/*************************************************************************/ /* animation.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "animation.h" #include "core/io/marshalls.h" #include "core/math/geometry_3d.h" #include "scene/scene_string_names.h" bool Animation::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { String name = p_name; if (p_name == SNAME("_compression")) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(tracks.size() > 0, false); //can only set compression if no tracks exist Dictionary comp = p_value; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!comp.has("fps"), false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!comp.has("bounds"), false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!comp.has("pages"), false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!comp.has("format_version"), false); uint32_t format_version = comp["format_version"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(format_version > Compression::FORMAT_VERSION, false); // version does not match this supported version compression.fps = comp["fps"]; Array bounds = comp["bounds"]; compression.bounds.resize(bounds.size()); for (int i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++) { compression.bounds[i] = bounds[i]; } Array pages = comp["pages"]; compression.pages.resize(pages.size()); for (int i = 0; i < pages.size(); i++) { Dictionary page = pages[i]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!page.has("data"), false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!page.has("time_offset"), false); compression.pages[i].data = page["data"]; compression.pages[i].time_offset = page["time_offset"]; } compression.enabled = true; return true; } else if (name.begins_with("tracks/")) { int track = name.get_slicec('/', 1).to_int(); String what = name.get_slicec('/', 2); if (tracks.size() == track && what == "type") { String type = p_value; if (type == "position_3d") { add_track(TYPE_POSITION_3D); } else if (type == "rotation_3d") { add_track(TYPE_ROTATION_3D); } else if (type == "scale_3d") { add_track(TYPE_SCALE_3D); } else if (type == "blend_shape") { add_track(TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE); } else if (type == "value") { add_track(TYPE_VALUE); } else if (type == "method") { add_track(TYPE_METHOD); } else if (type == "bezier") { add_track(TYPE_BEZIER); } else if (type == "audio") { add_track(TYPE_AUDIO); } else if (type == "animation") { add_track(TYPE_ANIMATION); } else { return false; } return true; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(track, tracks.size(), false); if (what == "path") { track_set_path(track, p_value); } else if (what == "compressed_track") { int index = p_value; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!compression.enabled, false); ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V((uint32_t)index, compression.bounds.size(), false); Track *t = tracks[track]; t->interpolation = INTERPOLATION_LINEAR; //only linear supported switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); tt->compressed_track = index; } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); rt->compressed_track = index; } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); st->compressed_track = index; } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); bst->compressed_track = index; } break; default: { return false; } } return true; } else if (what == "interp") { track_set_interpolation_type(track, InterpolationType(p_value.operator int())); } else if (what == "loop_wrap") { track_set_interpolation_loop_wrap(track, p_value); } else if (what == "imported") { track_set_imported(track, p_value); } else if (what == "enabled") { track_set_enabled(track, p_value); } else if (what == "keys" || what == "key_values") { if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_POSITION_3D) { PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(tracks[track]); Vector<real_t> values = p_value; int vcount = values.size(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(vcount % POSITION_TRACK_SIZE, false); const real_t *r = values.ptr(); int64_t count = vcount / POSITION_TRACK_SIZE; tt->positions.resize(count); TKey<Vector3> *tw = tt->positions.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { TKey<Vector3> &tk = tw[i]; const real_t *ofs = &r[i * POSITION_TRACK_SIZE]; tk.time = ofs[0]; tk.transition = ofs[1]; tk.value.x = ofs[2]; tk.value.y = ofs[3]; tk.value.z = ofs[4]; } } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_ROTATION_3D) { RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(tracks[track]); Vector<real_t> values = p_value; int vcount = values.size(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(vcount % ROTATION_TRACK_SIZE, false); const real_t *r = values.ptr(); int64_t count = vcount / ROTATION_TRACK_SIZE; rt->rotations.resize(count); TKey<Quaternion> *rw = rt->rotations.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { TKey<Quaternion> &rk = rw[i]; const real_t *ofs = &r[i * ROTATION_TRACK_SIZE]; rk.time = ofs[0]; rk.transition = ofs[1]; rk.value.x = ofs[2]; rk.value.y = ofs[3]; rk.value.z = ofs[4]; rk.value.w = ofs[5]; } } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_SCALE_3D) { ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(tracks[track]); Vector<real_t> values = p_value; int vcount = values.size(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(vcount % SCALE_TRACK_SIZE, false); const real_t *r = values.ptr(); int64_t count = vcount / SCALE_TRACK_SIZE; st->scales.resize(count); TKey<Vector3> *sw = st->scales.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { TKey<Vector3> &sk = sw[i]; const real_t *ofs = &r[i * SCALE_TRACK_SIZE]; sk.time = ofs[0]; sk.transition = ofs[1]; sk.value.x = ofs[2]; sk.value.y = ofs[3]; sk.value.z = ofs[4]; } } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE) { BlendShapeTrack *st = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(tracks[track]); Vector<real_t> values = p_value; int vcount = values.size(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(vcount % BLEND_SHAPE_TRACK_SIZE, false); const real_t *r = values.ptr(); int64_t count = vcount / BLEND_SHAPE_TRACK_SIZE; st->blend_shapes.resize(count); TKey<float> *sw = st->blend_shapes.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { TKey<float> &sk = sw[i]; const real_t *ofs = &r[i * BLEND_SHAPE_TRACK_SIZE]; sk.time = ofs[0]; sk.transition = ofs[1]; sk.value = ofs[2]; } } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_VALUE) { ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(tracks[track]); Dictionary d = p_value; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!d.has("times"), false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!d.has("values"), false); if (d.has("cont")) { bool v = d["cont"]; vt->update_mode = v ? UPDATE_CONTINUOUS : UPDATE_DISCRETE; } if (d.has("update")) { int um = d["update"]; if (um < 0) { um = 0; } else if (um > 3) { um = 3; } vt->update_mode = UpdateMode(um); } Vector<real_t> times = d["times"]; Array values = d["values"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(times.size() != values.size(), false); if (times.size()) { int valcount = times.size(); const real_t *rt = times.ptr(); vt->values.resize(valcount); for (int i = 0; i < valcount; i++) { vt->values.write[i].time = rt[i]; vt->values.write[i].value = values[i]; } if (d.has("transitions")) { Vector<real_t> transitions = d["transitions"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(transitions.size() != valcount, false); const real_t *rtr = transitions.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < valcount; i++) { vt->values.write[i].transition = rtr[i]; } } } return true; } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_METHOD) { while (track_get_key_count(track)) { track_remove_key(track, 0); //well shouldn't be set anyway } Dictionary d = p_value; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!d.has("times"), false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!d.has("values"), false); Vector<real_t> times = d["times"]; Array values = d["values"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(times.size() != values.size(), false); if (times.size()) { int valcount = times.size(); const real_t *rt = times.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < valcount; i++) { track_insert_key(track, rt[i], values[i]); } if (d.has("transitions")) { Vector<real_t> transitions = d["transitions"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(transitions.size() != valcount, false); const real_t *rtr = transitions.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < valcount; i++) { track_set_key_transition(track, i, rtr[i]); } } } } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_BEZIER) { BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(tracks[track]); Dictionary d = p_value; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!d.has("times"), false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!d.has("points"), false); Vector<real_t> times = d["times"]; Vector<real_t> values = d["points"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(times.size() * 6 != values.size(), false); if (times.size()) { int valcount = times.size(); const real_t *rt = times.ptr(); const real_t *rv = values.ptr(); bt->values.resize(valcount); for (int i = 0; i < valcount; i++) { bt->values.write[i].time = rt[i]; bt->values.write[i].transition = 0; //unused in bezier bt->values.write[i].value.value = rv[i * 6 + 0]; bt->values.write[i].value.in_handle.x = rv[i * 6 + 1]; bt->values.write[i].value.in_handle.y = rv[i * 6 + 2]; bt->values.write[i].value.out_handle.x = rv[i * 6 + 3]; bt->values.write[i].value.out_handle.y = rv[i * 6 + 4]; bt->values.write[i].value.handle_mode = static_cast<HandleMode>((int)rv[i * 6 + 5]); } } return true; } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_AUDIO) { AudioTrack *ad = static_cast<AudioTrack *>(tracks[track]); Dictionary d = p_value; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!d.has("times"), false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!d.has("clips"), false); Vector<real_t> times = d["times"]; Array clips = d["clips"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(clips.size() != times.size(), false); if (times.size()) { int valcount = times.size(); const real_t *rt = times.ptr(); ad->values.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < valcount; i++) { Dictionary d2 = clips[i]; if (!d2.has("start_offset")) { continue; } if (!d2.has("end_offset")) { continue; } if (!d2.has("stream")) { continue; } TKey<AudioKey> ak; ak.time = rt[i]; ak.value.start_offset = d2["start_offset"]; ak.value.end_offset = d2["end_offset"]; ak.value.stream = d2["stream"]; ad->values.push_back(ak); } } return true; } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_ANIMATION) { AnimationTrack *an = static_cast<AnimationTrack *>(tracks[track]); Dictionary d = p_value; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!d.has("times"), false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!d.has("clips"), false); Vector<real_t> times = d["times"]; Vector<String> clips = d["clips"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(clips.size() != times.size(), false); if (times.size()) { int valcount = times.size(); const real_t *rt = times.ptr(); const String *rc = clips.ptr(); an->values.resize(valcount); for (int i = 0; i < valcount; i++) { TKey<StringName> ak; ak.time = rt[i]; ak.value = rc[i]; an->values.write[i] = ak; } } return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } return true; } bool Animation::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const { String name = p_name; if (p_name == SNAME("_compression")) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!compression.enabled, false); Dictionary comp; comp["fps"] = compression.fps; Array bounds; bounds.resize(compression.bounds.size()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < compression.bounds.size(); i++) { bounds[i] = compression.bounds[i]; } comp["bounds"] = bounds; Array pages; pages.resize(compression.pages.size()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < compression.pages.size(); i++) { Dictionary page; page["data"] = compression.pages[i].data; page["time_offset"] = compression.pages[i].time_offset; pages[i] = page; } comp["pages"] = pages; comp["format_version"] = Compression::FORMAT_VERSION; r_ret = comp; return true; } else if (name == "length") { r_ret = length; } else if (name == "loop_mode") { r_ret = loop_mode; } else if (name == "step") { r_ret = step; } else if (name.begins_with("tracks/")) { int track = name.get_slicec('/', 1).to_int(); String what = name.get_slicec('/', 2); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(track, tracks.size(), false); if (what == "type") { switch (track_get_type(track)) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: r_ret = "position_3d"; break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: r_ret = "rotation_3d"; break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: r_ret = "scale_3d"; break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: r_ret = "blend_shape"; break; case TYPE_VALUE: r_ret = "value"; break; case TYPE_METHOD: r_ret = "method"; break; case TYPE_BEZIER: r_ret = "bezier"; break; case TYPE_AUDIO: r_ret = "audio"; break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: r_ret = "animation"; break; } return true; } else if (what == "path") { r_ret = track_get_path(track); } else if (what == "compressed_track") { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!compression.enabled, false); Track *t = tracks[track]; switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); r_ret = tt->compressed_track; } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); r_ret = rt->compressed_track; } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); r_ret = st->compressed_track; } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); r_ret = bst->compressed_track; } break; default: { r_ret = Variant(); ERR_FAIL_V(false); } } return true; } else if (what == "interp") { r_ret = track_get_interpolation_type(track); } else if (what == "loop_wrap") { r_ret = track_get_interpolation_loop_wrap(track); } else if (what == "imported") { r_ret = track_is_imported(track); } else if (what == "enabled") { r_ret = track_is_enabled(track); } else if (what == "keys") { if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_POSITION_3D) { Vector<real_t> keys; int kk = track_get_key_count(track); keys.resize(kk * POSITION_TRACK_SIZE); real_t *w = keys.ptrw(); int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < track_get_key_count(track); i++) { Vector3 loc; position_track_get_key(track, i, &loc); w[idx++] = track_get_key_time(track, i); w[idx++] = track_get_key_transition(track, i); w[idx++] = loc.x; w[idx++] = loc.y; w[idx++] = loc.z; } r_ret = keys; return true; } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_ROTATION_3D) { Vector<real_t> keys; int kk = track_get_key_count(track); keys.resize(kk * ROTATION_TRACK_SIZE); real_t *w = keys.ptrw(); int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < track_get_key_count(track); i++) { Quaternion rot; rotation_track_get_key(track, i, &rot); w[idx++] = track_get_key_time(track, i); w[idx++] = track_get_key_transition(track, i); w[idx++] = rot.x; w[idx++] = rot.y; w[idx++] = rot.z; w[idx++] = rot.w; } r_ret = keys; return true; } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_SCALE_3D) { Vector<real_t> keys; int kk = track_get_key_count(track); keys.resize(kk * SCALE_TRACK_SIZE); real_t *w = keys.ptrw(); int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < track_get_key_count(track); i++) { Vector3 scale; scale_track_get_key(track, i, &scale); w[idx++] = track_get_key_time(track, i); w[idx++] = track_get_key_transition(track, i); w[idx++] = scale.x; w[idx++] = scale.y; w[idx++] = scale.z; } r_ret = keys; return true; } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE) { Vector<real_t> keys; int kk = track_get_key_count(track); keys.resize(kk * BLEND_SHAPE_TRACK_SIZE); real_t *w = keys.ptrw(); int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < track_get_key_count(track); i++) { float bs; blend_shape_track_get_key(track, i, &bs); w[idx++] = track_get_key_time(track, i); w[idx++] = track_get_key_transition(track, i); w[idx++] = bs; } r_ret = keys; return true; } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_VALUE) { const ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<const ValueTrack *>(tracks[track]); Dictionary d; Vector<real_t> key_times; Vector<real_t> key_transitions; Array key_values; int kk = vt->values.size(); key_times.resize(kk); key_transitions.resize(kk); key_values.resize(kk); real_t *wti = key_times.ptrw(); real_t *wtr = key_transitions.ptrw(); int idx = 0; const TKey<Variant> *vls = vt->values.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < kk; i++) { wti[idx] = vls[i].time; wtr[idx] = vls[i].transition; key_values[idx] = vls[i].value; idx++; } d["times"] = key_times; d["transitions"] = key_transitions; d["values"] = key_values; if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_VALUE) { d["update"] = value_track_get_update_mode(track); } r_ret = d; return true; } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_METHOD) { Dictionary d; Vector<real_t> key_times; Vector<real_t> key_transitions; Array key_values; int kk = track_get_key_count(track); key_times.resize(kk); key_transitions.resize(kk); key_values.resize(kk); real_t *wti = key_times.ptrw(); real_t *wtr = key_transitions.ptrw(); int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < track_get_key_count(track); i++) { wti[idx] = track_get_key_time(track, i); wtr[idx] = track_get_key_transition(track, i); key_values[idx] = track_get_key_value(track, i); idx++; } d["times"] = key_times; d["transitions"] = key_transitions; d["values"] = key_values; if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_VALUE) { d["update"] = value_track_get_update_mode(track); } r_ret = d; return true; } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_BEZIER) { const BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<const BezierTrack *>(tracks[track]); Dictionary d; Vector<real_t> key_times; Vector<real_t> key_points; int kk = bt->values.size(); key_times.resize(kk); key_points.resize(kk * 6); real_t *wti = key_times.ptrw(); real_t *wpo = key_points.ptrw(); int idx = 0; const TKey<BezierKey> *vls = bt->values.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < kk; i++) { wti[idx] = vls[i].time; wpo[idx * 6 + 0] = vls[i].value.value; wpo[idx * 6 + 1] = vls[i].value.in_handle.x; wpo[idx * 6 + 2] = vls[i].value.in_handle.y; wpo[idx * 6 + 3] = vls[i].value.out_handle.x; wpo[idx * 6 + 4] = vls[i].value.out_handle.y; wpo[idx * 6 + 5] = (double)vls[i].value.handle_mode; idx++; } d["times"] = key_times; d["points"] = key_points; r_ret = d; return true; } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_AUDIO) { const AudioTrack *ad = static_cast<const AudioTrack *>(tracks[track]); Dictionary d; Vector<real_t> key_times; Array clips; int kk = ad->values.size(); key_times.resize(kk); real_t *wti = key_times.ptrw(); int idx = 0; const TKey<AudioKey> *vls = ad->values.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < kk; i++) { wti[idx] = vls[i].time; Dictionary clip; clip["start_offset"] = vls[i].value.start_offset; clip["end_offset"] = vls[i].value.end_offset; clip["stream"] = vls[i].value.stream; clips.push_back(clip); idx++; } d["times"] = key_times; d["clips"] = clips; r_ret = d; return true; } else if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_ANIMATION) { const AnimationTrack *an = static_cast<const AnimationTrack *>(tracks[track]); Dictionary d; Vector<real_t> key_times; Vector<String> clips; int kk = an->values.size(); key_times.resize(kk); clips.resize(kk); real_t *wti = key_times.ptrw(); String *wcl = clips.ptrw(); const TKey<StringName> *vls = an->values.