/*************************************************************************/ /* godot_physics_server_3d.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef GODOT_PHYSICS_SERVER_3D_H #define GODOT_PHYSICS_SERVER_3D_H #include "godot_joint_3d.h" #include "godot_shape_3d.h" #include "godot_space_3d.h" #include "godot_step_3d.h" #include "core/templates/rid_owner.h" #include "servers/physics_server_3d.h" class GodotPhysicsServer3D : public PhysicsServer3D { GDCLASS(GodotPhysicsServer3D, PhysicsServer3D); friend class GodotPhysicsDirectSpaceState3D; bool active = true; int island_count = 0; int active_objects = 0; int collision_pairs = 0; bool using_threads = false; bool doing_sync = false; bool flushing_queries = false; GodotStep3D *stepper = nullptr; HashSet<const GodotSpace3D *> active_spaces; mutable RID_PtrOwner<GodotShape3D, true> shape_owner; mutable RID_PtrOwner<GodotSpace3D, true> space_owner; mutable RID_PtrOwner<GodotArea3D, true> area_owner; mutable RID_PtrOwner<GodotBody3D, true> body_owner; mutable RID_PtrOwner<GodotSoftBody3D, true> soft_body_owner; mutable RID_PtrOwner<GodotJoint3D, true> joint_owner; //void _clear_query(QuerySW *p_query); friend class GodotCollisionObject3D; SelfList<GodotCollisionObject3D>::List pending_shape_update_list; void _update_shapes(); static GodotPhysicsServer3D *godot_singleton; public: struct CollCbkData { int max; int amount; Vector3 *ptr = nullptr; }; static void _shape_col_cbk(const Vector3 &p_point_A, int p_index_A, const Vector3 &p_point_B, int p_index_B, void *p_userdata); virtual RID world_boundary_shape_create() override; virtual RID separation_ray_shape_create() override; virtual RID sphere_shape_create() override; virtual RID box_shape_create() override; virtual RID capsule_shape_create() override; virtual RID cylinder_shape_create() override; virtual RID convex_polygon_shape_create() override; virtual RID concave_polygon_shape_create() override; virtual RID heightmap_shape_create() override; virtual RID custom_shape_create() override; virtual void shape_set_data(RID p_shape, const Variant &p_data) override; virtual void shape_set_custom_solver_bias(RID p_shape, real_t p_bias) override; virtual ShapeType shape_get_type(RID p_shape) const override; virtual Variant shape_get_data(RID p_shape) const override; virtual void shape_set_margin(RID p_shape, real_t p_margin) override; virtual real_t shape_get_margin(RID p_shape) const override; virtual real_t shape_get_custom_solver_bias(RID p_shape) const override; /* SPACE API */ virtual RID space_create() override; virtual void space_set_active(RID p_space, bool p_active) override; virtual bool space_is_active(RID p_space) const override; virtual void space_set_param(RID p_space, SpaceParameter p_param, real_t p_value) override; virtual real_t space_get_param(RID p_space, SpaceParameter p_param) const override; // this function only works on physics process, errors and returns null otherwise virtual PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D *space_get_direct_state(RID p_space) override; virtual void space_set_debug_contacts(RID p_space, int p_max_contacts) override; virtual Vector<Vector3> space_get_contacts(RID p_space) const override; virtual int space_get_contact_count(RID p_space) const override; /* AREA API */ virtual RID area_create() override; virtual void area_set_space(RID p_area, RID p_space) override; virtual RID area_get_space(RID p_area) const override; virtual void area_add_shape(RID p_area, RID p_shape, const Transform3D &p_transform = Transform3D(), bool p_disabled = false) override; virtual void area_set_shape(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx, RID p_shape) override; virtual void area_set_shape_transform(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx, const Transform3D &p_transform) override; virtual int area_get_shape_count(RID p_area) const override; virtual RID area_get_shape(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx) const override; virtual Transform3D area_get_shape_transform(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx) const override; virtual void area_remove_shape(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx) override; virtual void area_clear_shapes(RID p_area) override; virtual void area_set_shape_disabled(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx, bool p_disabled) override; virtual void