/*************************************************************************/ /* gi.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef GI_RD_H #define GI_RD_H #include "core/templates/local_vector.h" #include "core/templates/rid_owner.h" #include "servers/rendering/environment/renderer_gi.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_compositor.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/environment/sky.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/environment/gi.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/environment/sdfgi_debug.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/environment/sdfgi_debug_probes.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/environment/sdfgi_direct_light.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/environment/sdfgi_integrate.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/environment/sdfgi_preprocess.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/environment/voxel_gi.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/environment/voxel_gi_debug.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/storage_rd/render_buffer_custom_data_rd.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_device.h" #include "servers/rendering/storage/utilities.h" #define RB_SCOPE_GI SNAME("rbgi") #define RB_SCOPE_SDFGI SNAME("sdfgi") #define RB_TEX_AMBIENT SNAME("ambient") #define RB_TEX_REFLECTION SNAME("reflection") // Forward declare RenderDataRD and RendererSceneRenderRD so we can pass it into some of our methods, these classes are pretty tightly bound struct RenderDataRD; class RendererSceneRenderRD; namespace RendererRD { class GI : public RendererGI { public: /* VOXEL GI STORAGE */ struct VoxelGI { RID octree_buffer; RID data_buffer; RID sdf_texture; uint32_t octree_buffer_size = 0; uint32_t data_buffer_size = 0; Vector<int> level_counts; int cell_count = 0; Transform3D to_cell_xform; AABB bounds; Vector3i octree_size; float dynamic_range = 2.0; float energy = 1.0; float baked_exposure = 1.0; float bias = 1.4; float normal_bias = 0.0; float propagation = 0.5; bool interior = false; bool use_two_bounces = true; uint32_t version = 1; uint32_t data_version = 1; Dependency dependency; }; /* VOXEL_GI INSTANCE */ //@TODO VoxelGIInstance is still directly used in the render code, we'll address this when we refactor the render code itself. struct VoxelGIInstance { // access to our containers GI *gi = nullptr; RID probe; RID texture; RID write_buffer; struct Mipmap { RID texture; RID uniform_set; RID second_bounce_uniform_set; RID write_uniform_set; uint32_t level; uint32_t cell_offset; uint32_t cell_count; }; Vector<Mipmap> mipmaps; struct DynamicMap { RID texture; //color normally, or emission on first pass RID fb_depth; //actual depth buffer for the first pass, float depth for later passes RID depth; //actual depth buffer for the first pass, float depth for later passes RID normal; //normal buffer for the first pass RID albedo; //emission buffer for the first pass RID orm; //orm buffer for the first pass RID fb; //used for rendering, only valid on first map RID uniform_set; uint32_t size; int mipmap; // mipmap to write to, -1 if no mipmap assigned }; Vector<DynamicMap> dynamic_maps; int slot = -1; uint32_t last_probe_version = 0; uint32_t last_probe_data_version = 0; //uint64_t last_pass = 0; uint32_t render_index = 0; bool has_dynamic_object_data = false; Transform3D transform; void update(bool p_update_light_instances, const Vector<RID> &p_light_instances, const PagedArray<RenderGeometryInstance *> &p_dynamic_objects, RendererSceneRenderRD *p_scene_render); void