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < kk; i++) { wti[i] = vls[i].time; wcl[i] = vls[i].value; } d["times"] = key_times; d["clips"] = clips; r_ret = d; return true; } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } return true; } void Animation::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const { if (compression.enabled) { p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::DICTIONARY, "_compression", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NO_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL)); } for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); i++) { p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "tracks/" + itos(i) + "/type", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NO_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL)); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "tracks/" + itos(i) + "/imported", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NO_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL)); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "tracks/" + itos(i) + "/enabled", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NO_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL)); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::NODE_PATH, "tracks/" + itos(i) + "/path", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NO_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL)); if (track_is_compressed(i)) { p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "tracks/" + itos(i) + "/compressed_track", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NO_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL)); } else { p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "tracks/" + itos(i) + "/interp", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NO_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL)); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "tracks/" + itos(i) + "/loop_wrap", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NO_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL)); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::ARRAY, "tracks/" + itos(i) + "/keys", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NO_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL)); } } } void Animation::reset_state() { clear(); } int Animation::add_track(TrackType p_type, int p_at_pos) { if (p_at_pos < 0 || p_at_pos >= tracks.size()) { p_at_pos = tracks.size(); } switch (p_type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { PositionTrack *tt = memnew(PositionTrack); tracks.insert(p_at_pos, tt); } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { RotationTrack *rt = memnew(RotationTrack); tracks.insert(p_at_pos, rt); } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ScaleTrack *st = memnew(ScaleTrack); tracks.insert(p_at_pos, st); } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { BlendShapeTrack *bst = memnew(BlendShapeTrack); tracks.insert(p_at_pos, bst); } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { tracks.insert(p_at_pos, memnew(ValueTrack)); } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { tracks.insert(p_at_pos, memnew(MethodTrack)); } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: { tracks.insert(p_at_pos, memnew(BezierTrack)); } break; case TYPE_AUDIO: { tracks.insert(p_at_pos, memnew(AudioTrack)); } break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: { tracks.insert(p_at_pos, memnew(AnimationTrack)); } break; default: { ERR_PRINT("Unknown track type"); } } emit_changed(); emit_signal(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->tracks_changed); return p_at_pos; } void Animation::remove_track(int p_track) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(tt->compressed_track >= 0, "Compressed tracks can't be manually removed. Call clear() to get rid of compression first."); _clear(tt->positions); } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(rt->compressed_track >= 0, "Compressed tracks can't be manually removed. Call clear() to get rid of compression first."); _clear(rt->rotations); } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(st->compressed_track >= 0, "Compressed tracks can't be manually removed. Call clear() to get rid of compression first."); _clear(st->scales); } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(bst->compressed_track >= 0, "Compressed tracks can't be manually removed. Call clear() to get rid of compression first."); _clear(bst->blend_shapes); } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); _clear(vt->values); } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<MethodTrack *>(t); _clear(mt->methods); } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: { BezierTrack *bz = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); _clear(bz->values); } break; case TYPE_AUDIO: { AudioTrack *ad = static_cast<AudioTrack *>(t); _clear(ad->values); } break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: { AnimationTrack *an = static_cast<AnimationTrack *>(t); _clear(an->values); } break; } memdelete(t); tracks.remove_at(p_track); emit_changed(); emit_signal(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->tracks_changed); } int Animation::get_track_count() const { return tracks.size(); } Animation::TrackType Animation::track_get_type(int p_track) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), TYPE_VALUE); return tracks[p_track]->type; } void Animation::track_set_path(int p_track, const NodePath &p_path) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); tracks[p_track]->path = p_path; emit_changed(); emit_signal(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->tracks_changed); } NodePath Animation::track_get_path(int p_track) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), NodePath()); return tracks[p_track]->path; } int Animation::find_track(const NodePath &p_path, const TrackType p_type) const { for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); i++) { if (tracks[i]->path == p_path && tracks[i]->type == p_type) { return i; } }; return -1; }; void Animation::track_set_interpolation_type(int p_track, InterpolationType p_interp) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_interp, 3); tracks[p_track]->interpolation = p_interp; emit_changed(); } Animation::InterpolationType Animation::track_get_interpolation_type(int p_track) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), INTERPOLATION_NEAREST); return tracks[p_track]->interpolation; } void Animation::track_set_interpolation_loop_wrap(int p_track, bool p_enable) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); tracks[p_track]->loop_wrap = p_enable; emit_changed(); } bool Animation::track_get_interpolation_loop_wrap(int p_track) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), INTERPOLATION_NEAREST); return tracks[p_track]->loop_wrap; } template <class T, class V> int Animation::_insert(double p_time, T &p_keys, const V &p_value) { int idx = p_keys.size(); while (true) { // Condition for replacement. if (idx > 0 && Math::is_equal_approx((double)p_keys[idx - 1].time, p_time)) { float transition = p_keys[idx - 1].transition; p_keys.write[idx - 1] = p_value; p_keys.write[idx - 1].transition = transition; return idx - 1; // Condition for insert. } else if (idx == 0 || p_keys[idx - 1].time < p_time) { p_keys.insert(idx, p_value); return idx; } idx--; } return -1; } template <class T> void Animation::_clear(T &p_keys) { p_keys.clear(); } //// int Animation::position_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const Vector3 &p_position) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), -1); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_POSITION_3D, -1); PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(tt->compressed_track >= 0, -1); TKey<Vector3> tkey; tkey.time = p_time; tkey.value = p_position; int ret = _insert(p_time, tt->positions, tkey); emit_changed(); return ret; } Error Animation::position_track_get_key(int p_track, int p_key, Vector3 *r_position) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_POSITION_3D, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); if (tt->compressed_track >= 0) { Vector3i key; double time; bool fetch_success = _fetch_compressed_by_index<3>(tt->compressed_track, p_key, key, time); if (!fetch_success) { return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *r_position = _uncompress_pos_scale(tt->compressed_track, key); return OK; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key, tt->positions.size(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); *r_position = tt->positions[p_key].value; return OK; } Error Animation::position_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, Vector3 *r_interpolation) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_POSITION_3D, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); if (tt->compressed_track >= 0) { if (_pos_scale_interpolate_compressed(tt->compressed_track, p_time, *r_interpolation)) { return OK; } else { return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } } bool ok = false; Vector3 tk = _interpolate(tt->positions, p_time, tt->interpolation, tt->loop_wrap, &ok); if (!ok) { return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } *r_interpolation = tk; return OK; } //// int Animation::rotation_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const Quaternion &p_rotation) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), -1); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_ROTATION_3D, -1); RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(rt->compressed_track >= 0, -1); TKey<Quaternion> tkey; tkey.time = p_time; tkey.value = p_rotation; int ret = _insert(p_time, rt->rotations, tkey); emit_changed(); return ret; } Error Animation::rotation_track_get_key(int p_track, int p_key, Quaternion *r_rotation) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_ROTATION_3D, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); if (rt->compressed_track >= 0) { Vector3i key; double time; bool fetch_success = _fetch_compressed_by_index<3>(rt->compressed_track, p_key, key, time); if (!fetch_success) { return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *r_rotation = _uncompress_quaternion(key); return OK; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key, rt->rotations.size(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); *r_rotation = rt->rotations[p_key].value; return OK; } Error Animation::rotation_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, Quaternion *r_interpolation) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_ROTATION_3D, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); if (rt->compressed_track >= 0) { if (_rotation_interpolate_compressed(rt->compressed_track, p_time, *r_interpolation)) { return OK; } else { return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } } bool ok = false; Quaternion tk = _interpolate(rt->rotations, p_time, rt->interpolation, rt->loop_wrap, &ok); if (!ok) { return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } *r_interpolation = tk; return OK; } //// int Animation::scale_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const Vector3 &p_scale) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), -1); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_SCALE_3D, -1); ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(st->compressed_track >= 0, -1); TKey<Vector3> tkey; tkey.time = p_time; tkey.value = p_scale; int ret = _insert(p_time, st->scales, tkey); emit_changed(); return ret; } Error Animation::scale_track_get_key(int p_track, int p_key, Vector3 *r_scale) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_SCALE_3D, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); if (st->compressed_track >= 0) { Vector3i key; double time; bool fetch_success = _fetch_compressed_by_index<3>(st->compressed_track, p_key, key, time); if (!fetch_success) { return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *r_scale = _uncompress_pos_scale(st->compressed_track, key); return OK; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key, st->scales.size(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); *r_scale = st->scales[p_key].value; return OK; } Error Animation::scale_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, Vector3 *r_interpolation) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_SCALE_3D, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); if (st->compressed_track >= 0) { if (_pos_scale_interpolate_compressed(st->compressed_track, p_time, *r_interpolation)) { return OK; } else { return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } } bool ok = false; Vector3 tk = _interpolate(st->scales, p_time, st->interpolation, st->loop_wrap, &ok); if (!ok) { return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } *r_interpolation = tk; return OK; } int Animation::blend_shape_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, float p_blend_shape) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), -1); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE, -1); BlendShapeTrack *st = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(st->compressed_track >= 0, -1); TKey<float> tkey; tkey.time = p_time; tkey.value = p_blend_shape; int ret = _insert(p_time, st->blend_shapes, tkey); emit_changed(); return ret; } Error Animation::blend_shape_track_get_key(int p_track, int p_key, float *r_blend_shape) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); if (bst->compressed_track >= 0) { Vector3i key; double time; bool fetch_success = _fetch_compressed_by_index<1>(bst->compressed_track, p_key, key, time); if (!fetch_success) { return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *r_blend_shape = _uncompress_blend_shape(key); return OK; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key, bst->blend_shapes.size(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); *r_blend_shape = bst->blend_shapes[p_key].value; return OK; } Error Animation::blend_shape_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, float *r_interpolation) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); if (bst->compressed_track >= 0) { if (_blend_shape_interpolate_compressed(bst->compressed_track, p_time, *r_interpolation)) { return OK; } else { return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } } bool ok = false; float tk = _interpolate(bst->blend_shapes, p_time, bst->interpolation, bst->loop_wrap, &ok); if (!ok) { return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } *r_interpolation = tk; return OK; } void Animation::track_remove_key_at_time(int p_track, double p_time) { int idx = track_find_key(p_track, p_time, true); ERR_FAIL_COND(idx < 0); track_remove_key(p_track, idx); } void Animation::track_remove_key(int p_track, int p_idx) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(tt->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, tt->positions.size()); tt->positions.remove_at(p_idx); } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(rt->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, rt->rotations.size()); rt->rotations.remove_at(p_idx); } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(st->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, st->scales.size()); st->scales.remove_at(p_idx); } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(bst->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, bst->blend_shapes.size()); bst->blend_shapes.remove_at(p_idx); } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, vt->values.size()); vt->values.remove_at(p_idx); } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<MethodTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, mt->methods.size()); mt->methods.remove_at(p_idx); } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: { BezierTrack *bz = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, bz->values.size()); bz->values.remove_at(p_idx); } break; case TYPE_AUDIO: { AudioTrack *ad = static_cast<AudioTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, ad->values.size()); ad->values.remove_at(p_idx); } break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: { AnimationTrack *an = static_cast<AnimationTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, an->values.size()); an->values.remove_at(p_idx); } break; } emit_changed(); } int Animation::track_find_key(int p_track, double p_time, bool p_exact) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), -1); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); if (tt->compressed_track >= 0) { double time; double time_next; Vector3i key; Vector3i key_next; uint32_t key_index; bool fetch_compressed_success = _fetch_compressed<3>(tt->compressed_track, p_time, key, time, key_next, time_next, &key_index); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fetch_compressed_success, -1); if (p_exact && time != p_time) { return -1; } return key_index; } int k = _find(tt->positions, p_time); if (k < 0 || k >= tt->positions.size()) { return -1; } if (tt->positions[k].time != p_time && p_exact) { return -1; } return k; } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); if (rt->compressed_track >= 0) { double time; double time_next; Vector3i key; Vector3i key_next; uint32_t key_index; bool fetch_compressed_success = _fetch_compressed<3>(rt->compressed_track, p_time, key, time, key_next, time_next, &key_index); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fetch_compressed_success, -1); if (p_exact && time != p_time) { return -1; } return key_index; } int k = _find(rt->rotations, p_time); if (k < 0 || k >= rt->rotations.size()) { return -1; } if (rt->rotations[k].time != p_time && p_exact) { return -1; } return k; } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); if (st->compressed_track >= 0) { double time; double time_next; Vector3i key; Vector3i key_next; uint32_t key_index; bool fetch_compressed_success = _fetch_compressed<3>(st->compressed_track, p_time, key, time, key_next, time_next, &key_index); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fetch_compressed_success, -1); if (p_exact && time != p_time) { return -1; } return key_index; } int k = _find(st->scales, p_time); if (k < 0 || k >= st->scales.size()) { return -1; } if (st->scales[k].time != p_time && p_exact) { return -1; } return k; } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); if (bst->compressed_track >= 0) { double time; double time_next; Vector3i key; Vector3i key_next; uint32_t key_index; bool fetch_compressed_success = _fetch_compressed<1>(bst->compressed_track, p_time, key, time, key_next, time_next, &key_index); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fetch_compressed_success, -1); if (p_exact && time != p_time) { return -1; } return key_index; } int k = _find(bst->blend_shapes, p_time); if (k < 0 || k >= bst->blend_shapes.size()) { return -1; } if (bst->blend_shapes[k].time != p_time && p_exact) { return -1; } return k; } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); int k = _find(vt->values, p_time); if (k < 0 || k >= vt->values.size()) { return -1; } if (vt->values[k].time != p_time && p_exact) { return -1; } return k; } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<MethodTrack *>(t); int k = _find(mt->methods, p_time); if (k < 0 || k >= mt->methods.size()) { return -1; } if (mt->methods[k].time != p_time && p_exact) { return -1; } return k; } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: { BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); int k = _find(bt->values, p_time); if (k < 0 || k >= bt->values.size()) { return -1; } if (bt->values[k].time != p_time && p_exact) { return -1; } return k; } break; case TYPE_AUDIO: { AudioTrack *at = static_cast<AudioTrack *>(t); int k = _find(at->values, p_time); if (k < 0 || k >= at->values.size()) { return -1; } if (at->values[k].time != p_time && p_exact) { return -1; } return k; } break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: { AnimationTrack *at = static_cast<AnimationTrack *>(t); int k = _find(at->values, p_time); if (k < 0 || k >= at->values.size()) { return -1; } if (at->values[k].time != p_time && p_exact) { return -1; } return k; } break; } return -1; } void Animation::track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const