//this file is autogenerated using stringify.bat (premake --stringify) in the build folder of this project static const char* rayCastKernelCL = "#define SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL 3\n" "#define SHAPE_PLANE 4\n" "#define SHAPE_CONCAVE_TRIMESH 5\n" "#define SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS 6\n" "#define SHAPE_SPHERE 7\n" "typedef struct\n" "{\n" " float4 m_from;\n" " float4 m_to;\n" "} b3RayInfo;\n" "typedef struct\n" "{\n" " float m_hitFraction;\n" " int m_hitResult0;\n" " int m_hitResult1;\n" " int m_hitResult2;\n" " float4 m_hitPoint;\n" " float4 m_hitNormal;\n" "} b3RayHit;\n" "typedef struct\n" "{\n" " float4 m_pos;\n" " float4 m_quat;\n" " float4 m_linVel;\n" " float4 m_angVel;\n" " unsigned int m_collidableIdx;\n" " float m_invMass;\n" " float m_restituitionCoeff;\n" " float m_frictionCoeff;\n" "} Body;\n" "typedef struct Collidable\n" "{\n" " union {\n" " int m_numChildShapes;\n" " int m_bvhIndex;\n" " };\n" " float m_radius;\n" " int m_shapeType;\n" " int m_shapeIndex;\n" "} Collidable;\n" "typedef struct \n" "{\n" " float4 m_localCenter;\n" " float4 m_extents;\n" " float4 mC;\n" " float4 mE;\n" " float m_radius;\n" " int m_faceOffset;\n" " int m_numFaces;\n" " int m_numVertices;\n" " int m_vertexOffset;\n" " int m_uniqueEdgesOffset;\n" " int m_numUniqueEdges;\n" " int m_unused;\n" "} ConvexPolyhedronCL;\n" "typedef struct\n" "{\n" " float4 m_plane;\n" " int m_indexOffset;\n" " int m_numIndices;\n" "} b3GpuFace;\n" "///////////////////////////////////////\n" "// Quaternion\n" "///////////////////////////////////////\n" "typedef float4 Quaternion;\n" "__inline\n" " Quaternion qtMul(Quaternion a, Quaternion b);\n" "__inline\n" " Quaternion qtNormalize(Quaternion in);\n" "__inline\n" " Quaternion qtInvert(Quaternion q);\n" "__inline\n" " float dot3F4(float4 a, float4 b)\n" "{\n" " float4 a1 = (float4)(a.xyz,0.f);\n" " float4 b1 = (float4)(b.xyz,0.f);\n" " return dot(a1, b1);\n" "}\n" "__inline\n" " Quaternion qtMul(Quaternion a, Quaternion b)\n" "{\n" " Quaternion ans;\n" " ans = cross( a, b );\n" " ans += a.w*b+b.w*a;\n" " // ans.w = a.w*b.w - (a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y+a.z*b.z);\n" " ans.w = a.w*b.w - dot3F4(a, b);\n" " return ans;\n" "}\n" "__inline\n" " Quaternion qtNormalize(Quaternion in)\n" "{\n" " return fast_normalize(in);\n" " // in /= length( in );\n" " // return in;\n" "}\n" "__inline\n" " float4 qtRotate(Quaternion q, float4 vec)\n" "{\n" " Quaternion qInv = qtInvert( q );\n" " float4 vcpy = vec;\n" " vcpy.w = 0.f;\n" " float4 out = qtMul(q,vcpy);\n" " out = qtMul(out,qInv);\n" " return out;\n" "}\n" "__inline\n" " Quaternion qtInvert(Quaternion q)\n" "{\n" " return (Quaternion)(-q.xyz, q.w);\n" "}\n" "__inline\n" " float4 qtInvRotate(const Quaternion q, float4 vec)\n" "{\n" " return qtRotate( qtInvert( q ), vec );\n" "}\n" "void trInverse(float4 translationIn, Quaternion orientationIn,\n" " float4* translationOut, Quaternion* orientationOut)\n" "{\n" " *orientationOut = qtInvert(orientationIn);\n" " *translationOut = qtRotate(*orientationOut, -translationIn);\n" "}\n" "bool rayConvex(float4 rayFromLocal, float4 rayToLocal, int numFaces, int faceOffset,\n" " __global const b3GpuFace* faces, float* hitFraction, float4* hitNormal)\n" "{\n" " rayFromLocal.w = 0.f;\n" " rayToLocal.w = 0.f;\n" " bool result = true;\n" " float exitFraction = hitFraction[0];\n" " float enterFraction = -0.3f;\n" " float4 curHitNormal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n" " for (int i=0;i<numFaces && result;i++)\n" " {\n" " b3GpuFace face = faces[faceOffset+i];\n" " float fromPlaneDist = dot(rayFromLocal,face.m_plane)+face.m_plane.w;\n" " float toPlaneDist = dot(rayToLocal,face.m_plane)+face.m_plane.w;\n" " if (fromPlaneDist<0.f)\n" " {\n" " if (toPlaneDist >= 0.f)\n" " {\n" " float fraction = fromPlaneDist / (fromPlaneDist-toPlaneDist);\n" " if (exitFraction>fraction)\n" " {\n" " exitFraction = fraction;\n" " }\n" " } \n" " } else\n" " {\n" " if (toPlaneDist<0.f)\n" " {\n" " float fraction = fromPlaneDist / (fromPlaneDist-toPlaneDist);\n" " if (enterFraction <= fraction)\n" " {\n" " enterFraction = fraction;\n" " curHitNormal = face.m_plane;\n" " curHitNormal.w = 0.f;\n" " }\n" " } else\n" " {\n" " result = false;\n" " }\n" " }\n" " if (exitFraction <= enterFraction)\n" " result = false;\n" " }\n" " if (enterFraction < 0.f)\n" " {\n" " result = false;\n" " }\n" " if (result)\n" " { \n" " hitFraction[0] = enterFraction;\n" " hitNormal[0] = curHitNormal;\n" " }\n" " return result;\n" "}\n" "bool sphere_intersect(float4 spherePos, float radius, float4 rayFrom, float4 rayTo, float* hitFraction)\n" "{\n" " float4 rs = rayFrom - spherePos;\n" " rs.w = 0.f;\n" " float4 rayDir = rayTo-rayFrom;\n" " rayDir.w = 0.f;\n" " float A = dot(rayDir,rayDir);\n" " float B = dot(rs, rayDir);\n" " float C = dot(rs, rs) - (radius * radius);\n" " float D = B * B - A*C;\n" " if (D > 0.0f)\n" " {\n" " float t = (-B - sqrt(D))/A;\n" " if ( (t >= 0.0f) && (t < (*hitFraction)) )\n" " {\n" " *hitFraction = t;\n" " return true;\n" " }\n" " }\n" " return false;\n" "}\n" "float4 setInterpolate3(float4 from, float4 to, float t)\n" "{\n" " float s = 1.0f - t;\n" " float4 result;\n" " result = s * from + t * to;\n" " result.w = 0.f; \n" " return result; \n" "}\n" "__kernel void rayCastKernel( \n" " int numRays, \n" " const __global b3RayInfo* rays, \n" " __global b3RayHit* hitResults, \n" " const int numBodies, \n" " __global Body* bodies,\n" " __global Collidable* collidables,\n" " __global const b3GpuFace* faces,\n" " __global const ConvexPolyhedronCL* convexShapes )\n" "{\n" " int i = get_global_id(0);\n" " if (i>=numRays)\n" " return;\n" " hitResults[i].m_hitFraction = 1.f;\n" " float4 rayFrom = rays[i].m_from;\n" " float4 rayTo = rays[i].m_to;\n" " float hitFraction = 1.f;\n" " float4 hitPoint;\n" " float4 hitNormal;\n" " int hitBodyIndex= -1;\n" " int cachedCollidableIndex = -1;\n" " Collidable cachedCollidable;\n" " for (int b=0;b<numBodies;b++)\n" " {\n" " if (hitResults[i].m_hitResult2==b)\n" " continue;\n" " Body body = bodies[b];\n" " float4 pos = body.m_pos;\n" " float4 orn = body.m_quat;\n" " if (cachedCollidableIndex != body.m_collidableIdx)\n" " {\n" " cachedCollidableIndex = body.m_collidableIdx;\n" " cachedCollidable = collidables[cachedCollidableIndex];\n" " }\n" " if (cachedCollidable.m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL)\n" " {\n" " float4 invPos = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n" " float4 invOrn = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n" " float4 rayFromLocal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n" " float4 rayToLocal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n" " invOrn = qtInvert(orn);\n" " invPos = qtRotate(invOrn, -pos);\n" " rayFromLocal = qtRotate( invOrn, rayFrom ) + invPos;\n" " rayToLocal = qtRotate( invOrn, rayTo) + invPos;\n" " rayFromLocal.w = 0.f;\n" " rayToLocal.w = 0.f;\n" " int numFaces = convexShapes[cachedCollidable.m_shapeIndex].m_numFaces;\n" " int faceOffset = convexShapes[cachedCollidable.m_shapeIndex].m_faceOffset;\n" " if (numFaces)\n" " {\n" " if (rayConvex(rayFromLocal, rayToLocal, numFaces, faceOffset,faces, &hitFraction, &hitNormal))\n" " {\n" " hitBodyIndex = b;\n" " \n" " }\n" " }\n" " }\n" " if (cachedCollidable.m_shapeType == SHAPE_SPHERE)\n" " {\n" " float radius = cachedCollidable.m_radius;\n" " \n" " if (sphere_intersect(pos, radius, rayFrom, rayTo, &hitFraction))\n" " {\n" " hitBodyIndex = b;\n" " hitNormal = (float4) (hitPoint-bodies[b].m_pos);\n" " }\n" " }\n" " }\n" " if (hitBodyIndex>=0)\n" " {\n" " hitPoint = setInterpolate3(rayFrom, rayTo,hitFraction);\n" " hitResults[i].m_hitFraction = hitFraction;\n" " hitResults[i].m_hitPoint = hitPoint;\n" " hitResults[i].m_hitNormal = normalize(hitNormal);\n" " hitResults[i].m_hitResult0 = hitBodyIndex;\n" " }\n" "}\n" "__kernel void findRayRigidPairIndexRanges(__global int2* rayRigidPairs, \n" " __global int* out_firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay,\n" " __global int* out_numRayRigidPairsPerRay,\n" " int numRayRigidPairs)\n" "{\n" " int rayRigidPairIndex = get_global_id(0);\n" " if (rayRigidPairIndex >= numRayRigidPairs) return;\n" " \n" " int rayIndex = rayRigidPairs[rayRigidPairIndex].x;\n" " \n" " atomic_min(&out_firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay[rayIndex], rayRigidPairIndex);\n" " atomic_inc(&out_numRayRigidPairsPerRay[rayIndex]);\n" "}\n" "__kernel void rayCastPairsKernel(const __global b3RayInfo* rays, \n" " __global b3RayHit* hitResults, \n" " __global int* firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay,\n" " __global int* numRayRigidPairsPerRay,\n" " \n" " __global Body* bodies,\n" " __global Collidable* collidables,\n" " __global const b3GpuFace* faces,\n" " __global const ConvexPolyhedronCL* convexShapes,\n" " \n" " __global int2* rayRigidPairs,\n" " int numRays)\n" "{\n" " int i = get_global_id(0);\n" " if (i >= numRays) return;\n" " \n" " float4 rayFrom = rays[i].m_from;\n" " float4 rayTo = rays[i].m_to;\n" " \n" " hitResults[i].m_hitFraction = 1.f;\n" " \n" " float hitFraction = 1.f;\n" " float4 hitPoint;\n" " float4 hitNormal;\n" " int hitBodyIndex = -1;\n" " \n" " //\n" " for(int pair = 0; pair < numRayRigidPairsPerRay[i]; ++pair)\n" " {\n" " int rayRigidPairIndex = pair + firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay[i];\n" " int b = rayRigidPairs[rayRigidPairIndex].y;\n" " \n" " if (hitResults[i].m_hitResult2 == b) continue;\n" " \n" " Body body = bodies[b];\n" " Collidable rigidCollidable = collidables[body.m_collidableIdx];\n" " \n" " float4 pos = body.m_pos;\n" " float4 orn = body.m_quat;\n" " \n" " if (rigidCollidable.m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL)\n" " {\n" " float4 invPos = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n" " float4 invOrn = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n" " float4 rayFromLocal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n" " float4 rayToLocal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n" " invOrn = qtInvert(orn);\n" " invPos = qtRotate(invOrn, -pos);\n" " rayFromLocal = qtRotate( invOrn, rayFrom ) + invPos;\n" " rayToLocal = qtRotate( invOrn, rayTo) + invPos;\n" " rayFromLocal.w = 0.f;\n" " rayToLocal.w = 0.f;\n" " int numFaces = convexShapes[rigidCollidable.m_shapeIndex].m_numFaces;\n" " int faceOffset = convexShapes[rigidCollidable.m_shapeIndex].m_faceOffset;\n" " \n" " if (numFaces && rayConvex(rayFromLocal, rayToLocal, numFaces, faceOffset,faces, &hitFraction, &hitNormal))\n" " {\n" " hitBodyIndex = b;\n" " hitPoint = setInterpolate3(rayFrom, rayTo, hitFraction);\n" " }\n" " }\n" " \n" " if (rigidCollidable.m_shapeType == SHAPE_SPHERE)\n" " {\n" " float radius = rigidCollidable.m_radius;\n" " \n" " if (sphere_intersect(pos, radius, rayFrom, rayTo, &hitFraction))\n" " {\n" " hitBodyIndex = b;\n" " hitPoint = setInterpolate3(rayFrom, rayTo, hitFraction);\n" " hitNormal = (float4) (hitPoint - bodies[b].m_pos);\n" " }\n" " }\n" " }\n" " \n" " if (hitBodyIndex >= 0)\n" " {\n" " hitResults[i].m_hitFraction = hitFraction;\n" " hitResults[i].m_hitPoint = hitPoint;\n" " hitResults[i].m_hitNormal = normalize(hitNormal);\n" " hitResults[i].m_hitResult0 = hitBodyIndex;\n" " }\n" " \n" "}\n";