debug(RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_framebuffer, const Projection &p_camera_with_transform, bool p_lighting, bool p_emission, float p_alpha); void free_resources(); }; private: static GI *singleton; /* VOXEL GI STORAGE */ mutable RID_Owner<VoxelGI, true> voxel_gi_owner; /* VOXEL_GI INSTANCE */ mutable RID_Owner<VoxelGIInstance> voxel_gi_instance_owner; struct VoxelGILight { uint32_t type; float energy; float radius; float attenuation; float color[3]; float cos_spot_angle; float position[3]; float inv_spot_attenuation; float direction[3]; uint32_t has_shadow; }; struct VoxelGIPushConstant { int32_t limits[3]; uint32_t stack_size; float emission_scale; float propagation; float dynamic_range; uint32_t light_count; uint32_t cell_offset; uint32_t cell_count; float aniso_strength; uint32_t pad; }; struct VoxelGIDynamicPushConstant { int32_t limits[3]; uint32_t light_count; int32_t x_dir[3]; float z_base; int32_t y_dir[3]; float z_sign; int32_t z_dir[3]; float pos_multiplier; uint32_t rect_pos[2]; uint32_t rect_size[2]; uint32_t prev_rect_ofs[2]; uint32_t prev_rect_size[2]; uint32_t flip_x; uint32_t flip_y; float dynamic_range; uint32_t on_mipmap; float propagation; float pad[3]; }; VoxelGILight *voxel_gi_lights = nullptr; uint32_t voxel_gi_max_lights = 32; RID voxel_gi_lights_uniform; enum { VOXEL_GI_SHADER_VERSION_COMPUTE_LIGHT, VOXEL_GI_SHADER_VERSION_COMPUTE_SECOND_BOUNCE, VOXEL_GI_SHADER_VERSION_COMPUTE_MIPMAP, VOXEL_GI_SHADER_VERSION_WRITE_TEXTURE, VOXEL_GI_SHADER_VERSION_DYNAMIC_OBJECT_LIGHTING, VOXEL_GI_SHADER_VERSION_DYNAMIC_SHRINK_WRITE, VOXEL_GI_SHADER_VERSION_DYNAMIC_SHRINK_PLOT, VOXEL_GI_SHADER_VERSION_DYNAMIC_SHRINK_WRITE_PLOT, VOXEL_GI_SHADER_VERSION_MAX }; VoxelGiShaderRD voxel_gi_shader; RID voxel_gi_lighting_shader_version; RID voxel_gi_lighting_shader_version_shaders[VOXEL_GI_SHADER_VERSION_MAX]; RID voxel_gi_lighting_shader_version_pipelines[VOXEL_GI_SHADER_VERSION_MAX]; enum { VOXEL_GI_DEBUG_COLOR, VOXEL_GI_DEBUG_LIGHT, VOXEL_GI_DEBUG_EMISSION, VOXEL_GI_DEBUG_LIGHT_FULL, VOXEL_GI_DEBUG_MAX }; struct VoxelGIDebugPushConstant { float projection[16]; uint32_t cell_offset; float dynamic_range; float alpha; uint32_t level; int32_t bounds[3]; uint32_t pad; }; VoxelGiDebugShaderRD voxel_gi_debug_shader; RID voxel_gi_debug_shader_version; RID voxel_gi_debug_shader_version_shaders[VOXEL_GI_DEBUG_MAX]; PipelineCacheRD voxel_gi_debug_shader_version_pipelines[VOXEL_GI_DEBUG_MAX]; RID voxel_gi_debug_uniform_set; /* SDFGI */ struct SDFGIShader { enum SDFGIPreprocessShaderVersion { PRE_PROCESS_SCROLL, PRE_PROCESS_SCROLL_OCCLUSION, PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD_INITIALIZE, PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD_INITIALIZE_HALF, PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD, PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD_OPTIMIZED, PRE_PROCESS_JUMP_FLOOD_UPSCALE, PRE_PROCESS_OCCLUSION, PRE_PROCESS_STORE, PRE_PROCESS_MAX }; struct PreprocessPushConstant { int32_t scroll[3]; int32_t grid_size; int32_t probe_offset[3]; int32_t step_size; int32_t half_size; uint32_t occlusion_index; int32_t cascade; uint32_t pad; }; SdfgiPreprocessShaderRD preprocess; RID preprocess_shader; RID preprocess_pipeline[PRE_PROCESS_MAX]; struct DebugPushConstant { float grid_size[3]; uint32_t max_cascades; int32_t screen_size[2]; float y_mult; float z_near; float inv_projection[3][4]; float cam_basis[3][3]; float cam_origin[3]; }; SdfgiDebugShaderRD debug; RID debug_shader; RID debug_shader_version; RID debug_pipeline; enum ProbeDebugMode { PROBE_DEBUG_PROBES, PROBE_DEBUG_PROBES_MULTIVIEW, PROBE_DEBUG_VISIBILITY, PROBE_DEBUG_VISIBILITY_MULTIVIEW, PROBE_DEBUG_MAX }; struct DebugProbesSceneData { float projection[2][16]; }; struct DebugProbesPushConstant { uint32_t band_power; uint32_t sections_in_band; uint32_t band_mask; float section_arc; float grid_size[3]; uint32_t cascade; uint32_t pad; float y_mult; int32_t probe_debug_index; int32_t probe_axis_size; }; SdfgiDebugProbesShaderRD debug_probes; RID debug_probes_shader; RID debug_probes_shader_version; PipelineCacheRD debug_probes_pipeline[PROBE_DEBUG_MAX]; struct Light { float color[3]; float energy; float direction[3]; uint32_t has_shadow; float position[3]; float attenuation; uint32_t type; float cos_spot_angle; float inv_spot_attenuation; float radius; }; struct DirectLightPushConstant { float grid_size[3]; uint32_t max_cascades; uint32_t cascade; uint32_t light_count; uint32_t process_offset; uint32_t process_increment; int32_t probe_axis_size; float bounce_feedback; float y_mult; uint32_t use_occlusion; }; enum { DIRECT_LIGHT_MODE_STATIC, DIRECT_LIGHT_MODE_DYNAMIC, DIRECT_LIGHT_MODE_MAX }; SdfgiDirectLightShaderRD direct_light; RID direct_light_shader; RID direct_light_pipeline[DIRECT_LIGHT_MODE_MAX]; enum { INTEGRATE_MODE_PROCESS, INTEGRATE_MODE_STORE, INTEGRATE_MODE_SCROLL, INTEGRATE_MODE_SCROLL_STORE, INTEGRATE_MODE_MAX }; struct IntegratePushConstant { enum { SKY_MODE_DISABLED, SKY_MODE_COLOR, SKY_MODE_SKY, }; float grid_size[3]; uint32_t max_cascades; uint32_t probe_axis_size; uint32_t cascade; uint32_t history_index; uint32_t history_size; uint32_t ray_count; float ray_bias; int32_t image_size[2]; int32_t world_offset[3]; uint32_t sky_mode; int32_t scroll[3]; float sky_energy; float sky_color[3]; float y_mult; uint32_t store_ambient_texture; uint32_t pad[3]; }; SdfgiIntegrateShaderRD integrate; RID integrate_shader; RID integrate_pipeline[INTEGRATE_MODE_MAX]; RID integrate_default_sky_uniform_set; } sdfgi_shader; public: static GI *get_singleton() { return singleton; } /* GI */ enum { MAX_VOXEL_GI_INSTANCES = 8 }; // Struct for use in render buffer class RenderBuffersGI : public RenderBufferCustomDataRD { GDCLASS(RenderBuffersGI, RenderBufferCustomDataRD) private: RID voxel_gi_buffer; public: RID voxel_gi_textures[MAX_VOXEL_GI_INSTANCES]; RID full_buffer; RID full_dispatch; RID full_mask; /* GI buffers */ bool using_half_size_gi = false; RID uniform_set[RendererSceneRender::MAX_RENDER_VIEWS]; RID scene_data_ubo; RID get_voxel_gi_buffer(); virtual void configure(RenderSceneBuffersRD *p_render_buffers) override{}; virtual void free_data() override; }; /* VOXEL GI API */ bool owns_voxel_gi(RID p_rid) { return voxel_gi_owner.owns(p_rid); }; virtual RID voxel_gi_allocate() override; virtual void voxel_gi_free(RID p_voxel_gi) override; virtual void voxel_gi_initialize(RID p_voxel_gi) override; virtual void voxel_gi_allocate_data(RID p_voxel_gi, const Transform3D &p_to_cell_xform, const AABB &p_aabb, const Vector3i &p_octree_size, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_octree_cells, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_data_cells, const Vector<uint8_t> &p_distance_field, const Vector<int> &p_level_counts) override; virtual AABB voxel_gi_get_bounds(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual Vector3i voxel_gi_get_octree_size(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual Vector<uint8_t> voxel_gi_get_octree_cells(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual Vector<uint8_t> voxel_gi_get_data_cells(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual Vector<uint8_t> voxel_gi_get_distance_field(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual Vector<int> voxel_gi_get_level_counts(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual Transform3D voxel_gi_get_to_cell_xform(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual void voxel_gi_set_dynamic_range(RID p_voxel_gi, float p_range) override; virtual float voxel_gi_get_dynamic_range(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual void voxel_gi_set_propagation(RID p_voxel_gi, float p_range) override; virtual float voxel_gi_get_propagation(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual void voxel_gi_set_energy(RID p_voxel_gi, float p_energy) override; virtual float voxel_gi_get_energy(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual void voxel_gi_set_baked_exposure_normalization(RID p_voxel_gi, float p_baked_exposure) override; virtual float voxel_gi_get_baked_exposure_normalization(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual void voxel_gi_set_bias(RID p_voxel_gi, float p_bias) override; virtual float voxel_gi_get_bias(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual void voxel_gi_set_normal_bias(RID p_voxel_gi, float p_range) override; virtual float voxel_gi_get_normal_bias(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual void voxel_gi_set_interior(RID p_voxel_gi, bool p_enable) override; virtual bool voxel_gi_is_interior(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual void voxel_gi_set_use_two_bounces(RID p_voxel_gi, bool p_enable) override; virtual bool voxel_gi_is_using_two_bounces(RID p_voxel_gi) const override; virtual uint32_t voxel_gi_get_version(RID p_probe) const override; uint32_t voxel_gi_get_data_version(RID p_probe); RID voxel_gi_get_octree_buffer(RID p_voxel_gi) const; RID voxel_gi_get_data_buffer(RID p_voxel_gi) const; RID voxel_gi_get_sdf_texture(RID p_voxel_gi); Dependency *voxel_gi_get_dependency(RID p_voxel_gi) const; /* VOXEL_GI INSTANCE */ _FORCE_INLINE_ RID voxel_gi_instance_get_texture(RID p_probe) { VoxelGIInstance *voxel_gi = voxel_gi_instance_owner.get_or_null(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!voxel_gi, RID()); return voxel_gi->texture; }; _FORCE_INLINE_ void voxel_gi_instance_set_render_index(RID p_probe, uint32_t p_index) { VoxelGIInstance *voxel_gi = voxel_gi_instance_owner.get_or_null(p_probe); ERR_FAIL_NULL(voxel_gi); voxel_gi->render_index = p_index; }; bool voxel_gi_instance_owns(RID p_rid) const { return voxel_gi_instance_owner.owns(p_rid); } void voxel_gi_instance_free(RID p_rid); RS::VoxelGIQuality voxel_gi_quality = RS::VOXEL_GI_QUALITY_LOW; /* SDFGI */ class SDFGI : public RenderBufferCustomDataRD { GDCLASS(SDFGI, RenderBufferCustomDataRD) public: enum { MAX_CASCADES = 8, CASCADE_SIZE = 128, PROBE_DIVISOR = 16, ANISOTROPY_SIZE = 6, MAX_DYNAMIC_LIGHTS = 128, MAX_STATIC_LIGHTS = 1024, LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE = 6, SH_SIZE = 16 }; struct Cascade { struct UBO { float offset[3]; float to_cell; int32_t probe_offset[3]; uint32_t pad; float pad2[4]; }; //cascade blocks are full-size for volume (128^3), half size for albedo/emission RID sdf_tex; RID light_tex; RID light_aniso_0_tex; RID light_aniso_1_tex; RID light_data; RID light_aniso_0_data; RID light_aniso_1_data; struct SolidCell { // this struct is unused, but remains as reference for size uint32_t position; uint32_t albedo; uint32_t static_light; uint32_t static_light_aniso; }; RID solid_cell_dispatch_buffer; //buffer for indirect compute dispatch RID solid_cell_buffer; RID lightprobe_history_tex; RID lightprobe_average_tex; float cell_size; Vector3i position; static const Vector3i DIRTY_ALL; Vector3i dirty_regions; //(0,0,0 