/*************************************************************************/ /* test_audio_stream_wav.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef TEST_AUDIO_STREAM_WAV_H #define TEST_AUDIO_STREAM_WAV_H #include "core/math/math_defs.h" #include "core/math/math_funcs.h" #include "scene/resources/audio_stream_wav.h" #include "tests/test_macros.h" #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED #include "core/io/resource_loader.h" #include "editor/import/resource_importer_wav.h" #endif namespace TestAudioStreamWAV { // Default wav rate for test cases. constexpr float WAV_RATE = 44100; /* Default wav count for test cases. 1 second of audio is used so that the file can be listened to manually if needed. */ constexpr int WAV_COUNT = WAV_RATE; float gen_wav(float frequency, float wav_rate, int wav_number) { // formula for generating a sin wave with given frequency. return Math::sin((Math_TAU * frequency / wav_rate) * wav_number); } /* Generates a 440Hz sin wave in channel 0 (mono channel or left stereo channel) * and a 261.63Hz wave in channel 1 (right stereo channel). * These waves correspond to the music notes A4 and C4 respectively. */ Vector<uint8_t> gen_pcm8_test(float wav_rate, int wav_count, bool stereo) { Vector<uint8_t> buffer; buffer.resize(stereo ? wav_count * 2 : wav_count); uint8_t *write_ptr = buffer.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < buffer.size(); i++) { float wav; if (stereo) { if (i % 2 == 0) { wav = gen_wav(440, wav_rate, i / 2); } else { wav = gen_wav(261.63, wav_rate, i / 2); } } else { wav = gen_wav(440, wav_rate, i); } // Map sin wave to full range of 8-bit values. uint8_t wav_8bit = Math::fast_ftoi(((wav + 1) / 2) * UINT8_MAX); // Unlike the .wav format, AudioStreamWAV expects signed 8-bit wavs. uint8_t wav_8bit_signed = wav_8bit - (INT8_MAX + 1); write_ptr[i] = wav_8bit_signed; } return buffer; } // Same as gen_pcm8_test but with 16-bit wavs. Vector<uint8_t> gen_pcm16_test(float wav_rate, int wav_count, bool stereo) { Vector<uint8_t> buffer; buffer.resize(stereo ? wav_count * 4 : wav_count * 2); uint8_t *write_ptr = buffer.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < buffer.size() / 2; i++) { float wav; if (stereo) { if (i % 2 == 0) { wav = gen_wav(440, wav_rate, i / 2); } else { wav = gen_wav(261.63, wav_rate, i / 2); } } else { wav = gen_wav(440, wav_rate, i); } // Map sin wave to full range of 16-bit values. uint16_t wav_16bit = Math::fast_ftoi(((wav + 1) / 2) * UINT16_MAX); // The .wav format expects wavs larger than 8 bits to be signed. uint16_t wav_16bit_signed = wav_16bit - (INT16_MAX + 1); encode_uint16(wav_16bit_signed, write_ptr + (i * 2)); } return buffer; } void run_test(String file_name, AudioStreamWAV::Format data_format, bool stereo, float wav_rate, float wav_count) { String save_path = OS::get_singleton()->get_cache_path().path_join(file_name); Vector<uint8_t> test_data; if (data_format == AudioStreamWAV::FORMAT_8_BITS) { test_data = gen_pcm8_test(wav_rate, wav_count, stereo); } else { test_data = gen_pcm16_test(wav_rate, wav_count, stereo); } Ref<AudioStreamWAV> stream = memnew(AudioStreamWAV); stream->set_mix_rate(wav_rate); CHECK(stream->get_mix_rate() == wav_rate); stream->set_format(data_format); CHECK(stream->get_format() == data_format); stream->set_stereo(stereo); CHECK(stream->is_stereo() == stereo); stream->set_data(test_data); CHECK(stream->get_data() == test_data); SUBCASE("Stream length is computed properly") { CHECK(stream->get_length() == doctest::Approx(double(wav_count / wav_rate))); } SUBCASE("Stream can be saved as .wav") { REQUIRE(stream->save_to_wav(save_path) == OK); Error error; Ref<FileAccess> wav_file = FileAccess::open(save_path, FileAccess::READ, &error); REQUIRE(error == OK); #if TOOLS_ENABLED // The WAV importer can be used if enabled to check that the saved file is valid. Ref<ResourceImporterWAV> wav_importer = memnew(ResourceImporterWAV); List<ResourceImporter::ImportOption> options_list; wav_importer->get_import_options("", &options_list); HashMap<StringName, Variant> options_map; for (const ResourceImporter::ImportOption &E : options_list) { options_map[E.option.name] = E.default_value; } REQUIRE(wav_importer->import(save_path, save_path, options_map, nullptr) == OK); String load_path = save_path + "." + wav_importer->get_save_extension(); Ref<AudioStreamWAV> loaded_stream = ResourceLoader::load(load_path, "AudioStreamWAV", ResourceFormatImporter::CACHE_MODE_IGNORE, &error); REQUIRE(error == OK); CHECK(loaded_stream->get_format() == stream->get_format()); CHECK(loaded_stream->get_loop_mode() == stream->get_loop_mode()); CHECK(loaded_stream->get_loop_begin() == stream->get_loop_begin()); CHECK(loaded_stream->get_loop_end() == stream->get_loop_end()); CHECK(loaded_stream->get_mix_rate() == stream->get_mix_rate()); CHECK(loaded_stream->is_stereo() == stream->is_stereo()); CHECK(loaded_stream->get_length() == stream->get_length()); CHECK(loaded_stream->is_monophonic() == stream->is_monophonic()); CHECK(loaded_stream->get_data() == stream->get_data()); #endif } } TEST_CASE("[AudioStreamWAV] Mono PCM8 format") { run_test("test_pcm8_mono.wav", AudioStreamWAV::FORMAT_8_BITS, false, WAV_RATE, WAV_COUNT); } TEST_CASE("[AudioStreamWAV] Mono PCM16 format") { run_test("test_pcm16_mono.wav", AudioStreamWAV::FORMAT_16_BITS, false, WAV_RATE, WAV_COUNT); } TEST_CASE("[AudioStreamWAV] Stereo PCM8 format") { run_test("test_pcm8_stereo.wav", AudioStreamWAV::FORMAT_8_BITS, true, WAV_RATE, WAV_COUNT); } TEST_CASE("[AudioStreamWAV] Stereo PCM16 format") { run_test("test_pcm16_stereo.wav", AudioStreamWAV::FORMAT_16_BITS, true, WAV_RATE, WAV_COUNT); } TEST_CASE("[AudioStreamWAV] Alternate mix rate") { run_test("test_pcm16_stereo_38000Hz.wav", AudioStreamWAV::FORMAT_16_BITS, true, 38000, 38000); } TEST_CASE("[AudioStreamWAV] save_to_wav() adds '.wav' file extension automatically") { String save_path = OS::get_singleton()->get_cache_path().path_join("test_wav_extension"); Vector<uint8_t> test_data = gen_pcm8_test(WAV_RATE, WAV_COUNT, false); Ref<AudioStreamWAV> stream = memnew(AudioStreamWAV); stream->set_data(test_data); REQUIRE(stream->save_to_wav(save_path) == OK); Error error; Ref<FileAccess> wav_file = FileAccess::open(save_path + ".wav", FileAccess::READ, &error); CHECK(error == OK); } TEST_CASE("[AudioStreamWAV] Default values") { Ref<AudioStreamWAV> stream = memnew(AudioStreamWAV); CHECK(stream->get_format() == AudioStreamWAV::FORMAT_8_BITS); CHECK(stream->get_loop_mode() == AudioStreamWAV::LOOP_DISABLED); CHECK(stream->get_loop_begin() == 0); CHECK(stream->get_loop_end() == 0); CHECK(stream->get_mix_rate() == 44100); CHECK(stream->is_stereo() == false); CHECK(stream->get_length() == 0); CHECK(stream->is_monophonic() == false); CHECK(stream->get_data() == Vector<uint8_t>{}); CHECK(stream->get_stream_name() == ""); } TEST_CASE("[AudioStreamWAV] Save empty file") { run_test("test_empty.wav", AudioStreamWAV::FORMAT_8_BITS, false, WAV_RATE, 0); } TEST_CASE("[AudioStreamWAV] Saving IMA ADPCM is not supported") { String save_path = OS::get_singleton()->get_cache_path().path_join("test_adpcm.wav"); Ref<AudioStreamWAV> stream = memnew(AudioStreamWAV); stream->set_format(AudioStreamWAV::FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM); ERR_PRINT_OFF; CHECK(stream->save_to_wav(save_path) == ERR_UNAVAILABLE); ERR_PRINT_ON; } } // namespace TestAudioStreamWAV #endif // TEST_AUDIO_STREAM_WAV_H