Variant &p_key, real_t p_transition) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { ERR_FAIL_COND((p_key.get_type() != Variant::VECTOR3) && (p_key.get_type() != Variant::VECTOR3I)); int idx = position_track_insert_key(p_track, p_time, p_key); track_set_key_transition(p_track, idx, p_transition); } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { ERR_FAIL_COND((p_key.get_type() != Variant::QUATERNION) && (p_key.get_type() != Variant::BASIS)); int idx = rotation_track_insert_key(p_track, p_time, p_key); track_set_key_transition(p_track, idx, p_transition); } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ERR_FAIL_COND((p_key.get_type() != Variant::VECTOR3) && (p_key.get_type() != Variant::VECTOR3I)); int idx = scale_track_insert_key(p_track, p_time, p_key); track_set_key_transition(p_track, idx, p_transition); } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { ERR_FAIL_COND((p_key.get_type() != Variant::FLOAT) && (p_key.get_type() != Variant::INT)); int idx = blend_shape_track_insert_key(p_track, p_time, p_key); track_set_key_transition(p_track, idx, p_transition); } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); TKey<Variant> k; k.time = p_time; k.transition = p_transition; k.value = p_key; _insert(p_time, vt->values, k); } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<MethodTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_key.get_type() != Variant::DICTIONARY); Dictionary d = p_key; ERR_FAIL_COND(!d.has("method") || (d["method"].get_type() != Variant::STRING_NAME && d["method"].get_type() != Variant::STRING)); ERR_FAIL_COND(!d.has("args") || !d["args"].is_array()); MethodKey k; k.time = p_time; k.transition = p_transition; k.method = d["method"]; k.params = d["args"]; _insert(p_time, mt->methods, k); } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: { BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); Array arr = p_key; ERR_FAIL_COND(arr.size() != 6); TKey<BezierKey> k; k.time = p_time; k.value.value = arr[0]; k.value.in_handle.x = arr[1]; k.value.in_handle.y = arr[2]; k.value.out_handle.x = arr[3]; k.value.out_handle.y = arr[4]; k.value.handle_mode = static_cast<HandleMode>((int)arr[5]); _insert(p_time, bt->values, k); } break; case TYPE_AUDIO: { AudioTrack *at = static_cast<AudioTrack *>(t); Dictionary k = p_key; ERR_FAIL_COND(!k.has("start_offset")); ERR_FAIL_COND(!k.has("end_offset")); ERR_FAIL_COND(!k.has("stream")); TKey<AudioKey> ak; ak.time = p_time; ak.value.start_offset = k["start_offset"]; ak.value.end_offset = k["end_offset"]; ak.value.stream = k["stream"]; _insert(p_time, at->values, ak); } break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: { AnimationTrack *at = static_cast<AnimationTrack *>(t); TKey<StringName> ak; ak.time = p_time; ak.value = p_key; _insert(p_time, at->values, ak); } break; } emit_changed(); } int Animation::track_get_key_count(int p_track) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), -1); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); if (tt->compressed_track >= 0) { return _get_compressed_key_count(tt->compressed_track); } return tt->positions.size(); } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); if (rt->compressed_track >= 0) { return _get_compressed_key_count(rt->compressed_track); } return rt->rotations.size(); } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); if (st->compressed_track >= 0) { return _get_compressed_key_count(st->compressed_track); } return st->scales.size(); } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); if (bst->compressed_track >= 0) { return _get_compressed_key_count(bst->compressed_track); } return bst->blend_shapes.size(); } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); return vt->values.size(); } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<MethodTrack *>(t); return mt->methods.size(); } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: { BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); return bt->values.size(); } break; case TYPE_AUDIO: { AudioTrack *at = static_cast<AudioTrack *>(t); return at->values.size(); } break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: { AnimationTrack *at = static_cast<AnimationTrack *>(t); return at->values.size(); } break; } ERR_FAIL_V(-1); } Variant Animation::track_get_key_value(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), Variant()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { Vector3 value; position_track_get_key(p_track, p_key_idx, &value); return value; } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { Quaternion value; rotation_track_get_key(p_track, p_key_idx, &value); return value; } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { Vector3 value; scale_track_get_key(p_track, p_key_idx, &value); return value; } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { float value; blend_shape_track_get_key(p_track, p_key_idx, &value); return value; } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, vt->values.size(), Variant()); return vt->values[p_key_idx].value; } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<MethodTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, mt->methods.size(), Variant()); Dictionary d; d["method"] = mt->methods[p_key_idx].method; d["args"] = mt->methods[p_key_idx].params; return d; } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: { BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, bt->values.size(), Variant()); Array arr; arr.resize(6); arr[0] = bt->values[p_key_idx].value.value; arr[1] = bt->values[p_key_idx].value.in_handle.x; arr[2] = bt->values[p_key_idx].value.in_handle.y; arr[3] = bt->values[p_key_idx].value.out_handle.x; arr[4] = bt->values[p_key_idx].value.out_handle.y; arr[5] = (double)bt->values[p_key_idx].value.handle_mode; return arr; } break; case TYPE_AUDIO: { AudioTrack *at = static_cast<AudioTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, at->values.size(), Variant()); Dictionary k; k["start_offset"] = at->values[p_key_idx].value.start_offset; k["end_offset"] = at->values[p_key_idx].value.end_offset; k["stream"] = at->values[p_key_idx].value.stream; return k; } break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: { AnimationTrack *at = static_cast<AnimationTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, at->values.size(), Variant()); return at->values[p_key_idx].value; } break; } ERR_FAIL_V(Variant()); } double Animation::track_get_key_time(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), -1); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); if (tt->compressed_track >= 0) { Vector3i value; double time; bool fetch_compressed_success = _fetch_compressed_by_index<3>(tt->compressed_track, p_key_idx, value, time); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fetch_compressed_success, false); return time; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, tt->positions.size(), -1); return tt->positions[p_key_idx].time; } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); if (rt->compressed_track >= 0) { Vector3i value; double time; bool fetch_compressed_success = _fetch_compressed_by_index<3>(rt->compressed_track, p_key_idx, value, time); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fetch_compressed_success, false); return time; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, rt->rotations.size(), -1); return rt->rotations[p_key_idx].time; } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); if (st->compressed_track >= 0) { Vector3i value; double time; bool fetch_compressed_success = _fetch_compressed_by_index<3>(st->compressed_track, p_key_idx, value, time); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fetch_compressed_success, false); return time; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, st->scales.size(), -1); return st->scales[p_key_idx].time; } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); if (bst->compressed_track >= 0) { Vector3i value; double time; bool fetch_compressed_success = _fetch_compressed_by_index<1>(bst->compressed_track, p_key_idx, value, time); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fetch_compressed_success, false); return time; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, bst->blend_shapes.size(), -1); return bst->blend_shapes[p_key_idx].time; } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, vt->values.size(), -1); return vt->values[p_key_idx].time; } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<MethodTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, mt->methods.size(), -1); return mt->methods[p_key_idx].time; } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: { BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, bt->values.size(), -1); return bt->values[p_key_idx].time; } break; case TYPE_AUDIO: { AudioTrack *at = static_cast<AudioTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, at->values.size(), -1); return at->values[p_key_idx].time; } break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: { AnimationTrack *at = static_cast<AnimationTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, at->values.size(), -1); return at->values[p_key_idx].time; } break; } ERR_FAIL_V(-1); } void Animation::track_set_key_time(int p_track, int p_key_idx, double p_time) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(tt->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, tt->positions.size()); TKey<Vector3> key = tt->positions[p_key_idx]; key.time = p_time; tt->positions.remove_at(p_key_idx); _insert(p_time, tt->positions, key); return; } case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { RotationTrack *tt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(tt->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, tt->rotations.size()); TKey<Quaternion> key = tt->rotations[p_key_idx]; key.time = p_time; tt->rotations.remove_at(p_key_idx); _insert(p_time, tt->rotations, key); return; } case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ScaleTrack *tt = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(tt->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, tt->scales.size()); TKey<Vector3> key = tt->scales[p_key_idx]; key.time = p_time; tt->scales.remove_at(p_key_idx); _insert(p_time, tt->scales, key); return; } case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { BlendShapeTrack *tt = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(tt->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, tt->blend_shapes.size()); TKey<float> key = tt->blend_shapes[p_key_idx]; key.time = p_time; tt->blend_shapes.remove_at(p_key_idx); _insert(p_time, tt->blend_shapes, key); return; } case TYPE_VALUE: { ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, vt->values.size()); TKey<Variant> key = vt->values[p_key_idx]; key.time = p_time; vt->values.remove_at(p_key_idx); _insert(p_time, vt->values, key); return; } case TYPE_METHOD: { MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<MethodTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, mt->methods.size()); MethodKey key = mt->methods[p_key_idx]; key.time = p_time; mt->methods.remove_at(p_key_idx); _insert(p_time, mt->methods, key); return; } case TYPE_BEZIER: { BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, bt->values.size()); TKey<BezierKey> key = bt->values[p_key_idx]; key.time = p_time; bt->values.remove_at(p_key_idx); _insert(p_time, bt->values, key); return; } case TYPE_AUDIO: { AudioTrack *at = static_cast<AudioTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, at->values.size()); TKey<AudioKey> key = at->values[p_key_idx]; key.time = p_time; at->values.remove_at(p_key_idx); _insert(p_time, at->values, key); return; } case TYPE_ANIMATION: { AnimationTrack *at = static_cast<AnimationTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, at->values.size()); TKey<StringName> key = at->values[p_key_idx]; key.time = p_time; at->values.remove_at(p_key_idx); _insert(p_time, at->values, key); return; } } ERR_FAIL(); } real_t Animation::track_get_key_transition(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), -1); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); if (tt->compressed_track >= 0) { return 1.0; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, tt->positions.size(), -1); return tt->positions[p_key_idx].transition; } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); if (rt->compressed_track >= 0) { return 1.0; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, rt->rotations.size(), -1); return rt->rotations[p_key_idx].transition; } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); if (st->compressed_track >= 0) { return 1.0; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, st->scales.size(), -1); return st->scales[p_key_idx].transition; } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); if (bst->compressed_track >= 0) { return 1.0; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, bst->blend_shapes.size(), -1); return bst->blend_shapes[p_key_idx].transition; } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, vt->values.size(), -1); return vt->values[p_key_idx].transition; } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<MethodTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, mt->methods.size(), -1); return mt->methods[p_key_idx].transition; } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: { return 1; //bezier does not really use transitions } break; case TYPE_AUDIO: { return 1; //audio does not really use transitions } break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: { return 1; //animation does not really use transitions } break; } ERR_FAIL_V(0); } bool Animation::track_is_compressed(int p_track) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), false); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); return tt->compressed_track >= 0; } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); return rt->compressed_track >= 0; } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); return st->compressed_track >= 0; } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); return bst->compressed_track >= 0; } break; default: { return false; //animation does not really use transitions } break; } ERR_FAIL_V(false); } void Animation::track_set_key_value(int p_track, int p_key_idx, const Variant &p_value) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { ERR_FAIL_COND((p_value.get_type() != Variant::VECTOR3) && (p_value.get_type() != Variant::VECTOR3I)); PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(tt->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, tt->positions.size()); tt->positions.write[p_key_idx].value = p_value; } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { ERR_FAIL_COND((p_value.get_type() != Variant::QUATERNION) && (p_value.get_type() != Variant::BASIS)); RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(rt->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, rt->rotations.size()); rt->rotations.write[p_key_idx].value = p_value; } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ERR_FAIL_COND((p_value.get_type() != Variant::VECTOR3) && (p_value.get_type() != Variant::VECTOR3I)); ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(st->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, st->scales.size()); st->scales.write[p_key_idx].value = p_value; } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { ERR_FAIL_COND((p_value.get_type() != Variant::FLOAT) && (p_value.get_type() != Variant::INT)); BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(bst->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, bst->blend_shapes.size()); bst->blend_shapes.write[p_key_idx].value = p_value; } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, vt->values.size()); vt->values.write[p_key_idx].value = p_value; } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<MethodTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, mt->methods.size()); Dictionary d = p_value; if (d.has("method")) { mt->methods.write[p_key_idx].method = d["method"]; } if (d.has("args")) { mt->methods.write[p_key_idx].params = d["args"]; } } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: { BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, bt->values.size()); Array arr = p_value; ERR_FAIL_COND(arr.size() != 6); bt->values.write[p_key_idx].value.value = arr[0]; bt->values.write[p_key_idx].value.in_handle.x = arr[1]; bt->values.write[p_key_idx].value.in_handle.y = arr[2]; bt->values.write[p_key_idx].value.out_handle.x = arr[3]; bt->values.write[p_key_idx].value.out_handle.y = arr[4]; bt->values.write[p_key_idx].value.handle_mode = static_cast<HandleMode>((int)arr[5]); } break; case TYPE_AUDIO: { AudioTrack *at = static_cast<AudioTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, at->values.size()); Dictionary k = p_value; ERR_FAIL_COND(!k.has("start_offset")); ERR_FAIL_COND(!k.has("end_offset")); ERR_FAIL_COND(!k.has("stream")); at->values.write[p_key_idx].value.start_offset = k["start_offset"]; at->values.write[p_key_idx].value.end_offset = k["end_offset"]; at->values.write[p_key_idx].value.stream = k["stream"]; } break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: { AnimationTrack *at = static_cast<AnimationTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, at->values.size()); at->values.write[p_key_idx].value = p_value; } break; } emit_changed(); } void Animation::track_set_key_transition(int p_track, int p_key_idx, real_t p_transition) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(tt->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, tt->positions.size()); tt->positions.write[p_key_idx].transition = p_transition; } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(rt->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, rt->rotations.size()); rt->rotations.write[p_key_idx].transition = p_transition; } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(st->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, st->scales.size()); st->scales.write[p_key_idx].transition = p_transition; } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_COND(bst->compressed_track >= 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, bst->blend_shapes.size()); bst->blend_shapes.write[p_key_idx].transition = p_transition; } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, vt->values.size()); vt->values.write[p_key_idx].transition = p_transition; } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<MethodTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key_idx, mt->methods.size()); mt->methods.write[p_key_idx].transition = p_transition; } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: case TYPE_AUDIO: case TYPE_ANIMATION: { // they don't use transition } break; } emit_changed(); } template <class K> int Animation::_find(const Vector<K> &p_keys, double p_time, bool p_backward) const { int len = p_keys.size(); if (len == 0) { return -2; } int low = 0; int high = len - 1; int middle = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (low > high) { ERR_PRINT("low > high, this may be a bug"); } #endif const K *keys = &p_keys[0]; while (low <= high) { middle = (low + high) / 2; if (Math::is_equal_approx(p_time, (double)keys[middle].time)) { //match return middle; } else if (p_time < keys[middle].time) { high = middle - 1; //search low end of array } else { low = middle + 1; //search high end of array } } if (!p_backward) { if (keys[middle].time > p_time) { middle--; } } else { if (keys[middle].time < p_time) { middle++; } } return middle; } Vector3 Animation::_interpolate(const Vector3 &p_a, const Vector3 &p_b, real_t p_c) const { return p_a.lerp(p_b, p_c); } Quaternion Animation::_interpolate(const Quaternion &p_a, const Quaternion &p_b, real_t p_c) const { return p_a.slerp(p_b, p_c); } Variant Animation::_interpolate(const Variant &p_a, const Variant &p_b, real_t p_c) const { Variant dst; Variant::interpolate(p_a, p_b, p_c, dst); return dst; } real_t Animation::_interpolate(const real_t &p_a, const real_t &p_b, real_t p_c) const { return p_a * (1.0 - p_c) + p_b * p_c; } Vector3 Animation::_cubic_interpolate(const Vector3 &p_pre_a, const Vector3 &p_a, const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_post_b, real_t p_c) const { return p_a.cubic_interpolate(p_b, p_pre_a, p_post_b, p_c); } Quaternion Animation::_cubic_interpolate(const Quaternion &p_pre_a, const Quaternion &p_a, const Quaternion &p_b, const Quaternion &p_post_b, real_t p_c) const { return p_a.cubic_slerp(p_b, p_pre_a, p_post_b, p_c); } Variant Animation::_cubic_interpolate(const Variant &p_pre_a, const Variant &p_a, const Variant &p_b, const Variant &p_post_b, real_t p_c) const { Variant::Type type_a = p_a.get_type(); Variant::Type type_b = p_b.get_type(); Variant::Type type_pa = p_pre_a.get_type(); Variant::Type type_pb = p_post_b.get_type(); //make int and real play along uint32_t vformat = 1 << type_a; vformat |= 1 << type_b; vformat |= 1 << type_pa; vformat |= 1 << type_pb; if (vformat == ((1 << Variant::INT) | (1 << Variant::FLOAT)) || vformat == (1 << Variant::FLOAT)) { //mix of real and int real_t a = p_a; real_t b = p_b; real_t pa = p_pre_a; real_t pb = p_post_b; return Math::cubic_interpolate(a, b, pa, pb, p_c); } else if ((vformat & (vformat - 1))) { return p_a; //can't interpolate, mix of types } switch (type_a) { case Variant::VECTOR2: { Vector2 a = p_a; Vector2 b = p_b; Vector2 pa = p_pre_a; Vector2 pb = p_post_b; return a.cubic_interpolate(b, pa, pb, p_c); } case Variant::RECT2: { Rect2 a = p_a; Rect2 b = p_b; Rect2 pa = p_pre_a; Rect2 pb = p_post_b; return Rect2( a.position.cubic_interpolate(b.position, pa.position, pb.position, p_c), a.size.cubic_interpolate(b.size, pa.size, pb.size, p_c)); } case Variant::VECTOR3: { Vector3 a = p_a; Vector3 b = p_b; Vector3 pa = p_pre_a; Vector3 pb = p_post_b; return a.cubic_interpolate(b, pa, pb, p_c); } case Variant::QUATERNION: { Quaternion a = p_a; Quaternion b = p_b; Quaternion pa = p_pre_a; Quaternion pb = p_post_b; return a.cubic_slerp(b, pa, pb, p_c); } case Variant::AABB: { AABB a = p_a; AABB b = p_b; AABB pa = p_pre_a; AABB pb = p_post_b; return AABB( a.position.cubic_interpolate(b.position, pa.position, pb.position, p_c), a.size.cubic_interpolate(b.size, pa.size, pb.size, p_c)); } default: { return _interpolate(p_a, p_b, p_c); } } } real_t Animation::_cubic_interpolate(const real_t &p_pre_a, const real_t &p_a, const real_t &p_b, const real_t &p_post_b, real_t p_c) const { return _interpolate(p_a, p_b, p_c); } template <class T> T Animation::_interpolate(const Vector<TKey<T>> &p_keys, double p_time, InterpolationType p_interp, bool p_loop_wrap, bool *p_ok, bool p_backward) const { int len = _find(p_keys, length) + 1; // try to find last key (there may be more past the end) if (len <= 0) { // (-1 or -2 returned originally) (plus one above) // meaning no keys, or only key time is larger than length if (p_ok) { *p_ok = false; } return T(); } else if (len == 1) { // one key found (0+1), return it if (p_ok) { *p_ok = true; } return p_keys[0].value; } int idx = _find(p_keys, p_time, p_backward); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(idx == -2, T()); bool result = true; int next = 0; real_t c = 0.0; // prepare for all cases of interpolation if (loop_mode == LOOP_LINEAR && p_loop_wrap) { // loop if (!p_backward) { // no backward if (idx >= 0) { if (idx < len - 1) { next = idx + 1; real_t delta = p_keys[next].time - p_keys[idx].time; real_t from = p_time - p_keys[idx].time; if (Math::is_zero_approx(delta)) { c = 0; } else { c = from / delta; } } else { next = 0; real_t delta = (length - p_keys[idx].time) + p_keys[next].time; real_t from = p_time - p_keys[idx].time; if (Math::is_zero_approx(delta)) { c = 0; } else { c = from / delta; } } } else { // on loop, behind first key idx = len - 1; next = 0; real_t endtime = (length - p_keys[idx].time); if (endtime < 0) { // may be keys past the end endtime = 0; } real_t delta = endtime + p_keys[next].time; real_t from = endtime + p_time; if (Math::is_zero_approx(delta)) { c = 0; } else { c = from / delta; } } } else { // backward if (idx <= len - 1) { if (idx > 0) { next = idx - 1; real_t delta = (length - p_keys[next].time) - (length - p_keys[idx].time); real_t from = (length - p_time) - (length - p_keys[idx].time); if (Math::is_zero_approx(delta)) { c = 0; } else { c = from / delta; } } else { next = len - 1; real_t delta = p_keys[idx].time + (length - p_keys[next].time); real_t from = (length - p_time) - (length - p_keys[idx].time); if (Math::is_zero_approx(delta)) { c = 0; } else { c = from / delta; } } } else { // on loop, in front of last key idx = 0; next = len - 1; real_t endtime = p_keys[idx].time; if (endtime > length) { // may be keys past the end endtime = length; } real_t delta = p_keys[next].time - endtime; real_t from = p_time - endtime; if (Math::is_zero_approx(delta)) { c = 0; } else { c = from / delta; } } } } else { // no loop if (!p_backward) { if (idx >= 0) { if (idx < len - 1) { next = idx + 1; real_t delta = p_keys[next].time - p_keys[idx].time; real_t from = p_time - p_keys[idx].time; if (Math::is_zero_approx(delta)) { c = 0; } else { c = from / delta; } } else { next = idx; } } else { idx = next = 0; } } else { if (idx <= len - 1) { if (idx > 0) { next = idx - 1; real_t delta = (length - p_keys[next].time) - (length - p_keys[idx].time); real_t from = (length - p_time) - (length - p_keys[idx].time); if (Math::is_zero_approx(delta)) { c = 0; } else { c = from / delta; } } else { next = idx; } } else { idx = next = len - 1; } } } if (p_ok) { *p_ok = result; } if (!result) { return T(); } real_t tr = p_keys[idx].transition; if (tr == 0 || idx == next) { // don't interpolate if not needed return p_keys[idx].value; } if (tr != 1.0) { c = Math::ease(c, tr); } switch (p_interp) { case INTERPOLATION_NEAREST: { return p_keys[idx].value; } break; case INTERPOLATION_LINEAR: { return _interpolate(p_keys[idx].value, p_keys[next].value, c); } break; case INTERPOLATION_CUBIC: { int pre = idx - 1; if (pre < 0) { if (loop_mode == LOOP_LINEAR && p_loop_wrap) { pre = len - 1; } else { pre = 0; } } int post = next + 1; if (post >= len) { if (loop_mode == LOOP_LINEAR && p_loop_wrap) { post = 0; } else { post = next; } } return _cubic_interpolate(p_keys[pre].value, p_keys[idx].value, p_keys[next].value, p_keys[post].value, c); } break; default: return p_keys[idx].value; } // do a barrel roll } Variant Animation::value_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), 0); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_VALUE, Variant()); ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); bool ok = false; Variant res = _interpolate(vt->values, p_time, (vt->update_mode == UPDATE_CONTINUOUS || vt->update_mode == UPDATE_CAPTURE) ? vt->interpolation : INTERPOLATION_NEAREST, vt->loop_wrap, &ok); if (ok) { return res; } return Variant(); } void Animation::_value_track_get_key_indices_in_range(const ValueTrack *vt, double from_time, double to_time, List<int> *p_indices) const { if (from_time != length && to_time == length) { to_time = length + CMP_EPSILON; //include a little more if at the end } int to = _find(vt->values, to_time); if (to >= 0 && from_time == to_time && vt->values[to].time == from_time) { //find exact (0 delta), return if found p_indices->push_back(to); return; } // can't really send the events == time, will be sent in the next frame. // if event>=len then it will probably never be requested by the anim player. if (to >= 0 && vt->values[to].time >= to_time) { to--; } if (to < 0) { return; // not bother } int from = _find(vt->values, from_time); // position in the right first event.+ if (from < 0 || vt->values[from].time < from_time) { from++; } int max = vt->values.size(); for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) { ERR_CONTINUE(i < 0 || i >= max); // shouldn't happen p_indices->push_back(i); } } void Animation::value_track_get_key_indices(int p_track, double p_time, double p_delta, List<int> *p_indices, int p_pingponged) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND(t->type != TYPE_VALUE); ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); double from_time = p_time - p_delta; double to_time = p_time; if (from_time > to_time) { SWAP(from_time, to_time); } switch (loop_mode) { case LOOP_NONE: { if (from_time < 0) { from_time = 0; } if (from_time > length) { from_time = length; } if (to_time < 0) { to_time = 0; } if (to_time > length) { to_time = length; } } break; case LOOP_LINEAR: { from_time = Math::fposmod(from_time, length); to_time = Math::fposmod(to_time, length); if (from_time > to_time) { // handle loop by splitting _value_track_get_key_indices_in_range(vt, from_time, length, p_indices); _value_track_get_key_indices_in_range(vt, 0, to_time, p_indices); return; } } break; case LOOP_PINGPONG: { from_time = Math::pingpong(from_time, length); to_time = Math::pingpong(to_time, length); if (p_pingponged == -1) { // handle loop by splitting _value_track_get_key_indices_in_range(vt, 0, from_time, p_indices); _value_track_get_key_indices_in_range(vt, 0, to_time, p_indices); return; } if (p_pingponged == 1) { // handle loop by splitting _value_track_get_key_indices_in_range(vt, from_time, length, p_indices); _value_track_get_key_indices_in_range(vt, to_time, length, p_indices); return; } } break; } _value_track_get_key_indices_in_range(vt, from_time, to_time, p_indices); } void Animation::value_track_set_update_mode(int p_track, UpdateMode p_mode) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND(t->type != TYPE_VALUE); ERR_FAIL_INDEX((int)p_mode, 4); ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); vt->update_mode = p_mode; emit_changed(); } Animation::UpdateMode Animation::value_track_get_update_mode(int p_track) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), UPDATE_CONTINUOUS); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_VALUE, UPDATE_CONTINUOUS); ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<ValueTrack *>(t); return vt->update_mode; } template <class T> void Animation::_track_get_key_indices_in_range(const Vector<T> &p_array, double from_time, double to_time, List<int> *p_indices) const { if (from_time != length && to_time == length) { to_time = length + CMP_EPSILON; //include a little more if at the end } int to = _find(p_array, to_time); // can't really send the events == time, will be sent in the next frame. // if event>=len then it will probably never be requested by the anim player. if (to >= 0 && p_array[to].time >= to_time) { to--; } if (to < 0) { return; // not bother } int from = _find(p_array, from_time); // position in the right first event.+ if (from < 0 || p_array[from].time < from_time) { from++; } int max = p_array.size(); for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) { ERR_CONTINUE(i < 0 || i >= max); // shouldn't happen p_indices->push_back(i); } } void Animation::track_get_key_indices_in_range(int p_track, double p_time, double p_delta, List<int> *p_indices, int p_pingponged) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); const Track *t = tracks[p_track]; double from_time = p_time - p_delta; double to_time = p_time; if (from_time > to_time) { SWAP(from_time, to_time); } switch (loop_mode) { case LOOP_NONE: { if (from_time < 0) { from_time = 0; } if (from_time > length) { from_time = length; } if (to_time < 0) { to_time = 0; } if (to_time > length) { to_time = length; } } break; case LOOP_LINEAR: { if (from_time > length || from_time < 0) { from_time = Math::fposmod(from_time, length); } if (to_time > length || to_time < 0) { to_time = Math::fposmod(to_time, length); } if (from_time > to_time) { // handle loop by splitting switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { const PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<const PositionTrack *>(t); if (tt->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(tt->compressed_track, from_time, length, p_indices); _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(tt->compressed_track, 0, to_time, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(tt->positions, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(tt->positions, 0, to_time, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { const RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<const RotationTrack *>(t); if (rt->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(rt->compressed_track, from_time, length, p_indices); _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(rt->compressed_track, 0, to_time, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(rt->rotations, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(rt->rotations, 0, to_time, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { const ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<const ScaleTrack *>(t); if (st->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(st->compressed_track, from_time, length, p_indices); _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(st->compressed_track, 0, to_time, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(st->scales, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(st->scales, 0, to_time, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { const BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<const BlendShapeTrack *>(t); if (bst->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<1>(bst->compressed_track, from_time, length, p_indices); _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<1>(bst->compressed_track, 0, to_time, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(bst->blend_shapes, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(bst->blend_shapes, 0, to_time, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { const ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<const ValueTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(vt->values, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(vt->values, 0, to_time, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { const MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<const MethodTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(mt->methods, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(mt->methods, 0, to_time, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: { const BezierTrack *bz = static_cast<const BezierTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(bz->values, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(bz->values, 0, to_time, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_AUDIO: { const AudioTrack *ad = static_cast<const AudioTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(ad->values, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(ad->values, 0, to_time, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: { const AnimationTrack *an = static_cast<const AnimationTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(an->values, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(an->values, 0, to_time, p_indices); } break; } return; } } break; case LOOP_PINGPONG: { if (from_time > length || from_time < 0) { from_time = Math::pingpong(from_time, length); } if (to_time > length || to_time < 0) { to_time = Math::pingpong(to_time, length); } if ((int)Math::floor(abs(p_delta) / length) % 2 == 0) { if (p_pingponged == -1) { // handle loop by splitting switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { const PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<const PositionTrack *>(t); if (tt->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(tt->compressed_track, 0, from_time, p_indices); _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(tt->compressed_track, 0, to_time, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(tt->positions, 0, from_time, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(tt->positions, 0, to_time, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { const RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<const RotationTrack *>(t); if (rt->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(rt->compressed_track, 0, from_time, p_indices); _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(rt->compressed_track, 0, to_time, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(rt->rotations, 0, from_time, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(rt->rotations, 0, to_time, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { const ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<const ScaleTrack *>(t); if (st->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(st->compressed_track, 0, from_time, p_indices); _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(st->compressed_track, 0, to_time, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(st->scales, 0, from_time, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(st->scales, 0, to_time, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { const BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<const BlendShapeTrack *>(t); if (bst->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<1>(bst->compressed_track, 0, from_time, p_indices); _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<1>(bst->compressed_track, 0, to_time, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(bst->blend_shapes, 0, from_time, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(bst->blend_shapes, 0, to_time, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { const ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<const ValueTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(vt->values, 0, from_time, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(vt->values, 0, to_time, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { const MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<const MethodTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(mt->methods, 0, from_time, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(mt->methods, 0, to_time, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: { const BezierTrack *bz = static_cast<const BezierTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(bz->values, 0, from_time, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(bz->values, 0, to_time, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_AUDIO: { const AudioTrack *ad = static_cast<const AudioTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(ad->values, 0, from_time, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(ad->values, 0, to_time, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: { const AnimationTrack *an = static_cast<const AnimationTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(an->values, 0, from_time, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(an->values, 0, to_time, p_indices); } break; } return; } if (p_pingponged == 1) { // handle loop by splitting switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { const PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<const PositionTrack *>(t); if (tt->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(tt->compressed_track, from_time, length, p_indices); _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(tt->compressed_track, to_time, length, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(tt->positions, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(tt->positions, to_time, length, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { const RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<const RotationTrack *>(t); if (rt->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(rt->compressed_track, from_time, length, p_indices); _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(rt->compressed_track, to_time, length, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(rt->rotations, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(rt->rotations, to_time, length, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { const ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<const ScaleTrack *>(t); if (st->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(st->compressed_track, from_time, length, p_indices); _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(st->compressed_track, to_time, length, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(st->scales, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(st->scales, to_time, length, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { const BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<const BlendShapeTrack *>(t); if (bst->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<1>(bst->compressed_track, from_time, length, p_indices); _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<1>(bst->compressed_track, to_time, length, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(bst->blend_shapes, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(bst->blend_shapes, to_time, length, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { const ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<const ValueTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(vt->values, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(vt->values, to_time, length, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { const MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<const MethodTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(mt->methods, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(mt->methods, to_time, length, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: { const BezierTrack *bz = static_cast<const BezierTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(bz->values, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(bz->values, to_time, length, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_AUDIO: { const AudioTrack *ad = static_cast<const AudioTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(ad->values, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(ad->values, to_time, length, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: { const AnimationTrack *an = static_cast<const AnimationTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(an->values, from_time, length, p_indices); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(an->values, to_time, length, p_indices); } break; } return; } } } break; } switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { const PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<const PositionTrack *>(t); if (tt->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(tt->compressed_track, from_time, to_time - from_time, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(tt->positions, from_time, to_time, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { const RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<const RotationTrack *>(t); if (rt->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(rt->compressed_track, from_time, to_time - from_time, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(rt->rotations, from_time, to_time, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { const ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<const ScaleTrack *>(t); if (st->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<3>(st->compressed_track, from_time, to_time - from_time, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(st->scales, from_time, to_time, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { const BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<const BlendShapeTrack *>(t); if (bst->compressed_track >= 0) { _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range<1>(bst->compressed_track, from_time, to_time - from_time, p_indices); } else { _track_get_key_indices_in_range(bst->blend_shapes, from_time, to_time, p_indices); } } break; case TYPE_VALUE: { const ValueTrack *vt = static_cast<const ValueTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(vt->values, from_time, to_time, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_METHOD: { const MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<const MethodTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(mt->methods, from_time, to_time, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_BEZIER: { const BezierTrack *bz = static_cast<const BezierTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(bz->values, from_time, to_time, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_AUDIO: { const AudioTrack *ad = static_cast<const AudioTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(ad->values, from_time, to_time, p_indices); } break; case TYPE_ANIMATION: { const AnimationTrack *an = static_cast<const AnimationTrack *>(t); _track_get_key_indices_in_range(an->values, from_time, to_time, p_indices); } break; } } void Animation::_method_track_get_key_indices_in_range(const MethodTrack *mt, double from_time, double to_time, List<int> *p_indices) const { if (from_time != length && to_time == length) { to_time = length + CMP_EPSILON; //include a little more if at the end } int to = _find(mt->methods, to_time); // can't really send the events == time, will be sent in the next frame. // if event>=len then it will probably never be requested by the anim player. if (to >= 0 && mt->methods[to].time >= to_time) { to--; } if (to < 0) { return; // not bother } int from = _find(mt->methods, from_time); // position in the right first event.+ if (from < 0 || mt->methods[from].time < from_time) { from++; } int max = mt->methods.size(); for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) { ERR_CONTINUE(i < 0 || i >= max); // shouldn't happen p_indices->push_back(i); } } void Animation::method_track_get_key_indices(int p_track, double p_time, double p_delta, List<int> *p_indices, int p_pingponged) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND(t->type != TYPE_METHOD); MethodTrack *mt = static_cast<MethodTrack *>(t); double from_time = p_time - p_delta; double to_time = p_time; if (from_time > to_time) { SWAP(from_time, to_time); } switch (loop_mode) { case LOOP_NONE: { if (from_time < 0) { from_time = 0; } if (from_time > length) { from_time = length; } if (to_time < 0) { to_time = 0; } if (to_time > length) { to_time = length; } } break; case LOOP_LINEAR: { if (from_time > length || from_time < 0) { from_time = Math::fposmod(from_time, length); } if (to_time > length || to_time < 0) { to_time = Math::fposmod(to_time, length); } if (from_time > to_time) { // handle loop by splitting _method_track_get_key_indices_in_range(mt, from_time, length, p_indices); _method_track_get_key_indices_in_range(mt, 0, to_time, p_indices); return; } } break; case LOOP_PINGPONG: { if (from_time > length || from_time < 0) { from_time = Math::pingpong(from_time, length); } if (to_time > length || to_time < 0) { to_time = Math::pingpong(to_time, length); } if (p_pingponged == -1) { _method_track_get_key_indices_in_range(mt, 0, from_time, p_indices); _method_track_get_key_indices_in_range(mt, 0, to_time, p_indices); return; } if (p_pingponged == 1) { _method_track_get_key_indices_in_range(mt, from_time, length, p_indices); _method_track_get_key_indices_in_range(mt, to_time, length, p_indices); return; } } break; default: break; } _method_track_get_key_indices_in_range(mt, from_time, to_time, p_indices); } Vector<Variant> Animation::method_track_get_params(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), Vector<Variant>()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_METHOD, Vector<Variant>()); MethodTrack *pm = static_cast<MethodTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, pm->methods.size(), Vector<Variant>()); const MethodKey &mk = pm->methods[p_key_idx]; return mk.params; } StringName Animation::method_track_get_name(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), StringName()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_METHOD, StringName()); MethodTrack *pm = static_cast<MethodTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key_idx, pm->methods.size(), StringName()); return pm->methods[p_key_idx].method; } int Animation::bezier_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, real_t p_value, const Vector2 &p_in_handle, const Vector2 &p_out_handle, const HandleMode p_handle_mode) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), -1); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_BEZIER, -1); BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); TKey<BezierKey> k; k.time = p_time; k.value.value = p_value; k.value.in_handle = p_in_handle; if (k.value.in_handle.x > 0) { k.value.in_handle.x = 0; } k.value.out_handle = p_out_handle; if (k.value.out_handle.x < 0) { k.value.out_handle.x = 0; } k.value.handle_mode = p_handle_mode; int key = _insert(p_time, bt->values, k); emit_changed(); return key; } void Animation::bezier_track_set_key_handle_mode(int p_track, int p_index, HandleMode p_mode, double p_balanced_value_time_ratio) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND(t->type != TYPE_BEZIER); BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, bt->values.size()); bt->values.write[p_index].value.handle_mode = p_mode; if (p_mode == HANDLE_MODE_BALANCED) { Transform2D xform; xform.set_scale(Vector2(1.0, 1.0 / p_balanced_value_time_ratio)); Vector2 vec_in = xform.xform(bt->values[p_index].value.in_handle); Vector2 vec_out = xform.xform(bt->values[p_index].value.out_handle); bt->values.write[p_index].value.in_handle = xform.affine_inverse().xform(-vec_out.normalized() * vec_in.length()); } emit_changed(); } void Animation::bezier_track_set_key_value(int p_track, int p_index, real_t p_value) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND(t->type != TYPE_BEZIER); BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, bt->values.size()); bt->values.write[p_index].value.value = p_value; emit_changed(); } void Animation::bezier_track_set_key_in_handle(int p_track, int p_index, const Vector2 &p_handle, double p_balanced_value_time_ratio) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND(t->type != TYPE_BEZIER); BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, bt->values.size()); Vector2 in_handle = p_handle; if (in_handle.x > 0) { in_handle.x = 0; } bt->values.write[p_index].value.in_handle = in_handle; if (bt->values[p_index].value.handle_mode == HANDLE_MODE_BALANCED) { Transform2D xform; xform.set_scale(Vector2(1.0, 1.0 / p_balanced_value_time_ratio)); Vector2 vec_out = xform.xform(bt->values[p_index].value.out_handle); Vector2 vec_in = xform.xform(in_handle); bt->values.write[p_index].value.out_handle = xform.affine_inverse().xform(-vec_in.normalized() * vec_out.length()); } emit_changed(); } void Animation::bezier_track_set_key_out_handle(int p_track, int p_index, const Vector2 &p_handle, double p_balanced_value_time_ratio) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND(t->type != TYPE_BEZIER); BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, bt->values.size()); Vector2 out_handle = p_handle; if (out_handle.x < 0) { out_handle.x = 0; } bt->values.write[p_index].value.out_handle = out_handle; if (bt->values[p_index].value.handle_mode == HANDLE_MODE_BALANCED) { Transform2D xform; xform.set_scale(Vector2(1.0, 1.0 / p_balanced_value_time_ratio)); Vector2 vec_in = xform.xform(bt->values[p_index].value.in_handle); Vector2 vec_out = xform.xform(out_handle); bt->values.write[p_index].value.in_handle = xform.affine_inverse().xform(-vec_out.normalized() * vec_in.length()); } emit_changed(); } real_t Animation::bezier_track_get_key_value(int p_track, int p_index) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), 0); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_BEZIER, 0); BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, bt->values.size(), 0); return bt->values[p_index].value.value; } int Animation::bezier_track_get_key_handle_mode(int p_track, int p_index) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), 0); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_BEZIER, 0); BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, bt->values.size(), 0); return bt->values[p_index].value.handle_mode; } Vector2 Animation::bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(int p_track, int p_index) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), Vector2()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_BEZIER, Vector2()); BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, bt->values.size(), Vector2()); return bt->values[p_index].value.in_handle; } Vector2 Animation::bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(int p_track, int p_index) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), Vector2()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_BEZIER, Vector2()); BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, bt->values.size(), Vector2()); return bt->values[p_index].value.out_handle; } static _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2 _bezier_interp(real_t t, const Vector2 &start, const Vector2 &control_1, const Vector2 &control_2, const Vector2 &end) { /* Formula from Wikipedia article on Bezier curves. */ real_t omt = (1.0 - t); real_t omt2 = omt * omt; real_t omt3 = omt2 * omt; real_t t2 = t * t; real_t t3 = t2 * t; return start * omt3 + control_1 * omt2 * t * 3.0 + control_2 * omt * t2 * 3.0 + end * t3; } real_t Animation::bezier_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time) const { //this uses a different interpolation scheme ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), 0); Track *track = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(track->type != TYPE_BEZIER, 0); BezierTrack *bt = static_cast<BezierTrack *>(track); int len = _find(bt->values, length) + 1; // try to find last key (there may be more past the end) if (len <= 0) { // (-1 or -2 returned originally) (plus one above) return 0; } else if (len == 1) { // one key found (0+1), return it return bt->values[0].value.value; } int idx = _find(bt->values, p_time); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(idx == -2, 0); //there really is no looping interpolation on bezier if (idx < 0) { return bt->values[0].value.value; } if (idx >= bt->values.size() - 1) { return bt->values[bt->values.size() - 1].value.value; } double t = p_time - bt->values[idx].time; int iterations = 10; real_t duration = bt->values[idx + 1].time - bt->values[idx].time; // time duration between our two keyframes real_t low = 0.0; // 0% of the current animation segment real_t high = 1.0; // 100% of the current animation segment real_t middle; Vector2 start(0, bt->values[idx].value.value); Vector2 start_out = start + bt->values[idx].value.out_handle; Vector2 end(duration, bt->values[idx + 1].value.value); Vector2 end_in = end + bt->values[idx + 1].value.in_handle; //narrow high and low as much as possible for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { middle = (low + high) / 2; Vector2 interp = _bezier_interp(middle, start, start_out, end_in, end); if (interp.x < t) { low = middle; } else { high = middle; } } //interpolate the result: Vector2 low_pos = _bezier_interp(low, start, start_out, end_in, end); Vector2 high_pos = _bezier_interp(high, start, start_out, end_in, end); real_t c = (t - low_pos.x) / (high_pos.x - low_pos.x); return low_pos.lerp(high_pos, c).y; } int Animation::audio_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const RES &p_stream, real_t p_start_offset, real_t p_end_offset) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), -1); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_AUDIO, -1); AudioTrack *at = static_cast<AudioTrack *>(t); TKey<AudioKey> k; k.time = p_time; k.value.stream = p_stream; k.value.start_offset = p_start_offset; if (k.value.start_offset < 0) { k.value.start_offset = 0; } k.value.end_offset = p_end_offset; if (k.value.end_offset < 0) { k.value.end_offset = 0; } int key = _insert(p_time, at->values, k); emit_changed(); return key; } void Animation::audio_track_set_key_stream(int p_track, int p_key, const RES &p_stream) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND(t->type != TYPE_AUDIO); AudioTrack *at = static_cast<AudioTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key, at->values.size()); at->values.write[p_key].value.stream = p_stream; emit_changed(); } void Animation::audio_track_set_key_start_offset(int p_track, int p_key, real_t p_offset) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND(t->type != TYPE_AUDIO); AudioTrack *at = static_cast<AudioTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key, at->values.size()); if (p_offset < 0) { p_offset = 0; } at->values.write[p_key].value.start_offset = p_offset; emit_changed(); } void Animation::audio_track_set_key_end_offset(int p_track, int p_key, real_t p_offset) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND(t->type != TYPE_AUDIO); AudioTrack *at = static_cast<AudioTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key, at->values.size()); if (p_offset < 0) { p_offset = 0; } at->values.write[p_key].value.end_offset = p_offset; emit_changed(); } RES Animation::audio_track_get_key_stream(int p_track, int p_key) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), RES()); const Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_AUDIO, RES()); const AudioTrack *at = static_cast<const AudioTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key, at->values.size(), RES()); return at->values[p_key].value.stream; } real_t Animation::audio_track_get_key_start_offset(int p_track, int p_key) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), 0); const Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_AUDIO, 0); const AudioTrack *at = static_cast<const AudioTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key, at->values.size(), 0); return at->values[p_key].value.start_offset; } real_t Animation::audio_track_get_key_end_offset(int p_track, int p_key) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), 0); const Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_AUDIO, 0); const AudioTrack *at = static_cast<const AudioTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key, at->values.size(), 0); return at->values[p_key].value.end_offset; } // int Animation::animation_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const StringName &p_animation) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), -1); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_ANIMATION, -1); AnimationTrack *at = static_cast<AnimationTrack *>(t); TKey<StringName> k; k.time = p_time; k.value = p_animation; int key = _insert(p_time, at->values, k); emit_changed(); return key; } void Animation::animation_track_set_key_animation(int p_track, int p_key, const StringName &p_animation) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND(t->type != TYPE_ANIMATION); AnimationTrack *at = static_cast<AnimationTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_key, at->values.size()); at->values.write[p_key].value = p_animation; emit_changed(); } StringName Animation::animation_track_get_key_animation(int p_track, int p_key) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), StringName()); const Track *t = tracks[p_track]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(t->type != TYPE_ANIMATION, StringName()); const AnimationTrack *at = static_cast<const AnimationTrack *>(t); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_key, at->values.size(), StringName()); return at->values[p_key].value; } void Animation::set_length(real_t p_length) { if (p_length < ANIM_MIN_LENGTH) { p_length = ANIM_MIN_LENGTH; } length = p_length; emit_changed(); } real_t Animation::get_length() const { return length; } void Animation::set_loop_mode(Animation::LoopMode p_loop_mode) { loop_mode = p_loop_mode; emit_changed(); } Animation::LoopMode Animation::get_loop_mode() const { return loop_mode; } void Animation::track_set_imported(int p_track, bool p_imported) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); tracks[p_track]->imported = p_imported; } bool Animation::track_is_imported(int p_track) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), false); return tracks[p_track]->imported; } void Animation::track_set_enabled(int p_track, bool p_enabled) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); tracks[p_track]->enabled = p_enabled; emit_changed(); } bool Animation::track_is_enabled(int p_track) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), false); return tracks[p_track]->enabled; } void Animation::track_move_up(int p_track) { if (p_track >= 0 && p_track < (tracks.size() - 1)) { SWAP(tracks.write[p_track], tracks.write[p_track + 1]); } emit_changed(); emit_signal(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->tracks_changed); } void Animation::track_move_down(int p_track) { if (p_track > 0 && p_track < tracks.size()) { SWAP(tracks.write[p_track], tracks.write[p_track - 1]); } emit_changed(); emit_signal(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->tracks_changed); } void Animation::track_move_to(int p_track, int p_to_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_to_index, tracks.size() + 1); if (p_track == p_to_index || p_track == p_to_index - 1) { return; } Track *track = tracks.get(p_track); tracks.remove_at(p_track); // Take into account that the position of the tracks that come after the one removed will change. tracks.insert(p_to_index > p_track ? p_to_index - 1 : p_to_index, track); emit_changed(); emit_signal(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->tracks_changed); } void Animation::track_swap(int p_track, int p_with_track) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, tracks.