area_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_area, ObjectID p_id) override; virtual ObjectID area_get_object_instance_id(RID p_area) const override; virtual void area_set_param(RID p_area, AreaParameter p_param, const Variant &p_value) override; virtual void area_set_transform(RID p_area, const Transform3D &p_transform) override; virtual Variant area_get_param(RID p_area, AreaParameter p_param) const override; virtual Transform3D area_get_transform(RID p_area) const override; virtual void area_set_ray_pickable(RID p_area, bool p_enable) override; virtual void area_set_collision_layer(RID p_area, uint32_t p_layer) override; virtual uint32_t area_get_collision_layer(RID p_area) const override; virtual void area_set_collision_mask(RID p_area, uint32_t p_mask) override; virtual uint32_t area_get_collision_mask(RID p_area) const override; virtual void area_set_monitorable(RID p_area, bool p_monitorable) override; virtual void area_set_monitor_callback(RID p_area, const Callable &p_callback) override; virtual void area_set_area_monitor_callback(RID p_area, const Callable &p_callback) override; /* BODY API */ // create a body of a given type virtual RID body_create() override; virtual void body_set_space(RID p_body, RID p_space) override; virtual RID body_get_space(RID p_body) const override; virtual void body_set_mode(RID p_body, BodyMode p_mode) override; virtual BodyMode body_get_mode(RID p_body) const override; virtual void body_add_shape(RID p_body, RID p_shape, const Transform3D &p_transform = Transform3D(), bool p_disabled = false) override; virtual void body_set_shape(RID p_body, int p_shape_idx, RID p_shape) override; virtual void body_set_shape_transform(RID p_body, int p_shape_idx, const Transform3D &p_transform) override; virtual int body_get_shape_count(RID p_body) const override; virtual RID body_get_shape(RID p_body, int p_shape_idx) const override; virtual Transform3D body_get_shape_transform(RID p_body, int p_shape_idx) const override; virtual void body_set_shape_disabled(RID p_body, int p_shape_idx, bool p_disabled) override; virtual void body_remove_shape(RID p_body, int p_shape_idx) override; virtual void body_clear_shapes(RID p_body) override; virtual void body_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_body, ObjectID p_id) override; virtual ObjectID body_get_object_instance_id(RID p_body) const override; virtual void body_set_enable_continuous_collision_detection(RID p_body, bool p_enable) override; virtual bool body_is_continuous_collision_detection_enabled(RID p_body) const override; virtual void body_set_collision_layer(RID p_body, uint32_t p_layer) override; virtual uint32_t body_get_collision_layer(RID p_body) const override; virtual void body_set_collision_mask(RID p_body, uint32_t p_mask) override; virtual uint32_t body_get_collision_mask(RID p_body) const override; virtual void body_set_collision_priority(RID p_body, real_t p_priority) override; virtual real_t body_get_collision_priority(RID p_body) const override; virtual void body_set_user_flags(RID p_body, uint32_t p_flags) override; virtual uint32_t body_get_user_flags(RID p_body) const override; virtual void body_set_param(RID p_body, BodyParameter p_param, const Variant &p_value) override; virtual Variant body_get_param(RID p_body, BodyParameter p_param) const override; virtual void body_reset_mass_properties(RID p_body) override; virtual void body_set_state(RID p_body, BodyState p_state, const Variant &p_variant) override; virtual Variant body_get_state(RID p_body, BodyState p_state) const override; virtual void body_apply_central_impulse(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_impulse) override; virtual void body_apply_impulse(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_impulse, const Vector3 &p_position = Vector3()) override; virtual void body_apply_torque_impulse(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_impulse) override; virtual void body_apply_central_force(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_force) override; virtual void body_apply_force(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_force, const Vector3 &p_position = Vector3()) override; virtual void body_apply_torque(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_torque) override; virtual void body_add_constant_central_force(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_force) override; virtual void