/**************************************************************************/ /* servers_debugger.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "servers_debugger.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/debugger/engine_debugger.h" #include "core/debugger/engine_profiler.h" #include "core/io/marshalls.h" #include "servers/display_server.h" #define CHECK_SIZE(arr, expected, what) ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG((uint32_t)arr.size() < (uint32_t)(expected), false, String("Malformed ") + what + " message from script debugger, message too short. Expected size: " + itos(expected) + ", actual size: " + itos(arr.size())) #define CHECK_END(arr, expected, what) ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG((uint32_t)arr.size() > (uint32_t)expected, false, String("Malformed ") + what + " message from script debugger, message too long. Expected size: " + itos(expected) + ", actual size: " + itos(arr.size())) Array ServersDebugger::ResourceUsage::serialize() { infos.sort(); Array arr; arr.push_back(infos.size() * 4); for (const ResourceInfo &E : infos) { arr.push_back(E.path); arr.push_back(E.format); arr.push_back(E.type); arr.push_back(E.vram); } return arr; } bool ServersDebugger::ResourceUsage::deserialize(const Array &p_arr) { CHECK_SIZE(p_arr, 1, "ResourceUsage"); uint32_t size = p_arr[0]; CHECK_SIZE(p_arr, size, "ResourceUsage"); int idx = 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size / 4; i++) { ResourceInfo info; info.path = p_arr[idx]; info.format = p_arr[idx + 1]; info.type = p_arr[idx + 2]; info.vram = p_arr[idx + 3]; infos.push_back(info); } CHECK_END(p_arr, idx, "ResourceUsage"); return true; } Array ServersDebugger::ScriptFunctionSignature::serialize() { Array arr; arr.push_back(name); arr.push_back(id); return arr; } bool ServersDebugger::ScriptFunctionSignature::deserialize(const Array &p_arr) { CHECK_SIZE(p_arr, 2, "ScriptFunctionSignature"); name = p_arr[0]; id = p_arr[1]; CHECK_END(p_arr, 2, "ScriptFunctionSignature"); return true; } Array ServersDebugger::ServersProfilerFrame::serialize() { Array arr; arr.push_back(frame_number); arr.push_back(frame_time); arr.push_back(process_time); arr.push_back(physics_time); arr.push_back(physics_frame_time); arr.push_back(script_time); arr.push_back(servers.size()); for (int i = 0; i < servers.size(); i++) { ServerInfo &s = servers[i]; arr.push_back(s.name); arr.push_back(s.functions.size() * 2); for (int j = 0; j < s.functions.size(); j++) { ServerFunctionInfo &f = s.functions[j]; arr.push_back(f.name); arr.push_back(f.time); } } arr.push_back(script_functions.size() * 4); for (int i = 0; i < script_functions.size(); i++) { arr.push_back(script_functions[i].sig_id); arr.push_back(script_functions[i].call_count); arr.push_back(script_functions[i].self_time); arr.push_back(script_functions[i].total_time); } return arr; } bool ServersDebugger::ServersProfilerFrame::deserialize(const Array &p_arr) { CHECK_SIZE(p_arr, 7, "ServersProfilerFrame"); frame_number = p_arr[0]; frame_time = p_arr[1]; process_time = p_arr[2]; physics_time = p_arr[3]; physics_frame_time = p_arr[4]; script_time = p_arr[5]; int servers_size = p_arr[6]; int idx = 7; while (servers_size) { CHECK_SIZE(p_arr, idx + 2, "ServersProfilerFrame"); servers_size--; ServerInfo si; si.name = p_arr[idx]; int sub_data_size = p_arr[idx + 1]; idx += 2; CHECK_SIZE(p_arr, idx + sub_data_size, "ServersProfilerFrame"); for (int j = 0; j < sub_data_size / 2; j++) { ServerFunctionInfo sf; sf.name = p_arr[idx]; sf.time = p_arr[idx + 1]; idx += 2; si.functions.push_back(sf); } servers.push_back(si); } CHECK_SIZE(p_arr, idx + 1, "ServersProfilerFrame"); int func_size = p_arr[idx]; idx += 1; CHECK_SIZE(p_arr, idx + func_size, "ServersProfilerFrame"); for (int i = 0; i < func_size / 4; i++) { ScriptFunctionInfo fi; fi.sig_id = p_arr[idx]; fi.call_count = p_arr[idx + 1]; fi.self_time = p_arr[idx + 2]; fi.total_time = p_arr[idx + 3]; script_functions.push_back(fi); idx += 4; } CHECK_END(p_arr, idx, "ServersProfilerFrame"); return true; } Array ServersDebugger::VisualProfilerFrame::serialize() { Array arr; arr.push_back(frame_number); arr.push_back(areas.size() * 3); for (int i = 0; i < areas.size(); i++) { arr.push_back(areas[i].name); arr.push_back(areas[i].cpu_msec); arr.push_back(areas[i].gpu_msec); } return arr; } bool ServersDebugger::VisualProfilerFrame::deserialize(const Array &p_arr) { CHECK_SIZE(p_arr, 2, "VisualProfilerFrame"); frame_number = p_arr[0]; int size = p_arr[1]; CHECK_SIZE(p_arr, size, "VisualProfilerFrame"); int idx = 2; areas.resize(size / 3); RS::FrameProfileArea *w = areas.