/*************************************************************************/ /* renderer_scene_environment_rd.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef RENDERING_SERVER_SCENE_ENVIRONMENT_RD_H #define RENDERING_SERVER_SCENE_ENVIRONMENT_RD_H #include "servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_device.h" class RendererSceneEnvironmentRD { private: static uint64_t auto_exposure_counter; public: // BG RS::EnvironmentBG background = RS::ENV_BG_CLEAR_COLOR; RID sky; float sky_custom_fov = 0.0; Basis sky_orientation; Color bg_color; float bg_energy = 1.0; int canvas_max_layer = 0; RS::EnvironmentAmbientSource ambient_source = RS::ENV_AMBIENT_SOURCE_BG; Color ambient_light; float ambient_light_energy = 1.0; float ambient_sky_contribution = 1.0; RS::EnvironmentReflectionSource reflection_source = RS::ENV_REFLECTION_SOURCE_BG; /// Tonemap RS::EnvironmentToneMapper tone_mapper; float exposure = 1.0; float white = 1.0; bool auto_exposure = false; float min_luminance = 0.2; float max_luminance = 8.0; float auto_exp_speed = 0.2; float auto_exp_scale = 0.5; uint64_t auto_exposure_version = 0; // Fog bool fog_enabled = false; Color fog_light_color = Color(0.5, 0.6, 0.7); float fog_light_energy = 1.0; float fog_sun_scatter = 0.0; float fog_density = 0.001; float fog_height = 0.0; float fog_height_density = 0.0; //can be negative to invert effect float fog_aerial_perspective = 0.0; /// Volumetric Fog /// bool volumetric_fog_enabled = false; float volumetric_fog_density = 0.01; Color volumetric_fog_scattering = Color(1, 1, 1); Color volumetric_fog_emission = Color(0, 0, 0); float volumetric_fog_emission_energy = 0.0; float volumetric_fog_anisotropy = 0.2; float volumetric_fog_length = 64.0; float volumetric_fog_detail_spread = 2.0; float volumetric_fog_gi_inject = 0.0; bool volumetric_fog_temporal_reprojection = true; float volumetric_fog_temporal_reprojection_amount = 0.9; float volumetric_fog_ambient_inject = 0.0; /// Glow bool glow_enabled = false; Vector<float> glow_levels; float glow_intensity = 0.8; float glow_strength = 1.0; float glow_bloom = 0.0; float glow_mix = 0.01; RS::EnvironmentGlowBlendMode glow_blend_mode = RS::ENV_GLOW_BLEND_MODE_SOFTLIGHT; float glow_hdr_bleed_threshold = 1.0; float glow_hdr_luminance_cap = 12.0; float glow_hdr_bleed_scale = 2.0; float glow_map_strength = 0.0f; RID glow_map = RID(); /// SSAO bool ssao_enabled = false; float ssao_radius = 1.0; float ssao_intensity = 2.0; float ssao_power = 1.5; float ssao_detail = 0.5; float ssao_horizon = 0.06; float ssao_sharpness = 0.98; float ssao_direct_light_affect = 0.0; float ssao_ao_channel_affect = 0.0; /// SSR /// bool ssr_enabled = false; int ssr_max_steps = 64; float ssr_fade_in = 0.15; float ssr_fade_out = 2.0; float ssr_depth_tolerance = 0.2; /// SSIL /// bool ssil_enabled = false; float ssil_radius = 5.0; float ssil_intensity = 1.0; float ssil_sharpness = 0.98; float ssil_normal_rejection = 1.0; /// SDFGI bool sdfgi_enabled = false; int sdfgi_cascades = 6; float sdfgi_min_cell_size = 0.2; bool sdfgi_use_occlusion = false; float sdfgi_bounce_feedback = 0.0; bool sdfgi_read_sky_light = false; float sdfgi_energy = 1.0; float sdfgi_normal_bias = 1.1; float sdfgi_probe_bias = 1.1; RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale sdfgi_y_scale = RS::ENV_SDFGI_Y_SCALE_DISABLED; /// Adjustments bool adjustments_enabled = false; float adjustments_brightness = 1.0f; float adjustments_contrast = 1.0f; float adjustments_saturation = 1.0f; bool use_1d_color_correction = false; RID color_correction = RID(); void set_ambient_light(const Color &p_color, RS::EnvironmentAmbientSource p_ambient, float p_energy, float p_sky_contribution, RS::EnvironmentReflectionSource p_reflection_source); void set_tonemap(RS::EnvironmentToneMapper p_tone_mapper, float p_exposure, float p_white, bool p_auto_exposure, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_auto_exp_speed, float p_auto_exp_scale); void set_glow(bool p_enable, Vector<float> p_levels, float p_intensity, float p_strength, float p_mix, float p_bloom_threshold, RS::EnvironmentGlowBlendMode p_blend_mode, float p_hdr_bleed_threshold, float p_hdr_bleed_scale, float p_hdr_luminance_cap, float p_glow_map_strength, RID p_glow_map); void set_sdfgi(bool p_enable, int p_cascades, float p_min_cell_size, RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale p_y_scale, bool p_use_occlusion, float p_bounce_feedback, bool p_read_sky, float p_energy, float p_normal_bias, float p_probe_bias); void set_fog(bool p_enable, const Color &p_light_color, float p_light_energy, float p_sun_scatter, float p_density, float p_height, float p_height_density, float p_fog_aerial_perspective); void set_volumetric_fog(bool p_enable, float p_density, const Color &p_scatterin, const Color &p_emission, float p_emission_energy, float p_anisotropy, float p_length, float p_detail_spread, float p_gi_inject, bool p_temporal_reprojection, float p_temporal_reprojection_amount, float p_ambient_inject); void set_ssr(bool p_enable, int p_max_steps, float p_fade_int, float p_fade_out, float p_depth_tolerance); void set_ssao(bool p_enable, float p_radius, float p_intensity, float p_power, float p_detail, float p_horizon, float p_sharpness, float p_light_affect, float p_ao_channel_affect); }; #endif /* !RENDERING_SERVER_SCENE_ENVIRONMENT_RD_H */