is not dirty, negative is refresh from the end, DIRTY_ALL is refresh all. RID sdf_store_uniform_set; RID sdf_direct_light_static_uniform_set; RID sdf_direct_light_dynamic_uniform_set; RID scroll_uniform_set; RID scroll_occlusion_uniform_set; RID integrate_uniform_set; RID lights_buffer; float baked_exposure_normalization = 1.0; bool all_dynamic_lights_dirty = true; }; // access to our containers GI *gi = nullptr; // used for rendering (voxelization) RID render_albedo; RID render_emission; RID render_emission_aniso; RID render_occlusion[8]; RID render_geom_facing; RID render_sdf[2]; RID render_sdf_half[2]; // used for ping pong processing in cascades RID sdf_initialize_uniform_set; RID sdf_initialize_half_uniform_set; RID jump_flood_uniform_set[2]; RID jump_flood_half_uniform_set[2]; RID sdf_upscale_uniform_set; int upscale_jfa_uniform_set_index; RID occlusion_uniform_set; uint32_t cascade_size = 128; LocalVector<Cascade> cascades; RID lightprobe_texture; RID lightprobe_data; RID occlusion_texture; RID occlusion_data; RID ambient_texture; //integrates with volumetric fog RID lightprobe_history_scroll; //used for scrolling lightprobes RID lightprobe_average_scroll; //used for scrolling lightprobes uint32_t history_size = 0; float solid_cell_ratio = 0; uint32_t solid_cell_count = 0; int num_cascades = 6; float min_cell_size = 0; uint32_t probe_axis_count = 0; //amount of probes per axis, this is an odd number because it encloses endpoints RID debug_uniform_set[RendererSceneRender::MAX_RENDER_VIEWS]; RID debug_probes_scene_data_ubo; RID debug_probes_uniform_set; RID cascades_ubo; bool uses_occlusion = false; float bounce_feedback = 0.5; bool reads_sky = true; float energy = 1.0; float normal_bias = 1.1; float probe_bias = 1.1; RS::EnvironmentSDFGIYScale y_scale_mode = RS::ENV_SDFGI_Y_SCALE_75_PERCENT; float y_mult = 1.0; uint32_t render_pass = 0; int32_t cascade_dynamic_light_count[SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES]; //used dynamically RID integrate_sky_uniform_set; virtual void configure(RenderSceneBuffersRD *p_render_buffers) override{}; virtual void free_data() override; ~SDFGI(); void create(RID p_env, const Vector3 &p_world_position, uint32_t p_requested_history_size, GI *p_gi); void update(RID p_env, const Vector3 &p_world_position); void update_light(); void update_probes(RID p_env, RendererRD::SkyRD::Sky *p_sky); void store_probes(); int get_pending_region_data(int p_region, Vector3i &r_local_offset, Vector3i &r_local_size, AABB &r_bounds) const; void update_cascades(); void debug_draw(uint32_t p_view_count, const Projection *p_projections, const Transform3D &p_transform, int p_width, int p_height, RID p_render_target, RID p_texture, const Vector<RID> &p_texture_views); void debug_probes(RID p_framebuffer, const uint32_t p_view_count, const Projection *p_camera_with_transforms, bool p_will_continue_color, bool p_will_continue_depth); void pre_process_gi(const Transform3D &p_transform, RenderDataRD *p_render_data, RendererSceneRenderRD *p_scene_render); void render_region(Ref<RenderSceneBuffersRD> p_render_buffers, int p_region, const PagedArray<RenderGeometryInstance *> &p_instances, RendererSceneRenderRD *p_scene_render, float p_exposure_normalization); void render_static_lights(RenderDataRD *p_render_data, Ref<RenderSceneBuffersRD> p_render_buffers, uint32_t p_cascade_count, const uint32_t *p_cascade_indices, const PagedArray<RID> *p_positional_light_cull_result, RendererSceneRenderRD *p_scene_render); }; RS::EnvironmentSDFGIRayCount sdfgi_ray_count = RS::ENV_SDFGI_RAY_COUNT_16; RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToConverge sdfgi_frames_to_converge = RS::ENV_SDFGI_CONVERGE_IN_30_FRAMES; RS::EnvironmentSDFGIFramesToUpdateLight sdfgi_frames_to_update_light = RS::ENV_SDFGI_UPDATE_LIGHT_IN_4_FRAMES; float sdfgi_solid_cell_ratio = 0.25; Vector3 sdfgi_debug_probe_pos; Vector3 sdfgi_debug_probe_dir; bool sdfgi_debug_probe_enabled = false; Vector3i sdfgi_debug_probe_index; /* SDFGI UPDATE */ int sdfgi_get_lightprobe_octahedron_size() const { return SDFGI::LIGHTPROBE_OCT_SIZE; } struct SDFGIData { float grid_size[3]; uint32_t max_cascades; uint32_t use_occlusion; int32_t probe_axis_size; float probe_to_uvw; float normal_bias; float lightprobe_tex_pixel_size[3]; float energy; float lightprobe_uv_offset[3]; float y_mult; float occlusion_clamp[3]; uint32_t pad3; float occlusion_renormalize[3]; uint32_t pad4; float cascade_probe_size[3]; uint32_t pad5; struct ProbeCascadeData { float position[3]; //offset of (0,0,0) in world coordinates float to_probe; // 1/bounds * grid_size int32_t probe_world_offset[3]; float to_cell; // 1/bounds * grid_size float pad[3]; float exposure_normalization; }; ProbeCascadeData cascades[SDFGI::MAX_CASCADES]; }; struct VoxelGIData { float xform[16]; // 64 - 64 float bounds[3]; // 12 - 76 float dynamic_range; // 4 - 80 float bias; // 4 - 84 float normal_bias; // 4 - 88 uint32_t blend_ambient; // 4 - 92 uint32_t mipmaps; // 4 - 96 float pad[3]; // 12 - 108 float exposure_normalization; // 4 - 112 }; struct SceneData { float inv_projection[2][16]; float cam_transform[16]; float eye_offset[2][4]; int32_t screen_size[2]; float pad1; float pad2; }; struct PushConstant { uint32_t max_voxel_gi_instances; uint32_t high_quality_vct; uint32_t orthogonal; uint32_t view_index; float proj_info[4]; float z_near; float z_far; float pad2; float pad3; }; RID sdfgi_ubo; enum Mode { MODE_VOXEL_GI, MODE_SDFGI, MODE_COMBINED, MODE_MAX }; enum ShaderSpecializations { SHADER_SPECIALIZATION_HALF_RES = 1 << 0, SHADER_SPECIALIZATION_USE_FULL_PROJECTION_MATRIX = 1 << 1, SHADER_SPECIALIZATION_USE_VRS = 1 << 2, SHADER_SPECIALIZATION_VARIATIONS = 8, }; RID default_voxel_gi_buffer; bool half_resolution = false; GiShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; RID pipelines[SHADER_SPECIALIZATION_VARIATIONS][MODE_MAX]; GI(); ~GI(); void init(RendererRD::SkyRD *p_sky); void free(); Ref<SDFGI> create_sdfgi(RID p_env, const Vector3 &p_world_position, uint32_t p_requested_history_size); void setup_voxel_gi_instances(RenderDataRD *p_render_data, Ref<RenderSceneBuffersRD> p_render_buffers, const Transform3D &p_transform, const PagedArray<RID> &p_voxel_gi_instances, uint32_t &r_voxel_gi_instances_used, RendererSceneRenderRD *p_scene_render); void process_gi(Ref<RenderSceneBuffersRD> p_render_buffers, const RID *p_normal_roughness_slices, RID p_voxel_gi_buffer, RID p_environment, uint32_t p_view_count, const Projection *p_projections, const Vector3 *p_eye_offsets, const Transform3D &p_cam_transform, const PagedArray<RID> &p_voxel_gi_instances); RID voxel_gi_instance_create(RID p_base); void voxel_gi_instance_set_transform_to_data(RID p_probe, const Transform3D &p_xform); bool voxel_gi_needs_update(RID p_probe) const; void voxel_gi_update(RID p_probe, bool p_update_light_instances, const Vector<RID> &p_light_instances, const PagedArray<RenderGeometryInstance *> &p_dynamic_objects, RendererSceneRenderRD *p_scene_render); void debug_voxel_gi(RID p_voxel_gi, RD::DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_framebuffer, const Projection &p_camera_with_transform, bool p_lighting, bool p_emission, float p_alpha); }; } // namespace RendererRD #endif // GI_RD_H