velocity to the entire body										*/
	void addVelocity(const btVector3& velocity);

	/* Set velocity for the entire body										*/
	void setVelocity(const btVector3& velocity);

	/* Add velocity to a node of the body									*/
	void addVelocity(const btVector3& velocity,
					 int node);
	/* Set mass																*/
	void setMass(int node,
				 btScalar mass);
	/* Get mass																*/
	btScalar getMass(int node) const;
	/* Get total mass														*/
	btScalar getTotalMass() const;
	/* Set total mass (weighted by previous masses)							*/
	void setTotalMass(btScalar mass,
					  bool fromfaces = false);
	/* Set total density													*/
	void setTotalDensity(btScalar density);
	/* Set volume mass (using tetrahedrons)									*/
	void setVolumeMass(btScalar mass);
	/* Set volume density (using tetrahedrons)								*/
	void setVolumeDensity(btScalar density);
	/* Get the linear velocity of the center of mass                        */
	btVector3 getLinearVelocity();
	/* Set the linear velocity of the center of mass                        */
	void setLinearVelocity(const btVector3& linVel);
	/* Set the angular velocity of the center of mass                       */
	void setAngularVelocity(const btVector3& angVel);
    /* Get best fit rigid transform                                         */
    btTransform getRigidTransform();
    /* Transform to given pose                                              */
    void transformTo(const btTransform& trs);
	/* Transform															*/
	void transform(const btTransform& trs);
	/* Translate															*/
	void translate(const btVector3& trs);
	/* Rotate															*/
	void rotate(const btQuaternion& rot);
	/* Scale																*/
	void scale(const btVector3& scl);
	/* Get link resting lengths scale										*/
	btScalar getRestLengthScale();
	/* Scale resting length of all springs									*/
	void setRestLengthScale(btScalar restLength);
	/* Set current state as pose											*/
	void setPose(bool bvolume,
				 bool bframe);
	/* Set current link lengths as resting lengths							*/
	void resetLinkRestLengths();
	/* Return the volume													*/
	btScalar getVolume() const;
	/* Cluster count														*/
	btVector3 getCenterOfMass() const
		btVector3 com(0, 0, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i < m_nodes.size(); i++)
			com += (m_nodes[i].m_x * this->getMass(i));
		com /= this->getTotalMass();
		return com;
	int clusterCount() const;
	/* Cluster center of mass												*/
	static btVector3 clusterCom(const Cluster* cluster);
	btVector3 clusterCom(int cluster) const;
	/* Cluster velocity at rpos												*/
	static btVector3 clusterVelocity(const Cluster* cluster, const btVector3& rpos);
	/* Cluster impulse														*/
	static void clusterVImpulse(Cluster* cluster, const btVector3& rpos, const btVector3& impulse);
	static void clusterDImpulse(Cluster* cluster, const btVector3& rpos, const btVector3& impulse);
	static void clusterImpulse(Cluster* cluster, const btVector3& rpos, const Impulse& impulse);
	static void clusterVAImpulse(Cluster* cluster, const btVector3& impulse);
	static void clusterDAImpulse(Cluster* cluster, const btVector3& impulse);
	static void clusterAImpulse(Cluster* cluster, const Impulse& impulse);
	static void clusterDCImpulse(Cluster* cluster, const btVector3& impulse);
	/* Generate bending constraints based on distance in the adjency graph	*/
	int generateBendingConstraints(int distance,
								   Material* mat = 0);
	/* Randomize constraints to reduce solver bias							*/
	void randomizeConstraints();
	/* Release clusters														*/
	void releaseCluster(int index);
	void releaseClusters();
	/* Generate clusters (K-mean)											*/
	///generateClusters with k=0 will create a convex cluster for each tetrahedron or triangle
	///otherwise an approximation will be used (better performance)
	int generateClusters(int k, int maxiterations = 8192);
	/* Refine																*/
	void refine(ImplicitFn* ifn, btScalar accurary, bool cut);
	/* CutLink																*/
	bool cutLink(int node0, int node1, btScalar position);
	bool cutLink(const Node* node0, const Node* node1, btScalar position);

