#include "rendering_device_binds.h" Error RDShaderFile::parse_versions_from_text(const String &p_text, OpenIncludeFunction p_include_func, void *p_include_func_userdata) { Vector lines = p_text.split("\n"); bool reading_versions = false; bool stage_found[RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX] = { false, false, false, false, false }; RD::ShaderStage stage = RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX; static const char *stage_str[RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX] = { "vertex", "fragment", "tesselation_control", "tesselation_evaluation", "compute" }; String stage_code[RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX]; int stages_found = 0; Map version_texts; versions.clear(); base_error = ""; for (int lidx = 0; lidx < lines.size(); lidx++) { String line = lines[lidx]; { String ls = line.strip_edges(); if (ls.begins_with("[") && ls.ends_with("]")) { String section = ls.substr(1, ls.length() - 2).strip_edges(); if (section == "versions") { if (stages_found) { base_error = "Invalid shader file, [version] must be the first section found."; break; } reading_versions = true; } else { for (int i = 0; i < RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX; i++) { if (section == stage_str[i]) { if (stage_found[i]) { base_error = "Invalid shader file, stage appears twice: " + section; break; } stage_found[i] = true; stages_found++; stage = RD::ShaderStage(i); reading_versions = false; break; } } if (base_error != String()) { break; } } continue; } } if (reading_versions) { String l = line.strip_edges(); if (l != "") { int eqpos = l.find("="); if (eqpos == -1) { base_error = "Version syntax is version=\"\"."; break; } String version = l.get_slice("=", 0).strip_edges(); if (!version.is_valid_identifier()) { base_error = "Version names must be valid identifiers, found '" + version + "' instead."; break; } String define = l.get_slice("=", 1).strip_edges(); if (!define.begins_with("\"") || !define.ends_with("\"")) { base_error = "Version text must be quoted using \"\", instead found '" + define + "'."; break; } define = "\n" + define.substr(1, define.length() - 2).c_unescape() + "\n"; //add newline before and after jsut in case version_texts[version] = define; } } else { if (stage == RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX && line.strip_edges() != "") { base_error = "Text was found that does not belong to a valid section: " + line; break; } if (stage != RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX) { if (line.strip_edges().begins_with("#include")) { if (p_include_func) { //process include String include = line.replace("#include", "").strip_edges(); if (!include.begins_with("\"") || !include.ends_with("\"")) { base_error = "Malformed #include syntax, expected #include \"\", found instad: " + include; break; } include = include.substr(1, include.length() - 2).strip_edges(); String include_text = p_include_func(include, p_include_func_userdata); if (include_text != String()) { stage_code[stage] += "\n" + include_text + "\n"; } else { base_error = "#include failed for file '" + include + "'"; } } else { base_error = "#include used, but no include function provided."; } } else { stage_code[stage] += line + "\n"; } } } } Ref shader_file; shader_file.instance(); if (base_error == "") { if (stage_found[RD::SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE] && stages_found > 1) { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(ERR_PARSE_ERROR, "When writing compute shaders, [compute] mustbe the only stage present."); } if (version_texts.empty()) { version_texts[""] = ""; //make sure a default version exists } bool errors_found = false; /* STEP 2, Compile the versions, add to shader file */ for (Map::Element *E = version_texts.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Ref bytecode; bytecode.instance(); for (int i = 0; i < RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX; i++) { String code = stage_code[i]; if (code == String()) { continue; } code = code.replace("VERSION_DEFINES", E->get()); String error; Vector spirv = RenderingDevice::get_singleton()->shader_compile_from_source(RD::ShaderStage(i), code, RD::SHADER_LANGUAGE_GLSL, &error, false); bytecode->set_stage_bytecode(RD::ShaderStage(i), spirv); if (error != "") { error += String() + "\n\nStage '" + stage_str[i] + "' source code: \n\n"; Vector sclines = code.split("\n"); for (int j = 0; j < sclines.size(); j++) { error += itos(j + 1) + "\t\t" + sclines[j] + "\n"; } errors_found = true; } bytecode->set_stage_compile_error(RD::ShaderStage(i), error); } set_bytecode(bytecode, E->key()); } return errors_found ? ERR_PARSE_ERROR : OK; } else { return ERR_PARSE_ERROR; } }