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_with_track, tracks.size()); if (p_track == p_with_track) { return; } SWAP(tracks.write[p_track], tracks.write[p_with_track]); emit_changed(); emit_signal(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->tracks_changed); } void Animation::set_step(real_t p_step) { step = p_step; emit_changed(); } real_t Animation::get_step() const { return step; } void Animation::copy_track(int p_track, Ref<Animation> p_to_animation) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_to_animation.is_null()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_track, get_track_count()); int dst_track = p_to_animation->get_track_count(); p_to_animation->add_track(track_get_type(p_track)); p_to_animation->track_set_path(dst_track, track_get_path(p_track)); p_to_animation->track_set_imported(dst_track, track_is_imported(p_track)); p_to_animation->track_set_enabled(dst_track, track_is_enabled(p_track)); p_to_animation->track_set_interpolation_type(dst_track, track_get_interpolation_type(p_track)); p_to_animation->track_set_interpolation_loop_wrap(dst_track, track_get_interpolation_loop_wrap(p_track)); if (track_get_type(p_track) == TYPE_VALUE) { p_to_animation->value_track_set_update_mode(dst_track, value_track_get_update_mode(p_track)); } for (int i = 0; i < track_get_key_count(p_track); i++) { p_to_animation->track_insert_key(dst_track, track_get_key_time(p_track, i), track_get_key_value(p_track, i), track_get_key_transition(p_track, i)); } } void Animation::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_track", "type", "at_position"), &Animation::add_track, DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_track", "track_idx"), &Animation::remove_track); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_track_count"), &Animation::get_track_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_get_type", "track_idx"), &Animation::track_get_type); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_get_path", "track_idx"), &Animation::track_get_path); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_set_path", "track_idx", "path"), &Animation::track_set_path); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("find_track", "path", "type"), &Animation::find_track); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_move_up", "track_idx"), &Animation::track_move_up); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_move_down", "track_idx"), &Animation::track_move_down); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_move_to", "track_idx", "to_idx"), &Animation::track_move_to); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_swap", "track_idx", "with_idx"), &Animation::track_swap); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_set_imported", "track_idx", "imported"), &Animation::track_set_imported); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_is_imported", "track_idx"), &Animation::track_is_imported); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_set_enabled", "track_idx", "enabled"), &Animation::track_set_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_is_enabled", "track_idx"), &Animation::track_is_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("position_track_insert_key", "track_idx", "time", "position"), &Animation::position_track_insert_key); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("rotation_track_insert_key", "track_idx", "time", "rotation"), &Animation::rotation_track_insert_key); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("scale_track_insert_key", "track_idx", "time", "scale"), &Animation::scale_track_insert_key); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("blend_shape_track_insert_key", "track_idx", "time", "amount"), &Animation::blend_shape_track_insert_key); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_insert_key", "track_idx", "time", "key", "transition"), &Animation::track_insert_key, DEFVAL(1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_remove_key", "track_idx", "key_idx"), &Animation::track_remove_key); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_remove_key_at_time", "track_idx", "time"), &Animation::track_remove_key_at_time); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_set_key_value", "track_idx", "key", "value"), &Animation::track_set_key_value); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_set_key_transition", "track_idx", "key_idx", "transition"), &Animation::track_set_key_transition); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_set_key_time", "track_idx", "key_idx", "time"), &Animation::track_set_key_time); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_get_key_transition", "track_idx", "key_idx"), &Animation::track_get_key_transition); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_get_key_count", "track_idx"), &Animation::track_get_key_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_get_key_value", "track_idx", "key_idx"), &Animation::track_get_key_value); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_get_key_time", "track_idx", "key_idx"), &Animation::track_get_key_time); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_find_key", "track_idx", "time", "exact"), &Animation::track_find_key, DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_set_interpolation_type", "track_idx", "interpolation"), &Animation::track_set_interpolation_type); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_get_interpolation_type", "track_idx"), &Animation::track_get_interpolation_type); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_set_interpolation_loop_wrap", "track_idx", "interpolation"), &Animation::track_set_interpolation_loop_wrap); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_get_interpolation_loop_wrap", "track_idx"), &Animation::track_get_interpolation_loop_wrap); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("track_is_compressed", "track_idx"), &Animation::track_is_compressed); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("value_track_set_update_mode", "track_idx", "mode"), &Animation::value_track_set_update_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("value_track_get_update_mode", "track_idx"), &Animation::value_track_get_update_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("value_track_get_key_indices", "track_idx", "time_sec", "delta"), &Animation::_value_track_get_key_indices); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("value_track_interpolate", "track_idx", "time_sec"), &Animation::value_track_interpolate); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("method_track_get_key_indices", "track_idx", "time_sec", "delta"), &Animation::_method_track_get_key_indices); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("method_track_get_name", "track_idx", "key_idx"), &Animation::method_track_get_name); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("method_track_get_params", "track_idx", "key_idx"), &Animation::method_track_get_params); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("bezier_track_insert_key", "track_idx", "time", "value", "in_handle", "out_handle", "handle_mode"), &Animation::bezier_track_insert_key, DEFVAL(Vector2()), DEFVAL(Vector2()), DEFVAL(Animation::HandleMode::HANDLE_MODE_BALANCED)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("bezier_track_set_key_value", "track_idx", "key_idx", "value"), &Animation::bezier_track_set_key_value); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("bezier_track_set_key_in_handle", "track_idx", "key_idx", "in_handle", "balanced_value_time_ratio"), &Animation::bezier_track_set_key_in_handle, DEFVAL(1.0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("bezier_track_set_key_out_handle", "track_idx", "key_idx", "out_handle", "balanced_value_time_ratio"), &Animation::bezier_track_set_key_out_handle, DEFVAL(1.0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("bezier_track_get_key_value", "track_idx", "key_idx"), &Animation::bezier_track_get_key_value); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("bezier_track_get_key_in_handle", "track_idx", "key_idx"), &Animation::bezier_track_get_key_in_handle); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("bezier_track_get_key_out_handle", "track_idx", "key_idx"), &Animation::bezier_track_get_key_out_handle); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("bezier_track_interpolate", "track_idx", "time"), &Animation::bezier_track_interpolate); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("audio_track_insert_key", "track_idx", "time", "stream", "start_offset", "end_offset"), &Animation::audio_track_insert_key, DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("audio_track_set_key_stream", "track_idx", "key_idx", "stream"), &Animation::audio_track_set_key_stream); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("audio_track_set_key_start_offset", "track_idx", "key_idx", "offset"), &Animation::audio_track_set_key_start_offset); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("audio_track_set_key_end_offset", "track_idx", "key_idx", "offset"), &Animation::audio_track_set_key_end_offset); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("audio_track_get_key_stream", "track_idx", "key_idx"), &Animation::audio_track_get_key_stream); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("audio_track_get_key_start_offset", "track_idx", "key_idx"), &Animation::audio_track_get_key_start_offset); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("audio_track_get_key_end_offset", "track_idx", "key_idx"), &Animation::audio_track_get_key_end_offset); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("bezier_track_set_key_handle_mode", "track_idx", "key_idx", "key_handle_mode", "balanced_value_time_ratio"), &Animation::bezier_track_set_key_handle_mode, DEFVAL(1.0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("bezier_track_get_key_handle_mode", "track_idx", "key_idx"), &Animation::bezier_track_get_key_handle_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("animation_track_insert_key", "track_idx", "time", "animation"), &Animation::animation_track_insert_key); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("animation_track_set_key_animation", "track_idx", "key_idx", "animation"), &Animation::animation_track_set_key_animation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("animation_track_get_key_animation", "track_idx", "key_idx"), &Animation::animation_track_get_key_animation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_length", "time_sec"), &Animation::set_length); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_length"), &Animation::get_length); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_loop_mode", "loop_mode"), &Animation::set_loop_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_loop_mode"), &Animation::get_loop_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_step", "size_sec"), &Animation::set_step); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_step"), &Animation::get_step); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear"), &Animation::clear); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("copy_track", "track_idx", "to_animation"), &Animation::copy_track); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("compress", "page_size", "fps", "split_tolerance"), &Animation::compress, DEFVAL(8192), DEFVAL(120), DEFVAL(4.0)); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "length", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.001,99999,0.001"), "set_length", "get_length"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "loop_mode"), "set_loop_mode", "get_loop_mode"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "step", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,4096,0.001"), "set_step", "get_step"); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("tracks_changed")); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TYPE_VALUE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TYPE_POSITION_3D); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TYPE_ROTATION_3D); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TYPE_SCALE_3D); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TYPE_METHOD); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TYPE_BEZIER); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TYPE_AUDIO); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TYPE_ANIMATION); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(INTERPOLATION_NEAREST); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(INTERPOLATION_LINEAR); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(INTERPOLATION_CUBIC); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(UPDATE_CONTINUOUS); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(UPDATE_DISCRETE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(UPDATE_TRIGGER); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(UPDATE_CAPTURE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(LOOP_NONE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(LOOP_LINEAR); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(LOOP_PINGPONG); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(HANDLE_MODE_FREE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(HANDLE_MODE_BALANCED); } void Animation::clear() { for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); i++) { memdelete(tracks[i]); } tracks.clear(); loop_mode = LOOP_NONE; length = 1; compression.enabled = false; compression.bounds.clear(); compression.pages.clear(); compression.fps = 120; emit_changed(); emit_signal(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->tracks_changed); } bool Animation::_position_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Vector3> &t0, const TKey<Vector3> &t1, const TKey<Vector3> &t2, real_t p_allowed_linear_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, const Vector3 &p_norm) { const Vector3 &v0 = t0.value; const Vector3 &v1 = t1.value; const Vector3 &v2 = t2.value; if (v0.is_equal_approx(v2)) { //0 and 2 are close, let's see if 1 is close if (!v0.is_equal_approx(v1)) { //not close, not optimizable return false; } } else { Vector3 pd = (v2 - v0); real_t d0 = pd.dot(v0); real_t d1 = pd.dot(v1); real_t d2 = pd.dot(v2); if (d1 < d0 || d1 > d2) { return false; } Vector3 s[2] = { v0, v2 }; real_t d = Geometry3D::get_closest_point_to_segment(v1, s).distance_to(v1); if (d > pd.length() * p_allowed_linear_err) { return false; //beyond allowed error for collinearity } if (p_norm != Vector3() && Math::acos(pd.normalized().dot(p_norm)) > p_allowed_angular_error) { return false; } } return true; } bool Animation::_rotation_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Quaternion> &t0, const TKey<Quaternion> &t1, const TKey<Quaternion> &t2, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, float p_max_optimizable_angle) { const Quaternion &q0 = t0.value; const Quaternion &q1 = t1.value; const Quaternion &q2 = t2.value; //localize both to rotation from q0 if (q0.is_equal_approx(q2)) { if (!q0.is_equal_approx(q1)) { return false; } } else { Quaternion r02 = (q0.inverse() * q2).normalized(); Quaternion r01 = (q0.inverse() * q1).normalized(); Vector3 v02, v01; real_t a02, a01; r02.get_axis_angle(v02, a02); r01.get_axis_angle(v01, a01); if (Math::abs(a02) > p_max_optimizable_angle) { return false; } if (v01.dot(v02) < 0) { //make sure both rotations go the same way to compare v02 = -v02; a02 = -a02; } real_t err_01 = Math::acos(v01.normalized().dot(v02.normalized())) / Math_PI; if (err_01 > p_allowed_angular_error) { //not rotating in the same axis return false; } if (a01 * a02 < 0) { //not rotating in the same direction return false; } real_t tr = a01 / a02; if (tr < 0 || tr > 1) { return false; //rotating too much or too less } } return true; } bool Animation::_scale_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Vector3> &t0, const TKey<Vector3> &t1, const TKey<Vector3> &t2, real_t p_allowed_linear_error) { const Vector3 &v0 = t0.value; const Vector3 &v1 = t1.value; const Vector3 &v2 = t2.value; if (v0.is_equal_approx(v2)) { //0 and 2 are close, let's see if 1 is close if (!v0.is_equal_approx(v1)) { //not close, not optimizable return false; } } else { Vector3 pd = (v2 - v0); real_t d0 = pd.dot(v0); real_t d1 = pd.dot(v1); real_t d2 = pd.dot(v2); if (d1 < d0 || d1 > d2) { return false; //beyond segment range } Vector3 s[2] = { v0, v2 }; real_t d = Geometry3D::get_closest_point_to_segment(v1, s).distance_to(v1); if (d > pd.length() * p_allowed_linear_error) { return false; //beyond allowed error for colinearity } } return true; } bool Animation::_blend_shape_track_optimize_key(const TKey<float> &t0, const TKey<float> &t1, const TKey<float> &t2, real_t p_allowed_unit_error) { float v0 = t0.value; float v1 = t1.value; float v2 = t2.value; if (Math::is_equal_approx(v1, v2, (float)p_allowed_unit_error)) { //0 and 2 are close, let's see if 1 is close if (!Math::is_equal_approx(v0, v1, (float)p_allowed_unit_error)) { //not close, not optimizable return false; } } else { /* TODO eventually discuss a way to optimize these better. float pd = (v2 - v0); real_t d0 = pd.dot(v0); real_t d1 = pd.dot(v1); real_t d2 = pd.dot(v2); if (d1 < d0 || d1 > d2) { return false; //beyond segment range } float s[2] = { v0, v2 }; real_t d = Geometry3D::get_closest_point_to_segment(v1, s).distance_to(v1); if (d > pd.length() * p_allowed_linear_error) { return false; //beyond allowed error for colinearity } */ } return true; } void Animation::_position_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_linear_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, tracks.size()); ERR_FAIL_COND(tracks[p_idx]->type != TYPE_POSITION_3D); PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(tracks[p_idx]); bool prev_erased = false; TKey<Vector3> first_erased; Vector3 norm; for (int i = 1; i < tt->positions.size() - 1; i++) { TKey<Vector3> &t0 = tt->positions.write[i - 1]; TKey<Vector3> &t1 = tt->positions.write[i]; TKey<Vector3> &t2 = tt->positions.write[i + 1]; bool erase = _position_track_optimize_key(t0, t1, t2, p_allowed_linear_err, p_allowed_angular_err, norm); if (erase && !prev_erased) { norm = (t2.value - t1.value).normalized(); } if (prev_erased && !_position_track_optimize_key(t0, first_erased, t2, p_allowed_linear_err, p_allowed_angular_err, norm)) { //avoid error to go beyond first erased key erase = false; } if (erase) { if (!prev_erased) { first_erased = t1; prev_erased = true; } tt->positions.remove_at(i); i--; } else { prev_erased = false; norm = Vector3(); } } } void Animation::_rotation_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, real_t p_max_optimizable_angle) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, tracks.size()); ERR_FAIL_COND(tracks[p_idx]->type != TYPE_ROTATION_3D); RotationTrack *tt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(tracks[p_idx]); bool prev_erased = false; TKey<Quaternion> first_erased; for (int i = 1; i < tt->rotations.size() - 1; i++) { TKey<Quaternion> &t0 = tt->rotations.write[i - 1]; TKey<Quaternion> &t1 = tt->rotations.write[i]; TKey<Quaternion> &t2 = tt->rotations.write[i + 1]; bool erase = _rotation_track_optimize_key(t0, t1, t2, p_allowed_angular_err, p_max_optimizable_angle); if (prev_erased && !