body_add_constant_force(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_force, const Vector3 &p_position = Vector3()) override; virtual void body_add_constant_torque(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_torque) override; virtual void body_set_constant_force(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_force) override; virtual Vector3 body_get_constant_force(RID p_body) const override; virtual void body_set_constant_torque(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_torque) override; virtual Vector3 body_get_constant_torque(RID p_body) const override; virtual void body_set_axis_velocity(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_axis_velocity) override; virtual void body_set_axis_lock(RID p_body, BodyAxis p_axis, bool p_lock) override; virtual bool body_is_axis_locked(RID p_body, BodyAxis p_axis) const override; virtual void body_add_collision_exception(RID p_body, RID p_body_b) override; virtual void body_remove_collision_exception(RID p_body, RID p_body_b) override; virtual void body_get_collision_exceptions(RID p_body, List<RID> *p_exceptions) override; virtual void body_set_contacts_reported_depth_threshold(RID p_body, real_t p_threshold) override; virtual real_t body_get_contacts_reported_depth_threshold(RID p_body) const override; virtual void body_set_omit_force_integration(RID p_body, bool p_omit) override; virtual bool body_is_omitting_force_integration(RID p_body) const override; virtual void body_set_max_contacts_reported(RID p_body, int p_contacts) override; virtual int body_get_max_contacts_reported(RID p_body) const override; virtual void body_set_state_sync_callback(RID p_body, const Callable &p_callable) override; virtual void body_set_force_integration_callback(RID p_body, const Callable &p_callable, const Variant &p_udata = Variant()) override; virtual void body_set_ray_pickable(RID p_body, bool p_enable) override; virtual bool body_test_motion(RID p_body, const MotionParameters &p_parameters, MotionResult *r_result = nullptr) override; // this function only works on physics process, errors and returns null otherwise virtual PhysicsDirectBodyState3D *body_get_direct_state(RID p_body) override; /* SOFT BODY */ virtual RID soft_body_create() override; virtual void soft_body_update_rendering_server(RID p_body, PhysicsServer3DRenderingServerHandler *p_rendering_server_handler) override; virtual void soft_body_set_space(RID p_body, RID p_space) override; virtual RID soft_body_get_space(RID p_body) const override; virtual void soft_body_set_collision_layer(RID p_body, uint32_t p_layer) override; virtual uint32_t soft_body_get_collision_layer(RID p_body) const override; virtual void soft_body_set_collision_mask(RID p_body, uint32_t p_mask) override; virtual uint32_t soft_body_get_collision_mask(RID p_body) const override; virtual void soft_body_add_collision_exception(RID p_body, RID p_body_b) override; virtual void soft_body_remove_collision_exception(RID p_body, RID p_body_b) override; virtual void soft_body_get_collision_exceptions(RID p_body, List<RID> *p_exceptions) override; virtual void soft_body_set_state(RID p_body, BodyState p_state, const Variant &p_variant) override; virtual Variant soft_body_get_state(RID p_body, BodyState p_state) const override; virtual void soft_body_set_transform(RID p_body, const Transform3D &p_transform) override; virtual void soft_body_set_ray_pickable(RID p_body, bool p_enable) override; virtual void soft_body_set_simulation_precision(RID p_body, int p_simulation_precision) override; virtual int soft_body_get_simulation_precision(RID p_body) const override; virtual void soft_body_set_total_mass(RID p_body, real_t p_total_mass) override; virtual real_t soft_body_get_total_mass(RID p_body) const override; virtual void soft_body_set_linear_stiffness(RID p_body, real_t p_stiffness) override; virtual real_t soft_body_get_linear_stiffness(RID p_body) const override; virtual void soft_body_set_pressure_coefficient(RID p_body, real_t p_pressure_coefficient) override; virtual real_t soft_body_get_pressure_coefficient(RID p_body) const override; virtual void soft_body_set_damping_coefficient(RID p_body, real_t p_damping_coefficient) override; virtual real_t soft_body_get_damping_coefficient(RID p_body) const override; virtual void soft_body_set_drag_coefficient(RID p_body, real_t p_drag_coefficient) override; virtual real_t