/*************************************************************************/ /* effects_rd.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef EFFECTS_RD_H #define EFFECTS_RD_H #include "core/math/projection.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/pipeline_cache_rd.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/fsr_upscale.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/luminance_reduce.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/luminance_reduce_raster.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/roughness_limiter.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/sort.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/subsurface_scattering.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/taa_resolve.glsl.gen.h" #include "servers/rendering/renderer_scene_render.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" class EffectsRD { private: bool prefer_raster_effects; enum FSRUpscalePass { FSR_UPSCALE_PASS_EASU = 0, FSR_UPSCALE_PASS_RCAS = 1 }; struct FSRUpscalePushConstant { float resolution_width; float resolution_height; float upscaled_width; float upscaled_height; float sharpness; int pass; int _unused0, _unused1; }; struct FSRUpscale { FSRUpscalePushConstant push_constant; FsrUpscaleShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; RID pipeline; } FSR_upscale; struct TAAResolvePushConstant { float resolution_width; float resolution_height; float disocclusion_threshold; float disocclusion_scale; }; struct TAAResolve { TAAResolvePushConstant push_constant; TaaResolveShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; RID pipeline; } TAA_resolve; enum LuminanceReduceMode { LUMINANCE_REDUCE_READ, LUMINANCE_REDUCE, LUMINANCE_REDUCE_WRITE, LUMINANCE_REDUCE_MAX }; struct LuminanceReducePushConstant { int32_t source_size[2]; float max_luminance; float min_luminance; float exposure_adjust; float pad[3]; }; struct LuminanceReduce { LuminanceReducePushConstant push_constant; LuminanceReduceShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; RID pipelines[LUMINANCE_REDUCE_MAX]; } luminance_reduce; enum LuminanceReduceRasterMode { LUMINANCE_REDUCE_FRAGMENT_FIRST, LUMINANCE_REDUCE_FRAGMENT, LUMINANCE_REDUCE_FRAGMENT_FINAL, LUMINANCE_REDUCE_FRAGMENT_MAX }; struct LuminanceReduceRasterPushConstant { int32_t source_size[2]; int32_t dest_size[2]; float exposure_adjust; float min_luminance; float max_luminance; uint32_t pad1; }; struct LuminanceReduceFragment { LuminanceReduceRasterPushConstant push_constant; LuminanceReduceRasterShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; PipelineCacheRD pipelines[LUMINANCE_REDUCE_FRAGMENT_MAX]; } luminance_reduce_raster; struct RoughnessLimiterPushConstant { int32_t screen_size[2]; float curve; uint32_t pad; }; struct RoughnessLimiter { RoughnessLimiterPushConstant push_constant; RoughnessLimiterShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; RID pipeline; } roughness_limiter; struct SubSurfaceScatteringPushConstant { int32_t screen_size[2]; float camera_z_far; float camera_z_near; uint32_t vertical; uint32_t orthogonal; float unit_size; float scale; float depth_scale; uint32_t pad[3]; }; struct SubSurfaceScattering { SubSurfaceScatteringPushConstant push_constant; SubsurfaceScatteringShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; RID pipelines[3]; //3 quality levels } sss; enum SortMode { SORT_MODE_BLOCK, SORT_MODE_STEP, SORT_MODE_INNER, SORT_MODE_MAX }; struct Sort { struct PushConstant { uint32_t total_elements; uint32_t pad[3]; int32_t job_params[4]; }; SortShaderRD shader; RID shader_version; RID pipelines[SORT_MODE_MAX]; } sort; RID default_sampler; RID default_mipmap_sampler; RID index_buffer; RID index_array; HashMap<RID, RID> texture_to_uniform_set_cache; HashMap<RID, RID> input_to_uniform_set_cache; HashMap<RID, RID> image_to_uniform_set_cache; struct TexturePair { RID texture1; RID texture2; _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator<(const TexturePair &p_pair) const { if (texture1 == p_pair.texture1) { return texture2 < p_pair.texture2; } else { return texture1 < p_pair.texture1; } } }; struct TextureSamplerPair { RID texture; RID sampler; _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator<(const TextureSamplerPair &p_pair) const { if (texture == p_pair.texture) { return sampler < p_pair.sampler; } else { return texture < p_pair.texture; } } }; RBMap<TexturePair, RID> texture_pair_to_uniform_set_cache; RBMap<RID, RID> texture_to_compute_uniform_set_cache; RBMap<TexturePair, RID> texture_pair_to_compute_uniform_set_cache; RBMap<TexturePair, RID> image_pair_to_compute_uniform_set_cache; RBMap<TextureSamplerPair, RID> texture_sampler_to_compute_uniform_set_cache; RID _get_uniform_set_from_image(RID p_texture); RID _get_uniform_set_from_texture(RID p_texture, bool p_use_mipmaps = false); RID _get_compute_uniform_set_from_texture(RID p_texture, bool p_use_mipmaps = false); public: bool get_prefer_raster_effects(); void fsr_upscale(RID p_source_rd_texture, RID p_secondary_texture, RID p_destination_texture, const Size2i &p_internal_size, const Size2i &p_size, float p_fsr_upscale_sharpness); void taa_resolve(RID p_frame, RID p_temp, RID p_depth, RID p_velocity, RID p_prev_velocity, RID p_history, Size2 p_resolution, float p_z_near, float p_z_far); void luminance_reduction(RID p_source_texture, const Size2i p_source_size, const Vector<RID> p_reduce, RID p_prev_luminance, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_adjust, bool p_set = false); void luminance_reduction_raster(RID p_source_texture, const Size2i p_source_size, const Vector<RID> p_reduce, Vector<RID> p_fb, RID p_prev_luminance, float p_min_luminance, float p_max_luminance, float p_adjust, bool p_set = false); void roughness_limit(RID p_source_normal, RID p_roughness, const Size2i &p_size, float p_curve); void sub_surface_scattering(RID p_diffuse, RID p_diffuse2, RID p_depth, const Projection &p_camera, const Size2i &p_screen_size, float p_scale, float p_depth_scale, RS::SubSurfaceScatteringQuality p_quality); void sort_buffer(RID p_uniform_set, int p_size); EffectsRD(bool p_prefer_raster_effects); ~EffectsRD(); }; #endif // EFFECTS_RD_H