_rotation_track_optimize_key(t0, first_erased, t2, p_allowed_angular_err, p_max_optimizable_angle)) { //avoid error to go beyond first erased key erase = false; } if (erase) { if (!prev_erased) { first_erased = t1; prev_erased = true; } tt->rotations.remove_at(i); i--; } else { prev_erased = false; } } } void Animation::_scale_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_linear_err) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, tracks.size()); ERR_FAIL_COND(tracks[p_idx]->type != TYPE_SCALE_3D); ScaleTrack *tt = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(tracks[p_idx]); bool prev_erased = false; TKey<Vector3> first_erased; for (int i = 1; i < tt->scales.size() - 1; i++) { TKey<Vector3> &t0 = tt->scales.write[i - 1]; TKey<Vector3> &t1 = tt->scales.write[i]; TKey<Vector3> &t2 = tt->scales.write[i + 1]; bool erase = _scale_track_optimize_key(t0, t1, t2, p_allowed_linear_err); if (prev_erased && !_scale_track_optimize_key(t0, first_erased, t2, p_allowed_linear_err)) { //avoid error to go beyond first erased key erase = false; } if (erase) { if (!prev_erased) { first_erased = t1; prev_erased = true; } tt->scales.remove_at(i); i--; } else { prev_erased = false; } } } void Animation::_blend_shape_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_linear_err) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, tracks.size()); ERR_FAIL_COND(tracks[p_idx]->type != TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE); BlendShapeTrack *tt = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(tracks[p_idx]); bool prev_erased = false; TKey<float> first_erased; first_erased.value = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i < tt->blend_shapes.size() - 1; i++) { TKey<float> &t0 = tt->blend_shapes.write[i - 1]; TKey<float> &t1 = tt->blend_shapes.write[i]; TKey<float> &t2 = tt->blend_shapes.write[i + 1]; bool erase = _blend_shape_track_optimize_key(t0, t1, t2, p_allowed_linear_err); if (prev_erased && !_blend_shape_track_optimize_key(t0, first_erased, t2, p_allowed_linear_err)) { //avoid error to go beyond first erased key erase = false; } if (erase) { if (!prev_erased) { first_erased = t1; prev_erased = true; } tt->blend_shapes.remove_at(i); i--; } else { prev_erased = false; } } } void Animation::optimize(real_t p_allowed_linear_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, real_t p_max_optimizable_angle) { for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); i++) { if (track_is_compressed(i)) { continue; //not possible to optimize compressed track } if (tracks[i]->type == TYPE_POSITION_3D) { _position_track_optimize(i, p_allowed_linear_err, p_allowed_angular_err); } else if (tracks[i]->type == TYPE_ROTATION_3D) { _rotation_track_optimize(i, p_allowed_angular_err, p_max_optimizable_angle); } else if (tracks[i]->type == TYPE_SCALE_3D) { _scale_track_optimize(i, p_allowed_linear_err); } else if (tracks[i]->type == TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE) { _blend_shape_track_optimize(i, p_allowed_linear_err); } } } #define print_animc(m_str) //#define print_animc(m_str) print_line(m_str); struct AnimationCompressionDataState { enum { MIN_OPTIMIZE_PACKETS = 5, MAX_PACKETS = 16 }; uint32_t components = 3; LocalVector<uint8_t> data; // Committed packets. struct PacketData { int32_t data[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; uint32_t frame = 0; }; float split_tolerance = 1.5; LocalVector<PacketData> temp_packets; //used for rollback if the new frame does not fit int32_t validated_packet_count = -1; static int32_t _compute_delta16_signed(int32_t p_from, int32_t p_to) { int32_t delta = p_to - p_from; if (delta > 32767) { return delta - 65536; // use wrap around } else if (delta < -32768) { return 65536 + delta; // use wrap around } return delta; } static uint32_t _compute_shift_bits_signed(int32_t p_delta) { if (p_delta == 0) { return 0; } else if (p_delta < 0) { p_delta = ABS(p_delta) - 1; if (p_delta == 0) { return 1; } } return nearest_shift(p_delta); } void _compute_max_shifts(uint32_t p_from, uint32_t p_to, uint32_t *max_shifts, uint32_t &max_frame_delta_shift) const { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < components; j++) { max_shifts[j] = 0; } max_frame_delta_shift = 0; for (uint32_t i = p_from + 1; i <= p_to; i++) { int32_t frame_delta = temp_packets[i].frame - temp_packets[i - 1].frame; max_frame_delta_shift = MAX(max_frame_delta_shift, nearest_shift(frame_delta)); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < components; j++) { int32_t diff = _compute_delta16_signed(temp_packets[i - 1].data[j], temp_packets[i].data[j]); uint32_t shift = _compute_shift_bits_signed(diff); max_shifts[j] = MAX(shift, max_shifts[j]); } } } bool insert_key(uint32_t p_frame, const Vector3i &p_key) { if (temp_packets.size() == MAX_PACKETS) { commit_temp_packets(); } PacketData packet; packet.frame = p_frame; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_key[i] > 65535, false); // Sanity check packet.data[i] = p_key[i]; } temp_packets.push_back(packet); if (temp_packets.size() >= MIN_OPTIMIZE_PACKETS) { uint32_t max_shifts[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; // Base sizes, 16 bit uint32_t max_frame_delta_shift = 0; // Compute the average shift before the packet was added _compute_max_shifts(0, temp_packets.size() - 2, max_shifts, max_frame_delta_shift); float prev_packet_size_avg = 0; prev_packet_size_avg = float(1 << max_frame_delta_shift); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < components; i++) { prev_packet_size_avg += float(1 << max_shifts[i]); } prev_packet_size_avg /= float(1 + components); _compute_max_shifts(temp_packets.size() - 2, temp_packets.size() - 1, max_shifts, max_frame_delta_shift); float new_packet_size_avg = 0; new_packet_size_avg = float(1 << max_frame_delta_shift); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < components; i++) { new_packet_size_avg += float(1 << max_shifts[i]); } new_packet_size_avg /= float(1 + components); print_animc("packet count: " + rtos(temp_packets.size() - 1) + " size avg " + rtos(prev_packet_size_avg) + " new avg " + rtos(new_packet_size_avg)); float ratio = (prev_packet_size_avg < new_packet_size_avg) ? (new_packet_size_avg / prev_packet_size_avg) : (prev_packet_size_avg / new_packet_size_avg); if (ratio > split_tolerance) { print_animc("split!"); temp_packets.resize(temp_packets.size() - 1); commit_temp_packets(); temp_packets.push_back(packet); } } return temp_packets.size() == 1; // First key } uint32_t get_temp_packet_size() const { if (temp_packets.size() == 0) { return 0; } else if (temp_packets.size() == 1) { return components == 1 ? 4 : 8; // 1 component packet is 16 bits and 16 bits unused. 3 component packets is 48 bits and 16 bits unused } uint32_t max_shifts[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; //base sizes, 16 bit uint32_t max_frame_delta_shift = 0; _compute_max_shifts(0, temp_packets.size() - 1, max_shifts, max_frame_delta_shift); uint32_t size_bits = 16; //base value (all 4 bits of shift sizes for x,y,z,time) size_bits += max_frame_delta_shift * (temp_packets.size() - 1); //times for (uint32_t j = 0; j < components; j++) { size_bits += 16; //base value uint32_t shift = max_shifts[j]; if (shift > 0) { shift += 1; //if not zero, add sign bit } size_bits += shift * (temp_packets.size() - 1); } if (size_bits % 8 != 0) { //wrap to 8 bits size_bits += 8 - (size_bits % 8); } uint32_t size_bytes = size_bits / 8; //wrap to words if (size_bytes % 4 != 0) { size_bytes += 4 - (size_bytes % 4); } return size_bytes; } static void _push_bits(LocalVector<uint8_t> &data, uint32_t &r_buffer, uint32_t &r_bits_used, uint32_t p_value, uint32_t p_bits) { r_buffer |= p_value << r_bits_used; r_bits_used += p_bits; while (r_bits_used >= 8) { uint8_t byte = r_buffer & 0xFF; data.push_back(byte); r_buffer >>= 8; r_bits_used -= 8; } } void commit_temp_packets() { if (temp_packets.size() == 0) { return; //nohing to do } //#define DEBUG_PACKET_PUSH #ifdef DEBUG_PACKET_PUSH #ifndef _MSC_VER #warning Debugging packet push, disable this code in production to gain a bit more import performance. #endif uint32_t debug_packet_push = get_temp_packet_size(); uint32_t debug_data_size = data.size(); #endif // Store header uint8_t header[8]; uint32_t header_bytes = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < components; i++) { encode_uint16(temp_packets[0].data[i], &header[header_bytes]); header_bytes += 2; } uint32_t max_shifts[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; //base sizes, 16 bit uint32_t max_frame_delta_shift = 0; if (temp_packets.size() > 1) { _compute_max_shifts(0, temp_packets.size() - 1, max_shifts, max_frame_delta_shift); uint16_t shift_header = (max_frame_delta_shift - 1) << 12; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < components; i++) { shift_header |= max_shifts[i] << (4 * i); } encode_uint16(shift_header, &header[header_bytes]); header_bytes += 2; } while (header_bytes < 8 && header_bytes % 4 != 0) { // First cond needed to silence wrong GCC warning. header[header_bytes++] = 0; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < header_bytes; i++) { data.push_back(header[i]); } if (temp_packets.size() == 1) { temp_packets.clear(); validated_packet_count = 0; return; //only header stored, nothing else to do } uint32_t bit_buffer = 0; uint32_t bits_used = 0; for (uint32_t i = 1; i < temp_packets.size(); i++) { uint32_t frame_delta = temp_packets[i].frame - temp_packets[i - 1].frame; _push_bits(data, bit_buffer, bits_used, frame_delta, max_frame_delta_shift); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < components; j++) { if (max_shifts[j] == 0) { continue; // Zero delta, do not store } int32_t delta = _compute_delta16_signed(temp_packets[i - 1].data[j], temp_packets[i].data[j]); ERR_FAIL_COND(delta < -32768 || delta > 32767); //sanity check uint16_t deltau; if (delta < 0) { deltau = (ABS(delta) - 1) | (1 << max_shifts[j]); } else { deltau = delta; } _push_bits(data, bit_buffer, bits_used, deltau, max_shifts[j] + 1); // Include sign bit } } if (bits_used != 0) { ERR_FAIL_COND(bit_buffer > 0xFF); // Sanity check data.push_back(bit_buffer); } while (data.size() % 4 != 0) { data.push_back(0); //pad to align with 4 } temp_packets.clear(); validated_packet_count = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_PACKET_PUSH ERR_FAIL_COND((data.size() - debug_data_size) != debug_packet_push); #endif } }; struct AnimationCompressionTimeState { struct Packet { uint32_t frame; uint32_t offset; uint32_t count; }; LocalVector<Packet> packets; //used for rollback int32_t key_index = 0; int32_t validated_packet_count = 0; int32_t validated_key_index = -1; bool needs_start_frame = false; }; Vector3i Animation::_compress_key(uint32_t p_track, const AABB &p_bounds, int32_t p_key, float p_time) { Vector3i values; TrackType tt = track_get_type(p_track); switch (tt) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { Vector3 pos; if (p_key >= 0) { position_track_get_key(p_track, p_key, &pos); } else { position_track_interpolate(p_track, p_time, &pos); } pos = (pos - p_bounds.position) / p_bounds.size; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { values[j] = CLAMP(int32_t(pos[j] * 65535.0), 0, 65535); } } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { Quaternion rot; if (p_key >= 0) { rotation_track_get_key(p_track, p_key, &rot); } else { rotation_track_interpolate(p_track, p_time, &rot); } Vector3 axis = rot.get_axis(); float angle = rot.get_angle(); angle = Math::fposmod(double(angle), double(Math_PI * 2.0)); Vector2 oct = axis.octahedron_encode(); Vector3 rot_norm(oct.x, oct.y, angle / (Math_PI * 2.0)); // high resolution rotation in 0-1 angle. for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { values[j] = CLAMP(int32_t(rot_norm[j] * 65535.0), 0, 65535); } } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { Vector3 scale; if (p_key >= 0) { scale_track_get_key(p_track, p_key, &scale); } else { scale_track_interpolate(p_track, p_time, &scale); } scale = (scale - p_bounds.position) / p_bounds.size; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { values[j] = CLAMP(int32_t(scale[j] * 65535.0), 0, 65535); } } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { float blend; if (p_key >= 0) { blend_shape_track_get_key(p_track, p_key, &blend); } else { blend_shape_track_interpolate(p_track, p_time, &blend); } blend = (blend / float(Compression::BLEND_SHAPE_RANGE)) * 0.5 + 0.5; values[0] = CLAMP(int32_t(blend * 65535.0), 0, 65535); } break; default: { ERR_FAIL_V(Vector3i()); //sanity check } break; } return values; } struct AnimationCompressionBufferBitsRead { uint32_t buffer = 0; uint32_t used = 0; const uint8_t *src_data = nullptr; _FORCE_INLINE_ uint32_t read(uint32_t p_bits) { uint32_t output = 0; uint32_t written = 0; while (p_bits > 0) { if (used == 0) { used = 8; buffer = *src_data; src_data++; } uint32_t to_write = MIN(used, p_bits); output |= (buffer & ((1 << to_write) - 1)) << written; buffer >>= to_write; used -= to_write; p_bits -= to_write; written += to_write; } return output; } }; void Animation::compress(uint32_t p_page_size, uint32_t p_fps, float p_split_tolerance) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(compression.enabled, "This animation is already compressed"); p_split_tolerance = CLAMP(p_split_tolerance, 1.1, 8.0); compression.pages.clear(); uint32_t base_page_size = 0; // Before compressing pages, compute how large the "end page" datablock is. LocalVector<uint32_t> tracks_to_compress; LocalVector<AABB> track_bounds; const uint32_t time_packet_size = 4; const uint32_t track_header_size = 4 + 4 + 4; // pointer to time (4 bytes), amount of time keys (4 bytes) pointer to track data (4 bytes) for (int i = 0; i < get_track_count(); i++) { TrackType type = track_get_type(i); if (type != TYPE_POSITION_3D && type != TYPE_ROTATION_3D && type != TYPE_SCALE_3D && type != TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE) { continue; } if (track_get_key_count(i) == 0) { continue; //do not compress, no keys } base_page_size += track_header_size; //pointer to beginning of each track timeline and amount of time keys base_page_size += time_packet_size; //for end of track time marker base_page_size += (type == TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE) ? 4 : 8; // at least the end of track packet (at much 8 bytes). This could be less, but have to be pessimistic. tracks_to_compress.push_back(i); AABB bounds; if (type == TYPE_POSITION_3D) { AABB aabb; int kcount = track_get_key_count(i); for (int j = 0; j < kcount; j++) { Vector3 pos; position_track_get_key(i, j, &pos); if (j == 0) { aabb.position = pos; } else { aabb.expand_to(pos); } } for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { // Can't have zero. if (aabb.size[j] < CMP_EPSILON) { aabb.size[j] = CMP_EPSILON; } } bounds = aabb; } if (type == TYPE_SCALE_3D) { AABB aabb; int kcount = track_get_key_count(i); for (int j = 0; j < kcount; j++) { Vector3 scale; scale_track_get_key(i, j, &scale); if (j == 0) { aabb.position = scale; } else { aabb.expand_to(scale); } } for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { // Can't have zero. if (aabb.size[j] < CMP_EPSILON) { aabb.size[j] = CMP_EPSILON; } } bounds = aabb; } track_bounds.push_back(bounds); } if (tracks_to_compress.size() == 0) { return; //nothing to compress } print_animc("Anim Compression:"); print_animc("-----------------"); print_animc("Tracks to compress: " + itos(tracks_to_compress.size())); uint32_t current_frame = 0; uint32_t base_page_frame = 0; double frame_len = 1.0 / double(p_fps); const uint32_t max_frames_per_page = 65536; print_animc("Frame Len: " + rtos(frame_len)); LocalVector<AnimationCompressionDataState> data_tracks; LocalVector<AnimationCompressionTimeState> time_tracks; data_tracks.resize(tracks_to_compress.size()); time_tracks.resize(tracks_to_compress.size()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < data_tracks.size(); i++) { data_tracks[i].split_tolerance = p_split_tolerance; if (track_get_type(tracks_to_compress[i]) == TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE) { data_tracks[i].components = 1; } else { data_tracks[i].components = 3; } } while (true) { // Begin by finding the keyframe in all tracks with the time closest to the current time const uint32_t FRAME_MAX = 0xFFFFFFFF; const int32_t NO_TRACK_FOUND = -1; uint32_t best_frame = FRAME_MAX; uint32_t best_invalid_frame = FRAME_MAX; int32_t best_frame_track = NO_TRACK_FOUND; // Default is -1, which means all keyframes for this page are exhausted. bool start_frame = false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tracks_to_compress.size(); i++) { uint32_t uncomp_track = tracks_to_compress[i]; if (time_tracks[i].key_index == track_get_key_count(uncomp_track)) { if (time_tracks[i].needs_start_frame) { start_frame = true; best_frame = base_page_frame; best_frame_track = i; time_tracks[i].needs_start_frame = false; break; } else { continue; // This track is exhausted (all keys were added already), don't consider. } } uint32_t key_frame = double(track_get_key_time(uncomp_track, time_tracks[i].key_index)) / frame_len; if (time_tracks[i].needs_start_frame && key_frame > base_page_frame) { start_frame = true; best_frame = base_page_frame; best_frame_track = i; time_tracks[i].needs_start_frame = false; break; } ERR_FAIL_COND(key_frame < base_page_frame); // Sanity check, should never happen if (key_frame - base_page_frame >= max_frames_per_page) { // Invalid because beyond the max frames allowed per page best_invalid_frame = MIN(best_invalid_frame, key_frame); } else if (key_frame < best_frame) { best_frame = key_frame; best_frame_track = i; } } print_animc("*KEY*: Current Frame: " + itos(current_frame) + " Best Frame: " + rtos(best_frame) + " Best Track: " + itos(best_frame_track) + " Start: " + String(start_frame ? "true" : "false")); if (!start_frame && best_frame > current_frame) { // Any case where the current frame advanced, either because nothing was found or because something was found greater than the current one. print_animc("\tAdvance Condition."); bool rollback = false; // The frame has advanced, time to validate the previous frame uint32_t current_page_size = base_page_size; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < data_tracks.size(); i++) { uint32_t track_size = data_tracks[i].data.size(); // track size track_size += data_tracks[i].get_temp_packet_size(); // Add the temporary data if (track_size > Compression::MAX_DATA_TRACK_SIZE) { rollback = true; //track to large, time track can't point to keys any longer, because key offset is 12 bits break; } current_page_size += track_size; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < time_tracks.size(); i++) { current_page_size += time_tracks[i].packets.size() * 4; // time packet is 32 bits } if (!rollback && current_page_size > p_page_size) { rollback = true; } print_animc("\tCurrent Page Size: " + itos(current_page_size) + "/" + itos(p_page_size) + " Rollback? " + String(rollback ? "YES!" : "no")); if (rollback) { // Not valid any longer, so rollback and commit page for (uint32_t i = 0; i < data_tracks.size(); i++) { data_tracks[i].temp_packets.resize(data_tracks[i].validated_packet_count); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < time_tracks.size(); i++) { time_tracks[i].key_index = time_tracks[i].validated_key_index; //rollback key time_tracks[i].packets.resize(time_tracks[i].validated_packet_count); } } else { // All valid, so save rollback information for (uint32_t i = 0; i < data_tracks.size(); i++) { data_tracks[i].validated_packet_count = data_tracks[i].temp_packets.size(); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < time_tracks.size(); i++) { time_tracks[i].validated_key_index = time_tracks[i].key_index; time_tracks[i].validated_packet_count = time_tracks[i].packets.size(); } // Accept this frame as the frame being processed (as long as it exists) if (best_frame != FRAME_MAX) { current_frame = best_frame; print_animc("\tValidated, New