/*************************************************************************/ /* shader_graph.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2016 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef SHADER_GRAPH_H #define SHADER_GRAPH_H #include "map.h" #include "scene/resources/shader.h" class ShaderGraph : public Shader { OBJ_TYPE( ShaderGraph, Shader ); RES_BASE_EXTENSION("sgp"); public: enum NodeType { NODE_INPUT, // all inputs (shader type dependent) NODE_SCALAR_CONST, //scalar constant NODE_VEC_CONST, //vec3 constant NODE_RGB_CONST, //rgb constant (shows a color picker instead) NODE_XFORM_CONST, // 4x4 matrix constant NODE_TIME, // time in seconds NODE_SCREEN_TEX, // screen texture sampler (takes UV) (only usable in fragment shader) NODE_SCALAR_OP, // scalar vs scalar op (mul, add, div, etc) NODE_VEC_OP, // vec3 vs vec3 op (mul,ad,div,crossprod,etc) NODE_VEC_SCALAR_OP, // vec3 vs scalar op (mul, add, div, etc) NODE_RGB_OP, // vec3 vs vec3 rgb op (with scalar amount), like brighten, darken, burn, dodge, multiply, etc. NODE_XFORM_MULT, // mat4 x mat4 NODE_XFORM_VEC_MULT, // mat4 x vec3 mult (with no-translation option) NODE_XFORM_VEC_INV_MULT, // mat4 x vec3 inverse mult (with no-translation option) NODE_SCALAR_FUNC, // scalar function (sin, cos, etc) NODE_VEC_FUNC, // vector function (normalize, negate, reciprocal, rgb2hsv, hsv2rgb, etc, etc) NODE_VEC_LEN, // vec3 length NODE_DOT_PROD, // vec3 . vec3 (dot product -> scalar output) NODE_VEC_TO_SCALAR, // 1 vec3 input, 3 scalar outputs NODE_SCALAR_TO_VEC, // 3 scalar input, 1 vec3 output NODE_XFORM_TO_VEC, // 3 vec input, 1 xform output NODE_VEC_TO_XFORM, // 3 vec input, 1 xform output NODE_SCALAR_INTERP, // scalar interpolation (with optional curve) NODE_VEC_INTERP, // vec3 interpolation (with optional curve) NODE_COLOR_RAMP, //take scalar, output vec3 NODE_CURVE_MAP, //take scalar, otput scalar NODE_SCALAR_INPUT, // scalar uniform (assignable in material) NODE_VEC_INPUT, // vec3 uniform (assignable in material) NODE_RGB_INPUT, // color uniform (assignable in material) NODE_XFORM_INPUT, // mat4 uniform (assignable in material) NODE_TEXTURE_INPUT, // texture input (assignable in material) NODE_CUBEMAP_INPUT, // cubemap input (assignable in material) NODE_DEFAULT_TEXTURE, NODE_OUTPUT, // output (shader type dependent) NODE_COMMENT, // comment NODE_TYPE_MAX }; struct Connection { int src_id; int src_slot; int dst_id; int dst_slot; }; enum SlotType { SLOT_TYPE_SCALAR, SLOT_TYPE_VEC, SLOT_TYPE_XFORM, SLOT_TYPE_TEXTURE, SLOT_MAX }; enum ShaderType { SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX, SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT, SHADER_TYPE_LIGHT, SHADER_TYPE_MAX }; enum SlotDir { SLOT_IN, SLOT_OUT }; enum GraphError { GRAPH_OK, GRAPH_ERROR_CYCLIC, GRAPH_ERROR_MISSING_CONNECTIONS }; private: String _find_unique_name(const String& p_base); enum {SLOT_DEFAULT_VALUE = 0x7FFFFFFF}; struct SourceSlot { int id; int slot; bool operator==(const SourceSlot& p_slot) const { return id==p_slot.id && slot==p_slot.slot; } }; struct Node { Vector2 pos; NodeType type; Variant param1; Variant param2; Map<int, Variant> defaults; int id; mutable int order; // used for sorting int sort_order; Map<int,SourceSlot> connections; }; struct ShaderData { Map<int,Node> node_map; GraphError error; } shader[3]; struct InOutParamInfo { Mode shader_mode; ShaderType shader_type; const char *name; const char *variable; const char *postfix; SlotType slot_type; SlotDir dir; }; static const InOutParamInfo inout_param_info[]; struct NodeSlotInfo { enum { MAX_INS=3, MAX_OUTS=3 }; NodeType type; const SlotType ins[MAX_INS]; const SlotType outs[MAX_OUTS]; }; static const NodeSlotInfo node_slot_info[]; bool _pending_update_shader; void _update_shader(); void _request_update(); void _plot_curve(const Vector2& p_a,const Vector2& p_b,const Vector2& p_c,const Vector2& p_d,uint8_t* p_heights,bool *p_useds); void _add_node_code(ShaderType p_type,Node *p_node,const Vector<String>& p_inputs,String& code); Array _get_node_list(ShaderType p_type) const; Array _get_connections(ShaderType p_type) const; void _set_data(const Dictionary& p_data); Dictionary _get_data() const; protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: void node_add(ShaderType p_type, NodeType p_node_type, int p_id); void node_remove(ShaderType p_which,int p_id); void