soft_body_get_drag_coefficient(RID p_body) const override; virtual void soft_body_set_mesh(RID p_body, RID p_mesh) override; virtual AABB soft_body_get_bounds(RID p_body) const override; virtual void soft_body_move_point(RID p_body, int p_point_index, const Vector3 &p_global_position) override; virtual Vector3 soft_body_get_point_global_position(RID p_body, int p_point_index) const override; virtual void soft_body_remove_all_pinned_points(RID p_body) override; virtual void soft_body_pin_point(RID p_body, int p_point_index, bool p_pin) override; virtual bool soft_body_is_point_pinned(RID p_body, int p_point_index) const override; /* JOINT API */ virtual RID joint_create() override; virtual void joint_clear(RID p_joint) override; //resets type virtual void joint_make_pin(RID p_joint, RID p_body_A, const Vector3 &p_local_A, RID p_body_B, const Vector3 &p_local_B) override; virtual void pin_joint_set_param(RID p_joint, PinJointParam p_param, real_t p_value) override; virtual real_t pin_joint_get_param(RID p_joint, PinJointParam p_param) const override; virtual void pin_joint_set_local_a(RID p_joint, const Vector3 &p_A) override; virtual Vector3 pin_joint_get_local_a(RID p_joint) const override; virtual void pin_joint_set_local_b(RID p_joint, const Vector3 &p_B) override; virtual Vector3 pin_joint_get_local_b(RID p_joint) const override; virtual void joint_make_hinge(RID p_joint, RID p_body_A, const Transform3D &p_frame_A, RID p_body_B, const Transform3D &p_frame_B) override; virtual void joint_make_hinge_simple(RID p_joint, RID p_body_A, const Vector3 &p_pivot_A, const Vector3 &p_axis_A, RID p_body_B, const Vector3 &p_pivot_B, const Vector3 &p_axis_B) override; virtual void hinge_joint_set_param(RID p_joint, HingeJointParam p_param, real_t p_value) override; virtual real_t hinge_joint_get_param(RID p_joint, HingeJointParam p_param) const override; virtual void hinge_joint_set_flag(RID p_joint, HingeJointFlag p_flag, bool p_value) override; virtual bool hinge_joint_get_flag(RID p_joint, HingeJointFlag p_flag) const override; virtual void joint_make_slider(RID p_joint, RID p_body_A, const Transform3D &p_local_frame_A, RID p_body_B, const Transform3D &p_local_frame_B) override; //reference frame is A virtual void slider_joint_set_param(RID p_joint, SliderJointParam p_param, real_t p_value) override; virtual real_t slider_joint_get_param(RID p_joint, SliderJointParam p_param) const override; virtual void joint_make_cone_twist(RID p_joint, RID p_body_A, const Transform3D &p_local_frame_A, RID p_body_B, const Transform3D &p_local_frame_B) override; //reference frame is A virtual void cone_twist_joint_set_param(RID p_joint, ConeTwistJointParam p_param, real_t p_value) override; virtual real_t cone_twist_joint_get_param(RID p_joint, ConeTwistJointParam p_param) const override; virtual void joint_make_generic_6dof(RID p_joint, RID p_body_A, const Transform3D &p_local_frame_A, RID p_body_B, const Transform3D &p_local_frame_B) override; //reference frame is A virtual void generic_6dof_joint_set_param(RID p_joint, Vector3::Axis, G6DOFJointAxisParam p_param, real_t p_value) override; virtual real_t generic_6dof_joint_get_param(RID p_joint, Vector3::Axis, G6DOFJointAxisParam p_param) const override; virtual void generic_6dof_joint_set_flag(RID p_joint, Vector3::Axis, G6DOFJointAxisFlag p_flag, bool p_enable) override; virtual bool generic_6dof_joint_get_flag(RID p_joint, Vector3::Axis, G6DOFJointAxisFlag p_flag) const override; virtual JointType joint_get_type(RID p_joint) const override; virtual void joint_set_solver_priority(RID p_joint, int p_priority) override; virtual int joint_get_solver_priority(RID p_joint) const override; virtual void joint_disable_collisions_between_bodies(RID p_joint, bool p_disable) override; virtual bool joint_is_disabled_collisions_between_bodies(RID p_joint) const override; /* MISC */ virtual void free(RID p_rid) override; virtual void set_active(bool p_active) override; virtual void init() override; virtual void step(real_t p_step) override; virtual void sync() override; virtual void flush_queries() override; virtual void end_sync() override; virtual void finish() override; virtual bool is_flushing_queries() const override { return flushing_queries; } int get_process_info(ProcessInfo p_info) override; GodotPhysicsServer3D(bool p_using_threads = false); ~GodotPhysicsServer3D() {} }; #endif // GODOT_PHYSICS_SERVER_3D_H