/*************************************************************************/ /* shader_preprocessor.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "shader_preprocessor.h" #include "core/math/expression.h" const char32_t CURSOR = 0xFFFF; // Tokenizer void ShaderPreprocessor::Tokenizer::add_generated(const ShaderPreprocessor::Token &p_t) { generated.push_back(p_t); } char32_t ShaderPreprocessor::Tokenizer::next() { if (index < size) { return code[index++]; } return 0; } int ShaderPreprocessor::Tokenizer::get_line() const { return line; } int ShaderPreprocessor::Tokenizer::get_index() const { return index; } void ShaderPreprocessor::Tokenizer::get_and_clear_generated(Vector<ShaderPreprocessor::Token> *r_out) { for (int i = 0; i < generated.size(); i++) { r_out->push_back(generated[i]); } generated.clear(); } void ShaderPreprocessor::Tokenizer::backtrack(char32_t p_what) { while (index >= 0) { char32_t c = code[index]; if (c == p_what) { break; } index--; } } char32_t ShaderPreprocessor::Tokenizer::peek() { if (index < size) { return code[index]; } return 0; } LocalVector<ShaderPreprocessor::Token> ShaderPreprocessor::Tokenizer::advance(char32_t p_what) { LocalVector<ShaderPreprocessor::Token> tokens; while (index < size) { char32_t c = code[index++]; tokens.push_back(ShaderPreprocessor::Token(c, line)); if (c == '\n') { add_generated(ShaderPreprocessor::Token('\n', line)); line++; } if (c == p_what || c == 0) { return tokens; } } return LocalVector<ShaderPreprocessor::Token>(); } void ShaderPreprocessor::Tokenizer::skip_whitespace() { while (is_char_space(peek())) { next(); } } String ShaderPreprocessor::Tokenizer::get_identifier(bool *r_is_cursor, bool p_started) { if (r_is_cursor != nullptr) { *r_is_cursor = false; } LocalVector<char32_t> text; while (true) { char32_t c = peek(); if (is_char_end(c) || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == ',' || c == ';') { break; } if (is_whitespace(c) && p_started) { break; } if (!is_whitespace(c)) { p_started = true; } char32_t n = next(); if (n == CURSOR) { if (r_is_cursor != nullptr) { *r_is_cursor = true; } } else { if (p_started) { text.push_back(n); } } } String id = vector_to_string(text); if (!id.is_valid_identifier()) { return ""; } return id; } String ShaderPreprocessor::Tokenizer::peek_identifier() { const int original = index; String id = get_identifier(); index = original; return id; } ShaderPreprocessor::Token ShaderPreprocessor::Tokenizer::get_token() { while (index < size) { const char32_t c = code[index++]; const Token t = ShaderPreprocessor::Token(c, line); switch (c) { case ' ': case '\t': skip_whitespace(); return ShaderPreprocessor::Token(' ', line); case '\n': line++; return t; default: return t; } } return ShaderPreprocessor::Token(char32_t(0), line); } ShaderPreprocessor::Tokenizer::Tokenizer(const String &p_code) { code = p_code; line = 0; index = 0; size = code.size(); } // ShaderPreprocessor::CommentRemover String ShaderPreprocessor::CommentRemover::get_error() const { if (comments_open != 0) { return "Block comment mismatch"; } return ""; } int ShaderPreprocessor::CommentRemover::get_error_line() const { if (comments_open != 0) { return comment_line_open; } return -1; } char32_t ShaderPreprocessor::CommentRemover::peek() const { if (index < code.size()) { return code[index]; } return 0; } bool ShaderPreprocessor::CommentRemover::advance(char32_t p_what) { while (index < code.size()) { char32_t c = code[index++]; if (c == '\n') { line++; stripped.push_back('\n'); } if (c == p_what) { return true; } } return false; } String ShaderPreprocessor::CommentRemover::strip() { stripped.clear(); index = 0; line = 0; comment_line_open = 0; comments_open = 0; strings_open = 0; while (index < code.size()) { char32_t c = code[index++]; if (c == CURSOR) { // Cursor. Maintain. stripped.push_back(c); } else if (c == '"') { if (strings_open <= 0) { strings_open++; } else { strings_open--; } stripped.push_back(c); } else if (c == '/' && strings_open == 0) { char32_t p = peek(); if (p == '/') { // Single line comment. advance('\n'); } else if (p == '*') { // Start of a block comment. index++; comment_line_open = line; comments_open++; while (advance('*')) { if (peek() == '/') { // End of a block comment. comments_open--; index++; break; } } } else { stripped.push_back(c); } } else if (c == '*' && strings_open == 0) { if (peek() == '/') { // Unmatched end of a block comment. comment_line_open = line; comments_open--; } else { stripped.push_back(c); } } else if (c == '\n') { line++; stripped.push_back(c); } else { stripped.push_back(c); } } return vector_to_string(stripped); } ShaderPreprocessor::CommentRemover::CommentRemover(const String &p_code) { code = p_code; index = 0; line = 0; comment_line_open = 0; comments_open = 0; strings_open = 0; } // ShaderPreprocessor::Token ShaderPreprocessor::Token::Token() { text = 0; line = -1; } ShaderPreprocessor::Token::Token(char32_t p_text, int p_line) { text = p_text; line = p_line; } // ShaderPreprocessor bool ShaderPreprocessor::is_char_word(char32_t p_char) { if ((p_char >= '0' && p_char <= '9') || (p_char >= 'a' && p_char <= 'z') || (p_char >= 'A' && p_char <= 'Z') || p_char == '_') { return true; } return false; } bool ShaderPreprocessor::is_char_space(char32_t p_char) { return p_char == ' ' || p_char == '\t'; } bool ShaderPreprocessor::is_char_end(char32_t p_char) { return p_char == '\n' || p_char == 0; } String ShaderPreprocessor::vector_to_string(const LocalVector<char32_t> &p_v, int p_start, int p_end) { const int stop = (p_end == -1) ? p_v.size() : p_end; const int count = stop - p_start; String result; result.resize(count + 1); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { result[i] = p_v[p_start + i]; } result[count] = 0; // Ensure string is null terminated for length() to work. return result; } String ShaderPreprocessor::tokens_to_string(const LocalVector<Token> &p_tokens) { LocalVector<char32_t> result; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_tokens.size(); i++) { result.push_back(p_tokens[i].text); } return vector_to_string(result); } void ShaderPreprocessor::process_directive(Tokenizer *p_tokenizer) { bool is_cursor; String directive = p_tokenizer->get_identifier(&is_cursor, true); if (is_cursor) { state->completion_type = COMPLETION_TYPE_DIRECTIVE; } if (directive == "if") { process_if(p_tokenizer); } else if (directive == "ifdef") { process_ifdef(p_tokenizer); } else if (directive == "ifndef") { process_ifndef(p_tokenizer); } else if (directive == "elif") { process_elif(p_tokenizer); } else if (directive == "else") { process_else(p_tokenizer); } else if (directive == "endif") { process_endif(p_tokenizer); } else if (directive == "define") { process_define(p_tokenizer); } else if (directive == "undef") { process_undef(p_tokenizer); } else if (directive == "include") { process_include(p_tokenizer); } else if (directive == "pragma") { process_pragma(p_tokenizer); } else { set_error(RTR("Unknown directive."), p_tokenizer->get_line()); } } void ShaderPreprocessor::process_define(Tokenizer *p_tokenizer) { const int line = p_tokenizer->get_line(); String label = p_tokenizer->get_identifier(); if (label.is_empty()) { set_error(RTR("Invalid macro name."), line); return; } if (state->defines.has(label)) { set_error(RTR("Macro redefinition."), line); return; } if (p_tokenizer->peek() == '(') { // Macro has arguments. p_tokenizer->get_token(); Vector<String> args; while (true) { String name = p_tokenizer->get_identifier(); if (name.is_empty()) { set_error(RTR("Invalid argument name."), line); return; } args.push_back(name); p_tokenizer->skip_whitespace(); char32_t next = p_tokenizer->get_token().text; if (next == ')') { break; } else if (next != ',') { set_error(RTR("Expected a comma in the macro argument list."), line); return; } } Define *define = memnew(Define); define->arguments = args; define->body = tokens_to_string(p_tokenizer->advance('\n')).strip_edges(); state->defines[label] = define; } else { // Simple substitution macro. Define *define = memnew(Define); define->body = tokens_to_string(p_tokenizer->advance('\n')).strip_edges(); state->defines[label] = define; } } void ShaderPreprocessor::process_elif(Tokenizer *p_tokenizer) { const int line = p_tokenizer->get_line(); if (state->current_branch == nullptr || state->current_branch->else_defined) { set_error(RTR("Unmatched elif."), line); return; } if (state->previous_region != nullptr) { state->previous_region->to_line = line - 1; } String body = tokens_to_string(p_tokenizer->advance('\n')).strip_edges(); if (body.is_empty()) { set_error(RTR("Missing condition."), line); return; } Error error = expand_macros(body, line, body); if (error != OK) { return; } Expression expression; Vector<String> names; error = expression.parse(body, names); if (error != OK) { set_error(expression.get_error_text(), line); return; } Variant v = expression.execute(Array(), nullptr, false); if (v.get_type() == Variant::NIL) { set_error(RTR("Condition evaluation error."), line); return; } bool skip = false; for (int i = 0; i < state->current_branch->conditions.size(); i++) { if (state->current_branch->conditions[i]) { skip = true; break; } } bool success = !skip && v.booleanize(); start_branch_condition(p_tokenizer, success, true); if (state->save_regions) { add_region(line + 1, success, state->previous_region->parent); } } void ShaderPreprocessor::process_else(Tokenizer *p_tokenizer) { const int line = p_tokenizer->get_line(); if (state->current_branch == nullptr || state->current_branch->else_defined) { set_error(RTR("Unmatched else."), line); return; } if (state->previous_region != nullptr) { state->previous_region->to_line = line - 1; } p_tokenizer->advance('\n'); bool skip = false; for (int i = 0; i < state->current_branch->conditions.size(); i++) { if (state->current_branch->conditions[i]) { skip = true; break; } } state->current_branch->else_defined = true; if (state->save_regions) { add_region(line + 1, !skip, state->previous_region->parent); } if (skip) { Vector<String> ends; ends.push_back("endif"); next_directive(p_tokenizer, ends); } } void ShaderPreprocessor::process_endif(Tokenizer *p_tokenizer) { state->condition_depth--; if (state->condition_depth < 0) { set_error(RTR("Unmatched endif."), p_tokenizer->get_line()); return; } if (state->previous_region != nullptr) { state->previous_region->to_line = p_tokenizer->get_line() - 1; state->previous_region = state->previous_region->parent; } p_tokenizer->advance('\n'); state->current_branch = state->current_branch->parent; state->branches.pop_back(); } void ShaderPreprocessor::process_if(Tokenizer *p_tokenizer) { const int line = p_tokenizer->get_line(); String body = tokens_to_string(p_tokenizer->advance('\n')).strip_edges(); if (body.is_empty()) { set_error(RTR("Missing condition."), line); return; } Error error = expand_macros(body, line, body); if (error != OK) { return; } Expression expression; Vector<String> names; error = expression.parse(body, names); if (error != OK) { set_error(expression.get_error_text(), line); return; } Variant v = expression.execute(Array(), nullptr, false); if (v.get_type() == Variant::NIL) { set_error(RTR("Condition evaluation error."), line); return; } bool success = v.booleanize(); start_branch_condition(p_tokenizer, success); if (state->save_regions) { add_region(line + 1, success, state->previous_region); } } void ShaderPreprocessor::process_ifdef(Tokenizer *p_tokenizer) { const int line = p_tokenizer->get_line(); String label = p_tokenizer->get_identifier(); if (label.is_empty()) { set_error(RTR("Invalid macro name."), line); return; } p_tokenizer->skip_whitespace(); if (!is_char_end(p_tokenizer->peek())) { set_error(RTR("Invalid ifdef."), line); return; } p_tokenizer->advance('\n'); bool success = state->defines.has(label); start_branch_condition(p_tokenizer, success); if (state->save_regions) { add_region(line + 1, success, state->previous_region); } } void ShaderPreprocessor::process_ifndef(Tokenizer *p_tokenizer) { const int line = p_tokenizer->get_line(); String label = p_tokenizer->get_identifier(); if (label.is_empty()) { set_error(RTR("Invalid macro name."), line); return; } p_tokenizer->skip_whitespace(); if (!is_char_end(p_tokenizer->peek())) { set_error(RTR("Invalid ifndef."), line); return; } p_tokenizer->advance('\n'); bool success = !state->defines.has(label); start_branch_condition(p_tokenizer, success); if (state->save_regions) { add_region(line + 1, success, state->previous_region); } } void ShaderPreprocessor::process_include(Tokenizer *p_tokenizer) { const int line = p_tokenizer->get_line(); p_tokenizer->advance('"'); String path = tokens_to_string(p_tokenizer->advance('"')); for (int i = 0; i < path.length(); i++) { if (path[i] == '\n') { break; //stop parsing } if (path[i] == CURSOR) { state->completion_type = COMPLETION_TYPE_INCLUDE_PATH; break; } } path = path.substr(0, path.length() - 1); p_tokenizer->skip_whitespace(); if (path.is_empty() || !is_char_end(p_tokenizer->peek())) { set_error(RTR("Invalid path."), line); return; } Ref<Resource> res = ResourceLoader::load(path); if (res.is_null()) { set_error(RTR("Shader include load failed. Does the shader include exist? Is there a cyclic dependency?"), line); return; } Ref<ShaderInclude> shader_inc = res; if (shader_inc.is_null()) { set_error(RTR("Shader include resource type is wrong."), line); return; } String included = shader_inc->get_code(); if (!included.is_empty()) { uint64_t code_hash = included.hash64(); if (state->cyclic_include_hashes.find(code_hash)) { set_error(RTR("Cyclic include found."), line); return; } } state->shader_includes.insert(shader_inc); const String real_path = shader_inc->get_path(); if (state->includes.has(real_path)) { // Already included, skip. // This is a valid check because 2 separate include paths could use some // of the same shared functions from a common shader include. return; } // Mark as included. state->includes.insert(real_path); state->include_depth++; if (state->include_depth > 25) { set_error(RTR("Shader max include depth exceeded."), line); return; } String old_filename = state->current_filename; state->current_filename = real_path; ShaderPreprocessor processor; int prev_condition_depth = state->condition_depth; state->condition_depth = 0; FilePosition fp; fp.file = state->current_filename; fp.line = line; state->include_positions.push_back(fp); String result; processor.preprocess(state, included, result); add_to_output("@@>" + real_path + "\n"); // Add token for enter include path add_to_output(result); add_to_output("\n@@<\n"); // Add token for exit include path // Reset to last include if there are no errors. We want to use this as context. if (state->error.is_empty()) { state->current_filename = old_filename; state->include_positions.pop_back(); } else { return; } state->include_depth--; state->condition_depth = prev_condition_depth; } void ShaderPreprocessor::process_pragma(Tokenizer *p_tokenizer) { const int line = p_tokenizer->get_line(); bool is_cursor; const String label = p_tokenizer->get_identifier(&is_cursor); if (is_cursor) { state->completion_type = COMPLETION_TYPE_PRAGMA; } if (label.is_empty()) { set_error(RTR("Invalid pragma directive."), line); return; } // Rxplicitly handle pragma values here. // If more pragma options are created, then refactor into a more defined structure. if (label == "disable_preprocessor") { state->disabled = true; } else { set_error(RTR("Invalid pragma directive."), line); return; } p_tokenizer->advance('\n'); } void ShaderPreprocessor::process_undef(Tokenizer *p_tokenizer) { const int line = p_tokenizer->get_line(); const String label = p_tokenizer->get_identifier(); if (label.is_empty() || !state->defines.has(label)) { set_error(RTR("Invalid name."), line); return; } p_tokenizer->skip_whitespace(); if (!is_char_end(p_tokenizer->peek())) { set_error(RTR("Invalid undef."), line); return; } memdelete(state->defines[label]); state->defines.erase(label); } void ShaderPreprocessor::add_region(int p_line, bool p_enabled, Region *p_parent_region) { Region region; region.file = state->current_filename; region.enabled = p_enabled; region.from_line = p_line; region.parent = p_parent_region; state->previous_region = &state->regions[region.file].push_back(region)->get(); } void ShaderPreprocessor::start_branch_condition(Tokenizer *p_tokenizer, bool p_success, bool p_continue) { if (!p_continue) { state->condition_depth++; state->current_branch = &state->branches.push_back(Branch(p_success, state->current_branch))->get(); } else { state->current_branch->conditions.push_back(p_success); } if (!p_success) { Vector<String> ends; ends.push_back("elif"); ends.push_back("else"); ends.push_back("endif"); next_directive(p_tokenizer, ends); } } void ShaderPreprocessor::expand_output_macros(int p_start, int p_line_number) { String line = vector_to_string(output, p_start, output.size()); Error error = expand_macros(line, p_line_number - 1, line); // We are already on next line, so -1. if (error != OK) { return; } output.resize(p_start); add_to_output(line); } Error ShaderPreprocessor::expand_macros(const String &p_string, int p_line, String &r_expanded) { String iterative = p_string; int pass_count = 0; bool expanded = true; while (expanded) { expanded = false; // As long as we find something to expand, keep going. for (const RBMap<String, Define *>::Element *E = state->defines.