node_set_pos(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,const Point2& p_pos); Point2 node_get_pos(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void get_node_list(ShaderType p_which,List<int> *p_node_list) const; NodeType node_get_type(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void scalar_const_node_set_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,float p_value); float scalar_const_node_get_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void vec_const_node_set_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,const Vector3& p_value); Vector3 vec_const_node_get_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void rgb_const_node_set_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,const Color& p_value); Color rgb_const_node_get_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void xform_const_node_set_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,const Transform& p_value); Transform xform_const_node_get_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void texture_node_set_filter_size(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,int p_size); int texture_node_get_filter_size(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void texture_node_set_filter_strength(ShaderType p_which,float p_id,float p_strength); float texture_node_get_filter_strength(ShaderType p_which,float p_id) const; void duplicate_nodes(ShaderType p_which, List<int> &p_nodes); List<int> generate_ids(ShaderType p_type, int count); enum ScalarOp { SCALAR_OP_ADD, SCALAR_OP_SUB, SCALAR_OP_MUL, SCALAR_OP_DIV, SCALAR_OP_MOD, SCALAR_OP_POW, SCALAR_OP_MAX, SCALAR_OP_MIN, SCALAR_OP_ATAN2, SCALAR_MAX_OP }; void scalar_op_node_set_op(ShaderType p_which,float p_id,ScalarOp p_op); ScalarOp scalar_op_node_get_op(ShaderType p_which,float p_id) const; enum VecOp { VEC_OP_ADD, VEC_OP_SUB, VEC_OP_MUL, VEC_OP_DIV, VEC_OP_MOD, VEC_OP_POW, VEC_OP_MAX, VEC_OP_MIN, VEC_OP_CROSS, VEC_MAX_OP }; void vec_op_node_set_op(ShaderType p_which,float p_id,VecOp p_op); VecOp vec_op_node_get_op(ShaderType p_which,float p_id) const; enum VecScalarOp { VEC_SCALAR_OP_MUL, VEC_SCALAR_OP_DIV, VEC_SCALAR_OP_POW, VEC_SCALAR_MAX_OP }; void vec_scalar_op_node_set_op(ShaderType p_which,float p_id,VecScalarOp p_op); VecScalarOp vec_scalar_op_node_get_op(ShaderType p_which,float p_id) const; enum RGBOp { RGB_OP_SCREEN, RGB_OP_DIFFERENCE, RGB_OP_DARKEN, RGB_OP_LIGHTEN, RGB_OP_OVERLAY, RGB_OP_DODGE, RGB_OP_BURN, RGB_OP_SOFT_LIGHT, RGB_OP_HARD_LIGHT, RGB_MAX_OP }; void rgb_op_node_set_op(ShaderType p_which,float p_id,RGBOp p_op); RGBOp rgb_op_node_get_op(ShaderType p_which,float p_id) const; void xform_vec_mult_node_set_no_translation(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,bool p_no_translation); bool xform_vec_mult_node_get_no_translation(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; enum ScalarFunc { SCALAR_FUNC_SIN, SCALAR_FUNC_COS, SCALAR_FUNC_TAN, SCALAR_FUNC_ASIN, SCALAR_FUNC_ACOS, SCALAR_FUNC_ATAN, SCALAR_FUNC_SINH, SCALAR_FUNC_COSH, SCALAR_FUNC_TANH, SCALAR_FUNC_LOG, SCALAR_FUNC_EXP, SCALAR_FUNC_SQRT, SCALAR_FUNC_ABS, SCALAR_FUNC_SIGN, SCALAR_FUNC_FLOOR, SCALAR_FUNC_ROUND, SCALAR_FUNC_CEIL, SCALAR_FUNC_FRAC, SCALAR_FUNC_SATURATE, SCALAR_FUNC_NEGATE, SCALAR_MAX_FUNC }; void scalar_func_node_set_function(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,ScalarFunc p_func); ScalarFunc scalar_func_node_get_function(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; enum VecFunc { VEC_FUNC_NORMALIZE, VEC_FUNC_SATURATE, VEC_FUNC_NEGATE, VEC_FUNC_RECIPROCAL, VEC_FUNC_RGB2HSV, VEC_FUNC_HSV2RGB, VEC_MAX_FUNC }; void default_set_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,int p_param, const Variant& p_value); Variant default_get_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,int p_param); void vec_func_node_set_function(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,VecFunc p_func); VecFunc vec_func_node_get_function(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void color_ramp_node_set_ramp(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,const DVector<Color>& p_colors, const DVector<real_t>& p_offsets); DVector<Color> color_ramp_node_get_colors(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; DVector<real_t> color_ramp_node_get_offsets(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void curve_map_node_set_points(ShaderType