	///Ray casting using rayFrom and rayTo in worldspace, (not direction!)
	bool rayTest(const btVector3& rayFrom,
				 const btVector3& rayTo,
				 sRayCast& results);
	bool rayFaceTest(const btVector3& rayFrom,
					 const btVector3& rayTo,
					 sRayCast& results);
	int rayFaceTest(const btVector3& rayFrom, const btVector3& rayTo,
					btScalar& mint, int& index) const;
	/* Solver presets														*/
	void setSolver(eSolverPresets::_ preset);
	/* predictMotion														*/
	void predictMotion(btScalar dt);
	/* solveConstraints														*/
	void solveConstraints();
	/* staticSolve															*/
	void staticSolve(int iterations);
	/* solveCommonConstraints												*/
	static void solveCommonConstraints(btSoftBody** bodies, int count, int iterations);
	/* solveClusters														*/
	static void solveClusters(const btAlignedObjectArray<btSoftBody*>& bodies);
	/* integrateMotion														*/
	void integrateMotion();
	/* defaultCollisionHandlers												*/
	void defaultCollisionHandler(const btCollisionObjectWrapper* pcoWrap);
	void defaultCollisionHandler(btSoftBody* psb);
    void setSelfCollision(bool useSelfCollision);
    bool useSelfCollision();
    void updateDeactivation(btScalar timeStep);
    void setZeroVelocity();
    bool wantsSleeping();

	// Functionality to deal with new accelerated solvers.

	 * Set a wind velocity for interaction with the air.
	void setWindVelocity(const btVector3& velocity);

	 * Return the wind velocity for interaction with the air.
	const btVector3& getWindVelocity();

	// Set the solver that handles this soft body
	// Should not be allowed to get out of sync with reality
	// Currently called internally on addition to the world
	void setSoftBodySolver(btSoftBodySolver* softBodySolver)
		m_softBodySolver = softBodySolver;

	// Return the solver that handles this soft body
	btSoftBodySolver* getSoftBodySolver()
		return m_softBodySolver;

	// Return the solver that handles this soft body
	btSoftBodySolver* getSoftBodySolver() const
		return m_softBodySolver;

	// Cast

	static const btSoftBody* upcast(const btCollisionObject* colObj)
		if (colObj->getInternalType() == CO_SOFT_BODY)
			return (const btSoftBody*)colObj;
		return 0;
	static btSoftBody* upcast(btCollisionObject* colObj)
		if (colObj->getInternalType() == CO_SOFT_BODY)
			return (btSoftBody*)colObj;
		return 0;

	// ::btCollisionObject

	virtual void getAabb(btVector3& aabbMin, btVector3& aabbMax) const
		aabbMin = m_bounds[0];
		aabbMax = m_bounds[1];
	// Private
	void pointersToIndices();
	void indicesToPointers(const int* map = 0);