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < size / 3; i++) { w[i].name = p_arr[idx]; w[i].cpu_msec = p_arr[idx + 1]; w[i].gpu_msec = p_arr[idx + 2]; idx += 3; } CHECK_END(p_arr, idx, "VisualProfilerFrame"); return true; } class ServersDebugger::ScriptsProfiler : public EngineProfiler { typedef ServersDebugger::ScriptFunctionSignature FunctionSignature; typedef ServersDebugger::ScriptFunctionInfo FunctionInfo; struct ProfileInfoSort { bool operator()(ScriptLanguage::ProfilingInfo *A, ScriptLanguage::ProfilingInfo *B) const { return A->total_time < B->total_time; } }; Vector<ScriptLanguage::ProfilingInfo> info; Vector<ScriptLanguage::ProfilingInfo *> ptrs; HashMap<StringName, int> sig_map; int max_frame_functions = 16; public: void toggle(bool p_enable, const Array &p_opts) { if (p_enable) { sig_map.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) { ScriptServer::get_language(i)->profiling_start(); } if (p_opts.size() == 1 && p_opts[0].get_type() == Variant::INT) { max_frame_functions = MAX(0, int(p_opts[0])); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) { ScriptServer::get_language(i)->profiling_stop(); } } } void write_frame_data(Vector<FunctionInfo> &r_funcs, uint64_t &r_total, bool p_accumulated) { int ofs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) { if (p_accumulated) { ofs += ScriptServer::get_language(i)->profiling_get_accumulated_data(&info.write[ofs], info.size() - ofs); } else { ofs += ScriptServer::get_language(i)->profiling_get_frame_data(&info.write[ofs], info.size() - ofs); } } for (int i = 0; i < ofs; i++) { ptrs.write[i] = &info.write[i]; } SortArray<ScriptLanguage::ProfilingInfo *, ProfileInfoSort> sa; sa.sort(ptrs.ptrw(), ofs); int to_send = MIN(ofs, max_frame_functions); // Check signatures first, and compute total time. r_total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < to_send; i++) { if (!sig_map.has(ptrs[i]->signature)) { int idx = sig_map.size(); FunctionSignature sig; sig.name = ptrs[i]->signature; sig.id = idx; EngineDebugger::get_singleton()->send_message("servers:function_signature", sig.serialize()); sig_map[ptrs[i]->signature] = idx; } r_total += ptrs[i]->self_time; } // Send frame, script time, functions information then r_funcs.resize(to_send); FunctionInfo *w = r_funcs.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < to_send; i++) { if (sig_map.has(ptrs[i]->signature)) { w[i].sig_id = sig_map[ptrs[i]->signature]; } w[i].call_count = ptrs[i]->call_count; w[i].total_time = ptrs[i]->total_time / 1000000.0; w[i].self_time = ptrs[i]->self_time / 1000000.0; } } ScriptsProfiler() { info.resize(GLOBAL_GET("debug/settings/profiler/max_functions")); ptrs.resize(info.size()); } }; class ServersDebugger::ServersProfiler : public EngineProfiler { bool skip_profile_frame = false; typedef ServersDebugger::ServerInfo ServerInfo; typedef ServersDebugger::ServerFunctionInfo ServerFunctionInfo; HashMap<StringName, ServerInfo> server_data; ScriptsProfiler scripts_profiler; double frame_time = 0; double process_time = 0; double physics_time = 0; double physics_frame_time = 0; void _send_frame_data(bool p_final) { ServersDebugger::ServersProfilerFrame frame; frame.frame_number = Engine::get_singleton()->get_process_frames(); frame.frame_time = frame_time; frame.process_time = process_time; frame.physics_time = physics_time; frame.physics_frame_time = physics_frame_time; HashMap<StringName, ServerInfo>::Iterator E = server_data.begin(); while (E) { if (!p_final) { frame.servers.push_back(E->value); } E->value.functions.clear(); ++E; } uint64_t time = 0; scripts_profiler.write_frame_data(frame.script_functions, time, p_final); frame.script_time = USEC_TO_SEC(time); if (skip_profile_frame) { skip_profile_frame = false; return; } if (p_final) { EngineDebugger::get_singleton()->send_message("servers:profile_total", frame.serialize()); } else { EngineDebugger::get_singleton()->send_message("servers:profile_frame", frame.serialize()); } } public: void toggle(bool p_enable, const Array &p_opts) { skip_profile_frame = false; if (p_enable) { server_data.clear(); // Clear old profiling data. } else { _send_frame_data(true); // Send final frame. } scripts_profiler.toggle(p_enable, p_opts); } void add(const Array &p_data) { String name = p_data[0]; if (!server_data.has(name)) { ServerInfo info; info.name = name; server_data[name] = info; } ServerInfo &srv = server_data[name]; ServerFunctionInfo fi; fi.name = p_data[1]; fi.time = p_data[2]; srv.functions.push_back(fi); } void tick(double p_frame_time, double p_process_time, double p_physics_time, double p_physics_frame_time) { frame_time = p_frame_time; process_time = p_process_time; physics_time = p_physics_time; physics_frame_time = p_physics_frame_time; _send_frame_data(false); } void skip_frame() { skip_profile_frame = true; } }; class ServersDebugger::VisualProfiler : public EngineProfiler { typedef ServersDebugger::ServerInfo ServerInfo; typedef ServersDebugger::ServerFunctionInfo ServerFunctionInfo; HashMap<StringName, ServerInfo> server_data; public: void toggle(bool p_enable, const Array &p_opts) { RS::get_singleton()->set_frame_profiling_enabled(p_enable); } void add(const Array &p_data) {} void tick(double p_frame_time, double p_process_time, double p_physics_time, double p_physics_frame_time) { Vector<RS::FrameProfileArea> profile_areas = RS::get_singleton()->get_frame_profile(); ServersDebugger::VisualProfilerFrame frame; if (!profile_areas.size()) { return; } frame.frame_number = RS::get_singleton()->get_frame_profile_frame(); frame.areas.append_array(profile_areas); EngineDebugger::get_singleton()->send_message("visual:profile_frame", frame.serialize()); } }; ServersDebugger *ServersDebugger::singleton = nullptr; void ServersDebugger::initialize() { if (EngineDebugger::is_active()) { memnew(ServersDebugger); } } void ServersDebugger::deinitialize() { if (singleton) { memdelete(singleton); } } Error ServersDebugger::_capture(void *p_user, const String &p_cmd, const Array &p_data, bool &r_captured) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!singleton, ERR_BUG); r_captured = true; if (p_cmd == "memory") { singleton->_send_resource_usage(); } else if (p_cmd == "draw") { // Forced redraw. // For camera override to stay live when the game is paused from the editor. double delta = 0.0; if (singleton->last_draw_time) { delta = (OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - singleton->last_draw_time) / 1000000.0; } singleton->last_draw_time = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->sync(); if (RenderingServer::get_singleton()->has_changed()) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->draw(true, delta); } EngineDebugger::get_singleton()->send_message("servers:drawn", Array()); } else if (p_cmd == "foreground") { singleton->last_draw_time = 0.0; DisplayServer::get_singleton()->window_move_to_foreground(); singleton->servers_profiler->skip_frame(); } else { r_captured = false; } return OK; } void ServersDebugger::_send_resource_usage() { ServersDebugger::ResourceUsage usage; List<RS::TextureInfo> tinfo; RS::get_singleton()->texture_debug_usage(&tinfo); for (const RS::TextureInfo &E : tinfo) { ServersDebugger::ResourceInfo info; info.path = E.path; info.vram = E.bytes; info.id = E.texture; info.type = "Texture"; if (E.depth == 0) { info.format = itos(E.width) + "x" + itos(E.height) + " " + Image::get_format_name(E.format); } else { info.format = itos(E.width) + "x" + itos(E.height) + "x" + itos(E.depth) + " " + Image::get_format_name(E.format); } usage.infos.push_back(info); } EngineDebugger::get_singleton()->send_message("servers:memory_usage", usage.serialize()); } ServersDebugger::ServersDebugger() { singleton = this; // Generic servers profiler (audio/physics/...) servers_profiler.instantiate(); servers_profiler->bind("servers"); // Visual Profiler (cpu/gpu times) visual_profiler.instantiate(); visual_profiler->bind("visual"); EngineDebugger::Capture servers_cap(nullptr, &_capture); EngineDebugger::register_message_capture("servers", servers_cap); } ServersDebugger::~ServersDebugger() { EngineDebugger::unregister_message_capture("servers"); singleton = nullptr; }