Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Gino van den Bergen / Erwin Coumans  http://bulletphysics.org

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#include "b3Transform.h"

B3_FORCE_INLINE b3Vector3 b3AabbSupport(const b3Vector3& halfExtents,const b3Vector3& supportDir)
	return b3MakeVector3(supportDir.getX() < b3Scalar(0.0) ? -halfExtents.getX() : halfExtents.getX(),
      supportDir.getY() < b3Scalar(0.0) ? -halfExtents.getY() : halfExtents.getY(),
      supportDir.getZ() < b3Scalar(0.0) ? -halfExtents.getZ() : halfExtents.getZ()); 

/// Utils related to temporal transforms
class b3TransformUtil


	static void integrateTransform(const b3Transform& curTrans,const b3Vector3& linvel,const b3Vector3& angvel,b3Scalar timeStep,b3Transform& predictedTransform)
		predictedTransform.setOrigin(curTrans.getOrigin() + linvel * timeStep);
		b3Quaternion predictedOrn = curTrans.getRotation();
		predictedOrn += (angvel * predictedOrn) * (timeStep * b3Scalar(0.5));
		//Exponential map
		//google for "Practical Parameterization of Rotations Using the Exponential Map", F. Sebastian Grassia

		b3Vector3 axis;
		b3Scalar	fAngle = angvel.length(); 
		//limit the angular motion
		if (fAngle*timeStep > B3_ANGULAR_MOTION_THRESHOLD)
			fAngle = B3_ANGULAR_MOTION_THRESHOLD / timeStep;

		if ( fAngle < b3Scalar(0.001) )
			// use Taylor's expansions of sync function
			axis   = angvel*( b3Scalar(0.5)*timeStep-(timeStep*timeStep*timeStep)*(b3Scalar(0.020833333333))*fAngle*fAngle );
			// sync(fAngle) = sin(c*fAngle)/t
			axis   = angvel*( b3Sin(b3Scalar(0.5)*fAngle*timeStep)/fAngle );
		b3Quaternion dorn (axis.getX(),axis.getY(),axis.getZ(),b3Cos( fAngle*timeStep*b3Scalar(0.5) ));
		b3Quaternion orn0 = curTrans.getRotation();

		b3Quaternion predictedOrn = dorn * orn0;

	static void	calculateVelocityQuaternion(const b3Vector3& pos0,const b3Vector3& pos1,const b3Quaternion& orn0,const b3Quaternion& orn1,b3Scalar timeStep,b3Vector3& linVel,b3Vector3& angVel)
		linVel = (pos1 - pos0) / timeStep;
		b3Vector3 axis;
		b3Scalar  angle;
		if (orn0 != orn1)
			angVel = axis * angle / timeStep;
		} else

	static void calculateDiffAxisAngleQuaternion(const b3Quaternion& orn0,const b3Quaternion& orn1a,b3Vector3& axis,b3Scalar& angle)
		b3Quaternion orn1 = orn0.nearest(orn1a);
		b3Quaternion dorn = orn1 * orn0.inverse();
		angle = dorn.getAngle();
		axis = b3MakeVector3(dorn.getX(),dorn.getY(),dorn.getZ());
		axis[3] = b3Scalar(0.);
		//check for axis length
		b3Scalar len = axis.length2();
		if (len < B3_EPSILON*B3_EPSILON)
			axis = b3MakeVector3(b3Scalar(1.),b3Scalar(0.),b3Scalar(0.));
			axis /= b3Sqrt(len);

	static void	calculateVelocity(const b3Transform& transform0,const b3Transform& transform1,b3Scalar timeStep,b3Vector3& linVel,b3Vector3& angVel)
		linVel = (transform1.getOrigin() - transform0.getOrigin()) / timeStep;
		b3Vector3 axis;
		b3Scalar  angle;
		angVel = axis * angle / timeStep;

	static void calculateDiffAxisAngle(const b3Transform& transform0,const b3Transform& transform1,b3Vector3& axis,b3Scalar& angle)
		b3Matrix3x3 dmat = transform1.getBasis() * transform0.getBasis().inverse();
		b3Quaternion dorn;

		///floating point inaccuracy can lead to w component > 1..., which breaks 
		angle = dorn.getAngle();
		axis = b3MakeVector3(dorn.getX(),dorn.getY(),dorn.getZ());
		axis[3] = b3Scalar(0.);
		//check for axis length
		b3Scalar len = axis.length2();
		if (len < B3_EPSILON*B3_EPSILON)
			axis = b3MakeVector3(b3Scalar(1.),b3Scalar(0.),b3Scalar(0.));
			axis /= b3Sqrt(len);


///The b3ConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil can help speed up convex collision detection 
///by conservatively updating a cached separating distance/vector instead of re-calculating the closest distance
class	b3ConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil
	b3Quaternion	m_ornA;
	b3Quaternion	m_ornB;
	b3Vector3	m_posA;
	b3Vector3	m_posB;
	b3Vector3	m_separatingNormal;

	b3Scalar	m_boundingRadiusA;
	b3Scalar	m_boundingRadiusB;
	b3Scalar	m_separatingDistance;


	b3ConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil(b3Scalar	boundingRadiusA,b3Scalar	boundingRadiusB)

	b3Scalar	getConservativeSeparatingDistance()
		return m_separatingDistance;

	void	updateSeparatingDistance(const b3Transform& transA,const b3Transform& transB)
		const b3Vector3& toPosA = transA.getOrigin();
		const b3Vector3& toPosB = transB.getOrigin();
		b3Quaternion toOrnA = transA.getRotation();
		b3Quaternion toOrnB = transB.getRotation();

		if (m_separatingDistance>0.f)

			b3Vector3 linVelA,angVelA,linVelB,angVelB;
			b3Scalar maxAngularProjectedVelocity = angVelA.length() * m_boundingRadiusA + angVelB.length() * m_boundingRadiusB;
			b3Vector3 relLinVel = (linVelB-linVelA);
			b3Scalar relLinVelocLength = relLinVel.dot(m_separatingNormal);
			if (relLinVelocLength<0.f)
				relLinVelocLength = 0.f;
			b3Scalar	projectedMotion = maxAngularProjectedVelocity +relLinVelocLength;
			m_separatingDistance -= projectedMotion;
		m_posA = toPosA;
		m_posB = toPosB;
		m_ornA = toOrnA;
		m_ornB = toOrnB;

	void	initSeparatingDistance(const b3Vector3& separatingVector,b3Scalar separatingDistance,const b3Transform& transA,const b3Transform& transB)
		m_separatingDistance = separatingDistance;

		if (m_separatingDistance>0.f)
			m_separatingNormal = separatingVector;
			const b3Vector3& toPosA = transA.getOrigin();
			const b3Vector3& toPosB = transB.getOrigin();
			b3Quaternion toOrnA = transA.getRotation();
			b3Quaternion toOrnB = transB.getRotation();
			m_posA = toPosA;
			m_posB = toPosB;
			m_ornA = toOrnA;
			m_ornB = toOrnB;
