/*************************************************************************/ /* popup.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2019 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md) */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "popup.h" #include "core/engine.h" #include "core/os/keyboard.h" void Popup::_gui_input(Ref p_event) { } void Popup::_notification(int p_what) { if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED) { if (popped_up && !is_visible_in_tree()) { popped_up = false; notification(NOTIFICATION_POPUP_HIDE); emit_signal("popup_hide"); } update_configuration_warning(); } if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE) { //small helper to make editing of these easier in editor #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() && get_tree()->get_edited_scene_root() && get_tree()->get_edited_scene_root()->is_a_parent_of(this)) { //edited on editor set_as_toplevel(false); } else #endif if (is_visible()) { hide(); } } } void Popup::_fix_size() { Point2 pos = get_global_position(); Size2 size = get_size() * get_scale(); Point2 window_size = get_viewport_rect().size; if (pos.x + size.width > window_size.width) pos.x = window_size.width - size.width; if (pos.x < 0) pos.x = 0; if (pos.y + size.height > window_size.height) pos.y = window_size.height - size.height; if (pos.y < 0) pos.y = 0; if (pos != get_position()) set_global_position(pos); } void Popup::set_as_minsize() { Size2 total_minsize; for (int i = 0; i < get_child_count(); i++) { Control *c = Object::cast_to(get_child(i)); if (!c) continue; if (!c->is_visible()) continue; Size2 minsize = c->get_combined_minimum_size(); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { Margin m_beg = Margin(0 + j); Margin m_end = Margin(2 + j); float margin_begin = c->get_margin(m_beg); float margin_end = c->get_margin(m_end); float anchor_begin = c->get_anchor(m_beg); float anchor_end = c->get_anchor(m_end); minsize[j] += margin_begin * (ANCHOR_END - anchor_begin) + margin_end * anchor_end; } total_minsize.width = MAX(total_minsize.width, minsize.width); total_minsize.height = MAX(total_minsize.height, minsize.height); } set_size(total_minsize); } void Popup::popup_centered_clamped(const Size2 &p_size, float p_fallback_ratio) { Size2 popup_size = p_size; Size2 window_size = get_viewport_rect().size; // clamp popup size in each dimension if window size is too small (using fallback ratio) popup_size.x = MIN(window_size.x * p_fallback_ratio, popup_size.x); popup_size.y = MIN(window_size.y * p_fallback_ratio, popup_size.y); popup_centered(popup_size); } void Popup::popup_centered_minsize(const Size2 &p_minsize) { set_custom_minimum_size(p_minsize); _fix_size(); popup_centered(); } void Popup::popup_centered(const Size2 &p_size) { Rect2 rect; Size2 window_size = get_viewport_rect().size; rect.size = p_size == Size2() ? get_size() : p_size; rect.position = ((window_size - rect.size) / 2.0).floor(); _popup(rect, true); } void Popup::popup_centered_ratio(float p_screen_ratio) { Rect2 rect; Size2 window_size = get_viewport_rect().size; rect.size = (window_size * p_screen_ratio).floor(); rect.position = ((window_size - rect.size) / 2.0).floor(); _popup(rect, true); } void Popup::popup(const Rect2 &p_bounds) { _popup(p_bounds); } void Popup::_popup(const Rect2 &p_bounds, const bool p_centered) { emit_signal("about_to_show"); show_modal(exclusive); // Fit the popup into the optionally provided bounds. if (!p_bounds.has_no_area()) { set_size(p_bounds.size); // check if p_bounds.size was using an outdated cached values if (p_centered && p_bounds.size != get_size()) { set_position(p_bounds.position - ((get_size() - p_bounds.size) / 2.0).floor()); } else { set_position(p_bounds.position); } } _fix_size(); Control *focusable = find_next_valid_focus(); if (focusable) focusable->grab_focus(); _post_popup(); notification(NOTIFICATION_POST_POPUP); popped_up = true; } void Popup::set_exclusive(bool p_exclusive) { exclusive = p_exclusive; } bool Popup::is_exclusive() const { return exclusive; } void Popup::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("popup_centered", "size"), &Popup::popup_centered, DEFVAL(Size2())); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("popup_centered_ratio", "ratio"), &Popup::popup_centered_ratio, DEFVAL(0.75)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("popup_centered_minsize", "minsize"), &Popup::popup_centered_minsize, DEFVAL(Size2())); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("popup_centered_clamped", "size", "fallback_ratio"), &Popup::popup_centered_clamped, DEFVAL(Size2()), DEFVAL(0.75)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("popup", "bounds"), &Popup::popup, DEFVAL(Rect2())); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_exclusive", "enable"), &Popup::set_exclusive); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_exclusive"), &Popup::is_exclusive); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("about_to_show")); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("popup_hide")); ADD_GROUP("Popup", "popup_"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "popup_exclusive"), "set_exclusive", "is_exclusive"); BIND_CONSTANT(NOTIFICATION_POST_POPUP); BIND_CONSTANT(NOTIFICATION_POPUP_HIDE); } Popup::Popup() { set_as_toplevel(true); exclusive = false; popped_up = false; hide(); } String Popup::get_configuration_warning() const { if (is_visible_in_tree()) { return TTR("Popups will hide by default unless you call popup() or any of the popup*() functions. Making them visible for editing is fine though, but they will hide upon running."); } return String(); } Popup::~Popup() { } Size2 PopupPanel::get_minimum_size() const { Ref p = get_stylebox("panel"); Size2 ms; for (int i = 0; i < get_child_count(); i++) { Control *c = Object::cast_to(get_child(i)); if (!c) continue; if (c->is_set_as_toplevel()) continue; Size2 cms = c->get_combined_minimum_size(); ms.x = MAX(cms.x, ms.x); ms.y = MAX(cms.y, ms.y); } return ms + p->get_minimum_size(); } void PopupPanel::_update_child_rects() { Ref p = get_stylebox("panel"); Vector2 cpos(p->get_offset()); Vector2 csize(get_size() - p->get_minimum_size()); for (int i = 0; i < get_child_count(); i++) { Control *c = Object::cast_to(get_child(i)); if (!c) continue; if (c->is_set_as_toplevel()) continue; c->set_position(cpos); c->set_size(csize); } } void PopupPanel::_notification(int p_what) { if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_DRAW) { get_stylebox("panel")->draw(get_canvas_item(), Rect2(Point2(), get_size())); } else if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_READY) { _update_child_rects(); } else if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_RESIZED) { _update_child_rects(); } } PopupPanel::PopupPanel() { }