Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Erwin Coumans  http://bulletphysics.org

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, 
subject to the following restrictions:

1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.


#include "Bullet3Common/b3Vector3.h"
#include "b3TriangleCallback.h"
//#include "b3ConcaveShape.h"

enum  	PHY_ScalarType { 

///	The b3StridingMeshInterface is the interface class for high performance generic access to triangle meshes, used in combination with b3BvhTriangleMeshShape and some other collision shapes.
/// Using index striding of 3*sizeof(integer) it can use triangle arrays, using index striding of 1*sizeof(integer) it can handle triangle strips.
/// It allows for sharing graphics and collision meshes. Also it provides locking/unlocking of graphics meshes that are in gpu memory.
B3_ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(class ) b3StridingMeshInterface
		b3Vector3 m_scaling;

		b3StridingMeshInterface() :m_scaling(b3MakeVector3(b3Scalar(1.),b3Scalar(1.),b3Scalar(1.)))


		virtual ~b3StridingMeshInterface();

		virtual void	InternalProcessAllTriangles(b3InternalTriangleIndexCallback* callback,const b3Vector3& aabbMin,const b3Vector3& aabbMax) const;

		///brute force method to calculate aabb
		void	calculateAabbBruteForce(b3Vector3& aabbMin,b3Vector3& aabbMax);

		/// get read and write access to a subpart of a triangle mesh
		/// this subpart has a continuous array of vertices and indices
		/// in this way the mesh can be handled as chunks of memory with striding
		/// very similar to OpenGL vertexarray support
		/// make a call to unLockVertexBase when the read and write access is finished	
		virtual void	getLockedVertexIndexBase(unsigned char **vertexbase, int& numverts,PHY_ScalarType& type, int& stride,unsigned char **indexbase,int & indexstride,int& numfaces,PHY_ScalarType& indicestype,int subpart=0)=0;
		virtual void	getLockedReadOnlyVertexIndexBase(const unsigned char **vertexbase, int& numverts,PHY_ScalarType& type, int& stride,const unsigned char **indexbase,int & indexstride,int& numfaces,PHY_ScalarType& indicestype,int subpart=0) const=0;
		/// unLockVertexBase finishes the access to a subpart of the triangle mesh
		/// make a call to unLockVertexBase when the read and write access (using getLockedVertexIndexBase) is finished
		virtual void	unLockVertexBase(int subpart)=0;

		virtual void	unLockReadOnlyVertexBase(int subpart) const=0;

		/// getNumSubParts returns the number of seperate subparts
		/// each subpart has a continuous array of vertices and indices
		virtual int		getNumSubParts() const=0;

		virtual void	preallocateVertices(int numverts)=0;
		virtual void	preallocateIndices(int numindices)=0;

		virtual bool	hasPremadeAabb() const { return false; }
		virtual void	setPremadeAabb(const b3Vector3& aabbMin, const b3Vector3& aabbMax ) const
                        (void) aabbMin;
                        (void) aabbMax;
		virtual void	getPremadeAabb(b3Vector3* aabbMin, b3Vector3* aabbMax ) const
            (void) aabbMin;
            (void) aabbMax;

		const b3Vector3&	getScaling() const {
			return m_scaling;
		void	setScaling(const b3Vector3& scaling)
			m_scaling = scaling;

		virtual	int	calculateSerializeBufferSize() const;

		///fills the dataBuffer and returns the struct name (and 0 on failure)
		//virtual	const char*	serialize(void* dataBuffer, b3Serializer* serializer) const;


struct	b3IntIndexData
	int	m_value;

struct	b3ShortIntIndexData
	short m_value;
	char m_pad[2];

struct	b3ShortIntIndexTripletData
	short	m_values[3];
	char	m_pad[2];

struct	b3CharIndexTripletData
	unsigned char m_values[3];
	char	m_pad;

///do not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
struct	b3MeshPartData
	b3Vector3FloatData			*m_vertices3f;
	b3Vector3DoubleData			*m_vertices3d;

	b3IntIndexData				*m_indices32;
	b3ShortIntIndexTripletData	*m_3indices16;
	b3CharIndexTripletData		*m_3indices8;

	b3ShortIntIndexData			*m_indices16;//backwards compatibility

	int                     m_numTriangles;//length of m_indices = m_numTriangles
	int                     m_numVertices;

///do not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
struct	b3StridingMeshInterfaceData
	b3MeshPartData	*m_meshPartsPtr;
	b3Vector3FloatData	m_scaling;
	int	m_numMeshParts;
	char m_padding[4];

B3_FORCE_INLINE	int	b3StridingMeshInterface::calculateSerializeBufferSize() const
	return sizeof(b3StridingMeshInterfaceData);