#include "MultiBodyTreeInitCache.hpp" namespace btInverseDynamics { MultiBodyTree::InitCache::InitCache() { m_inertias.resize(0); m_joints.resize(0); m_num_dofs = 0; m_root_index = -1; } int MultiBodyTree::InitCache::addBody(const int body_index, const int parent_index, const JointType joint_type, const vec3& parent_r_parent_body_ref, const mat33& body_T_parent_ref, const vec3& body_axis_of_motion, const idScalar mass, const vec3& body_r_body_com, const mat33& body_I_body, const int user_int, void* user_ptr) { switch (joint_type) { case REVOLUTE: case PRISMATIC: m_num_dofs += 1; break; case FIXED: // does not add a degree of freedom // m_num_dofs+=0; break; case SPHERICAL: m_num_dofs += 3; break; case FLOATING: m_num_dofs += 6; break; default: bt_id_error_message("unknown joint type %d\n", joint_type); return -1; } if (-1 == parent_index) { if (m_root_index >= 0) { bt_id_error_message("trying to add body %d as root, but already added %d as root body\n", body_index, m_root_index); return -1; } m_root_index = body_index; } JointData joint; joint.m_child = body_index; joint.m_parent = parent_index; joint.m_type = joint_type; joint.m_parent_pos_parent_child_ref = parent_r_parent_body_ref; joint.m_child_T_parent_ref = body_T_parent_ref; joint.m_child_axis_of_motion = body_axis_of_motion; InertiaData body; body.m_mass = mass; body.m_body_pos_body_com = body_r_body_com; body.m_body_I_body = body_I_body; m_inertias.push_back(body); m_joints.push_back(joint); m_user_int.push_back(user_int); m_user_ptr.push_back(user_ptr); return 0; } int MultiBodyTree::InitCache::getInertiaData(const int index, InertiaData* inertia) const { if (index < 0 || index > static_cast<int>(m_inertias.size())) { bt_id_error_message("index out of range\n"); return -1; } *inertia = m_inertias[index]; return 0; } int MultiBodyTree::InitCache::getUserInt(const int index, int* user_int) const { if (index < 0 || index > static_cast<int>(m_user_int.size())) { bt_id_error_message("index out of range\n"); return -1; } *user_int = m_user_int[index]; return 0; } int MultiBodyTree::InitCache::getUserPtr(const int index, void** user_ptr) const { if (index < 0 || index > static_cast<int>(m_user_ptr.size())) { bt_id_error_message("index out of range\n"); return -1; } *user_ptr = m_user_ptr[index]; return 0; } int MultiBodyTree::InitCache::getJointData(const int index, JointData* joint) const { if (index < 0 || index > static_cast<int>(m_joints.size())) { bt_id_error_message("index out of range\n"); return -1; } *joint = m_joints[index]; return 0; } int MultiBodyTree::InitCache::buildIndexSets() { // NOTE: This function assumes that proper indices were provided // User2InternalIndex from utils can be used to facilitate this. m_parent_index.resize(numBodies()); for (idArrayIdx j = 0; j < m_joints.size(); j++) { const JointData& joint = m_joints[j]; m_parent_index[joint.m_child] = joint.m_parent; } return 0; } } // namespace btInverseDynamics