/*************************************************************************/ /* step_2d_sw.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "step_2d_sw.h" #include "core/os/os.h" #define BODY_ISLAND_COUNT_RESERVE 128 #define BODY_ISLAND_SIZE_RESERVE 512 #define ISLAND_COUNT_RESERVE 128 #define ISLAND_SIZE_RESERVE 512 #define CONSTRAINT_COUNT_RESERVE 1024 void Step2DSW::_populate_island(Body2DSW *p_body, LocalVector<Body2DSW *> &p_body_island, LocalVector<Constraint2DSW *> &p_constraint_island) { p_body->set_island_step(_step); if (p_body->get_mode() > PhysicsServer2D::BODY_MODE_KINEMATIC) { // Only dynamic bodies are tested for activation. p_body_island.push_back(p_body); } for (const List<Pair<Constraint2DSW *, int>>::Element *E = p_body->get_constraint_list().front(); E; E = E->next()) { Constraint2DSW *constraint = (Constraint2DSW *)E->get().first; if (constraint->get_island_step() == _step) { continue; // Already processed. } constraint->set_island_step(_step); p_constraint_island.push_back(constraint); all_constraints.push_back(constraint); for (int i = 0; i < constraint->get_body_count(); i++) { if (i == E->get().second) { continue; } Body2DSW *other_body = constraint->get_body_ptr()[i]; if (other_body->get_island_step() == _step) { continue; // Already processed. } if (other_body->get_mode() == PhysicsServer2D::BODY_MODE_STATIC) { continue; // Static bodies don't connect islands. } _populate_island(other_body, p_body_island, p_constraint_island); } } } void Step2DSW::_setup_contraint(uint32_t p_constraint_index, void *p_userdata) { Constraint2DSW *constraint = all_constraints[p_constraint_index]; constraint->setup(delta); } void Step2DSW::_pre_solve_island(LocalVector<Constraint2DSW *> &p_constraint_island) const { uint32_t constraint_count = p_constraint_island.size(); uint32_t valid_constraint_count = 0; for (uint32_t constraint_index = 0; constraint_index < constraint_count; ++constraint_index) { Constraint2DSW *constraint = p_constraint_island[constraint_index]; if (p_constraint_island[constraint_index]->pre_solve(delta)) { // Keep this constraint for solving. p_constraint_island[valid_constraint_count++] = constraint; } } p_constraint_island.resize(valid_constraint_count); } void Step2DSW::_solve_island(uint32_t p_island_index, void *p_userdata) const { const LocalVector<Constraint2DSW *> &constraint_island = constraint_islands[p_island_index]; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { uint32_t constraint_count = constraint_island.size(); for (uint32_t constraint_index = 0; constraint_index < constraint_count; ++constraint_index) { constraint_island[constraint_index]->solve(delta); } } } void Step2DSW::_check_suspend(LocalVector<Body2DSW *> &p_body_island) const { bool can_sleep = true; uint32_t body_count = p_body_island.size(); for (uint32_t body_index = 0; body_index < body_count; ++body_index) { Body2DSW *body = p_body_island[body_index]; if (!body->sleep_test(delta)) { can_sleep = false; } } // Put all to sleep or wake up everyone. for (uint32_t body_index = 0; body_index < body_count; ++body_index) { Body2DSW *body = p_body_island[body_index]; bool active = body->is_active(); if (active == can_sleep) { body->set_active(!can_sleep); } } } void Step2DSW::step(Space2DSW *p_space, real_t p_delta, int p_iterations) { p_space->lock(); // can't access space during this p_space->setup(); //update inertias, etc iterations = p_iterations; delta = p_delta; const SelfList<Body2DSW>::List *body_list = &p_space->get_active_body_list(); /* INTEGRATE FORCES */ uint64_t profile_begtime = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); uint64_t profile_endtime = 0; int active_count = 0; const SelfList<Body2DSW> *b = body_list->first(); while (b) { b->self()->integrate_forces(p_delta); b = b->next(); active_count++; } p_space->set_active_objects(active_count); { //profile profile_endtime = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); p_space->set_elapsed_time(Space2DSW::ELAPSED_TIME_INTEGRATE_FORCES, profile_endtime - profile_begtime); profile_begtime = profile_endtime; } /* GENERATE CONSTRAINT ISLANDS FOR MOVING AREAS */ uint32_t island_count = 0; const SelfList<Area2DSW>::List &aml = p_space->get_moved_area_list(); while (aml.first()) { for (const Set<Constraint2DSW *>::Element *E = aml.first()->self()->get_constraints().front(); E; E = E->next()) { Constraint2DSW *constraint = E->get(); if (constraint->get_island_step() == _step) { continue; } constraint->set_island_step(_step); // Each constraint can be on a separate island for areas as there's no solving phase. ++island_count; if (constraint_islands.size() < island_count) { constraint_islands.resize(island_count); } LocalVector<Constraint2DSW *> &constraint_island = constraint_islands[island_count - 1]; constraint_island.clear(); all_constraints.push_back(constraint); constraint_island.push_back(constraint); } p_space->area_remove_from_moved_list((SelfList<Area2DSW> *)aml.first()); //faster to remove here } /* GENERATE CONSTRAINT ISLANDS FOR ACTIVE RIGID BODIES */ b = body_list->first(); uint32_t body_island_count = 0; while (b) { Body2DSW *body = b->self(); if (body->get_island_step() != _step) { ++body_island_count; if (body_islands.size() < body_island_count) { body_islands.resize(body_island_count); } LocalVector<Body2DSW *> &body_island = body_islands[body_island_count - 1]; body_island.clear(); body_island.reserve(BODY_ISLAND_SIZE_RESERVE); ++island_count; if (constraint_islands.size() < island_count) { constraint_islands.resize(island_count); } LocalVector<Constraint2DSW *> &constraint_island = constraint_islands[island_count - 1]; constraint_island.clear(); constraint_island.reserve(ISLAND_SIZE_RESERVE); _populate_island(body, body_island, constraint_island); if (body_island.is_empty()) { --body_island_count; } if (constraint_island.is_empty()) { --island_count; } } b = b->next(); } p_space->set_island_count((int)island_count); { //profile profile_endtime = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); p_space->set_elapsed_time(Space2DSW::ELAPSED_TIME_GENERATE_ISLANDS, profile_endtime - profile_begtime); profile_begtime = profile_endtime; } /* SETUP CONSTRAINTS / PROCESS COLLISIONS */ uint32_t total_contraint_count = all_constraints.size(); work_pool.do_work(total_contraint_count, this, &Step2DSW::_setup_contraint, nullptr); { //profile profile_endtime = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); p_space->set_elapsed_time(Space2DSW::ELAPSED_TIME_SETUP_CONSTRAINTS, profile_endtime - profile_begtime); profile_begtime = profile_endtime; } /* PRE-SOLVE CONSTRAINT ISLANDS */ // Warning: This doesn't run on threads, because it involves thread-unsafe processing. for (uint32_t island_index = 0; island_index < island_count; ++island_index) { _pre_solve_island(constraint_islands[island_index]); } /* SOLVE CONSTRAINT ISLANDS */ // Warning: _solve_island modifies the constraint islands for optimization purpose, // their content is not reliable after these calls and shouldn't be used anymore. if (island_count > 1) { work_pool.do_work(island_count, this, &Step2DSW::_solve_island, nullptr); } else if (island_count > 0) { _solve_island(0); } { //profile profile_endtime = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); p_space->set_elapsed_time(Space2DSW::ELAPSED_TIME_SOLVE_CONSTRAINTS, profile_endtime - profile_begtime); profile_begtime = profile_endtime; } /* INTEGRATE VELOCITIES */ b = body_list->first(); while (b) { const SelfList<Body2DSW> *n = b->next(); b->self()->integrate_velocities(p_delta); b = n; // in case it shuts itself down } /* SLEEP / WAKE UP ISLANDS */ for (uint32_t island_index = 0; island_index < body_island_count; ++island_index) { _check_suspend(body_islands[island_index]); } { //profile profile_endtime = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); p_space->set_elapsed_time(Space2DSW::ELAPSED_TIME_INTEGRATE_VELOCITIES, profile_endtime - profile_begtime); //profile_begtime=profile_endtime; } all_constraints.clear(); p_space->update(); p_space->unlock(); _step++; } Step2DSW::Step2DSW() { _step = 1; body_islands.reserve(BODY_ISLAND_COUNT_RESERVE); constraint_islands.reserve(ISLAND_COUNT_RESERVE); all_constraints.reserve(CONSTRAINT_COUNT_RESERVE); work_pool.init(); } Step2DSW::~Step2DSW() { work_pool.finish(); }