	int rayTest(const btVector3& rayFrom, const btVector3& rayTo,
				btScalar& mint, eFeature::_& feature, int& index, bool bcountonly) const;
	void initializeFaceTree();
	void rebuildNodeTree();
	btVector3 evaluateCom() const;
	bool checkDeformableContact(const btCollisionObjectWrapper* colObjWrap, const btVector3& x, btScalar margin, btSoftBody::sCti& cti, bool predict = false) const;
    bool checkDeformableFaceContact(const btCollisionObjectWrapper* colObjWrap, Face& f, btVector3& contact_point, btVector3& bary, btScalar margin, btSoftBody::sCti& cti, bool predict = false) const;
    bool checkContact(const btCollisionObjectWrapper* colObjWrap, const btVector3& x, btScalar margin, btSoftBody::sCti& cti) const;
	void updateNormals();
	void updateBounds();
	void updatePose();
	void updateConstants();
	void updateLinkConstants();
	void updateArea(bool averageArea = true);
	void initializeClusters();
	void updateClusters();
	void cleanupClusters();
	void prepareClusters(int iterations);
	void solveClusters(btScalar sor);
	void applyClusters(bool drift);
	void dampClusters();
    void setSpringStiffness(btScalar k);
    void initializeDmInverse();
    void updateDeformation();
    void advanceDeformation();
	void applyForces();
    void setMaxStress(btScalar maxStress);
    void interpolateRenderMesh();
    void setCollisionQuadrature(int N);
	static void PSolve_Anchors(btSoftBody* psb, btScalar kst, btScalar ti);
	static void PSolve_RContacts(btSoftBody* psb, btScalar kst, btScalar ti);
	static void PSolve_SContacts(btSoftBody* psb, btScalar, btScalar ti);
	static void PSolve_Links(btSoftBody* psb, btScalar kst, btScalar ti);
	static void VSolve_Links(btSoftBody* psb, btScalar kst);
	static psolver_t getSolver(ePSolver::_ solver);
	static vsolver_t getSolver(eVSolver::_ solver);
	void geometricCollisionHandler(btSoftBody* psb);
	void updateNode(btDbvtNode* node, bool use_velocity, bool margin)
		if (node->isleaf())
			btSoftBody::Node* n = (btSoftBody::Node*)(node->data);
			ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(btDbvtVolume) vol;
			btScalar pad = margin ? m_sst.radmrg : SAFE_EPSILON; // use user defined margin or margin for floating point precision
			if (use_velocity)
				btVector3 points[2] = {n->m_x, n->m_x + m_sst.sdt * n->m_v};
				vol = btDbvtVolume::FromPoints(points, 2);
				vol.Expand(btVector3(pad, pad, pad));
				vol = btDbvtVolume::FromCR(n->m_x, pad);
			node->volume = vol;
			updateNode(node->childs[0], use_velocity, margin);
			updateNode(node->childs[1], use_velocity, margin);
			ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(btDbvtVolume) vol;
			Merge(node->childs[0]->volume, node->childs[1]->volume, vol);
			node->volume = vol;
    void updateNodeTree(bool use_velocity, bool margin)
		if (m_ndbvt.m_root)
			updateNode(m_ndbvt.m_root, use_velocity, margin);

	template <class DBVTNODE> // btDbvtNode or btDbvntNode
	void updateFace(DBVTNODE* node, bool use_velocity, bool margin)
		if (node->isleaf())
			btSoftBody::Face* f = (btSoftBody::Face*)(node->data);
			btScalar pad = margin ? m_sst.radmrg : SAFE_EPSILON; // use user defined margin or margin for floating point precision
			ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(btDbvtVolume) vol;
			if (use_velocity)
				btVector3 points[6] = {f->m_n[0]->m_x, f->m_n[0]->m_x + m_sst.sdt * f->m_n[0]->m_v,
					f->m_n[1]->m_x, f->m_n[1]->m_x + m_sst.sdt * f->m_n[1]->m_v,
					f->m_n[2]->m_x, f->m_n[2]->m_x + m_sst.sdt * f->m_n[2]->m_v};
				vol = btDbvtVolume::FromPoints(points, 6);
				btVector3 points[3] = {f->m_n[0]->m_x,
				vol = btDbvtVolume::FromPoints(points, 3);
			vol.Expand(btVector3(pad, pad, pad));
			node->volume = vol;
			updateFace(node->childs[0], use_velocity, margin);
			updateFace(node->childs[1], use_velocity, margin);
			ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(btDbvtVolume) vol;
			Merge(node->childs[0]->volume, node->childs[1]->volume, vol);
			node->volume = vol;
	void updateFaceTree(bool use_velocity, bool margin)
		if (m_fdbvt.m_root)
			updateFace(m_fdbvt.m_root, use_velocity, margin);
		if (m_fdbvnt)
			updateFace(m_fdbvnt, use_velocity, margin);