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (expand_macros_once(iterative, p_line, E, iterative)) { expanded = true; } } pass_count++; if (pass_count > 50) { set_error(RTR("Macro expansion limit exceeded."), p_line); break; } } r_expanded = iterative; if (!state->error.is_empty()) { return FAILED; } return OK; } bool ShaderPreprocessor::expand_macros_once(const String &p_line, int p_line_number, const RBMap<String, Define *>::Element *p_define_pair, String &r_expanded) { String result = p_line; const String &key = p_define_pair->key(); const Define *define = p_define_pair->value(); int index_start = 0; int index = 0; if (find_match(result, key, index, index_start)) { String body = define->body; if (define->arguments.size() > 0) { // Complex macro with arguments. int args_start = index + key.length(); int args_end = p_line.find(")", args_start); if (args_start == -1 || args_end == -1) { set_error(RTR("Missing macro argument parenthesis."), p_line_number); return false; } String values = result.substr(args_start + 1, args_end - (args_start + 1)); Vector<String> args = values.split(","); if (args.size() != define->arguments.size()) { set_error(RTR("Invalid macro argument count."), p_line_number); return false; } // Insert macro arguments into the body. for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) { String arg_name = define->arguments[i]; int arg_index_start = 0; int arg_index = 0; while (find_match(body, arg_name, arg_index, arg_index_start)) { body = body.substr(0, arg_index) + args[i] + body.substr(arg_index + arg_name.length(), body.length() - (arg_index + arg_name.length())); // Manually reset arg_index_start to where the arg value of the define finishes. // This ensures we don't skip the other args of this macro in the string. arg_index_start = arg_index + args[i].length() + 1; } } result = result.substr(0, index) + " " + body + " " + result.substr(args_end + 1, result.length()); } else { result = result.substr(0, index) + body + result.substr(index + key.length(), result.length() - (index + key.length())); // Manually reset index_start to where the body value of the define finishes. // This ensures we don't skip another instance of this macro in the string. index_start = index + body.length() + 1; } r_expanded = result; return true; } return false; } bool ShaderPreprocessor::find_match(const String &p_string, const String &p_value, int &r_index, int &r_index_start) { // Looks for value in string and then determines if the boundaries // are non-word characters. This method semi-emulates \b in regex. r_index = p_string.find(p_value, r_index_start); while (r_index > -1) { if (r_index > 0) { if (is_char_word(p_string[r_index - 1])) { r_index_start = r_index + 1; r_index = p_string.find(p_value, r_index_start); continue; } } if (r_index + p_value.length() < p_string.length()) { if (is_char_word(p_string[r_index + p_value.length()])) { r_index_start = r_index + p_value.length() + 1; r_index = p_string.find(p_value, r_index_start); continue; } } // Return and shift index start automatically for next call. r_index_start = r_index + p_value.length() + 1; return true; } return false; } String ShaderPreprocessor::next_directive(Tokenizer *p_tokenizer, const Vector<String> &p_directives) { const int line = p_tokenizer->get_line(); int nesting = 0; while (true) { p_tokenizer->advance('#'); String id = p_tokenizer->peek_identifier(); if (id.is_empty()) { break; } if (nesting == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < p_directives.size(); i++) { if (p_directives[i] == id) { p_tokenizer->backtrack('#'); return id; } } } if (id == "ifdef" || id == "ifndef" || id == "if") { nesting++; } else if (id == "endif") { nesting--; } } set_error(RTR("Can't find matching branch directive."), line); return ""; } void ShaderPreprocessor::add_to_output(const String &p_str) { for (int i = 0; i < p_str.length(); i++) { output.push_back(p_str[i]); } } void ShaderPreprocessor::set_error(const String &p_error, int p_line) { if (state->error.is_empty()) { state->error = p_error; FilePosition fp; fp.line = p_line + 1; state->include_positions.push_back(fp); } } ShaderPreprocessor::Define *ShaderPreprocessor::create_define(const String &p_body) { ShaderPreprocessor::Define *define = memnew(Define); define->body = p_body; return define; } void ShaderPreprocessor::clear() { if (state_owner && state != nullptr) { for (const RBMap<String, Define *>::Element *E = state->defines.front(); E; E = E->next()) { memdelete(E->get()); } memdelete(state); } state_owner = false; state = nullptr; } Error ShaderPreprocessor::preprocess(State *p_state, const String &p_code, String &r_result) { clear(); output.clear(); state = p_state; CommentRemover remover(p_code); String stripped = remover.strip(); String error = remover.get_error(); if (!error.is_empty()) { set_error(error, remover.get_error_line()); return FAILED; } // Track code hashes to prevent cyclic include. uint64_t code_hash = p_code.hash64(); state->cyclic_include_hashes.push_back(code_hash); Tokenizer p_tokenizer(stripped); int last_size = 0; bool has_symbols_before_directive = false; while (true) { const Token &t = p_tokenizer.get_token(); if (t.text == 0) { break; } if (state->disabled) { // Preprocessor was disabled. // Read the rest of the file into the output. output.push_back(t.text); continue; } else { // Add autogenerated tokens. Vector<Token> generated; p_tokenizer.get_and_clear_generated(&generated); for (int i = 0; i < generated.size(); i++) { output.push_back(generated[i].text); } } if (t.text == '#') { if (has_symbols_before_directive) { set_error(RTR("Invalid symbols placed before directive."), p_tokenizer.get_line()); state->cyclic_include_hashes.erase(code_hash); // Remove this hash. return FAILED; } process_directive(&p_tokenizer); } else { if (is_char_end(t.text)) { expand_output_macros(last_size, p_tokenizer.get_line()); last_size = output.size(); has_symbols_before_directive = false; } else if (!is_char_space(t.text)) { has_symbols_before_directive = true; } output.push_back(t.text); } if (!state->error.is_empty()) { state->cyclic_include_hashes.erase(code_hash); // Remove this hash. return FAILED; } } state->cyclic_include_hashes.erase(code_hash); // Remove this hash. if (!state->disabled) { if (state->condition_depth != 0) { set_error(RTR("Unmatched conditional statement."), p_tokenizer.line); return FAILED; } expand_output_macros(last_size, p_tokenizer.get_line()); } r_result = vector_to_string(output); return OK; } Error ShaderPreprocessor::preprocess(const String &p_code, const String &p_filename, String &r_result, String *r_error_text, List<FilePosition> *r_error_position, List<Region> *r_regions, HashSet<Ref<ShaderInclude>> *r_includes, List<ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> *r_completion_options, IncludeCompletionFunction p_include_completion_func) { State pp_state; if (!p_filename.is_empty()) { pp_state.current_filename = p_filename; pp_state.save_regions = r_regions != nullptr; } Error err = preprocess(&pp_state, p_code, r_result); if (err != OK) { if (r_error_text) { *r_error_text = pp_state.error; } if (r_error_position) { *r_error_position = pp_state.include_positions; } } if (r_regions) { *r_regions = pp_state.regions[p_filename]; } if (r_includes) { *r_includes = pp_state.shader_includes; } if (r_completion_options) { switch (pp_state.completion_type) { case COMPLETION_TYPE_DIRECTIVE: { List<String> options; get_keyword_list(&options, true); for (const String &E : options) { ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT); r_completion_options->push_back(option); } } break; case COMPLETION_TYPE_PRAGMA: { List<String> options; ShaderPreprocessor::get_pragma_list(&options); for (const String &E : options) { ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption option(E, ScriptLanguage::CODE_COMPLETION_KIND_PLAIN_TEXT); r_completion_options->push_back(option); } } break; case COMPLETION_TYPE_INCLUDE_PATH: { if (p_include_completion_func && r_completion_options) { p_include_completion_func(r_completion_options); } } break; default: { } } } return err; } void ShaderPreprocessor::get_keyword_list(List<String> *r_keywords, bool p_include_shader_keywords) { r_keywords->push_back("define"); r_keywords->push_back("elif"); if (p_include_shader_keywords) { r_keywords->push_back("else"); } r_keywords->push_back("endif"); if (p_include_shader_keywords) { r_keywords->push_back("if"); } r_keywords->push_back("ifdef"); r_keywords->push_back("ifndef"); r_keywords->push_back("include"); r_keywords->push_back("pragma"); r_keywords->push_back("undef"); } void ShaderPreprocessor::get_pragma_list(List<String> *r_pragmas) { r_pragmas->push_back("disable_preprocessor"); } ShaderPreprocessor::ShaderPreprocessor() { } ShaderPreprocessor::~ShaderPreprocessor() { clear(); }