p_which, int p_id, const DVector<Vector2>& p_points); DVector<Vector2> curve_map_node_get_points(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void input_node_set_name(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,const String& p_name); String input_node_get_name(ShaderType p_which,int p_id); void scalar_input_node_set_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,float p_value); float scalar_input_node_get_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void vec_input_node_set_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,const Vector3& p_value); Vector3 vec_input_node_get_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void rgb_input_node_set_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,const Color& p_value); Color rgb_input_node_get_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void xform_input_node_set_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,const Transform& p_value); Transform xform_input_node_get_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void texture_input_node_set_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,const Ref<Texture>& p_texture); Ref<Texture> texture_input_node_get_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void cubemap_input_node_set_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,const Ref<CubeMap>& p_cubemap); Ref<CubeMap> cubemap_input_node_get_value(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; void comment_node_set_text(ShaderType p_which,int p_id,const String& p_comment); String comment_node_get_text(ShaderType p_which,int p_id) const; Error connect_node(ShaderType p_which,int p_src_id,int p_src_slot, int p_dst_id,int p_dst_slot); bool is_node_connected(ShaderType p_which,int p_src_id,int p_src_slot, int p_dst_id,int p_dst_slot) const; void disconnect_node(ShaderType p_which,int p_src_id,int p_src_slot, int p_dst_id,int p_dst_slot); void get_node_connections(ShaderType p_which,List<Connection> *p_connections) const; bool is_slot_connected(ShaderType p_which,int p_dst_id,int slot_id); void clear(ShaderType p_which); Variant node_get_state(ShaderType p_type, int p_node) const; void node_set_state(ShaderType p_type, int p_id, const Variant& p_state); GraphError get_graph_error(ShaderType p_type) const; int node_count(ShaderType p_which, int p_type); static int get_type_input_count(NodeType p_type); static int get_type_output_count(NodeType p_type); static SlotType get_type_input_type(NodeType p_type,int p_idx); static SlotType get_type_output_type(NodeType p_type,int p_idx); static bool is_type_valid(Mode p_mode,ShaderType p_type); struct SlotInfo { String name; SlotType type; SlotDir dir; }; static void get_input_output_node_slot_info(Mode p_mode, ShaderType p_type, List<SlotInfo> *r_slots); static int get_node_input_slot_count(Mode p_mode, ShaderType p_shader_type,NodeType p_type); static int get_node_output_slot_count(Mode p_mode, ShaderType p_shader_type,NodeType p_type); static SlotType get_node_input_slot_type(Mode p_mode, ShaderType p_shader_type,NodeType p_type,int p_idx); static SlotType get_node_output_slot_type(Mode p_mode, ShaderType p_shader_type,NodeType p_type,int p_idx); ShaderGraph(Mode p_mode); ~ShaderGraph(); }; //helper functions VARIANT_ENUM_CAST( ShaderGraph::NodeType ); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST( ShaderGraph::ShaderType ); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST( ShaderGraph::SlotType ); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST( ShaderGraph::ScalarOp ); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST( ShaderGraph::VecOp ); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST( ShaderGraph::VecScalarOp ); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST( ShaderGraph::RGBOp ); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST( ShaderGraph::ScalarFunc ); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST( ShaderGraph::VecFunc ); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST( ShaderGraph::GraphError ); class MaterialShaderGraph : public ShaderGraph { OBJ_TYPE( MaterialShaderGraph, ShaderGraph ); public: MaterialShaderGraph() : ShaderGraph(MODE_MATERIAL) { } }; class CanvasItemShaderGraph : public ShaderGraph { OBJ_TYPE( CanvasItemShaderGraph, ShaderGraph ); public: CanvasItemShaderGraph() : ShaderGraph(MODE_CANVAS_ITEM) { } }; #endif // SHADER_GRAPH_H