	template <typename T>
	static inline T BaryEval(const T& a,
							 const T& b,
							 const T& c,
							 const btVector3& coord)
		return (a * coord.x() + b * coord.y() + c * coord.z());

    void applyRepulsionForce(btScalar timeStep, bool applySpringForce)
		btAlignedObjectArray<int> indices;
			// randomize the order of repulsive force
			for (int i = 0; i < m_faceNodeContacts.size(); ++i)
				indices[i] = i;
#define NEXTRAND (seed = (1664525L * seed + 1013904223L) & 0xffffffff)
			int i, ni;

			for (i = 0, ni = indices.size(); i < ni; ++i)
				btSwap(indices[i], indices[NEXTRAND % ni]);
		for (int k = 0; k < m_faceNodeContacts.size(); ++k)
			int i = indices[k];
			btSoftBody::DeformableFaceNodeContact& c = m_faceNodeContacts[i];
			btSoftBody::Node* node = c.m_node;
			btSoftBody::Face* face = c.m_face;
			const btVector3& w = c.m_bary;
			const btVector3& n = c.m_normal;
			btVector3 l = node->m_x - BaryEval(face->m_n[0]->m_x, face->m_n[1]->m_x, face->m_n[2]->m_x, w);
			btScalar d = c.m_margin - n.dot(l);
			d = btMax(btScalar(0),d);
			const btVector3& va = node->m_v;
			btVector3 vb = BaryEval(face->m_n[0]->m_v, face->m_n[1]->m_v, face->m_n[2]->m_v, w);
			btVector3 vr = va - vb;
			const btScalar vn = btDot(vr, n); // dn < 0 <==> opposing
			if (vn > OVERLAP_REDUCTION_FACTOR * d / timeStep)
			btVector3 vt = vr - vn*n;
			btScalar I = 0;
			btScalar mass = node->m_im == 0 ? 0 : btScalar(1)/node->m_im;
			if (applySpringForce)
				I = -btMin(m_repulsionStiffness * timeStep * d, mass * (OVERLAP_REDUCTION_FACTOR * d / timeStep - vn));
			if (vn < 0)
				I += 0.5 * mass * vn;
			btScalar face_penetration = 0, node_penetration = node->m_penetration;
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
				face_penetration =  btMax(face_penetration, face->m_n[i]->m_penetration);
			btScalar I_tilde = .5 *I /(1.0+w.length2());
//             double the impulse if node or face is constrained.
            if (face_penetration > 0 || node_penetration > 0)
                I_tilde *= 2.0;
            if (face_penetration <= node_penetration)
				for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
					face->m_n[j]->m_v += w[j]*n*I_tilde*node->m_im;
            if (face_penetration >= node_penetration)
				node->m_v -= I_tilde*node->m_im*n;
			// apply frictional impulse
			btScalar vt_norm = vt.safeNorm();
			if (vt_norm > SIMD_EPSILON)
				btScalar delta_vn = -2 * I * node->m_im;
				btScalar mu = c.m_friction;
				btScalar vt_new = btMax(btScalar(1) - mu * delta_vn / (vt_norm + SIMD_EPSILON), btScalar(0))*vt_norm;
				I = 0.5 * mass * (vt_norm-vt_new);
				I_tilde = .5 *I /(1.0+w.length2());
//                 double the impulse if node or face is constrained.
//                if (face_penetration > 0 || node_penetration > 0)
//                    I_tilde *= 2.0;
                if (face_penetration <= node_penetration)
					for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
						face->m_n[j]->m_v += w[j] * vt * I_tilde * (face->m_n[j])->m_im;
                if (face_penetration >= node_penetration)
					node->m_v -= I_tilde * node->m_im * vt;
	virtual int calculateSerializeBufferSize() const;
	///fills the dataBuffer and returns the struct name (and 0 on failure)
	virtual const char* serialize(void* dataBuffer, class btSerializer* serializer) const;

#endif  //_BT_SOFT_BODY_H