Current Frame: " + itos(current_frame)); } } if (rollback || best_frame == FRAME_MAX) { // Commit the page if had to rollback or if no track was found print_animc("\tCommiting page.."); // The end frame for the page depends entirely on whether its valid or // no more keys were found. // If not valid, then the end frame is the current frame (as this means the current frame is being rolled back // If valid, then the end frame is the next invalid one (in case more frames exist), or the current frame in case no more frames exist. uint32_t page_end_frame = (rollback || best_frame == FRAME_MAX) ? current_frame : best_invalid_frame; print_animc("\tEnd Frame: " + itos(page_end_frame) + ", " + rtos(page_end_frame * frame_len) + "s"); // Add finalizer frames and commit pending tracks uint32_t finalizer_local_frame = page_end_frame - base_page_frame; uint32_t total_page_size = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < data_tracks.size(); i++) { if (data_tracks[i].temp_packets.size() == 0 || (data_tracks[i].temp_packets[data_tracks[i].temp_packets.size() - 1].frame) < finalizer_local_frame) { // Add finalizer frame if it makes sense Vector3i values = _compress_key(tracks_to_compress[i], track_bounds[i], -1, page_end_frame * frame_len); bool first_key = data_tracks[i].insert_key(finalizer_local_frame, values); if (first_key) { AnimationCompressionTimeState::Packet p; p.count = 1; p.frame = finalizer_local_frame; p.offset = data_tracks[i].data.size(); time_tracks[i].packets.push_back(p); } else { ERR_FAIL_COND(time_tracks[i].packets.size() == 0); time_tracks[i].packets[time_tracks[i].packets.size() - 1].count++; } } data_tracks[i].commit_temp_packets(); total_page_size += data_tracks[i].data.size(); total_page_size += time_tracks[i].packets.size() * 4; total_page_size += track_header_size; print_animc("\tTrack " + itos(i) + " time packets: " + itos(time_tracks[i].packets.size()) + " Packet data: " + itos(data_tracks[i].data.size())); } print_animc("\tTotal page Size: " + itos(total_page_size) + "/" + itos(p_page_size)); // Create Page Vector<uint8_t> page_data; page_data.resize(total_page_size); { uint8_t *page_ptr = page_data.ptrw(); uint32_t base_offset = data_tracks.size() * track_header_size; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < data_tracks.size(); i++) { encode_uint32(base_offset, page_ptr + (track_header_size * i + 0)); uint16_t *key_time_ptr = (uint16_t *)(page_ptr + base_offset); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < time_tracks[i].packets.size(); j++) { key_time_ptr[j * 2 + 0] = uint16_t(time_tracks[i].packets[j].frame); uint16_t ptr = time_tracks[i].packets[j].offset / 4; ptr |= (time_tracks[i].packets[j].count - 1) << 12; key_time_ptr[j * 2 + 1] = ptr; base_offset += 4; } encode_uint32(time_tracks[i].packets.size(), page_ptr + (track_header_size * i + 4)); encode_uint32(base_offset, page_ptr + (track_header_size * i + 8)); memcpy(page_ptr + base_offset, data_tracks[i].data.ptr(), data_tracks[i].data.size()); base_offset += data_tracks[i].data.size(); //reset track data_tracks[i].data.clear(); data_tracks[i].temp_packets.clear(); data_tracks[i].validated_packet_count = -1; time_tracks[i].needs_start_frame = true; //Not required the first time, but from now on it is. time_tracks[i].packets.clear(); time_tracks[i].validated_key_index = -1; time_tracks[i].validated_packet_count = 0; } } Compression::Page page; page.data = page_data; page.time_offset = base_page_frame * frame_len; compression.pages.push_back(page); if (!rollback && best_invalid_frame == FRAME_MAX) { break; // No more pages to add. } current_frame = page_end_frame; base_page_frame = page_end_frame; continue; // Start over } } // A key was found for the current frame and all is ok uint32_t comp_track = best_frame_track; Vector3i values; if (start_frame) { // Interpolate values = _compress_key(tracks_to_compress[comp_track], track_bounds[comp_track], -1, base_page_frame * frame_len); } else { uint32_t key = time_tracks[comp_track].key_index; values = _compress_key(tracks_to_compress[comp_track], track_bounds[comp_track], key); time_tracks[comp_track].key_index++; //goto next key (but could be rolled back if beyond page size). } bool first_key = data_tracks[comp_track].insert_key(best_frame - base_page_frame, values); if (first_key) { AnimationCompressionTimeState::Packet p; p.count = 1; p.frame = best_frame - base_page_frame; p.offset = data_tracks[comp_track].data.size(); time_tracks[comp_track].packets.push_back(p); } else { ERR_CONTINUE(time_tracks[comp_track].packets.size() == 0); time_tracks[comp_track].packets[time_tracks[comp_track].packets.size() - 1].count++; } } compression.bounds = track_bounds; compression.fps = p_fps; compression.enabled = true; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tracks_to_compress.size(); i++) { Track *t = tracks[tracks_to_compress[i]]; t->interpolation = INTERPOLATION_LINEAR; //only linear supported switch (t->type) { case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { PositionTrack *tt = static_cast<PositionTrack *>(t); tt->positions.clear(); tt->compressed_track = i; } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { RotationTrack *rt = static_cast<RotationTrack *>(t); rt->rotations.clear(); rt->compressed_track = i; } break; case TYPE_SCALE_3D: { ScaleTrack *st = static_cast<ScaleTrack *>(t); st->scales.clear(); st->compressed_track = i; print_line("Scale Bounds " + itos(i) + ": " + track_bounds[i]); } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { BlendShapeTrack *bst = static_cast<BlendShapeTrack *>(t); bst->blend_shapes.clear(); bst->compressed_track = i; } break; default: { } } } #if 1 uint32_t orig_size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < get_track_count(); i++) { switch (track_get_type(i)) { case TYPE_SCALE_3D: case TYPE_POSITION_3D: { orig_size += sizeof(TKey<Vector3>) * track_get_key_count(i); } break; case TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { orig_size += sizeof(TKey<Quaternion>) * track_get_key_count(i); } break; case TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { orig_size += sizeof(TKey<float>) * track_get_key_count(i); } break; default: { } } } uint32_t new_size = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < compression.pages.size(); i++) { new_size += compression.pages[i].data.size(); } print_line("Original size: " + itos(orig_size) + " - Compressed size: " + itos(new_size) + " " + String::num(float(new_size) / float(orig_size) * 100, 2) + "% pages: " + itos(compression.pages.size())); #endif } bool Animation::_rotation_interpolate_compressed(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, Quaternion &r_ret) const { Vector3i current; Vector3i next; double time_current; double time_next; if (!_fetch_compressed<3>(p_compressed_track, p_time, current, time_current, next, time_next)) { return false; //some sort of problem } if (time_current >= p_time || time_current == time_next) { r_ret = _uncompress_quaternion(current); } else if (p_time >= time_next) { r_ret = _uncompress_quaternion(next); } else { double c = (p_time - time_current) / (time_next - time_current); Quaternion from = _uncompress_quaternion(current); Quaternion to = _uncompress_quaternion(next); r_ret = from.slerp(to, c); } return true; } bool Animation::_pos_scale_interpolate_compressed(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, Vector3 &r_ret) const { Vector3i current; Vector3i next; double time_current; double time_next; if (!_fetch_compressed<3>(p_compressed_track, p_time, current, time_current, next, time_next)) { return false; //some sort of problem } if (time_current >= p_time || time_current == time_next) { r_ret = _uncompress_pos_scale(p_compressed_track, current); } else if (p_time >= time_next) { r_ret = _uncompress_pos_scale(p_compressed_track, next); } else { double c = (p_time - time_current) / (time_next - time_current); Vector3 from = _uncompress_pos_scale(p_compressed_track, current); Vector3 to = _uncompress_pos_scale(p_compressed_track, next); r_ret = from.lerp(to, c); } return true; } bool Animation::_blend_shape_interpolate_compressed(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, float &r_ret) const { Vector3i current; Vector3i next; double time_current; double time_next; if (!_fetch_compressed<1>(p_compressed_track, p_time, current, time_current, next, time_next)) { return false; //some sort of problem } if (time_current >= p_time || time_current == time_next) { r_ret = _uncompress_blend_shape(current); } else if (p_time >= time_next) { r_ret = _uncompress_blend_shape(next); } else { float c = (p_time - time_current) / (time_next - time_current); float from = _uncompress_blend_shape(current); float to = _uncompress_blend_shape(next); r_ret = Math::lerp(from, to, c); } return true; } template <uint32_t COMPONENTS> bool Animation::_fetch_compressed(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, Vector3i &r_current_value, double &r_current_time, Vector3i &r_next_value, double &r_next_time, uint32_t *key_index) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!compression.enabled, false); ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V(p_compressed_track, compression.bounds.size(), false); p_time = CLAMP(p_time, 0, length); if (key_index) { *key_index = 0; } double frame_to_sec = 1.0 / double(compression.fps); int32_t page_index = -1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < compression.pages.size(); i++) { if (compression.pages[i].time_offset > p_time) { break; } page_index = i; } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(page_index == -1, false); //should not happen double page_base_time = compression.pages[page_index].time_offset; const uint8_t *page_data = compression.pages[page_index].data.ptr(); #ifndef _MSC_VER #warning Little endian assumed. No major big endian hardware exists any longer, but in case it does it will need to be supported #endif const uint32_t *indices = (const uint32_t *)page_data; const uint16_t *time_keys = (const uint16_t *)&page_data[indices[p_compressed_track * 3 + 0]]; uint32_t time_key_count = indices[p_compressed_track * 3 + 1]; int32_t packet_idx = 0; double packet_time = double(time_keys[0]) * frame_to_sec + page_base_time; uint32_t base_frame = time_keys[0]; for (uint32_t i = 1; i < time_key_count; i++) { uint32_t f = time_keys[i * 2 + 0]; double frame_time = double(f) * frame_to_sec + page_base_time; if (frame_time > p_time) { break; } if (key_index) { (*key_index) += (time_keys[(i - 1) * 2 + 1] >> 12) + 1; } packet_idx = i; packet_time = frame_time; base_frame = f; } const uint8_t *data_keys_base = (const uint8_t *)&page_data[indices[p_compressed_track * 3 + 2]]; uint16_t time_key_data = time_keys[packet_idx * 2 + 1]; uint32_t data_offset = (time_key_data & 0xFFF) * 4; // lower 12 bits uint32_t data_count = (time_key_data >> 12) + 1; const uint16_t *data_key = (const uint16_t *)(data_keys_base + data_offset); uint16_t decode[COMPONENTS]; uint16_t decode_next[COMPONENTS]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COMPONENTS; i++) { decode[i] = data_key[i]; decode_next[i] = data_key[i]; } double next_time = packet_time; if (p_time > packet_time) { // If its equal or less, then don't bother if (data_count > 1) { //decode forward uint32_t bit_width[COMPONENTS]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COMPONENTS; i++) { bit_width[i] = (data_key[COMPONENTS] >> (i * 4)) & 0xF; } uint32_t frame_bit_width = (data_key[COMPONENTS] >> 12) + 1; AnimationCompressionBufferBitsRead buffer; buffer.src_data = (const uint8_t *)&data_key[COMPONENTS + 1]; for (uint32_t i = 1; i < data_count; i++) { uint32_t frame_delta = buffer.read(frame_bit_width); base_frame += frame_delta; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < COMPONENTS; j++) { if (bit_width[j] == 0) { continue; // do none } uint32_t valueu = buffer.read(bit_width[j] + 1); bool sign = valueu & (1 << bit_width[j]); int16_t value = valueu & ((1 << bit_width[j]) - 1); if (sign) { value = -value - 1; } decode_next[j] += value; } next_time = double(base_frame) * frame_to_sec + page_base_time; if (p_time < next_time) { break; } packet_time = next_time; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < COMPONENTS; j++) { decode[j] = decode_next[j]; } if (key_index) { (*key_index)++; } } } if (p_time > next_time) { // > instead of >= because if its equal, then it will be properly interpolated anyway // So, the last frame found still has a time that is less than the required frame, // will have to interpolate with the first frame of the next timekey. if ((uint32_t)packet_idx < time_key_count - 1) { // Sanity check but should not matter much, otherwise current next packet is last packet uint16_t time_key_data_next = time_keys[(packet_idx + 1) * 2 + 1]; uint32_t data_offset_next = (time_key_data_next & 0xFFF) * 4; // Lower 12 bits const uint16_t *data_key_next = (const uint16_t *)(data_keys_base + data_offset_next); base_frame = time_keys[(packet_idx + 1) * 2 + 0]; next_time = double(base_frame) * frame_to_sec + page_base_time; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COMPONENTS; i++) { decode_next[i] = data_key_next[i]; } } } } r_current_time = packet_time; r_next_time = next_time; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COMPONENTS; i++) { r_current_value[i] = decode[i]; r_next_value[i] = decode_next[i]; } return true; } template <uint32_t COMPONENTS> void Animation::_get_compressed_key_indices_in_range(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, double p_delta, List<int> *r_indices) const { ERR_FAIL_COND(!compression.enabled); ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX(p_compressed_track, compression.bounds.size()); double frame_to_sec = 1.0 / double(compression.fps); uint32_t key_index = 0; for (uint32_t p = 0; p < compression.pages.size(); p++) { if (compression.pages[p].time_offset >= p_time + p_delta) { // Page beyond range return; } // Page within range uint32_t page_index = p; double page_base_time = compression.pages[page_index].time_offset; const uint8_t *page_data = compression.pages[page_index].data.ptr(); #ifndef _MSC_VER #warning Little endian assumed. No major big endian hardware exists any longer, but in case it does it will need to be supported #endif const uint32_t *indices = (const uint32_t *)page_data; const uint16_t *time_keys = (const uint16_t *)&page_data[indices[p_compressed_track * 3 + 0]]; uint32_t time_key_count = indices[p_compressed_track * 3 + 1]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < time_key_count; i++) { uint32_t f = time_keys[i * 2 + 0]; double frame_time = f * frame_to_sec + page_base_time; if (frame_time >= p_time + p_delta) { return; } else if (frame_time >= p_time) { r_indices->push_back(key_index); } key_index++; const uint8_t *data_keys_base = (const uint8_t *)&page_data[indices[p_compressed_track * 3 + 2]]; uint16_t time_key_data = time_keys[i * 2 + 1]; uint32_t data_offset = (time_key_data & 0xFFF) * 4; // lower 12 bits uint32_t data_count = (time_key_data >> 12) + 1; const uint16_t *data_key = (const uint16_t *)(data_keys_base + data_offset); if (data_count > 1) { //decode forward uint32_t bit_width[COMPONENTS]; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < COMPONENTS; j++) { bit_width[j] = (data_key[COMPONENTS] >> (j * 4)) & 0xF; } uint32_t frame_bit_width = (data_key[COMPONENTS] >> 12) + 1; AnimationCompressionBufferBitsRead buffer; buffer.src_data = (const uint8_t *)&data_key[COMPONENTS + 1]; for (uint32_t j = 1; j < data_count; j++) { uint32_t frame_delta = buffer.read(frame_bit_width); f += frame_delta; frame_time = f * frame_to_sec + page_base_time; if (frame_time >= p_time + p_delta) { return; } else if (frame_time >= p_time) { r_indices->push_back(key_index); } for (uint32_t k = 0; k < COMPONENTS; k++) { if (bit_width[k] == 0) { continue; // do none } buffer.read(bit_width[k] + 1); // skip } key_index++; } } } } } int Animation::_get_compressed_key_count(uint32_t p_compressed_track) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!compression.enabled, -1); ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V(p_compressed_track, compression.bounds.size(), -1); int key_count = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < compression.pages.size(); i++) { const uint8_t *page_data = compression.pages[i].data.ptr(); #ifndef _MSC_VER #warning Little endian assumed. No major big endian hardware exists any longer, but in case it does it will need to be supported #endif const uint32_t *indices = (const uint32_t *)page_data; const uint16_t *time_keys = (const uint16_t *)&page_data[indices[p_compressed_track * 3 + 0]]; uint32_t time_key_count = indices[p_compressed_track * 3 + 1]; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < time_key_count; j++) { key_count += (time_keys[j * 2 + 1] >> 12) + 1; } } return key_count; } Quaternion Animation::_uncompress_quaternion(const Vector3i &p_value) const { Vector3 axis = Vector3::octahedron_decode(Vector2(float(p_value.x) / 65535.0, float(p_value.y) / 65535.0)); float angle = (float(p_value.z) / 65535.0) * 2.0 * Math_PI; return Quaternion(axis, angle); } Vector3 Animation::_uncompress_pos_scale(uint32_t p_compressed_track, const Vector3i &p_value) const { Vector3 pos_norm(float(p_value.x) / 65535.0, float(p_value.y) / 65535.0, float(p_value.z) / 65535.0); return compression.bounds[p_compressed_track].position + pos_norm * compression.bounds[p_compressed_track].size; } float Animation::_uncompress_blend_shape(const Vector3i &p_value) const { float bsn = float(p_value.x) / 65535.0; return (bsn * 2.0 - 1.0) * float(Compression::BLEND_SHAPE_RANGE); } template <uint32_t COMPONENTS> bool Animation::_fetch_compressed_by_index(uint32_t p_compressed_track, int p_index, Vector3i &r_value, double &r_time) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!compression.enabled, false); ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V(p_compressed_track, compression.bounds.size(), false); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < compression.pages.size(); i++) { const uint8_t *page_data = compression.pages[i].data.ptr(); #ifndef _MSC_VER #warning Little endian assumed. No major big endian hardware exists any longer, but in case it does it will need to be supported #endif const uint32_t *indices = (const uint32_t *)page_data; const uint16_t *time_keys = (const uint16_t *)&page_data[indices[p_compressed_track * 3 + 0]]; uint32_t time_key_count = indices[p_compressed_track * 3 + 1]; const uint8_t *data_keys_base = (const uint8_t *)&page_data[indices[p_compressed_track * 3 + 2]]; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < time_key_count; j++) { uint32_t subkeys = (time_keys[j * 2 + 1] >> 12) + 1; if ((uint32_t)p_index < subkeys) { uint16_t data_offset = (time_keys[j * 2 + 1] & 0xFFF) * 4; const uint16_t *data_key = (const uint16_t *)(data_keys_base + data_offset); uint16_t frame = time_keys[j * 2 + 0]; uint16_t decode[COMPONENTS]; for (uint32_t k = 0; k < COMPONENTS; k++) { decode[k] = data_key[k]; } if (p_index > 0) { uint32_t bit_width[COMPONENTS]; for (uint32_t k = 0; k < COMPONENTS; k++) { bit_width[k] = (data_key[COMPONENTS] >> (k * 4)) & 0xF; } uint32_t frame_bit_width = (data_key[COMPONENTS] >> 12) + 1; AnimationCompressionBufferBitsRead buffer; buffer.src_data = (const uint8_t *)&data_key[COMPONENTS + 1]; for (int k = 0; k < p_index; k++) { uint32_t frame_delta = buffer.read(frame_bit_width); frame += frame_delta; for (uint32_t l = 0; l < COMPONENTS; l++) { if (bit_width[l] == 0) { continue; // do none } uint32_t valueu = buffer.read(bit_width[l] + 1); bool sign = valueu & (1 << bit_width[l]); int16_t value = valueu & ((1 << bit_width[l]) - 1); if (sign) { value = -value - 1; } decode[l] += value; } } } r_time = compression.pages[i].time_offset + double(frame) / double(compression.fps); for (uint32_t l = 0; l < COMPONENTS; l++) { r_value[l] = decode[l]; } return true; } else { p_index -= subkeys; } } } return false; } Animation::Animation() {} Animation::~Animation() { for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); i++) { memdelete(tracks[i]); } }